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The kinetics of Na(+)-dependent partial reactions of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase from rabbit kidney were investigated via the stopped-flow technique, using the fluorescent labels N-(4-sulfobutyl)-4-(4-(p-(dipentylamino)phenyl)butadienyl)py ridinium inner salt (RH421) and 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF). When covalently labeled 5-IAF enzyme is mixed with ATP, the two labels give almost identical kinetic responses. Under the chosen experimental conditions two exponential time functions are necessary to fit the data. The dominant fast phase, 1/tau 1 approximately 155 s-1 for 5-IAF-labeled enzyme and 1/tau 1 approximately 200 s-1 for native enzyme (saturating [ATP] and [Na+], pH 7.4 and 24 degrees C), is attributed to phosphorylation of the enzyme and a subsequent conformational change (E1ATP(Na+)3-->E2P(Na+)3 + ADP). The smaller amplitude slow phase, 1/tau 2 = 30-45 s-1, is attributed to the relaxation of the dephosphorylation/rephosphorylation equilibrium in the absence of K+ ions (E2P<==>E2). The Na+ concentration dependence of 1/tau 1 showed half-saturation at a Na+ concentration of 6-8 mM, with positive cooperatively involved in the occupation of the Na+ binding sites. The apparent dissociation constant of the high-affinity ATP-binding site determined from the ATP concentration dependence of 1/tau 1 was 8.0 (+/- 0.7) microM. It was found that P3-1-(2-nitrophenyl)ethyl ATP, tripropylammonium salt (NPE-caged ATP), at concentrations in the hundreds of micromolar range, significantly decreases the value of 1/tau 1, observed. This, as well as the biexponential nature of the kinetic traces, can account for previously reported discrepancies in the rates of the reactions investigated.  相似文献   

Vacuolar proton pumping pyrophosphatase (H(+)-PPase; EC plays a central role in the electrogenic translocation of protons from cytosol to the vacuole lumen at the expense of PP(i) hydrolysis. A fluorescent probe, fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate (FITC), was used to modify a lysine residue of vacuolar H(+)-PPase. The enzymatic activity and its associated H(+) translocation of vacuolar H(+)-PPase were markedly decreased by FITC in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition of enzymatic activity followed pseudo-first-order rate kinetics. A double-logarithmic plot of the apparent reaction rate constant against FITC concentration yielded a straight line with a slope of 0.89, suggesting that the alteration of a single lysine residue on the enzyme is sufficient to inhibit vacuolar H(+)-PPase. Changes in K(m) but not V(max) values of vacuolar H(+)-PPase as inhibited by FITC were obtained, indicating that the labeling caused a modification in affinity of the enzyme to its substrate. FITC inhibition of vacuolar H(+)-PPase could be protected by its physiological substrate, Mg(2+)-PP(i). These results indicate that FITC might specifically compete with the substrate at the active site and the FITC-labeled lysine residue locates probably in or near the catalytic domain of the enzyme. The enhancement of fluorescence intensity and the blue shift of the emission maximum of FITC after modification of vacuolar H(+)-PPase suggest that the FITC-labeled lysine residue is located in a relatively hydrophobic region.  相似文献   

The physiologic function of an ion transport protein is determined, in part, by its subcellular localization and by the cellular mechanisms that modulate its activity. The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and the H(+),K(+)-ATPases are closely related members of the P-type family of ion transporting ATPases. Despite their homology, these pumps are sorted to different domains in polarized epithelial cells, and their enzymatic activities are subject to distinct regulatory pathways. The molecular signals responsible for these properties have begun to be elucidated. It appears that a complex array of inter- and intramolecular interactions govern trafficking, distribution, and catalytic capacities of these proteins.  相似文献   

A J Murphy 《FEBS letters》1990,263(1):175-177
The gamma-P adduct of ATP with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (ATP-EDC) was synthesized and incubated with the Ca-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum with the result that time-dependent complete loss of the enzyme's activity occurred. The inactivation required calcium and magnesium while ATP had a protective effect. ATP-EDC incubation with the NaK-ATPase and HK-ATPase produced partial (greater than 50%) inactivation, but had no effect on myosin S1, pyruvate kinase and hexokinase, suggesting that this ATP analog is a specific inactivator of the so-called 'P-type' ATPases.  相似文献   

Specific labeling is required for energy transfer measurements and to avoid artifacts in the use of fluorophores as reporter groups. Therefore, a method for specific modification by one of the most popular reagents for P-type ATPases (fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate) has been developed. Sulfhydryl reagents protected against modification of cysteine residues, and treatment with dithiothreitol eliminated a slow doubling of the fluorescence of conventionally modified Na,K-ATPase upon dilution that is attributed to disappearance of self-energy transfer. Removal of nonspecifically bound fluorescein was also confirmed by titration of the modified Na, K-ATPase with anti-fluorescein antibody and by time resolution of the fluorescence change when the modified enzyme was mixed with Na(+) in a stopped-flow instrument. The only fluorescence change when specifically modified Na,K-ATPase was mixed with Na(+) was the signal from fluorescein at the antibody-inaccessible, substrate-protectable site that reports the conformational change in unphosphorylated enzyme. The magnitude of the fluorescence change reporting the conformational change increased from between 8 and 12% to between 25 and 30% without affecting the kinetic constants estimated from titrations with Na(+) and K(+). The method should be generally applicable to the preparation of specifically labeled P-type pumps for use in kinetic and equilibrium titrations or energy transfer measurements.  相似文献   

Most kinetic measurements of the partial reactions of Na+,K+-ATPase have been conducted on enzyme from mammalian kidney. Here we present a kinetic model that is based on the available equilibrium and kinetic parameters of purified kidney enzyme, and allows predictions of its steady-state turnover and pump current in intact cells as a function of ion and ATP concentrations and the membrane voltage. Using this model, we calculated the expected dependence of the pump current on voltage and extracellular Na+ concentration. The simulations indicate a lower voltage dependence at negative potentials of the kidney enzyme in comparison with heart muscle Na+,K+-ATPase, in agreement with experimental results. The voltage dependence is enhanced at high extracellular Na+ concentrations. This effect can be explained by a voltage-dependent depopulation of extracellular K+ ion binding sites on the E2P state and an increase in the proportion of enzyme in the E1P(Na+)3 state in the steady state. This causes a decrease in the effective rate constant for occlusion of K+ by the E2P state and hence a drop in turnover. Around a membrane potential of zero, negligible voltage dependence is observed because the voltage-independent E2(K+)2 → E1 + 2K+ transition is the major rate-determining step.  相似文献   

Choline chloride, 100 mM, stimulates Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity of a purified dog kidney enzyme preparation when Na+ is suboptimal (9 mM Na+ and 10 mM K+) and inhibits when K+ is suboptimal (90 mM Na+ and 1 mM K+), but has a negligible effect at optimal concentrations of both (90 mM Na+ and 10 mM K+). Stimulation occurs at low Na+ to K+ ratios, but not at those same ratios when the actual Na+ concentration is high (90 mM). Stimulation decreases or disappears when incubation pH or temperature is increased or when Li+ is substituted for K+ or Rb+. Choline+ also reduces the Km for MgATP at the low ratio of Na+ to K+ but not at the optimal ratio. In the absence of K+, however, choline+ does not stimulate at low Na+ concentrations: either in the Na(+)-ATPase reaction or in the E1 to E2P conformational transition. Together, these observations indicate that choline+ accelerates the rate-limiting step in the Na+/K(+)-ATPase reaction cycle, K(+)-deocclusion; consequently, optimal Na+ concentrations reflect Na+ accelerating that step also. Thus, the observed K0.5 for Na+ includes high-affinity activation of enzyme phosphorylation and low-affinity acceleration of K(+)-deocclusion. Inhibition of Na+/K(+)-ATPase and K(+)-nitrophenylphosphatase reactions by choline+ increases as the K(+)-concentration is decreased; the competition between choline+ and K+ may represent a similar antagonism between conformations selected by choline+ and by K+.  相似文献   

Scopadulcic acid B (SA-B), a novel diterpenoid, is a main ingredient of the Paraguayan traditional medicinal herb "Typychá kuratú (Scoparia dulcis L.). SA-B and its debenzoyl derivative, diacetyl scopadol (DAS), specifically inhibit ATP hydrolysis of gastric H+,K(+)-ATPase. Both compounds inhibit the K(+)-dependent dephosphorylation step of the enzyme without any effect on the phosphorylation step. SA-B is a mixed-type inhibitor with respect to the activating cation, K+. SA-B lowers the affinity of H+,K(+)-ATPase to K+ and decreases the maximal velocity of ATP hydrolysis, whereas DAS is an uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to K+. Furthermore, the effects of SA-B and DAS on conformational states of the ATPase were studied by measuring the changes in the fluorescence intensity of the fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled enzyme. The fluorescence study shows that SA-B primarily binds to the E2K form in the presence of Mg2+ and stabilizes the form and that DAS stabilizes the E2PK form. Therefore, the chemical modification of SA-B, debenzoylation, induced the changes in the pattern of inhibition of H+,K(+)-ATPase. Furthermore, the inhibition mechanisms of SA-B and DAS were different from those of omeprazole, which is an irreversible inhibitor, and SCH 28080, which is a reversible, competitive inhibitor with respect to K+. DAS also inhibited the K(+)-dependent p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity, and the inhibition was competitive with respect to K+, indicating that the K(+)-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity does not represent the partial reaction step of H+,K(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

The Kd for ouabain-sensitive K+ or Rb+ binding to Na+,K(+)-ATPase was determined by the centrifugation method with radioactive K+ and Rb+ in the presence of various combinations of Na+, ATP, adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMPPNP), adenylyl-(beta,gamma-methylene)diphosphonate (AMPPCP), Pi, and Mg2+. From the results of the K+ binding experiments, Kd for Na+ was estimated by using an equation describing the competitive inhibition between the K+ and Na+ binding. 1) The Kd for K+ binding was 1.9 microM when no ligand was present. Addition of 2 mM Mg2+ increased the Kd to 15-17 microM. In the presence of 2 mM Mg2+, addition of 3 mM AMPPCP with or without 3 mM Na+ increased the Kd to 1,000 or 26 microM, respectively. These Kds correspond to those for K+ of Na.E1.AMPPCPMg or E1.AMPPCPMg, respectively. 2) Addition of 4 mM ATP with or without 3 mM Na+ decreased the Kd from 15-17 microM to 5 or 0.8 microM, respectively. Because the phosphorylated intermediate was observed but ATPase activity was scarcely observed in the K+ binding medium containing 3 mM ATP and 2 mM Mg2+ in the absence of Na+ as well as in the presence of Na+ at 0 degrees C, it is suggested that K+ binds to E2-P.Mg under these ligand conditions. 3) The Kd for Na+ of the enzyme in the presence of 3 mM AMPPCP or 4 mM ATP with Mg2+ was estimated to be 80 or 570 microM, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gly263 of the rat kidney Na(+),K(+)-ATPase is highly conserved within the family of P-type ATPases. Mutants in which Gly263 or the juxtaposed Arg264 had been replaced by alanine were expressed at high levels in COS-1 cells and characterized functionally. Titrations of Na(+),K(+), ATP, and vanadate dependencies of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity showed changes in the apparent affinities relative to wild-type compatible with a displacement of the E(1)-E(2) conformational equilibrium in favor of E(1). The level of the K(+)-occluded form was reduced in the Gly263-->Ala and Arg264-->Ala mutants, and the rate constant characterizing deocclusion of K(+) or Rb(+) was increased as much as 20-fold in the Gly263-->Ala mutant. Studies of the sensitivity of the phosphoenzyme to K(+) and ADP showed a displacement of the E(1)P-E(2)P equilibrium of the phosphoenzyme in favor of E(1)P, and dephosphorylation experiments carried out at 25 degrees C on a millisecond time scale using a quenched-flow technique demonstrated a reduction of the E(1)P to E(2)P conversion rate in the mutants. Hence, the mutations displaced the conformational equilibria of dephosphoenzyme and phosphoenzyme in parallel in favor of the E(1) and E(1)P forms. The observed effects were more pronounced in the Gly263-->Ala mutant compared with the Arg264-->Ala mutant. Leu332 mutations that likewise displaced the conformational equilibria in favor of E(1) and E(1)P were also studied. Unlike the Gly263-->Ala mutant the Leu332 mutants displayed a wild-type like rate of K(+) deocclusion. Thus, the effect of the Gly263 mutation on the E(1)-E(2) conformational equilibrium seems to be caused mainly by an acceleration of the K(+)-deoccluding step, whereas in the Leu332 mutants the rate of the reverse reaction seems to be reduced.  相似文献   

Acylphosphatase, purified from human erythrocytes, actively hydrolyzes the phosphoenzyme intermediate of human red blood cell membrane Na+, K(+)-ATPase. This effect occurred with acylphosphatase amounts (up to 10 units/mg membrane protein) that fall within the physiological range. Acylphosphatase addition to erythrocyte membranes resulted in a significant increase in the rate of Na+, K(+)-dependent ATP hydrolysis. Maximal stimulation, observed with 10 units/mg membrane protein, was of about 80% over basal value. The same acylphosphatase amount enhanced of about 40% the rate of ATP driven Na+ transport into inside out red cell membrane vesicles. Taken together these findings suggest a potential role of acylphosphatase in the control of the activity of erythrocyte membrane Na,K pump.  相似文献   

The effect of triiodothyronine (T3) on Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity of K562 human erythroleukemic cell was studied to understand why the erythrocyte sodium pump activity is decreased in hyperthyroidism. Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity of K562 cell lysates was assayed by measuring the release of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from ATP. Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity of K562 cell grown in the presence of T3 for 48 hours was significantly higher than that of control (0.98 +/- 0.05 mumol Pi h-1 mg protein-1 vs 0.82 +/- 0.10 mumol Pi h-1 mg protein-1, p < 0.05). The Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity could be stimulated in a time- and concentration-dependent manner; maximum stimulatory effect of T3 was seen at a concentration of 10(-7) mol/L. When an inducer [cytosine-beta-D-arabino-furanoside (ARA-C)] was added to the culture medium, the K562 cells showed signs of differentiation and synthesised haemoglobin. At the same time, the Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity remained high. We conclude that T3 stimulates Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity of K562 cells and in the presence of T3 during differentiation, the enzyme activity remains high.  相似文献   

Digitalis sensitivity of Na+,K(+)-ATPase, myocytes and the heart.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T Akera  Y C Ng 《Life sciences》1991,48(2):97-106
Cardiac Na+,K(+)-ATPase, the receptor molecule for digitalis glycosides, have isoforms with different intrinsic affinities for the glycosides. Expression of these isoforms are under developmental and hormonal regulation. Switching in isoforms to those with lower intrinsic affinity may decrease digitalis sensitivity of the heart. In addition to the intrinsic affinity of the cardiac Na+,K(+)-ATPase for the glycoside, increases in the rate of Na+ influx and decreases in extracellular K+ concentrations increase glycoside sensitivity of the heart and also reduces the margin of safety by reducing reserve capacity of the sodium pump. Reserve capacity of the sodium pump is also reduced by pathological conditions or aging, resulting in reduced margin of safety for the glycoside. Events that follow sodium pump inhibition also affect sensitivity of the heart to digitalis toxicity. These are hypercalcemia and magnesium depletion. It is now feasible to predict digitalis sensitivity of the heart, not empirically but based on the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the positive inotropic and toxic actions of the glycoside.  相似文献   

A series of Northern blot hybridization experiments using probes derived from the rat gastric H+,K(+)-ATPase cDNA and the human ATP1AL1 gene revealed the presence of a 4.3-kilobase mRNA in colon that seemed likely to encode the distal colon H+,K(+)-ATPase, the enzyme responsible for K+ absorption in mammalian colon. A rat colon library was then screened using a probe from the ATP1AL1 gene, and cDNAs containing the entire coding sequence of a new P-type ATPase were isolated and characterized. The deduced polypeptide is 1036 amino acids in length and has an Mr of 114,842. The protein exhibits 63% amino acid identity to the gastric H+,K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit and 63% identity to the three Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit isoforms, consistent with the possibility that it is a K(+)-transporting ATPase. Northern blot analyses show that the 4.3-kilobase mRNA is expressed at high levels in distal colon; at much lower levels in proximal colon, kidney, and uterus; and at trace levels in heart and forestomach. The high mRNA levels in distal colon and the similarity of the colon pump to both gastric H+,K(+)- and Na+,K(+)-ATPases suggest that it is the distal colon H+,K(+)-ATPase. Furthermore, expression of its mRNA in kidney raises the possibility that the enzyme also corresponds to the H+,K(+)-ATPase that seems to play a role in K+ absorption and H+ secretion in the distal nephron.  相似文献   

A Abbott  W J Ball 《Biochemistry》1992,31(45):11236-11243
Monoclonal antibody M7-PB-E9 binds the sheep kidney Na+,K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit with high affinity (Kd = 3 nM) and inhibits enzyme turnover in competition with ATP, and, like ATP, in the presence of Mg2+, it stimulates the rate of ouabain binding [Ball, W. J. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 2275-2281]. In this study, covalent attachment of fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate (FITC) at (or near) the enzyme's ATP binding site did not alter the antibody's affinity for alpha nor did bound antibody alter the anisotropy of (r = 0.36) or the solvent accessibility of iodide to bound FITC. Further, in its E1Na+ conformation (4 mM NaCl), the enzyme's affinity for the ATP congener eosin was unaltered by the bound antibody (Kd = 9 nM). In contrast, partial E2 conformations induced by KCl lowered eosin affinities (0.2 mM KCl, Kd = 28 nM; 0.4 mM, Kd = 86 nM), and M7-PB-E9 reduced these affinities further (Kd = 66 and 130 nM, respectively). By monitoring the fluorescence changes of the FITC-labeled enzyme, the antibody was found to assist several ligand-induced conformational transitions from E1 (E1Na+ or E1Tris) to E2 (E2K+, E2-P(i)Mg2+, or E2Mg2+.ouabain) states, and inhibit the E2K(+)-->E1Na+ transition. Antibody binding alone, however, did not appear to significantly alter enzyme conformation. The antibody therefore is not directed against the ATP site but binds to a region of alpha distinct from any ligand binding site and which plays an important role in the E1<-->E2 transitions.  相似文献   

The photoaffinity reagent 8-[(4-azidophenyl)-methoxy]-1-tritiomethyl-2, 3-dimethylimidazo-[1,2-alpha]pyridinium iodide ([3H]mDAZIP) has been synthesized and used to photoinactivate and label purified hog gastric H+,K(+)-ATPase. The specific (K(+)-sensitive) components of both photoinactivation and labeling showed dependences on inhibitor concentration consistent with covalent modification at an extracytoplasmic site of reversible K(+)-competitive binding in the dark. The maximum amount of specific labeling (1.2 nmol/mg) was similar to the number of phosphorylation sites measured (1.0 +/- 0.14 nmol/mg). Specific labeling was distributed 76% on the alpha chain, 18% on the beta chain, and 6% on undefined peptides. Various digestions with trypsin, protease V8, and thermolysin were employed to fragment the labeled enzyme. Gasphase sequencing of the radioactive peptides identified the major site of specific labeling to be within a region where only two stretches of amino acids (Leu105 to Ile126 and Leu139 to Phe155, designated H1 and H2, respectively) are predicted to span the membrane. This in turn suggested that the labeling site was located within or close to the proposed loop between them (Gln127 to Asn138). A computer-driven energy minimization protocol yielded a loop structure to which SCH 28080 (the parent structure of [3H]mDAZIP) could be docked. Conversely, modeling of the corresponding region of Na+,K(+)-ATPase (a homologous enzyme with much lower affinity for SCH 28080) yielded no apparent binding site. Similarities in the inhibition of H+,K(+)-ATPase by SCH 28080 and of Na+,K(+)-ATPase by ouabain lead to the hypothesis that, in each case, inhibitor binding to E2-P is associated with an increase in the hydrophobicity of the environment of the loop between H1 and H2.  相似文献   

Conformational changes have been studied in (Na,K) ATPase labeled at or near the ATP binding region with fluorescein following incubation with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). One or two fluorescein groups are bound per ATPase molecule. (Na,K) ATPase activity, phosphorylation from ATP, and nucleotide binding are abolished in labeled enzyme, but phosphorylation from inorganic phosphate or K-phosphatase activity are only partially inactivated. The fluorescein groups are incorporated only into the 96 KD catalytic chain of the (Na,K) ATPase, and presence of ATP during the incubation with FITC protects against the incorporation and inhibition of enzymic activity. Upon trypsin treatment of labeled membranes the fluorescein appears first in a 58 KD fragment and eventually is released into the medium. The fluorescein-labeled (Na,K) ATPase shows a large quenching of fluorescence (15–20%) on conversion of the E1 or E1 · Na conformation in cation-free or Na+-rich media to the E2 · (K) form in K+ (or congeners Tl+, Rb+, Cs+, NH 4 + ) rich media. Cation titrations suggest that K+ and Na+ ions compete at a single binding site and stabilize E1 · Na or E2 · (K) respectively;K K0.23 mM,K Na1.2 mM. The rate of the conformational transition E2 · (K) E1 · Na is slow,k=0.3 sec–1, but contrary to previous experience [7, 8] ATP does not stimulate this rate. The rate of the transitions E1 + K+ E2 · (K) rises sharply with K+ concentration and shows saturation behavior, from which ak max286 sec–1 andK k74 mM are deduced. The data support and extend the previous suggestion that K+ ions bound initially at a low-affinity (probably cytoplasm oriented) site in state E1 are trapped in the occluded form E2 · (K) by the conformational change poised far (K c1000) in the direction of E2 · (K). It is proposed in addition that at least two binding sites for K+ exist at the cytoplasmic surface of isolated (Na,K) ATPase in state E1 but a large difference in affinities precludes detection in fluorescence titrations of more than one site. A variety of ligands in addition to K+ produce fluorescence-quenched or E2 forms of the labeled (Na,K) ATPase. These include Mg2+ plus inorganic phosphate, without or with K+ ions (E2P or E2P · K) or with ouabain (E2-ouabain or E2P · ouabain). Na+ ions antagonize these effects. The collected data support the notion that there may be many subspecies of the E1 and E2 forms (either phosphorylated or nonphosphorylated) with different numbers of Na+ and/or K+ ions bound or occluded, each subspecies having a characteristic ability to catalyze reactions and/or transport cations. The relationship between the conformational changes in fluorescein-labeled enzyme and the subunit structure of the (Na,K) ATPase is discussed with particular reference to half of the site models for ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The Kdp system is a three-subunit member of the E1-E2 family of transport ATPases. There is sequence homology of the 72 kDa KdpB protein, the largest subunit of Kdp, with the other members of this family. The predicted structure of the 21 kDa KdpC subunit resembles that of the beta subunit of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase, suggesting that these subunits may have a similar function. The 59 kDa KdpA subunit has no known homologue; it is very hydrophobic and is predicted to cross the membrane 10-12 times. Genetic studies implicate this subunit in the binding of K+. As the binding site must be close to the beginning of the transmembrane channel, we suggest that KdpA also forms most or all of the latter. KdpA may have evolved from a K+/H+ antiporter that was recruited by the KdpB precursor to achieve the high affinity and specificity for K+, and the activation of transport by low turgor pressure characteristic of Kdp. Turgor pressure controls the expression of Kdp. This action is dependent on the 70 kDa KdpD and 23 kDa KdpE proteins. We are in the process of sequencing these genes. KdpE is homologous to the smaller protein of other members of a family of pairs of regulatory proteins implicated in control of a variety of bacterial processes such as porin synthesis, phosphate regulon expression, nitrogen metabolism, chemotaxis and nodule formation.  相似文献   

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