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In placental mammals, pregnancy usually is associated with an increase in maternal androgens, which may significantly impact fetal growth and differentiation, and affect postnatal development and behavior. Owing to their slow life histories and challenging social conditions, determination of maternal androgens and potential interference effects of fetal androgen production are of particular interest in wild primates. However, androgen production has been rarely investigated in wild female primates, and studies on maternal androgens during gestation in particular often do not span the entire pregnancy. Here, we characterize fecal androgen production throughout gestation in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) using noninvasive hormone analysis and, furthermore, examine fetal sex effects on maternal androgen excretion. A total of 207 fecal samples were analyzed from seven females for concentrations of immunoreactive epiandrosterone (iEA). Fecal iEA concentrations, as predicted based on cercopithecine blood-serum patterns, increased during early gestation and were significantly higher during the first trimester compared with preconception concentrations and those recorded during later stages of gestation. Further, during the third trimester, male-carrying mothers showed significantly higher iEA concentrations compared with female-carrying mothers. This first characterization of fecal androgen excretion during gestation in Assamese macaques indicates both a maternal and fetal effect on androgen production. Although our sample size is small, our results, nevertheless, provide the basis for assessing potential influences of maternal androgens on postnatal offspring development and behavior.  相似文献   

Role of androgens in fetal and pubertal development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During fetal development, androgens exert long-term effects which are either organizational on specific organs during a critical phase of morphogenesis (e.g. sexual differentiation of external genitalia), or programming neural functions or enzyme activities expressed later in life. At all stages of development, which extends from fetal and neonatal stages to pubertal accomplishment, androgens also have activational effects that are immediate, multiple, reversible and dose dependent. Both types of actions are intricate during human development. This review will focus (1) on the intricate morphological and activational roles of androgens on sexual differentiation and pubertal development of the genital tract, external genitalia and mammary glands, and (2) on the organizational effects of androgens on four central nervous system functions: pituitary regulation of liver metabolism, gonadotropin secretions, sex dimorphic behavioral patterns, and 'sexualization of the brain'. If the molecular basis of the immediate androgenic action is known, depending of androgen receptor's availability and affinity, little is known of the way androgens exert their influence on either so various morphological processes or neuroendocrine imprinting.  相似文献   

The hormonal environment during early development, such as maternally derived androgens in bird eggs, has been shown to shape offspring in ways that may have important short‐ and long‐term consequences for phenotype and behavior. However, studies on the effects of androgens on begging behavior and growth in birds have provided variable results and sex‐specific effects are not well understood. We experimentally elevated yolk androgen levels in whole clutches in a passerine bird, the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and studied effects on male and female begging behavior, ingestion and digestion. Yolk androgen elevation led to shorter latencies to beg in both male and female nestlings but to greater begging rates only in males. Both responses could be used as cues to solicit more food from parents. Yolk androgens had no effect on food intake, fecal wet mass or fecal water content. However, the proportion of organic matter in feces was lower in androgen‐treated than control males, potentially suggesting that the androgen‐treated individuals had more efficient digestion. We discuss the alternative pathways of effects of yolk androgens on begging, growth and digestion. If the effects of yolk androgens on phenotype and behavior are causally linked, there is less scope for the mother to adjust specific offspring traits independently from other traits. The sex‐specific effects of yolk androgens should be studied more, also in within‐clutch context, as the costs and benefits for each sex may further differ in relation to hatching order.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicate that structural synaptic plasticity in limbic areas plays a vital role not only in normal brain functions, such as cognition and mood, but also in the development of neurological and mental disorders. We have learned from studies investigating neuronal remodeling that estrogens have an exceptional synaptogenic potential that seems to be specific to limbic areas of the adult female brain. On the other hand, structural synaptic plasticity in the adult male brain and the synaptogenic effect of androgens received relatively little attention. During the last five years, the Leranth laboratory provided conclusive evidence that the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of adult male rodents and non-human primates retain considerable structural synaptic plasticity similar to the female, and that androgens are capable of inducing spine synapse growth in both the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex similar to estrogens. Our recent work also demonstrates that androgen-induced remodeling of spine synapses in the prefrontal cortex of adult male rats is dependent, at least to some extent, on functional androgen receptors, while being entirely independent of the androgen receptor in the hippocampus. Based on these findings and on their many beneficial effects, we believe that androgens hold a great and undeservingly neglected therapeutic potential that could be employed to reverse synaptic pathology in various neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Hormone-mediated maternal effects may be an important mechanism for adjusting offspring phenotype to particular requirements of the environment. We manipulated the levels of testosterone and androstenedione in the yolk of collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis eggs to investigate the effects of pre-natal exposure to androgens on growth and immune function. Androgen treatment tended to reduce the growth of males, and enhance the growth of females, as indicated by significant interaction between sex and androgen treatment. Cellular immune function was not affected by androgen treatment or sex. Survival of nestlings until fledging was not related to androgen treatment. Our results indicate that in the collared flycatcher yolk androgens do not involve clear overall benefits during the nestling stage, and that growth-enhancing effects of increased yolk androgen levels on female nestlings are counterbalanced by detrimental effects on male nestlings.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that in a simple pair test situation the expression of adult male sexual behavior by rhesus monkeys depends on both prenatal (organizational) and adult (activational) androgen exposure. In the present study we used a more complex social situation (trio tests) to evaluate the behavior of males, females, and female pseudohermaphrodites. In these trio tests, the experimental subjects were tested with two estrogenized stimulus females simultaneously. Sex differences in behavior were made apparent by this complex testing situation that could not have emerged in the pair test. Gonadectomized males and female pseudohermaphrodites, but not ovariectomized females that were concurrently receiving TP, exhibited increased male sexual behavior in trio tests compared to pair tests. In trio tests, the males and pseudohermaphrodites showed evidence of partner preference by interacting almost exclusively with one of the two stimulus females. These "preferred females" in turn were responsible for the majority of the proceptive behavior exhibited in these tests. Ovariectomized females rarely displayed male sexual behavior in either test situation. These results further support the hypothesis that prenatal androgen exposure predisposes monkeys to exhibit masculine behavior traits when they reach adulthood and are exposed to the activational influences of androgens.  相似文献   

Most attempts to identify biological underpinnings of gender identity and sexual orientation in humans have investigated effects of sex steroids, so pivotal in the differentiation of the genitalia, showing strong parallels between animals and the human. The information on humans is derived from the so-called 'experiments of nature', clinical entities with a lesser-than-normal androgen exposure in XY subjects and a higher than normal androgen exposure in XX subjects. Prenatal androgenization appears to predispose to a male gender identity development, but apparently not decisively since 40-50% of 46,XY intersexed children with a history of prenatal androgen exposure do not develop a male gender identity. Obviously, male-to-female transsexuals, with a normal androgen exposure prenatally (there is no serious evidence to the contrary) develop a female gender identity, through unknown biological mechanisms apparently overriding the effects of prenatal androgens. The latest studies in 46, XX subjects exposed to prenatal androgens show that prenatal androgenization of 46,XX fetuses leads to marked masculinization of later gender-related behavior but does not lead to gender confusion/dysphoria. The example of female-to-male transsexuals, without evidence of prenatal androgen exposure, indicates that a male gender identity can develop without a significant androgen stimulus. So we are far away from any comprehensive understanding of hormonal imprinting on gender identity formation. Brain studies in homosexuals have not held up in replication studies or are in need of replication in transsexuals. Genetic studies and the fraternal birth order hypothesis provide indications of familial clustering of homosexuality but in many homosexuals these genetic patterns cannot be identified. The biological explanations advanced for the birth order hypothesis lack any experimental support.  相似文献   

In the adult rhesus monkey, yawning is an androgen-dependent sexually dimorphic behavior with males yawning more frequently than do females reflecting sex differences in circulating androgens. Studies in a variety of species indicate that yawning is mediated by various neurochemicals including dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. In rhesus monkeys, exogenous androgen reliably induces yawning in females to male-like levels. This study investigated whether flutamide, a nonsteroidal anti-androgen, reverses yawning induced by exogenous androgen administration in adult female rhesus monkeys. Six adult female rhesus monkeys were given chronic DHT alone and in combination with daily injections of flutamide and observed for yawning behavior. Treatment with DHT alone significantly increased yawning from 0.3 yawns per 30 min at the pretreatment baseline to 4.7 yawns per 30 min. Concurrent administration of flutamide significantly reduced the rate of yawning to 1.9 yawns per 30 min. These data indicate that flutamide is an effective tool for blocking the central effects of androgens in rhesus monkey females and that androgens regulate yawning similarly in both males and females.  相似文献   

Prenatal androgen treatment can alter LH secretion in female offspring, often with adverse effects on ovulatory function. However, female spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta), renowned for their highly masculinized genitalia, are naturally exposed to high androgen levels in utero. To determine whether LH secretion in spotted hyenas is affected by prenatal androgens, we treated pregnant hyenas with antiandrogens (flutamide and finasteride). Later, adult offspring of the antiandrogen-treated (AA) mothers underwent a GnRH challenge to identify sex differences in the LH response and to assess the effects of prenatal antiandrogen treatment. We further considered the effects of blocking prenatal androgens on plasma sex steroid concentrations. To account for potential differences in the reproductive state of females, we suppressed endogenous hormone levels with a long-acting GnRH agonist (GnRHa) and then measured plasma androgens after an hCG challenge. Plasma concentrations of LH were sexually dimorphic in spotted hyenas, with females displaying higher levels than males. Prenatal antiandrogen treatment also significantly altered the LH response to GnRH. Plasma estradiol concentration was higher in AA-females, whereas testosterone and androstenedione levels tended to be lower. This trend toward lower androgen levels disappeared after GnRHa suppression and hCG challenge. In males, prenatal antiandrogen treatment had long-lasting effects on circulating androgens: AA-males had lower T levels than control males. The sex differences and effects of prenatal antiandrogens on LH secretion suggest that the anterior pituitary gland of the female spotted hyena is partially masculinized by the high androgen levels that normally occur during development, without adverse effects on ovulatory function.  相似文献   

The masculinizing effects of prenatal androgens on human neurobehavioral development are well established. Also, the early postnatal surge of androgens in male infants, or mini-puberty, has been well documented and is known to influence physiological development, including penile growth. However, neurobehavioral effects of androgen exposure during mini-puberty are largely unknown. The main aim of the current study was to evaluate possible neurobehavioral consequences of mini-puberty by relating penile growth in the early postnatal period to subsequent behavior. Using multiple linear regression, we demonstrated that penile growth between birth and three months postnatal, concurrent with mini-puberty, significantly predicted increased masculine/decreased feminine behavior assessed using the Pre-school Activities Inventory (PSAI) in 81 healthy boys at 3 to 4 years of age. When we controlled for other potential influences on masculine/feminine behavior and/or penile growth, including variance in androgen exposure prenatally and body growth postnally, the predictive value of penile growth in the early postnatal period persisted. More specifically, prenatal androgen exposure, reflected in the measurement of anogenital distance (AGD), and early postnatal androgen exposure, reflected in penile growth from birth to 3 months, were significant predictors of increased masculine/decreased feminine behavior, with each accounting for unique variance. Our findings suggest that independent associations of PSAI with AGD at birth and with penile growth during mini-puberty reflect prenatal and early postnatal androgen exposures respectively. Thus, we provide a novel and readily available approach for assessing effects of early androgen exposures, as well as novel evidence that early postnatal aes human neurobehavioral development.  相似文献   

Androgen actions and the ovary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although androgens and the androgen receptor (AR) have defining roles in male reproductive development and function, previously no role in female reproductive physiology beyond testosterone (T) as the precursor in estradiol (E(2)) biosynthesis was firmly established. Understanding the role and specific mechanisms of androgen action via the AR in the ovary has been limited by confusion on how to interpret results from pharmacological studies, because many androgens can be metabolized in vivo and in vitro to steroids that can also exert actions via the estrogen receptor (ESR). Recent genetic studies using mouse models with specific disruption of the Ar gene have highlighted the role that AR-mediated actions play in maintaining female fertility through key roles in the regulation of follicle health, development, and ovulation. Furthermore, these genetic studies have revealed that AR-mediated effects influence age-related female fertility, possibly via mechanisms acting predominantly at the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in a dose-dependent manner. This review focuses on combining the findings from pharmacological studies and novel genetic mouse models to unravel the roles of ovarian androgen actions in relation to female fertility and ovarian aging, as well as creating new insights into the role of androgens in androgen-associated reproductive disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.  相似文献   

During mammalian development, androgens produced by the fetal testis are the most important hormones controlling the masculinization of the reproductive tract and the genitalia. New findings show that the male germ line is the most sensitive to anti-androgenic endocrine disruptors during the embryonic period. In a recent study, we reported that endogenous androgens physiologically control germ cell growth in the male mouse fetus during early fetal life. In the present study, we extended this result by showing the presence of a functional androgen receptor in the gonocytes in the latter part of the fetal life. We also studied the effect of androgens on the development of the somatic testicular cells using the Tfm mice which carry a naturally inactivating mutation of the androgen receptor. Fetal Leydig cell are largely independent of endogenous androgens during fetal development whereas fetal Sertoli cell number is decreased following a default of peritubular myoid cells differenciation. They also point to the gonocyte as a special target for androgens during the embryonic period and indicate a novel mechanism of androgen action on gonocytes. Elucidation of this new pathway in the fetal testis will clarify not only fetal testis physiology but also the effects of environmental anti-androgens that act during fetal life and open new perspectives for future investigations into the sensitivity of fetal germ cell to androgens.  相似文献   

Morphological and behavioural traits which improve agonistic power are subject to intrasexual selection and, at the proximate level, are influenced by circulating androgens. Because intrasexual selection in mammals is more intense among males, they typically dominate females. Female social dominance is therefore unexpected and, indeed, rare. Ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) are sexually monomorphic primates in which all adult females dominate all males. The goal of our study was to test the prediction that female dominance in this species is associated with high androgen levels. Using two captive groups, we collected data on agonistic behaviour and non-invasively assessed their androgen concentrations in faeces and saliva by enzyme immunoassay. We found that adult female L. catta do not have higher androgen levels than males. However, during the mating season there was a twofold increase in both the androgen levels and conflict rates among females. This seasonal increase in their androgen levels was probably not due to a general increase in ovarian hormone production because those females showing the strongest signs of follicular development tended to have low androgen concentrations. At the individual level neither the individual aggression rates nor the proportion of same-sexed individuals dominated were correlated with their androgen levels. We conclude that female dominance in ring-tailed lemurs is neither based on physical superiority nor on high androgen levels and that it is equally important to study male subordination and prenatal brain priming effects for a complete understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The behavior of an individual within a social aggregation profoundly influences behavior and physiology of other animals within the aggregation in such a way that these social interactions can enhance reproductive success, survival and fitness. This phenomenon is particularly important during the breeding season when males and female must synchronize their reproductive efforts. We examined whether exposure to conspecific social cues can elevate sex steroid levels, specifically estradiol and androgens, in female túngara frogs (Physalaemus pustulosus). We compared plasma estradiol and androgen concentrations in wild-caught females before and after exposure to either natural mate choruses or random tones. After exposure to mate choruses for 10 consecutive nights, estradiol concentrations were significantly elevated whereas there was no significant elevation in estradiol concentrations in the group of females exposed to random tones for 10 nights. Plasma androgen concentrations were not significantly changed after exposure to either natural mate choruses or random tones for 10 consecutive nights. Social modulation of estradiol concentrations may be important in maintaining a female's reproductive state while males are chorusing. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate social regulation of estradiol concentration in female anurans.  相似文献   

Clarke BL  Khosla S 《Steroids》2009,74(3):296-305
Testosterone is the major gonadal sex steroid produced by the testes in men. Testosterone is also produced in smaller amounts by the ovaries in women. The adrenal glands produce the weaker androgens dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and androstenedione. These androgens collectively affect skeletal homeostasis throughout life in both men and women, particularly at puberty and during adult life. Because testosterone can be metabolized to estradiol by the aromatase enzyme, there has been controversy as to which gonadal sex steroid has the greater skeletal effect. The current evidence suggests that estradiol plays a greater role in maintenance of skeletal health than testosterone, but that androgens also have direct beneficial effects on bone. Supraphysiological levels of testosterone likely have similar effects on bone as lower levels via direct interaction with androgen receptors, as well as effects mediated by estrogen receptors after aromatization to estradiol. Whether high doses of synthetic, non-aromatizable androgens may, in fact, be detrimental to bone due to suppression of endogenous testosterone (and estrogen) levels is a potential concern that warrants further study.  相似文献   

In male vertebrates, androgens are inextricably linked to reproduction, social dominance, and aggression, often at the cost of paternal investment or prosociality. Testosterone is invoked to explain rank-related reproductive differences, but its role within a status class, particularly among subordinates, is underappreciated. Recent evidence, especially for monogamous and cooperatively breeding species, suggests broader androgenic mediation of adult social interaction. We explored the actions of androgens in subordinate, male members of a cooperatively breeding species, the meerkat (Suricata suricatta). Although male meerkats show no rank-related testosterone differences, subordinate helpers rarely reproduce. We blocked androgen receptors, in the field, by treating subordinate males with the antiandrogen, flutamide. We monitored androgen concentrations (via baseline serum and time-sequential fecal sampling) and recorded behavior within their groups (via focal observation). Relative to controls, flutamide-treated animals initiated less and received more high-intensity aggression (biting, threatening, feeding competition), engaged in more prosocial behavior (social sniffing, grooming, huddling), and less frequently initiated play or assumed a ‘dominant’ role during play, revealing significant androgenic effects across a broad range of social behavior. By contrast, guarding or vigilance and measures of olfactory and vocal communication in subordinate males appeared unaffected by flutamide treatment. Thus, androgens in male meerkat helpers are aligned with the traditional trade-off between promoting reproductive and aggressive behavior at a cost to affiliation. Our findings, based on rare endocrine manipulation in wild mammals, show a more pervasive role for androgens in adult social behavior than is often recognized, with possible relevance for understanding tradeoffs in cooperative systems.  相似文献   

Children exhibit gender-typical preferences in play, toys, activities and interests, and playmates. Several studies suggest that high concentrations of pre- and postnatal androgens contribute to male-typical behavior development, whereas female-typical behavior develops in the absence of high androgens levels. This study aims to explore the consequences of hypoandrogenization on gender-typical behavior in children who have an XY karyotype and disorder of sex development (DSD). Participants included 33 children (ages 2-12 years) with an XY karyotype and DSD; 21 reared as girls and 12 reared as boys. Children's preferred activities and interests and playmate preferences were assessed with parent report questionnaires, a structured free-play task, and choice of a toy to keep as a gift. Participant's responses were compared to those of children recruited in a pre-school and elementary school survey (N=166). In this study, the degree of hypoandrogenization as indicated by genital stage and diagnosis showed a significant relationship to nearly all of the gender-related behaviors assessed, supporting the hypothesis that masculinization of gender role behavior is a function of prenatal androgen exposure. Despite the fact that children with partial androgen effects reared as girls showed increased "boyish" behaviors, they did not show increased signs of gender identity confusion or instability on a group level. We conclude that androgen exposure plays a decisive role in the development of gender-typical behavior in children with XY karyotype and DSD conditions.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that prenatal stress (PS) exerts an impairment of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) system metabolism especially after puberty, suggesting a particular sensitivity of DA development to variations in gonadal hormonal peaks. Furthermore we demonstrated that PS alters the long term androgens profile of the rat male offspring from prepubertal to adult stages. In this work we evaluated the sexual hormones activational effects on the DA system by analysing PS effects on the dopaminergic D2-like (D2R) and on the gonadal hormones receptor levels on cortical and hippocampal areas of prepubertal and adult male offspring. We further evaluated the dendritic arborization in the same areas by quantifying MAP2 immunoexpresion. Our results show that PS affected oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) expression: mRNA er1s and ERα protein levels were decreased on prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of adult offspring. Moreover, PS reduced D2R protein levels in hippocampus of prepubertal rats. Morphological studies revealed that prepubertal PS rats presented decreased MAP2 immunoexpression in both areas suggesting that PS reduces the number of dendritic arborizations. Our findings suggest that PS exerts long-term effects on the DA system by altering the normal connectivity in the areas, and by modulating the expression of D2R and ERα in an age-related pattern. Since the developing forebrain DA system was shown to be influenced by androgen exposure, and PS was shown to disrupt perinatal testosterone surges, our results suggest that prenatal insults might be affecting the organizational role of androgens and differentially modulating their activational role on the DA development.  相似文献   

Androgen exposure during intrauterine life in nonhuman primates and in sheep results in a phenocopy of the reproductive and metabolic features of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Such exposure also results in reproductive features of PCOS in rodents. We investigated whether transient prenatal androgen treatment produced metabolic abnormalities in adult female rats and the mechanisms of these changes. Pregnant dams received free testosterone or vehicle injections during late gestation, and their female offspring were fed regular or high-fat diet (HFD). At 60 days of age, prenatally androgenized (PA) rats exhibited significantly increased body weight; parametrial and subcutaneous fat; serum insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride levels; and hepatic triglyceride content (all P < 0.0125). There were no significant differences in insulin sensitivity by intraperitoneal insulin tolerance test or insulin signaling in liver or skeletal muscle. HFD had similar effects to PA on body weight and composition as well as on circulating triglyceride levels. HFD further increased hepatic triglyceride content to a similar extent in both PA and control rats. In PA rats, HFD did not further increase circulating insulin, triglyceride, or cholesterol levels. In control rats, HFD increased insulin levels, but to a lesser extent than PA alone ( approximately 2.5- vs. approximately 12-fold, respectively). We conclude that transient prenatal androgen exposure produces features of the metabolic syndrome in adult female rats. Dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis appear to be mediated by PA-induced increases in adiposity, whereas hyperinsulinemia appears to be a direct result of PA.  相似文献   

Adolescence is associated with increases in pleasure-seeking behaviors, which, in turn, are shaped by the pubertal activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. In animal models of naturally rewarding behaviors, such as sex, testicular androgens contribute to the development and expression of the behavior in males. To effect behavioral maturation, the brain undergoes significant remodeling during adolescence, and many of the changes are likewise sensitive to androgens, presumably acting through androgen receptors (AR). Given the delicate interaction of gonadal hormones and brain development, it is no surprise that disruption of hormone levels during this sensitive period significantly alters adolescent and adult behaviors. In male hamsters, exposure to testosterone during adolescence is required for normal expression of adult sexual behavior. Males deprived of androgens during puberty display sustained deficits in mating. Conversely, androgens alone are not sufficient to induce mating in prepubertal males, even though brain AR are present before puberty. In this context, wide-spread use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) during adolescence is a significant concern. AAS abuse has the potential to alter both the timing and the levels of androgens in adolescent males. In hamsters, adolescent AAS exposure increases aggression, and causes lasting changes in neurotransmitter systems. In addition, AAS are themselves reinforcing, as demonstrated by self-administration of testosterone and other AAS. However, recent evidence suggests that the reinforcing effects of androgens may not require classical AR. Therefore, further examination of interactions between androgens and rewarding behaviors in the adolescent brain is required for a better understanding of AAS abuse.  相似文献   

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