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Responses to light recorded by means of intracellular microelectrodes in isolated heads kept in oxygenated Ringer solution consist of a slow depolarization. Light adaptation increases the rates of depolarization and repolarization and decreases the amplitude of the response. Qualitatively these changes are similar to those observed in Limulus by Fuortes and Hodgkin. They are rapidly reversible during dark adaptation. In retinula cells of the drone eye a large single spike is recorded superimposed on the rising phase of the slow potential. The spike is a regenerative phenomenon; it can be triggered with electric current and is markedly reduced, sometimes abolished by tetrodotoxin. In rare cases cells were found which responded to light with a train of spikes. This behavior was only found under "unusual" experimental conditions; i.e., towards the end of a long experiment, during impalement, or at the beginning of responses to steps of strongly light-adapted preparations.  相似文献   

The influence of changes in the ionic composition of the bathing medium on responses of the retinula cell of the honeybee drone to light was examined by means of intracellular microelectrodes. The resting potential of the cell was influenced mainly by the concentration of K. The peak of the receptor potential (the transient), which in a normal solution and with strong light approaches zero membrane potential, overshot this level in a K-rich solution. An increase in the concentration of K also raised the level of the steady-state phase of the receptor potential (the plateau). The amplitude of the receptor potential was decreased and the spike potential rapidly abolished when Na was replaced by either sucrose, choline, or Tris. In a Ca-free solution the amplitude of the response and especially that of the plateau, was increased. An increase in Ca had the opposite effects. All these changes were reversible. An attempt was made to interpret the receptor and spike potentials in terms of passive movements of Na and K across the membrane of the retinula cell. The major difficulty encountered was to find an explanation for the persistence of an appreciable fraction of the transient and the plateau in preparations kept up to 12 hr in a solution in which all the Na had been replaced by choline, Tris, or sucrose.  相似文献   

Spikes were recorded from single axons in the siphonal nerve of the hardshell clam Mercenaria mercenaria which respond to dimming of light. No axons were found to respond to the onset, or increase, of illumination. In a dark-adapted state there is little or no ongoing spike activity. The responsive area of a single axon is a circle of approximately 85 µm diameter on the inner siphon wall. The number of spikes elicited at the off of constant-duration flashes grows as approximately the 0.4 power of flash intensity. For constant intensity and constant light-time fraction, the off-response increases with increasing duration at least up to 500 s duration. For long durations, the response grows as the logarithm of stimulus duration. Subthreshold light can suppress the off-response from preceding illumination. In a light-adapted state, the off-response is greater and its latency shorter than in the dark-adapted state. The fine structure of groups of cell processes thought to comprise the photoreceptor in Mercenaria is described. On the basis of morphological and physiological findings it is suggested that phototransduction occurs in the fine distal processes of the axons from which we have recorded. Axonal processes were found to contain well organized pentalaminar whorls which may be the site of photo-pigment concentration. The action spectrum obtained from the integrated responses of nerve bundles appears to be that of a single Dartnall pigment having maximal absorption at about 510 nm.  相似文献   

The insula, particularly its posterior portion, is often regarded as a primary cortex for pain. However, this interpretation is largely based on reverse inference, and a specific involvement of the insula in pain has never been demonstrated. Taking advantage of the high spatiotemporal resolution of direct intracerebral recordings, we investigated whether the human insula exhibits local field potentials (LFPs) specific for pain. Forty-seven insular sites were investigated. Participants received brief stimuli belonging to four different modalities (nociceptive, vibrotactile, auditory, and visual). Both nociceptive stimuli and non-nociceptive vibrotactile, auditory, and visual stimuli elicited consistent LFPs in the posterior and anterior insula, with matching spatial distributions. Furthermore, a blind source separation procedure showed that nociceptive LFPs are largely explained by multimodal neural activity also contributing to non-nociceptive LFPs. By revealing that LFPs elicited by nociceptive stimuli reflect activity unrelated to nociception and pain, our results confute the widespread assumption that these brain responses are a signature for pain perception and its modulation.  相似文献   

Electrical responses were recorded intracellularly from the compound eyes of a fly (Lucilia) and of several dragonflies (Copera, Agriocnemis, and Lestes). An ommatidium of the dragonflies is made up of four retinula cells and a rhabdom composed of three rhabdomeres while the Lucilia has an ommatidium of seven independent retinula cells and rhabdomeres. The intracellular responses presumably recorded from the retinula cell had the same wave form in the two groups of insects: The responses were composed of two components or phases, a transient spike-like potential and a slow one maintained during illumination. The membrane potential, in the range of -25 to -70 mv., was influenced by the level of adaptation, and it was transiently depolarized to zero by high levels of illumination.  相似文献   

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an effective method for establishing a causal link between a cortical area and cognitive/neurophysiological effects. Specifically, by creating a transient interference with the normal activity of a target region and measuring changes in an electrophysiological signal, we can establish a causal link between the stimulated brain area or network and the electrophysiological signal that we record. If target brain areas are functionally defined with prior fMRI scan, TMS could be used to link the fMRI activations with evoked potentials recorded. However, conducting such experiments presents significant technical challenges given the high amplitude artifacts introduced into the EEG signal by the magnetic pulse, and the difficulty to successfully target areas that were functionally defined by fMRI. Here we describe a methodology for combining these three common tools: TMS, EEG, and fMRI. We explain how to guide the stimulator''s coil to the desired target area using anatomical or functional MRI data, how to record EEG during concurrent TMS, how to design an ERP study suitable for EEG-TMS combination and how to extract reliable ERP from the recorded data. We will provide representative results from a previously published study, in which fMRI-guided TMS was used concurrently with EEG to show that the face-selective N1 and the body-selective N1 component of the ERP are associated with distinct neural networks in extrastriate cortex. This method allows us to combine the high spatial resolution of fMRI with the high temporal resolution of TMS and EEG and therefore obtain a comprehensive understanding of the neural basis of various cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Intracellular recording is a powerful technique used to determine how a single cell may respond to a given stimulus. In vision research, intracellular recording has historically been a common technique used to study sensitivities of individual photoreceptor cells to different light stimuli that is still being used today. However, there remains a dearth of detailed methodology in the literature for researchers wishing to replicate intracellular recording experiments in the eye. Here we present the insect as a model for examining eye physiology more generally. Insect photoreceptor cells are located near the surface of the eye and are therefore easy to reach, and many of the mechanisms involved in vision are conserved across animal phyla. We describe the basic procedure for in vivo intracellular recording of photoreceptor cells in the eye of a butterfly, with the goal of making this technique more accessible to researchers with little prior experience in electrophysiology. We introduce the basic equipment needed, how to prepare a live butterfly for recording, how to insert a glass microelectrode into a single cell, and finally the recording procedure itself. We also explain the basic analysis of raw response data for determining spectral sensitivity of individual cell types. Although our protocol focuses on determining spectral sensitivity, other stimuli (e.g., polarized light) and variations of the method are applicable to this setup.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were obtained from single visual cells of the scallop, Pecten irradians. Two types of units are found. One type gives a graded, depolarizing response to light and the other a graded, hyperpolarizing response. The depolarizing cells are 2–3 log units more sensitive to light and have a longer latency than the hyperpolarizing type. At high light intensities the depolarizing cells are inactivated while the hyperpolarizing cells maintain their responses. When action potentials are seen they occur during illumination in depolarizing cells ("on" response) and after illumination in hyperpolarizing cells ("off" response). The evidence suggests that the depolarizing responses are from the microvilli-brearing proximal cells, and the hyperpolarizing responses from the ciliary-type distal cells of the retina, and that both responses are directly produced by light.  相似文献   

利用昆虫杆状病毒表达SARS冠状病毒的刺突蛋白和膜蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SARS冠状病毒是人的严重急性呼吸综合征的病原体。对其他种类冠状病毒的研究结果显示,刺突蛋白(S蛋白)和膜蛋白(M蛋白)是病毒主要的结构蛋白。重组M蛋白和S蛋白可被用来作为抗原检测冠状病毒的感染和制备疫苗。这两个蛋白质分别被克隆并重组到昆虫杆状病毒基因组中,利用重组杆状病毒感染昆虫细胞来表达重组M蛋白和S蛋白,并对M蛋白进行了细胞内定位,融合蛋白的绿色荧光暗示了该蛋白质定位在细胞膜上。  相似文献   

Intracellular electrodes were inserted into single photoreceptor units of the excised lateral eye of Limulus, and preparations were selected from which graded receptor potentials of relatively large amplitude could be recorded in response to light stimuli. The experimental data indicated that the graded receptor potential does not arise solely from a collapse of the resting membrane potential of the sensory cells of the eye, since a reversal of polarity of the photoreceptor unit could be demonstrated when the eye was stimulated by light. In the recovery period following stimulation, characteristic changes in the so-called resting potential were recorded. It is suggested that these changes in the so-called resting membrane potential are electrical signs of recovery processes occurring in the photoreceptor, because the potential changes were recorded when the eye was in darkness and because the magnitudes of the potential changes were a predictable function of the intensity and duration parameters of the preceding light stimulus.  相似文献   

Membrane characteristics of neuron somata in the medulla terminalis ganglionic X-organ of crayfish have been investigated with intracellular glass microelectrodes. The soma membrane developed action potentials with 10–20 mv of overshoot. Delayed rectification appeared at 10–20 mv above resting membrane potential. In 50% of the neuron somata examined, action potentials were observed in Na-free medium or TTX medium. The peak potential level of the spike in these media depended on the extracellular concentration of Ca ion. It increased with the Ca concentration. In low calcium media, the peak potential level of the spike varied with Na concentration. Action potentials of the X-organ-sinus gland tract disappeared after bathing in Na-free or TTX medium, suggesting that the conductive action potential was dependent on Na ions. From these results, it is concluded that there are two systems in the neuron soma, one of which responds to the Na ion and the other, to the Ca ion. Inhibitory innervation of the X-organ by the cerebral ganglion was manifested by IPSP's when the optic peduncle was stimulated. A postulated connection between the Ca-dependent spike and the release of hormone in X-organ neuron somata is discussed.  相似文献   

In 19–20-h-old chick embryonic blastoderm, the portion anterior to Hensen's node contains the cells which are destined to give rise to the heart, whereas the cells in the portion of the blastoderm posterior to Hensen's node (the post-nodal piece, PNP) normally do not. However, when the PNP was isolated from the blastoderm by cutting 0.6 mm posterior to Hensen's node and the isolated PNP was exposed to an RNA-enriched extract obtained from adult chicken heart, a spontaneously contracting tubular structure was formed in vitro within 1 week. Typical cardiac action potentials, both spontaneous and evoked, were recorded by intracellular microelectrodes from cells within these contracting tubules. Actinomycin D or cycloheximide prevented the inducing effect of the RNA extract. Induction of tubule formation and the appearance of excitability did not occur in untreated controls or in PNPs treated with RNA-containing extracts from adult chicken liver. These results indicate that cells not originally destined to become myocardial cells can be induced to gain many of the properties of heart cells by an RNA-enriched fraction from adult heart, and that this induction is dependent upon protein synthesis. Although it is not known what substance is the active principle, it is likely to be RNA.  相似文献   

Effects of monovalent cations and some anions on the electrical properties of the barnacle muscle fiber membrane were studied when the intra- or extracellular concentrations of those ions were altered by longitudinal intra-cellular injection. The resting potential of the normal fiber decreases linearly with increase of logarithm of [K+]out and the decrement for a tenfold increase in [K+]out is 58 mv when the product, [K+]out ·[Cl-]out, is kept constant. It also decreases with decreasing [K+]in but is always less than expected theoretically. The deviation becomes larger as [K+]in increases and the resting potential finally starts to decrease with increasing [K+]in for [K+]in > 250 mM. When the internal K+ concentration is decreased the overshoot of the spike potential increases and the time course of the spike potential becomes more prolonged. In substituting for the internal K+, Na+ and sucrose affect the resting and spike potentials similarly. Some organic cations (guanidine, choline, tris, and TMA) behave like sucrose while some other organic cations (TEA, TPA, and TBA) have a specific effect and prolong the spike potential if they are applied intracellularly or extracellularly. In all cases the active membrane potential increases linearly with the logarithm of [Ca++]out/[K+]in and the increment is about 29 mv for tenfold increase in this ratio. The fiber membrane is permeable to Cl- and other smaller anions (Br- and I-) but not to acetate- and larger anions (citrate-, sulfate-, and methanesulfonate-).  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - The role of small conductance (SK) Ca2+-dependent potassium channels in pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy remains uncertain. In our...  相似文献   

报道了吉林省植物新记录6种,分属5科6属,它们是弓嘴苔草(Carex capricornis)、圆柱披碱草(Elymus dahuricus var.cylindricus)、沙芦草(Agropyron mongolicum)、粘毛黄芩(Scutellaria viscidula)、耧斗菜叶绣线菊(Spiraea aquilegiifolia)、细叶小苦荬(Ixeridium gracile)。这6种植物在《东北植物检索表》、《中国高等植物图鉴》、《中国植物志》等文献中都未曾记录在吉林省的分布,因此确定这6种植物属于吉林省新记录。  相似文献   

宁夏十字花科1种新记录植物   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道了宁夏十字花科1种新记录植物,小果亚麻荠(Camelina microcarpa).  相似文献   

广东植物分布新记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道广东植物分布新记录9种:毛杆蕨、棒花风仙、海南地黄连、线状紫金牛、纽子果、长苞蓝、簇花球子草、光叶球穗山姜和黄花羊耳蒜。其中毛杆蕨属和长苞蓝属为广东新记录属。  相似文献   

上海两种新记录植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了上海2种新分布植物:禾本科的日本莠竹[Microstegium japonicum (Miq.) Koidz.]和菊科的卤地菊[Wedelia prostrata (Hook.et Arn.) Hemsl.].  相似文献   

海南植物新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道海南新记录植物4种和1变钟:腋花苋(Amaranthus roxburghianus),细辛锦香草(Phyllagathis asarifolia),三瓣锦香草(Phyllagathis ternata),狭萼扁担杆(Grewia angustisepala)和毛使君子(Quisqualis indica L.vat.villosa)。  相似文献   

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