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沈阳城市森林主要树种物候对气候变暖的响应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用统计和线性回归方法,探讨了近40年来沈阳城市森林主要树种物候对气候变暖的响应.结果表明,沈阳城市森林树木休眠期长短与冬季气温密切相关,适宜的寒冷条件有利于解除树木休眠期;树木萌动期早晚与冬季和早春气温高低呈显著的负相关关系,冬春季气温越高,芽萌动越提前.树木爆芽后15 d左右开始展叶,展叶早晚主要受展叶前的春季气温高低的影响,但与冬季气温没有相关关系.始花前2~8旬,特别是2~4旬气温对始花期影响最显著,春季气温升高始花期提前. 树木芽萌动期、展叶始期与寒冷指数(CI)呈显著正相关关系,而开花始期与CI没有相关关系.沈阳城市森林树木对气候变暖的响应,主要表现在年均温升高1 ℃,芽萌动期提前9 d,展叶始期提前10 d,开花始期提前5 d.  相似文献   

[目的]明确实蝇对气候变暖的响应特征,研究未来气候变化背景下柑橘大实蝇的灾变规律及防控措施的优化。[方法]以湖北省宜昌市为例,收集该地区柑橘大实蝇历年的物候数据与同期温度数据,通过线性回归模型分析成虫羽化始期、羽化高峰期、羽化结束期、产卵始期、产卵高峰期和产卵结束期的年际变化情况和与温度升高的关系。[结果]1981—2020年,宜昌市年均温和四季均温均有不同程度的上升,春季均温升温最为显著。近20年间,柑橘大实蝇在宜昌市呈羽化发生提前且产卵为害延迟的态势,且羽化和产卵历期呈缩短的态势。若宜昌市年均温提升1 ℃,柑橘大实蝇羽化始期和高峰期分别延迟0.4746和1.026 d,羽化结束期提前0.0227 d,总体呈羽化延迟且缩短趋势;产卵始期提前4.286 d,高峰期和结束期分别延迟1.173和1.081 d,总体呈产卵提前且延长趋势。[结论]气候变暖对宜昌市柑橘大实蝇的羽化和产卵产生一定的影响,对未来气候变化背景下柑橘大实蝇的灾变规律及防控措施的优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区植物物候对气候变暖的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近几十年来,全球气候普遍变暖.那么,荒漠地区的气候是不是响应了全球气候的这种变化?在全球气候变化过程中,荒漠区植物物候又是如何响应这种气候变化的呢?显然,研究荒漠地区植物物候对气候变化的响应对于深入研究荒漠植物物候与气候因子的关系以及荒漠地区的植物保护都具有重要意义.运用位于中国西北典型荒漠地区的民勤沙生植物园1974~2007年42种中生、旱生植物的物候观测资料进行分析.结果表明:研究区1974年以来气温抬升幅度大于其他文献的研究报道,春季物候期提前幅度明显大于其他国家文献报道;在气温变暖的过程中,不同月份的气温变化与年平均气温的变化趋势并不完全对应,物候期发生当月的平均气温对该物候期的影响>物候期发生上月平均气温>年平均气温;研究区位于中国典型荒漠化地区,属于干旱荒漠气候,春季气温升高较其他地区更加明显,这就是当地春季物候期提前幅度相对较大的原因所在,也是当地以及中国西北沙区近几十年来沙尘暴天气增多和沙尘暴发生日期提前的原因.植物物候变化既是植物对气候变化的综合反应过程,又是植物适应气候变化的过程,尤其是荒漠植物.因此,物候研究将会成为今后气候学和植物生态学研究的一个重要内容.  相似文献   

The phenological state of vegetation significantly affects exchanges of heat, mass, and momentum between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere. Although current patterns can be estimated from satellites, we lack the ability to predict future trends in response to climate change. We searched the literature for a common set of variables that might be combined into an index to quantify the greenness of vegetation throughout the year. We selected as variables: daylength (photoperiod), evaporative demand (vapor pressure deficit), and suboptimal (minimum) temperatures. For each variable we set threshold limits, within which the relative phenological performance of the vegetation was assumed to vary from inactive (0) to unconstrained (1). A combined Growing Season Index (GSI) was derived as the product of the three indices. Ten‐day mean GSI values for nine widely dispersed ecosystems showed good agreement (r>0.8) with the satellite‐derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). We also tested the model at a temperate deciduous forest by comparing model estimates with average field observations of leaf flush and leaf coloration. The mean absolute error of predictions at this site was 3 days for average leaf flush dates and 2 days for leaf coloration dates. Finally, we used this model to produce a global map that distinguishes major differences in regional phenological controls. The model appears sufficiently robust to reconstruct historical variation as well as to forecast future phenological responses to changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in body size and breeding phenology have been identified as two major ecological consequences of climate change, yet it remains unclear whether climate acts directly or indirectly on these variables. To better understand the relationship between climate and ecological changes, it is necessary to determine environmental predictors of both size and phenology using data from prior to the onset of rapid climate warming, and then to examine spatially explicit changes in climate, size, and phenology, not just general spatial and temporal trends. We used 100 years of natural history collection data for the wood frog, Lithobates sylvaticus with a range >9 million km2, and spatially explicit environmental data to determine the best predictors of size and phenology prior to rapid climate warming (1901–1960). We then tested how closely size and phenology changes predicted by those environmental variables reflected actual changes from 1961 to 2000. Size, phenology, and climate all changed as expected (smaller, earlier, and warmer, respectively) at broad spatial scales across the entire study range. However, while spatially explicit changes in climate variables accurately predicted changes in phenology, they did not accurately predict size changes during recent climate change (1961–2000), contrary to expectations from numerous recent studies. Our results suggest that changes in climate are directly linked to observed phenological shifts. However, the mechanisms driving observed body size changes are yet to be determined, given the less straightforward relationship between size and climate factors examined in this study. We recommend that caution be used in “space‐for‐time” studies where measures of a species’ traits at lower latitudes or elevations are considered representative of those under future projected climate conditions. Future studies should aim to determine mechanisms driving trends in phenology and body size, as well as the impact of climate on population density, which may influence body size.  相似文献   

Several dioecious plant species exhibit sexual dimorphisms in defensive traits. However, the effects of sexual dimorphism on defense against herbivores remain poorly understood. Eurya japonica (Thunb.) (Theaceae) is a dioecious shrub that shows sexual dimorphism in the chemical defense of flower buds. Female calyces contain higher concentrations of total phenolics and condensed tannins than do male calyces. Male flower buds are edible for a florivore moth, Chloroclystis excisa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), whereas the female flower buds are lethal to the moth larvae. The moths prefer to oviposit on male over female E. japonica flower buds. As the moths also occur in areas lacking E. japonica, we tested whether the oviposition preference for E. japonica flower sex differed between moths sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. The moths sympatric with E. japonica showed a stronger preference for male E. japonica than the moths allopatric with E. japonica. Our phylogeographic study using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences revealed little genetic differentiation between moth populations sympatric and allopatric with E. japonica. These results suggest that the adaptive oviposition preference for flower sex of E. japonica has evolved rapidly in C. excisa.  相似文献   

1. The abundance of insect herbivores is mediated by interactions with higher and lower trophic levels. This research asks (i) how phenological change across trophic levels affects host plant quality and selection for aphids, and (ii) what higher trophic level mechanisms drive aphid abundance. 2. Ligusticum porteri is a perennial host for the sap-feeding aphid Aphis asclepiadis and intraguild mirid predators (chiefly Lygus hesperus) in Colorado. We used long-term observational data to discover that aphids and mirids respond differently to phenological cues. These unique responses can impact aphid abundance through changes to host plant selection and quality. 3. We used behavioural choice assays to assess how advanced mirid phenology influences aphid host plant selection. More alates landed and reproduced on mirid-free control plants relative to host plants with prior mirid feeding. However, this preference did not correlate with aphid performance when we compared aphid relative growth rates between treatments. This suggests that advanced mirid phenology would impact aphid populations more through host plant choice, rather than reductions in host quality. The addition of mirids to experimental aphid colonies also demonstrated reduced aphid colony growth via predation. 4. We measured plant cues involved in host selection and found differences in volatile composition between plants with prior mirid feeding compared to control plants, providing the potential for aphids to detect enemy-free space using volatile cues.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The Alaskan swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon aliaska) uses three unrelated plant species as hosts: Cnidium cnidiifolium (Apiaceae), Artemisia arctica (Asteraceae), and Petasites frigidus (Asteraceae). The research presented here investigated whether there are any consistent patterns in host choice by P. m. aliaska females. 2. The first two experiments were designed to test if P. m. aliaska host preference is constant or if it changes from day to day. If host preference is labile, the experiments were designed to also test whether a female’s diet breadth narrows or expands over time. 3. The third experiment tested the host preferences of female offspring from several wild-caught P. m. aliaska females. If P. m. aliaska individuals are specialised in their host use, then all of the offspring from a single female would likely prefer the same host-plant species. This experiment was also designed to test the Hopkins’ host selection principle; does the food plant on which a female is reared as a larva influence her future choices when she is searching for host plants for her own offspring? 4. The results from all of these experiments indicate that P. m. aliaska females vary greatly in their oviposition behaviour and in their preferences for the three host plants. Most populations appear to consist of generalists with labile oviposition behaviour. There is no evidence to support the Hopkins’ host selection principle. 5. It is suggested that the generalised selection of host plants by P. m. aliaska females may be a ‘bet-hedging’ strategy and that this strategy may maximise reproductive fitness in an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Animals often express behavioral preferences for different types of food or other resources, and these preferences can evolve or shift following association with novel food types. Shifts in preference can involve at least two phenomena: a change in rank preference or a change in specificity. The former corresponds to a change in the order in which hosts are preferred, while a shift in specificity can be an increase in the tendency to utilize multiple hosts. These possibilities have been examined in relatively few systems that include extensive population-level replication. The Melissa blue butterfly, Lycaeides melissa, has colonized exotic alfalfa, Medicago sativa, throughout western North America. We assayed the host preferences of 229 females from ten populations associated with novel and native hosts. In four out of five native-associated populations, a native host was preferred over the exotic host, while preference for a native host characterized only two out of five of the alfalfa-associated populations. Across all individuals from alfalfa-associated populations, there appears to have been a decrease in specificity: females from these populations lay fewer eggs on the native host and more eggs on the exotic relative to females from native-host populations. However, females from alfalfa-associated populations did not lay more eggs on a third plant species, which suggests that preferences for specific hosts in this system can potentially be gained and lost independently. Geographic variation in oviposition preference in L. melissa highlights the value of surveying a large number of populations when studying the evolution of a complex behavioral trait.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of regional climate warming on the phenology of butterfly species in boreal forest ecosystems in Manitoba, Canada. For the period 1971-2004, the mean monthly temperatures in January, September, and December increased significantly, as did the mean temperatures for several concurrent monthly periods. The mean annual temperature increased ≈ 0.05°C/yr over the study period. The annual number of frost-free days and degree-day accumulations increased as well. We measured the response of 19 common butterfly species to these temperature changes with the date of first appearance, week of peak abundance, and the length of flight period over the 33-yr period of 1972-2004. Although adult butterfly response was variable for spring and summer months, 13 of 19 species showed a significant (P < 0.05) increase in flight period extending longer into the autumn. Flight period extensions increased by 31.5 ± 13.9 (SD) d over the study period for 13 butterfly species significantly affected by the warming trend. The early autumn and winter months warmed significantly, and butterflies seem to be responding to this warming trend with a change in the length of certain life stages. Two species, Junonia coenia and Euphydryas phaeton, increased their northerly ranges by ≈ 150 and 70 km, respectively. Warmer autumns and winters may be providing opportunities for range extensions of more southerly butterfly species held at bay by past climatic conditions.  相似文献   

近40年沈阳城市森林春季物候与全球气候变暖的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1960-2005年期间,沈阳气候受全球气候变暖的影响,年平均气温总体呈上升趋势,气温升幅为0.96℃,但以1982年为界,1960-1982年为偏冷阶段,气温降幅最大值为1.95 ℃:1983-2005年为偏暖阶段,气温升幅最大值为1.60 ℃.一年四季气温处于上升阶段,以冬、春季气温升幅最大,分别为2.3 ℃和1.35℃.城市森林主要树种的春季物候期,在气候偏冷阶段,春季物候期出现较晚,而在偏暖阶段,春季物候期提前发生.同时,物候春季开始日期与结束日期有密切的同步相关性,并与物候季节节奏的长短呈负相关.树木萌动期早晚与冬季和早春气温高低呈显著的负相关,冬春季气温越高,芽萌动越提前.展叶早晚主要受展叶前的春季气温高低的影响,与冬季气温相关性不显著.始花前2-8旬,特别是2-14旬气温对始花期影响最显著.寒冷指数(CI)与树木芽萌动期、展叶始期呈显著正相关,而与开花始期相关性不显著.预测了CO2倍增和气温升高条件下,沈阳城市森林主要树种的萌动期、展叶始期和开花始期分别提前40.41、43.08和24.13 d.  相似文献   

Climate change affects peatlands directly through increased air temperatures and indirectly through changes in water‐table level (WL). The interactions of these two still remain poorly known. We determined experimentally the separate and interactive effects of temperature and WL regime on factors of relevance for the inputs to the carbon cycle: plant community composition, phenology, biomass production, and shoot:root allocation in two wet boreal sedge‐dominated fens, “southern” at 62°N and “northern” at 68°Ν. Warming (1.5°C higher average daily air temperature) was induced with open‐top chambers and WL drawdown (WLD; 3–7 cm on average) by shallow ditches. Total biomass production varied from 250 to 520 g/m2, with belowground production comprising 25%–63%. Warming was associated with minor effects on phenology and negligible effects on community composition, biomass production, and allocation. WLD clearly affected the contribution of different plant functional types (PFTs) in the community and the biomass they produced: shrubs benefited while forbs and mosses suffered. These responses did not depend on the warming treatment. Following WLD, aboveground biomass production decreased mainly due to reduced growth of mosses in the southern fen. Aboveground vascular plant biomass production remained unchanged but the contribution of different PFTs changed. The observed changes were also reflected in plant phenology, with different PFTs showing different responses. Belowground production increased following WLD in the northern fen only, but an increase in the contributions of shrubs and forbs was observed in both sites, while sedge contribution decreased. Moderate warming alone seems not able to drive significant changes in plant productivity or community composition in these wet ecosystems. However, if warming is accompanied by even modest WL drawdown, changes should be expected in the relative contribution of PFTs, which could lead to profound changes in the function of fens. Consequently, hydrological scenarios are of utmost importance when estimating their future function.  相似文献   

Body size, host choice and sex allocation in a spider-hunting pompilid wasp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two important relationships in parasitoid evolutionary ecology are those between adult size and fitness and between host quality and sex ratio. Sexually differential size–fitness relationships underlie predicted sex-ratio relationships. Despite each relationship receiving considerable attention, they have seldom been studied simultaneously or using field data. Here we report the biology of Anoplius viaticus paganu s Dahlbom, a little known parasitoid of spiders, using field and laboratory data. We found that larger foraging females were able to select larger host spiders from the field, thus identifying a relatively novel component of the size–fitness relationship. Larger offspring developed from larger hosts and, in agreement with the prediction of the host quality model of sex allocation, were generally female. Data on the size–fitness relationship for males are lacking and, in common with many prior studies, we could not evaluate sexually differential size–fitness relationships as an explanation for the observed sex-ratio patterns. Nonetheless, A. v. paganu s exhibited one of the strongest relationships between host size and offspring sex ratio yet reported.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 285–296.  相似文献   

Upland birds are predicted to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, yet few studies have examined these effects on their breeding phenology and productivity. Laying dates of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica in the Scottish Highlands advanced by 0.5 days/year between 1992 and 2011 and were inversely correlated with pre‐laying temperature, with a near‐significant increase in temperature over this period. Earlier clutches were larger and chick survival was greater in earlier nesting attempts. However, chick survival was also higher in years with lower May temperatures and lower August temperatures in the previous year, the latter probably related to prey abundance in the subsequent breeding season. Although laying dates are advancing, climate change does not currently appear to be having an overall effect on chick survival of Red Grouse within the climate range recorded in this study.  相似文献   

Experiments designed to reveal variation among individual parasites in preference for different host species may generate misleading results. Apparent variation in the order of preference among host species can be generated solely from variation in the strength of discriminations made within host species. We illustrate this with a study of oviposition preference in the butterfly Melitaea cinxia. All butterflies were tested on the same six individual plants, three Plantago lanceolata (P) and three Veronica spicata (V). Some insects repeatedly preferred all individual P over all individual V or vice versa. We designated these as "pure" species ranks. Other insects repeatedly produced "mixed" ranks, preferring some individual V over some P, and some individual P over some V. We show how a "mixed" rank butterfly could differ from a "pure" rank insect by discriminating either more within plant species and/or less between them. Therefore, discrimination within host species can mask or confound discrimination among species. We discuss implications for the design of preference experiments.  相似文献   

True fruit flies belonging to theRhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) sibling species complex have been proposed to speciate sympatrically by shifting and adapting to new host plants. Here, we report the results from a series of ecological and genetic experiments conducted at a study site near Grant, Michigan, U.S.A., aimed at clarifying the relationship between host specialization and reproductive isolation for these flies. Our findings indicate that apple (Malus pumila) and hawthorn (Crataegus mollis) infesting populations ofR. pomonella are partially allochronically isolated. Differences in the timing of adult eclosion account for part of the allochronic divergence, as apple adults emerge approximately ten days earlier than hawthorn flies in the field. Genetic analyses across different life history stages of the fly show that adults do not randomly move between apple and hawthorn trees, but trend to attack the same species of plant that they infested as larvae. Estimates of interhost migration from the allozyme data suggest that from 2.8 to 10% of the apple population is of hawthorn origin and that over 20% of the hawthorn population is of apple origin. The length and quality of the growing season appear to affect the genetic composition of the host races, as allele frequencies in the hawthorn population are correlated with ambient temperature and rainfall during the spring of the preceding year. Finally, allele frequencies for six allozyme loci displaying host associated differentiation also show significant linear regressions with the timing of adult eclosion within both races. These regressions establish a link between allozyme loci displaying inter-host differentiation and a developmental trait (adult eclosion) responsible for partially isolating the races. The slopes of the regressions are paradoxical, however, as they suggest that apple adults should eclose later, not earlier, than hawthorn flies. We conclude by discussing potential resolutions to the eclosion time paradox.  相似文献   



Studies of species' range shifts have become increasingly relevant for understanding ecology and biogeography in the face of accelerated global change. The combination of limited mobility and imperilled status places some species at a potentially greater risk of range loss, extirpation or extinction due to climate change. To assess the ability of organisms with limited movement and dispersal capabilities to track shifts associated with climate change, we evaluated reproductive and dispersal traits of freshwater mussels (Unionida), sessile invertebrates that require species‐specific fish for larval dispersal.


North American Atlantic Slope rivers.


To understand how unionid mussels may cope with and adapt to current and future warming trends, we identified mechanisms that facilitated their colonization of the northern Atlantic Slope river basins in North America after the Last Glacial Maximum. We compiled species occurrence and life history trait information for each of 55 species, and then selected life history traits for which ample data were available (larval brooding duration, host fish specificity, host infection strategy, and body size) and analysed whether the trait state for each was related to mussel distribution in Atlantic Slope rivers.


Brooding duration (p < .01) and host fish specificity (p = .02) were significantly related to mussel species distribution. Long‐term brooders were more likely than short‐term brooders to colonize formerly glaciated rivers, as were host generalists compared to specialists. Body size and host infection strategy were not predictive of movement into formerly glaciated rivers (p > .10).

Main conclusions

Our results are potentially applicable to many species for which life history traits have not been well‐documented, because reproductive and dispersal traits in unionid mussels typically follow phylogenetic relationships. These findings may help resource managers prioritize species according to climate change vulnerability and predict which species might become further imperilled with climate warming. Finally, we suggest that similar trait‐based decision support frameworks may be applicable for other movement limited taxa.

Conservation of once thought extinct populations of Lycaena xanthoides in western Oregon will require specific information of how the butterfly interacts with its now rare wetland habitat. Three experiments were conducted to yield information directly applicable to wetland restoration work: (1) to quantify the survival of L. xanthoides eggs laid on inundated plants, (2) to quantify adult nectar preferences, (3) to investigate the role of adult resources and how butterflies assess habitat quality. Survival of eggs laid on inundated plants was nearly seven times lower than the survival of eggs laid on uninundated plants, indicating that eggs laid on plants that are seasonally flooded are a population sink. Adult L. xanthoides preferred an endemic native nectar plant, Grindelia integrifolia × nana, as an adult resource and used it approximately 88% of the time while other butterfly species preferred to nectar on the non-native Mentha pulegium. Adult L. xanthoides had a significantly greater short-term recapture rate in two restored study sites that had a high relative amount of Grindelia integrifolia × nana compared to a degraded site that lacked the preferred nectar source. Based on the results from the three small experiments, restoration of wetlands for L. xanthoides should concentrate plantings of host plant in non-flooded areas and propagate conspicuous patches of the preferred nectar plant.  相似文献   

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