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To investigate the pathogenesis of hyperlipidemia-induced atherosclerosis, we examined age-dependent changes in platelet activity, blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in susceptibility to a high cholesterol diet (HCD) feeding in male ICR mice. Pretreatment of platelet-rich-plasma from HCD feeding mice for 3 days with epinephrine (300 microM) resulted in a marked enhancement of adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP: 0.1 microM) or collagen (0.7 microgram/ml)-stimulated aggregation compared with the same in control mice. Yohimbine as alpha 2-adrenergic blocker antagonized these aggregations in a dose-dependent manner. A significant increase in plasma total cholesterol and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein)-LDL (low-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol and the liver/body weight ratio was observed in mice fed on HCD for 3 months (3-month HCD mice). In the early phase of this experiment, a significant increase in fibrinogen was observed. In the middle phase, increases in the activity of antithrombin III (ATIII) and alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-Pl) followed. Plasminogen content gradually decreased in both normal diet and HCD mice throughout the experiment. The activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) decreased in 3-month HCD mice. Morphological observation of the aortic arch from 3-month HCD mice revealed apparent atheromatous plaques not seen in control mice. These results suggest that 3-month HCD mice can be a convenient hyperlipidemia-induced atherosclerotic model and the changes in platelet activity, coagulation and fibrinolysis in the early phase may be a cause of pathologic changes in this model.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments are central determinants of the diameter of myelinated axons. It is less clear whether neurofilaments serve other functional roles such as maintaining the structural integrity of axons over time. Here we show that an age-dependent axonal atrophy develops in the lumbar ventral roots of mice with a null mutation in the mid-sized neurofilament subunit (NF-M) but not in animals with a null mutation in the heavy neurofilament subunit (NF-H). Mice with null mutations in both genes develop atrophy in ventral and dorsal roots as well as a hind limb paralysis with aging. The atrophic process is not accompanied by significant axonal loss or anterior horn cell pathology. In the NF-M-null mutant atrophic ventral root, axons show an age-related depletion of neurofilaments and an increased ratio of microtubules/neurofilaments. By contrast, the preserved dorsal root axons of NF-M-null mutant animals do not show a similar depletion of neurofilaments. Thus, the lack of an NF-M subunit renders some axons selectively vulnerable to an age-dependent atrophic process. These studies argue that neurofilaments are necessary for the structural maintenance of some populations of axons during aging and that the NF-M subunit is especially critical.  相似文献   

Microglia, the primary resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), exhibit dynamic behavior involving rapid process motility and cellular migration that is thought to underlie key functions of immune surveillance and tissue repair. Although age-related changes in microglial activation have been implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases of aging, how dynamic behavior in microglia is influenced by aging is not fully understood. In this study, we employed live imaging of retinal microglia in situ to compare microglial morphology and behavioral dynamics in young and aged animals. We found that aged microglia in the resting state have significantly smaller and less branched dendritic arbors, and also slower process motilities, which probably compromise their ability to survey and interact with their environment continuously. We also found that dynamic microglial responses to injury were age-dependent. While young microglia responded to extracellular ATP, an injury-associated signal, by increasing their motility and becoming more ramified, aged microglia exhibited a contrary response, becoming less dynamic and ramified. In response to laser-induced focal tissue injury, aged microglia demonstrated slower acute responses with lower rates of process motility and cellular migration compared with young microglia. Interestingly, the longer term response of disaggregation from the injury site was retarded in aged microglia, indicating that senescent microglial responses, while slower to initiate, are more sustained. Together, these altered features of microglial behavior at rest and following injury reveal an age-dependent dysregulation of immune response in the CNS that may illuminate microglial contributions to age-related neuroinflammatory degeneration.  相似文献   

Age-related alterations in the size of human hepatocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Age-related alterations in the size of human hepatocytes (both mononuclear and binucleate forms), were studied in histological sections and in separated cells and nuclei using cytophotometrical and microspectrophotometrical methods. The following results were obtained: 1. The volume of nuclear DNA increased in proportion to nuclear size. The increase occurred in a group pattern reflecting nuclear polyploidization. 2. Cell size increased in proportion to nuclear size. Tetraploid cells (4C) were roughly two times greater than diploid cells (2C). 3. In most of the binucleate cells examined, the ploidy class of the two nuclei in a binucleate cell was observed to be equal. Heterogeneity of the ploidy class among the nuclei of a binucleate cell was present in less than 1% of total binucleate cells examined. The nuclear DNA volume of individual nuclei in binucleate cells appeared to be the same as that of mononuclear cells. 4. The cell size of binucleate cells corresponded with that of mononuclear cells whose ploidy class was the same as the sum of the ploidy classes of two nuclei of a binucleate cell. 5. The incidence of binucleate cells in the lobular periphery was about 4 to 6% in the third decade, and increased slightly with age up to 5 to 7% in the tenth decade. 6. The incidence of binucleate cells in the liver at different ages followed a similar pattern to that observed in mononuclear cells whose ploidy class was half of the sum of ploidy classes of the two nuclei of the binucleate cell.  相似文献   

Carp J  Park J  Hebrank A  Park DC  Polk TA 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29411
Recent neuroimaging studies using multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) show that distributed patterns of brain activation elicited by different visual stimuli are less distinctive in older adults than in young adults. However, less is known about the effects of aging on the neural representation of movement. The present study used MVPA to compare the distinctiveness of motor representations in young and older adults. We also investigated the contributions of brain structure to age differences in the distinctiveness of motor representations. We found that neural distinctiveness was reduced in older adults throughout the motor control network. Although aging was also associated with decreased gray matter volume in these regions, age differences in motor distinctiveness remained significant after controlling for gray matter volume. Our results suggest that age-related neural dedifferentiation is not restricted to sensory perception and is instead a more general feature of the aging brain.  相似文献   

To have a clearer picture of how mitochondrial damages are associated to aging, a comprehensive study of phenotypic and genotypic alterations was carried out, analyzing with histochemical and molecular biology techniques the same skeletal muscle specimens of a large number of healthy subjects from 13 to 92 years old. Histochemical data showed that ragged red fibers (RRF) appear at about 40 years of age and are mostly cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-positive, whereas they are almost all COX-negative thereafter. Molecular analyses showed that the 4977 bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA(4977)) and the 7436 bp deletion of mtDNA (mtDNA(7436)) are already present in individuals younger than 40 years of age, but their occurrence does not change with age. After 40 years of age the number of mtDNA deleted species, as revealed by Long Extension PCR (LX-PCR), increases, the 10422 bp deletion of mtDNA (mtDNA(10422)) appears, although with a very low frequency of occurrence, and mtDNA content is more than doubled. Furthermore, mtDNA(4977) level directly correlates with that of COX-negative fibers in the same analyzed subjects. These data clearly show that, after 40 years of age, the phenotypic and genotypic mitochondrial alterations here studied appear in human skeletal muscle and that they are closely related.  相似文献   

Yokoi F  Dang MT  Li J  Li Y 《Journal of biochemistry》2006,140(1):141-146
Mutations of epsilon-sarcoglycan gene (SGCE) have been implicated in myoclonus-dystonia (M-D), a movement disorder. To determine the pathophysiology of M-D, we produced Sgce knockout mice and found that the knockout mice exhibited myoclonus, motor impairments, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, significantly higher levels of striatal dopamine and its metabolites, and an inverse correlation between the dopamine and serotonin metabolites. The results suggest that the diverse symptoms associated with M-D are indeed resulted from a single SGCE gene mutation that leads to alterations of dopaminergic and serotonergic systems. Therefore, antipsychotic agents and serotonin reuptake inhibitors may offer potential benefits for M-D patients.  相似文献   

Proximal portions of the left coronary arteries were examined microscopically in aging female normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The age-related intimal alterations in SHR were largely limited to endothelial cells, which demonstrated a proliferation of organelles (most notably Weibel-Palade bodies). In the media, degenerative alterations appeared to be most marked near the medio-adventitial junction. Compared to WKY and increasing with age, the media of the SHR epicardial artery demonstrated an accumulation of extracellular elements that included basement membrane-like material, collagen fibers and debris. Complex carbohydrates, as determined with the silver methenamine reaction, were noted to accumulate in a lamellar fashion. Smooth muscle cells demonstrated an age-related tendency (which was exaggerated in SHR) toward development of invaginations and irregular profiles. These observations indicate that age-related structural alterations in epicardial arteries of SHR are progressive, and they support the concept that structural alterations in SHR coronary arteries may represent accelerated aging phenomena.  相似文献   

Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating-hormone (alpha-MSH) is a neuropeptide that induces weight loss via its anorexigenic and hypermetabolic/hyperthermic effects. Two major public health problems of the human population involving energy balance (i.e. middle-aged obesity and aging cachexia) also appear in other mammals, therefore age-related regulatory alterations may also be assumed in the background.Previous studies demonstrated characteristic age-related shifts in the anorexigenic effects of centrally applied alpha-MSH with strong effects in young adult, diminished efficacy in middle-aged and very pronounced responsiveness in old rats. The present study aimed to investigate age-related changes in the acute central thermoregulatory responsiveness to an alpha-MSH injection in rats and to compare them with those of food intake-related responsiveness. Oxygen consumption (VO2), core (Tc) and tail skin temperatures (Ts, indicating heat loss) of male Wistar rats of different age groups (from 2 to 24 months of age), were recorded in an indirect calorimeter complemented by thermocouples upon intracerebroventricular alpha-MSH administration (0, 5 µg) at a slightly subthermoneutral environment (25–26 °C).Acute alpha-MSH-induced rises in VO2 and Tc were most pronounced in the young adult age-group. In these rats the hyperthemic effects were somewhat diminished by an activation of heat loss. Juvenile animals showed weaker hyperthermic responses, middle-aged rats none at all. Alpha-MSH-induced hyperthermia became significant again in old rats.Acute thermoregulatory (hypermetabolic/hyperthermic) responsiveness to alpha-MSH shows a distinct age-related pattern similar to that of acute anorexigenic responsiveness.Thus, our results may also contribute to the explanation of both middle-aged obesity and aging cachexia.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that deficient uptake or excessive break down of membrane phospholipids may be associated with neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of postnatal iron administration in lipid composition and behavior and whether or not the established effects may be altered by subchronic administration of the neuroleptic compounds, clozapine and haloperidol. In addition to motor activities such as locomotion, rearing and activity, a targeted lipidomics approach has been used to investigated the brains of eight groups of mice (four vehicle groups and four iron groups) containing six individuals in each group treated with vehicle, low dose clozapine, high dose clozapine and haloperidol. Lipids were extracted by the Folch method and analyzed using reversed-phase capillary liquid chromatography coupled on-line to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS). Identification of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) molecular species was based on their retention time, m/z ratio, head group specific up-front fragmentation and analysis of the product ions produced upon fragmentation. A comparison between the Ve-groups and Fe-groups showed that levels of PC and SM molecular species and motor activities were significantly lower in Fe-Ve compared to Ve-Ve. The effects of neuroleptic treatment with and without iron supplementation were studied. In conclusion our results support the hypothesis that an association between psychiatric disorders and lipid and behavior abnormalities in the brain exists.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the anti-obesity effect of Vernonia amygdalina Del. (VA) supplemented diet. VA leaf powder was fed at 5% and 15% to diet-induced obese rats for 4 weeks and its effect compared with orlistat (5.14 mg/kg p.o.), an anti-obesity drug. Food intake, body and organ weights, total body fat, some lipid components and amino transaminase activities in serum, hepatocytes and brain; as well as serum glucose, were measured during or at end of the study. Result showed respective decrease of 12.78% and 38.51% in body weight gain, of VA fed rats against 17.45% of orlistat at end of study (P < 0.05); but with no effect on food intake. Total body fat was lowered by 28.04% and 30.02% vs. obese control rats (CDC) (P < 0.05). Furthermore, serum triacylglycerol (TG), serum and brain total cholesterol (TCHOL), were down regulated at 15% VA supplementation (P < 0.05). Serum glucose which increased in obese rats by 46.26% (P < 0.05) vs. NC, indicating intolerance, was restored by VA (38.75% and 34.65%) and orlistat (31.80%) vs. CDC (P < 0.05). VA diet also exerted hepato-protection, via lowering serum alanine amino transaminase (ALT) (41.35% and 27.13%) and aspartate amino transaminase (AST) (17.09% and 43.21%) activities (P < 0.05). Orlistat had no effect on these enzymes. Histology of adipose tissue corroborated the changes on total body fat. We concluded that, diet supplemented with VA can attenuate dietary obesity as well as ameliorates the potential risks of hepato-toxicity and glucose intolerance associated with obesity.  相似文献   

Mice kept on a normal (1.1% calcium) or low-calcium (0.03%) diet were exposed for one month to zinc chloride (0.5% Zn), lead acetate (0.5% Pb) or cadmium chloride (0.06% Cd) or to a mixture of these salts at half the above concentrations. These concentrations, given in a poor calcium diet, represent an LD 50/30 days. After the mice were killed bone-marrow cells were assayed for chromosomal aberrations, and serum calcium was determined. Chromosomal aberrations were detected in the mice maintained on a low-calcium diet and exposed to lead, zinc or a mixture of lead, zinc and cadmium. The possible mechanism for the synergistic action on genetic effects of the lack of calcium and intoxication by heavy metals are discussed, and it is recommended that routine attention be given to the state of calcium metabolism in heavy-metal intoxication.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular adaptation to stress is highly dependent on adrenergic stimulation. It may be hypothesized that the diminished cardiovascular response to acute stress that occurs in advanced age may result in part from an age-related decrease in the effectiveness of adrenergic stimulation. Studies employing beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists in both man and animals provide support for this hypothesis. In addition, a postsynaptic decrement in sympathetic responsiveness is indicated from in vitro studies in both cardiac and vascular tissue. However, while a strong case for diminished adrenergic responsiveness of the aged cardiovascular system can be made from these data, further information at both the tissue and the organismal level is required to fully elucidate the nature of this age-related decline.  相似文献   

The density of beta-adrenergic receptors in the central nervous system exhibits marked age-related changes. In general, there is an initial increase in receptors soon after birth followed by a decline with advancing age; the specific pattern of the development and loss of receptors is dependent upon the brain area. The ontogenetic increase in the density of adrenergic receptors coincides temporally with the development of responsiveness to catecholamines but can proceed without an adrenergic innervation. This suggests that the biosynthesis of receptors is genetically predetermined and does not require an adrenergic input for initiation. Decreasing adrenergic activity produces an increased number of beta-receptors and a supersensitive response to adrenergic agonists. The decline in beta-receptors with advanced age appears to be related to this phenomenon of denervation supersensitivity since certain aged tissues have a diminished capacity to develop an increased number of receptors in response to a reduced sympathetic input. We conclude that the decline in beta-adrenergic receptors with age may explain the age-related decrease in the sensitivity of adenylate cyclase to catecholamines, and, consequently, the reduced physiological response to adrenergic stimuli. The mechanism for this loss of receptors may be the inability of aged tissue to develop a supersensitivity response in reaction to diminished sympathetic activity.  相似文献   

The effects of levodopa on the plasma concentration of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids and glucose were examined in mice. In fasted, nialamide treated mice, but not in fed mice, levodopa produced a significant decrease in the plasma concentration of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids. This was accompanied by a significant and marked decrease in the plasma glucose concentration. These effects of levodopa could be mimicked by relatively small doses of dopamine injected intracerebroventricularly but not intravenously. The integrity of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis in nialamide-treated mice was suggested by the elevation in plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroids produced by fasting or by insulin induced hypoglycaemia. These results indicate that in the mouse, as in other species, levodopa can inhibit stress provoked increases in the secretion of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether changes in estrogen receptor (ER) levels and dynamics that were previously observed in old acyclic mice were present in middle-aged mice and whether the cycling status of the mice influenced those changes. Young (3-6 months) regularly cycling and middle-aged (12-14 months) C57BL/6J mice that were either acyclic or still cycling regularly were injected with a dose of E2 (0.05 microgram/10 g body wt) sufficient to achieve maximal levels of nuclear ER (ERn) in all tissues examined: hypothalamus (HYPO), pituitary (PIT), and uterus (UT). The rise and fall of ERn and the replenishment of cytosolic ER (ERc) were measured 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h later. Cycling status did not affect ER binding profiles in middle-aged tissues. Therefore, data from cycling and acyclic subgroups were pooled for comparison with young mice. The increase in ERn following E2 injection, measured as the integrated area under the ERn profile, was reduced 33, 23, and 17%, respectively, in HYPO, PIT, and UT of middle-aged mice. In addition, the duration of elevated ERn was selectively reduced in middle-aged HYPO. ERc levels were reduced in middle-aged HYPO and UT, but replenishment rates were not altered. Reductions in total ER (ERn + ERc) were sufficient to account for the decline in ERn in middle-aged HYPO and UT, but factors in addition to ER loss appear to contribute to reduced ERn in middle-aged PIT. These results indicate that alterations in ER levels and dynamics occur prior to the transition to acyclicity, that these alterations are not secondary to hormonal or other changes associated with acyclicity, and that receptor loss appears to account for most of the age-related reduction in nuclear ER binding.  相似文献   

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