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Several commercially improved strains of Penicillium chrysogenum have been shown to carry amplifications of the entire penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster. Analysis previously carried out using the strain BW 1890 has here been extended to the characterisation of other members of the SmithKline Beecham strain improvement series. We have determined the length of the amplicon to be 57.4 kb and shown a general increase in copy number and penicillin titre through the series. Sequence analyses of the promoter regions of the acvA, ipnA and aat genes in the high titre strain BW 1901, and comparisons with wild-type sequences have not identified any potentially titre-enhancing mutations. In addition, cDNA screening has failed to identify any further transcribed elements within the co-amplified region. The homogeneity of hybridisation patterns and the identification and analysis of a single copy revertant has shown that the amplification is of a direct tandem nature and we propose a model of chromatid misalignment and recombination as its mode of generation. Hybridisation analysis of penicillin non-producing mutants has indicated the loss, in all those investigated, of the entire penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster, similarities between the deletion junctions in these strains and comparison with previously published data indicating the presence of recombinogenic regions flanking the penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster. Received 05 November 1996/ Accepted in revised form 25 April 1997  相似文献   

Genetic construction of a mutant strain (designated MSMEG4245) of Mycobacterium smegmatis, defective in a broadly conserved gene for a putative glycosyltransferase of the glycosyltransferase-C superfamily, results in a phenotype marked by the virtual absence of the phosphatidylinositol-containing lipomannan and lipoarabinomannan, replaced instead by a novel truncated form of lipomannan. The normal spectrum of phosphatidylinositol mannosides, long presumed precursors of these lipoglycans, was retained. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight/mass spectrometry of the mutated form of lipomannan shows a family of phosphatidylinositol-anchored lipomannans with from only 5 to 20 Manp residues as compared with lipomannan from the wild type strain consisting of 21-34 Manp residues but with few changes in the branching pattern. Thus, MSMEG4245 is apparently a key mannosyltransferase, required for the proper elongation of lipomannan to its normal state and subsequent synthesis of lipoarabinomannan. The corresponding ortholog in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv has been identified as Rv2174. This previously unrecognized feature of the biosynthesis of lipomannan/lipoarabinomannan allows a significant revision of structural and biosynthetic schemata and provides a molecular basis of selectivity in biosynthesis, as conferred by the MSMEG4245 gene.  相似文献   

We describe a new deletional form of alpha thalassemia segregating in three generations of a family of northern European origin. A full-term female girl had hypochromic, microcytic anemia since early infancy associated with delayed language development, slow growth and weight gain. Hematologic studies suggested the presence of alpha thalassemia. Gene-blotting studies showed no abnormal alpha-like globin gene fragments; however, studies of inheritance of informative polymorphic restriction fragments using zeta, alpha and 3'-alpha-hypervariable region (3'-HVR) probes showed evidence for an extensive deletion encompassing the entire alpha-like globin gene cluster. The 3' breakpoint of this deletion maps beyond the 3'-HVR, a region implicated as a hot spot for the generation of other large deletional events within the alpha-like cluster. The 5' breakpoint maps at least 10 kilobases (kb) 5' to the zeta-globin gene. The minimum size estimate for this deletion is greater than 47 kilobases.  相似文献   

The discovery of programmed -1 frameshifting at the hexanucleotide shift site CGA_AAG, in addition to the classical X_XXY_YYZ heptanucleotide shift sequences, prompted a search for instances among eubacterial insertion sequence elements. IS1222 has a CGA_AAG shift site. A genetic analysis revealed that frameshifting at this site is required for transposition.  相似文献   

The filamentous phage protein pIV is required for assembly and secretion of the virus and possesses regions homologous to those found in a number of Gram-negative bacterial proteins that are essential components of a widely distributed extracellular protein-export system. These proteins form multimers that may constitute an outer membrane channel that allows phage/protein egress. Three sets of f1 gene IV mutants were isolated at positions that are absolutely (G355 and P375) or largely (F381) conserved amongst the 16 currently known family members. The G355 mutants were non-functional, interfered with assembly of plV+ phage, and made Escherichia coli highly sensitive to deoxycholate. The P375 mutants were non-functional and defective in multimerization. Many of the F381 mutants retained substantial function, and even those in which charged residues had been introduced supported some phage assembly. Some inferences about the roles of these conserved amino acids are made from the mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

To clarify the molecular mechanisms involved in the generation of the CYP2A6 gene deletion (E-type variant), we analyzed the CYP2A7 gene, which is located in the 5'-flanking region of the CYP2A6 gene, from individuals with the E-type variant and compared it with the sequences of wild type CYP2A7 and CYP2A6 genes. The 3'-downstream sequence (up to 324 bp from the SacI site in exon 9) of the CYP2A7 gene of the E-type variant is identical to that of the wild CYP2A7 gene. However, the 3'-downstream sequence (starting from 325 bp from the SacI site in exon 9) of the CYP2A7 gene of the E-type variant is identical to that of the wild CYP2A6 gene, indicating that the 3'-downstream region of CYP2A7 and the 3'-downstream region of CYP2A6 linked directly eliminating the whole CYP2A6 gene. PCR analysis using primers specific to the CYP2A7 gene and the CYP2A6 and CYP2A7 genes confirmed that all DNA samples obtained from 7 individuals carrying the E-type variant possessed the same break points. These results indicate that the breakpoint of the CYP2A6 gene deletion lies in the 3'-downstream region of the CYP2A7 and CYP2A6 genes.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the rpoN gene, formerly designated hno, and flanking DNA regions of the aerobic hydrogen bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus has been determined; rpoN codes for the RNA polymerase sigma factor 54 involved in nitrogen regulation and diverse physiological functions of gram-negative bacteria. In A. eutrophus hydrogen metabolism is under control of rpoN. The Tn5-Mob insertion in a previously isolated pleiotropic mutant was mapped within the rpoN gene. The derived amino acid sequence of the A. eutrophus RpoN protein shows extensive homology to the RpoN proteins of other organisms. Sequencing revealed four other open reading frames: one upstream (ORF280) and three downstream (ORF130, ORF99 and ORF > 54) of the rpoN gene. A similar arrangement of homologous ORFs is found in the rpoN regions of other bacteria and is indicative of a conserved gene cluster.  相似文献   

X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX) is a peripheral nerve disorder that has been linked to mutations in the connexin 32 gene (Cx32). These mutations have been shown to be genetically heterogeneous, though recurrences of specific mutations in apparently unrelated families have been seen. The majority of mutations have been shown to be missense, resulting in non-conservative amino acid changes. A few mutations resulting in a premature termination of protein translation, including both nonsense mutations as well as frameshifting microdeletions, have been documented. We would like to report a deletion mutation that appears to eliminate the entire coding sequence of the Cx32 gene, but which has been shown to segregate with a clinical phenotype not unlike that seen in individuals with a less severe alteration of the Cx32 gene. The causes at a cellular level of the CMTX phenotype are still not fully clear, though there has been speculation that these may involve a dominant negative effect where the mutant connexin 32 suppresses the function of other connexins. Studies of kindreds such as this, where in CMTX-affected males the Cx32 gene product is totally absent, will help us to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the clinical phenotype associated with this disorder. Received: 22 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 May 1998  相似文献   

A comparative analysis has been made of the DNA sequences of the isofunctional genes encodingN-acetylglutamate synthase of the arginine biosynthetic pathway of the bacterial speciesPseudomonas aeruginosa andPseudomonas putida. Overall homologies of 81% and 84% at the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence levels, respectively, were observed. This high homology was also reflected in the strikingly similar hydropathy profiles of the encoded proteins; patterns of codon usage, including rare codon usage; and amino acid composition of the proteins. This high level of homology at the DNA sequence level is consistent with the location of these genes in the genetically conserved chromosomal region (called auxotrophic-rich region) of the respectivePseudomonas species. Despite chromosomal rearrangements identified in this region the conservation observed at the chromosomal level between thesePseudomonas species is also maintained at the level of the DNA sequence, and in the deduced amino acid sequence, of the genes reported here and of six other pairs of genes of the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, reported by others, which are also located within this chromosomal region.  相似文献   

Several fungal isolates obtained from two cured meat products from Spain were identified as Penicillium nalgiovense by their morphological features and by DNA fingerprinting. All P. nalgiovense isolates showed antibiotic activity in agar diffusion assays, and their penicillin production in liquid complex medium ranged from 6 to 38 microgram. ml-1. We constructed a restriction map of the penicillin gene cluster of P. nalgiovense and found that the organization of the penicillin biosynthetic genes (pcbAB, pcbC, and penDE) is the same as in Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus nidulans. The pcbAB gene is located in an orientation opposite that of the pcbC and penDE genes in all three species. Significant amounts of penicillin were found in situ in the casing and the outer layer of salami meat during early stages of the curing process, coinciding with fungal colonization, but no penicillin was detected in the cured salami. The antibiotic produced in situ was sensitive to penicillinase.  相似文献   

It is well known that treatment of DNA-topoisomerase complexes with SDS induces cleavage of the DNA by trapping a reactive intermediate in which the topoisomerase is covalently linked to the terminal phosphates of the cut DNA. I have used this technique to examine potential topoisomerase binding sites in the histone gene chromatin of Drosophila Kc cells. Treatment of Kc nuclei with SDS induces Mg++-dependent DNA cleavage near the borders of two nuclease-hypersensitive sites located 5' and 3' of histone H4. It is likely that the SDS-induced cleavage at these hypersensitive sites is due to a topoisomerase because protein becomes tightly bound to the ends of the cleaved DNA fragments. Preliminary experiments suggest that a type II topoisomerase may be responsible for the cleavage.  相似文献   

As a result of transgenic insertional mutagenesis, heterozygous Fused toes (Ft) mice display a syndactyly of forelimbs and a thymic hyperplasia. Homozygous Ft/Ft embryos die in midgestation, exhibiting a deformation of craniofacial structures, a syndactyly and a polydactyly of fore- and hindlimbs, a disorganization of the ventral spinal cord, and defects in left-right axis formation. Here we report on our structural analyses of the Ft mutation. We established a physical as well as a gene map of the Ft locus, showing that the transgene integration resulted in a deletion of 1.6 Mb of genomic sequences on mouse Chromosome 8. Owing to this deletion, six genes, including the entire IroquoisB (IrxB) gene cluster, are directly affected by the Ft mutation.  相似文献   

The constant region of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGHC) is encoded by a cluster of genes near the telomere of chromosome 14q. Deletions and duplications of single or multiple genes in the cluster have been identified, but little information about the breakpoint junctions has been available, in part due to the high degree of sequence similarity between the genes in this region. We report an intensive study of a homozygous deletion, using Southern hybridization and polymerase chain reaction techniques. We found that the deleted DNA includes the functional epsilon gene, and that the breakpoints are located within a 2 kilobase Bam HI/Sac I region of both the IGHEP1 and IGHE genes. These results revise a previous conclusion regarding the deleted region. Definition of breakpoints occuring within thh cluster may shed light on recombination mechanisms.  相似文献   

Balhimycin, produced by the actinomycete Amycolatopsis balhimycina DSM5908, is a glycopeptide antibiotic highly similar to vancomycin, the antibiotic of 'last resort' used for the treatment of resistant Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. Partial sequence of the balhimycin biosynthesis gene cluster was previously reported. In this work, cosmids which overlap the region of the characterized gene cluster were isolated and sequenced. At the 'left' end of the cluster, genes were identified which are involved in balhimycin biosynthesis, transport, resistance and regulation. The 'right' end border is defined by a putative 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (dahp) gene. The proximate gene is similar to a type I polyketide synthase gene of the rifamycin producer Amycolatopsis mediterranei indicating that another biosynthesis gene cluster might be located directly next to the balhimycin gene cluster. The newly identified StrR-like pathway-specific regulator, Bbr, was characterized to be a DNA-binding protein and may have a role in balhimycin biosynthesis. Purified N-terminally His-tagged Bbr shows specific DNA-binding to five promoter regions within the gene cluster. By in silico analysis and by comparison of the DNA sequences binding Bbr, conserved inverted repeat sequences for the Bbr-binding site are proposed. The putative Bbr consensus sequence differs from that published for StrR.  相似文献   

DNA from a patient with severe hemophilia B was evaluated by RFLP analysis, producing results which suggested the existence of a partial deletion within the factor IX gene. The deletion was further localized and characterized by PCR amplification and sequencing. The altered allele has a 4,442-bp deletion which removes both the donor splice site located at the 5' end of intron d and the two last coding nucleotides located at the 3' end of exon IV in the normal factor IX gene; this fragment has been replaced by a 47-bp sequence from the normal factor IX gene, although this fragment has been inserted in inverted orientation. Two homologous sequences have been discovered at the ends of the deleted DNA fragment.  相似文献   

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