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测定了果蝇nasuta亚群7个分类元和外群D.immigrans的核糖体基因转录间隔区(ITS,interanscribed spacer),包括5.8SrDNA和2SrDNA长约1.1kb的DNA片段序列。结果表明:D.pallidifrons、Taxon I、Taxon J享有共同的序列;D.albomicans则与D.s.neonasuta共享1个序列。序列之间存在少量的插入缺失和碱基替代。  相似文献   

20年来,分子系统学在理论和实践方面都有飞速的发展.随着可用分子标记和所涉及阶元数量的增多和范围的扩大,以及计算能力的进步,人们对完全树(universal tree)将地球上所有物种囊括在内、描述其间的亲缘关系的系统发育树的憧憬正在逐步成为现实.由于rDNA/rRNA是惟一作为所有细胞生命形式所共有的分子标记,其在构建完全树的过程中具有不可替代的作用.近5年,超级树(supertree)的技术逐步完善,已经在若干类群中有良好的应用,形成了系统发育与进化生物学领域的研究前沿之一,为最终获得完全树奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。  相似文献   

<正>构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。2.采用能反应分支长度的软件(如NJ法),并用Boostrap值分析分支聚类的稳定性。3.用国际较为通用的一些建树方法,如Neighbour-Joining等,这样结果就更为可靠,更直观。4.请严格按照下列具体要求写作[参见:微生物学报,2004,44(2):143.]  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。2.采用能反应分支长度的软件(如NJ法),并用Boostrap值分析分支聚类的稳定性。3.用国际较为通用的一些建树方法,如Neighbour-Joining等,这样结果就更为可靠,更直观。  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。2.采用能反应分支长度的软件(如NJ法),并用Boostrap值分析分支聚类的稳定性。  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16SrRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16SrRNA,然后一起构树。2.采用能反应分支长度的软件(如NJ法),并用Boostrap值分析分支聚类的稳定性。  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。2.采用能反应分支长度的软件(如NJ法),并用Boostrap值分析分支聚类的稳定性。  相似文献   

构建系统树是为了鉴定菌株的分类学地位,应该使用正确的方法构建。具体要求如下:1.将鉴定菌的16S rRNA序列递交GenBank,用Blast软件搜索相似的16S rRNA,然后一起构树。2.采用能反应分支长度的软件(如NJ法),并用Boostrap值分析分支聚类的稳定性。3.用国际较为通用的一些建树方法,如Neighbour-Joining等,这样结果就更为可靠,更直观。  相似文献   

Accuracy of estimated phylogenetic trees from molecular data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The accuracies and efficiencies of four different methods for constructing phylogenetic trees from molecular data were examined by using computer simulation. The methods examined are UPGMA, Fitch and Margoliash's (1967) (F/M) method, Farris' (1972) method, and the modified Farris method (Tateno, Nei, and Tajima, this paper). In the computer simulation, eight OTUs (32 OTUs in one case) were assumed to evolve according to a given model tree, and the evolutionary change of a sequence of 300 nucleotides was followed. The nucleotide substitution in this sequence was assumed to occur following the Poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution or a model of temporally varying rate. Estimates of nucleotide substitutions (genetic distances) were then computed for all pairs of the nucleotide sequences that were generated at the end of the evolution considered, and from these estimates a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed and compared with the true model tree. The results of this comparison indicate that when the coefficient of variation of branch length is large the Farris and modified Farris methods tend to be better than UPGMA and the F/M method for obtaining a good topology. For estimating the number of nucleotide substitutions for each branch of the tree, however, the modified Farris method shows a better performance than the Farris method. When the coefficient of variation of branch length is small, however, UPGMA shows the best performance among the four methods examined. Nevertheless, any tree-making method is likely to make errors in obtaining the correct topology with a high probability, unless all branch lengths of the true tree are sufficiently long. It is also shown that the agreement between patristic and observed genetic distances is not a good indicator of the goodness of the tree obtained.  相似文献   

Due to its speed, the distance approach remains the best hope for building phylogenies on very large sets of taxa. Recently (R. Desper and O. Gascuel, J. Comp. Biol. 9:687-705, 2002), we introduced a new "balanced" minimum evolution (BME) principle, based on a branch length estimation scheme of Y. Pauplin (J. Mol. Evol. 51:41-47, 2000). Initial simulations suggested that FASTME, our program implementing the BME principle, was more accurate than or equivalent to all other distance methods we tested, with running time significantly faster than Neighbor-Joining (NJ). This article further explores the properties of the BME principle, and it explains and illustrates its impressive topological accuracy. We prove that the BME principle is a special case of the weighted least-squares approach, with biologically meaningful variances of the distance estimates. We show that the BME principle is statistically consistent. We demonstrate that FASTME only produces trees with positive branch lengths, a feature that separates this approach from NJ (and related methods) that may produce trees with branches with biologically meaningless negative lengths. Finally, we consider a large simulated data set, with 5,000 100-taxon trees generated by the Aldous beta-splitting distribution encompassing a range of distributions from Yule-Harding to uniform, and using a covarion-like model of sequence evolution. FASTME produces trees faster than NJ, and much faster than WEIGHBOR and the weighted least-squares implementation of PAUP*. Moreover, FASTME trees are consistently more accurate at all settings, ranging from Yule-Harding to uniform distributions, and all ranges of maximum pairwise divergence and departure from molecular clock. Interestingly, the covarion parameter has little effect on the tree quality for any of the algorithms. FASTME is freely available on the web.  相似文献   

Tree pests cause billions of dollars of damage annually; yet, we know little about what limits their regional composition and distribution. Here, we model the co-occurrence of 4510 pests and 981 tree host genera spread across 233 countries. We show the composition of tree pests is primarily driven by the phylogenetic composition of host trees, whereas effects of climate and geography tend to be more minor. Pests that utilise many hosts tend to be more widespread; however, most pests do not fill the geographic range of their hosts—indicating that many pests could expand their extents if able to overcome barriers limiting their current distribution. Our results suggest that the establishment of pests in new regions may be largely dictated by the presence of suitable host trees, but more work is needed to fully understand the influences climate has on the distributions of individual pest species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods that incorporate intraspecific variability are relatively new and, so far, not especially widely used in empirical studies. In the present short article we will describe a new Bayesian method for fitting evolutionary models to comparative data that incorporates intraspecific variability. This method differs from an existing likelihood-based approach in that it requires no a priori inference about species means and variances; rather it takes phenotypic values from individuals and a phylogenetic tree as input, and then samples species means and variances, along with the parameters of the evolutionary model, from their joint posterior probability distribution. One of the most novel and intriguing attributes of this approach is that jointly sampling the species means with the evolutionary model parameters means that the model and tree can influence our estimates of species mean trait values, not just the reverse. In the present implementation, we first apply this method to the most widely used evolutionary model for continuously valued phenotypic trait data (Brownian motion). However, the general approach has broad applicability, which we illustrate by also fitting the λ model, another simple model for quantitative trait evolution on a phylogeny. We test our approach via simulation and by analyzing two empirical datasets obtained from the literature. Finally, we have implemented the methods described herein in a new function for the R statistical computing environment, and this function will be distributed as part of the 'phytools' R library.  相似文献   

We present QNet, a method for constructing split networks from weighted quartet trees. QNet can be viewed as a quartet analogue of the distance-based Neighbor-Net (NNet) method for network construction. Just as NNet, QNet works by agglomeratively computing a collection of circular weighted splits of the taxa set which is subsequently represented by a planar split network. To illustrate the applicability of QNet, we apply it to a previously published Salmonella data set. We conclude that QNet can provide a useful alternative to NNet if distance data are not available or a character-based approach is preferred. Moreover, it can be used as an aid for determining when a quartet-based tree-building method may or may not be appropriate for a given data set. QNet is freely available for download.  相似文献   

张传溪  林欣大  吴峻 《昆虫学报》2000,43(3):233-241
用PCR方法扩增了棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera单粒包埋型核型多角体病毒(HaSNPV)几丁质酶基因,测定了基因编码区的核苷酸全序列。基因编码区全长1.713 bp,可编码570个氨基酸残基组成的多肽,预计分子量为63.6 kD。将所推导的HaSNPV几丁质酶氨基酸序列与其它已知杆状病毒几丁质酶氨基酸序列进行联配比较,结果表明HaSNPV 与谷实夜蛾H.zea单粒包埋型核型多角体病毒(HzSNPV)的氨基酸序列非常相似,同源性高达90.7%,与苜蓿丫纹夜蛾Autographa californica多粒包埋型核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)、家蚕Bombyx mori核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)、美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea核型多角体病毒(HcNPV)、舞毒蛾Lymantria dispar多粒包埋型核型多角体病毒(LdMNPV)、黄杉毒蛾Orgyia pseudotsugata多粒包埋型核型多角体病毒(OpMNPV)和云杉卷叶蛾Choristoneura fumiferana核型多角体病毒(CfMNPV)氨基酸序列同源性分别为64.4%、64.9%、64.2%、62.9%、66.2%和61.5%。根据氨基酸序列用PC\GENE程序绘制已知杆状病毒几丁质酶的分子系统树,并与杆状病毒中最为保守的多角体蛋白基因系统树作了比较,结果表明几丁质酶基因和多角体蛋白基因的进化速率是不尽相同的。  相似文献   

  • The tree flora of the Mediterranean Basin contains an outstanding taxonomic richness and a high proportion of endemic taxa. Contrary to other regions of the Mediterranean biome, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the relationship between phylogenetic diversity, trait diversity and environmental factors in a spatial ecological context is lacking.
  • We inferred the first calibrated phylogeny of 203 native tree species occurring in the European Mediterranean Basin based on 12 DNA regions. Using a set of four functional traits, we computed phylogenetic diversity for all 10,042 grid cells of 10 × 10 km spatial resolution to completely cover Mediterranean Europe. Then, we tested the spatial influence of environmental factors on tree diversity.
  • Our results suggest that the nature of the relationship between traits and phylogeny varies among the different studied traits and according to the evolutionary distance considered. Phylogenetic diversity and functional diversity of European Mediterranean trees correlated strongly with species richness. High values of these diversity indices were located in the north of the study area, at high altitude, and minimum temperature of the coldest month. In contrast, the two phylogenetic indices that were not correlated with species richness (Mean Phylogenetic Distance, Phylogenetic Species Variability) were located in the south of the study area and were positively correlated with high altitude, soil organic carbon stock and sand soil texture.
  • Our study provides support for the use of phylogenies in conservation biology to assess ecosystem functioning, and provides insights for the implementation of sustainable forest ecosystem management.

Myoglobin was isolated from the radular muscle of the chitonLiolophura japonica, a primitive archigastropodic mollusc.Liolophura contains three monomeric myoglobins (I, II, and III), and the complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin I has been determined. It is composed of 145 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass was calculated to be 16,070 D. The E7 distal histidine, which is replaced by valine or glutamine in several molluscan globins, is conserved inLiolophura myoglobin. The autoxidation rate at physiological conditions indicated thatLiolophura oxymyoglobin is fairly stable when compared with other molluscan myoglobins. The amino acid sequence ofLiolophura myoglobin shows low homology (11–21%) with molluscan dimeric myoglobins and hemoglobins, but shows higher homology (26–29%) with monomeric myoglobins from the gastropodic molluscsAplysia, Dolabella, andBursatella. A phylogenetic tree was constructed from 19 molluscan globin sequences. The tree separated them into two distinct clusters, a cluster for muscle myoglobins and a cluster for erythrocyte or gill hemoglobins. The myoglobin cluster is divided further into two subclusters, corresponding to monomeric and dimeric myoglobins, respectively.Liolophura myoglobin was placed on the branch of monomeric myoglobin lineage, showing that it diverged earlier from other monomeric myoglobins. The hemoglobin cluster is also divided into two subclusters. One cluster contains homodimeric, heterodimeric, tetrameric, and didomain chains of erythrocyte hemoglobins of the blood clamsAnadara, Scapharca, andBarbatia. Of special interest is the other subcluster. It consists of three hemoglobin chains derived from the bacterial symbiont-harboring clamsCalyptogena andLucina, in which hemoglobins are supposed to play an important role in maintaining the symbiosis with sulfide bacteria.  相似文献   

Evaluating trait correlations across species within a lineage via phylogenetic regression is fundamental to comparative evolutionary biology, but when traits of interest are derived from two sets of lineages that coevolve with one another, methods for evaluating such patterns in a dual‐phylogenetic context remain underdeveloped. Here, we extend multivariate permutation‐based phylogenetic regression to evaluate trait correlations in two sets of interacting species while accounting for their respective phylogenies. This extension is appropriate for both univariate and multivariate response data, and may use one or more independent variables, including environmental covariates. Imperfect correspondence between species in the interacting lineages can also be accommodated, such as when species in one lineage associate with multiple species in the other, or when there are unmatched taxa in one or both lineages. For both univariate and multivariate data, the method displays appropriate type I error, and statistical power increases with the strength of the trait covariation and the number of species in the phylogeny. These properties are retained even when there is not a 1:1 correspondence between lineages. Finally, we demonstrate the approach by evaluating the evolutionary correlation between traits in fig species and traits in their agaonid wasp pollinators. R computer code is provided.  相似文献   

The availability of fast and accurate sequencing procedures along with the use of PCR has led to a proliferation of studies of variability at the molecular level in populations. Nevertheless, it is often impractical to examine long genomic stretches and a large number of individuals at the same time. In order to optimize this kind of study, we suggest a heuristic procedure for detection of the shortest region whose informational content can be considered sufficient for significant phylogenetic reconstruction. The method is based on the comparison of the pairwise genetic distances obtained from a set of sequences of reference to those obtained for different windows of variable size and position by means of a simple index. We also present an approach for testing whether the informative content in the stretches selected in this way is significantly different from the corresponding content shown by the larger genomic regions used as reference. Application of this test to the analysis of the VP1 protein gene of foot-and-mouth-disease type C virus allowed us to define optimal stretches whose informative content is not significantly different from that displayed by the complete VP1 sequence. We showed that the predictions made for type C sequences are valid for type O sequences, indicating that the results of the procedure are consistent. Correspondence to: J. Dopazo  相似文献   

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