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Three common antigens (CB 1, 2 and 3), characteristic of Clostridium difficile species were identified by immunoblot analysis using homologous and heterologous rabbit antisera, raised against whole cells from 9 distinct strains of C. difficile. A gene library of C. difficile genomic DNA was constructed in Escherichia coli by cloning in Sau 3A-cleaved clostridial DNA fragments into the bacteriophage vector lambda EMBL3. OUt of 3000 plaques screened using the whole cell antisera, 27 clones were positively identified. One of these clones, designated gamma Cd21, expressed high levels of an antigen which could be immunologically identified using whole cell antisera against the 9 C. difficile strains. Antiserum raised against the clone gamma Cd21 identified a 70 kDa antigen (previously named CB1) as demonstrated by immunoblot analysis. Monospecific antiserum against gamma Cd21 recognises the 70 kDa antigen in all 97 strains of C. difficile derived from worldwide sources and does not cross-react with 17 strains from 13 other clostridial species.  相似文献   

Three genes coding for xylanase synthesis in Clostridium thermocellum were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Genomic DNA from Clostridium thermocellum was digested to completion with HindIII, BamHI, and SalI. The fragments were ligated into the corresponding sites of pUC19 and transformed into Escherichia coli. Two of the genes encoded for xylanases which depolymerized xylans but were unable to extensively convert these substrates to reducing sugar. The third gene encoded for an enzyme that extensively hydrolyzed xylan. The insert containing the latter gene was subjected to extensive mapping and was found to encode for a xylanase with a molecular weight of approximately 25,000. The protein product of the cloned gene was obtained in a relatively pure form by heat treatment, ion exchange and gel permeation steps. The enzyme was quite stable to high temperatures with a half-life of 24 h at 70°C.Issued as National Research Council of Canada No. 30545  相似文献   

The Clostridium perfringens gene encoding the previously characterized alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (alphaNAG) was identified by protein microsequencing and database searching. The alphaNAG protein, designated AagA, was found to be encoded by a hypothetical gene of unknown function in the recently completed genome sequence of C. perfringens strain 13. The deduced translation product of 629 amino acid residues possessed a region of limited homology to several hypothetical open reading frames, an enterotoxin of unknown function and several known or predicted alpha-galactosidases, but did not exhibit homology to any of the multiple sequenced eukaryotic alphaNAG proteins. The C. perfringens aagA gene, encoding AagA, was cloned in an Escherichia coli T7 expression system, resulting in recombinants exhibiting high-level expression of the expected alphaNAG activity. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the cloning and expression of a bacterial alphaNAG-encoding gene and represents an important step in the development of recombinant alphaNAG as a tool in the enzymatic conversion of blood group antigens.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive spore-forming pathogen and a leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea. C. difficile infections are transmitted when ingested spores germinate in the gastrointestinal tract and transform into vegetative cells. Germination begins when the germinant receptor CspC detects bile salts in the gut. CspC is a subtilisin-like serine pseudoprotease that activates the related CspB serine protease through an unknown mechanism. Activated CspB cleaves the pro-SleC zymogen, which allows the activated SleC cortex hydrolase to degrade the protective cortex layer. While these regulators are essential for C. difficile spores to outgrow and form toxin-secreting vegetative cells, the mechanisms controlling their function have only been partially characterized. In this study, we identify the lipoprotein GerS as a novel regulator of C. difficile spore germination using targeted mutagenesis. A gerS mutant has a severe germination defect and fails to degrade cortex even though it processes SleC at wildtype levels. Using complementation analyses, we demonstrate that GerS secretion, but not lipidation, is necessary for GerS to activate SleC. Importantly, loss of GerS attenuates the virulence of C. difficile in a hamster model of infection. Since GerS appears to be conserved exclusively in related Peptostreptococcaeace family members, our results contribute to a growing body of work indicating that C. difficile has evolved distinct mechanisms for controlling the exit from dormancy relative to B. subtilis and other spore-forming organisms.  相似文献   

A wall-surface protein antigen, designated 32K antigen, was extracted from whole cells of Clostridium difficile strain ATCC 11011 with phosphate buffered saline and purified by ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and chromatofocusing. The 32K antigen preparation was determined to be highly homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition of the antigen was characteristic in the predominance of the acidic amino acids, the very low contents of methionine and histidine, and the lack of cysteine. A monomeric molecular weight of the 32K antigen was estimated to be 32,000 by SDS-PAGE and 30,200 by sedimentation equilibrium. The antigen exhibited two isoelectric forms (IP, 4.12 and 3.96). Neither carbohydrate nor phosphorus was detectable in the antigen. The antigen was relatively resistant to trypsin but sensitive to pepsin. Immunoblot analysis of the wall proteins isolated from other strains of C. difficile probed with monospecific antiserum against the antigen from ATCC 11011 showed that the antigenicity of 32K wall protein was common among some of the strains containing 32K wall proteins.  相似文献   

Toxemia can develop in Clostridium difficile-infected animals, and correlates with severe and fulminant disease outcomes. Circumstantial evidence suggests that toxemia may occur in patients with C. difficile infection (CDI), but positive diagnosis is extremely rare. We analyzed the potential for C. difficile toxemia in patients, determined its characteristics, and assessed challenges. C. difficile toxins in serum from patients were tested using an ultrasensitive cell-based assay and further confirmed by Rac1 glucosylation assay. The factors that hinder a diagnosis of toxemia were assessed, including investigation of toxin stability, the level of toxins-specific neutralizing antibodies in sera and its effect on diagnosis limits. CDI patients develop detectable toxemia in some cases (2.3%). Toxins were relatively stable in stored sera. Neutralizing anti-toxin antibodies were present during infection and positively correlated with the diagnosis limits. Thus, the masking effect of toxin-specific neutralizing antibodies is the major obstacle in diagnosing C. difficile toxemia using cell-based bioassays.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal infections caused by Clostridium difficile lead to significant impact in terms of morbidity and mortality, causing from mild symptoms, such as a low-grade fever, watery stools, and minor abdominal cramping as well as more severe symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, pseudomembrane colitis, and toxic megacolon. Vaccination is a viable approach to fight against C. difficile and several efforts in this direction are ongoing. Plants are promising vaccine biofactories offering low cost, enhanced safety, and allow for the formulation of oral vaccines. Herein, the CdeM protein, which is a spore antigen associated with immunoprotection against C. difficile, was selected to begin the development of plant-based vaccine candidates. The vaccine antigen is based in a fusion protein (LTB-CdeM), carrying the CdeM antigen, fused to the carboxi-terminus of the B subunit of the Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LTB) as a mucosal immunogenic carrier. LTB-CdeM was produced in plants using a synthetic optimized gene according codon usage and mRNA stability criteria. The obtained transformed tobacco lines produced the LTB-CdeM antigen in the range of 52–90 μg/g dry weight leaf tissues. The antigenicity of the plant-made LTB-CdeM antigen was evidenced by GM1-ELISA and immunogenicity assessment performed in test mice revealed that the LTB-CdeM antigen is orally immunogenic inducing humoral responses against CdeM epitopes. This report constitutes the first step in the development of plant-based vaccines against C. difficile infection.  相似文献   

In this study, we have isolated a temperate phage (PhiCD119) from a pathogenic Clostridium difficile strain and sequenced and annotated its genome. This virus has an icosahedral capsid and a contractile tail covered by a sheath and contains a double-stranded DNA genome. It belongs to the Myoviridae family of the tailed phages and the order Caudovirales. The genome was circularly permuted, with no physical ends detected by sequencing or restriction enzyme digestion analysis, and lacked a cos site. The DNA sequence of this phage consists of 53,325 bp, which carries 79 putative open reading frames (ORFs). A function could be assigned to 23 putative gene products, based upon bioinformatic analyses. The PhiCD119 genome is organized in a modular format, which includes modules for lysogeny, DNA replication, DNA packaging, structural proteins, and host cell lysis. The PhiCD119 attachment site attP lies in a noncoding region close to the putative integrase (int) gene. We have identified the phage integration site on the C. difficile chromosome (attB) located in a noncoding region just upstream of gene gltP, which encodes a carrier protein for glutamate and aspartate. This genetic analysis represents the first complete DNA sequence and annotation of a C. difficile phage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens are commonly associated with colitis in equids, but healthy carriers exist. Scarce information is available on the prevalence of Clostridium spp. in gastrointestinal compartments other than faeces in healthy horses, and it is unknown whether faecal samples are representative of proximal compartments. The objectives were to investigate the prevalence of C. difficile and C. perfringens in different intestinal compartments of healthy adult horses and to determine whether faecal samples are representative of colonization in proximal sites and overall carrier status. RESULTS: Toxigenic C. difficile was isolated from 14/135 (10.3%) samples from 8/15 (53.3%) horses. Between zero and three sites were positive per horse, and multiple sites were positive in four horses. Isolates were recovered from duodenum, jejunum, ileum, right dorsal colon, small colon and rectum. When multiple compartments were positive in a single horse, two different C. difficile ribotypes were always present. Clostridium perfringens Type A (CPE, beta2 toxin gene negative) was recovered from the left ventral colon of one horse (0.74%, 1/135 samples). Agreement between faeces and overall C. difficile carrier status was good. CONCLUSIONS: Clostridium difficile can be found in different compartments of the gastrointestinal tract of healthy horses, and multiple strains can be present in an individual horse. The prevalence of C. perfringens in healthy adult hoses was low, consistent with previous reports. Faecal samples were representative for presence of C. difficile in proximal compartments in 5/8 horses (63%) but were not representative for the specific strain.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile toxin A was purified to homogeneity and was used to raise monospecific antiserum in rabbits. A gene bank of C. difficile DNA in Escherichia coli was constructed by cloning Sau3A-cleaved clostridial DNA fragments into the bacteriophage vector lambda EMBL3. Out of 4500 plaques screened with antitoxin A, 9 clones were positively identified. One of these clones lambda tA5 expressed a 235 kDa protein which exhibited a cytotonic effect on Chinese hamster ovary cells, and had the ability to haemagglutinate rabbit erythrocytes, both properties characteristic of toxin A. The size of the lambda tA5 insert DNA was 14.3 kb.  相似文献   

Toxin A of Clostridium difficile has been purified and monospecific antiserum produced. A reliable procedure for isolation and restriction of C. difficile chromosomal DNA was developed which allowed for the construction of a genomic library in lambda gt11. Approx. 35,000 plaques were screened using anti-toxin A which resulted in the identification of one stable positive clone, lambda cd19. Verification of the immunological identity of the isolated toxin A gene fragment in lambda cd19 was determined by affinity purifying toxin A antibodies specific for lambda cd19 gene product, and using these selected antibodies to probe a Western blot of purified toxin A. The insert in lambda cd19 was demonstrated to be a 0.3 kb fragment by restriction digestion, and by hybridization of the clone to a chromosomal digest of C. difficile. The peptide coded for by the toxin A gene fragment in lambda cd19 was not cytotoxic for 3T3 mammalian tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

Most plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) have homologues across the phylogenetic spectrum. To find potential plant-specific MAPs that will have evaded bioinformatic searches we devised a low stringency method for isolating proteins from an Arabidopsis cell suspension on endogenous taxol-microtubules. By tryptic peptide mass fingerprinting we identified 55 proteins that were enriched on taxol-microtubules. Amongst a range of known MAPs, such as kinesins, MAP65 isoforms and MOR1, we detected 'unknown' 70 kDa proteins that belong to a family of five closely related Arabidopsis proteins having no known homologues amongst non-plant organisms. To verify that AtMAP70-1 associates with microtubules in vivo, it was expressed as a GFP fusion. This confirmed that the protein decorates all four microtubule arrays in both transiently infected Arabidopsis and stably transformed tobacco BY-2 suspension cells. Microtubule-directed drugs perturbed the localization of AtMAP70-1 but cytochalasin D did not. AtMAP70-1 contains four predicted coiled-coil domains and truncation studies identified a central domain that targets the fusion protein to microtubules in vivo. This study therefore introduces a novel family of plant-specific proteins that interact with microtubules.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is a major cause of infectious diarrhea worldwide. Although the cell surface proteins are recognized to be important in clostridial pathogenesis, biological functions of only a few are known. Also, apart from the toxins, proteins exported by C. difficile into the extracellular milieu have been poorly studied. In order to identify novel extracellular factors of C. difficile, we analyzed bacterial culture supernatants prepared from clinical isolates, 630 and R20291, using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The majority of the proteins identified were non-canonical extracellular proteins. These could be largely classified into proteins associated to the cell wall (including CWPs and extracellular hydrolases), transporters and flagellar proteins. Seven unknown hypothetical proteins were also identified. One of these proteins, CD630_28300, shared sequence similarity with the anthrax lethal factor, a known zinc metallopeptidase. We demonstrated that CD630_28300 (named Zmp1) binds zinc and is able to cleave fibronectin and fibrinogen in vitro in a zinc-dependent manner. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we identified residues important in zinc binding and enzymatic activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Zmp1 destabilizes the fibronectin network produced by human fibroblasts. Thus, by analyzing the exoproteome of C. difficile, we identified a novel extracellular metalloprotease that may be important in key steps of clostridial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Identification of common molecular subsequences   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We evaluated a three-step algorithm for laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea (CDAD). First, stool specimens were screened using an EIA test for glutamate dehydrogenase detection. Screen-positive specimens were tested by a rapid cytotoxintoxin A/B assay and subjected to stool culture. All cultures positive for C. difficile underwent toxigenic culture. The results showed that toxigenic culture allowed us to recover 37/156 (24.4%) stool samples harbouring toxigenic C. difficile that would have been missed by using faecal cytotoxin assay alone. This determined an increase in infection prevalence of 4.2% (from 11.4% to 15.6 %). Furthermore, to characterize the clinical Clostridium difficile isolates and the distribution of PCR ribotypes circulating in the San Carlo Borromeo hospital, molecular typing using semi-automated repetitive-sequence-based PCR (rep- PCR) and PCR ribotyping, and an evaluation of the antibiotic resistance were also performed. Among them, 71 indistinguishable strains were detected by rep-PCR and 83 by PCR-ribotyping revealing C. difficile outbreaks in our hospital. A total of 6 different ribotypes were obtained by PCR ribotyping. The most frequent ribotype was 018 (88.2%) that also showed resistance to moxifloxacin. In one case, uncommon PCR ribotype 186 was also identified.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the Yersinia enterocolitica immunodominant 60 kDa antigen, termed cross-reacting protein antigen (CRPA), were obtained by fusion of spleen cells from mice immunized with CRPA with murine myeloma cells. The reactivities of the mAbs were examined by Western blotting against extracts of Y. enterocolitica and 23 other species of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Cross-reactions were recognized with a wide range of bacteria, but not with Gram-positive cocci. The reactivities were different for each mAb, suggesting that both species-specific and multiple cross-reactive epitopes were present on the CRPA molecule. CRPA was produced under heat-shock conditions in Y. enterocolitica and was shown to correspond immunologically to the GroEL protein in Escherichia coli, a protein involved in the morphogenesis of coliphage. In addition to CRPA, at least nine other major heat-shock proteins were detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of extracts of heat-shocked Y. enterocolitica.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile expresses a surface layer (S-layer) which coats the surface of the bacterium and acts as an adhesin facilitating interaction of the bacterium with host enteric cells. The S-layer contains a high-molecular-weight S-layer protein (HMW SLP) and its low-molecular-weight partner protein (LMW SLP). We show that these proteins form a tightly associated non-covalent complex, the H/L complex, and we identify the regions of both proteins responsible for complex formation. The 2.4 Å X-ray crystal structure of a truncated derivative of the LMW SLP reveals two domains. Domain 1 has a two-layer sandwich architecture while domain 2, predicted to orientate towards the external environment, contains a novel fold. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis of the H/L complex shows an elongated molecule, with the two SLPs arranged 'end-to-end' interacting with each other through a small contact area. Alignment of LMW SLPs, which exhibit high sequence diversity, reveals a core of conserved residues that could reflect functional conservation, while allowing for immune evasion through sequence variation. These structures are the first described for the S-layer of a bacterial pathogen, and provide insights into the assembly and biogenesis of the S-layer.  相似文献   

The results of the studies on the preparation of diagnostic antitoxic sera to C. difficile, intended for use in biological assays with the aim of the laboratory diagnosis of clostridial enteric infections, are presented. The conditions for the detoxification of C. difficile native toxin have been established, the optimum schedules for the immunization of rabbits have been selected and specific antitoxic sera to C. difficile have been obtained. The neutralizing activity of these sera has been evaluated in the lethality test and in the cytotoxic test on human embryo dermo-muscular fibroblast cells M-19.  相似文献   

Abstract The membrane lipocarbohydrate antigen (lipoteichoic acid analogue) of Clostridium difficile has been purified by aqueous phenol extraction and Sepharose 6B chromatography. After analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoblotting it has been shown to consist of a series of components of differing M r. It appears as a regularly spaced ladder pattern similar to those shown for the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of many Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

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