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Semi-allogeneic hybrid clones were derived by fusion of the TEPC-15 plasmacytoma (H-2d) and mouse L cells of C3H (H-2k) origin. Three representative clones were chosen to study the relationship between the expression of different membrane antigens and their immunogenicities leading to protection of recipient mice from the parent TEPC-15 plasmacytoma. The level of surface tumor-specific transplantation antigens (TSTA) was measured by radioimmunoprecipitation with syngeneic anti-TSTA and by inhibition of anti-TSTA binding to the TEPC-15 tumor cells. The most immunogenic hybrid clone (LTC-1) expressed the highest level of TSTA and the weakly immunogenic (LTC-2) and nonimmunogenic (LTC-4) hybrid clones exhibited relatively low levels of TSTA on the surface. Moreover, the strongly immunogenic LTC-1 hybrid cells, but not the parent tumor cells, were effective in priming recipient spleen cells to generate TEPC-15 tumor-specific cytotoxic cells upon subsequent in vitro exposure to the TSTA-bearing cells. Therefore, the level of TSTA on the semi-allogeneic hybrid clones may play an important role in enhancing the immunogenicity of TSTA.  相似文献   

Guinea pig myelin basic protein (MBP) was inserted into phosphatidylserine liposomes and Lewis rats were injected by the intracardiac (ic) route with 75 microgram doses of MBP-liposomes according to various schedules. After challenge with 75 microgram guinea pig MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant, the rats were followed for clinical signs, were tested for delayed hypersensitivity (DTH) and lymphocyte transformation (LT) to MBP. The animals were sacrificed 30 days after challenge and the central nervous system tissue was examined for histological modifications. Rats treated with two injections of MBP-liposomes, 7 days before and 7 days after challenge, showed the highest degree of protection from clinical manifestations. Histological lesions were not significantly reduced. DTH reactions to MBP were all positive, regardless of treatment. LT assays were positive overall in only 50% of the animals tested. The response to rat MBP was significantly lower than to guinea pig MBP, especially in the groups treated with MBP-liposomes. Adoptive transfer of spleen cells from MBP-liposome-treated donors reduced the clinical scores of actively induced EAE in syngeneic recipients by 40-50%. These results suggest that at least one mechanism responsible for antigen-specific protection in EAE by MBP-liposomes operates through active suppression transferable by spleen cells.  相似文献   

The influence of a synthetic adjuvant active glycopeptide, N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine (MDP), and of some of its analogs on the in vitro immune response to sheep red blood cells was studied using Mishell and Dutton in vitro stimulation system. When MDP and adjuvant active analogs were incubated with normal spleen cells, increased cell recovery was observed after 3 or 4 days of culture, showing a good correlation between the adjuvant activity in vivo and the enhancement of cell viability in vitro. The analogs which were found to have an adjuvant activity in vivo were equally effective in stimulating in vitro both the background hemolytic PFC and the immune response to sheep red blood cells. However, those which were inactive in vivo were effective in vitro but only at high concentration levels.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of Lewis rats with guinea pig (GP) myelin basic protein (MBP) coupled to syngeneic spleen leukocytes (SL) suppressed the subsequent induction of experimental allegic encephalomyelitis (EAE) with GP-MBP in Freund's complete adjuvant. The degree of suppression correlated positively with the amount of antigen coupled to the SL. GP-MBP coupled to syngeneic red blood cells (RBC) also resulted in suppression of EAE and the extent of the suppression was related to the dose of cells. These regimens of pretreatment also resulted in a decrease in the in vitro lymphocyte proliferative response to GP-MBP and in the extent of perivascular cuffing in the spinal cord. No decrease in the anti-MBP antibody response was detected in rats pretreated with either GP-MBP-SL or GP-MBP-RBC conjugates. Transfer of lymph node cells from rats pretreated with GP-MBP-RBC resulted in a decrease in disease severity in recipients. It is concluded that prior administration of MBP-cell conjugates is an effective way of suppressing the symptoms of EAE.  相似文献   

Congenitally athymic (nude) mice of BALB/c background and their littermates were rendered unresponsive to the phosphorylcholine (PC) determinant by neonatal injection of anti-idiotypic antibodies. The kinetics of recovery from unresponsiveness were found to be similar for both groups when measured over a 20-week period. Spleen cells from suppressed, athymic mice did not respond to PC and were able to inhibit the response of normal cells to PC when tested in vitro. These results indicated that a population of specific suppressor cells, which may be responsible for induction and/or maintenance of unresponsiveness, can be generated in the absence of a thymic environment.  相似文献   

Seeking common abnormalities in mice genetically predisposed to lupus-like autoimmune disease, we investigated (1) the ontogeny of Ia antigens (I-A/I-E) on the surfaces of resident peritoneal macrophages (rpM phi) of lupus and normal mice, (2) spontaneous and lectin-induced in vitro production of M phi-stimulating factors (interferon, IFN; M phi-activating factor, MAF; M phi-Ia-inducing/recruiting factor, MIRF), and (3) responses of rpM phi from such animals to Ia-inducing signals. Indirect immunofluorescence techniques showed that Ia+ rpM phi increased numerically during the life spans of MRL/Mp lpr/lpr, while no such increase was observed in age-matched non-lpr MRL/Mp +/+ or (MRL/Mp lpr/lpr X MRL/Mp +/+)F1 hybrid mice. However, neonatal thymectomy, which prevents lymphoproliferation and autoimmune disease in MRL/Mp lpr/lpr mice, had no effect on this enhanced M phi I-A/I-E expression. NZB mice developed a similar increase with age, whereas BXSB and (NZB X NZW)F1 lupus mice, like immunologically normal controls, had low numbers of I-A/I-E+ rpM phi. Cultured splenocytes of lupus mice, including those with high percentages of I-A/I-E+ rpM phi, did not spontaneously (in the absence of mitogens) elaborate MIRF, MAF, or IFN activity. Furthermore, concanavalin A-stimulated splenocytes from lupus mice, particularly strains with early autoimmune disease manifestations [MRL/Mp lpr/lpr, male BXSB, and female (NZB X NZW)F1] produced levels of these lymphokines that were lower than normal controls. MRL/Mp lpr/lpr and NZB rpM phi, when stimulated in vitro with the supernatant of a MIRF-producing T cell hybridoma, did not hyperrespond. Our study shows that increased I-A/I-E+ rpM phi occur in some, but not all, lupus mice and this increase does not correlate with increased spontaneous or mitogen-induced production of M phi-stimulating lymphokines nor with hyperresponsiveness to Ia-inducing signals.  相似文献   

Fragments of the imaginal wing disc of Drosophila melanogaster were cultured in adult hosts before transfer to larvae for metamorphosis. Transdetermination occurred only after at least 2 weeks of culture in vivo, producing structures of the leg, antenna, head, and thoracic spiracle. Details of the transdetermined structures and their locations with respect to normal wing disc structures are reported. We present evidence suggesting that regulation can occur between the wing and the second leg imaginal discs, and we propose that many transdeterminations which involve neighboring discs may result from such interdisc regulation.  相似文献   

We have examined the consequence of deleting the first pathfinding neurons to differentiate in the metathoracic leg, cell pair tibial 1 (Ti1) (C. M. Bate, 1976, Nature (London) 260, 54-56; H. Keshishian, 1980, Dev. Biol. 80, 388-397) on the development of two uniquely identifiable follower sensory neurons, and upon the subsequent development of nerve 5B1 in the leg. Following the equivalent of 10-15% of embryonic development in culture the follower sensory neurons were found to have formed topologically normal axonal trajectories in the leg, and to have established contacts with later differentiating sensory and motor axons in an essentially normal fashion. The results show that followers can navigate the route normally taken by the pioneers, and suggest that the pioneers do not have unusual pathfinding capabilities.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper (H. Keshishian and D. Bentley, 1983a, Dev. Biol. 96, 89-102) the events leading to the morphogenesis of nerve 5B1 in the grasshopper embryonic metathoracic leg were presented. Here the role of later differentiating peripheral neurons in establishing the other major nerves of the leg is examined. In addition to the (tibial 1) (Ti1) pioneer neuron cell pairs that establish nerve 5B1 in the tibia femur, and coxa-trochanter, six later differentiating cells and/or cell pairs were identified and examined with respect to their role in peripheral nerve ontogeny. Nerve path pioneering was observed in two cell pairs of the distal tarsus (Ta1 and Ta2), by neurons of the posterior proximal tibia (Ti2), the posterior midfemur (neurons F3 and F4), and by an additional cell pair in the anterior coxal-trochanteral region of the limb bud (cell pair, CT2). In addition, efferent projections onto limb and epithelia played an important role in establishing nerve branches. In two nerves the axonal trajectory from the periphery to the CNS is established by afferent and efferent pathfinding axons meeting halfway and overgrowing each other's established projections. For each nerve branch examined it was found that axons projected initially to the cell bodies of previously arising neurons along the trajectory. The location along the limb bud ectoderm where neurons arise, and hence their ultimate cell body positions, played an important role in organizing the fasciculation of follower axons and establishing branch points.  相似文献   

The effect of choline deficiency on the kinetic properties of the microsomal enzyme UDP-glucuronyltransferase (EC2.4.1.17) was investigated in rats. Animals fed choline-deficient diets, as compared with animals fed a choline-replete diet or standard laboratory chow, showed almost a three-fold increase in enzyme activity when the enzyme was assayed at physiological concentrations of UDP-glucuronic acid (0.25 mM). The increase in activity appeared to be due to an enhanced affinity of the enzyme for UDP-glucuronic acid rather than to an increase in the amount of enzyme. These data indicate that the kinetic properties of tightly bound membrane enzymes are altered by a dietary change that is known to cause liver disease in the rat.  相似文献   

The founding of the first nerve path of the grasshopper metathoracic leg was examined at the level of identified neurons, using intracellular dye fills, immunohistochemistry, Nomarski optics, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The embryonic nerve is established by the axonal trajectory of a pair of afferent pioneer neurons, the tibial 1 (Ti1) cells. Following a period of profuse filopodial sprouting, the Ti1 axonal growth cones, possessing 75- to 100-microns-long filopodia, navigate a stereotyped path across the limb bud epithelium to the base of the appendage and into the CNS. The Ti1 axons grow from cell to cell along a chain of preaxonogenesis neurons spaced at intervals along the pathway, forming dye-passing junctions with them. The contacted neurons subsequently undergo axonogenesis and follow the pioneer axons into the CNS. Later arising neurons project their axons onto the cell bodies of the chain, thereby establishing the principal branch points of the nerve. Among the later arising afferents are the sensory neurons of the femoral chordotonal and subgenual organs. The morphology of the adult nerve appears to be determined by the stereotyped positioning of neurons in the differentiating limb bud and by the resultant axonal trajectories established during the first 10% of peripheral neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The finer control of mating activity by testosterone in male sheep was investigated using the castrated ram (wether) as an experimental model. Adult wethers that had been castrated before puberty were injected with graded doses of testosterone propionate (TP) and mating behavior was assessed in standardized libido trials at various times during treatment. Doses of 1 to 2 mg TP/day elicited mounting behavior in wethers but did not result in intromission or ejaculation. On the other hand, TP doses of 4 mg/day or greater stimulated the complete mating response which included intromission and the ejaculatory reflex. The threshold dose of TP required for complete mating activity (4 mg/day) produced plasma testosterone levels which were lower than those normally observed in intact rams. The results of this study indicate that the behavioral aspects (arousal mechanisms) of mating in rams have a lower testosterone threshold than intromission and ejaculation (consummatory mechanisms). Also, since complete mating activity was stimulated in wethers having relatively low plasma testosterone levels, this may explain why there is no apparent relationship between plasma testosterone and mating drive in intact rams.  相似文献   

Quantitation of myosin in muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amount of myosin per gram of cardiac and skeletal muscle was determined in sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized tissue homogenates by radioimmunoassay and by isotope dilution. In the rabbit ventricle, there was an average of 27 mg myosin/g wet wt of tissue. In chickens, the myosin content of typical "red" (anterior latissimus dorsi) and "white" (posterior latissimus dorsi) skeletal muscles was higher than that of ventricular muscle, averaging 36 and 48 mg/g of tissue, respectively. The stoichiometry of the heavy and light chains in cardiac myosin was also determined from the quantitative binding of 125I-labeled Coomassie blue to each subunit after separation of the subunits by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. With this procedure, we found that the combined light-chain subunits contributed 19% of the myosin mass. After adjustment for the light-chain contribution, the myosin heavy-chain content of the rabbit ventricle averaged 22 mg/g wet wt of tissue.  相似文献   

A fluorometric procedure for quantitating the amount of N-acetylneuraminic acid enzymatically released by the neuraminidase activity from N-acetylneuraminyl-lactose (sialyl-lactose) has been developed. The liberated lactose is hydrolyzed with beta-galactosidase, and the released galactose is oxidized with galactose dehydrogenase and NAD+; finally, the NADH produced is measured by fluorometry (excitation at 340 nm and analysis of emitted light at 465 nm). The fluorometric assay is about 10-fold more sensitive than the spectrophotometric procedure that measures NADH at 340 nm. It readily measures amounts as little as 2 nmol of sialic acid, and does not require the use of radioactive isotopes. Interferences due to sucrose or other substances, which cause errors in some cases with the use of the periodate-thiobarbiturate method for neuraminidase activity determination, are avoided. The procedure reported here provides a sensitive, rapid, and relatively simple method (feasible with commercialized reagents) for measuring the neuraminidase activity not only in purified samples from different sources but also directly in biological materials such as viruses. The technique has been tested with some viruses recently isolated belonging to Orthomyxoviridae or Paramyxoviridae families, known to be rich in neuraminidase. Reciprocally, this method can also be employed for determining the sialic acid concentration in acylneuraminyl-lactose-containing compounds when using purified neuraminidase for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotrophin preparations (hCG), when injected ip daily for 4 days, suppress the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response of mice to sheep red blood cells. Preparations of crude hCG, purified hCG subunits, and hCG that was formed by recombining the purified subunits showed immunosuppressive activity in accord with their gonadotrophic activity. The immunosuppressive effects in male and female mice were comparable. However, removal of the gonads completely abrogated the immunosuppressive activity of hCG in both males and females, suggesting that the effect of hCG is mediated by a factor released from the gonads. We conclude that the hCG molecule itself exhibits immunosuppressive activity in vivo in both male and female mice and that the gonads are required for the expression of this activity.  相似文献   

In vitro Ig secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) from old and young donors, in response to T-dependent (TD) [pokeweed mitogen (PWM)] and T-independent (TI) [Salmonella paratyphii B (SPB)] activation were compared. In older donors, the IgG and IgA responses to PWM were comparable to those of young donors; the IgM response was reduced in the elderly. With SPB activation, IgA response was again preserved, whereas IgG response was reduced and IgM secretion was markedly decreased. These data indicate class-specific changes in Ig responsiveness to both TD and TI cell activators with age. The reduction in TI-induced IgG and IgM responses in the elderly suggest that changes in B cells themselves have occurred. The preservation of the TD IgG response in concert with reduced TI response indicates that a decline in T-suppressor influences over B cells in the elderly coupled with reduced B-cell synthesizing capacity can result in apparent “preservation” of the final Ig response. In keeping with the above postulate, analysis of individual elderly donors' responses indicated that some of the old donors responded to PWM, but not SPB; none of the old donors responded to SPB and not PWM. In contrast, some young donors did respond to SPB, but not PWM. These results also suggest that nonresponse to PWM in young donors relates to an override of functionally intact B cells by T-regulator influences.  相似文献   

l-Galactonolactone oxidase is believed to catalyze the last step of l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis in yeast. A highly purified preparation of this enzyme from baker's yeast was obtained by a seven-step procedure. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 290,000 by gel filtration, while the dissociated enzyme possessed a molecular weight of 56,000, based on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme catalyzes the reaction, l-galactono-γ-lactone + O2 → l-ascorbic acid + H2O2. l-Gulono- and d-altrono-γ-lactone also serve as substrates. The enzyme was found to contain a flavin which is covalently bound to the enzyme protein. By comparing the properties of this enzyme with those of isofunctional enzymes of higher plants and animals, it became evident that the yeast enzyme is more like the l-gulonolactone oxidase (EC of animals than the l-galactonolactone dehydrogenase (EC of higher plants. Since phylogenetically lower animals are reported to lack l-gulonolactone oxidase, the finding of a similar enzyme in yeast is of great interest.  相似文献   

Supplementation of the culture medium of Candida utilis with d-methionine or 2-methyl-dl-methionine leads to intracellular synthesis of S-adenosyl-d-methionine and S-adenosyl-2-methylmethionine. The identity of the sulfonium compounds was established by tracer technique, chromatography, acid hydrolysis, and examination of the released methionine and 2-methylmethionine. In addition to the expected sulfur amino acid component, both adenosine sulfonium fractions contained S-adenosyl-l-methionine. This is explained by transmethylation of S-adenosyl-d-methionine and of S-adenosyl-2-methyl-methionine with endogenous l-homocysteine; the resulting l-methionine reacts with ATP to form S-adenosyl-l-methionine. Experiments with purified cell-free preparations of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (EC from C. utilis confirmed the reaction of ATP with d-methionine or 2-methyl-dl-methionine.  相似文献   

Humoral and cell-mediated immunity to the two major myelin proteins, basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein, have been investigated during the course of chronic experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced in guinea pigs with whole neural tissue. A positive proliferative response to MBP was observed at 10 and 13 days postimmunization, but was not detectable at subsequent stages. Serum antibodies to MBP first appeared during the chronic stages of the disease. A proliferative response to proteolipid apoprotein was not detected during any stage of chronic EAE. Guinea pigs immunized with proteolipid alone, however, showed a proliferative response. The data suggest that MBP is one of the antigens involved in the induction of the acute episode of chronic EAE, but its role in later stages and that of proteolipid protein remain unknown.  相似文献   

A number of simple sugars have been tested and found to be effective in blocking lysis of YAC-1 tumor target cells by nonimmune murine natural killer (NK) effector cells. Using a spleen fragment culture system an assay has been developed which allows us to compare the inhibition of lysis observed in replicate culture wells prepared from cells contained in one spleen fragment (less than or equal to 1 X 10(6) cells). The inhibition pattern of any well was found to fall naturally into 1 of 25 (of the total 128 possible tested) patterns. Using this panel analysis of NK activity in individual mice of the same or different strain has been compared. Our data suggest that within any given strain the inhibition pattern of NK effector cells is quite uniform. Consistent differences are seen between strains which are interpreted in terms of a genetic control of the final expression of the NK recognition repertoire. In adult F1 hybrid individuals the pattern of recognition by NK cells is best considered a result of the codominant expression of genes contributed by each parent.  相似文献   

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