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赵飘  刘振亚  王娜  牛孟莹  艾静  肖德荣  王行 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1126-1135
为掌握挺水植物克隆生长与有性繁殖参数的空间分布格局特征及环境因子对植物繁殖的影响路径,该文利用云南高原的立体地形,通过空间替代时间的方法,探讨6个湖泊共有挺水植物水葱(Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani)的克隆生长、有性繁殖的地理差异和变化规律以及对环境变化的响应。结果表明:(1)密度、株高、基径等克隆生长参数,以及结实率、穗生物量及其投资比、种子产量、活性种子数等繁殖参数在不同地理空间上存在显著差异(P<0.05),而地上生物量无显著差异。(2)密度、株高、结实率、穗生物量及其投资比等参数具有显著的经纬度、海拔地带性分布特征,其中密度随纬度和海拔的增加而增加、随经度的增加而减小,而株高、结实率、穗生物量及其投资比随纬度和海拔的增加而减小、随经度的增加逐渐增大。(3)暖月和冷月均温,土壤全氮、全磷是影响水葱克隆生长(密度、株高)的关键因子,其中暖月均温影响最大,年均降水、土壤有机碳是影响水葱有性繁殖的关键因子,其中年均降水影响最大。综上认为,气候因子(暖月均温、冷月均温和年均降水)是影响云南高原湖泊湖滨带植物水葱生长和繁殖的主要因子。  相似文献   

曾雪  王旭 《生物学通报》2009,44(6):52-53
在改变水螅栖息环境条件的情况下,对水螅进行有性生殖诱导。实验结果表明,当温度在11-27℃之间进行变化,照度100lx,每天光照8h,同时食物减半的情况下对水螅进行培养实验,水螅出现了有性生殖。  相似文献   

One outstanding and unsolved challenge in ecology and conservation biology is to understand how pollinator diversity affects plant performance. Here, we provide evidence of the functional role of pollination diversity in a plant species, Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae). Pollinator abundance, richness and diversity as well as plant reproduction and recruitment were determined in eight plant populations. We found that E. mediohispanicum was generalized both at the regional and local (population) scale, since its flowers were visited by more than 100 species of insects with very different morphology, size and behaviour. However, populations differed in the degree of generalization. Generalization correlated with pollinator abundance and plant population size, but not with habitat, ungulate damage intensity, altitude or spatial location. More importantly, the degree of generalization had significant consequences for plant reproduction and recruitment. Plants from populations with intermediate generalization produced more seeds than plants from populations with low or high degrees of generalization. These differences were not the result of differences in number of flowers produced per plant. In addition, seedling emergence in a common garden was highest in plants from populations with intermediate degree of generalization. This outcome suggests the existence of an optimal level of generalizations even for generalized plant species.  相似文献   

Sgrò CM  Hoffmann AA 《Heredity》2004,93(3):241-248
Negative genetic correlations among traits are often used as evidence for tradeoffs that can influence evolutionary trajectories in populations. While there may be evidence for negative correlations within a particular environment, genetic correlations can shift when populations encounter different environmental conditions. Here we review the evidence for these shifts by focusing on experiments that have examined genetic correlations in more than one environment. In many studies, there are significant changes in correlations and these can even switch sign across environments. This raises questions about the validity of deducing genetic constraints from studies in one environment and suggests that the interaction between environmental conditions and the expression of genetic covariation is an important avenue for future work.  相似文献   

泥炭藓及其孢子萌发和有性生殖   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
包文美  曹建国 《生物学通报》2001,36(1):8-9,F003
将泥炭藓孢子萌发为配子体和有性生殖及精子形态等细节,用作者拍摄的活体照片,介绍给读者,以期对植物教学有所补充。  相似文献   

Despite the obvious efficiencies of many forms of asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction abounds. Asexual species, for the most part, are relatively short-lived offshoots of sexual ancestors. From the nineteenth century, it has been recognized that, since there is no obvious advantage to the individuals involved, the advantages of sexual reproduction must be evolutionary. Furthermore, the advantage must be substantial; for example, producing males entails a two-fold cost, compared to dispensing with them and reproducing by parthenogenetic females. There are a large number of plausible hypotheses. To me the most convincing of these are two. The first hypothesis, and the oldest, is that sexual reproduction offers the opportunity to produce recombinant types that can make the population better able to keep up with changes in the environment. Although the subject of a great deal of work, and despite its great plausibility, the hypothesis has been very difficult to test by critical observations or experiments. Second, species with recombination can bunch harmful mutations together and eliminate several in a single “genetic death.” Asexual species, can eliminate them only in the same genotype in which they occurred. If the rate of occurrence of deleterious mutations is one or more per zygote, some mechanism for eliminating them efficiently must exist. A test of this mutation load hypothesis for sexual reproduction, then, is to find whether deleterious mutation rates in general are this high-as Drosophila data argue. Unfortunately, although molecular and evolutionary studies can give information on the total mutation rate, they cannot determine what fraction are deleterious. In addition, there are short discussions of the advantages of diploidy, anisogamy, and separate sexes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

植物表型受自身基因型、所处环境及其亲体所经历环境的共同影响;其中,亲体环境对子代表型的影响被称为亲体效应。亲体效应不仅可通过有性繁殖产生的种子传递给后代(即有性亲体效应),也可以通过克隆生长等无性繁殖产生的分株传递给后代(即克隆亲体效应)。亲体效应对植物种群,特别是对有性繁殖受限、缺乏遗传变异的克隆植物种群的长期进化可能发挥着极其重要的作用,因此,对亲体效应研究进展的梳理非常必要。对克隆亲体效应和有性亲体效应的内涵进行了阐释,并论述了克隆和有性亲体效应对子代表型、适合度、种内/种间竞争能力以及种群/群落结构和功能的潜在影响;阐述了亲体效应的潜在调控机制,包括供给机制、代谢物质调控机制、表观遗传机制等;论述了克隆亲体效应在克隆植物适应进化中的作用。未来可以就克隆亲体效应的遗传稳定性及其对克隆生活史性状变异的贡献程度,以及克隆和有性亲体效应引起的表型多样性对种内/种间关系、种群/群落多样性及生态系统结构、功能和稳定性的影响开展深入研究。  相似文献   

The allozyme haplotype was determined for 157 ramets of the unisexual, perennial, clonal moss Hylocomium splendens within five 10×10 cm plots, which had been the subject of demographic studies over a 5-yr period. In addition, 25 shoots were analyzed from outside the plots and from four neighbouring patches. Only four haplotypes were encountered within the plots; one female type occurred in all plots and one male type in four plots, whereas two male haplotypes occurred in only one plot. Genets grew intermingled in all but one plot. The sex ratio within the five plots was female-biased at the ramet level (male:female=1:2.6), but male-biased at the genet level (3:1). Sporophytes were produced abundantly during the study period, but no signs of recruitment from spores were observed in the plots. Nine additional genets were encountered in neighbouring patches but from only one patch each. Four (44%) of these could potentially have been derived from spores generated within the plots. Our results suggest that each patch of H. splendens is colonized by a small number of genets, whereas different patches have different sets of genets, i.e. clonal diversity is determined by vegetative reproduction at within-patch scales and structured by sexual processes at among-patch scales.  相似文献   

Global warming and sexual plant reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Transposable elements (TE) are prominent components of most eukaryotic genomes. In addition to their possible participation in the origin of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes, they may be also involved in its maintenance as important contributors to the deleterious mutation load. Comparative analyses of transposon content in the genomes of sexually reproducing and anciently asexual species may help to understand the contribution of different TE classes to the deleterious load. The apparent absence of deleterious retrotransposons from the genomes of ancient asexuals is in agreement with the hypothesis that they may play a special role in the maintenance of sexual reproduction and in early extinction for which most species are destined upon the abandonment of sex.  相似文献   

Ruth F. Elliott 《Planta》1967,77(2):164-175
Summary An isolate of Saprolegnia australis grew readily and produced abundant sex organs on a chemically defined medium. The optimal temperature for growth was higher (25°) than the optimal temperature for sexual reproduction (20°). Addition of the purines, adenine and hypoxanthine to the medium stimulated production of oogonia while addition of kinetin and 6-benzylaminopurine inhibited this process. When kinetin and adenine were added together, the two purines interacted in affecting oogonial production, and adenine overcame the inhibitory action of kinetin. It is suggested that purines may play some specific role in the synthesis of one or more of the hormones which probably initiate sexual reproduction in S. australis and that kinetin and 6-benzylaminopurine may inhibit hormone synthesis. Two other growth regulators of higher plants, indol-3-ylacetic acid and gibberellic acid, did not affect development of the fungus. No evidence was found to suggest that S. australis was producing any substance with cytokinin activity.  相似文献   

Dependence of the growth of this alga culture on temperature displays a wide interval of temperatures (from 4 °C to 30 °C) and the dependence of the sexual reproduction only a narrow one (from 18 °C to 25 °C). The optimum temperatures for both the processes are not so different (round 23 °C). Dependence of both the processes on irradiance displays a wide interval of irradiances in both eases (from 4 W mt-2 to 80 W mt-2 PhAR and higher). The optimum irradiances for these processes are very different (approx. 50 W mt-2 PhAR for the growth and approx. 10 W mt-2 PhAR for the sexual reproduction) under the experimental conditions used.  相似文献   

Different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have usually been explained by selective forces operating in the adult stage. Developmental mechanisms leading to SSD during the juvenile development have received less attention. In particular, it is often not clear if the individuals of the ultimately larger sex are larger already at hatching/birth, do they grow faster, or do they grow for a longer time. In the case of insects, the question about sexually dimorphic growth rates is still open because most previous studies fail to adequately consider the complexity of larval growth curve, the existence of distinct larval instars in particular. Applying an instar-specific approach, we analysed ontogenetic determination of female-biased SSD in a number of distantly related species of Lepidoptera. The species studied showed a remarkable degree of similarity: SSD appeared invariably earlier than in the final instar, and tended to accumulate during development. The higher weight of the females was shown to be primarily a consequence of longer development within several larval instars. There was some evidence of higher instantaneous growth rates of females in the penultimate instar but not in the final instar. Egg size, studied in one species, was found not to be sexually dimorphic. The high across-species similarity may be seen as an indication of constraints on the set of possible mechanisms of size divergence between the two sexes. The results are discussed from the perspective of the evolution of insect body size in general. In particular, this study confirms the idea about limited evolvability of within-instar growth increments. An evolutionary change towards larger adult size appears always to be realised via moderate changes in relative increments of several larval instars, whereas a considerable change in just one instar may not be feasible.  相似文献   

Summary Sexual reproduction requires controls for gonadogenesis, genital differentiation, and sexuality. The initiating event is induction of testicular differentiation by an effect of the H-Y locus or a combination of X- and Y-borne genes. This paper reviews the evidence that testosterone, either directly or via regulated conversion to other steroids, controls sexuality as it does male genital differentiation. The point is also stressed that, despite their difference, sexual reproduction and individual homcostasis are intimately linked.  相似文献   

芦苇、互花米草的生长和繁殖对盐分胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2种海滨植物——土著种芦苇(Phragmites australis)和外来种互花米草(Sparti-na alterniflora)在淡水、中盐度(15‰)和高盐度(30‰)环境下生长和有性繁殖特征及其年际动态进行了研究,以期探索海滨植物对盐分胁迫的适应机制。结果表明:2年中各盐度处理下互花米草地上部分生物量均高于芦苇,芦苇和互花米草地上部分生物量、株高和分蘖数均随着盐度的升高而显著下降。芦苇第1年没有开花;第2年,只有淡水和中盐度处理下的芦苇开花。各盐分梯度下,第1年互花米草的开花株数没有显著差异,但花序重量在高盐度条件下显著下降;第2年高盐胁迫仍然抑制了互花米草的繁殖。第1年各处理下的芦苇株高均低于互花米草,但第2年淡水和中盐环境中的芦苇株高高于互花米草。除了高盐处理下的芦苇,第2年这2种植物地上部分生物量、株高、开花株数、花序重量显著高于第1年。与芦苇相比,互花米草表现出较高的生长能力和耐盐能力;2种植物的生长和繁殖的能力随着定居时间的增加而提高,但高盐胁迫抑制了芦苇第2年的增长;芦苇第2年在淡水和中盐度条件下表现出株高上的优势。  相似文献   

Patterns of reproductive uncertainty can have an important influence on population dynamics. There is a crucial distinction between what we describe here as aggregate uncertainty (in which reproductive output in each generation is correlated among the individuals in a population) and idiosyncratic risk (in which reproductive output is independent across individuals). All else being equal, populations experiencing idiosyncratic risk enjoy a higher asymptotic growth rate than do those experiencing aggregate uncertainty. Therefore individuals in populations of the former type will have a competitive advantage over individuals in populations of the latter type. Applying this distinction to models of randomly fluctuating environments, we point out that genetic variation among offspring can serve to reduce aggregate uncertainty, transforming it into a more idiosyncratic form of risk. We show that this transformation underlies the dynamics observed in several previous models of the role of outcrossing in the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

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