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【背景】沙门氏菌(Salmonella)是一种可以引起人畜患病的致病菌,也是最主要的食源性细菌之一。土壤中的沙门氏菌可通过蔬菜等植物进入人体,引发食物中毒。但由于土壤性质及其他微生物的干扰,如何快速甄别土壤是否受到沙门氏菌的污染仍是一个难题。【目的】建立一种快速、灵敏检测土壤沙门氏菌的实时重组酶介导等温核酸扩增(Real-Time Recombinase Aided Amplification,RT-RAA)方法。【方法】针对沙门氏菌invA基因序列设计特异性引物和探针,构建含有invA基因待检片段的重组质粒,评价RT-RAA方法的灵敏度;分别以肠炎沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌、福氏志贺氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的基因组DNA为模板,评价RT-RAA方法的特异性;RT-RAA方法用于番茄、生姜土壤中沙门氏菌的检测,同时用平板培养法进行验证。【结果】RT-RAA方法可用于重组质粒中invA基因片段的检测,在39℃条件下,20 min内即可获得检测结果,最低检测质粒拷贝数为10拷贝/反应,而且与大肠杆菌、福氏志贺氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌无交叉反应。土壤样品DNA的RT-RAA检测结果显示,供试番茄土已被沙门氏菌污染,而生姜土则没有,与平板培养结果一致。【结论】RT-RAA方法具有灵敏度高和特异性强的特点,可用于土壤沙门氏菌污染的快速检测。  相似文献   

荧光重组酶介导等温扩增检测食品中单增李斯特菌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】单增李斯特菌为肉类及乳制品中常见的食源性致病菌,传统的培养法检测无法满足口岸大批量食品的快速检测要求,建立简便、灵敏、快速及现场可操作的技术至关重要。【目的】建立快速简便的荧光重组酶介导等温扩增(Recombinase-Aided Amplification,RAA)法检测单增李斯特菌,以适应口岸快速通关及监管的实际需求。【方法】根据单增李斯特菌hlyA基因保守区设计特异性引物、探针,通过引物两两组合结合探针筛选出扩增效率及灵敏度最佳的引物组合,优化反应温度及引物探针浓度,确定最佳反应条件。将建立的荧光RAA法应用于食品基质及实际样品检测中,同时与国标GB 4789.30-2016进行比对验证。【结果】单增李斯特菌荧光RAA最佳反应温度为42℃,最佳引物、探针终浓度均为400 nmol/L。建立的荧光RAA法特异性强,纯菌灵敏度达到3×102 CFU/mL。加标食品基质牛肉、大西洋鲑鱼及再制干酪LB2增菌只需4 h,即可检测原始浓度分别达到0.3、3、30 CFU/mL的单增李斯特菌。荧光RAA法只需5 min即可观察结果,20-30 min完成扩增,速度及灵敏度明显高于国标法...  相似文献   

本文的目的在于建立用于临床检测残翅病病毒(Deformed wing virus,DWV)的等温环介导扩增技术(Loopmediated isothermal amplification,LAMP),为该疾病的预防和控制提供理论依据。在DWV基因保守序列设计4条引物,探究LAMP扩增的最优条件,并与常规的PCR(polymerase chain reaction)检测方法进行比较。建立的LAMP方法检测下限为0.89 pg,灵敏度比PCR高100倍而且特异性好。临床检测显示建立的LAMP方法可行、准确、方便、灵敏。针对DWV的LAMP建立的检测方法为养蜂生产第一线检测和预防DWV提供了技术支持,有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

用重组酶介导扩增技术快速扩增核酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
体外核酸快速扩增技术是一种可使微量核酸在体外高效快速扩增的技术, 自问世以来, 被广泛应用于分子生物学、医学和法理鉴定等领域, 并被不断改进, 以使其功能和适应性更为广泛. 重组酶介导扩增法是在现有体外核酸扩增原理的基础上发展起来的恒温体外快速扩增核酸技术. RAA法利用重组酶、单链结合蛋白和DNA聚合酶代替了传统PCR的热循环解链过程, 实现了在37℃恒温下的核酸快速扩增, 无需特殊的辅助仪器, 对操作人员的要求也不高, 具备简单、节能、便携、快速等特点, 有望在不远的将来取代传统的热循环PCR反应.  相似文献   

植物病毒严重影响农林作物的产量和质量.随着全球化的快速发展,植物检疫性病毒跨境入侵风险加剧,研发植物检疫性病毒的精准、快速的检测技术对于保障进出口贸易及农林业生产安全具有重要作用.早期植物病毒检测主要基于寄主生物学症状、病毒形态观察以及ELISA为主的血清学检测方法等.当前,核酸扩增技术成为主要的植物病毒检测方法,特别是近20年来发展起来的等温核酸扩增技术,因其具有快速、灵敏、适于现场检测等优势,在许多植物病毒检测中广泛开展研究.其中,我国20余种进境植物检疫性病毒已建立了等温扩增检测技术.本文在综述等温扩增技术原理的基础上,归纳总结了主要等温扩增技术在植物检疫性病毒检测中的研究进展,并对其在口岸检疫的应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

利用改良逆转录环介导等温扩增(RT-LAMP)技术建立一种快速、灵敏的检测方法用于H9亚型禽流感病毒检测。根据H9亚型禽流感病毒血凝素(HA)基因保守区序列中的8个区段设计6条特异性引物,在恒温条件下进行核酸扩增反应,并以琼脂糖凝胶电泳和目视检查绿色荧光两种方法对扩增结果进行判定。结果表明,RT-LAMP的最小检测限为100 fg,灵敏度比PT-PCR高100倍,且与H5亚型、H7亚型禽流感病毒,新城疫病毒(NDV)无交叉反应。目视检查绿色荧光与常规琼脂糖凝胶电泳的判定结果一致。整个扩增检测过程在35 min内即可完成。利用临床样本对RT-LAMP法进行验证,结果与RT-PCR一致。由实时浊度分析得到的标准曲线,计算出临床样本中的病毒质粒拷贝数均在2×107-2×104之间。因此,本研究建立的RT-LAMP方法快速、灵敏、特异性强,是H9亚型禽流感病毒的一种高效检测方法。  相似文献   

建立快速的病原学诊断方法对动物疫病的预防和控制、公共卫生安全等方面具有重要意义。重组酶介导扩增法(RAA)是一种新型恒温体外核酸扩增技术,在体外较低温度下就可以实现对DNA或RNA的快速扩增。RAA具有操作简便、快速、准确、节能、便捷等优点。重组酶、单链结合蛋白和DNA聚合酶是该技术的三大核心物质,利用这三种物质可替代传统PCR的热循环解链过程。该技术将会在病原微生物检测方面发挥重要作用。对RAA技术及其在病原检测方面的应用进行了综述,以期为相关领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

重组酶聚合酶扩增技术检测结核分枝杆菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 利用重组酶聚合酶扩增(Recombinase Polymerase Amplification,RPA)技术检测结核分支杆菌。方法 采用Axxin T8-ISO扩增仪(TwistDX公司),反应温度设置为39℃,反应时间20 min。检测分为实验组、阳性对照组和空白对照组。实验组模板DNA从痰液中提取。阳性对照模板DNA为H37Rv标准菌株样本DNA及卡介苗提取的DNA。空白对照为蒸馏水。结果 RPA技术可在20 min内明显区分103~106 copies/mL的阳性质粒与阴性对照。对分离培养的结核杆菌(H37Rv)DNA及卡介苗提取的DNA,阳性克隆质粒进行等温扩增,结果结核杆菌分离株DNA、卡介苗DNA、阳性克隆质粒均有阳性扩增反应,而非结核分枝杆菌分离株和阴性对照无阳性扩增反应。灵敏度为100%,特异性为82%。结论 RPA技术利用了重组酶、单链结合蛋白、DNA聚合酶代替了传统PCR变性、退火、延伸的热循环过程,在常温25℃~42℃、15~30 min内即可实现痕量核酸的快速扩增,可应用于快速检测人结核分枝杆菌,是一种全新的检测方法。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的发展,多种核酸等温扩增技术逐渐被开发出来。其中,重组酶聚合酶扩增(recombinase polymerase amplification,RPA)作为一种快速、灵敏的检测技术具有很大的优势。目前,RPA已应用于转基因生物、各类病原物及食品安全检测等多个领域,并作为新兴技术在植物病毒检测领域中快速发展。RPA技术只需一对引物,在恒温条件下(37-42℃)只需30 min左右即可完成反应,具有较高的灵敏度与特异性。因此,该技术正迅速成为一种能够用于条件有限的实验室或现场植物病毒检测的手段。本文介绍了RPA技术的检测原理、引物设计和应用方式,综述了其在植物病毒检测中的最新研究进展及存在的问题,为RPA技术在植物病毒检测中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

参照GenBank中登录的鹅副黏病毒(gallinacean paramyxovirus,GPMV)序列(AY325797),针对GPMV的F基因保守区域设计了4条引物,通过优化反应条件,建立了检测GPMV的逆转录环介导等温扩增技术(RT-LAMP),并进行了特异性试验、敏感性试验及临床样本检测.结果显示,建立的RT-LAMP方法对GPMV阳性样品扩增产物的电泳呈特征性梯状条带,而鸭瘟病毒(DPV)、鹅细小病毒(GPV)、番鸭细小病毒(MDPV)、鸭肝炎病毒(DHV)、鸭疫里默氏杆菌(Riemerella anatipestifer)、鸭源沙门氏菌(Salmonella anatamu)、鸡马立克病毒(MDV)、鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)的扩增产物电泳后均无扩增条带.建立的RT-LAMP方法对GPMV的最低检出量为9.5 fg的cDNA模板,敏感性比常规RT-PCR方法高1 000倍.表明建立的RT-LAMP方法特异性强、敏感性高.对6份临床样本的检出率为100% (6/6),与常规RT-PCR的符合率为100%.  相似文献   

西尼罗病毒研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任军 《生命科学》2005,17(5):445-448
西尼罗病毒(West Nile virus,WNV)属黄病毒科,为正单链RNA病毒。它在人类中的感染导致以发热为主要症状的传染性疾病,主要由蚊虫叮咬传播。自20世纪50年代首例报告西尼罗病毒自然感染所致脑炎后的几十年内,西尼罗病毒脑炎在欧洲及中亚地区散在、小规模流行。西尼罗病毒脑炎于1999年在美国的爆发及随后几年在北美的流行引起了极大的关注。这次爆发流行中新出现的种种迹象,如其中间宿主——野生鸟类的大量死亡,人类感染者中中枢神经系统受损比例的增高等,提示近期的遗传变异已使西尼罗病毒感染的病理学与流行病学发生了较显著的变化。另外,随着感染的流行,蚊虫叮咬以外的传播途径,如输血、器官移植、母婴传播等日益受到人们重视。同时,人们对阻止疫情所急需的疫苗的研制也在进行之中。本文就近几年来对西尼罗病毒的感染、免疫与流行病学方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum that is usually present at relatively low cell abundances is a globally-distributed harmful algal bloom-forming species, which negatively affects marine ecosystems, fisheries, and human health. Hence, an efficient detection platform for the rapid and sensitive identification of K. veneficum is highly demanded. In this study, a method referred to as recombinase polymerase amplification coupled with lateral flow dipstick (RPA-LFD) was developed for the rapid detection of K. veneficum. The primers for RPA and the detection probe for LFD were designed to specially target the internal transcribed spacer of K. veneficum by molecular cloning and multiple alignments of the related sequences. The developed RPA can gain an approximately 300 bp specific band from K. veneficum. Successful amplification for RPA could be achieved at a temperature range of 35 °C–45 °C. RPA for 30 min could produce enough products that could generate clearly visible electrophoresis bands and were adequate for subsequent LFD analysis. The RPA products can be visually detected by the naked eyes through an LFD after an automatic chromatography for 5 min at room temperature. The developed RPA-LFD was exclusively specific for K. veneficum and displayed no cross-reactivity with other algal species that are commonly distributed along the Chinese coast. In addition, the lowest detection limit of RPA-LFD was 10 ng μL−1 of genomic DNA and 0.1 cell mL−1, which was 100-fold sensitive than conventional PCR. In conclusion, the developed RPA-LFD assay in this study can be used as a rapid and sensitive method to monitor K. veneficum in the future.  相似文献   

We developed a Gaussia luciferase (Gluc) reporter replicon of West Nile virus (WNV) and used it to quantify viral translation and RNA replication. The advantage of the Gluc replicon is that Gaussia luciferase is secreted into the culture medium from cells transfected with Gluc replicon RNA, and the medium can be assayed directly for luciferase activity. Using a known Flavivirus inhibitor (NITD008), we demonstrated that the Gluc-WNV replicon could be used for antiviral screening. The Gluc-WNV-Rep will be useful for research in antiviral drug development programs, as well as for studying viral replication and pathogenesis of WNV.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a widespread global pathogen that results in significant morbidity and mortality. Data from animal models provide evidence of persistent renal and neurological infection from WNV; however, the possibility of persistent infection in humans and long-term neurological and renal outcomes related to viral persistence remain largely unknown. In this paper, we provide a review of the literature related to persistent infection in parallel with the findings from cohorts of patients with a history of WNV infection. The next steps for enhancing our understanding of WNV as a persistent pathogen are discussed.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV), the most widely distributed virus of the encephalitic flaviviruses, is a vector-borne pathogen of global importance. The transmission cycle exists in rural and urban areas where the virus infects birds, humans, horses and other mammals. Multiple factors impact the transmission and distribution of WNV, related to the dynamics and interactions between pathogen, vector, vertebrate hosts and environment. Hence, among other drivers, weather conditions have direct and indirect influences on vector competence (the ability to acquire, maintain and transmit the virus), on the vector population dynamic and on the virus replication rate within the mosquito, which are mostly weather dependent. The importance of climatic factors (temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and winds) as drivers in WNV epidemiology is increasing under conditions of climate change. Indeed, recent changes in climatic conditions, particularly increased ambient temperature and fluctuations in rainfall amounts, contributed to the maintenance (endemization process) of WNV in various locations in southern Europe, western Asia, the eastern Mediterranean, the Canadian Prairies, parts of the USA and Australia. As predictions show that the current trends are expected to continue, for better preparedness, any assessment of future transmission of WNV should take into consideration the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of the West Nile Virus vector Culex tarsalis was investigated in 5 states in the western United States using 5 microsatellite loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase 4 (ND4) gene. ND4 sequence analysis revealed a lack of isolation by distance, panmixia across all populations, an excess of rare haplotypes, and a star-like phylogeny. Microsatellites revealed moderate genetic differentiation and isolation by distance, with the largest genetic distance occurring between populations in southern California and New Mexico (F(ST) = 0.146). Clustering analysis and analysis of molecular variance on microsatellite data indicated the presence of 3 broad population clusters. Mismatch distributions and site-frequency spectra derived from mitochondrial ND4 sequences displayed pattern's characteristic of population expansion. Fu and Li's D* and F*, Fu's F(S), and Tajima's D statistics performed on ND4 sequences all revealed significant, negative deviations from mutation-drift equilibrium. Microsatellite-based multilocus heterozygosity tests showed evidence of range expansion in the majority of populations. Our results suggest that C. tarsalis underwent a range expansion across the western United States within the last 375,000-560,000 years, which may have been associated with Pleistocene glaciation events that occurred in the midwestern and western United States between 350,000 and 1 MYA.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the interaction of different species of birds and mosquitoes on the dynamics of West Nile virus (WNV) infection. We study the different transmission efficiencies of the vectors and birds and the impact on the possible outbreaks. We show that the basic reproductive number is the weighted mean of the basic reproductive number of each species, weighted by the relative abundance of its population in the location. These results suggest a possible explanation of why there are no outbreaks of WNV in Mexico.  相似文献   

The Eurasian collared‐dove (Streptopelia decaocto) has recently experienced a population explosion in North America. It is frequently infected with West Nile virus (WNV). To test the hypothesis that the Eurasian collared‐dove is competent to transmit WNV, we experimentally infected two cohorts of doves with two different strains of WNV, CO08, and NY99, respectively. Both virus strains induced a low‐level viremia, capable of infecting a small fraction of vector mosquitoes. We suggest that the Eurasian collared‐dove plays a relatively insignificant role as an amplifying host for WNV, but it may be important where it is locally abundant.  相似文献   

西尼罗病毒的RT-PCR检测与鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立西尼罗病毒敏感、特异、快速的RT-PCR检测方法用于实验室诊断和流行病学监测。采用一步RT-PCR和套式PCR法对西尼罗病毒感染的乳鼠脑和细胞培养上清进行扩增,并对扩增产物进行序列测定。两种方法均可分别从两种组织中扩增出与预期大小相一致的片段,套式PCR法比一步RT-PCR法更为敏感,该扩增片段与西尼罗病毒埃及Eg101株相应序列的同源性为99%。  相似文献   

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