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Chalk streams are among the most species-rich and productive of all temperate ecosystems. Despite this, a few keystone species have the potential to exert disproportionately powerful effects on community structure and ecosystem processes. Two of these are the bullhead Cottus gobio , a small benthic fish that is an extremely abundant, voracious predator, and the freshwater shrimp Gammarus pulex , which dominates the prey assemblage and is the principal detritivore. Field experiments detected a bullhead– Gammarus –detritus trophic cascade, with detrital processing rates slowed dramatically in the presence of the predator. In addition, survey data also revealed strong negative density-dependence between bullhead and brown trout, adding a further link in the cascade. However, although bullhead also depressed the abundance of a dominant grazer, the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum , there was no cascading effect upon algal production, suggesting that autochthonous inputs were not controlled by top–down effects. This skewed effect of the predator upon autochthonous versus allochthonous basal resources stresses the need to consider both pathways of energy flux into the food web, whereas many previous studies have potentially overemphasized the importance of predator–herbivore–primary producer cascades. The wider community food web contained 142 species and 1383 feeding links. This complex network exhibited "small world" properties, such as high clustering (unlike many other food webs) and shortest path lengths between species were small (in common with many other food webs). In particular, each of the four members of the detrital cascade could be connected to any other species by three links or fewer. Our data revealed that powerful cascading effects can be imbedded within even very complex ecological networks.  相似文献   

Trophic cascades in a temperate seagrass community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We assessed the relative importance of bottom–up and top–down processes in structuring an eelgrass community in Sweden, a system impacted both by eutrophication and overfishing. Using artificial seagrass as substrate, we manipulated nutrient levels and predator abundance in a full‐factorial cage‐experiment. The results revealed a seagrass community dominated by strong top–down processes controlling the aggregate biomass of mesograzers and macroalgae. In the absence of predators the large amphipod Gammarus locusta became very abundant resulting in a leaf community with low biomass of algae and smaller mobile fauna. One enclosed gobid fish predator reduced the abundance of adult G. locusta by >90%, causing a three to six times increase in the biomass of algae, smaller mesograzers and meiofauna. Numerous small predators in uncaged habitats reduced the biomass of G. locusta and other mesograzers by >95% in comparison to the fish treatment, further increasing the biomass of epiphytic algae and meiofauna. Although water column nutrient enrichment caused a temporal bloom of the filamentous macroalgae Ulva spp., no significant nutrient‐effects were found on the algal community at the end of the experiment. The only lasting nutrient‐effect was a significant increase in the biomass of G. locusta, but only in the absence of ambient predators. These results demonstrate that mesograzers can respond to enhanced food supply, increase their biomass and control the algal growth when predation rates are low. However, in the assessed system, high predation rates appear to make mesograzers functionally extinct, causing a community‐wide trophic cascade that promotes the growth of ephemeral algae. This top–down effect could penetrate down, despite a complex food‐web because the interaction strength in the community was strongly skewed towards two functionally dominant algal and grazer species that were vulnerable to consumption. These results indicate that overexploitation of gadoid fish may be linked to increased macroalgal blooms and loss of eelgrass in the area through a trophic cascade affecting the abundance of mesograzers.  相似文献   

Invaders exert new selection pressures on the resident species, for example, through competition for resources or by using novel weapons. It has been shown that novel weapons aid invasion but it is unclear whether native species co‐occurring with invaders have adapted to tolerate these novel weapons. Those resident species which are able to adapt to new selective agents can co‐occur with an invader while others face a risk of local extinction. We ran a factorial common garden experiment to study whether a native plant species, Anthriscus sylvestris, has been able to evolve a greater tolerance to the allelochemicals exerted by the invader, Lupinus polyphyllus. Lupinus polyphyllus produces allelochemicals which potentially act as a novel, strong selective agent on A. sylvestris. We grew A. sylvestris seedlings collected from uninvaded (naïve) and invaded (experienced) sites growing alone and in competition with L. polyphyllus in pots filled with soil with and without activated carbon. Because activated carbon absorbs allelochemicals, its addition should improve especially naïve A. sylvestris performance in the presence of the invader. To distinguish the allelochemicals absorption and fertilizing effects of activated carbon, we grew plants also in a mixture of soil and fertilizer. A common garden experiment indicated that the performances of naïve and experienced A. sylvestris seedlings did not differ when grown with L. polyphyllus. The addition of activated carbon, which reduces interference by allelochemicals, did not induce differences in their performances although it had a positive effect on the aboveground biomass of A. sylvestris. Together, these results suggest that naïve and experienced A. sylvestris plants tolerated equally the invader L. polyphyllus and thus the tolerance has not occurred over the course of invasion.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of early invasion resistance is a major challenge for designing plant communities that efficiently repel invaders. Recent evidence highlighted the significant role of priority effects in early community assembly as they affect species composition, structure and functional properties, but the consequences of native community assembly history on the success of subsequent invasions has not been elucidated yet. In a greenhouse experiment, we investigated how (1) the identity of the first native colonizing species (one of two grasses: Dactylis glomerata and Lolium perenne, or two legumes: Onobrychis viciifolia and Trifolium repens), each introduced four weeks before the rest of the native community, and (2) timing of species establishment (synchronous vs. sequential sowing), influenced early establishment success of Ambrosia artemisiifolia, an annual noxious weed in Europe. First colonizer identity and establishment timing both affected early biomass production and composition of the community, and had implications for A. artemisiifolia early invasion success. Invasion success decreased when all native individuals were sown simultaneously, quickly generating a high biomass production, while it increased when the productive N-fixing legume T. repens was sown first. These findings support that native species assembly history matters to invasion resistance in the early growth stages, thus opening the way to more effective invasive species management strategies in restoration.  相似文献   

Programs to conserve native fauna in invaded ecosystems often aim to reduce the impacts of alien predators. This approach can lead to unexpected outcomes in the native and the remaining invasive components of restored ecosystems. In New Zealand, suppression and eradication of invasive mammalian predators are well‐established conservation strategies, particularly on offshore islands and in mainland ecosanctuaries. Predator control has achieved important conservation gains over increasingly large areas but these can be offset by the ecological release of other uncontrolled pest species. In addition, novel ecosystems created by selective predator control and reintroductions of locally extinct or depleted native species may have unexpected trajectories as they evolve. Effective conservation requires new techniques for controlling entire suites of invasive predators over large areas, routine monitoring of the conservation outcomes of predator control, and better understanding of how modified, and in some cases reconstructed, seminatural ecosystems change when invasive predators are removed.  相似文献   

To become invasive, exotic species have to succeed in the consecutive phases of introduction, naturalization, and invasion. Each of these phases leaves traces in genetic structure, which may affect the species’ success in subsequent phases. We examined this interplay of genetic structure and invasion dynamics in the South African Ragwort (Senecio inaequidens), one of Europe’s fastest plant invaders. We used AFLP and microsatellite markers to analyze 19 native African and 32 invasive European populations. In combination with historic data, we distinguished invasion routes and traced them back to the native source areas. This revealed that different introduction sites had markedly different success in the three invasion phases. Notably, an observed lag‐phase in Northern Germany was evidently not terminated by factors increasing the invasiveness of the resident population but by invasive spread from another introduction centre. The lineage invading Central Europe was introduced to sites in which winters are more benign than in the native source region. Subsequently, this lineage spread into areas in which winter temperatures match the native climate more closely. Genetic diversity clearly increases with population age in Europe and less clearly decreases with spread rate up to population establishment. This indicates that gene flow along well‐connected invasion routes counteracted losses of genetic diversity during rapid spread. In summary, this study suggests that multiple introductions, environmental preadaptation and high gene flow along invasion routes contributed to the success of this rapid invader. More generally, it demonstrates the benefit of combining genetic, historical, and climatic data for understanding biological invasions.  相似文献   

The impacts of changing climate regimes on emergent processes controlling the assembly of ecological communities remain poorly understood. Human alterations to the water cycle in the western United States have resulted in greater interannual variability and more frequent and severe extremes in freshwater flow. The specific mechanisms through which such extremes and climate regime shifts may alter ecological communities have rarely been demonstrated, and baseline information on current impacts of environmental variation is widely lacking for many habitats and communities. Here, we used observations and experiments to show that interannual variation in winter salinity levels in San Francisco Bay controls the mechanisms determining sessile invertebrate community composition during the following summer. We found consistent community changes in response to decadal‐scale dry and wet extremes during a 13‐year period, producing strikingly different communities. Our results match theoretical predictions of major shifts in species composition in response to environmental forcing up to a threshold, beyond which we observed mass mortality and wholesale replacement of the former community. These results provide a window into potential future community changes, with environmental forcing altering communities by shifting the relative influences of the mechanisms controlling species distributions and abundances. We place these results in the context of historical and projected future environmental variation in the San Francisco Bay Estuary.  相似文献   

The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Identifying the mechanism underlying plant invasiveness is a fast-moving research topic in current ecology. Phenotypic plasticity has been pointed out as a trait that can contribute to plant invasiveness. This experiment examines the presence of rapid adaptive evolution favoring plastic biomass partitioning during the invasion process. With that aim, we tested differences in patterns of biomass allocation between populations of Carpobrotus edulis from South Africa (native area) and the Iberian Peninsula (invaded area) growing under different nutrient, water and light availabilities in a common garden experiment. Here we demonstrate that biomass partitioning in response to nutrient availability in C. edulis differs between populations from native and invaded ranges, indicating that this trait could be under selection during the invasion process. Thus, nutrient shortage significantly increased the proportional production of roots in populations from the invaded range, but not in populations from the native area. This plastic root-foraging response may contribute to the optimization of nutrient uptake by plants, and therefore could be considered as an adaptive strategy. Understanding the ecological implications of rapid evolution for plastic biomass partitioning is important in determining processes of plant adaptation to new environments, and contributes to disentangling the mechanisms underlying plant invasiveness.  相似文献   

The spread of non-indigenous species and the decline of autochthonous ones are leading to a homogenization of freshwater fauna in terms of systematic units, but the functional consequences are poorly documented. We studied the peculiar case of the lower, French section of the Moselle River where 20 invertebrate species have been introduced since 1854, with a rate increasing exponentially with time. Dredge sampling performed in 1994, 1996, 2000 and 2001 at four sampling stations allowed for an evaluation of faunal changes in terms of composition, structure and function. During this period, no structural changes were recorded in spite of multiple, new and successful introductions. The evaluation of functional modifications was based on a typology of taxa exhibiting homogeneous biological/ecological traits. Functional diversity, measured as the diversity of taxa distribution among functional groupings, revealed a significant increase between 1994/1996 and 2000/2001 because those species that were over-represented during the former period reached more equilibrated densities during the latter. The major, indirect implications of these functional changes are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the microbial community structure and diversity in a wood-decomposed hollow-stump ecosystem. Microbial communities of SD-1, a lateritic soil sample from forest hollow-stump ecosystems in Fuzhou (a southeastern coast city of China), were characterized by constructing and analyzing rRNA gene clone libraries. Sixty-six phylotypes were identified from 112 bacterial clones, including Acidobacteria (71.5%), Proteobacteria (24.1%) and Verrucomicrobia (0.9%). A total of 40 phylotypes were obtained from 138 fungal clones, including Basidiomycota (42.8%), Ascomycota (36.2%), Zygomycota (13.8%), Chytridiomycota (2.9%) and Fungi incertae sedis (4.3%). The results showed a variety of clones related to the reported lignocellulose-decomposing microorganisms. They included some important bacterial decomposers, such as Sphingomonas and Burkholderia, and a number of wood-decaying fungi, including Tricholomataceae, Strophariaceae and Agaricaceae of Basidiomycota; Orbilia, Aspergillus, Phialocephala, Epicoccum and Phoma of Ascomycota and Mucorales of Zygomycota. The result indicated that the lignocellulolytic microorganisms worked synergically with a unique community structure to biodegrade lignocellulose in the hollow-stump ecosystem.  相似文献   

A better understanding of seed movement in plant community dynamics is needed, especially in light of disturbance‐driven changes and investments into restoring degraded plant communities. A primary agent of change within the sagebrush‐steppe is wildfire and invasion by non‐native forbs and grasses, primarily cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Our objectives were to quantify seed removal and evaluate ecological factors influencing seed removal within degraded sagebrush‐steppe by granivorous Owyhee harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex salinus Olsen). In 2014, we sampled 76 harvester ant nests across 11 plots spanning a gradient of cheatgrass invasion (40%–91% cover) in southwestern Idaho, United States. We presented seeds from four plant species commonly used in postfire restoration at 1.5 and 3.0 m from each nest to quantify seed removal. We evaluated seed selection for presented species, monthly removal, and whether biotic and abiotic factors (e.g., distance to nearest nest, temperature) influenced seed removal. Our top model indicated seed removal was positively correlated with nest height, an indicator of colony size. Distance to seeds and cheatgrass canopy cover reduced seed removal, likely due to increased search and handling time. Harvester ants were selective, removing Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides) more than any other species presented. We suspect this was due to ease of seed handling and low weight variability. Nest density influenced monthly seed removal, as we estimated monthly removal of 1,890 seeds for 0.25 ha plots with 1 nest and 29,850 seeds for plots with 15 nests. Applying monthly seed removal to historical restoration treatments across the western United States showed harvester ants can greatly reduce seed availability at degraded sagebrush sites; for instance, fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) seeds could be removed in <2 months. Collectively, these results shed light on seed removal by harvester ants and emphasize their potential influence on postfire restoration within invaded sagebrush communities.  相似文献   

  1. To manage biological invasions effectively, the impacts of alien species on the demography and traits of native species must be known, but determining those impacts can be challenging. We used a comparative approach to gain insight into the impacts that an alien toad (Bufo japonicus formosus) might have on native Japanese predatory amphibians. We compared the susceptibility of native predator species to alien toad toxins in the alien-invaded range and the susceptibility of closely related native predator species to the toxins in the alien toad's native range to investigate the impacts of an alien on a native species.
  2. Bufo japonicus formosus is native to Honshu, but was recently introduced to Hokkaido and Sado. In laboratory experiments, we compared individual mortality of predators exposed to a toad hatchling between novel predators on the toad-invaded islands and ecologically similar congeneric or conspecific species on Honshu, where the toad is native. We also compared (1) the percentage of individuals that consumed a toad hatchling and (2) toxin resistance (i.e. survival and growth of individuals after toad consumption) between these two groups of predators, as mechanistic components behind the susceptibility of the predators to the toxic prey.
  3. The mortality of Rana pirica from all populations after consumption of a toad hatchling was almost 100%, and that of Hynobius retardatus ranged from 14 to 90%, depending on the population. In contrast, the mortality of Rana ornativentris and Hynobius nigrescens was near 0% regardless of population. These differences between congeneric predators were mostly due to differences in their toxin resistance.
  4. These results suggest that the alien toad is a potential threat to the novel amphibian predators on Hokkaido, although they also imply that the novel predators on Hokkaido have the potential to develop toxin resistance through adaptive evolution. However, this counteradaptation may have a higher chance of evolving in H. retardatus than in R. pirica because of differences in their genetic backgrounds.

Grason EW  Miner BG 《Oecologia》2012,169(1):105-115
Inducible defenses have the potential to affect both invasion success and the structure of invaded communities. However, little is known about the cues used for risk-recognition that influence the expression of inducible defenses in invasive prey, because they involve a novel threat. In laboratory experiments, we investigated behavioral defenses induced by a native crab on two invasive oyster drills (marine whelks Urosalpinx cinerea and Ocinebrina inornata). Both drills hid more often and reduced their feeding rates when they detected predators consuming conspecific prey. Examination of the responses of U. cinerea to specific cue sources (predator kairomones, conspecific alarm cues) indicated that this species had the strongest responses to cues from injured conspecifics, but that it did recognize the novel crab predator. Our observation of native predator (per se) recognition by an invasive marine prey is novel. In addition, we observed that neither species of drill reduced their defensive behavior to reflect predation risk shared by a group of prey. The lack of density dependence in risk-assessment could cause populations of invasive prey to transmit both quantitatively and qualitatively different community effects over the course of an invasion as abundance changes. Together, these findings demonstrate several ways that the risk-assessment strategies could be important in establishment and post-establishment dynamics of invasive prey.  相似文献   

High nest loss is an important driver of gallinaceous bird population dynamics. Identifying factors determining the spatial distribution of potential nest predators and thereby indirectly risk of nest losses is therefore essential. The aim of this 1-year study was to estimate relative predation rates on artificial ground nests in willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) habitats, along replicate altitudinal gradients (transects, n?=?60) spanning from sub-Arctic birch forest to the low-alpine tundra in three locations in northern Norway. In each transect, one artificial nest (track board) was placed in three different habitats: (1) birch forest, (2) edge between birch forest and low-alpine tundra and (3) low-alpine tundra. Total predation rates over all habitats within locations ranged from 47.4% to 77.5% and did not vary systematically in space and time. The average predation rate by avian predators was consistently high (58%), and mammalian predation rate was consistently low (5.6%). The consistently high level of predation inflicted by birds was mainly due to omnipresent corvids, especially the hooded crow (Corvus cornix). Analysis of species-specific predation rates showed that habitat and location effects were insignificant for all species, except for raven (Corvus corax) that showed clearly higher predation in one of the locations. The results indicate that from the perspective of the spatial distribution of potential nest predators in sub-Arctic birch forest, ground nesting birds like willow ptarmigan should not be expected to be selective with respect to nesting habitat in the ecotone between birch forest and the low-alpine tundra.  相似文献   

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