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Minimum evolution is the guiding principle of an important class of distance-based phylogeny reconstruction methods, including neighbor-joining (NJ), which is the most cited tree inference algorithm to date. The minimum evolution principle involves searching for the tree with minimum length, where the length is estimated using various least-squares criteria. Since evolutionary distances cannot be known precisely but only estimated, it is important to investigate the robustness of phylogenetic reconstruction to imprecise estimates for these distances. The safety radius is a measure of this robustness: it consists of the maximum relative deviation that the input distances can have from the correct distances, without compromising the reconstruction of the correct tree structure. Answering some open questions, we here derive the safety radius of two popular minimum evolution criteria: balanced minimum evolution (BME) and minimum evolution based on ordinary least squares (OLS + ME). Whereas BME has a radius of \frac12\frac{1}{2}, which is the best achievable, OLS + ME has a radius tending to 0 as the number of taxa increases. This difference may explain the gap in reconstruction accuracy observed in practice between OLS + ME and BME (which forms the basis of popular programs such as NJ and FastME).  相似文献   

Computer simulations of character-state evolution in 8, 16, 32, and 64 ingroup taxa with a known set of relationships demonstrate that the maximum probability of correct phylogenetic inference increases with the number of variable (or informative) characters and their consistency index and decreases with the number of taxa, when the consistency index has been standardized to eliminate its dependence on the number of taxa. Equations for the probability of correct phylogenetic inference and for the standardized consistency indices (including or excluding autapomorphies) are derived. Given that actual studies based on DNA restriction sites and sequences generate more characters with a higher level of consistency than comparable studies based on morphology, calculations suggest that such molecular studies may often provide a more precise guide to phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The distribution of a phenotype on a phylogenetic tree is often a quantity of interest. Many phenotypes have imperfect heritability, so that a measurement of the phenotype for an individual can be thought of as a single realization from the phenotype distribution of that individual. If all individuals in a phylogeny had the same phenotype distribution, measured phenotypes would be randomly distributed on the tree leaves. This is, however, often not the case, implying that the phenotype distribution evolves over time. Here we propose a new model based on this principle of evolving phenotype distribution on the branches of a phylogeny, which is different from ancestral state reconstruction where the phenotype itself is assumed to evolve. We develop an efficient Bayesian inference method to estimate the parameters of our model and to test the evidence for changes in the phenotype distribution. We use multiple simulated data sets to show that our algorithm has good sensitivity and specificity properties. Since our method identifies branches on the tree on which the phenotype distribution has changed, it is able to break down a tree into components for which this distribution is unique and constant. We present two applications of our method, one investigating the association between HIV genetic variation and human leukocyte antigen and the other studying host range distribution in a lineage of Salmonella enterica, and we discuss many other potential applications.  相似文献   

Balanced minimum evolution (BME) is a statistically consistent distance-based method to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree from an alignment of molecular data. In 2000, Pauplin showed that the BME method is equivalent to optimizing a linear functional over the BME polytope, the convex hull of the BME vectors obtained from Pauplin’s formula applied to all binary trees. The BME method is related to the Neighbor Joining (NJ) Algorithm, now known to be a greedy optimization of the BME principle. Further, the NJ and BME algorithms have been studied previously to understand when the NJ Algorithm returns a BME tree for small numbers of taxa. In this paper we aim to elucidate the structure of the BME polytope and strengthen knowledge of the connection between the BME method and NJ Algorithm. We first prove that any subtree-prune-regraft move from a binary tree to another binary tree corresponds to an edge of the BME polytope. Moreover, we describe an entire family of faces parameterized by disjoint clades. We show that these clade-faces are smaller dimensional BME polytopes themselves. Finally, we show that for any order of joining nodes to form a tree, there exists an associated distance matrix (i.e., dissimilarity map) for which the NJ Algorithm returns the BME tree. More strongly, we show that the BME cone and every NJ cone associated to a tree T have an intersection of positive measure.  相似文献   

Popular methods for exploring the space of rooted phylogenetic trees use rearrangement moves such as rooted Nearest Neighbour Interchange (rNNI) and rooted Subtree Prune and Regraft (rSPR). Recently, these moves were generalized to rooted phylogenetic networks, which are a more suitable representation of reticulate evolutionary histories, and it was shown that any two rooted phylogenetic networks of the same complexity are connected by a sequence of either rSPR or rNNI moves. Here, we show that this is possible using only tail moves, which are a restricted version of rSPR moves on networks that are more closely related to rSPR moves on trees. The connectedness still holds even when we restrict to distance-1 tail moves (a localized version of tail moves). Moreover, we give bounds on the number of (distance-1) tail moves necessary to turn one network into another, which in turn yield new bounds for rSPR, rNNI and SPR (i.e. the equivalent of rSPR on unrooted networks). The upper bounds are constructive, meaning that we can actually find a sequence with at most this length for any pair of networks. Finally, we show that finding a shortest sequence of tail or rSPR moves is NP-hard.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic history of a balanced polymorphism that evolved in an experimental population of Escherichia coli. Previous work showed that two ecologically and morphologically distinct types, designated L (large) and S (small), arose by generation 6000 and coexisted for more than 12,000 generations thereafter. Here, we performed RFLP analyses using Insertion Sequence elements to resolve the phylogenetic history of L and S. Specifically, we sought to determine whether the derived S morph was monophyletic, indicating a long history of coexistence with L or, alternatively, S was repeatedly regenerated from L, indicating a series of periods with only transiently stable coexistence. Phylogenetic analysis of some 200 clones collected throughout the history of this population demonstrates that S is monophyletic. We then performed competition assays using clones of both morphs from different generations to determine whether either or both lineages continued to undergo genetic adaptation. Indeed, both lineages continued to adapt, and their continued evolution contributed to fluctuations in their relative abundance over evolutionary time. Based on their phylogenetic history and independent evolutionary trajectories, S and L fulfill Cohan’s criteria for being different asexual species.[Reviewing Editor: Niles Lehman]  相似文献   

本文提出了一种计算蛋白质绝对进化距离和进化速率的方法,它根据现有同源蛋白质的序列构建分子进化树,并推断进化过程中各结点处的共同祖先序列,根据某成员与某结点处共同祖先序列的氨基酸差异百分率,计算该蛋白质序列的特异进化距离和进化速率。比较我们的算法和Dayhoff等的模拟统计方法表明,我们的算法在一定范围内是正确的。结合计算哺乳动物红细胞生成素的进化速率,讨论了本算法在分子进化研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Fitzhugh  Kirk 《Acta biotheoretica》2021,69(4):799-819
Acta Biotheoretica - Three competing ‘methods’ have been endorsed for inferring phylogenetic hypotheses: parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesianism. The latter two have been claimed...  相似文献   

The multispecies coalescent (MSC) model accommodates both species divergences and within-species coalescent and provides a natural framework for phylogenetic analysis of genomic data when the gene trees vary across the genome. The MSC model implemented in the program bpp assumes a molecular clock and the Jukes–Cantor model, and is suitable for analyzing genomic data from closely related species. Here we extend our implementation to more general substitution models and relaxed clocks to allow the rate to vary among species. The MSC-with-relaxed-clock model allows the estimation of species divergence times and ancestral population sizes using genomic sequences sampled from contemporary species when the strict clock assumption is violated, and provides a simulation framework for evaluating species tree estimation methods. We conducted simulations and analyzed two real datasets to evaluate the utility of the new models. We confirm that the clock-JC model is adequate for inference of shallow trees with closely related species, but it is important to account for clock violation for distant species. Our simulation suggests that there is valuable phylogenetic information in the gene-tree branch lengths even if the molecular clock assumption is seriously violated, and the relaxed-clock models implemented in bpp are able to extract such information. Our Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms suffer from mixing problems when used for species tree estimation under the relaxed clock and we discuss possible improvements. We conclude that the new models are currently most effective for estimating population parameters such as species divergence times when the species tree is fixed.  相似文献   

Green euglenophytes are a group of eukaryotes with ancient origin. In order to understand the evolution of the group, it is interesting to know which characteristics are more primitive. Here, a phylogenetic tree of green euglenophytes based on the 18S rRNA gene was constructed, and ancestral states were reconstructed based on eight morphological characters. This research clarifies the phylogenetic relationships of green euglenophytes and provides a basis for the study of the origin of these plants. The phylogenetic tree, which was constructed by Bayesian inference, revealed that: Eutreptia and Eutreptiella were sister groups and that Lepocinclis, Phacus, and Discoplastis were close relatives; Euglena, Cryptoglena, Monomorphina, and Colacium were closely related in addition to Trachelomonas and Strombomonas; and Euglena was not monophyletic. An ancestral reconstruction based on morphological characters revealed seven primitive character states: ductile surface, spirally striated, slightly narrowing or sharp elongated cauda, absence of a lorica, chloroplast lamellar, shield or large discoid, pyrenoid with sheath, and with many small paramylon grains. However, the ancestral state of the length of the flagellum could not be inferred. Euglena and Euglenaria, which both possessed all of the ancestral character states, might represent the most ancient lineages of green euglenophytes.  相似文献   

Wen-Hsiung Li 《Genetics》1986,113(1):187-213
Mathematical formulas are developed for the evolutionary change of restriction cleavage sites in a DNA sequence, allowing unequal rates between transitional and transversional types of nucleotide substitution. Formulas are also developed for the probability of having a particular pattern of site changes among evolutionary lineages, such as parallel gains or losses of sites, and for inferring the presence or absence of a restriction site in an ancestral sequence from data on the present-day sequences. The unordered compatibility method is proposed for inferring the phylogenetic relationships among relatively closely related organisms, treating restriction sites as cladistic characters. Formulas are derived for the probability (P+) of obtaining the correct network for a given number (N) of informative sites for the cases of four and five species. These formulas are applied to evaluate the performance of the method and to estimate the N value required for P+ to be 95% or larger. The method performs well when the branches between ancestral nodes and the branches leading to the two most recent species are more or less equal in length, but performs poorly when the latter two branches are considerably longer than the former.  相似文献   

该研究基于叶绿体16S rRNA基因序列,构建绿色裸藻类的系统发育树,并对绿色裸藻类植物8个形态性状进行祖先重建分析,以明确绿色裸藻类植物的系统演化关系,为研究该类植物的起源提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)贝叶斯法构建的绿色裸藻类系统发育树显示,双鞭藻属与拟双鞭藻属互为姐妹群,扁裸藻属、鳞孔藻属和盘裸藻属亲缘关系较近,而囊裸藻属和陀螺藻属亲缘关系较近,裸藻属、隐裸藻属、柄裸藻属和旋形藻属亲缘关系较近,表明裸藻属不是一个单系类群。(2)基于形态性状的祖先重建结果显示,绿色裸藻类相对原始的7个性状包括:表质柔软易变形,出现螺旋形线纹,细胞后端渐尖或尖尾刺状,无囊壳,叶绿体为片状、盾状或大盘状,具无鞘蛋白核,副淀粉粒为小颗粒状且数量不定,而鞭毛长度不能推断可能的祖先状态。(3)综合8种性状祖先重建结果发现,裸藻属和眼裸藻属植物具有所有原始性状,可能是最先出现的绿色裸藻类的祖先。  相似文献   

Accurate genome-wide identification of orthologs is a central problem in comparative genomics, a fact reflected by the numerous orthology identification projects developed in recent years. However, only a few reports have compared their accuracy, and indeed, several recent efforts have not yet been systematically evaluated. Furthermore, orthology is typically only assessed in terms of function conservation, despite the phylogeny-based original definition of Fitch. We collected and mapped the results of nine leading orthology projects and methods (COG, KOG, Inparanoid, OrthoMCL, Ensembl Compara, Homologene, RoundUp, EggNOG, and OMA) and two standard methods (bidirectional best-hit and reciprocal smallest distance). We systematically compared their predictions with respect to both phylogeny and function, using six different tests. This required the mapping of millions of sequences, the handling of hundreds of millions of predicted pairs of orthologs, and the computation of tens of thousands of trees. In phylogenetic analysis or in functional analysis where high specificity is required, we find that OMA and Homologene perform best. At lower functional specificity but higher coverage level, OrthoMCL outperforms Ensembl Compara, and to a lesser extent Inparanoid. Lastly, the large coverage of the recent EggNOG can be of interest to build broad functional grouping, but the method is not specific enough for phylogenetic or detailed function analyses. In terms of general methodology, we observe that the more sophisticated tree reconstruction/reconciliation approach of Ensembl Compara was at times outperformed by pairwise comparison approaches, even in phylogenetic tests. Furthermore, we show that standard bidirectional best-hit often outperforms projects with more complex algorithms. First, the present study provides guidance for the broad community of orthology data users as to which database best suits their needs. Second, it introduces new methodology to verify orthology. And third, it sets performance standards for current and future approaches.  相似文献   

绵羊Cytb基因序列多态性及系统进化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王昕  马月辉  陈宏 《遗传学报》2006,33(12):1081-1086
以8个中国地方绵羊品种和1个外来品种的20个个体为研究对象,通过对Cytb基因的全序列测定,结果表明:绵羊的单倍型多样性为97.1%。所有序列的平均碱基组成为27.1%T,28.5%C,31.4%A及13.0%G,G+C含量为41.5%,核苷酸多样性为0.602%。在所有序列中共检测到43个变异位点,其中包括40处转换和3处颠换。Fu’S中性检验表明差异不显著(0.10〉P〉0.05),说明绵羊群体未发生群体扩张事件。NJ、ME及UPGMA聚类结果均表明,我国绵羊可分为3个单倍型组,这提示我国绵羊有3个母系起源。  相似文献   

Despite its wide spread and high prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa, hepatitis B virus genotype E (HBV/E) has a surprisingly low genetic diversity, indicating an only recent emergence of this genotype in the general African population. Here, we performed extensive phylogeographic analyses, including Bayesian MCMC modeling. Our results indicate a mutation rate of 1.9×10−4 substitutions per site and year (s/s/y) and confirm a recent emergence of HBV/E, most likely within the last 130 years, and only after the transatlantic slave-trade had come to an end. Our analyses suggest that HBV/E originated from the area of Nigeria, before rapidly spreading throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Interestingly, viral strains found in Haiti seem to be the result of multiple introductions only in the second half of the 20th century, corroborating an absence of a significant number of HBV/E strains in West Africa several centuries ago. Our results confirm that the hyperendemicity of HBV(E) in today''s Africa is a recent phenomenon and likely the result of dramatic changes in the routes of viral transmission in a relatively recent past.  相似文献   

基于16S rDNA的系统发育分析在微生物进化关系中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统发育树的构建是现代生命科学研究中的重要技术,是分析未知菌种与其他菌种的亲缘关系,为进一步了解生物的进化关系的重要依据。对系统发育树的构建进行了详细的介绍。并对其在微生物进化研究中的具体应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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