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When bound to ADP, ATP-dependent protease FtsH subunits adopt either an “open” or “closed” conformation. In the open state, the protease catalytic site is located in a narrow space covered by a lid-like helix. This space disappears in the closed form because the lid helix bends at Gly448. Here, we replaced Gly448 with various residues that stabilize helices. Most mutants retained low ATPase activity and bound to the substrate protein, but lost protease activity. However, a mutant proline substitution lost both activities. Our study shows that the conformational transition of the lid helix is essential for the function of FtsH.

Structured summary of protein interactions

FtsH and FtsHbind by molecular sieving (View Interaction)  相似文献   

Plants, as sessile organisms, employ multiple mechanisms to adapt to the seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations associated with their habitats. Here, we provide genetic and physiological evidence that the FtsH11 protease of Arabidopsis contributes to the overall tolerance of the plant to elevated temperatures. To identify the various mechanisms of thermotolerance in plants, we isolated a series of Arabidopsis thaliana thermo-sensitive mutants (atts) that fail to acquire thermotolerance after pre-conditioning at 38 degrees C. Two allelic mutants, atts244 and atts405, were found to be both highly susceptible to moderately elevated temperatures and defective in acquired thermotolerance. The growth and development of the mutant plants at all stages examined were arrested after exposure to temperatures above 30 degrees C, which are permissive conditions for wild-type plants. The affected gene in atts244 was identified through map-based cloning and encodes a chloroplast targeted FtsH protease, FtsH11. The Arabidopsis genome contains 12 predicted FtsH protease genes, with all previously characterized FtsH genes playing roles in the alleviation of light stress through the degradation of unassembled thylakoid membrane proteins and photodamaged photosystem II D1 protein. Photosynthetic capability, as measured by chlorophyll content (chl a/b ratios) and PSII quantum yield, is greatly reduced in the leaves of FtsH11 mutants when exposed to the moderately high temperature of 30 degrees C. Under high light conditions, however, FtsH11 mutants and wild-type plants showed no significant difference in photosynthesis capacity. Our results support a direct role for the A. thaliana FtsH11-encoded protease in thermotolerance, a function previously reported for bacterial and yeast FtsH proteases but not for those from plants.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant, ER437, which was originally isolated for colicin tolerance, was found to carry two amino acid changes in the C-terminal portion of FtsH (HflB). These mutations were demonstrated to reduce the ability of FtsH to degrade the phage lambda CII protein in vivo and in vitro, providing a rationalization for the mutant Hfl phenotype.  相似文献   

Targeted protein degradation plays important roles in stress responses in all cells. In E. coli, the membrane-bound AAA+ FtsH protease degrades cytoplasmic and membrane proteins. Here, we demonstrate that FtsH degrades cyclopropane fatty acid (CFA) synthase, whose synthesis is induced upon nutrient deprivation and entry into stationary phase. We find that neither the disordered N-terminal residues nor the structured C-terminal residues of the kinetically stable CFA-synthase dimer are required for FtsH recognition and degradation. Experiments with fusion proteins support a model in which an internal degron mediates FtsH recognition as a prelude to unfolding and proteolysis. These findings elucidate the terminal step in the life cycle of CFA synthase and provide new insight into FtsH function.  相似文献   

ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+) proteases utilize ATP hydrolysis to actively unfold native or misfolded proteins and translocate them into a protease chamber for degradation. This basic mechanism yields diverse cellular consequences, including the removal of misfolded proteins, control of regulatory circuits, and remodeling of protein conformation. Among various bacterial AAA+ proteases, FtsH is only membrane‐integrated and plays a key role in membrane protein quality control. Previously, we have shown that FtsH has substantial unfoldase activity for degrading membrane proteins overcoming a dual energetic burden of substrate unfolding and membrane dislocation. Here, we asked how efficiently FtsH utilizes ATP hydrolysis to degrade membrane proteins. To answer this question, we measured degradation rates of the model membrane substrate GlpG at various ATP hydrolysis rates in the lipid bilayers. We find that the dependence of degradation rates on ATP hydrolysis rates is highly nonlinear: (i) FtsH cannot degrade GlpG until it reaches a threshold ATP hydrolysis rate; (ii) after exceeding the threshold, the degradation rates steeply increase and saturate at the ATP hydrolysis rates far below the maxima. During the steep increase, FtsH efficiently utilizes ATP hydrolysis for degradation, consuming only 40–60% of the total ATP cost measured at the maximal ATP hydrolysis rates. This behavior does not fundamentally change against water‐soluble substrates as well as upon addition of the macromolecular crowding agent Ficoll 70. The Hill analysis shows that the nonlinearity stems from coupling of three to five ATP hydrolysis events to degradation, which represents unique cooperativity compared to other AAA+ proteases including ClpXP, HslUV, Lon, and proteasomes.  相似文献   

Cdc48 (also known as p97 or VCP) is an essential and highly abundant, double-ring AAA+ ATPase, which is ubiquitous in archaea and eukaryotes. In archaea, Cdc48 ring hexamers play a direct role in quality control by unfolding and translocating protein substrates into the degradation chamber of the 20S proteasome. Whether Cdc48 and 20S cooperate directly in protein degradation in eukaryotic cells is unclear. Two regions of Cdc48 are important for 20S binding, the pore-2 loop at the bottom of the D2 AAA+ ring and a C-terminal tripeptide. Here, we identify an aspartic acid in the pore-2 loop as an important element in 20S recognition. Importantly, mutation of this aspartate in human Cdc48 has been linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In archaeal or human Cdc48 variants, we find that mutation of this pore-2 residue impairs 20S binding and proteolytic communication but does not affect the stability of the hexamer or rates of ATP hydrolysis and protein unfolding. These results suggest that human Cdc48 interacts functionally with the 20S proteasome.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the N-terminal domain of Lon proteases have not clearly identified its function. Here we constructed randomly chosen N-terminal-truncated mutants of the Lon protease from Brevibacillus thermoruber WR-249 to elucidate the structure-function relationship of this domain. Mutants lacking amino acids from 1 to 247 of N terminus retained significant peptidase and ATPase activities, but lost ∼90% of protease activity. Further truncation of the protein resulted in the loss of all three activities. Mutants lacking amino acids 246-259 or 248-256 also lost all activities and quaternary structure. Our results indicated that amino acids 248-256 (SEVDELRAQ) are important for the full function of the Lon protease.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of thrombin and other enzymes of the blood coagulation and complement cascades is enhanced significantly by binding of Na+ to a site >15 Å away from the catalytic residue S195, buried within the 180 and 220 loops that also contribute to the primary specificity of the enzyme. Rapid kinetics support a binding mechanism of conformational selection where the Na+-binding site is in equilibrium between open (N) and closed (N) forms and the cation binds selectively to the N form. Allosteric transduction of this binding step produces enhanced catalytic activity. Molecular details on how Na+ gains access to this site and communicates allosterically with the active site remain poorly defined. In this study, we show that the rate of the NN transition is strongly correlated with the analogous EE transition that governs the interaction of synthetic and physiologic substrates with the active site. This correlation supports the active site as the likely point of entry for Na+ to its binding site. Mutagenesis and structural data rule out an alternative path through the pore defined by the 180 and 220 loops. We suggest that the active site communicates allosterically with the Na+ site through a network of H-bonded water molecules that embeds the primary specificity pocket. Perturbation of the mobility of S195 and its H-bonding capabilities alters interaction with this network and influences the kinetics of Na+ binding and allosteric transduction. These findings have general mechanistic relevance for Na+-activated proteases and allosteric enzymes.  相似文献   

We cloned and isolated a cysteine-rich protein, designated Mr30, from Conus marmoreus. Mr30 belongs to the cysteinerich secretory protein family that is highly homologous to Tex31 previously obtained from Conus textile and reported as a protease responsible for processing of pro-conotoxins. Mr30, purified by a procedure similar to that of Tex31, indeed showed low proteolytic activity. However, further investigations revealed that the detected protease activity actually resulted from a trace amount of protease(s) con- tamination rather than from Mr30 itself. This finding led us to rethink the role of conus cysteine-rich secretory proteins: they were probably not responsible for the processing of pro-conotoxins as previously deduced, but their real biological functions remained to be clarified.  相似文献   

ClpP is a highly conserved serine protease that is a critical enzyme in maintaining protein homeostasis and is an important drug target in pathogenic bacteria and various cancers. In its functional form, ClpP is a self-compartmentalizing protease composed of two stacked heptameric rings that allow protein degradation to occur within the catalytic chamber. ATPase chaperones such as ClpX and ClpA are hexameric ATPases that form larger complexes with ClpP and are responsible for the selection and unfolding of protein substrates prior to their degradation by ClpP. Although individual structures of ClpP and ATPase chaperones have offered mechanistic insights into their function and regulation, their structures together as a complex have only been recently determined to high resolution. Here, we discuss the cryoelectron microscopy structures of ClpP-ATPase complexes and describe findings previously inaccessible from individual Clp structures, including how a hexameric ATPase and a tetradecameric ClpP protease work together in a functional complex. We then discuss the consensus mechanism for substrate unfolding and translocation derived from these structures, consider alternative mechanisms, and present their strengths and limitations. Finally, new insights into the allosteric control of ClpP gained from studies using small molecules and gain or loss-of-function mutations are explored. Overall, this review aims to underscore the multilayered regulation of ClpP that may present novel ideas for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis E3 ligase AtCHIP was found to interact with FtsH1, a subunit of the chloroplast FtsH protease complex. FtsH1 can be ubiquitylated by AtCHIP in vitro, and the steady-state level of FtsH1 is reduced in AtCHIP-over-expressing plants under high-intensity light conditions, suggesting that the ubiquitylation of FtsH1 by AtCHIP might lead to the degradation of FtsH1 in vivo. Furthermore, the steady-state level of another subunit of the chloroplast FtsH protease complex, FtsH2, is also reduced in AtCHIP-over-expressing plants under high-intensity light conditions, and FtsH2 interacts physically with AtCHIP in vivo, suggesting the possibility that FtsH2 is also a substrate protein for AtCHIP in plant cells. A substrate of FtsH protease in vivo, the photosystem II reaction center protein D1, is not efficiently removed by FtsH in AtCHIP-over-expressing plants under high-intensity light conditions, supporting the assumption that FtsH subunits are substrates of AtCHIP in vivo, and that AtCHIP over-expression may lead to a reduced level of FtsH in chloroplasts. AtCHIP interacts with cytosolic Hsp70 and the precursors of FtsH1 and FtsH2 in the cytoplasm, and Hsp70 also interacts with FtsH1, and these protein-protein interactions appear to be increased under high-intensity light conditions, suggesting that Hsp70 might be partly responsible for the increased degradation of the substrates of Hsp70, such as FtsH1 and FtsH2, in AtCHIP-over-expressing plants under high-intensity light conditions. Therefore, AtCHIP, together with Hsp70, may play an important role in protein quality control in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

OsNRT1.1a is a low-affinity nitrate(NO_3~-) transporter gene. In this study, another mRNA splicing product, OsNRT1.1b,putatively encoding a protein with six transmembrane domains, was identified based on the rice genomic database and bioinformatics analysis. OsNRT1.1a/OsNRT1.1b expression in Xenopus oocytes showed OsNRT1.1a-expressing oocytes accumulated ~(15)N levels to about half as compared to OsNRT1.1bexpressing oocytes. The electrophysiological recording of OsNRT1.1b-expressing oocytes treated with 0.25 mM NO_3~- confirmed ~(15)N accumulation data. More functional assays were performed to examine the function of OsNRT1.1b in rice. The expression of both OsNRT1.1a and OsNRT1.1b was abundant in roots and downregulated by nitrogen(N) deficiency. The shoot biomass of transgenic rice plants with OsNRT1.1a or OsNRT1.1b overexpression increased under various N supplies under hydroponic conditions compared to wild-type(WT). The OsNRT1.1a overexpression lines showed increased plant N accumulation compared to the WT in 1.25 mM NH_4NO_3 and 2.5 mM NO_3~- or NH_4~+ treatments, but not in 0.125 mM NH_4NO_3.However, OsNRT1.1b overexpression lines increased total N accumulation in all N treatments, including 0.125 m M NH_4NO_3,suggesting that under low N condition, OsNRT1.1b would accumulate more N in plants and improve rice growth, but also that OsNRT1.1a had no such function in rice plants.  相似文献   

The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing as indicated by mutational studies and functional reconstitution of peptide mimics. Here, we demonstrate that mutations of a GxxxG motif or of Ile residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics as determined by deuterium/hydrogen-exchange kinetics. Thus, the backbone dynamics of these helices may be linked to their fusogenicity which is consistent with the known over-representation of Gly and Ile in viral fusogen transmembrane helices. The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing. Our present results demonstrate that mutations of certain residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics. Thus, the data suggest a relationship between sequence, backbone dynamics, and fusogenicity of transmembrane segments of viral fusogenic proteins.  相似文献   

beta1-6 GlcNAc branching, a product of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (GnT-V), is a key structure that is associated with malignant transformations and cancer metastasis. Although a number of reports concerning tumor metastasis-related glycoproteins that contain beta1-6 GlcNAc branching have appeared, the precise function of beta1-6 GlcNAc branching on glycoproteins remains to be elucidated. We previously reported on the importance of beta1-6 GlcNAc branching on matriptase in terms of proteolytic degradation in tumor metastasis. We report here that matriptase purified from GnT-V transfectant (beta1-6 GlcNAc matriptase) binds strongly to L4-PHA, which preferentially recognizes beta1-6 GlcNAc branches of tri- or tetraantennary sugar chains, indicating that the isolated matriptase contains beta1-6 GlcNAc branching. The beta1-6 GlcNAc matriptase was resistant to autodegradation, as well as trypsin digestion, compared with matriptase purified from mock-transfected cells. Furthermore, N-glycosidase-F treatment of beta1-6 GlcNAc matriptase greatly reduced its resistance to degradation. An analysis of matriptase mutants that do not contain potential N-glycosylation sites clearly shows that the beta1-6 GlcNAc branching on N-glycans attached to Asn 772 in the serine protease domain plays a major role in trypsin resistance. This is the first example of a demonstration of a direct relationship between beta1-6 GlcNAc branching and a biological function at the protein level.  相似文献   

The effect of regucalcin, a calcium-binding protein, on neutral proteolytic activity in the cytosol of rat kidney cortex was investigated. Proteolytic activity was significantly increased by the presence of regucalcin (0. 01-0. 25 M) in the enzyme reaction mixture. This increase was not significantly altered by the addition of CaCl2 (0.01 and 1.0 mM) or EGTA (1.0 mM), indicating that the effect of regucalcin was independent on Ca2+. The effect of regucalcin to increase proteolytic activity was completely prevented in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide (5 mM), a modifying reagent of thiol groups. Proteolytic activity was clearly elevated by dithiothreitol (5 mM). This elevation was further enhanced by regucalcin (0.1 M). Meanwhile, the stimulatory effect of regucalcin on proteolytic activity was not significantly altered in the presence of diisopropylfluorophosphate (2.5 mM), an inhibitor of serine proteases. Also, the regucalcin effect was not appreciably changed by the addition of EDTA (2.5 mM), a chelator of metal ions, indicating that it is not involved in metal-related proteases. These results demonstrate that regucalcin can increase proteolytic activity in the cytosol of rat kidney cortex. Regucalcin may activate thiol proteases independent on Ca2+.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)—the major decarboxylase in PEPCK-type C4 plants—is also present in appreciable amounts in the bundle sheath cells of NADP-malic enzyme-type C4 plants, such as maize (Zea mays), where it plays an apparent crucial role during photosynthesis (Wingler et al., in Plant Physiol 120(2):539–546, 1999; Furumoto et al., in Plant Mol Biol 41(3):301–311, 1999). Herein, we describe the use of mass spectrometry to demonstrate phosphorylation of maize PEPCK residues Ser55, Thr58, Thr59, and Thr120. Western blotting indicated that the extent of Ser55 phosphorylation dramatically increases in the leaves of maize seedlings when the seedlings are transferred from darkness to light, and decreases in the leaves of seedlings transferred from light to darkness. The effect of light on phosphorylation of this residue is opposite that of the effect of light on PEPCK activity, with the decarboxylase activity of PEPCK being less in illuminated leaves than in leaves left in the dark. This inverse relationship between PEPCK activity and the extent of phosphorylation suggests that the suppressive effect of light on PEPCK decarboxylation activity might be mediated by reversible phosphorylation of Ser55.  相似文献   

Animal CHIP proteins are chaperone-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligases that physically interact with Hsp70, Hsp90 and proteasome, promoting degradation of a selective group of non-native or damaged proteins in animal cells. The plant CHIP-like protein, AtCHIP, also plays important roles in protein turnover metabolism. AtCHIP interacts with a proteolytic subunit, ClpP4, of the chloroplast Clp protease in vivo, and ubiquitylates ClpP4 in vitro. The steady-state level of ClpP4 is reduced in AtCHIP-overexpressing plants under high-intensity light conditions, suggesting that AtCHIP targets ClpP4 for degradation and thereby regulates the Clp proteolytic activity in chloroplasts under certain stress conditions. Overexpression of ClpP4 in Arabidopsis leads to chlorotic phenotypes in transgenic plants, and chloroplast structures in the chlorotic tissues of ClpP4-overexpressing plants are abnormal and largely devoid of thylakoid membranes, suggesting that ClpP4 plays a critical role in chloroplast structure and function. As AtCHIP is a cytosolic protein that has been shown to play an important role in regulating an essential chloroplast protease, this research provides new insights into the regulatory networks controlling protein turnover catabolism in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Prosurfactant protein C (proSP‐C) is a 197‐residue integral membrane protein, in which the C‐terminal domain (CTC, positions 59–197) is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen and contains a Brichos domain (positions 94–197). Mature SP‐C corresponds largely to the transmembrane (TM) region of proSP‐C. CTC binds to SP‐C, provided that it is in nonhelical conformation, and can prevent formation of intracellular amyloid‐like inclusions of proSP‐C that harbor mutations linked to interstitial lung disease (ILD). Herein it is shown that expression of proSP‐C (1–58), that is, the N‐terminal propeptide and the TM region, in HEK293 cells results in virtually no detectable protein, while coexpression of CTC in trans yields SDS‐soluble monomeric proSP‐C (1–58). Recombinant human (rh) CTC binds to cellulose‐bound peptides derived from the nonpolar TM region, but not the polar cytosolic part, of proSP‐C, and requires ≥5‐residues for maximal binding. Binding of rhCTC to a nonhelical peptide derived from SP‐C results in α‐helix formation provided that it contains a long TM segment. Finally, rhCTC and rhCTC Brichos domain shows very similar substrate specificities, but rhCTCL188Q, a mutation linked to ILD is unable to bind all peptides analyzed. These data indicate that the Brichos domain of proSP‐C is a chaperone that induces α‐helix formation of an aggregation‐prone TM region.  相似文献   

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