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Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling yield and yield components were identified by using a doubled haploid (DH) population of 120 lines from a sub-specific cross between ‘Samgang’ (Indica) and ‘Nagdong’ (Japonica). Main effects, epistatic effects, their environment interactions of QTLs were analyzed via mixed linear model approach across different environments. A total of 17 putative QTLs were identified on 8 chromosomes and five QTLs were detected over two years. 7 QTLs of main effects and 23 epistatic interactions were observed for five traits. Epistatic interactions played an important role in controlling the expression of yield related traits. The epistatic effects explained higher percentages of phenotype variation for panicles per plant, seed set percentage and yield. Significant QTL×environment (QE) interactions effects were identified for all traits, including 5 main effect QTLs. However, the present study failed to identify the significant interactions between epistatic loci containing main effect QTLs and the environment. The information provided in the present study could be used in the marker-assisted selection to enhance selection efficiency and to improve yield in rice.  相似文献   

Main effects, epistatic effects and their environmental interactions of QTLs are all important genetic components of quantitative traits. In this study, we analyzed the main effects, epistatic effects of the QTLs, and QTL by environment interactions (QEs) underlying four yield traits, using a population of 240 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between two rice varieties tested in replicated field trials. A genetic linkage map with 220 DNA marker loci was constructed. A mixed linear model approach was used to detect QTLs with main effects, QTLs involved in digenic interactions and QEs. In total, 29 QTLs of main effects, and 35 digenic interactions involving 58 loci were detected for the four traits. Thirteen QTLs with main effects showed QEs; no QE was detected for the QTLs involved in epistatic interactions. The amount of variations explained by the QTLs of main effect were larger than the QTLs involved in epistatic interactions, which in turn were larger than QEs for all four traits. This study illustrates the ability of the analysis to assess the genetic components underlying the quantitative traits, and demonstrates the relative importance of the various components as the genetic basis of yield traits in this population.  相似文献   

A linkage map consisting of 158 DNA markers were constructed by using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the indica-indica rice cross Zhenshan 97B 2 Milyang 46. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conditioning grain yield and five yield component traits were determined at the one-locus and two-locus levels, and genotype-by-environment (GE) interactions were analyzed. Thirty-one QTLs were detected to have significant additive effects for yield traits, of which 12 also exhibited significant epistatic effects. Sixteen significant additive-by-additive (AA) interactions were detected, of which nine occurred between QTLs with own additive effects (MepQTLs), four occurred between QTLs showing epistatic effects only (epQTLs), and three occurred between MepQTLs and epQTLs. Significant GE interactions were found for six QTLs with additive effects and one AA interaction. Generally, the contributions to the phenotypic variation were higher due to QTL main effects than to epistatic effects. The detection of additive effects and AA effects of a QTL interfered with each other, indicating that the detection of QTLs with main effects, as well as the magnitude and directions of the additive effects, might vary depending on their interactions with other loci.  相似文献   

The cooking and eating quality of rice has attracted more attention recently. In a comprehensive effort to unravel its genetic basis, we conducted a genome-wide analysis of six traits representing the cooking and eating quality of rice grain, namely, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC), gelatinization temperature (GT), water absorption (WA), cooked rice elongation (CRE) and volume expansion (VE) using a DH population derived from the anther culture of an F1 hybrid between WYJ 2 (japonica) and Zhenshan 97B (indica). For each trait, one to three quantitative trait loci (QTL) were found, which were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 11. QTL analysis revealed a major QTL specifying GT, located at the interval RM276-RM121, which should be the same locus as the alkali degeneration gene (alk), while for each of the remaining five traits the QTL explaining the largest proportion of variance was located on the short arm of chromosome 6, centered at RM190 (found in the waxy gene). Our results, in combination with previous reports, further confirmed that either the waxy gene itself or a genomic region tightly linked to it plays a major role in determining the cooking and eating quality of rice.  相似文献   

 We used a mapping population of 131 doubled-haploid lines, produced from a cross between an improved indica rice variety (IR64) and a traditional japonica variety (Azucena), to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance to the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens. We evaluated the parents and mapping population with six tests that measure varying combinations of the three basic mechanisms of insect host plant resistance, i.e., antixenosis, antibiosis, and tolerance. To factor-out the effect of the major resistance gene Bph1 from IR64, the screening was done with two BPH populations from Luzon Island, The Philippines, that are almost completely adapted to this gene. A total of seven QTLs associated with resistance were identified, located on 6 of the 12 rice chromosomes. Individual QTLs accounted for between 5.1 and 16.6% of the phenotypic variance. Two QTLs were predominantly associated with a single resistance mechanism: one with antixenosis and one with tolerance. Most of the QTLs were derived from IR64, which has been shown to have a relatively durable level of moderate resistance under field conditions. The results of this study should be useful in transferring this resistance to additional rice varieties. Received: 10 May 1998 / Accepted: 4 June 1998  相似文献   

We report here the RFLP mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) which affect some important agronomic traits in cultivated rice. An anther culture-derived doubled-haploid (DH) population was established from a cross between indica and japonica rice varieties. A molecular linkage map comprising 137 markers was constructed based on this population which covered the rice genome at intervals of 14.8 cM on average. The linkage map was used to locate QTLs for such important agronomic traits as heading date, plant height, number of spikelets per panicle, number of grains per panicle, 1 000-grain weight and the percentage of seed set, by interval mapping. Evidence of genotype-by-environment interaction was found by comparing QTL maps of the same population grown in three diverse environments. A total of 22 QTLs for six agronomic traits was detected which were significant in at least one environment, but only seven were significant in all three environments; seven were significant in two environments and eight could only be detected in a single environment. However, QTLs-by-environment interaction was trait dependent. QTLs for spikelets and grains per panicle were common across environments while traits like heading date and plant height were more sensitive to environment. Received: 22 February 1996 / Accepted: 10 May 1996  相似文献   

 An intervarietal molecular-marker map was used for the detection of genomic regions influencing crossability between wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) and rye (Secale cereale L.). Analysis of deviance and logistic marker-regression methods were conducted on data from doubled haploid lines from a cross between “Courtot” and “Chinese Spring”. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) involved in crossability, associated with the marker Xfba367-5B, was detected on the short arm of chromosome 5B. An additional locus, Xwg583-5B, was indicated on the long arm of chromosome 5B. This minor QTL might correspond to Kr1 which was presumed to be the major gene controlling crossability. Another locus of the genome, Xtam51-7A on chromosome 7A, was significantly associated with this trait. Alleles of “non-crossability” were contributed by the non-crossable cultivar “Courtot”. The three-marker model explains 65% of the difference in crossability between the two parents. The present results are discussed in relation to those previously carried out to locate the Kr genes by using the telocentric mapping technique. Received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai’an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTL×environment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, Qph4B and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51% and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL effects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

A library consisting of 1123 single segment substitution lines (SSSLs) in the same genetic back-ground of an elite rice variety Huajingxian74 (HJX74) was evaluated for heading date. From this library, two SSSLs, W23-03-8-9-1 and W15-03-1-31, with substitution segments on chromosome 3 and 2, respectively, were found to have significantly different heading date from the recipient HJX74. For genetic dissection and epistatic interaction of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for heading date in two SSSLs, three secondary SSSLs with smaller substitution segments and genic pyramiding lines (GPLs) were developed from an F2 segregating population of a cross between the two donor SSSLs, W23-03-8-9-1 and W15-03-1-31, using marker-assisted selection (MAS). The QTL analysis revealed that QTL for heading date detected in SSSL W23-03-08-9-1 was genetically dissected into two QTLs, qHD3-1 and qHD3-2, by overlapping mapping. At the same time, one QTL, qHD2-1 in the donor SSSL W15-03-1-31 was also identified. Analysis of GPLs for heading date showed epistatic interactions between qHD3-1 and qHD3-2, between qHD3-1 and qHD2-1, and between qHD3-2 and qHD2-1. These QTLs and epistatic interactions were confirmed in three cropping seasons under different natural daylength conditions, and their physiological functions for heading date were performed.  相似文献   

There is increasing awareness that epistasis plays a role for the determination of complex traits. This study employed an association mapping approach in a large panel of 455 diverse European elite soft winter wheat lines. The genotypes were evaluated in multi-environment trials and fingerprinted with SSR markers to dissect the underlying genetic architecture of grain yield and heading time. A linear mixed model was applied to assess marker-trait associations incorporating information of covariance among relatives. Our findings indicate that main effects dominate the control of grain yield in wheat. In contrast, the genetic architecture underlying heading time is controlled by main and epistatic effects. Consequently, for heading time it is important to consider epistatic effects towards an increased selection gain in marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   

Quality, specifically protein content and gluten strength are among the main objectives of a durum wheat breeding program. The aim of this work was to validate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with grain protein content (GPC) and gluten strength measured by SDS sedimentation volume (SV) and to find additional QTLs expressed in Argentinean environments. Also, epistatic QTL and QTL x environmental interactions were analyzed. A mapping population of 93 RILs derived from the cross UC1113 x Kofa showing extreme values in gluten quality was used. Phenotypic data were collected along six environments (three locations, two years). Main effect QTLs associated with GPC were found in equivalent positions in two environments on chromosomes 3BS (R2 = 21.0-21.6%) and 7BL (R2 = 12.1-13%), and in one environment on chromosomes 1BS, 2AL, 2BS, 3BL, 4AL, 5AS, 5BL and 7AS. The most important and stable QTL affecting SV was located on chromosome 1BL (Glu-B1) consistently detected over the six environments (R2 = 20.9- 54.2%). Additional QTLs were found in three environments on chromosomes 6AL (R2 = 6.4-12.5%), and in two environments on chromosomes 6BL (R2 = 11.5-12.1%), 7AS (R2 = 8.2-10.2%) and 4BS (R2 = 11–16.4%). In addition, pleiotropic effects were found affecting grain yield, test weight, thousand-kernel- weight and days to heading in some of these QTLs. Epistatic QTLs and QTL x environment interactions were found for both quality traits, mostly for GPC. The flanking markers of the QTLs detected in this work could be efficient tools to select superior genotypes for the mentioned traits.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of heading time in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated through the study of flowering under normal autumn sown field conditions as well as photoperiod responses under a controlled environment. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for these traits were mapped in a doubled-haploid (DH) population derived from a cross between the wheat cultivars 'Courtot' and 'Chinese Spring'. A molecular marker linkage map of this cross that was previously constructed based on 187 DH lines and 380 markers was used for QTL mapping. The genome was well covered (85%) except for chromosomes 1D and 4D, and a set of anchor loci regularly spaced over the genome (one marker each 15.5 cM) was chosen for marker regression analysis. The presence of a QTL was declared at a significance threshold of alpha = 0.005. The population was grown under field conditions in Clermont-Ferrand, France during two years (1994-1995), in Norwich, U.K. over one year (1998), and also under controlled environments in Norwich. For each trait, between 2 and 4 QTLs were identified with individual effects ranging between 6.3% and 44.4% of the total phenotypic variation. Two QTLs were detected that simultaneously affected heading time and photoperiod response. For heading time, these two QTLs were detected in more than one year. One QTL located on chromosome arm 2BS near the locus Xfbb121-2B, co-segregated with the gene Ppd-B1 known to be involved in photoperiod response. This chromosome region explained a large part of the variation (23.4-44.4% depending on the years or the traits). Another region located on chromosome arm 7BS between the loci Xfbb324-7B and Xfbb53-7B also had a strong effect (7.3-15.3%). This region may correspond to a QTL for earliness per se.  相似文献   

The cooking and eating quality of the rice grain is one of the most serious problems in many rice-producing areas of the world. In this study, we conducted a molecular marker-based genetic analysis of three traits, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT), that are the most important constituents of the cooking and eating quality of rice grains. The materials used in the analysis included F2 seeds, an F2:3 population, and an F9 recombinant inbred-line population from a cross between the parents of ’Shanyou 63’, the most widely grown hybrid in rice production in China. Segregation analyses of these three generations showed that each of the three traits was controlled by a single Mendelian locus. Molecular marker-based QTL (quantitative trait locus) analyses, both by one-way analysis of variance using single marker genotypes and by whole-genome scanning with MAPMAKER/QTL, revealed a single locus that controls the expression of all three traits. This locus coincided with the Wx region on the short arm of chromosome 6, indicating that all three traits were either controlled by the Wx locus or by a genomic region tightly linked to this locus. This finding has provided clues to resolving the molecular bases of GC and GT in future studies. The results also have direct implications for the quality improvement of rice varieties. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted 30 January 1999  相似文献   

 A deep thick root system has been demonstrated to have a positive effect on yield of upland rice under water stress conditions. Molecular-marker-aided selection could be helpful for the improvement of root morphological traits, which are otherwise difficult to score. We studied a doubled-haploid population of 105 lines derived from an indica×japonica cross and mapped the genes controlling root morphology and distribution (root thickness, maximum root length, total root weight, deep root weight, deep root weight per tiller, and deep root to shoot ratio). Most putative QTL activity was concentrated in fairly compact regions on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9, but was widely spread on chromosome 5 and largely absent on chromosomes 4, 10, 11 and 12. Between three and six QTLs were identified on different chromosomes for each trait. Individual QTLs accounted for between 4 and 22% of the variation in the traits. Multiple QTL models accounted for between 14 and 49%. The main QTLs were common between traits, showing that it should be possible to modify several aspects of root morphology simultaneously. There was evidence of interaction between marker locations in determining QTL expression. Interacting locations were mostly on different chromosomes and showed antagonistic effects with magnitudes large enough to mask QTL detection. The comparison of QTL locations with another population showed that one to three common QTLs per trait were recovered, among which the most significant was in one or other population. These results will allow the derivation of isogenic lines introgressed with these common segments, separately in the indica and japonica backgrounds. Received: 12 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

A recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between Zhenshan 97 and Delong 208 was used to analyze the genetic basis of the cooking and eating quality of rice as reflected by 17 traits (or parameters). These traits include amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC), alkali spreading value (ASV), cooked rice elongation (CRE), and 13 parameters from the viscosity profile. All the traits, except peak paste viscosity (PKV), time needed from gelatinization to peak (BAtime), and CRE, can be divided into two classes according to their interrelationship. The first class consists of AC, GC, and most of the paste viscosity parameters that form a major determinant of eating quality. The second class includes ASV, pasting temperature (Atemp) and pasting time (Atime), which characterize cooking process. We identified 26 QTL (quantitative trait locus or loci) in 2 years; nine QTL clusters emerged. The two major clusters, which correspond to the Wx and Alk loci, control the traits in the first and second classes, respectively. Some QTL are co-located for the traits belonging to the same class and also for the traits to a different class. The Wx locus also affects on ASV while the Alk locus also makes minor contributions to GC and some paste viscosity parameters. The QTL clusters on other chromosomes are similar to the Wx locus or Alk locus, although the variations they explained are relatively minor. QTL for CRE and PKV are dispersed and independent of the Wx locus. Low paste viscosity corresponds to low AC and soft gel, which represents good eating quality for most Chinese consumers; high ASV and low Atemp, together with reduced time to gelatinization and PKV, indicate preferred cooking quality. The genetic basis of Atemp, Atime, BAtime, peak temperature, peak time, paste viscosity at 95 degrees C, and final paste viscosity is newly examined to reveal a complete and dynamic viscosity profile.  相似文献   

Rice eating and cooking quality(ECQ) is a major concern of breeders and consumers, determining market competitiveness worldwide. Rice grain protein content(GPC) is negatively related to ECQ,making it possible to improve ECQ by manipulating GPC. However, GPC is genetically complex and sensitive to environmental conditions; therefore, little progress has been made in traditional breeding for ECQ. Here, we report that CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of genes encoding the grain storage protein gluteli...  相似文献   

The eating and cooking qualities of rice grains are the major determinants of consumer preference and, consequently, the economic value of a specific rice variety. These two qualities are largely determined by the physicochemical properties of the starch, i.e. the starch composition, of the rice grain. In our study, we determined the genetic factors responsible for the physicochemical properties of starch in recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of japonica cv. Tainung 78 × indica cv. Taichung Sen 17 (TCS 17) cultivated over two crop seasons by examining palatability characteristics and several Rapid Viscosity Analyzer (RVA) parameters. Thirty-four quantitative trait loci (QTLs), each explaining between 1.2 and 78.1 % phenotypic variation, were mapped in clusters on eight chromosomes in 190 RILs genotyped with 139 markers. Ten pairs of QTLs were detected in the two environments, of which seven were in agreement with previous findings, suggesting that these QTLs may express stable experimental populations across various environments. Waxy (Wx), which controls amylose synthesis, was determined to be a primary gene regulating the physicochemical properties of cooked rice grains, as indicated by the presence of a major QTL cluster on chromosome 6 and by marker regression analysis. Six starch synthesis-related genes (SSRGs) which were located in the QTL intervals significantly differed in terms of gene expression between the two parents during grain-filling and were important genetic factors affecting physicochemical properties. The expression of four genes, PUL, ISA2, GBSSI, and SSII-3, was significantly upregulated in TCS 17, and this expression was positively correlated with six traits. The effects of the six SSRGs and gene interaction depended on genetic background and environment; grain quality may be fine tuned by selecting for SBE4 for japonica and PUL for indica. We provide valuable information for application in the breeding of new rice varieties as daily staple food and for use in industrial manufacturing by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

To characterize quantitative trait loci (QTLs), we used marker-assisted selection (MAS) to develop three nearly isogenic lines (NILs) differing only for the presence of a single, specific QTL (QTL-NILs) –Hd1, Hd2, and Hd3 – for heading date in rice. The three lines contained the chromosomal region of the target QTL from donor variety Kasalath(indica) in the genetic background of var. Nipponbare (japonica). To analyze epistatic interactions in pairs of these QTLs, we also used MAS to develop four combined QTL-NILs with 2 of the 3 QTLs or with all 3. Different daylength treatment testing of the QTL-NILs revealed that the three QTLs control photoperiod sensitivity. Genetic analysis of F2 populations derived from crosses between the three QTL-NILs with a single QTL using molecular markers revealed the existence of epistatic interactions between Hd1 and Hd2, and Hd2 and Hd3. These interactions were also confirmed by the analysis of combined QTL-NILs under different daylength conditions. The existence of an epistatic interaction between Hd1 and Hd3 was also clarified. Based on these results, we suggest that the Kasalath allele of Hd3 does not affect photoperiod sensitivity by itself but that it is involved in enhancement of the expression of the Nipponbare alleles of Hd1 and Hd2. Received: 22 October 1999 / Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

Doubled haploid lines (n=160) from a cross between wheat cultivars Cranbrook (high dough extensibility) and Halberd (low dough extensibility) were grown at three Australian locations. The parents differ at all high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin loci. Dough rheological parameters were measured using small-scale testing procedures, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping procedures were carried out using an existing well-saturated genetic linkage map for this cross. Genetic parameters were estimated using three software packages: QTLCartographer, Epistat and Genstat. Results indicated that environmental factors are a major determinant of dough extensibility across the three trial sites, whereas genotypic factors are the major determinants of dough strength. Composite interval mapping analysis across the 21 linkage groups revealed that as expected, the main additive QTLs for dough rheological properties are located at the high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin loci. A new QTL on chromosome 5A for M-extensibility (a mixograph-estimated measure of extensibility) was detected. Analysis of epistatic interactions revealed that there were significant conditional epistatic interactions related with the additive effects of glutenin loci on dough rheological properties. Therefore, the additive genetic effects of glutenins on dough rheological properties are conditional upon the genetic background of the wheat line. The molecular basis of the interactions with the glutenin loci may be via proteins that modify or alter the gluten protein matrix or variations in the expression level of the glutenin genes. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the molar number of individual glutenin subunits across the population showed that certain conditional epistases resulted in increased expression of the affected glutenin. The epistatic interactions detected in this study provide a possible explanation of the variable genetic effects of some glutenins on quality attributes in different genetic backgrounds and provide essential information for the accurate prediction of glutenin related variance in marker-assisted wheat breeding.  相似文献   

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