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Scully S  Yan W  Bentley B  Cao QJ  Shao R 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25819
We previously reported that a secreted glycoprotein YKL-40 acts as an angiogenic factor to promote breast cancer angiogenesis. However, its functional role in normal mammary gland development is poorly understood. Here we investigated its biophysiological activity in mammary epithelial development and mammary tissue morphogenesis. YKL-40 was expressed exclusively by ductal epithelial cells of parous and non-parous mammary tissue, but was dramatically up-regulated at the beginning of involution. To mimic ductal development and explore activity of elevated YKL-40 during mammary tissue regression in vivo, we grew a mammary epithelial cell line 76N MECs in a 3-D Matrigel system in the presence of lactogenic hormones including prolactin, hydrocortisone, and insulin. Treatment of 76N MECs with recombinant YKL-40 significantly inhibited acinar formation, luminal polarization, and secretion. YKL-40 also suppressed expression of E-cadherin but increased MMP-9 and cell motility, the crucial mechanisms that mediate mammary tissue remodeling during involution. In addition, engineering of 76N MECs with YKL-40 gene to express ectopic YKL-40 recapitulated the same activities as recombinant YKL-40 in the inhibition of cell differentiation. These results suggest that YKL-40-mediated inhibition of cell differentiation and polarization in the presence of lactogenic hormones may represent its important function during mammary tissue involution. Identification of this biophysiological property will enhance our understanding of its pathologic role in the later stage of breast cancer that is developed from poorly differentiated and highly invasive cells.  相似文献   

Cell-cell interactions promote mammary epithelial cell differentiation   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Mammary epithelium differentiates in a stromal milieu of adipocytes and fibroblasts. To investigate cell-cell interactions that may influence mammary epithelial cell differentiation, we developed a co-culture system of murine mammary epithelium and adipocytes and other fibroblasts. Insofar as caseins are specific molecular markers of mammary epithelial differentiation, rat anti-mouse casein monoclonal antibodies were raised against the three major mouse casein components to study this interaction. Mammary epithelium from mid-pregnant mice was plated on confluent irradiated monolayers of 3T3-L1 cells, a subclone of the Swiss 3T3 cell line that differentiates into adipocytes in monolayer culture and other cell monolayers (3T3-C2 cells, Swiss 3T3 cells, and human foreskin fibroblasts). Casein was synthesized by mammary epithelium only in the presence of co-cultured cells and the lactogenic hormone combination of insulin, hydrocortisone, and prolactin. Synthesis and accumulation of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-mouse casein within the epithelium was shown by immunohistochemical staining of cultured cells with anti-casein monoclonal antibodies, and the specificity of the immunohistochemical reaction was demonstrated using immunoblots. A competitive immunoassay was used to measure the amount of casein secreted into the culture medium. In a 24-h period, mammary epithelium co-cultured with 3T3-L1 cells secreted 12-20 micrograms beta-casein per culture dish. There was evidence of specificity in the cell-cell interaction that mediates hormone-dependent casein synthesis. Swiss 3T3 cells, newborn foreskin fibroblasts, substrate-attached material ("extracellular matrix"), and tissue culture plastic did not support casein synthesis, whereas monolayers of 3T3-L1 and 3T3-C2 cells, a subclone of Swiss 3T3 cells that does not undergo adipocyte differentiation, did. We conclude that interaction between mammary epithelium and other specific nonepithelial cells markedly influences the acquisition of hormone sensitivity of the epithelium and hormone-dependent differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions between epithelial cells and their environment are critical for normal function. Mammary epithelial cells require hormonal and extracellular matrix (ECM) signalling for the expression of tissue specific characteristics. With regard to ECM, cultured mammary epithelial cells synthesize and secrete milk proteins on stromal collagen I matrices. The onset of function coincides both with morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium and with deposition of basement membrane ECM basal to the cell layer. Mammary specific morphogenesis and biochemical differentiation is induced if mammary cells are cultured directly on exogenous basement membrane (EHS). Thus ECM may effect function by the concerted effect of permissivity for cell shape changes and the direct biochemical signalling of basement membrane molecules.A model is discussed where initial ECM control of mammary epithelial cell function originates in the interstitial matrix of stroma and subsequently transfers to the basement membrane when the epithelial cells have accumulated and deposited an organized basement membrane matrix.Dedicated to Professor Stuart Patton on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

In contrast to animals, gametes in plants form a separate haploid generation, the gametophyte. The female gametophyte of flowering plants consists of just four different cell types that play distinct roles in the reproductive process. Differentiation of the distinct cell fates is tightly controlled and appears to follow regional cues that are arranged along a polar axis. Mutant analysis suggests that important aspects of gametophyte patterning are gametophytically regulated. Additionally, structural and molecular changes following misspecification indicate that the female gametophyte is a remarkably versatile structure with enormous respecification potential. Recently, new tools have been developed that open fascinating possibilities to access and analyze those processes that ultimately ensure successful fertilization.  相似文献   

A possible role for the synaptonemal complex in chiasma maintenance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is suggested that in addition to whatever function the synaptonemal complex may serve with respect to crossing over, it may serve a previously unsuspected function, i.e. one which normally assures regular meiotic chromosome disjunction in most organisms. This is the provision of the sister chromatid cohesiveness which is probably required for chiasma maintenance until anaphase I and may also be required in the centromere regions for maintenance of dyad integrity until anaphase II. Attention is directed to suggestive correlations of occurrence of normal synapsis through pachytene (homologous or non-homologous) with instances of sister chromatid cohesiveness at later meiotic stages and conversely of lack of normal synapsis with failure of sister chromatid cohesiveness. Chromosome behavior is compared in trisomies and in material homozygous for several meiotic mutants.  相似文献   

Dorsal closure during Drosophila embryogenesis provides a valuable model for epithelial morphogenesis and wound healing. Previous studies have focused on two cell populations, the dorsal epidermis and the extraembryonic amnioserosa. Here, we demonstrate that there is an additional player, the large yolk cell. We find that integrins are expressed in the amnioserosa and yolk cell membrane and that they are required for three processes: (1) assembly of an intervening extracellular matrix, (2) attachment between these two cell layers, and (3) contraction of the amnioserosa cells. We also provide evidence for integrin-extracellular matrix interactions occurring between the lateral surfaces of the amnioserosa cell and the leading edge epidermis that effectively mediate cell-cell adhesion. Thus, dorsal closure shares mechanistic similarities with vertebrate epithelial morphogenetic events, including epiboly, that also employ an underlying substrate.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody to the chicken transferrin receptor (JS-8) blocked temperature-induced and spontaneous differentiation of avian erythroid cells transformed by ts- and wt-retroviral oncogenes. In cells committed to differentiate, JS-8 caused an arrest at the erythroblast or early reticulocyte stage, followed by premature cell death, whereas proliferation of noncommitted erythroid cells or other hematopoietic cells remained unaffected. JS-8 had no effect on transferrin binding or internalization, but blocked subsequent receptor-recycling resulting in reduced iron uptake. Restoration of high intracellular iron levels neutralized the action of JS-8, whereas an inhibitor of porphyrine biosynthesis (4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid) closely mimicked the effect of JS-8. This suggests that erythroid differentiation might involve coordinate synthesis of erythrocyte proteins subject to regulation by hemin or hemoglobin.  相似文献   

When retinal pigmented epithelial cells (PEC) of chick embryos are cultured under appropriate conditions, the phenotype changes to that of lens cells through a process known as transdifferentiation. The first half of the process, characterized by dedifferentiation of PEC, is accompanied by a marked decrease in adhesiveness of PEC to collagen type I- or type IV-coated dishes. To understand the underlying mechanisms of this change, we analyzed the expression of integrins, which are major receptors for extracellular matrix components. Northern blot analysis with cDNA probes for chicken α3, α6, α8, αv, β1 and β5 integrin mRNA showed that the genes for all these integrins are transcribed at similar levels in PEC and dedifferentiated PEC (dePEC). Further analysis of β1 integrin, which is a major component of integrin heterodimers, showed that although the protein amount of β1 integrin was not changed, its localization at focal contacts seen in PEC was lost in dePEC. When anti-β1 integrin antibody was added to the PEC culture medium, a decrease of cell-substrate adhesiveness occurred, followed by a gradual change in both morphology and gene expression patterns to ones similar to those of dePEC. These findings suggest that an appropriate distribution of β1 integrin plays an essential role in maintaining the differentiated state of PEC through cell-substrate adhesion.  相似文献   

Linear narrow wounds produced on cultured bovine corneal endothelial monolayers heal by actin cable formation at the wound border and lamellar crawling of cells into the injured area. We report the novel finding that membrane potential depolarization occurs at the leading edge of wounds and gradually extends inward toward the neighboring cells. We have determined that the replacement of extracellular Na+ by choline and the incorporation of phenamil, an inhibitor of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), provoke a decrease in the actin cable and depolarization areas and in the lamellar activity of the wound edges. To the contrary, extracellular Li+ can successfully replace Na+ in the determination of the depolarization and cytoskeletal responses. This finding supports the idea that membrane depolarization, not the increase in intracellular Na+ concentration, is responsible for the formation of the actin cable, a result that is in agreement with previous evidence showing that nonspecific depolarization of the plasma membrane potential (PMP) of epithelial cells may promote characteristic cytoskeletal rearrangements per se (Chifflet S, Hernández JA, Grasso S, and Cirillo A. Exp Cell Res 282: 1–13, 2003). We suggest that spontaneous depolarization of the PMP of the cells at the wound borders determined by a rise in the ENaC activity of these cells constitutes an additional factor in the intermediate cellular processes leading to wound healing in some epithelia. actin; epithelial sodium channel  相似文献   

miR-206 is known to suppress breast cancer. However, while it is expressed in mammary stem cells, its function in such nontumor cells is not well understood. Here, we explore the role of miR-206 in undifferentiated, stem-like mammary cells using the murine mammary differentiation model HC11, genome-wide gene expression analysis, and functional assays. We describe the miR-206-regulated gene landscape and propose a network whereby miR-206 suppresses tumor development. We functionally demonstrate that miR-206 in nontumor stem-like cells induces a G1–S cell cycle arrest, and reduces colony formation and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition markers. Finally, we show that addition of miR-206 accelerates the mammary differentiation process along with related accumulation of lipids. We conclude that miR-206 impacts a network of signaling pathways, and acts as a regulator of proliferation, stemness, and mammary cell differentiation in nontumor stem-like mammary cells. Our study provides a broad insight into the breast cancer suppressive functions of miR-206.  相似文献   

Expression of prion protein has been reported for a variety of cell types including neuronal cells, haematopoietic stem cells, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and epithelial cells. However, the characterization of the physiological roles exhibited by this protein is still in progress and multiple biological functions have been described to date. In this study we have characterized the contribution of prion protein during hormone-induced differentiation of mouse mammary gland epithelial cells. We present evidence that prion expression enhances the differentiation-capabilities of these cells indicating novel physiological roles during mammary gland development. In addition we were able to demonstrate the presence of prion molecules resistant to mild proteinase digestion in differentiated mammary gland epithelial cells. This represents the first report of proteinase-resistant prion proteins in a physiological, non-pathogenic context.  相似文献   

Laminin-binding integrins form a complex with CD151, a member of the tetraspanin family suggested to be involved in the regulation of cell migration. In the epidermis, CD151 is localized with alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 integrins at cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, respectively, characteristic structures of non-migrating cells. Taking advantage of a monoclonal antibody against CD151, TS151r, which epitope overlaps with the tetraspanin integrin-binding site, we have investigated the role of CD151 in epithelial cell migration. Under standard culture conditions, the migratory capacity of epithelial HaCaT cells on laminins is low, apparently due to endogenous laminin 5. However, challenging HaCaT cells with TS151r allows a re-arrangement of the actin cytoskeleton, dismantling of cell-cell and beta4 integrin-mediated cell-matrix contacts and cell migration. In vivo, free CD151 is absent in resting epithelial cells of interfollicular epidermis, and all CD151 is bound to integrins in intercellular and cell-matrix contacts. By contrast, free CD151 is present at intercellular contacts in the epithelial sheet lining the deeper region of anagen hair follicles, which is considered to contain migrating cells. Together, these results strongly suggest that dissociation of the CD151-integrin complex permits remodeling of epithelial cell interactions with the extracellular matrix and cell migration.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between sponge coverage and tannin concentrations in prop roots of Rhizophora mangle L. has previously been reported. However, the ecological role of tannins within the mangrove sponge association remains speculative. This study investigated whether tannins play a role in sponge recruitment and assessed tannin and polyphenol production in R. mangle roots in response to sponge colonization. We demonstrated in a field experiment using artificial substrates with different tannin concentrations that tannins are positively involved in larval recruitment of the sponge Tedania ignis and that roots significantly enhanced tannin and polyphenolic content in response to natural and experimental sponge fouling. Differential recruitment in response to tannins may have been the result of a behavioral response in sponge larvae. It is also possible that tannins affected the structure of the fouling microbial biofilm on the artificial substrate, or tannins affected the post-settlement dynamics of sponge recruits. Elevations in concentrations of tannins and polyphenolic compounds upon coverage with sponges, combined with differential recruitment of T. ignis in response to differences in tannin concentrations, may indicate a positive feedback in recruitment. This may in part explain the typical heterogeneity in sponge coverage and community composition among roots.  相似文献   

To investigate whether human intestinal epithelial cell survival involves distinct control mechanisms depending on the state of differentiation, we analyzed the in vitro effects of insulin, pharmacological inhibitors of Fak, MEK/Erk, and PI3-K/Akt, and integrin (beta1, beta4)-blocking antibodies on the survival of the well-established human Caco-2 enterocyte-like and HIEC-6 cryptlike cell models. In addition, relative expression levels of six Bcl-2 homologs (Bcl-2, Bcl-X(L), Mcl-1, Bax, Bak, and Bad) and activation levels of Fak, Erk-2, and Akt were analyzed. Herein, we report that 1) the enterocytic differentiation process results in the establishment of distinct profiles of Bcl-2 homolog expression levels, as well as p125(Fak), p42(Erk-2), and p57(Akt) activated levels; 2) the inhibition of Fak, of the MEK/Erk pathway, or of PI3-K, have distinct impacts on enterocytic cell survival in undifferentiated (subconfluent Caco-2, confluent HIEC-6) and differentiated (30 days postconfluent Caco-2) cells; 3) exposure to insulin and the inhibition of Fak, MEK, and PI3-K resulted in differentiation state-distinct modulations in the expression of each Bcl-2 homolog analyzed; and 4) Fak, beta1 and beta4 integrins, as well as the MEK/Erk and PI3-K/Akt pathways, are distinctively involved in cell survival depending on the state of cell differentiation. Taken together, these data indicate that human intestinal epithelial cell survival is regulated according to differentiation state-specific control mechanisms.  相似文献   

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