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从14-,17-,21-,27-,34-,及38-周令的人胚肝细胞核分离出柒色质,分别对其中的RNA、DNA、组蛋白(HP)及非组蛋白(NHP)进行测定。在胚胎发育过程中肝柒色质HP/DNA比值变化不大。但是,NHP/DNA与NHP/HP比值发生显著改变。人胚肝NHP量的变化一直保持在整个胚胎发育过程中,NHP量的高峰位于21-及34-周。用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶板电泳分析处于不同发育阶段的人胚肝总染色质蛋白。电泳图谱显示出染色质NHP组分在质与量上有所改变。  相似文献   

人体无支撑运动的数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Hanavan[1]人体模型,本文建立了人体空中运动的一般数学模型,并利用微分方程数值解法对某些实际运动进行了模拟.结果表明该模型能用于反映人体空中无支撑运动的运动过程,并可应用于宇航、体操、技巧、跳水、舞蹈等等运动的研究.  相似文献   

In vitro decondensation of human sperm chromatin induced by the activation of an intrinsic mechanism was studied by light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Morphological evidence was provided to support the concept that this mechanism is essential for the chromatin decondensation occurring in vivo. Prostatic zinc is hypothesized to preserve this potential decondensation ability from oxidative destruction, by reversibly binding to free thiol-groups. The unique occurrence of disulphide-stabilized structures in eutherian spermatozoa may serve to protect the spermatozoon from structural degradation by its own proteolytic activity during the relatively slow passage through the eutherian egg investments.  相似文献   

Incubation of roots (Melandrium noctiflorum) in crude extracts obtained from maturing male sex organs of Chara tomentosa results in supercondensation of mitotic chromosomes. The observed changes, including a number of ‘secondary effects’, confirm precisely with all those kinds of alterations which are typical of M-phase cells in antheridial filaments during their progression from the proliferative period of development towards terminal differentiation into sperm cells. Biological assays performed with proteinaceous extracts of maturing antheridia indicate that the activity is confined merely to a fraction containing low molecular (4.5kDa) peptides, termed as ACCF (antheridial chromatin condensation factor). Microchemical tests showed the acidic character of ACCF and its apparent ability to form cross-links with histones and DNA-histone complexes, mediated presumably by disulfide bridges. The characteristic punctate distribution of vesicles within the cytoplasm suggests the internalization of rhodamine-isothiocyanate labelled ACCF (ACCF-TRITC) by endocytosis, implying possible sequestering and nuclear translocation upon release from the endosomal/lysosomal compartment of the cell.  相似文献   

人体体表超弱光发射的测量   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研制了一种能在室温下正常工作的高灵敏度并具有极低暗计数的光子计数器。用它来研究人体体表超弱光的发射。测量结果表明:人体不同部位体表发光强度是很不一致的:手指发光最强、掌心次之、然后是面颊、前额、小臂、上臂、胸腹部等依次减弱。先照对体表的发光有很大影响。体表不同部位因光照引起发光强度的增加值差异很大;避光后先强的衰减速度也不同。体表的发光强度随体表温度的升高而增强。某些物质接触体表可以使体表发光强度发生很大变化。  相似文献   

THE CHROMATIN BODIES OF BACTERIA   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

人体病理组织中细菌L型的电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对9例细菌L型感染的人体病理组织进行透射电镜观察。结果显示:(1)L型可分布于组织间质或进入吞噬细胞、上皮细胞和癌细胞等细胞胞质;(2)L型具有多形态、大小不等、胞壁缺陷、电子密度低等特点,细胞胞质内的细菌L型尚有A、B两种形态区别;(3)L型在组织中形成了不完全箍缩分裂;(4)宿主细胞超微结构仅出现轻微改变。本结果与文献报道基本一致,提出了透射电镜下病理组织中细菌L型的形态特征及分布;并对L型感染与慢性炎症的关系等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

人体和动物模型的体表物理信息地形图的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对人体头面、躯干、四肢、耳廓各局部几十个及整个人体等体表部位正、背面等210个部位进行超微弱冷光和温度测量,输入电子计算机,经特殊的自编程序处理,获得十分清晰的,由3000多数据构成的各个局部或人体整体的冷光和温度地形图。 对家兔左、右耳廓、胸腹部、背部都分别观察32个部位的冷光与体表温度,经计算机分析处理,每观察区域获得约由2000个数据构成的精确的冷光、温度地形分市图。并可见不同生理、病理状态及不同病程家兔体表冷光、温度等地形图呈有规律的改变。 此外,我们还编制了以体表左右相应对称部位差值为分析数据进行地形图分析的程序,用以人体和动物体表物理信息对称规律的研究。 本工作以图形的形式显示物理参量在体表的广泛的分布规律,以揭示机体内部的不同生理、病理状态。本方法定位准确、直观醒目,为研究体表信息及机体生命活动规律提供了与逐点直接测量方法相互补充的有益的新手段。  相似文献   

The proximal tibial epiphyses of 18–21-day-old fetal rats have been studied by thymidine-3H radioautography. The results reveal that the label is incorporated into two types of osteogenic cells: (a) a spindle cell type (A cells) with characteristics generally associated with matrix production, including an extensive development of the endoplasmic reticulum and the presence of large intracellular accumulations of a dense, finely granular material, morphologically identifiable as glycogen; and (b) a rounded cell type (B cells) with morphological features similar in degree and kind to those of the developing neutrophilic leukocyte, including an abundance of free ribosomes and mitochondria and a complex Golgi apparatus associated with dense specific granules, morphologically identifiable with primary lysosomes. These results, along with the occurrence of recognizable, labeled, immature, perivascular forms of both of these A and B type cells, lead to the conclusion that the specialization of osteogenic cells into osteoclasts and osteocytes may involve separate pathways of cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

The incorporation of H3-tyrosine into the protein of the cells in the cortex of rat hair has been investigated by radioautography. In growing hairs, radioactivity is found in the matrix, the upper bulb, and the whole of the keratogenous zone up to the fully keratinized part of the shaft, 10 and 30 minutes after an injection of labelled tyrosine. This is unequivocal evidence of protein synthesis at these sites. There is a very precise relationship between the end of protein synthesis and the hardening of the cortical cells at the top of the keratogenous zone. The way in which the silver grains of the radioautographs are clustered indicates that at 30 minutes after the injection the isotope is distributed more evenly in the matrix and upper bulb than in the top of the keratogenous zone. Possibly this reflects a difference, at these sites, in the cell components engaged in protein synthesis, or in the proteins being synthesized. The fully keratinized and hardened part of the hair was not radioactive at 10 and 30 minutes after the injection of H3-tyrosine. The rate at which the radioactivity moves into this region shows that the hair of rats grows 0.9 mm/24 hours. Comparison of the degree of radioactivity along the growing hair in the 30-minute, 12-hour, and 36-hour materials shows conclusively that protein accumulates in the cortical cells during their keratinization. An injection of a labelled amino acid does not behave as an ideal pulse dose; consequently, the grain density over the hair cortex at 36 hours is 100 per cent larger than would be expected if an ideal pulse dose situation existed.  相似文献   

The Gulf of California harbors about 15% of the total California sea lion ( Zalophus californianus californianus ) population. We studied pup morphometrics from eight Gulf of California rookeries during the 1996 and 1997 reproductive seasons to describe sex differences in body size and body condition indices. Newborn pup body size was not different from previous reports. Male pups were heavier and larger than female pups in terms of all linear dimensions. Morphometric relationships, however, showed that males were 3%-4% denser, and that after removing the effects of length, they were about 2% heavier than females. Sculp depth adjusted for length was 12% larger in female than in male pups. Our data provide further evidence that male otariid pups may allocate a larger fraction of milk energy to muscular and skeletal growth compared to female pups.  相似文献   

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