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BACKGROUND [corrected] AND AIMS: The Caesalpinia hintonii group comprises six species of endemic shrubs or trees, C. epifanioi, C. hintonii, C. laxa, C. macvaughii, C. melanadenia and C. oyamae, found in scattered patches of seasonally dry forest in the Río Balsas depression and the neighbouring Tehuacán-Cuicatlán valley, which are part of the Mexican morphotectonic province of Sierra Madre del Sur. An evaluation is made of phylogeographic patterns and genetic diversity with a phylogenetic analysis of the C. hintonii complex in order to study the dynamics of speciation in this endemic group of legumes. METHODS: A phylogeographic study based on four highly variable non-coding plastid regions (trnL intron, trnL-F intergenic spacer, trnH-psbA intergenic spacer, and accD-psaI intergenic spacer) was carried out for the Caesalpinia hintonii complex. Five of the six taxa of the C. hintonii complex were included. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The plastid analyses involving multiple accessions of each taxon from throughout their ranges resolved C. epifanioi and C. hintonii as well-supported clusters, but C. oyamae has two unexpectedly divergent lineages. Two well-supported geographic clades: eastern (C. epifanioi, C. melanadenia and C. oyamae) and western (C. hintonii and C. macvaughii) were established. The analyses performed provide evidence of recent morphostatic radiation in C. oyamae resulting from isolation and local adaptation. This pattern of genetic differentiation without morphological divergence may be a model that fits many groups of tropical woody taxa inhabiting similarly dry forests subjected to shifting selection.  相似文献   

Caesalpinia oyamae, a new species from the Río Balsas Depression, Mexico, is described and illustrated based on morphological evidence. It is similar toCaesalpinia hintonii, and grows in seasonally dry forests, between 500–1490 m.  相似文献   

Stipule arrangement in the genus Caesalpinia (Leguminosae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stipular development in Caesalpinia displays two patterns. More commonly, stipules, throughout the development of the leaf, assume a subordinate position never keeping pace with the petiole-blade portion. In two out of eight species the stipules showed strong proleptic development exceeding in size their own leaf within a plastochron of initiation and soon thereafter covering that leaf. Information on stipule development, as well as other features of the embryonic leaf may be of use to the taxonomist and such data can now be obtained relatively easily using SEM.  相似文献   

在广东鼎湖山,华南云实(Laesalpinia crista L.)始花期从2月或3月开始,开花后约1周达到盛花期,盛花期持续2~4 d,花期可持续到4月底.华南云实基本繁育系统为雌蕊先熟、自交不亲和的异花受精.华南云实传粉方式为风虫媒.其主要传粉者为膜翅目昆虫,该种是云实属植物中首次报道的可行风媒传粉的种类.描述并探讨了华南云实花的结构与其主要传粉者木蜂之间的互动适应,并讨论了传粉生物学实验中的一些处理方法对华南云实开花过程的影响.  相似文献   

在广东鼎湖山,华南云实(LaesalpiniacristaL.)始花期从2月或3月开始,开花后约1周达到盛花期,盛花期持续2~4d,花期可持续到4月底。华南云实基本繁育系统为雌蕊先熟、自交不亲和的异花受精。华南云实传粉方式为风虫媒。其主要传粉者为膜翅目昆虫,该种是云实属植物中首次报道的可行风媒传粉的种类。描述并探讨了华南云实花的结构与其主要传粉者木蜂之间的互动适应,并讨论了传粉生物学实验中的一些处理方法对华南云实开花过程的影响。  相似文献   

Hosta minor, an insect-pollinated and rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, occurs in eastern and southern Korean Peninsula. AlthoughH. minor is a Korean endemic species and most populations of the species are scattered, the species maintains considerably high levels of genetic variation within the species, with a moderate level of variation (14%) found among populations. Nineteen of the 29 putative loci resolved (66%) were polymorphic within the species, the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.10 across all populations and averaged 1.68 within populations. In addition, genetic diversity was a considerably higher (for species and population level, mean estimates of genetic diversity were 0.275 and 0.230, respectively) than the average for other long-lived herbaceous perennials. Indirect estimate of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=1.03, calculated from mean GST) was moderate. Factors contributing to the high levels of genetic diversity found within populations ofH. minor include population maintenance via sexual and asexual modes of reproduction, primarily outcrossing breeding system, long generation time, probable ancient polyploid origin of the species, and moderate levels of seed dispersal by wind. Human disturbance in South Korea such as road and apartment constructions appears to be the major threat to this genetically diverse species.  相似文献   

李世晋  张奠湘  陈忠毅   《广西植物》2006,26(1):8-12,109
对中国云实属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国产云实属植物有20种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》39卷中未记载的3种植物进行了详细的描述,对鸡嘴簕的名称进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in an insular endemic plantAster asa-grayi was examined using enzyme electrophoresis. Distribution ofA. asa-grayi is restricted to only four subtropical islands of Japan, and this species is listed as vulnerable to extinction in the Red Data Book of Japanese wild plants. A total of 161 individuals were sampled from five populations on four islands. Genetic diversity values at the population level were very low, compared to other plant species with a similar life history. Genetic variability at the species level is comparable to the mean value of endemic species. Genetic differentiation among populations is extremely high (GST= 0.71), indicating that the gene flow among populations is highly impeded, and pollen and seed dispersal is limited due to the pollinators and the seed morphology. This is because the four islands are geographically isolated. Fixation indices suggested that most populations do not randomly cross. To conserve the genetic diversity of the species, artificial crossings among different island populations are necessary.  相似文献   

Zapoteca quichoi, a new species endemic to southern Tabasco, Mexico, is described and illustrated. This species exhibits morphological characteristics that place it within subgenus Amazonica, together with Z. amazonica and Z. microcephala, from Peru and Colombia, respectively.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Zapoteca quichoi (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae), una nueva especie de Tabasco, México. Esta especie exhibe características morfológicas que la ubican dentro del subgénero Amazonica, junto con Z. amazonica y Z. microcephala, especies nativas de Perú y Colombia respectivamente.

Dalea pseudocorymbosa is described from the western part of the state of Durango, Mexico. It is referred to Dalea subgenus Parosela section Parosela series Psoraleoides. It is morphologically most similar to Dalea tomentosa var. mota but is distinguished from it by characters of the leaf, inflorescence, and flower.
Resumen   Dalea pseudocorymbosa es descrita de la parte oeste del estado de Durango, México. Pertenece al subgénero Parosela sección Parosela serie Psoraleoides. Es morfológicamente muy similar a Dalea tomentosa var. mota pero se distingue de esta por sus caracteres de hoja, inflorescencia y flores.

Plant clonality may greatly reduce effective population size and influence management strategies of rare and endangered species. We examined genetic diversity and the extent of clonality in four populations of the monotypic herbaceous perennial Japonolirion osense, which is one of the most rare flowering plants in Japan. Allozyme analysis revealed moderate levels of genetic variation, and the proportion of polymorphic loci (P=66.7%) was higher than the value for species with similar life-history traits. With four polymorphic loci, 19 multilocus genotypes were observed among 433 aerial shoot samples and 10 (52%) were found only in single populations. The proportion of distinguishable genotypes (PD=0.10) and Simpson's index of diversity (D=0.52) also exhibited moderate levels of genotypic diversity compared to other clonal plants, with genotype frequencies at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The distributions of genotypes were often localized and they were mostly found within a radius of 5 m. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that shoot samples located 4 m apart were expected to be genetically independent. The results suggest that the spatial extent of genets was relatively narrow and thus the clonality was not extensive.  相似文献   

Low levels of genetic variability are common for a number of geographically restricted plants: these data are consistent with theoretical expectations that small populations should be genetically depauperate. However, in some species, high levels of variability have been found in rare species. Allium aaseae is a rare, narrow endemic in the foothills of the Boise Front of southwestern Idaho. Genetic variation in the rare endemic A. aaseae, and nearby populations of the more common species, A. simillimum, was examined with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data. Eight populations of A. aaseae and six populations of A. simillimum (three near the range of A. aaseae, and three distant populations) of 25 individuals each were examined for this analysis. Genetic diversity as determined with RAPD markers of both species examined in this study is largely found within and not among populations. Levels of genetic diversity are high, especially for a narrow endemic species such as A. aaseae. Proportion of RAPD loci polymorphic was high in both species, although slightly higher in the more common A. simillimum. Because these higher levels of genetic variability run counter to theory, alternative explanations beyond population size must be invoked to explain the levels of genetic diversity found in this study. Possible explanations are (1) A. aaseae is only recently derived from A. simillimum, (2) hybridization between A. aaseae and A. simillimum is occurring, (3) multiple origins of A. aaseae, (4) populations of A. simillimum included in the analysis are all A. aaseae, (5) A. aaseae and A. simillimum are conspecific, and (6) an artifact of RAPD data.  相似文献   

Calliandra dolichopoda and C. cualensis, two species endemic to Guerrero and Jalisco, Mexico, respectively, are described and illustrated. Both species appear to be closely related to C. hirsuta.
Resumen  Se describen e ilustran Calliandra dolichopoda y C. cualensis, dos especies endémicas de Guerrero y Jalisco, México, respectivamente. Ambas especies parecen estar relacionadas con C. hirsuta.

【目的】外来入侵种锈色棕榈象是全国林业检疫性有害生物。本研究旨在探讨锈色棕榈象在我国的种群遗传结构和分化规律,旨在为今后锈色棕榈象传播蔓延控制提供一定依据。【方法】基于微卫星技术测定12个锈色棕榈象中国地理种群在9个微卫星位点上的序列,使用PopGen32、BOTTLENECK、STRUCTURE等软件对锈色棕榈象种群间的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行分析。【结果】12个地理种群中,有9个种群具有较高的遗传多样性(Nei''s平均值>0.5);瓶颈效应的检测结果显示,除云南蒙自的锈色棕榈象种群在近期遭遇了瓶颈效应以外,其他种群近期均未经历瓶颈效应;广西和江西的锈色棕榈象种群在大多数位点符合哈迪温伯格平衡,其他种群在9个微卫星位点中基本都偏离该平衡;12个地理种群在9个SSR位点的Fst值大部分都小于0.18,平均值为0.1769,基因流Nem为0.4332~2.1130;Structure和主坐标分析法(PcoA)将12个地理种群划分为3支。【结论】锈色棕榈象种群间主要的遗传变异发生在种群内部,种群间遗传变异的变化并不明显,大部分种群间存在频繁的基因交流;新入侵地江西新余和四川崇州的地理种群可能由福建传入。中国锈色棕榈象种群可能存在多个入侵源和入侵路径。  相似文献   

Two new species ofPhysalis, both endemic to Jalisco, Mexico, are described and illustrated:P. longiloba andP. tamayoi.
Resumen  Se describen e ilustran dos nuevas especies dePhysalis endémicas de Jalisco, México:P. longiloba y.P. tamayoi.

Morphometric, cytogenetic, geographical and ecological evidence for hybridization betweenParkinsonia aculeata andCercidium praecox is presented. Morphometric investigation using the character count procedure and cytogenetic observations confirm hybrid status. All diagnostic morphometric characters were intermediate in the hybrid. Both parents (2n = 28) show regular tetrad formation and pollen fertility greater than 94%. Hybrids have a chromosome number of 2n = 28 or 2n = 30, and display meiotic abnormalities including lagging chromosomes and micronucleus formation; less than 21% of hybrid pollen was fertile. Ecological and geographical information suggests that hybridization is occurring at increasing frequency due to the expanding range ofP. aculeata associated with cultivation as an ornamental, coupled with ecological disturbance and weediness, and the cultivation ofC. praecox and hybrids as fodder, ornamental and shade trees. Hybrid fertility and phenological observations, in conjunction with F-weighted principal component analysis, suggest that the progeny of F1 hybrids are established. The hybrid is formally described asP. ×carterae.  相似文献   

We used enzyme electrophoresis to evaluate genetic diversity in 32 populations of Calystegia collina, a clonal plant species endemic to serpentine outcrops in northern California (USA). Of 34 loci examined 56% were polymorphic, but on average only 17% were polymorphic within local populations. Neither the total number of alleles nor the number of multilocus genotypes differed significantly between populations in small vs. large serpentine outcrops. Genetic and geographic distances between populations were positively correlated, but this relationship was not significantly affected by the isolation of serpentine outcrops. Populations were highly differentiated (F(st) = 0.417) and little genetic variation was explained by geographic region or serpentine outcrop.Observed heterozygosity within populations almost always exceeded Hardy-Weinberg expectations. In many populations, all 30 sample ramets were uniformly heterozygous at one or more loci yet were genetically variable at other loci. These results imply that many C. collina populations originate from one or a few genetic founders, with little recruitment from seeds. Genetic variation within uniformly heterozygous populations must be the product of multiple, closely related founders or somatic mutations within the population. We conclude that vegetative reproduction, perhaps coupled with somatic mutation, helps maintain genetic diversity in these isolated but long-lived populations.  相似文献   

Ten species of the genusCassia show a range of 2C DNA amounts from 1.30 to 2.54 pg at the same ploidy level. Remarkably, a distinct 2-fold increase is depicted by an arboreal speciesC. excelsa while the rest comprising of herbs, trees and shrubs have a range from 1.30 to 1.47 pg. These form a natural grouping with respect to mean DNA amounts which differ by 0.05 pg in the herbs, trees and shrubs respectively.  相似文献   

Hemerocallis hakuunensis, a Korean endemic species, maintains considerably higher levels of allozyme variation within populations (meanHe=0.253) and substantially lower levels of allozyme divergence among populations (meanG ST=0.077) than average values reported for other insect-pollinated, outcrossing herbs. Indirect estimates of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=3.00, calculated fromG ST;Nm=3.57, calculated from the frequency of nine alleles unique to single populations) indicate that gene flow has been extensive inH. hakuunensis. This is somewhat surprising when we consider the fact that no specialized seed dispersal mechanism is known, flowers are visited by bees, and the present-day populations of the species are discontinous and isolated. Results of a spatial autocorrelation analysis based on mean allele frequencies of 19 populations reveal that only 13% (95/720 cases) of Moran'sI values for the ten interpopulational distance classes are significantly different from the expected values and no distinct trend with respect to the distance classes is detected. Although it is unclear how the populations are genetically homogenous, it is highly probable thatH. hakuunensis might have a history of relatively large, continuous populations that had more chance for gene movement among adjacent populations after the last Ice Age. In addition, occasional hybridization withH. thunbergii in areas of sympatry in the central and southwestern Korean Peninsula may be one factor contributing the present-day high allozyme variation observed inH. hakuunensis.  相似文献   

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