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不同尺度下停歇点湿地对迁徙水鸟的影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张强  马克明  李金亚  张育新 《生态学报》2017,37(8):2520-2529
停歇点湿地是迁徙水鸟重要的能量补给地,在水鸟每年的往返迁徙过程中具有十分重要的生态意义。近年来随着全球变化和人类活动增加,迁飞路线上的停歇点湿地正发生剧烈变化。各个停歇点湿地的生境变化及周围环境不仅是影响水鸟栖息地适宜性的重要因素,还改变了各路线上迁徙水鸟的种群大小和群落多样性。分析不同尺度下停歇点湿地影响迁徙水鸟种群变化的主要生态因子和环境因素,不仅有助于理解各停歇点景观变化的生态效应,也可为迁徙水鸟种群保护提供理论支持。首先分析了在栖息地斑块尺度上停歇点湿地内的水、食物、栖息地格局和人类干扰等生态要素对水鸟觅食和栖息活动的影响;其次,分析了景观尺度上湿地周围的气候变化、土地利用和外来生物等环境条件在各停歇点对水鸟栖息地质量的改变;最后,基于多尺度条件下湿地影响因素的耦合效应,分析了当前湿地生境与水鸟种群关系研究中存在的主要问题,并总结了对湿地和水鸟保护的启示。  相似文献   

盐城生物圈保护区得天独厚的地理位置成为多种水鸟的繁殖地、越冬地或迁徙途中的停歇地。特别是春秋两季,成千上万只鸻鹬类、雁鸭类水鸟在此处停歇,然后继续进入南下或北上的万里征途。近年来,特别是我国加入《生物多样性保护公约》和《湿地公约》以来,盐城保护区在生物多样性保护及湿地和水鸟保护中的作用越来越引起国内外的重视,已先后被列入“世界生物圈保护区网络”和“东北亚鹤类保护区网络”。为了全面保护特有的沿海湿地及各种水鸟,探索各种鸟类迁徙的“行踪”是人们普遍关心的问题。 鸟类的迁徙是自然界中最引入注意的现象之一,世界上每年有几十亿只候鸟在秋季离开它们的繁殖地迁往更为适宜的栖息地越冬。我国《吕氏春秋》就有“孟春三月鸿雁北,孟秋之月鸿雁来”之说,记载着所谓一年一度雁随季节变化的迁徙现  相似文献   

段后浪  于秀波 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6354-6363
中国滨海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上候鸟重要的停歇地、繁殖地和越冬地,土地利用变化所引发的滨海湿地退化导致水鸟栖息地类别和面积发生了很大转变,影响迁徙水鸟种群数量的稳定性。然而,土地利用变化在哪些区域和多大程度上影响了迁徙水鸟的栖息地分布尚不清晰。以土地围垦典型区域黄渤海滨海湿地为研究区,以受胁濒危水鸟物种勺嘴鹬、大滨鹬、大杓鹬、小青脚鹬、黑脸琵鹭、黄嘴白鹭、遗鸥、黑嘴鸥为研究对象,结合物种分布模型MaxEnt和GIS空间分析,模拟2000、2015、2020年水鸟栖息地时空分布,探索过去20年栖息地分布的时空变化,分析水鸟种群变化趋势,识别水鸟栖息地保护优先区域,提出水鸟栖息地保护管理建议。结果显示:2000—2020年,8个水鸟物种栖息地主要分布在渤海湾、莱州湾、江苏盐城沿岸、如东-东台沿岸区域。所有物种的栖息地面积均呈不同程度的下降趋势,其中7个物种栖息地下降比例超过50%,下降的区域主要分布在渤海湾、江苏盐城沿岸、东台条子泥、小洋口沿岸,滨海湿地丧失是导致水鸟栖息地面积下降的直接因素。7个物种种群数量呈下降趋势。研究所确定的水鸟保护优先区面积达240.32 km2...  相似文献   

段后浪  于秀波 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8663-8670
黄河流域为迁徙水鸟提供重要的繁殖地、越冬地和停歇地。然而,黄河流域正面临着农业开垦、城市化、水资源分布不均等一系列的生态安全问题,威胁迁徙水鸟种群及其栖息地稳定性。因此,识别黄河流域重要的水鸟栖息地分布区域,分析当前的保护现状对于开展水鸟及栖息地保护至关重要。以黄河流域为研究区,搜集整合来自国内外观鸟网站(eBird、全球生物多样性信息库(GBIF)和中国观鸟记录中心(BirdReport))、文献和水鸟调查报告中的水鸟调查数据,沿用三个国际上通用的水鸟重要栖息地识别标准,确定了黄河流域水鸟保护优先区。在此基础上,使用水鸟栖息地重要性指数确定水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级,结合国家自然保护地名录,分析水鸟保护优先区保护空缺状况。结果显示:黄河流域共有47个水鸟保护优先区,主要分布在黄河流域中游和下游,其中河南省和山东省水鸟保护优先区较多。满足水鸟保护优先区识别标准的水鸟共14种,其中,极危物种有2个,濒危物种有1个,易危物种有5个。水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级处于I、II和III类的分别有2个、8个和37个。有20个水鸟保护优先区处于保护空缺状态,占总数的42.55%,主要集中在黄河中游和下游,其中,水鸟保护优先等级处于I类或II类的地块有3个,建议将这些保护空缺地以自然保护区、保护小区或国家公园形式纳入湿地保护地体系,并加强长期监测。  相似文献   

于超  郝燚  倪义  刘琛  刘瑶  周纯 《动物学杂志》2022,57(2):219-224
水鸟的迁徙停歇是其生活史中极为重要的一个过程.迁徙停歇地的水文因子和人为活动的变化直接影响水鸟对迁徙停歇地的持续利用.本文统计了 2015至2020年吉林长岭龙凤湖湿地省级自然保护区东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)迁徙季节的停歇种群数量和停歇期,并记录东方白鹳停歇地的水位和人为干扰类型,利用相关分析、差异性...  相似文献   

福建省黑脸琵鹭的分布及栖息地现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年3月~2006年4月,对福建省海岸湿地的黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)及其栖息地进行了研究。在福建省越冬的黑脸琵鹭约60~90只,每年迁徙停歇的种群数量在80只以上,黑脸琵鹭主要选择河口的滩涂湿地作为越冬和迁徙停歇地。栖息地的丧失和破坏是其面临的最大生存威胁。实施湿地保护和可持续利用工程,并帮助当地政府和民众寻找到发挥湿地更高经济效益的产业是保护黑脸琵鹭栖息地的重要途径。  相似文献   

围填海对湿地水鸟种群、行为和栖息地的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地水鸟是湿地生态系统的重要组成部分。由于水鸟对湿地环境的变化较为敏感,所以被认为是监测湿地环境质量的指示生物。围填海严重破坏了湿地生态环境,对水鸟的种群、行为和栖息地利用产生了重大影响。本文从种群生态方面分析围填海对鸟类种群数量和多样性的影响;从水鸟行为方面归纳围填海对鸟类取食行为、繁殖行为、迁徙行为、社群行为的影响;从水鸟栖息地利用方面探讨围填海对水鸟栖息地利用和适宜生境选择的影响。围填海通常会降低生境专性鸟类种群数量,但对生境泛性鸟类的种群数量影响较小。围垦强度决定着鸟类多样性大小。适度的围垦使得生境多样化,有利于鸟类多样性的增加;过度的围垦则使得水鸟生境破碎化,从而导致多样性下降。围填海后的生境状况影响着水鸟的取食、繁殖、迁徙、社群行为及栖息地的选择。滩涂面积的减少以及植被群落的改变不利于涉禽的觅食栖息,而养殖塘等人工湿地则为游禽提供了丰富的食物来源以及良好的栖息环境。扩大研究的时空尺度可全面分析围填海对鸟类的影响机制;将多种水鸟结合在一起并分析其对围填海的响应机制应是未来研究的热点。  相似文献   

我国沿海各省区都有重要的滨海湿地需要加强保护。人类要生存,工业要发展,在开发和保护中间应该能找到一个平衡点。我认为有几个重要的区域尤其应该加强保护,例如珠江的入海口、深圳湾以及香港的米埔湿地是我国华南十分重要的水鸟越冬地和迁徙中途停歇地,是黑脸琵鹭等水鸟的重要越冬区,闽江口是中华凤头燕鸥、卷羽鹈鹕的主要栖息地之一;江苏盐城的沿海滩涂几乎集中了中国境内90%以上的丹顶鹤越冬群体,上海的崇明岛为鸻鹬类极其重要的迁徙  相似文献   

自然保护区是生物多样性保护的重要形式, 对于迁徙水鸟而言, 它的规划尤为重要。本研究于2016-2018年间在中国、蒙古国和俄罗斯捕捉6只斑头雁(Anser indicus)、5只白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)和10只东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)进行卫星追踪, 探讨了黄河流域自然保护区对它们栖息地的保护现状。基于4年累积获取的844,592条高频数据, 分析了这21只水鸟在黄河流域活动的时间和利用的土地类型, 并使用核密度法拟合了3种鸟类的家域。结果表明: 3种鸟类均利用黄河流域湿地作为迁徙途中的停歇地, 其中一部分白琵鹭幼鸟利用黄河流域湿地作为度夏地, 一部分东方白鹳利用黄河三角洲湿地作为越冬地; 3种水鸟在黄河流域内的土地利用情况存在差异, 斑头雁对草地(49.0%)、裸地(26.2%)与水体(22.5%)的利用率较高, 白琵鹭对农田(42.1%)、草地(19.8%)和湿地(19.6%)的利用率较高, 东方白鹳对湿地(49.8%)、农田(34.5%)和水体(4.6%)的利用率较高; 斑头雁核心的50%家域被现有保护区完全覆盖, 而白琵鹭和东方白鹳核心的50%家域被现有保护区的覆盖度分别为1.6%和0, 表明后2种水鸟的栖息地极大可能存在保护空缺; 同时对覆盖范围内土地类型自身占比进行分析, 发现3种鸟类对于裸地、草地和农田的利用偏向于被动选择, 而对于湿地和水体的利用表现为主动选择。基于卫星追踪获得的高频数据可以准确反映3种水鸟在黄河流域的停歇情况、土地利用情况及潜在栖息位点。在黄河流域自然保护区的进一步规划中, 应关注白琵鹭和东方白鹳适宜生境的保护状况, 并建立覆盖全面的保护区。  相似文献   

白枕鹤(Grus vipio)为国家II级重点保护野生动物, 被IUCN列为易危(VU)物种。白枕鹤西部种群繁殖于中蒙俄交界处的达乌尔地区, 数量呈下降趋势。我们于2017-2018年在蒙古国东部给白枕鹤西部种群的50只个体佩戴了GPS-GSM跟踪设备。截至2019年5月, 获得春季和秋季迁徙路径各48条。分析结果显示: 春季91.67%和秋季72.91%的跟踪个体在滦河上游(河北省沽源-内蒙古正蓝旗-多伦区域)停歇, 春季停留时间36.16 ± 15.00天、秋季20.26 ± 11.08天, 分别占春季和秋季迁徙时间的75%和67%, 确定了这一区域是西部种群迁徙途中最重要的停歇地。迁徙路线栖息地选择模型结果显示, 白枕鹤常在距离湖泊较近(< 210 km)、海拔1,200-1,500 m, 且坡度小(< 1°)的区域停歇。而滦河上游和整条迁徙路线停歇位点比较的模型结果显示, 滦河上游停歇地的海拔1,200-1,500 m与整条迁徙路线栖息地选择模型的结果一致; 此外这个区域离河流更近(< 70 km), 不仅有湿地和水体的栖息环境, 还有草地和农田可供觅食和栖息。保护空缺分析发现滦河上游现有四处保护地, 但在保护地内的迁徙停歇点不超过总位点的1.63%。综上, 我们建议将滦河上游整体纳入保护地体系进行管理, 为这一受胁物种及其栖息地管理和保护提供可靠保障。  相似文献   

East Asian migratory waterfowl have greatly declined since the 1950s, especially the populations that winter in China. Conservation is severely hampered by the lack of primary information about migration patterns and stopover sites. This study utilizes satellite tracking techniques and advanced spatial analyses to investigate spring migration of the greater white‐fronted goose (Anser albifrons) and tundra bean goose (Anser serrirostris) wintering along the Yangtze River Floodplain. Based on 24 tracks obtained from 21 individuals during the spring of 2015 and 2016, we found that the Northeast China Plain is far‐out the most intensively used stopover site during migration, with geese staying for over 1 month. This region has also been intensely developed for agriculture, suggesting a causal link to the decline in East Asian waterfowl wintering in China. The protection of waterbodies used as roosting area, especially those surrounded by intensive foraging land, is critical for waterfowl survival. Over 90% of the core area used during spring migration is not protected. We suggest that future ground surveys should target these areas to confirm their relevance for migratory waterfowl at the population level, and core roosting area at critical spring‐staging sites should be integrated in the network of protected areas along the flyway. Moreover, the potential bird–human conflict in core stopover area needs to be further studied. Our study illustrates how satellite tracking combined with spatial analyses can provide crucial insights necessary to improve the conservation of declining Migratory species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Conservation programs that facilitate restoration of natural areas on private land are one of the best strategies for recovery of valuable wetland acreage in critical ecoregions of the United States. Wetlands enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) provide many ecological functions but may be particularly important as habitat for migrant and resident waterbirds; however, use of, and factors associated with use of, CREP wetlands as stopover and breeding sites have not been evaluated. We surveyed a random sample of CREP wetlands in the Illinois River watershed in 2004 and 2005 to quantify use of restored wetlands by spring migrating and breeding waterbirds. Waterbirds used 75% of wetlands during spring migration. Total use-day abundance for the entire spring migration ranged from 0 to 49,633 per wetland and averaged 6,437 ± 1,887 (SE). Semipermanent wetlands supported the greatest total number of use-days and the greatest number of use-days relative to wetland area. Species richness ranged from 0 to 42 (x̄ = 10.0 ± 1.5 [SE]), and 5 of these species were classified as endangered in Illinois. Density of waterfowl breeding pairs ranged from 0.0 pairs/ha to 16.6 pairs/ha (x̄ = 1.9 ± 0.5 [SE] pairs/ha), and 16 species of wetland birds were identified as local breeders. Density of waterfowl broods ranged from 0.0 broods/ha to 3.6 broods/ha and averaged 0.5 ± 0.1 (SE) broods/ha. We also modeled spring stopover use, waterbird species richness, and waterfowl reproduction in relation to spatial, physical, and floristic characteristics of CREP wetlands. The best approximating models to explain variation in all 3 dependent variables included only the covariate accounting for level of hydrologic management (i.e., none, passive, or active). Active management was associated with 858% greater use-days during spring than sites with only passive water management. Sites where hydrology was passively managed also averaged 402% greater species richness than sites where no hydrologic management was possible. Density of waterfowl broods was 120% greater on passively managed sites than on sites without water management but was 29% less on sites with active compared to passive hydrologic management. Densities of waterfowl broods also were greatest when ratios of open water to cover were 70:30. Models that accounted for vegetation quality and landscape variables ranked lower than models based solely on hydrologic management or vegetation cover in all candidate sets. Although placement and clustering of sites may be critical for maintaining populations of some wetland bird species, these factors appeared to be less important for attracting migrant waterbirds in our study area. In the context of restored CREP wetlands, we suggest the greatest gains in waterbird use and reproduction may be accomplished by emphasizing site-specific restoration efforts related to hydrology and floristic structure. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):654–664; 2008)  相似文献   

Impacts of disturbance on migratory waterfowl   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
JESPER MADSEN 《Ibis》1995,137(S1):S67-S74
It is well known that disturbance from human activities can cause temporary changes in behaviour and locally affect temporal and spatial distribution of migratory and wintering waterfowl. But it is also known that, to some extent, birds can compensate for disturbance by altering their behaviour or habituating to human activities. Comparatively little is known about how these reactions to disturbance may impact on the large-scale dispersion of waterfowl and, ultimately, on their population dynamics. To be able to answer these questions, a better theoretical framework, based on optimal foraging theory incorporating predation risk, and field experiments are required. Furthermore, we need to study the waterfowl throughout their winter ranges to interpret the overall impacts of disturbance. This paper examines two cases where the impacts of disturbance have been assessed from field experiments. In one study, disturbance effects of shooting were tested by setting up experimental reserves in two Danish coastal wetlands. Over a 5-year period, these became two of the most important staging areas for coastal waterfowl, and the national totals of key species were significantly increased. A national management plan which will establish more than 50 new shooting-free refuges on Danish coastal areas within the next 5 years is likely to boost waterfowl numbers even more. Such retention of birds at more northerly sites on the fiyway should result in a more efficient resource utilization and may positively affect the population dynamics where numbers are affected by winter resources. In a second study, the impacts of disturbance by farmers on spring fattening of Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus were analysed. In undisturbed areas in northern Norway, abdominal profiles of the geese increased rapidly, whereas in disturbed sites they did not. Subsequently, geese that had used undisturbed sites reproduced better than geese from disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds have the potential to function as geographic bottlenecks; entire populations within a flyway may be affected by the quality and quantity of available wetland habitat at stopover sites. Although approximately 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of south-central Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for >10 million waterfowl each spring. We evaluated community patterns and species associations to assess importance of assembly rules in structuring wetland bird communities during migration and to better facilitate multispecies conservation and management strategies. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 2.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during 3 spring migrations 2002–2004. We evaluated spatial and temporal species co-occurrence patterns of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds using null model analysis. Goose species co-occurrence scores did not differ from random in any year of the study, suggesting that goose species frequently use the same habitats during migration. Co-occurrence patterns among dabbling ducks were not different than expected by chance in any year; however, when we evaluated co-occurrence at a weekly scale, dabbling ducks co-occurred less often than expected during weeks of peak migration (high abundance), indicating that dabbling duck species spatially segregated at high densities. Diving duck co-occurrence patterns did not differ from random in any year, suggesting that diving duck species used the same habitats during migration. Shorebird species co-occurred less often than expected in 2002 and 2004, and during weeks of high shorebird abundance, indicating that shorebird communities were distinctly structured during those times. Most association values among lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) and dabbling duck species were positive, indicating dabbling ducks did not avoid wetlands with snow geese, a concern for waterfowl managers. However, we frequently observed snow geese and dabbling ducks using different microhabitats within a wetland, which indicate species associations and co-occurrence patterns may have occurred at a finer spatial scale than we measured. This approach of co-occurrence analysis will allow wildlife managers charged with multispecies management at migration stopover sites to make informed conservation and management decisions based on community structure rather than historic single-species approaches.  相似文献   

环渤海滨海湿地鸻鹬类水鸟多样性及其环境影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环渤海湿地是水鸟南北迁徙的重要驿站,尤其对于该线路上的鸻鹬鸟类具有非常重要的意义。以环渤海地区12处典型滨海湿地为研究对象,于2016-2020年每年春季开展水鸟调查,明确了鸻鹬类水鸟群落组成及其时空变化,采用结构方程模型 (Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)分析了鸻鹬类水鸟多样性与环境因子的响应关系,评估了各环境因子的影响强度。结果表明:(1)共记录到鸻鹬类水鸟7科51种,几乎全部为旅鸟。全球极危物种1种,濒危物种3种,近危物种9种。国家一级保护鸟类2种,国家二级保护鸟类8种。黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)、大滨鹬(Calidris tenuirostris)、黑尾塍鹬(Limosa limosa)、灰鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)、斑尾塍鹬(Limosa lapponica)个体数量最多。(2)山东黄河三角洲、辽宁辽河口、天津北大港等河口湿地,水鸟种类多,单位面积水鸟数量较少。(3)河北沧州沿海、山东滨州贝壳堤岛及其周边区域为环渤海地区湿地集中区,水鸟种类较多。(4)综合影响强度为保护强度>食物>气候,建立自然保护地是保护水鸟多样性的最有效措施。(5)建议将河北南大港湿地和鸟类省级自然保护区提升至国家级,扩大滨州贝壳堤岛与湿地国家级自然保护区面积,对山东黄河三角洲、辽宁辽河口覆盖的各级各类自然保护地进行优化整合。研究结果能为环渤海地区鸻鹬类水鸟保护策略的制定提供相关依据。  相似文献   

Waterfowl and other migratory birds commonly store nutrients at traditional staging areas during spring for later use during migration and reproduction. We investigated nutrient-storage dynamics in the midcontinent population of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons; hereafter white-fronted geese) at spring staging sites in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska during February–April and in southern Saskatchewan during April–May, 1998 and 1999. In Nebraska, lipid content of white-fronted geese did not increase, and protein content changed little over time for most age and sex categories. In Saskatchewan, lipids increased 11.4 g/day (SE = 1.7) and protein content increased 1.6 g/day (SE = 0.6) in the sample of adult geese collected over a 3-week period. A study conducted during 1979–1980 in the Rainwater Basin reported that white-fronted geese gained 8.8–17.7 g of lipids per day during spring, differing greatly from our results 2 decades later. In addition, lipid levels were less in the 1990s compared to spring 1980 for adult geese nearing departure from staging sites in Saskatchewan. This shift in where geese acquired nutrient stores from Nebraska to more northern staging sites coincided with a decrease in availability of waste corn in Nebraska, their primary food source while staging at that stopover site, and an increase in cultivation of high-energy pulse crops in Saskatchewan. White-fronted geese exhibited flexibility in nutrient dynamics during spring migration, likely in response to landscape-level variation in food availability caused by changes in agricultural trends and practices. Maintaining a wide distribution of wetlands in the Great Plains may allow spring-staging waterfowl to disperse across the region and facilitate access to high-energy foods over a larger cropland base. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

1. Potential human sources of disturbance, including fishing, sailing, windsurfing and different types of waterfowl hunting, are described and their effects on autumn-staging waterbirds, including mute swan, wigeon and coot, were examined at a coastal wetland in Denmark from 1985 to 1988.
2. Bird and human distributions were superimposed on the distribution of submerged vegetation and water depths to identify the extent of spatial overlap; likewise, seasonal and diurnal temporal overlap in bird abundance, and human activities were defined. Behavioural and distributional reactions of waterbirds to different human activities, in terms of escape distances, disruption of activity patterns and redistribution, were assessed to establish their relative effects.
3. Sailing and windsurfing showed little spatial overlap, and fishing partial spatial overlap with bird distributions; these activities almost ceased before the peak in autumn bird numbers. Hunting showed a high degree of spatial and temporal overlap with bird presence.
4. Birds responded to windsurfing at greatest distances, whereas hunting (especially from mobile punts) caused the longest disruptions to activities of waterfowl. In terms of behaviour and redistribution, wigeon was more affected by shooting than was mute swan or coot. One or two mobile shooting punts reduced wigeon numbers, whereas numbers were unaffected by the presence of up to 4–6 stationary punts; fishing boats had no effect on wigeon abundance.
5. Hunting, especially shooting from mobile punts, was identified as the most disturbing human activity in relation to staging waterfowl in this area. Similar results and conclusions were reached in another comparable study area. The results have implications for refuge designs and zoning of disturbing recreational activities.  相似文献   

Understanding how animals select for habitat and foraging resources therein is a crucial component of basic and applied ecology. The selection process is typically influenced by a variety of environmental conditions including the spatial and temporal variation in the quantity and quality of food resources, predation or disturbance risks, and inter‐ and intraspecific competition. Indeed, some of the most commonly employed ecological theories used to describe how animals choose foraging sites are: nutrient intake maximisation, density‐dependent habitat selection, central‐place foraging, and predation risk effects. Even though these theories are not mutually exclusive, rarely are multiple theoretical models considered concomitantly to assess which theory, or combination thereof, best predicts observed changes in habitat selection over space and time. Here, we tested which of the above theories best‐predicted habitat selection of Svalbard‐breeding pink‐footed geese at their main spring migration stopover site in mid‐Norway by computing a series of resource selection functions (RSFs) and their predictive ability (k‐fold cross validation scores). At this stopover site geese fuel intensively as a preparation for breeding and further migration. We found that the predation risk model and a combination of the density‐dependent and central‐place foraging models best‐predicted habitat selection during stopover as geese selected for larger fields where predation risk is typically lower and selection for foraging sites changed as a function of both distance to the roost site (i.e. central‐place) and changes in local density. In contrast to many other studies, the nutritional value of the available food resources did not appear to be a major limiting factor as geese used different food resources proportional to their availability. Our study shows that in an agricultural landscape where nutritional value of food resources is homogeneously high and resource availability changes rapidly; foraging behaviour of geese is largely a tradeoff between fast refuelling and disturbance/predator avoidance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds can function as geographic bottlenecks; common dependence among migratory wetland bird species on these sites has major implications for wetland conservation. Although 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for up to 10 million waterfowl each spring. Our objectives were to determine local (within wetland and immediate watershed) and landscape-scale factors influencing wetland bird abundance and species richness during spring migration at RWB playas. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 1.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during spring migrations 2002–2004. We tested a priori hypotheses about whether local and landscape variables influenced overall species richness and abundance of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds. Wetland area had a positive influence on goose abundance in all years, whereas percent emergent vegetation and hunting pressure had negative influences. Models predicting dabbling duck abundance differed among years; however, individual wetland area and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km of the study wetland consistently had a positive influence on dabbling duck abundance. Percent emergent vegetation also was a positive predictor of dabbling duck abundance in all years, indicating that wetlands with intermediate (50%) vegetation coverage have the greatest dabbling duck abundance. Shorebird abundance was positively influenced by wetland area and number of wetlands within 10 km and negatively influenced by water depth. Wetland area, water depth, and area of wetlands within 10 km were all equally important in models predicting overall species richness. Total species richness was positively influenced by wetland area and negatively influenced by water depth and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km. Avian species richness also was greatest in wetlands with intermediate vegetation coverage. Restoring playa hydrology should promote intermediate percent cover of emergent vegetation, which will increase use by dabbling ducks and shorebirds, and decrease snow goose (Chen caerulescens) use of these wetlands. We observed a reduction in dabbling duck abundance on wetlands open to spring snow goose hunting and recommend further investigation of the effects of this conservation order on nontarget species. Our results indicate that wildlife managers at migration stopover areas should conserve wetlands in complexes to meet the continuing and future habitat requirements of migratory birds, especially dabbling ducks, during spring migration.  相似文献   

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