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Visceral movement due to impact loading is believed to play a role in the locomotor-respiratory coupling (LRC) that has been detected in a number of mammalian species. In the bird and bat species in which LRC has been described, the effect of the wing muscles on the timing of respiration appears to be a dominant influence. To test the hypothesis that LRC occurs in humans propelling wheelchairs (where there is no impact loading and the arms are used for locomotion), we studied 10 wheelchair athletes on a motorized treadmill at three speeds. Each subject's data were analyzed by spectral analysis (based on the fast Fourier transform), which detected apparent LRC (rates within 1% of a single-digit integer ratio) in 12 (40%) of the 30 test settings. However, a control analysis, in which each subject's arm-thrust rates were compared with another subject's breathing rates, revealed apparent (but false) coupling in 8 (27%), not significantly less often (using the chi 2 test). These findings appear to refute the hypothesis that LRC occurs during wheelchair propulsion. These data are consistent with the theory that the visceral piston is important to LRC and suggest that rhythmic arm movements are insufficient to induce the phenomenon in this setting.  相似文献   

To study the effect of different cycle frequencies on cardio-respiratory responses and propulsion technique in hand-rim wheelchair propulsion, experienced wheelchair sportsmen (WS group; n = 6) and non-wheelchair users (NW group; n = 6) performed wheelchair exercise tests on a motor-driven treadmill. The WS group wheeled at velocities of 0.55, 0.83, 1.11 and 1.39 m.s-1 and a slope of 2 degrees. The NW group wheeled at 0.83, 1.11 and 1.39 m.s-1 and a 1 degree slope. In each test, a 3-min period at a freely chosen cycle frequency (FCF: 100%) was followed by four 3-min blocks of paced cycle frequencies at 60%, 80%, 120% and 140% FCF. Effects of both cycle frequency and velocity on physiological and propulsion technique parameters were studied. Analysis of variance showed a significant effect (p less than 0.05) of cycle frequency on oxygen cost and gross mechanical efficiency in both the WS and NW group. This indicated the existence of an optimum cycle frequency which is close to the FCF at any given velocity. The optimum cycle frequency increased with velocity from 0.67 to 1.03 cps over the range studied (p less than 0.05). Oxygen cost was approximately 10% less at 100% FCF than at 60% or 140% FCF. Gross mechanical efficiency for the WS group at 100% FCF was 8.5%, 9.7%, 10.4% and 10.1%, respectively, at the four velocities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kinematic features of wheelchair propulsion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three male paraplegics volunteered to push their wheelchairs on a motor driven treadmill, for a total of 80 min each, at a work rate of 60-65% of their VO2 maximum, determined on an earlier test session. At 20 min intervals 16 mm high-speed film of the subjects was taken for three consecutive push cycles. The digitized film was used to compute the angular kinematics of the shoulder and elbow joints, the variations in the position of the trunk (as measured by a marker on the neck) and hand relative to the axle of the rear wheel. There were no intrasubject variations over the 80 min testing period for any of the recorded variables. This was interpreted as implying that at that work rate, fatigue was not exhibited as variations in the kinematics of movement. There were considerable differences between the style of one subject when compared to the other two over all the trials of each subject. This variation in style was most obvious in subject number PT who had a pumping style of push and recovery whereas subjects CA and GW employed a more continuous circular motion. The differences in the amount of forward lean of each subject were related to residual muscle strength. The discussion centered on the influence of the different styles on performance.  相似文献   

Researchers of wheelchair propulsion have usually suggested that a wheelchair can be properly designed using anthropometrics to reduce high mechanical load and thus reduce pain and damage to joints. A model based on physiological features and biomechanical principles can be used to determine anthropometric relationships for wheelchair fitting. To improve the understanding of man-machine interaction and the mechanism through which propulsion performance been enhanced, this study develops and validates an energy model for wheelchair propulsion. Kinematic data obtained from ten able-bodied and ten wheelchair-dependent users during level propulsion at an average velocity of 1m/s were used as the input of a planar model with the criteria of increasing efficiency and reducing joint load. Results demonstrate that for both experienced and inexperienced users, predicted handrim contact forces agree with experimental data through an extensive range of the push. Significant deviations that were mostly observed in the early stage of the push phase might result from the lack of consideration of muscle dynamics and wrist joint biomechanics. The proposed model effectively verified the handrim contact force patterns during dynamic propulsion. Users do not aim to generate mechanically most effective forces to avoid high loadings on the joints.  相似文献   

Approximately ninety percent of the wheelchair users worldwide prefer the conventional push rim mode of propulsion for daily mobility and rehabilitation. Even though push-rim wheelchairs help to promote a healthy life style, the high muscular demand and the non-continuous push motions can lead to serious upper extremity injuries. In this study, muscle EMG data of ten healthy subjects were recorded for a newly introduced handle based propulsion mechanism (HBP) and compared to conventional push-rim propulsion at two workloads, 25 W and 35 W respectively. The results for the mean peak muscle activations at both workloads demonstrate that push-rim propulsion leads to higher peak muscle activity compared to HBP at a similar wheelchair forward velocity of 1.11 m/s. The generation of these high peak muscle activations with increasing loads in push-rim propulsion over time can lead to overuse injuries. Overall, the use of the HBP mechanism is less straining to the muscles and may reduce fatigue during prolonged propulsion.  相似文献   

The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes uses the energy of the actin polymerization to propel itself through infected tissues. In steady state, it continuously adds new polymerized filaments to its surface, pushing on its tail, which is made from previously cross-linked actin filaments. In this paper we introduce an elastic model to describe how the addition of actin filaments to the tail results in the propulsive force on the bacterium. Filament growth on the bacterial surface produces stresses that are relieved at the back of the bacterium as it moves forward. The model leads to a natural competition between growth from the sides and growth from the back of the bacterium, with different velocities and strengths for each. This competition can lead to the periodic motion observed in a Listeria mutant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse adaptations in kinematics and muscle activity/co-contraction in novice able-bodied subjects during the initial phase of learning hand rim wheelchair propulsion. Nine able-bodied subjects performed three 4-min practice blocks on a wheelchair ergometer. The external power output and velocity were constant for all blocks, respectively 0.25 W x kg(-1) and 1.11 m x s(-1). Electromyography of 16 arm, shoulder, back and chest muscles and kinematics were measured. Some small changes in the segmental movement pattern were seen during the practice period. Moreover, an increase in muscle activity and co-contraction of several muscles was found over time. The hypothesis that subjects instinctively search for an optimum frequency, in which the recovery phase is related to the eigenfrequency of the arms and, therefore, the least muscle activity, could not be supported. Since co-contraction of antagonist pairs remained the same or even increased, the hypothesis that there would be a decrease in muscle co-contraction as a result of practice, was not confirmed. This study was probably too short for the novice subjects to explore this new task of wheelchair propulsion completely and reach an optimum in terms of cycle frequency and muscle activity/co-contraction.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to compare static and dynamic optimization muscle force and work predictions during the push phase of wheelchair propulsion. A secondary purpose was to compare the differences in predicted shoulder and elbow kinetics and kinematics and handrim forces. The forward dynamics simulation minimized differences between simulated and experimental data (obtained from 10 manual wheelchair users) and muscle co-contraction. For direct comparison between models, the shoulder and elbow muscle moment arms and net joint moments from the dynamic optimization were used as inputs into the static optimization routine. RMS errors between model predictions were calculated to quantify model agreement. There was a wide range of individual muscle force agreement that spanned from poor (26.4% Fmax error in the middle deltoid) to good (6.4% Fmax error in the anterior deltoid) in the prime movers of the shoulder. The predicted muscle forces from the static optimization were sufficient to create the appropriate motion and joint moments at the shoulder for the push phase of wheelchair propulsion, but showed deviations in the elbow moment, pronation–supination motion and hand rim forces. These results suggest the static approach does not produce results similar enough to be a replacement for forward dynamics simulations, and care should be taken in choosing the appropriate method for a specific task and set of constraints. Dynamic optimization modeling approaches may be required for motions that are greatly influenced by muscle activation dynamics or that require significant co-contraction.  相似文献   

The time course of the current following a voltage jump, which is applied to monoglyceride bilayers in the presence of valinomycin, shows two relaxation times. This is basically in agreement with a simple carrier model which has been described in full detail formerly. Relaxation times and amplitudes allow a calculation of the rate constants of the transport model. The presented data supplement an analysis which was hitherto based only on the slower relaxation process and on information derived from the nonlinearity of current-voltage characteristics. The additional resolution of the faster relaxation time allowed an approximate determination of the voltage dependence of the translocation rate constant for carrier-ion-complex and provided evidence for a small voltage dependence of the interfacial reaction. The dependence of the relaxation parameters on the ion concentration in the aqueous phase was interpreted assuming a saturation of the ion concentration at the reaction plane at high bulk concentrations.  相似文献   

Manual wheelchair propulsion has been linked to a high incidence of overuse injury and pain in the upper extremity, which may be caused by the high load requirements and low mechanical efficiency of the task. Previous studies have suggested that poor mechanical efficiency may be due to a low effective handrim force (i.e. applied force that is not directed tangential to the handrim). As a result, studies attempting to reduce upper extremity demand have used various measures of force effectiveness (e.g., fraction effective force, FEF) as a guide for modifying propulsion technique, developing rehabilitation programs and configuring wheelchairs. However, the relationship between FEF and upper extremity demand is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to use forward dynamics simulations of wheelchair propulsion to determine the influence of FEF on upper extremity demand by quantifying individual muscle stress, work and handrim force contributions at different values of FEF. Simulations maximizing and minimizing FEF resulted in higher average muscle stresses (23% and 112%) and total muscle work (28% and 71%) compared to a nominal FEF simulation. The maximal FEF simulation also shifted muscle use from muscles crossing the elbow to those at the shoulder (e.g., rotator cuff muscles), placing greater demand on shoulder muscles during propulsion. The optimal FEF value appears to represent a balance between increasing push force effectiveness to increase mechanical efficiency and minimize upper extremity demand. Thus, care should be taken in using force effectiveness as a metric to reduce upper extremity demand.  相似文献   

Independent-roller ergometers (IREs) are commonly used to simulate the behaviour of a wheelchair propelled in a straight line. They cannot, however, simulate curvilinear propulsion. To this effect, a motorised wheelchair ergometer could be used, provided that a dynamic model of the wheelchair–user system propelled on straight and curvilinear paths (WSC) is available. In this article, we present such a WSC model, its parameter identification procedure and its prediction error. Ten healthy subjects propelled an instrumented wheelchair through a controlled path. Both IRE and WSC models estimated the rear wheels' velocities based on the users' propulsive moments. On curvilinear paths, the outward wheel shows root mean square (RMS) errors of 13% in an IRE vs 8% in a WSC. The inward wheel shows RMS errors of 21% in an IRE vs 11% in a WSC. Differences between both models are highly significant (p < 0.001). A wheelchair ergometer based on this new WSC model will be more accurate than a roller ergometer when simulating wheelchair propulsion in tight environments, where many turns are necessary.  相似文献   

A special mixing device for initiating enzyme-catalyzed reactions is used to rapidly achieve an unperturbed quasi-steady state. An on-line computer is employed to sample the initial conditions, the mixing time, and concentrations that change as a function of time during this quasi-steady state phase. A statistical method for estimating initial, quasi-steady state rates from the time course of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is described. Practical considerations for using this parameter estimation system lead to the conclusion that for the enzyme-catalyzed reaction tested, the extent overall reaction should be above .2% for high initial substrate concentrations, and above 1% for initial substrate concentrations in the range of the Michaelis constant. Application of this method to a typical enzyme-catalyzed reaction suggests that objective estimates of initial rates from a given set of concentrations and corresponding times can be obtained with a standard error in the range of 2–3%, but that reproducibility is not better than about 10%. When this procedure was used to estimate initial rates for the glycerol dehydrogenase-catalyzed oxidation of glycerol by NAD, it was found that this enzyme did not behave according to the classical “Michaelis-Menten” mechanism of enzyme action.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how resistance load influenced the kinematic characteristics and the activity of selected muscles (flexor and extensor carpi radialis, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, antero-middle and postero-middle deltoids, pectoralis major, and upper trapezius) during maximum effort racing wheelchair stroking using 3D videographic and surface EMG techniques. Fifteen male experienced wheelchair racers served as subjects and three consecutive stroke cycles were analyzed for two load conditions. In contrast to previous studies where variations in speed were a result of variations in pushing effort or disability classification, a reduction in stroking speed caused by increasing load did not result in a decrease in stroking frequency. Increases in load significantly influenced the push and recovery times but not the stroke time or frequency. The vertical ranges of motion and vertical velocities at initial hand contact of the upper extremity joints decreased significantly from light to heavy resistance conditions. These results suggest that the vertical motion is influenced greatly by the load. Various degrees of muscle co-contractions were observed in most phases of the stroke cycle. The activation pattern of the deltoid muscle was different from what has been previously reported, probably because of the exaggerated forward lean trunk position adopted by our subjects. Although the overall EMG activity remained the same or decreased when the resistance was increased, stroking under a heavy resistance load is likely to be more demanding physiologically because of the greater push time-recovery time (work-rest) ratio with increasing resistance.  相似文献   

Understanding how individuals distribute mechanical demand imposed on their upper extremity during physically demanding activities provides meaningful insights to preserve function and mitigate detrimental mechanical loading of the shoulder. In this study, we hypothesized that parameterization of the shoulder net joint moment using four functional axes could characterize distribution tendencies about the shoulder during manual wheelchair propulsion and that regardless of demographics, a shoulder flexor dominant NJM distribution would be predominantly used by individuals with paraplegia (n = 130). Forces and kinematics of the upper extremity and trunk were quantified using motion capture and an instrumented wheel during steady state manual wheelchair propulsion at self-selected fast speeds on a stationary ergometer. The results indicate that parsing out the internal/external rotation component of the shoulder net joint moment about the upper arm and distributing the remainder across the three orthogonal axes of the torso was successful in identifying common shoulder net joint moment distribution techniques used across individuals with paraplegia during manual wheelchair propulsion. Distribution tendencies were predominantly flexor dominant across injury level, gender, time since injury, body mass index, and height demographics. The 4-axis parameterization of the shoulder NJM effectively differentiated moment distribution tendencies used by individuals during manual wheelchair propulsion using a functionally relevant representation of shoulder kinetics. Use of the four-axis parameterization of joint kinetics in future studies is expected to provide important insights that can advance knowledge, preserve function, and inform clinical decisions.  相似文献   

The velocity profile in the cilia sublayer on dense ciliated cell surfaces is calculated by using an active porous medium model. Calculations using the beat patterns observed on Opalina and in cilia lining the airways of the lung predict maximum velocities similar to those observed in nature.  相似文献   

Push-rim wheelchair propulsion is biomechanically inefficient and physiologically stressful to the musculoskeletal structure of human body. This study focuses to obtain a new, optimized propulsion shape for wheelchair users, which is within the ergonomic ranges of joint motion, thus reducing the probability of injuries. To identify the propulsion movement, forward dynamic optimization was performed on a 3D human musculoskeletal model linked to a handle based propulsion mechanism, having shape and muscle excitations as optimization variables. The optimization resulted in a handle path shape with a circularity ratio of 0.95, and produced a net propulsion power of 34.7 watts for an isokinetic propulsion cycle at 50?rpm. Compared to push-rim propulsion, the compact design of the new propulsion mechanism along with the ergonomically optimized propulsion shape may help to reduce the risk of injuries and thus improve the quality of life for wheelchair users.  相似文献   

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