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路杨  刘秀位  张喜英 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3207-3214
水是人类生产生活的重要资源,科学合理地评价人类活动对水资源的影响是实现水资源可持续利用的重要保障.水足迹概念的提出创新性地将人类活动消耗的水资源区分为绿水、蓝水和灰水,拓展了水资源可持续利用的评价思路.基于虚拟水(VW)的水足迹理论和基于生命周期(LCA)的水足迹理论将水质与水量的概念相结合,成为了农业水资源管理研究的热点内容.基于VW的水足迹理论主要包括绿水足迹、蓝水足迹和灰水足迹的计算,以及水环境可持续性评价,而基于LCA的水足迹理论体现了水资源的消耗和污染及其对环境造成的综合影响.本文详细介绍了这两种水足迹理论的计算方法与环境可持续评价的研究进展,对比分析两种水足迹理论在描述农产品生产用水及其环境影响方面的差异性,并对其研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

人口、富裕及技术对2000年中国水足迹的影响   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
龙爱华  徐中民  王新华  尚海洋 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3358-3365
21世纪水资源短缺问题将成为全球资源环境的首要问题,由于水资源的诸多问题与人类活动密不可分,因此辨明人类活动各因素对水资源影响作用的大小,并依此找寻发展的对策是当前水资源可持续利用研究的一个核心问题.在计算2000年中国的水足迹的基础上,应用STIRPAT模型分析了中国水足迹的影响因素,分解了人口、富裕和技术等对中国水资源的环境影响.结果表明:2000年,中国水资源的消费足迹为7678.45亿m^3,人均609.3m^3/a.人口数量是当前我国水足迹的一个主要驱动因子,富裕程度的提高会增加人类对水资源的总消费,气候因素和区位条件对水足迹具有显著影响,而提高土地生产能力对减少水足迹具有重要作用.在观测数据范围内,分析结果并不支持环境Kuznets曲线存在的论断.最后分析讨论了水足迹研究需要进一步完善的问题以及STIRPAT模型实证分析的政策意义.  相似文献   

足迹家族研究综述   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
方恺 《生态学报》2015,35(24):7974-7986
综合测度人类社会的可持续发展状态是生态经济学者追求的重要目标。足迹家族由生态足迹、碳足迹和水足迹等一系列足迹类指标整合而成,旨在为决策者系统评估与权衡人类活动的环境影响提供理论和技术支持。从理论探索、整合实践和分类比较等三方面对足迹家族的研究现状进行了综述;在此基础上围绕极具争议的足迹定义、计算方法和加权方式等问题,深入分析了阻碍当前研究进一步推进的关键性因素;指出未来应从建立足迹类型学、完善跨区域投入产出模型、细化产品和机构环境足迹标准等方面入手,推动实现足迹家族的量化整合;并首次提出了足迹家族与行星边界耦合的构想,以期为监测和预警人类活动的生态阈值、促进环境影响评价向可持续性评价转变提供科学依据。  相似文献   

环境变化和人类活动的双重驱动正在快速地改变地球生态系统状态,呈现出了众多级联的资源环境问题,生态系统的状态变化和时空演变驱动因素以及相应的资源环境效应是大尺度陆地生态系统科学研究的永恒主题.观测和评估生态系统状态变化,发现和理解生态系统响应机制,认知和描述生态系统演变规律,预测和预警生态系统演变趋势,都依赖于大陆及全球...  相似文献   

王勤花  张志强 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2424-2424~2429
世界自然基金会(WWF)<生命行星报告2006>的最新数据(2003 年)显示,从1961 年以来,人类的"生态足迹"已经增长了3倍.目前的生态足迹已经超出地球自身再生能力的25%.报告中的"生命行星指数"(LPI)显示出自1970年来脊椎动物的数量减少了大约1/3,生物多样性正快速持续地遭到损失.影响 "生态足迹"的最主要因素是生产和使用能源的方式.如生命行星指数所示那样,人类对释放CO2的燃料的需求在不断增长.这些影响气候变化的污染气体占到了生态足迹的48%.将生态足迹与"人类发展指数"(HDI)进行对比发现,目前全球的发展还在继续背离可持续发展之路,人类发展的代内不公平、代际不公平还在加剧,人类向可持续发展的转变之路仍遥远而漫长.  相似文献   

由国际生物圈地圈计划 (简称 IGBP)、国际全球环境变化中人类空间计划 (简称 IHDP)、世界气候研究计划 (简称 WCRP)和国际多样性研究计划 (简称 DIVERSITAS)等四个国际项目共同组织的全球变化开放科学大会于 2 0 0 1年 7月 1 0~ 1 3日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行。会议的主题是“变化的地球面临挑战”。来自全球近 1 0 0个国家和地区约 2 0 0 0名科学家参加了会议 ,其中中国科学家近 80人 (含台湾科学家 7人 )。1 会议背景随着人类和社会的发展 ,人类活动全面改变着地球的环境。人口增长、CO2 等温室气体排放增加、以及土地利用和覆盖…  相似文献   

当人类即将进入21世纪时,世界发生了巨大的变化,经济的发展和人口的增加不停息地向地球索取所需的自然资源,导致环境与发展问题的日益尖锐,一个共同的声音在呼唤:人类只有一个地球,如果全球不能携手共计,人类将面临大自然无情的报复。我  相似文献   

陈成忠  葛绪广  孙琳  邵冬  柯文莉 《生态学报》2016,36(9):2779-2785
2014年9月30日,世界自然基金会(WWF)、Zoological Society of London(ZSL)、Global Footprint Network、Water Footprint Network联合发布《地球生命力报告2014》,除了以前主要使用的地球生命力指数(Living Planet Index,LPI)、生态足迹(Ecological Footprint,EF)、水足迹(Water Footprint)等指标外,首次使用"地球边界"揭示地球面临的严峻挑战。报告显示:(1)LPI自1970年以来已下降52%,温带和热带地区分别下降36%、56%,陆生和海洋物种均下降39%,淡水物种减少76%;(2)1961年全球生态足迹76亿全球公顷(global hectare,ghm~2)、生物承载力99亿ghm~2、生态盈余23亿ghm~2,2010年全球生态足迹为181亿ghm~2、生物承载力120亿ghm~2、生态赤字61亿ghm~2,1961年碳足迹占人类总生态足迹的36%,2010年碳足迹占比为53%;(3)全球生产水足迹排名中,印度、美国、中国、巴西和俄罗斯以大量的绿水足迹位居前五名;全球200多个河流流域、26亿7千万人每年至少1个月严重缺水;(4)生物多样性丧失、气候变化和氮循环3个"地球边界"被打破,并且已经对人类健康及人类所需要的食物、水和能源产生明显影响;(5)高收入国家将生物多样性丧失及其影响转嫁给低收入国家,这是另一种资源进口方式;大多数高收入国家人均生态足迹均已超过地球上人均可获得的生物承载力,依靠进口其他国家的生物承载力弥补超载;低收入国家生态足迹最小,生态系统却遭受最大破坏,高收入国家较高的人类发展水平是以高生态足迹为代价。报告指出人类对生态系统和生态功能的过度索取,正在危害着人类未来的安康、经济、食物安全、社会稳定乃至生存,特别提到当前人类所作选择和所采取措施的重要性。确保有恢复力、健康的生态环境维持人类繁荣发展,比现在人口增长、资源消耗增加、气候变化和生态退化的警钟更具挑战性。整篇报告可以概括为5个主题:物种急剧丧失、生态严重超载、跨越"地球边界"、区域公平失衡、"一个地球"生活。  相似文献   

未来地球——全球可持续性研究计划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘源鑫  赵文武 《生态学报》2013,33(23):7610-7613
全球环境变化与可持续发展是当今人类社会面临的两大重要问题,为了运用新的科学知识应对全球变化产生的重大问题,实现可持续发展,国际科学联盟提出了“未来地球”计划。该计划整合了现有四大国际研究计划(IGBP、IHDP、WCRP和DIVERSITAS),成为应对全球环境变化、推动全球可持续发展的科学联盟。计划宗旨是发展有效应对全球环境变化所带来的风险与机遇的知识,支持向可持续性转变。该计划重视科研项目的协同设计、侧重不同尺度的研究、提供有力的决策支持和科学的政府间评估,并将围绕动态星球、全球发展、可持续性转变三个主题开展研究。中国当前发展也面临诸多问题,应对全球变化对中国既是挑战也是机遇,中国将积极参加“未来地球”计划,结合中国国情与特色科学问题,加强与国外科研单位的沟通,探索适合自身的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

义欣  张正勇  刘琳  雷勇杰  梁慧  刘星  义家安 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4558-4573
中国碳排放的时空格局对全球气候治理极为重要,其驱动机制是"减排"的关键所在。对中国省域碳排放时空特征和驱动模式进行聚类研究,揭示不同省域的模式相似性与差异性,对于各省域的 "双碳"目标达成和路径安排具有重要影响和现实支撑。研究采用1997-2019年碳排放量及社会经济数据,从聚类分析角度探讨了中国省域碳排放的趋势及驱动模式,基于偏最小二乘法(PLS)模型的归因结果,识别不同省域碳排放的驱动因素的贡献度和敏感性,进一步探寻省域减排方案。研究表明:①研究期内中国碳排放以499.25mt/a的速率上升,呈低位平缓波动-大幅上升-高位缓慢波动的趋势变化,省域碳排放呈北高南低、东高西低格局。②省域碳排放模式具有差异性,北京、天津等为低起点低速发展类,趋势呈扁平"S"型;吉林、新疆等为低起点高速发展类,呈上升"S"型;河南、广东等为中起点高速发展类,呈扩张"S"型。山东、山西为高起点超高速发展类,呈指数"S"型。③中国省域碳排放驱动因子的贡献度和敏感性存在空间差异。经济发展、产业结构、城市化水平与能源消耗等对碳排放的贡献度较高,其中地区GDP、人均GDP、第二产业占比GDP、年底非农人口比例、地区能源消耗总量等是碳排放的主要贡献因子。碳排放对产业结构、科技发展、环境规制的敏感性较强。④中国省域碳排放驱动模式的分异性较为明显,同类驱动模式省域多在地理空间范围内形成"集聚"现象。因此,不同省域政府减排策略的落实应考虑其碳排放的发展规模及驱动机制的差异,实现地区发展和减排 "两手抓"的同时利用地区优势,资源互通、交流合作,加强省域间碳排放的"共治",进一步促进高质量发展。  相似文献   

There is a growing understanding of the biophysical processes that regulate the stability of the Earth-system, yet human pressures on the planet continue to increase rapidly. Here, recent advances in defining Earth-system thresholds using the planetary boundaries framework are translated down to national and sub-national levels. A set of 10 indicators is developed in a biophysical accounting framework that links the sustainability of resource flows from the biosphere to final consumption. The indicator set includes three measures of physical stocks, three measures of aggregate resource consumption, and four indicators of sustainable scale. The four scale indicators are ratios of (i) cumulative carbon footprint relative to carbon budget, (ii) nutrient use relative to biogeochemical boundaries, (iii) blue water consumption relative to monthly basin-level availability, and (iv) land footprint relative to biocapacity. Taken together, the indicators measure how close high-consuming societies are to meeting the conditions of a “steady-state economy”, defined here as an economy with non-growing physical stocks and flows maintained within shares of planetary boundaries. The framework is applied over a 15-year period to the economies of Canada and Spain, along with two sub-national regions (Nova Scotia and Andalusia). Nova Scotia is the only study site experiencing stable or decreasing biophysical stocks and flows. None of the study sites are consuming resources within their shares of all four planetary boundaries. Overall, the set of indicators provides guidance for prioritizing which environmental pressures need to decline (and by how much) for societies to be more effective stewards of Earth-system stability.  相似文献   

The 59th LCA forum was held on 12 June, 2015 to discuss the situation with regard to national environmental footprints and their relation to planetary boundaries and to the global carrying capacity. This conference report presents the highlights of the LCA forum. Several approaches of how to quantify a safe operating space of the Earth were presented, such as the planetary boundary concept published by Rockström et al. (Nature 462:472–475, 2009) and the ecological footprint (Bastianoni et al. 2013). Several presenters showed how they transformed environmental planetary boundaries to national and per capita allowances. In a research project funded by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment safe and unsafe areas were determined by combining the level of overshoot, the level of confidence in the information and the trend in the environmental load. The areas of climate change, biodiversity losses and nitrogen losses show a large overshoot on a global level but also from the point of view of Swiss consumption. Other organizations use the planetary boundary concept to identify companies which qualify for environmentally sustainable funds. Finally, life cycle impact assessment methods are being developed using the planetary boundary concept. The weighting step is based on the level of overshoot, which is close to “distance to target” approaches. It was discussed that the nine planetary boundaries face some consistency and operationalisation problems. For instance, land use changes cause biodiversity losses, which is a planetary boundary parameter in its own. Chemical pollution on the other hand is a general topic, for which a quantification approach has to be developed first (load as well as its planetary boundary). The discussion forum showed that individual countries and political entities like the European Union start monitoring their consumption based environmental footprint. Within this context, approaches and concepts are needed to define the environmentally safe operating space. The LCA forum showed that there is still basic research needed to reliably and consistently quantify relevant planetary boundaries (avoiding overlapping indicators) and to transfer these boundaries to per capita allowances.  相似文献   

Abstract. Loss of environmental services provided by forests is a non‐linear process in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Intermediate‐intensity land‐use types in the form of complex agroforests have maintained global environmental benefits under a sustainable and profitable land use regime. Conversion to tree crop monocultures, however, poses a challenge to the environmental stakeholders and an opportunity from to stakeholders in the private economy. We quantified environmental indicators, as well as profitability and sustainability of a range of existing and possible production systems. Criteria and indicators were used at plot to landscape scales, taking into account local, national and global perspectives. Agronomic sustainability and profitability were assessed at plot level as they are of primarily local concern, while environmental services of forests, such as plant species and functional type richness, carbon stocks, greenhouse gas emissions, and trans‐boundary haze, which are of national and global concern, were assessed at landscape level. Quantitative trade‐offs and complementarities were analysed between global environmental benefits and local profitability. The current trend towards simplification of the complex agro‐ecosystems and inherent loss of environmental services of forests is driven by profitability. The sequence in which environmental services of forests are lost is: standing carbon stocks, biodiversity, and low or negative greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Six distinct bryozoan paleobiogeographical provinces existed during the Silurian of North America, Baltica and Siberia. These provinces are based on parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE), each supported by a number of endemic genera only present in that assemblage. The area cladogram displays a nested pattern, permitting the clustering of assemblages into larger units that might be indicative of their areas of origin. Paired-group cluster analysis supports the existence of provincial assemblages. Relationships indicate the action of both vicariance and geodispersal. Geographic boundaries between the provinces include land, deep sea, and climate zone boundaries, including barriers created by the Iapetus Ocean and the Tornquist Sea.  相似文献   

In the light of increasing human pressures on the Earth system, the issue of sharing in the face of scarcity is more pressing than ever. The planetary boundary framework identifies and quantifies nine environmental boundaries and corresponding human pressures. However, when aiming to make the concept operational for decision support it is unclear how this safe operating space (SOS) within each of the planetary boundaries should be shared. This study proposes a two‐step approach, where the operating space is first downscaled to the individual level using ethical allocation principles and next scaled up to a higher organizational level using different upscaling methods. For the downscaling, three allocation principles are demonstrated: egalitarian (equal per capita); grandfathering (proportional to current share of the total impacts); and ability to pay (proportional to economic activity). For upscaling from the individual level final consumption expenditure is used as a proxy for the priority that the individual gives to the product or sector. In an alternative upscaling approach, an additional upscaling factor is based on the eco‐efficiency (ratio between turnover and environmental impact) of the product or sector. A demonstration of the method's application is given by applying the framework to two of the planetary boundaries, climate change and biogeochemical flows, with the Danish, Indian and global dairy sectors as cases. It is demonstrated how the choices of allocation and upscaling approaches influence the results differently in the three cases. The developed framework is shown to support an informed and transparent selection of allocation principles and upscaling methods and it provides a step toward standardization of distributing the SOS in absolute environmental sustainability assessments.  相似文献   

The livestock sector globally is highly dynamic. In developing countries, it is evolving in response to rapidly increasing demand for livestock products. In developed countries, demand for livestock products is stagnating, while many production systems are increasing their efficiency and environmental sustainability. Historical changes in the demand for livestock products have been largely driven by human population growth, income growth and urbanization and the production response in different livestock systems has been associated with science and technology as well as increases in animal numbers. In the future, production will increasingly be affected by competition for natural resources, particularly land and water, competition between food and feed and by the need to operate in a carbon-constrained economy. Developments in breeding, nutrition and animal health will continue to contribute to increasing potential production and further efficiency and genetic gains. Livestock production is likely to be increasingly affected by carbon constraints and environmental and animal welfare legislation. Demand for livestock products in the future could be heavily moderated by socio-economic factors such as human health concerns and changing socio-cultural values. There is considerable uncertainty as to how these factors will play out in different regions of the world in the coming decades.  相似文献   

明晰社会经济快速转型背景下的“三生空间”演变过程及其生态系统服务效应,对国土空间优化和区域可持续发展具有重要意义。以1980、2000、2018年土地利用遥感监测数据为基础,基于“三生空间”视角,采用地学信息图谱刻画了三峡库区土地利用转型过程,并通过生态系统服务贡献值测度了土地利用转型的生态环境效应。结果表明: 1980—2018年,三峡库区工业生产空间和生活空间面积不断增加,而农业生产空间和生态空间面积逐渐减少;从图谱转移视角分析,1980—2000年间,土地利用格局相对稳定,以未发生转移的图谱单元占主导,而2000—2018年土地利用转型复杂,以农业生产空间与林地、草地生态空间相互转化占主导,城镇化、工业化进程加快是导致农业生产空间、生态空间面积萎缩的主要原因;三峡库区生态系统服务价值在时间上呈先缓慢降低后迅速增加的趋势,在空间上呈“东部高-西部低”的分布特征;生态保护修复工程促进了生态系统服务价值正效应,但经济社会快速发展挤占了大量的农业生产空间、生态空间,加之农田复耕等行为在一定程度上导致了生态系统服务价值负效应。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) has enabled consideration of environmental impacts beyond the narrow boundary of traditional engineering methods. This reduces the chance of shifting impacts outside the system boundary. However, sustainability also requires that supporting ecosystems are not adversely affected and remain capable of providing goods and services for supporting human activities. Conventional LCA does not account for this role of nature, and its metrics are best for comparing alternatives. These relative metrics do not provide information about absolute environmental sustainability, which requires comparison between the demand and supply of ecosystem services (ES). Techno‐ecological synergy (TES) is a framework to account for ES, and has been demonstrated by application to systems such as buildings and manufacturing activities that have narrow system boundaries. This article develops an approach for techno‐ecological synergy in life cycle assessment (TES‐LCA) by expanding the steps in conventional LCA to incorporate the demand and supply of ecosystem goods and services at multiple spatial scales. This enables calculation of absolute environmental sustainability metrics, and helps identify opportunities for improving a life cycle not just by reducing impacts, but also by restoring and protecting ecosystems. TES‐LCA of a biofuel life cycle demonstrates this approach by considering the ES of carbon sequestration, air quality regulation, and water provisioning. Results show that for the carbon sequestration ecosystem service, farming can be locally sustainable but unsustainable at the global or serviceshed scale. Air quality regulation is unsustainable at all scales, while water provisioning is sustainable at all scales for this study in the eastern part of the United States.  相似文献   

效率视角下的省域生态文明建设评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李巍  郗永勤 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7354-7363
在界定生态文明概念的基础上,从省域层面入手,选取25个具有可操作性的评价指标,构建以国土空间优化、资源节约集约利用和生态环境保护为一级指标的生态文明建设评价指标体系,综合运用网络层次分析和集对分析等研究方法,定量研究我国省域生态文明建设绩效;在此基础上,将国土空间优化绩效、资源节约集约利用绩效和生态环境保护绩效作为产出指标,将就业人数、科学技术财政支出、节能环保财政支出作为投入指标,运用数据包络分析法测度各省(市)生态文明建设效率,分析指标投入冗余和产出不足情况,并修正评价绩效。研究表明:(1)规模效率低于0.6的省份共24个,占80%,规模效率不高是制约生态文明建设水平提升的重要障碍;(2)在生态文明建设投入冗余和产出不足方面,数值较高的省(市)在地理分布上具有明显的区域聚集性;(3)领先地区资源节约集约利用绩效平均分高达3.92,落后地区平均分仅为0.84,生态文明建设绩效的差异性在资源节约集约利用方面表现的尤为明显;(4)人口规模偏大、绿色生态空间建设滞后于经济发展、水资源利用效率不高是多数生态强省(市)的薄弱环节。  相似文献   

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