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植物群落物种共存机制的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
物种共存是由进化、历史及生态尺度上的过程决定的.现存的理论从不同的尺度探讨了植物群落物种共存的可能机制,本文阐述了其中几种重要的理论.种库理论在进化和历史尺度上解释了植物物种共存的形成原因.在生态尺度上,虽然传统的生态位理论受到质疑,但是更新生态位理论和资源比率/异质性假说越来越受到重视;竞争共存理论认为具有相似竞争能力或能够避免竞争排斥的植物物种可以共存.在非平衡条件下,生物和非生物因素对植物物种共存也有显著影响,它们一方面作用于竞争优势种,使竞争优势向稀有种转移,另一方面可以创造生境时空异质性,为生态位分化提供机会.生态漂变学说认为群落中物种的组成不断变化,物种的共存和分布由随机因素决定.这些植物群落物种共存理论各有所长,互相补充.应用现代科学技术进行研究,结果必将促进人们对植物物种共存问题的深刻理解.  相似文献   

生态群落物种共存的进化机制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文概述了目前对生态群落的物种共存研究中存在的若干问题及动、植物群落物种共存机制的研究进展。植物群落的物种共存主要介绍与环境、种子再迁移、生态位分化、竞争平衡理论、种库假设、再生生态位等有关的几种假设、生态学上相似种的共存及“原”群落概念等。动物群落的物种共存机制主要从以下几方面叙述:(1)异质环境中的资源分割,主要指动物斑状滋养的不同利用;(2)避免竞争排斥的行为机制,如边缘效应、聚群效应、扩散行为、相互作用和干扰;(3)特化者和泛化者的共存,包括:竞争是物种向多功能进化的作用力、最佳觅食理论与生态学特化及特化概念的发展。最后指出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

以荒漠区人工植被的恢复与重建为背景,从宏观尺度研究了很集合种群的空间分布新模式,建立了基于Levins集合种群模型的数值模拟方法。对两物种的模拟结果表明:在适当选择参数下,模拟植被区的集合种群可以形成“海藻式”稳定的时空分布结构,在理论上表明相同生态特征的物种在空间生境中可以达成共存。为了达到物种丰富度和生产力最佳,实现持续发展,对多物种集合种群进行了模拟。模拟结果显示当物种的种数为5时,空间上随机播种的模拟种群覆盖率达到最大,因而可发挥最大的治沙作用。另外,模拟还显示在播种时应采取集聚式的空间播种模式,以使种群具有较高的防沙能力。该结果可为生物防沙治沙领域提供理论依据。  相似文献   

昆虫均为完全或不完全变态发育,其幼虫和成虫阶段往往有着不同的资源需求。研究昆虫在幼虫和成虫阶段的生态位和适合度,有助于提升我们对昆虫物种共存和群落构建的认识。黑腹果蝇(Drosophilamelanogaster)和伊米果蝇(D.immigrans)是全球广布的两种果蝇,它们常常发生在相同的季节,且均在腐烂的水果上产卵,幼虫寄生在其中完成生长发育。本研究通过转瓶实验评估了这两种果蝇在连续竞争过程中的内禀增长率和种内与种间竞争系数,并进一步检验了它们的成虫对产卵场所,以及幼虫对食物的竞争强度,据此计算了两个物种在成虫和幼虫阶段的生态位分化与适合度差异,在当代物种共存理论的框架下分析了影响两种果蝇共存的关键因素。结果表明,连续饲养过程中,黑腹果蝇表现出更高的适合度,大概率会竞争排斥掉伊米果蝇。具体而言,两种果蝇在幼虫和成虫期均有极大的生态位重叠,虽然伊米果蝇成虫对产卵场所有着更高的利用率,黑腹果蝇的幼虫在生长发育阶段对饲料有着更高的利用率,但两种果蝇在成虫、幼虫阶段竞争的结果更多地取决于谁先占据资源。本研究表明昆虫在不同发育阶段对资源利用率的变化会在一定程度上影响它们共存的可能性。  相似文献   

经过长期破碎化, 荒漠草原原生硬质灰钙土斑块散布在广大沙化土地中, 形成类似“土岛”的土被结构。为揭示土岛生境的群落物种共存机制, 2016年在宁夏盐池县皖记沟村选取大(200-300 m2)、中(约100 m2)、小(约50 m2)土岛各3个开展调查, 采用Jaccard相异系数、物种生态位宽度和生态位重叠度、零模型、Meta分析, 综合计算和分析土岛内部与外部植物群落相似性、物种生态位宽度和生态位重叠、物种共存格局及其影响因子。研究发现, (1)随着破碎化加剧, 土岛内部植物多样性整体呈现下降趋势, 群落优势种从短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)转变为猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)和短花针茅共优种, 土岛内外群落相似性增加。(2)土岛内外绝大多数物种生态位重叠较小, 生态位重叠在土岛内呈集中分布, 而土岛外则呈均匀发散分布。(3)环境过滤为主的生态过程决定了土岛生境群落物种的共存格局, 随着土岛面积减小, 环境因子对群落物种共存的调控强度降低, 关键性环境因子由土壤细砂粒和黏粒转变为粗砂粒, 显著性竞争物种共存格局在小岛出现。综上所述, 土岛生境对于维持草原物种具有重要作用, 环境过滤主导了荒漠草原物种共存格局。随着生境破碎化加剧或土岛面积减小, 物种共存格局及其调控因子发生转变。保护面积在200 m2以上的大土岛对于恢复荒漠草原区草原成分种和其物种多样性机制都十分必要。  相似文献   

一直以来,生态学家和进化生物学家对森林群落物种多样格局及其形成机制持有不同的观点。虽然Robert Ricklefs将进化和生态过程整合的观点已经被群落生态学家广泛接受,但是区域物种进化历史以及局域群落微进化过程是否能够影响群落生态学过程以及这些过程如何影响群落结构和动态还有待商榷。经典的生态位理论同时强调了种间和种内生态位分化对群落多样性维持的影响。但是生态学家普遍认为种间差异足以代表群落内个体间的相互作用关系,并且由于进化过程导致的种内分化往往涉及较长的时间尺度,因此,虽然种内差异是自然选择的重要材料,物种对环境的适应性进化过程所导致的种内分化对群落构建的影响往往被生态学家所忽视。为此,通过回顾种间和个体生态位分化的研究历史,对两类研究分别进行简要阐述,强调在今后的群落生态学研究中需要考虑个体分化对局域群落构建的影响。  相似文献   

植物病原菌包括真菌、细菌、病毒等,广泛存在于自然界中,可以引起各种植物病害。病原菌对植物的负反馈作用,即植物个体附近的土壤病原菌,可能反过来侵害其自身或同种个体,致死或影响生长植物的现象。植物病原菌对群落中优势种的更新有强烈的抑制作用,从而促进物种的共存。植物病原菌的负反馈作用在植物种群动态和群落演替中起着重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

刘向  刘木  肖瑶 《生物多样性》2023,(2):217-230
群落内物种如何共存是群落生态学研究中最具争议的核心问题之一。根据当代物种共存理论框架,维持物种共存的机制可以分为稳定化和均等化机制。尽管植物叶片病原真菌在自然界中大量存在,但是目前尚不完全清楚叶片病原真菌如何通过稳定化和均等化机制影响物种共存。本文首先介绍了叶片病原真菌驱动同种负密度制约(稳定化机制)和“生长–防御”权衡(均等化机制)促进物种共存的证据,并阐述了在群落水平抑制叶片病原真菌后物种丰富度的变化。随后,本文归纳了该领域研究中的主要挑战:叶片病原真菌在驱动物种共存过程中相较于环境因子的可能重要性更低、部分叶片病原真菌较弱的宿主专一性无法起到维持物种共存的作用,以及控制叶片病原真菌过程中各种方法均有一定局限性等问题。最后,本文论述了该研究领域未来的主要方向:不同土壤养分/气候变化条件下叶片病原真菌如何影响物种共存、叶片病原真菌与其他高营养层次生物类群的交互作用及其对物种共存的贡献、基于系统发育推断叶片病原真菌对植物群落构建的影响、将叶片病原真菌生活史类型纳入病原真菌影响植物物种共存的相关研究中。  相似文献   

生物间的相互作用是物种共存和生物多样性维持的关键。传统的物种共存研究主要关注配对物种之间的直接相互作用, 而忽略了更为复杂的间接相互作用。本文首先介绍了两种间接相互作用: 链式相互作用(本质上仍是两两物种之间的相互作用)和高阶相互作用。在此基础上, 我们回顾了高阶相互作用定义的演变历史(包括狭义的高阶相互作用和广义的高阶相互作用)及其检验方法, 并介绍了高阶相互作用在多营养级之间和同一营养级内的研究概况。目前, 生态学家主要对多营养级之间(如食物网)的高阶相互作用的特征、发生机制、作用途径及实验证据等方面进行了详尽的研究。近年来, 同一营养级内的高阶相互作用也开始受到关注, 因此我们进一步介绍了同一营养级内个体水平高阶相互作用的重要意义和度量方法。从个体水平上研究高阶相互作用, 既能统一狭义和广义高阶相互作用在定义上的争议, 又可以将个体间的差异(如个体大小、个体的空间分布等信息)考虑进来。最后, 本文对高阶相互作用一些可能的重要研究方向进行了展望: 在自然群落中(尤其同一营养级内)检验高阶相互作用的普遍性与相对重要性, 探讨高阶相互作用的发生机制以及如何将高阶相互作用整合到现有的理论体系中等。高阶相互作用的研究有助于我们全面深刻地理解物种共存和生物多样性的维持机制, 丰富和完善群落生态学的理论框架, 为人类世背景下的生物多样性保护和生态系统功能维持与提升提供基础。  相似文献   

尽管为解释种类丰富的植物群落物种共存和多样性维持机制,生态学家位做了大量的努力并提出了许多假说和模型。但这一问题仍处在争议之中,需要更多的证据支持他们的观点或提出新的看法,使这一生物多样性难题不断地向前推进。以松赖平原物种丰富度较高的羊草-杂类草群落为对象,在土壤C、N、P、K和H2O等5个资源轴上,探讨了物种多样性与实现生态位的关系。结果表明:尽管物种生态位存在一定程度的分化,但多数物种的生态位是高度重叠的,物种生态位的分化在草地群落物种共存和多样性维持中,不是唯一的途径,认为应更加重视的物种在长期协同进化中所形成的生物学特性。  相似文献   

Coexistence in ecological communities is governed largely by the nature and intensity of species interactions. Countless studies have proposed methods to infer these interactions from empirical data, yet models parameterised using such data often fail to recover observed coexistence patterns. Here, we propose a method to reconcile empirical parameterisations of community dynamics with species‐abundance data, ensuring that the predicted equilibrium is consistent with the observed abundance distribution. To illustrate the approach, we explore two case studies: an experimental freshwater algal community and a long‐term time series of displacement in an intertidal community. We demonstrate how our method helps recover observed coexistence patterns, capture the core dynamics of the system, and, in the latter case, predict the impacts of experimental extinctions. Collectively, these results demonstrate an intuitive approach for reconciling observed and empirical data, improving our ability to explore the links between species interactions and coexistence in natural systems.  相似文献   

The importance of neutral dynamics is contentiously debated in the ecological literature. This debate focuses on neutral theory's assumption of fitness equivalency among individuals, which conflicts with stabilizing fitness that promotes coexistence through niche differentiation. I take advantage of competition-colonization trade-offs between species of aquatic micro-organisms (protozoans and rotifers) to show that equalizing and stabilizing mechanisms can operate simultaneously. Competition trials between species with similar colonization abilities were less likely to result in competitive exclusion than for species further apart. While the stabilizing mechanism (colonization differences) facilitates coexistence at large spatial scales, species with similar colonization abilities also exhibited local coexistence probably due to fitness similarities allowing weak stabilizing mechanisms to operate. These results suggest that neutral- and niche-based mechanisms of coexistence can simultaneously operate at differing temporal and spatial scales, and such a spatially explicit view of coexistence may be one way to reconcile niche and neutral dynamics.  相似文献   

Although we understand how species evolve, we do not appreciate how this process has filled an empty world to create current patterns of biodiversity. Here, we conduct a numerical experiment to determine why biodiversity varies spatially on our planet. We show that spatial patterns of biodiversity are mathematically constrained and arise from the interaction between the species’ ecological niches and environmental variability that propagates to the community level. Our results allow us to explain key biological observations such as (a) latitudinal biodiversity gradients (LBGs) and especially why oceanic LBGs primarily peak at midlatitudes while terrestrial LBGs generally exhibit a maximum at the equator, (b) the greater biodiversity on land even though life first evolved in the sea, (c) the greater species richness at the seabed than at the sea surface, and (d) the higher neritic (i.e., species occurring in areas with a bathymetry lower than 200 m) than oceanic (i.e., species occurring in areas with a bathymetry higher than 200 m) biodiversity. Our results suggest that a mathematical constraint originating from a fundamental ecological interaction, that is, the niche–environment interaction, fixes the number of species that can establish regionally by speciation or migration.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in species composition, also known as ecotones, can result from various causes including rapid changes in environmental conditions, or physiological thresholds. The possibility that ecotones arise from ecological niche construction by ecosystem engineers has received little attention. In this study, we investigate how the diversity of ecosystem engineers, and their interactions, can give rise to ecotones. We build a spatially explicit dynamical model that couples a multispecies community and its abiotic environment. We use numerical simulations and analytical techniques to determine the biotic and abiotic conditions under which ecotone emergence is expected to occur, and the role of biodiversity therein. We show that the diversity of ecosystem engineers can lead to indirect interactions through the modification of their shared environment. These interactions, which can be either competitive or mutualistic, can lead to the emergence of discrete communities in space, separated by sharp ecotones where a high species turnover is observed. Considering biodiversity is thus critical when studying the influence of species–environment interactions on the emergence of ecotones. This is especially true for the wide range of species that have small to moderate effects on their environment. Our work highlights new mechanisms by which biodiversity loss could cause significant changes in spatial community patterns in changing environments.  相似文献   

Although abiotic factors, together with dispersal and biotic interactions, are often suggested to explain the distribution of species and their abundances, species distribution models usually focus on abiotic factors only. We propose an integrative framework linking ecological theory, empirical data and statistical models to understand the distribution of species and their abundances together with the underlying community assembly dynamics. We illustrate our approach with 21 plant species in the French Alps. We show that a spatially nested modelling framework significantly improves the model's performance and that the spatial variations of species presence-absence and abundances are predominantly explained by different factors. We also show that incorporating abiotic, dispersal and biotic factors into the same model bring new insights to our understanding of community assembly. This approach, at the crossroads between community ecology and biogeography, is a promising avenue for a better understanding of species co-existence and biodiversity distribution.  相似文献   

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