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An improved knowledge of how contrasting types of plant communities and their associated soil biota differ in their responses to climatic variables is important for better understanding the future impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. Elevational gradients serve as powerful study systems for answering questions on how ecological processes can be affected by changes in temperature and associated climatic variables. In this study, we evaluated how plant and soil microbial communities, and abiotic soil properties, change with increasing elevation in subarctic tundra in northern Sweden, for each of two dominant but highly contrasting vegetation types, namely heath (dominated by woody dwarf shrubs) and meadow (dominated by herbaceous species). To achieve this, we measured plant community characteristics, microbial community properties and several soil abiotic properties for both vegetation types across an elevation gradient of 500 to 1000 m. We found that the two vegetation types differed not only in several above‐ and belowground properties, but also in how these properties responded to elevation, pointing to important interactive effects between vegetation type and elevation. Specifically, for the heath, available soil nitrogen and phosphorus decreased with elevation whereas fungal dominance increased, while for the meadow, idiosyncratic responses to elevation for these variables were found. These differences in belowground responses to elevation among vegetation types were linked to shifts in the species and functional group composition of the vegetation. Our results highlight that these two dominant vegetation types in subarctic tundra differ greatly not only in fundamental aboveground and belowground properties, but also in how these properties respond to elevation and are therefore likely to be influenced by temperature. As such they highlight that vegetation type, and the soil abiotic properties that determine this, may serve as powerful determinants of how both aboveground and belowground properties respond to strong environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Elevational gradients are increasingly recognized as a valuable tool for understanding how community and ecosystem properties respond to climatic factors, but little is known about how plant traits and their effects on ecosystem processes respond to elevation. We studied the response of plant leaf and litter traits, and litter decomposability across a gradient of elevation, and thus temperature, in subarctic tundra in northern Sweden for each of two contrasting vegetation types, heath and meadow, dominated by dwarf shrubs and herbaceous plants respectively. This was done at each of three levels; across species, within individual species, and the plant community using a community weighted average approach. Several leaf and litter traits shifted with increasing elevation in a manner consistent with greater conservation of nutrients at all three levels, and the most consistent response was an increase in tissue N to P ratio. However, litter decomposition was less directly responsive to elevation because the leaf and litter traits which were most responsive to elevation were not necessarily those responsible for driving decomposition. At the community level, the response to elevation of foliar and litter traits, and decomposability, varied greatly among the two vegetation types, highlighting the importance of vegetation type in determining ecological responses to climatic factors such as temperature. Finally our results highlight how understanding the responses of leaf and litter characteristics of functionally distinct vegetation types, and the processes that they drive, to temperature helps provide insights about how future climate change could affect tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

The spatial heterogeneity of recent decadal dynamics in vegetation greenness and biomass in response to changes in summer warmth index (SWI) was investigated along spatial gradients on the Arctic Slope of Alaska. Image spatial analysis was used to examine the spatial pattern of greenness dynamics from 1991 to 2000 as indicated by variations of the maximum normalized difference vegetation index (Peak NDVI) and time‐integrated NDVI (TI‐NDVI) along latitudinal gradients. Spatial gradients for both the means and temporal variances of the NDVI indices for 0.1° latitude intervals crossing three bioclimate subzones were analyzed along two north–south Arctic transects. NDVI indices were generally highly variable over the decade, with great heterogeneity across the transects. The greatest variance in TI‐NDVI was found in low shrub vegetation to the south (68.7–68.8°N) and corresponded to high fractional cover of shrub tundra and moist acidic tundra (MAT), while the greatest variance in Peak‐NDVI predominately occurred in areas dominated by wet tundra (WT) and moist nonacidic tundra (MNT). Relatively high NDVI temporal variances were also related to specific transitional areas between dominant vegetation types. The regional temporal variances of NDVI from 1991 to 2000 were largely driven by meso‐scale climate dynamics. The spatial heterogeneity of the NDVI variance was mostly explained by the fractional land cover composition, different responses of each vegetation type to climate change, and patterned ground features. Aboveground plant biomass exhibited similar spatial heterogeneity as TI‐NDVI; however, spatial patterns are slightly different from NDVI because of their nonlinear relationship.  相似文献   

Background: The extent to which nutrient availability influences plant community composition and dynamics has been a focus of ecological enquiry for decades.

Aims: Results from a long-term nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) addition experiment in alpine tundra were used to evaluate the importance of the two nutrients in structuring plant communities in three communities that differed in their snow cover amounts and duration and soil moisture characteristics.

Methods: A factorial N and P experiment was established in three meadows differing in initial vegetation composition and soil moisture. Plant and soil characteristics were measured after 20 years, and the dissimilarity among meadows and treatments were measured using permutational analysis of variance.

Results: Plant species richness declined uniformly across the three meadow types and in response to N and N + P additions, while both evenness and the Shannon diversity index finding indicated that nutrient additions had the highest impact on moister habitats. Overall, N impacts overshadowed changes attributed to P additions, and the N and N + P plots in wet meadow sites were the least diverse and scored the lowest dissimilarity averages among treatments. Dissimilarity estimates indicated that the control and P plots in the dry meadow community were more distinct in composition than all other plots, and especially those in the moist or wet meadows. Above-ground biomass of grasses and sedges (graminoids) increased with N additions while forbs appeared to show responses dictated in part by the graminoid responses. The most abundant grass species of moist and wet meadow, Deschampsia cespitosa, dominated N and N + P plots of the wet sites, but did not show a N response in moist areas in spite of its general abundance in moist meadow. Competition from other plant species in the moist areas likely diminished the D. cespitosa response and contributed to the resilience of the community to nutrient enrichment.

Conclusions: Initial community composition, as influenced by the specific moisture regime, appears to control the extent to which changes in nutrient resources can alter plant community structure. Long-term fertilization tends to support most but not all findings obtained from shorter-termed efforts, and wet meadows exhibit the largest changes in plant species numbers and composition when chronically enriched with N.  相似文献   

Standing crops of biomass and nutrients were measured in Eriophorum vaginatum tussock tundra and on a north-facing slope, called the camp site, with similar species composition during the summer of 1976 at Eagle Creek, Alaska. These data were then compared to similar data collected at Meade River, Alaska in 1975. Four species are compared: Ledum palustre, Salix pulchra, Betula nana , and Eriophorum vaginatum . The density of aboveground individuals was greater at the tussock site than at the camp site. The total late season above- and belowground standing crop of organic matter and of biomass was greater at the camp site. The nitrogen and calcium contents of new leaves usually increased during the season while phosphorus and potassium contents decreased. Most of the nutrients were in the mosses and lichen compartments rather than in vascular plants.  相似文献   

Indirect interactions in food webs can strongly influence the net effect of global change on ecological communities yet they are rarely quantified and hence remain poorly understood. Using a 22-year time series, we investigated climate-induced and predator-mediated indirect effects on grazing intensity in the tundra food web of Bylot Island, which experienced a warming trend over the last two decades. We evaluated the relative effects of environmental parameters on the proportion of plant biomass grazed by geese in wetlands and examined the temporal changes in the strength of these cascading effects. Migrating geese are the dominant herbivores on Bylot Island and can consume up to 60% of the annual production of wetland graminoids. Spring North Atlantic Oscillation, mid-summer temperatures and summer abundance of lemmings (prey sharing predators with geese) best-explained annual variation in grazing intensity. Goose grazing impact increased in years with high temperatures and high lemming abundance. However, the strength of these indirect effects on plants changed over time. Grazing intensity was weakly explained by environmental factors in recent years, which were marked by a sharp increase in plant primary production and steady decrease in grazing pressure. Indirect effects do not seem to be reversing the direct positive effect of warming on wetland plants. We suggest that cascading effects on plants may lag considerably behind direct effects in vertebrate dominated arctic communities, especially where key herbivore populations are strongly affected by factors outside of the Arctic [Current Zoology 60 (2): 189-202, 2014].  相似文献   

Global warming has begun to have a major impact on the species composition and functioning of plant and soil communities. However, long‐term community and ecosystem responses to increased temperature are still poorly understood. In this study, we used a well‐established elevational gradient in northern Sweden to elucidate how plant, microbial and nematode communities shift with elevation and associated changes in temperature in three highly contrasting vegetation types (i.e. heath, meadow and Salix vegetation). We found that responses of both the abundance and composition of microbial and nematode communities to elevation differed greatly among the vegetation types. Within vegetation types, changes with elevation of plant, microbial and nematode communities were mostly linked at fine levels of taxonomic resolution, but this pattern disappeared when coarser functional group levels were considered. Further, nematode communities shifted towards more conservative nutrient cycling strategies with increasing elevation in heath and meadow vegetation. Conversely, in Salix vegetation microbial communities with conservative strategies were most pronounced at the mid‐elevation. These results provide limited support for increasing conservative nutrient cycling strategies at higher elevation (i.e. with a harsher climate). Our findings indicate that climate‐induced changes in plant community composition may greatly modify or counteract the impact of climate change on soil communities. Therefore, to better understand and predict ecosystem responses to climate change, it will be crucial to consider vegetation type and its specific interactions with soil communities.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients are caused by gradual changes in abiotic factors, which affect species abundances and distributions, and are important for the spatial distribution of biodiversity. One prominent environmental gradient is the altitude gradient. Understanding ecological processes associated with altitude gradients may help us to understand the possible effects climate change could have on species communities. We quantified vegetation cover, species richness, species evenness, beta diversity, and spatial patterns of community structure of vascular plants along altitude gradients in a subarctic mountain tundra in northern Sweden. Vascular plant cover and plant species richness showed unimodal relationships with altitude. However, species evenness did not change with altitude, suggesting that no individual species became dominant when species richness declined. Beta diversity also showed a unimodal relationship with altitude, but only for an intermediate spatial scale of 1 km. A lack of relationships with altitude for either patch or landscape scales suggests that any altitude effects on plant spatial heterogeneity occurred on scales larger than individual patches but were not effective across the whole landscape. We observed both nested and modular patterns of community structures, but only the modular patterns corresponded with altitude. Our observations point to biotic regulations of plant communities at high altitudes, but we found both scale dependencies and inconsistent magnitude of the effects of altitude on different diversity components. We urge for further studies evaluating how different factors influence plant communities in high altitude and high latitude environments, as well as studies identifying scale and context dependencies in any such influences.  相似文献   

Neighbor interactions are likely to play an important role in subarctic plant communities. We conducted experiments in Interior Alaska in which we crossed species removal with greenhouse warming manipulations. We examined changes in community biomass, and in plant survival and growth of individual species in response to experimental warming and to: (1) removal of whole species versus an equivalent amount of biomass across many species, and (2) removal of subdominant (locally common) versus minor (locally uncommon) plants. Community biomass indicated compensation in growth after removal of minor species and after biomass removal without elimination of entire species, but under-compensation after removal of subdominants. Growth and survival of individual species showed facilitation between some species. Warming increased growth of dominant vascular plants, but at the same time reduced survival, and these impacts were greater for larger, more mesic species than for the smaller species associated with drier habitats. Growth of mosses was reduced by the warming. Removal effects did not differ between warming and ambient conditions. The results indicate that common species are able to reduce resources for others (competitive effect) and increase their growth after neighbor removal, whereas locally uncommon species are not able to respond rapidly to increased resources made available by neighbor removal. Therefore, the impact of the presence of common species on locally uncommon species was facilitative overall, but not vice versa. The balance between disturbances such as changes in temperature and species losses from the community will likely be crucial in determining shifts in subsequent community composition.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,49(2):145-148
The response of anther culture to culture temperature was tested using anther from wheat (Triticum aestivumL.)(3 spring varieties and 1 semi-winter variety) grown under two different conditions, in the field in spring and summer and in the greenhouse in winter and spring in Beijing. The results showed that the most suitable culture temperature for anther culture of field-grown materials was about 2°C higher than that of the greenhouse-grown materials, no matter what genotype was used. For example, in anther culture of the variety Jinghong 5, the highest yield of green pollen plantlets appeared at a culture temperature of 30°C when the anther-donor plants had been grown in the greenhouse, but was at 32°C when the donor plants were grown in the field. It was noticed that the anther of the greenhouse-grown material did not develop as well as those of the field-grown material.  相似文献   

Increased availability of dissolved CO2 in the ocean can enhance the productivity and growth of marine plants such as seagrasses and algae, but realised benefits may be contingent on additional conditions (e.g. light) that modify biotic interactions between these plant groups. The combined effects of future CO2 and differing light on the growth of seagrass and their algal epiphytes were tested by maintaining juvenile seagrasses Amphibolis antarctica under three different CO2 concentrations representing ambient, moderate future and high future forecasts (i.e. 390, 650 vs. 900 µl l?1) and two light levels representing low and high PAR (i.e. 43 vs. 167 µmol m?2 s?1). Aboveground and belowground biomass, leaf growth, epiphyte cover, tissue chemistry and photosynthetic parameters of seagrasses were measured. At low light, there was a neutral to positive effect of elevated CO2 on seagrass biomass and growth; at high light, this effect of CO2 switched toward negative, as growth and biomass decreased at the highest CO2 level. These opposing responses to CO2 appeared to be closely linked to the overgrowth of seagrass by filamentous algal epiphytes when high light and CO2 were combined. Importantly, all seagrass plants maintained positive leaf growth throughout the experiment, indicating that growth was inhibited by some experimental conditions but not arrested entirely. Therefore, while greater light or elevated CO2 provided direct physiological benefits for seagrasses, such benefits were likely negated by overgrowth of epiphytic algae when greater light and CO2 were combined. This result demonstrates how indirect ecological effects from epiphytes can modify independent physiological predictions for seagrass associated with global change.  相似文献   

Transported mediation effects may contribute to understanding how interventions work differently when applied to new populations. However, we are not aware of any estimators for such effects. Thus, we propose two doubly robust, efficient estimators of transported stochastic (also called randomized interventional) direct and indirect effects. We demonstrate their finite sample properties in a simulation study. We then apply the preferred substitution estimator to longitudinal data from the Moving to Opportunity Study, a large‐scale housing voucher experiment, to transport stochastic indirect effect estimates of voucher receipt in childhood on subsequent risk of mental health or substance use disorder mediated through parental employment across sites, thereby gaining understanding of drivers of the site differences.  相似文献   

Bishop MJ  Peterson CH 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):426-433
The paradigmatic gradient for intertidal marine organisms of increasing physical stress from low to high elevation has long served as the basis for using direct effects of duration of water coverage to predict many biological patterns. Accordingly, changes in potential feeding time may predict the direction and magnitude of differences between elevations in individual growth rates of sessile marine invertebrates. Oysters (triploid Crassostrea ariakensis) experimentally introduced at intertidal (MLW+0.05 m) and subtidal (MLW–0.25 m) elevations in racks provided a test of the ability to use duration of water coverage to predict changes in growth. During early-to-mid winter, a depression of 38–47% in shell growth of intertidal oysters matched the 36% reduction in available feeding time relative to subtidal oysters. In late winter as solar heating of exposed oysters increased, growth differences of 52–55% departed only slightly from the predicted 39%. In spring, however, duration of water coverage failed to predict even the correct direction of growth change with elevation as intertidal oysters grew 34% faster despite 39% less feeding time. Intense seasonal development of shell fouling by other suspension feeders like ascidians, mussels, and barnacles on subtidal (94% incidence) but not on aerially exposed intertidal (21–38% incidence) oysters may explain why duration of water cover failed to predict spring growth differences. Less intense fouling develops on intertidal oysters due to the physiological stress of aerial exposure on settlers, especially during higher temperatures and longer solar exposures of spring. Fouling by suspension feeders is known to reduce growth of the host through localized competition for food and added energetic costs. Thus, in springtime, indirect effects of aerial exposure providing a partial refuge from biological enemies overwhelmed direct effects of reduced duration of water coverage to reverse the expected pattern of slower intertidal growth of a marine invertebrate.  相似文献   

Given the importance of body size, and thereby growth rate, for many reproductive parameters in snakes, morphological traits conferring an advantage in terms of growth may be important targets of selection. Studies have demonstrated effects of vertebral number of growth rate in garter snakes. In this study effects of total number of body vertebrae and of number of abnormal body vertebrae (obtained by counting number of ventral scutes and number of abnormal scutes) on growth rate in free-ranging male and female adders, Vipera berus (L.), are examined by calculating directional performance gradients (estimating linear effects) and stabilizing performance gradients (estimating curvilinear effects). After controlling for body size (SVL) female adders demonstrated a significant positive directional gradient for vertebral number, and a significant interaction between body size and vertebral number, showing that females with more vertebrae have higher size-specific growth rates, and that this effect is strongest among small, fast growing individuals. Females also showed a weak stabilizing effect of abnormal vertebrae. Males, on the other hand, showed a positive directional gradient for number of abnormal vertebrae, whereas no effect of vertebral number was observed. Indirect effects of the same variables were evaluated by use of path analysis. Generally, indirect effects were weak and did not substantially increase the amount of explained variance in growth rate. Field data showed that the correlation between vertebral number and growth rate in females was stronger in years with higher overall growth rate. To evaluate whether vertebral number and food availability show an interactive effect I used captive born juvenile adders in an experiment with two different food levels. The experiment confirmed the field data. No relationship between vertebral number and growth was observed in the low food level group, whereas in the high food level group a significant positive correlation was demonstrated. Finally, the heritability of vertebral number was examined using a mother-offspring regression and a full-sib analysis. The estimated heritabilities were 0.30 and 0.39, respectively. From these results it is concluded that both vertebral number and abnormal vertebral number may significantly affect growth in adders, but that this effect may differ between sexes and among years.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic and respiratory response of four Alaskan tundra species comprising three growth forms were investigated in the laboratory using an infrared gas analysis system. Vaccinium vitis-idaea , a dwarf evergreen shrub, demonstrated a low photosynthetic capacity: Pmax= 1 mg CO2 g dry wt−1 h−1; Topt < 10°C. Betula nana , a deciduous shrub, had a high relatively photosynthetic capacity: Pmax= 14 mg CO2 g dry wt−1 h−1; Topt 17°C. Two graminoid (sedge) species, Carex aquatilis and Eriophorum vaginalum , showed different responses. Carex showed a high photosynthetic capacity: Pmax= 20 mg CO2 g dry wt−1 h−1; Topt 22°C. Eriophorum vaginatum demonstrated an intermediate photosynthetic capacity of 4 mg CO2 g dry wt−1 h−1 at saturated light levels. Leaf dark respiration, up to 20°C, was approximately the same for all species. The patterns of root respiration among species was opposite to the trend in photosynthesis. Vaccinium vitis-idaea had the highest rate of root respiration and B. nana the lowest ( C aquatilis was not measured). Correlation between leaf nitrogen content (%) and photosynthetic capacity was high. Hypothesized growth form relationships explained differences in photosynthetic capacity between the deciduous shrub and evergreen shrub, but did little to account for differences between the two sedges. Differences in rooting patterns between species may affect tissue nutrient content, carbon flux rates, and carbon balance.  相似文献   

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