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Methods based on cutaneous markers are the most popular for the recording of three dimensional scapular motion analysis. Numerous methods have been evaluated, each showing different levels of accuracy and reliability. The aim of this review was to report the metrological properties of 3D scapular kinematic measurements using cutaneous markers and to make recommendations based on metrological evidence.  相似文献   

Instrumented-pointers are often used to calibrate anatomical landmarks in biomechanical analyses. However, little is known about the effect of altering the orientation of the pointer during calibration on the co-ordinates recorded. Incorrect positioning of a landmark influences the axes created, and thus the kinematic data recorded. This study aimed to investigate the reliability of the pointer method for anatomical calibration. Two points were drawn onto a fixed box to resemble knee joint epicondyles, then a custom-made pointer was used to define the positions of these landmarks in three-dimensions. Twenty different pointer-orientations were chosen, and the position of the pointer in each of these orientations was recorded 8 times. Euclidean distances between single points were calculated for both landmarks and compared statistically (α = 0.05). Average Euclidean distances between all reconstructed points were 3.2±1.4 mm (range: 0.3–7.1 mm) for one landmark and 3.3±1.5 mm (range: 0.3–7.9mm) for the other. The x- and y-co-ordinates recorded differed statistically when the pointer was moved about the X and Y axes (anterior/posterior and superior/inferior to landmark) (p < 0.05). No statistical differences were found between co-ordinates recorded when the pointer was moved around the Z axes (p > 0.05). ICC values for all co-ordinates were excellent, highlighting the reliability of the method (ICC > 0.90). These results support this method of anatomical calibration; however, we recommend that pointers be consistently held in a neutral oriented position (where the handle is not anterior, posterior, superior or inferior to the landmark) during calibration, to reduce the likelihood of calibration errors.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(20):4312-4319
Intrinsically disordered proteins and protein regions make up a substantial fraction of many proteomes in which they play a wide variety of essential roles. A critical first step in understanding the role of disordered protein regions in biological function is to identify those disordered regions correctly. Computational methods for disorder prediction have emerged as a core set of tools to guide experiments, interpret results, and develop hypotheses. Given the multiple different predictors available, consensus scores have emerged as a popular approach to mitigate biases or limitations of any single method. Consensus scores integrate the outcome of multiple independent disorder predictors and provide a per-residue value that reflects the number of tools that predict a residue to be disordered. Although consensus scores help mitigate the inherent problems of using any single disorder predictor, they are computationally expensive to generate. They also necessitate the installation of multiple different software tools, which can be prohibitively difficult. To address this challenge, we developed a deep-learning-based predictor of consensus disorder scores. Our predictor, metapredict, utilizes a bidirectional recurrent neural network trained on the consensus disorder scores from 12 proteomes. By benchmarking metapredict using two orthogonal approaches, we found that metapredict is among the most accurate disorder predictors currently available. Metapredict is also remarkably fast, enabling proteome-scale disorder prediction in minutes. Importantly, metapredict is a fully open source and is distributed as a Python package, a collection of command-line tools, and a web server, maximizing the potential practical utility of the predictor. We believe metapredict offers a convenient, accessible, accurate, and high-performance predictor for single-proteins and proteomes alike.  相似文献   

BackgroundCurrent non-invasive 3-D scapular kinematic measurement techniques such as electromagnetic tracking are subjected to restrictions of wired sensors and limited capture space. Video-based motion analysis provides greater freedom with relatively less movement restriction. However, video-based motion analysis was rarely used in and not validated for scapular kinematics.MethodsScapular kinematics of five subjects performing abduction, scaption, and internal/external rotation was captured simultaneously with video-based motion analysis and dynamic stereo X-ray, a gold standard for tracking scapular movements. The data from video-based motion analysis was correlated with the data from dynamic stereo X-ray for validity evaluation.FindingsStrong and significant correlations were identified in scapular protraction/retraction and medial/lateral rotation during abduction and scaption, and scapular medial/lateral rotation and anterior/posterior tilt during internal/external rotation.InterpretationVideo-based motion analysis is valid for evaluating a single subject's scapular movement pattern in protraction/retraction during abduction and scaption, and medial/lateral-rotation during internal/external rotation. Anterior/posterior-tilt during abduction and scaption should be investigated with caution. Video motion analysis is also valid for evaluating group average of scapular kinematics except for protraction/retraction during internal/external rotation. While acknowledging the inherent limitations, video-based motion analysis is an appropriate technique for tracking scapular kinematics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use a single camera to determine the true elbow flexion angle with the arm plane oriented arbitrarily with respect to the camera. A mathematical theory was developed and a mechanical arm model was constructed to validate the theory. A static weightlifting skill was analysed to investigate the viability of the technique on the human subject. The validation of the theory showed the error associated with the elbow flexion angle was reduced from as high as 108° when uncorrected to within 3° when corrected by the technique. The elbow flexion angle of the human arm can be calculated to within 6° of error for static weightlifting skill analysis.  相似文献   

Motion capture systems are widely used to measure human kinematics. Nevertheless, users must consider system errors when evaluating their results. Most validation techniques for these systems are based on relative distance and displacement measurements. In contrast, our study aimed to analyse the absolute volume accuracy of optical motion capture systems by means of engineering surveying reference measurement of the marker coordinates (uncertainty: 0.75 mm). The method is exemplified on an 18 camera OptiTrack Flex13 motion capture system. The absolute accuracy was defined by the root mean square error (RMSE) between the coordinates measured by the camera system and by engineering surveying (micro-triangulation). The original RMSE of 1.82 mm due to scaling error was managed to be reduced to 0.77 mm while the correlation of errors to their distance from the origin reduced from 0.855 to 0.209. A simply feasible but less accurate absolute accuracy compensation method using tape measure on large distances was also tested, which resulted in similar scaling compensation compared to the surveying method or direct wand size compensation by a high precision 3D scanner. The presented validation methods can be less precise in some respects as compared to previous techniques, but they address an error type, which has not been and cannot be studied with the previous validation methods.  相似文献   

In this study we aim at investigating the applicability of underwater 3D motion capture based on submerged video cameras in terms of 3D accuracy analysis and trajectory reconstruction. Static points with classical direct linear transform (DLT) solution, a moving wand with bundle adjustment and a moving 2D plate with Zhang's method were considered for camera calibration. As an example of the final application, we reconstructed the hand motion trajectories in different swimming styles and qualitatively compared this with Maglischo's model. Four highly trained male swimmers performed butterfly, breaststroke and freestyle tasks. The middle fingertip trajectories of both hands in the underwater phase were considered. The accuracy (mean absolute error) of the two calibration approaches (wand: 0.96 mm – 2D plate: 0.73 mm) was comparable to out of water results and highly superior to the classical DLT results (9.74 mm). Among all the swimmers, the hands' trajectories of the expert swimmer in the style were almost symmetric and in good agreement with Maglischo's model. The kinematic results highlight symmetry or asymmetry between the two hand sides, intra- and inter-subject variability in terms of the motion patterns and agreement or disagreement with the model. The two outcomes, calibration results and trajectory reconstruction, both move towards the quantitative 3D underwater motion analysis.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Mass spectrometry experiments in the field of proteomics produce lists containing tens to thousands of identified proteins. With the protein information and property explorer (PIPE), the biologist can acquire functional annotations for these proteins and explore the enrichment of the list, or fraction thereof, with respect to functional classes. These protein lists may be saved for access at a later time or different location. The PIPE is interoperable with the Firegoose and the Gaggle, permitting wide-ranging data exploration and analysis. The PIPE is a rich-client web application which uses AJAX capabilities provided by the Google Web Toolkit, and server-side data storage using Hibernate. AVAILABILITY: http://pipe.systemsbiology.net.  相似文献   

Structural variations (SVs) play a crucial role in genetic diversity. However, the alignments of reads near/across SVs are made inaccurate by the presence of polymorphisms. BatAlign is an algorithm that integrated two strategies called ‘Reverse-Alignment’ and ‘Deep-Scan’ to improve the accuracy of read-alignment. In our experiments, BatAlign was able to obtain the highest F-measures in read-alignments on mismatch-aberrant, indel-aberrant, concordantly/discordantly paired and SV-spanning data sets. On real data, the alignments of BatAlign were able to recover 4.3% more PCR-validated SVs with 73.3% less callings. These suggest BatAlign to be effective in detecting SVs and other polymorphic-variants accurately using high-throughput data. BatAlign is publicly available at https://goo.gl/a6phxB.  相似文献   

A new protein fold recognition method is described which is both fast and reliable. The method uses a traditional sequence alignment algorithm to generate alignments which are then evaluated by a method derived from threading techniques. As a final step, each threaded model is evaluated by a neural network in order to produce a single measure of confidence in the proposed prediction. The speed of the method, along with its sensitivity and very low false-positive rate makes it ideal for automatically predicting the structure of all the proteins in a translated bacterial genome (proteome). The method has been applied to the genome of Mycoplasma genitalium, and analysis of the results shows that as many as 46 % of the proteins derived from the predicted protein coding regions have a significant relationship to a protein of known structure. In some cases, however, only one domain of the protein can be predicted, giving a total coverage of 30 % when calculated as a fraction of the number of amino acid residues in the whole proteome.  相似文献   



The study of nuclear architecture using Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) technologies is a novel frontier in biology. With further reduction in sequencing costs, the potential of Hi-C in describing nuclear architecture as a phenotype is only about to unfold. To use Hi-C for phenotypic comparisons among different cell types, conditions, or genetic backgrounds, Hi-C data processing needs to be more accessible to biologists.


HiCdat provides a simple graphical user interface for data pre-processing and a collection of higher-level data analysis tools implemented in R. Data pre-processing also supports a wide range of additional data types required for in-depth analysis of the Hi-C data (e.g. RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, and BS-Seq).


HiCdat is easy-to-use and provides solutions starting from aligned reads up to in-depth analyses. Importantly, HiCdat is focussed on the analysis of larger structural features of chromosomes, their correlation to genomic and epigenomic features, and on comparative studies. It uses simple input and output formats and can therefore easily be integrated into existing workflows or combined with alternative tools.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0678-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The present study describes the successful design and testing of a quick, least-invasive, reliable and inexpensive sampling procedure for Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. This protocol can be easily applied to postlarval fish following a simple three-step procedure, without availing of commercial DNA extraction kits, while ensuring survival of sampled individuals.  相似文献   

Pressure ulcers are a type of local soft tissue injury due to sustained mechanical loading and remain a common issue in patient care. People with spinal cord injury (SCI) are especially at risk of pressure ulcers due to impaired mobility and sensory perception. The development of load improving support structures relies on realistic tissue load evaluation e.g. using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA requires realistic subject-specific mechanical properties and geometries. This study focuses on the effect of geometry. MRI is used for the creation of geometrically accurate models of the human buttock for three able-bodied volunteers and three volunteers with SCI. The effect of geometry on observed internal tissue deformations for each subject is studied by comparing FEA findings for equivalent loading conditions. The large variations found between subjects confirms the importance of subject-specific FEA.  相似文献   

Structural and physical properties of DNA provide important constraints on the binding sites formed on surfaces of DNA-targeting proteins. Characteristics of such binding sites may form the basis for predicting DNA-binding sites from the structures of proteins alone. Such an approach has been successfully developed for predicting protein–protein interface. Here this approach is adapted for predicting DNA-binding sites. We used a representative set of 264 protein–DNA complexes from the Protein Data Bank to analyze characteristics and to train and test a neural network predictor of DNA-binding sites. The input to the predictor consisted of PSI-blast sequence profiles and solvent accessibilities of each surface residue and 14 of its closest neighboring residues. Predicted DNA-contacting residues cover 60% of actual DNA-contacting residues and have an accuracy of 76%. This method significantly outperforms previous attempts of DNA-binding site predictions. Its application to the prion protein yielded a DNA-binding site that is consistent with recent NMR chemical shift perturbation data, suggesting that it can complement experimental techniques in characterizing protein–DNA interfaces.  相似文献   

A practical and reliable semiautomated method for analysis of urinary 3-methylhistidine (3-MH) was designed combining the isolation of 3-MH by ion-exchange chromatography with the color reaction given by ninhydrin-orthopthalaldehyde (ninhydrin-OPT) reagent after alkalinization. 2 ml of urine were passed through disposable columns packed with an ion-exchange resin (Dowex 50-X8, 200–400 mesh) and the acidic and neutral amino acids were eluted with 10 ml of 0.2 M pyridine solution. Then, the 3-MH was quantitatively eluted and separated from histidine with a volume of 9 ml of a 1.5 M pyridine solution. Standard Autoanalyzer equipment was used for the automation of spectrophotometry. The method permits the analysis of 40 samples in duplicate per day. The 3-MH color reaction was linear for concentrations from 0.015 to 0.24 μ mol/ml. The mean recoveries of 3-MH from standards and urine were 98.6 ± 1.3 and 99.0 ± 1.3%, respectively. Duplicate determinations of urine samples showed a variation coefficient of 1.88%. An excellent agreement was obtained between urine samples analyzed by the present method and by an amino acid analyzer. The need for the elimanation of the interfering amino acids was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

The back has become an increasingly popular donor site for flaps because it can provide thin, pliable tissue, with minimal bulk, and the scar can be easily hidden under clothing. The authors performed a cadaveric and clinical study to evaluate the anatomy of the dorsal scapular vessels and their vascular contribution to the skin, fascia, and muscles of the back. On the basis of anatomical studies in 28 cadavers and clinical experience with 32 cases, it was concluded that the dorsal scapular vessels provide a reliable blood supply to the skin of the medial back, making it a versatile flap to use as an island flap. A flap raised on the dorsal scapular vessels can be harvested with a long pedicle and can be rotated to reach as far as the anterior regions of the head, neck, and chest wall. Delaying and expanding the flap may help to facilitate venous drainage. The authors recommend the use of this versatile island pedicle flap as an alternative to microvascular free-tissue transfer for the reconstruction of defects in the head, neck, and anterior chest.  相似文献   

Freehand three-dimensional ultrasound imaging is a highly attractive research area because it is capable of volumetric visualization and analysis of tissues and organs. The reconstruction algorithm plays a key role to the construction of three-dimensional ultrasound volume data with higher image quality and faster reconstruction speed. However, a systematic approach to such problem is still missing. A new fast marching method (FMM) for three-dimensional ultrasound volume reconstruction using the tracked and hand-held probe is proposed in this paper. Our reconstruction approach consists of two stages: bin-filling stage and hole-filling stage. Each pixel in the B-scan images is traversed and its intensity value is assigned to its nearest voxel in the bin-filling stage. For the efficient and accurate reconstruction, we present a new hole-filling algorithm based on the fast marching method. Our algorithm advances the interpolation boundary along its normal direction and fills the area closest to known voxel points in first, which ensure that the structural details of image can be preserved. Experimental results on both ultrasonic abdominal phantom and in vivo urinary bladder of human subject and comparisons with some popular algorithms are used to demonstrate its improvement in both reconstruction accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   

Optimal calibration marker mesh for 2D X-ray sensors in 3D reconstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Image intensifiers suffer from distortions due to magnetic fields. In order to use this X-ray projections images for computer-assisted medical interventions, image intensifiers need to be calibrated. Opaque markers are often used for the correction of the image distortion and the estimation of the acquisition geometry parameters. Information under the markers is then lost. In this work, we consider the calibration of image intensifiers in the framework of 3D reconstruction from several 2D X-ray projections. In this context, new schemes of marker distributions are proposed for 2D X-ray sensor calibration. They are based on efficient sampling conditions of the parallel-beam X-ray transform when the detector and source trajectory is restricted to a circle around the measured object. Efficient sampling are essentially subset of standard sampling in this situation. The idea is simply to exploit the data redundancy of standard sampling and to replace some holes of efficient schemes by markers. Optimal location of markers in the sparse efficient sampling geometry can thus be found. In this case, the markers can stay on the sensor during the measurement with--theoretically--no loss of information (when the signal-to-noise ratio is large). Even if the theory is based on the parallel-beam X-ray transform, numerical experiments on both simulated and real data are shown in the case of weakly divergent beam geometry. We show that the 3D reconstruction from simulated data with interlaced markers is essentially the same as those obtained from data with no marker. We show that efficient Fourier interpolation formulas based on optimal sparse sampling schemes can be used to recover the information hidden by the markers.  相似文献   

We report a protocol using a common desk-top scanner and public domain software for measuring existing leaf area and leaf area removed as a result of herbivory. We compared the accuracy and precision of this method to that of a standard leaf area meter. Both methods were used to measure metal disks of a known area, the area of soybean (Glycine max L.) leaves, and the area removed by simulating leaf feeding with a hole-punch. We varied the amount of injury across a low, medium, and high degree of simulated feeding. The mean area of 10 cm2 and 50 cm2 metal disks was more accurately estimated with the leaf area meter than the desk-top scanner. Leaf area estimates from both methods were highly correlated. The desk-top scanner accurately estimated the leaf area removed from the low, medium, or high degree of simulated leaf feeding. However, the leaf area meter overestimated low levels of simulated feeding injury. Though measuring a leaf's surface area with a desk-top scanner requires two steps (creating a digital image file and calculating the area represented by that image), the overall time required to measure leaf injury is shorter than with a leaf area meter. This relatively simple and inexpensive method of estimating leaf area and feeding damage has advantages in certain experimental situations where a prefeeding measurement of the leaf is impossible or undesirable, or when small amounts of feeding occur.  相似文献   

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