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C5L2 is a functional receptor for acylation-stimulating protein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
C5L2 binds acylation-stimulating protein (ASP) with high affinity and is expressed in ASP-responsive cells. Functionality of C5L2 has not yet been demonstrated. Here we show that C5L2 is expressed in human subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue in both preadipocytes and adipocytes. In mice, C5L2 is expressed in all adipose tissues, at levels comparable with other tissues. Stable transfection of human C5L2 cDNA into HEK293 cells results in ASP stimulation of triglyceride synthesis (TGS) (193 +/- 33%, 5 microM ASP, p < 0.001, where basal = 100%) and glucose transport (168 +/- 21%, 10 microM ASP, p < 0.001). C3a similarly stimulates TGS (163 +/- 12%, p < 0.001), but C5a and C5a des-Arg have no effect. The ASP mechanism is to increase Vmax of glucose transport (149%) and triglyceride (TG) synthesis activity (165%) through increased diacylglycerolacyltransferase activity (200%). Antisense oligonucleotide down-regulation of C5L2 in human skin fibroblasts decreases cell surface C5L2 (down to 54 +/- 4% of control, p < 0.001, comparable with nonimmune background). ASP response is coordinately lost (basal TGS = 14.6 +/- 1.6, with ASP = 21.0 +/- 1.4 (144%), with ASP + oligonucleotides = 11.0 +/- 0.8 pmol of TG/mg of cell protein, p < 0.001). In mouse 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, antisense oligonucleotides decrease C5L2 expression to 69.5 +/- 0.5% of control, p < 0.001 (comparable with nonimmune) with a loss of ASP stimulation (basal TGS = 22.4 +/- 2.9, with ASP = 39.6 +/- 8.8 (177%), with ASP + oligonucleotides = 25.3 +/- 3.0 pmol of TG/mg of cell protein, p < 0.001). C5L2 down-regulation and decreased ASP response correlate (r = 0.761, p < 0.0001 for HSF and r = 0.451, p < 0.05 for 3T3-L1). In HEK-hC5L2 expressing fluorescently tagged beta-arrestin, ASP induced beta-arrestin translocation to the plasma membrane and formation of endocytic complexes concurrently with increased phosphorylation of C5L2. This is the first demonstration that C5L2 is a functional receptor, mediating ASP triglyceride stimulation.  相似文献   

The substantial variations in the responses of cells to the anaphylatoxin C5a and its desarginated form, C5adR(74), suggest that more than one type of cell surface receptor for these ligands might exist. However, only a single receptor for C5a and C5adR(74), CD88, has been characterized to date. Here we report that the orphan receptor C5L2/gpr77, which shares 35% amino acid identity with CD88, binds C5a with high affinity but has a 10-fold higher affinity for C5adR(74) than CD88. C5L2 also has a moderate affinity for anaphylatoxin C3a, but cross-competition studies suggest that C3a binds to a distinct site from C5a. C4a was able to displace C3a, suggesting that C5L2, like the C3a receptor, may have a low binding affinity for this anaphylatoxin. Unlike CD88 and C3a receptor, C5L2 transfected into RBL-2H3 cells does not support degranulation or increases in intracellular [Ca(2+)] and is not rapidly internalized in response to ligand binding. However, ligation of C5L2 by anaphylatoxin did potentiate the degranulation response to cross-linkage of the high affinity IgE receptor by a pertussis toxin-sensitive mechanism. These results suggest that C5L2 is an anaphylatoxin-binding protein with unique ligand binding and signaling properties.  相似文献   

C5L2, a nonsignaling C5A binding protein   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

The interaction of the chemoattractant des-Arg74-C5a (C5a des Arg) with its receptor on a human monocyte-like cell line, U-937, was examined. The data obtained suggest that C5a des Arg receptor expression is regulated by the extracellular concentration of C5a des Arg itself.  相似文献   

The hormone receptor-like protein Gpr1p physically interacts with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (Plc1p) and with the Galpha protein Gpa2p, as shown by two-hybrid assays and co-immune precipitation of epitope-tagged proteins. Plc1p binds to Gpr1p in either the presence or absence of Gpa2, whereas the Gpr1p/Gpa2p association depends on the presence of Plc1p. Genetic interactions between the null mutations plc1Delta, gpr1Delta, gpa2Delta, and ras2Delta suggest that Plc1p acts together with Gpr1p and Gpa2p in a growth control pathway operating in parallel to the Ras2p function. Diploid cells lacking Gpr1p, Plc1p, or Gpa2p fail to form pseudohyphae upon nitrogen depletion, and the filamentation defect of gpr1Delta and plc1Delta strains is rescued by activating a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway via STE11-4 or by activating a cAMP pathway via overexpressed Tpk2p. Plc1p is also required for efficient expression of the FG(TyA)::lacZ reporter gene under nitrogen depletion. In conclusion, we have identified two physically interacting proteins, Gpr1p and Plc1p, as novel components of a nitrogen signaling pathway controlling the developmental switch from yeast-like to pseudohyphal growth. Our data suggest that phospholipase C modulates the interaction of the putative nutrient sensor Gpr1p with the Galpha protein Gpa2p as a downstream effector of filamentation control.  相似文献   

C5L2 is an enigmatic serpentine receptor that is co-expressed with the C5a receptor on many cells including polymorphonuclear neutrophils. The apparent absence of coupling of C5L2 with G proteins suggests that this receptor may modulate the biological activity of C5a, perhaps by acting as a decoy receptor. Alternatively, C5L2 may affect C5a function through formation of a heteromeric complex with the C5aR, or it may utilize a G protein-independent signaling pathway. Here we show that in mice bearing a targeted deletion of C5L2, the biological activity of C5a/C5a(desArg) is enhanced both in vivo and in vitro. The biological role of C5L2 thus appears to be limiting to the pro-inflammatory response to the anaphylatoxin. Accordingly, up-regulation of C5L2 may be of benefit in inflammatory states driven by C5a, including sepsis, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive lung disease.  相似文献   

The complement anaphylatoxin C5a is a proinflammatory component of host defense that functions through two identified receptors, C5a receptor (C5aR) and C5L2. C5aR is a classical G protein-coupled receptor, whereas C5L2 is structurally homologous but deficient in G protein coupling. In human neutrophils, we show C5L2 is predominantly intracellular, whereas C5aR is expressed on the plasma membrane. Confocal analysis shows internalized C5aR following ligand binding is co-localized with both C5L2 and β-arrestin. Antibody blockade of C5L2 results in a dramatic increase in C5a-mediated chemotaxis and ERK1/2 phosphorylation but does not alter C5a-mediated calcium mobilization, supporting its role in modulation of the β-arrestin pathway. Association of C5L2 with β-arrestin is confirmed by cellular co-immunoprecipitation assays. C5L2 blockade also has no effect on ligand uptake or C5aR endocytosis in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes, distinguishing its role from that of a rapid recycling or scavenging receptor in this cell type. This is thus the first example of a naturally occurring seven-transmembrane segment receptor that is both obligately uncoupled from G proteins and a negative modulator of signal transduction through the β-arrestin pathway. Physiologically, these properties provide the possibility for additional fine-tuning of host defense.  相似文献   

S Jeong  A E Trotochaud    S E Clark 《The Plant cell》1999,11(10):1925-1934
The CLAVATA2 (CLV2) gene regulates both meristem and organ development in Arabidopsis. We isolated the CLV2 gene and found that it encodes a receptor-like protein (RLP), with a presumed extracellular domain composed of leucine-rich repeats similar to those found in plant and animal receptors, but with a very short predicted cytoplasmic tail. RLPs lacking cytoplasmic signaling domains have not been previously shown to regulate development in plants. Our prior work has demonstrated that the CLV1 receptor-like kinase (RLK) is present as a disulfide-linked multimer in vivo. We report that CLV2 is required for the normal accumulation of CLV1 protein and its assembly into protein complexes, indicating that CLV2 may form a heterodimer with CLV1 to transduce extracellular signals. Sequence analysis suggests that the charged residue in the predicted transmembrane domain of CLV2 may be a common feature of plant RLPs and RLKs. In addition, the chromosomal region in which CLV2 is located contains an extremely high rate of polymorphism, with 50 nucleotide and 15 amino acid differences between Landsberg erecta and Columbia ecotypes within the CLV2 coding sequence.  相似文献   

Complement component C5a is one of the most potent inflammatory chemoattractants and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous inflammatory diseases. C5a binds two receptors, C5aR and C5L2. Most of the C5a functional effects occur through C5aR, and the pharmaceutical industry has focused on this receptor for the development of new anti-inflammatory therapies. We used a novel approach to generate and test therapeutics that target C5aR. We created human C5aR knock-in mice, and used neutrophils from these to immunize wild-type mice. This yielded high-affinity blocking mAbs to human C5aR. We tested these anti-human C5aR mAbs in mouse models of inflammation, using the human C5aR knock-in mice. These antibodies completely prevented disease onset and were also able to reverse established disease in the K/B x N arthritis model. The physiological role of the other C5a receptor, C5L2 is still unclear, and our studies with blocking mAbs to human C5L2 have failed to demonstrate a clear functional role in signaling to C5a. The development of effective mAbs to human C5aR is an alternative approach to drug development, for this highly attractive target.  相似文献   

Degradation of buffalo beta-casein by various physiological enzymes was studied. Digestion with gastric and pancreatic proteases plus leucine aminopeptidase did not release casomorphins but a putative precursor (procasomorphin) which was further digested by brush border peptidases into peptides differing from casomorphins.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 is an enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae. The 2C protein of poliovirus, a relative of enterovirus 71, is essential for viral replication. The poliovirus 2C protein is associated with host membrane vesicles, which form viral replication complexes where viral RNA synthesis takes place. We have now identified a host-encoded 2C binding protein called reticulon 3, which we found to be associated with the replication complex through direct interaction with the enterovirus 71-encoded 2C protein. We observed that the N terminus of the 2C protein, which has both RNA- and membrane-binding activity, interacted with reticulon 3. This region of interaction was mapped to its reticulon homology domain, whereas that of 2C was encoded by the 25th amino acid, isoleucine. Reticulon 3 could also interact with the 2C proteins encoded by other enteroviruses, such as poliovirus and coxsackievirus A16, implying that it is a common factor for such viral replication. Reduced production of reticulon 3 by RNA interference markedly reduced the synthesis of enterovirus 71-encoded viral proteins and replicative double-stranded RNA, reducing plaque formation and apoptosis. Furthermore, reintroduction of nondegradable reticulon 3 into these knockdown cells rescued enterovirus 71 infectivity, and viral protein and double-stranded RNA synthesis. Thus, reticulon 3 is an important component of enterovirus 71 replication, through its potential role in modulation of the sequential interactions between enterovirus 71 viral RNA and the replication complex.  相似文献   

The 5' regulatory region of the chh2 gene, encoding cellobiohydrolase II, of the filamentous fungus Hypocrea jecorina contains the cbh2 activating element (CAE) which is essential for cbh2 expression. The CAE consists of two separate, adjacent motifs, a CCAAT box on the template strand (ATTGG) and a GTAATA box on the coding strand, which co-operate in the induction of the gene by cellulose or sophorose. EMSA supershift experiments using an antibody against Aspergillus nidulans HAPC suggested that the complex which binds to the H. jecorina CCAAT box contains a HAPC homolog. To obtain direct evidence for this, we have cloned the hap2, hap3 and hap5 genes from H. jecorina. They encode proteins whose core regions display great similarity to Aspergillus HAPB, HAPC and HAPE and to known HAP homologs from other organisms. All three genes are transcribed in a carbon source-independent manner. A. nidulans deltahap strains were functionally complemented in vitro by the overexpressed H. jecorina HAP2, HAP3 and HAP5 proteins, and they thus represent subunits of the CCAAT-binding complex. Furthermore, all three proteins (HAP2, HAP3 and HAP5) were needed to bind to the CAE in the H. jecorina cbh2 gene promoter in vitro. We conclude that the CCAAT box on the template strand in CAE is bound by the H. jecorina equivalent of the HAP protein complex.  相似文献   

The neuronal Cdk5 kinase is composed of the catalytic subunit Cdk5 and the activator protein p35(nck5a) or its isoform, p39(nck5ai). To identify novel p35(nck5a)- and p39(nck5ai)-binding proteins, fragments of p35(nck5a) and p39(nck5ai) were utilized in affinity isolation of binding proteins from rat brain homogenates, and the isolated proteins were identified using mass spectrometry. With this approach, the nuclear protein SET was shown to interact with the N-terminal regions of p35(nck5a) and p39(nck5ai). Our detailed characterization showed that the SET protein formed a complex with Cdk5/p35(nck5a) through its binding to p35(nck5a). The p35(nck5a)-interacting region was mapped to a predicted alpha-helix in SET. When cotransfected into COS-7 cells, SET and p35(nck5a) displayed overlapping intracellular distribution in the nucleus. The nuclear co-localization was corroborated by immunostaining data of endogenous SET and Cdk5/p35(nck5a) from cultured cortical neurons. Finally, we demonstrated that the activity of Cdk5/p35(nck5a), but not that of Cdk5/p25(nck5a), was enhanced upon binding to the SET protein. The tail region of SET, which is rich in acidic residues, is required for the stimulatory effect on Cdk5/p35(nck5a).  相似文献   

CMS/CD2AP is a cytoplasmic protein critical for the integrity of the kidney glomerular filtration and the T cell function. CMS contains domains and motifs characteristic for protein-protein interactions, and it is involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. We report here that the individual SH3 domains of CMS bind to phosphotyrosine proteins of approximately 80, 90, and 180 kDa in cell lysates stimulated with epidermal growth factor. The second SH3 domain of CMS bound specifically to a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein of 120 kDa, which we identified as the proto-oncoprotein c-Cbl. The c-Cbl-binding site for CMS mapped to the carboxyl terminus of c-Cbl and is different from the proline-rich region known to bind SH3-containing proteins. CMS binding to c-Cbl was markedly attenuated in a tyrosine phosphorylation-defective c-Cbl mutant indicating that this interaction is dependent on the tyrosine phosphorylation of CMS. It also implies that CMS interacts with c-Cbl in an inducible fashion upon stimulation of a variety of cell-surface receptors. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that both proteins colocalize at lamellipodia and leading edges of cells, and we propose that the interaction of CMS with c-Cbl offers a mechanism by which c-Cbl associates and regulates the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus (CHIPS) is an exoprotein produced by several strains of S. aureus, and a potent inhibitor of neutrophil and monocyte chemotaxis toward C5a and formylated peptides like fMLP. These chemoattractants act on their target cells by binding and activating the C5aR and formylated peptide receptor (FPR), respectively. In the present report, we examined the mechanism by which CHIPS affects both of these receptors. We showed that CHIPS blocked binding of anti-C5aR mAb and formylated peptide to human neutrophils as efficiently at temperatures of 0 and 37 degrees C, implying that it is independent of signal transducing systems. This was confirmed by showing that CHIPS acts completely independently of ATP. Additionally, CHIPS was not internalized upon binding to neutrophils. Furthermore, we showed that CHIPS binds specifically to the C5aR and FPR expressed on U937 cells. This binding was functional in blocking C5a- and fMLP-induced calcium mobilization in these cell lines. These results suggest that CHIPS binds directly to the C5aR and FPR, thereby preventing the natural ligands from activating these receptors. The apparent K(d) values of CHIPS for the C5aR and FPR were 1.1 +/- 0.2 nM and 35.4 +/- 7.7 nM, respectively. Moreover, after screening a wide variety of other G protein-coupled receptors, CHIPS was found to affect exclusively the C5aR and FPR. This selectivity and high-affinity binding with potent antagonistic effects makes CHIPS a promising lead for the development of new anti-inflammatory compounds for diseases in which damage by neutrophils plays a key role.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C(alpha) (PKC(alpha)) is a key enzyme regulating the physiology of cells and their growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. PKC activity is known to be modulated by all-trans retinoic acid (atRA), although neither the action mechanism nor even the possible binding to PKCs has been established. Crystals of the C2-domain of PKC(alpha), a regulatory module in the protein that binds Ca(2+) and acidic phospholipids, have now been obtained by cocrystallization with atRA. The crystal structure, refined at 2.0 A resolution, shows that RA binds to the C2-domain in two locations coincident with the two binding sites previously reported for acidic phospholipids. The first binding site corresponds to the Ca(2+)-binding pocket, where Ca(2+) ions mediate the interactions of atRA with the protein, as they do with acidic phospholipids. The second binding site corresponds to the conserved lysine-rich cluster localized in beta-strands three and four. These observations are strongly supported by [(3)H]-atRA-binding experiments combined with site-directed mutagenesis. Wild-type C2-domain binds 2 mol of atRA per mol of protein, while the rate reduces to one in the case of C2-domain variants, in which mutations affect either Ca(2+) coordination or the integrity of the lysine-rich cluster site. Competition between atRA and acidic phospholipids to bind to PKC is a possible mechanism for modulating PKC(alpha) activity.  相似文献   

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