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Animal cloning by nuclear transplantation was first developed in the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens. It was soon extended to other amphibian species and within time, to various mammalian species. The production of a cloned sheep (Dolly) from an adult nuclear donor reawakened interest in human cloning. Nuclear transfer for the production of animal clones has served experimental biology well. Nonetheless, the potential burden of developmental hazards, scientists and funds diverted from more needy causes, as well as the potential assault on the concept of family has led the author to oppose human cloning.  相似文献   

It is known that the “Homo Sapiens” migrated from the Eastern Africa approximately 150,000 years ago. Different waves lead these Modern Humans to Europe, Asia, America, and to many African countries. So, all continents were occupied. The history of the migrations was analyzed by means of the mutations of DNA characters. So, L. Cavalli-Sforza could propose an approximate dating of the partition steps. The goal of the present text is to describe the partition as fractal sequences of times. The scheme of these bifurcations is similar to the diagram of Feigenbaum. That underlines the evolution from initial (African) order to the present disorder of populations around the earth.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that in a population with a biased operational sex ratio (OSR), parents will increase their fitness by adjusting the sex ratio of their progeny towards the rarer sex, until OSR has reached a level where the overproduction of either sex no longer increases a parent''s probability of having grandchildren. Furthermore, in a monogamous mating system, a biased OSR is expected to lead to lowered mean fecundity among individuals of the more abundant sex. We studied the influence of OSR on the sex ratio of newborns and on the population birth rate using an extensive data set (n = 14,420 births) from pre-industrial (1775-1850) Finland. The overall effect of current OSR on sex ratio at birth was significant, and in the majority of the 21 parishes included in this study, more sons were produced when males were rarer than females. This suggests that humans adjusted the sex ratio of their offspring in response to the local OSR to maximize the reproductive success of their progeny. Birth rate and, presumably, also population growth rate increased when the sex ratio (males:females) among reproductive age classes approached equality. However, the strength of these patterns varied across the parishes, suggesting that factors other than OSR (e.g. socioeconomic or environmental factors may also have influenced the sex ratio at birth and the birth rate.  相似文献   

Homo economicus?     
Andrea Rinaldi 《EMBO reports》2009,10(10):1182-1182

Are animal personality traits linked to life-history productivity?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Animal personality traits such as boldness, activity and aggressiveness have been described for many animal species. However, why some individuals are consistently bolder or more active than others, for example, is currently obscure. Given that life-history tradeoffs are common and known to promote inter-individual differences in behavior, we suggest that consistent individual differences in animal personality traits can be favored when those traits contribute to consistent individual differences in productivity (growth and/or fecundity). A survey of empirical studies indicates that boldness, activity and/or aggressiveness are positively related to food intake rates, productivity and other life-history traits in a wide range of taxa. Our conceptual framework sets the stage for a closer look at relationships between personality traits and life-history traits in animals.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary sex traits are influenced by the same sex hormones, and the expression of secondary sex traits may consequently signal males' capacity for sperm production. Sperm quality may also be influenced by immune activity, as sperm are non-self to the male. Parasite infections alter immune activity and may thus reduce ejaculate quality. In the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) the red abdominal colour is considered an ornament that signals important information in mate choice. We captured and individually caged sexually mature male Arctic charr during the spawning period. Afterwards we estimated abdominal colour, parasite infections, gonad mass and several spermatological and immunological variables. Intensity of abdominal colour was positively correlated to testes mass, milt mass and sperm cell numbers produced. Additionally, males with low parasite intensities had high testes mass and produced milt with high sperm density, indicating a trade-off between parasite resistance and development of primary sex traits. Our measures of immunity were, however, not related to primary sex traits. We conclude that females evaluating male abdominal coloration may obtain information about differences between males in fertilization potential and parasite resistance.  相似文献   

The role of phenotypic plasticity in plant invasions is among the most often discussed relationships in invasion ecology. However, despite the large number of studies on this topic, there is little consistency. Reconsideration of the role of plasticity by distinguishing two substantially distinct trait-groups, performance traits (contributing directly to fitness) and functional traits (influencing fitness indirectly), could form a more operative framework for comparative studies. In the current study we expect that invasive species benefit from being plastic in functional traits, which allows them to maintain a more constant performance across different environmental conditions compared to non-invasive alien species. We compared invasive and naturalized non-invasive alien plant species by their germination (20 species), their vegetative (10 species) and their reproductive (four species) responses to three different levels of water, light and nutrient availability in a common garden experiment. Used traits were classified into performance (germination ratio, total biomass, seed number) and functional traits (time to germination, root:shoot ratio, specific leaf area, reproductive allocation). We found that invasive and non-invasive species responded similarly to environmental factors, except for example that invasive species germinated earlier with decreasing light conditions or, surprisingly, non-invasive species reacted more intensely to increased nitrogen availability by having a superior ability to achieve greater biomass. The two groups were equally plastic in all the germination and vegetative traits measured but the reproductive traits, since higher plasticity in relative reproductive allocation and higher constancy in reproductive performance showed a pronounced relation with invasiveness.  相似文献   

As macromolecular crystal structures are determined and refined in an increasingly automated fashion, careful assessment of the reliability and quality of the resulting models becomes increasingly important. Here, we analyze various issues related to the reliability and quality of macromolecular crystal structures deposited between 1991 and 2000. We find that the average resolution at which these structures are determined is essentially constant. In line with this observation, the average quality as measured by Ramachandran analysis does not improve as a function of time. On the other hand, an observed decrease of the average discrepancy between free and conventional R values suggests that the fit of model and data is improving. Finally, we present a surprising correlation between the tendency of crystallographers to deposit their experimental data and the free R values of their models.  相似文献   

Where closely related species occur in sympatry, reinforcement may result in the evolution of traits involved in species recognition that are at the same time used for within-species mate choice. Drosophila serrata lives in forested habitat on the east coast of Australia, and over the northern half of its distribution it coexists with a closely related species, Drosophila birchii. Here we show that the strength of reinforcing selection in natural populations is sufficient to generate reproductive character displacement along a 36-km transect across the contact between sympatric and allopatric populations of D. serrata. The sympatric and allopatric populations display genetically based differences in male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), while female CHCs changed with latitude across the contact. The directional changes observed in male CHCs between sympatric and allopatric regions were the same changes that were generated by experimental sympatry in the laboratory, providing direct evidence that the changes across the contact zone are due to the presence of D. birchii. We show that sympatric and allopatric females differ in preference for male CHCs and that females from allopatric populations prefer allopatric-like male CHCs over sympatric-like CHCs. Male attractiveness within D. serrata may therefore be compromised by reinforcing selection, preventing the spread of sympatric-like blends to the area of allopatry.  相似文献   

Populations often contain discrete classes or morphs (e.g., sexual dimorphisms, wing dimorphisms, trophic dimorphisms) characterized by distinct patterns of trait expression. In quantitative genetic analyses, the different morphs can be considered as different environments within which traits are expressed. Genetic variances and covariances can then be estimated independently for each morph or in a combined analysis. In the latter case, morphs can be considered as separate environments in a bivariate analysis or entered as fixed effects in a univariate analysis. Although a common approach, we demonstrate that the latter produces downwardly biased estimates of additive genetic variance and heritability unless the quantitative genetic architecture of the traits concerned is perfectly correlated between the morphs. This result is derived for four widely used quantitative genetic variance partitioning methods. Given that theory predicts the evolution of genotype‐by‐environment (morph) interactions as a consequence of selection favoring different trait combinations in each morph, we argue that perfect correlations between the genetic architectures of the different morphs are unlikely. A sampling of the recent literature indicates that the majority of researchers studying traits expressed in different morphs recognize this and do estimate morph‐specific quantitative genetic architecture. However, ca. 16% of the studies in our sample utilized only univariate, fixed‐effects models. We caution against this approach and recommend that it be used only if supported by evidence that the genetic architectures of the different morphs do not differ.  相似文献   

目的:建立人海马神经元中的分子相互作用调控网络,研究miRNA在这个网络中是如何与其他信号通路相互作用并形成更复杂的生物网络,以及miRNA对网络中其靶点的调控如何影响生物网络的性质。方法:通过对已发表文献实验数据的挖掘分析,获得了哺乳动物海马神经元中主要信号通路的580个组分的一组相互作用数据,以及海马神经元中的miRNA表达谱。使用PITA,Miranda,TargetScan三个miRNA靶点预测软件计算出了这580个组分中的345个miRNA靶点。使用cytoscape对这些相互作用数据建立网络并对其性质进行计算分析。结果:建成了海马神经元中一个包含633个节点1653条边的miRNA调控网络,该网络中转录因子,adapter,酶更多的受到miRNA调控。结论:人海马神经元中,miRNA主要通过对转录因子,adapter和酶进行调控,与其他信号通路相互作用形成了一个更加复杂的网络,新形成的网络的集群系数,网络异质性,网络中心化程度,平均最短路径长度,平均邻点数都发生了变化。  相似文献   

Through behavior, animals interact with a world where parasites abound. It is easy to understand how behavioral traits can thus have a differential effect on pathogen exposure. Harder to understand is why we observe behavioral traits to be linked to immune defense traits. Is variation in immune traits a consequence of behavior-induced variation in immunological experiences? Or is variation in behavioral traits a function of immune capabilities? Is our immune system a much bigger driver of personality than anticipated? In this review, I provide examples of how behavioral and immune traits co-vary. I then explore the different routes linking behavioral and immune traits, emphasizing on the physiological/hormonal mechanisms that could lead to immune control of behavior. Finally, I discuss why we should aim at understanding more about the mechanisms connecting these phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

Flowers that are pollinated both during the day and at night could exhibit two different groups of pollinators and produce two different sets of attractants and rewards. We explored the patterns of emission of flower scents and production of nectar in the cactus Echinopsis chiloensis ssp. chiloensis, in relation to the patterns of activity of its diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. We measured frequency of flower visitors, analyzed floral scents, measured nectar production and sugar concentration, and performed pollination exclusion experiments. Bees were the main visitors at daytime and hawkmoths at nighttime. Diurnal scents were dominated by several compounds that can attract a wide range of pollinators, whereas nocturnal scents were less diverse and were dominated by (E)-nerolidol, a compound eliciting antennal responses in hawkmoths. Nectar volume and sugar concentration at night were similar to those recorded in hawkmoth-pollinated flowers. Daytime nectar volume was higher than those commonly found in bee-pollinated flowers, but similar to those found in flowers pollinated by several pollinators. Daytime sugar concentration was similar to those recorded in bee-pollinated flowers. Flowers of E. chiloensis ssp. chiloensis seem morphologically adapted to hawkmoth pollination, but diurnal and nocturnal pollinators contribute to similar extents to reproductive success. Additionally, diurnal and nocturnal pollinators showed a synergic effect on the product of fruit set and seed set. The results are discussed in terms of the linkage between floral traits and perception abilities and requirements of pollinators.  相似文献   

1. Coleoptera species show considerable diversity in life histories and ecological strategies, which makes possible their wide distribution in freshwater habitats, including highly stressed ones such as saline or temporary waterbodies. Explaining how particular combinations of traits allow species to occupy distinctive habitats is a central question in ecology. 2. A total of 212 sites, sampled over a wide range of inland aquatic habitats in the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula, yielded 272 species belonging to 68 genera and 11 families. The affinities of genera for 11 biological and 11 ecological traits, gathered from literature and the authors’ own expertise, were used to assess the degree of congruence between taxonomic, biological and ecological traits. 3. Taxonomic richness was significantly related to the number of both biological and ecological trait categories, with the richest families also showing the highest functional and ecological diversity. A fuzzy correspondence analysis performed on the abundance‐weighed array of biological traits separated genera according to categories of diet, feeding habits, respiration, reproduction and locomotion. A similar analysis of ecological traits revealed that preferences related to longitudinal distribution (headwater to mouth), local habitat and current velocity best discriminated genera. At the family level, there was a distinctive functional grouping of genera based on biological traits. Only Elmidae showed noticeable homogeneity across genera for both biological and ecological traits. 4. Co‐inertia analysis demonstrated a significant match between biological and ecological traits (Rv‐correlation = 0.35, P < 0.001). Elmidae genera displayed the highest concordance, whereas Hydraenidae demonstrated the lowest. 5. These results indicate that the predominance of habitat filtering processes in headwater streams yields biological trait conservatism (as shown by Elmidae genera), as well as trait convergence for some specific traits (for instance, respiration) among certain Dytiscidae genera and other typical rheophilic taxa, whereas other biotic factors, such as competition among species, appear more prominent in less stressed habitats. Further knowledge of traits, especially regarding physiological capabilities, is needed to better understand water beetle life history strategies.  相似文献   

Synthesis This study compared the decomposability of leaf, twig and wood litter from 27 co‐occurring temperate rainforest tree species in New Zealand. We found that interspecific variation in decomposition was not coordinated across the three litter types. Analysis of the relationships between functional traits and decomposition revealed that traits predictive of wood decomposition varied among the species independently from traits predictive of the decomposition of leaf and twig litter. We conclude that efforts to understand how tree species influence C, N and P dynamics in forested ecosystems through the decomposition pathway need to consider the functional traits of multiple plant structures. Plant functional traits are increasingly used to evaluate changes in ecological and ecosystem processes. However our understanding of how functional traits coordinate across different plant structures, and the implications for trait‐driven processes such as litter decomposition, remains limited. We compared the functional traits of green leaves and leaf, twig and wood litter among 27 co‐occurring tree species from New Zealand, and quantified the loss of mass, N and P from the three litter types during decomposition. We hypothesised that: a) the functional traits of green leaves, and leaf, twig and wood litter are co‐ordinated so that species which produce high quality leaves and leaf litter will also produce high quality twig and wood litter, and b) the decomposability of leaf, twig and wood litter is coordinated because breakdown of all three litter types is driven by similar combinations of traits. Trait variation across species was co‐ordinated between leaves, twigs and wood when angiosperm and gymnosperm species were considered in combination, or when angiosperms were considered separately, but trait coordination was poor for gymnosperms. There was little coordination among the three litter types in their decomposability, especially when angiosperms and gymnosperms were considered separately; this was caused by the decomposability of each of the three litter types, at least partially, being driven by different functional traits or trait combinations. Our findings indicate that although interspecific variation in the functional traits of trees can be coordinated among leaves, twigs and wood, different or unrelated traits predict the decomposition of these different structures. Furthermore, leaf‐level analyses of functional traits are not satisfactory proxies for function of whole trees and related ecological processes. As such, efforts to understand how tree species influence C, N and P dynamics in forested ecosystems through the decomposition pathway need to consider functional traits of other plant structures.  相似文献   

Lianas are an important component of Neotropical forests, where evidence suggests that they are increasing in abundance and biomass. Lianas are especially abundant in seasonally dry tropical forests, and as such it has been hypothesized that they are better adapted to drought, or that they are at an advantage under the higher light conditions in these forests. However, the physiological and morphological characteristics that allow lianas to capitalize more on seasonal forest conditions compared to trees are poorly understood. Here, we evaluate how saplings of 21 tree and liana species from a seasonal tropical forest in Panama differ in cavitation resistance (P 50) and maximum hydraulic conductivity (K h), and how saplings of 24 tree and liana species differ in four photosynthetic leaf traits (e.g., maximum assimilation and stomatal conductance) and six morphological leaf and stem traits (e.g., wood density, maximum vessel length, and specific leaf area). At the sapling stage, lianas had a lower cavitation resistance than trees, implying lower drought tolerance, and they tended to have a higher potential hydraulic conductivity. In contrast to studies focusing on adult trees and lianas, we found no clear differences in morphological and photosynthetic traits between the life forms. Possibly, lianas and trees are functionally different at later ontogenetic stages, with lianas having deeper root systems than trees, or experience their main growth advantage during wet periods, when they are less vulnerable to cavitation and can achieve high conductivity. This study shows, however, that the hydraulic characteristics and functional traits that we examined do not explain differences in liana and tree distributions in seasonal forests.  相似文献   

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