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环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶(CGTase,EC是一种多功能酶,主要用于生产环糊精(CD)、糖基化碳水化合物,同时在食品行业也有重要作用。为改善CGTase在这些方面的应用性能,筛选出优势突变酶,异源表达、定点突变、固定化等技术被研究和应用,取得了实质性的进展。综述了CGTase基因高效异源表达策略,概述了基因改造CGTase的研究进展,并且还总结了用于改造CGTase的其他手段,例如固定化酶、嵌合酶、化学添加剂等,以期为在相关CGTase研究领域开展研究提供参考。  相似文献   

利用本研究室已构建的重组菌Bacillus subtilis/pBSMuL3-α/β-CGTase对产B.stearothermophilus环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的发酵产酶进行了优化,考察了培养基中重要成分:碳源、有机氮源、无机氮源、有机与无机氮源质量比、碳源与氮质量比、金属离子种类等单因素对该重组菌产α/β-CGTase的影响,并采用正交实验对发酵培养基进行优化,对优化结果分析可知,重组菌B.subtilis/pBSMuL3-α/β-CGTase发酵产α/β-CGTase的最优培养基成本为:葡萄糖5 g/L,氮源(鱼骨蛋白胨∶NH4Cl=3∶1)25 g/L,1 mmol/L Mg^2+。在最优条件下发酵培养,α/β-CGTase的酶活由原来TB发酵培养基的9.20 U/mL提高至20.32 U/mL,是优化前酶活的2.2倍,为α/β-环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的工业应用提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的性质、应用与固定化研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文总结了环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的性质、应用与固定化研究的进展情况,引用文献47篇。  相似文献   

【目的】通过优化表达条件,提高嗜热环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶(CGTase)的可溶性表达和胞外酶活性。【方法】构建含cgt基因的重组表达质粒p ET-28a(+)-omp A-cgt,筛选最适诱导温度,并构建5种分子伴侣共表达系统(p KJE8、p KJE7、p Gro7、p Tf16和p G-Tf2,5种分子伴侣质粒分别与重组表达质粒p ET-28a(+)-omp A-cgt共表达),筛选最适分子伴侣质粒,优化共表达条件。【结果】通过SDS-PAGE分析和测定胞外酶活,CGTase基因在大肠杆菌中实现表达,且具有一定量的重组CGTase分泌至胞外;25°C诱导时CGTase的可溶性表达和在胞外上清中的酶活都最高;分子伴侣质粒p KJE8使酶的胞外活性提高了48.6%,效果最为显著;当L-阿拉伯糖浓度为0.5 g/L时,分子伴侣质粒p KJE8使酶的胞外活性提高了68.5%。【结论】通过优化表达条件及使用分子伴侣共表达系统提高了环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的可溶性表达和胞外酶活,为该酶进一步相关研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用重组大肠杆菌生产α-环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将来源于软化类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus macerans)的α-环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶(α-CGT)基因插入含pelB信号肽的质粒pET-20b(+)中,构建了表达载体pET-20b(+)/cgt,并将其转化表达宿主E.coli BL21(DE3)。对重组菌E.coli BL21/pET-cgt进行摇瓶发酵条件的优化,确定了其胞外表达α-CGT酶的最适条件:葡萄糖8g/L,乳糖0.5g/L,蛋白胨12g/L,酵母膏24g/L,K2HPO472mmol/L,KH2PO417mmol/L,CaCl2 2.5mmol/L;初始pH为7.0,诱导温度为25℃。在该条件下培养90h后最终α-CGT酶的胞外比活达到22.1u/mL,与来源菌Pmacerans所产天然酶比活相比提高了42倍,实现了α-CGT酶的高效生产。将基因工程菌在上述条件下于3L发酵罐中发酵,90h后胞外酶比活达到22.6U/mL,证实了工业化放大的可能性。  相似文献   

【目的】对嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌CHB1的环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶(CGTase)基因进行定向进化,筛选得到胞外酶活性和可溶性表达定量提高的突变酶。【方法】采用易错PCR技术向环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶基因中随机引入突变,建立酶基因突变文库,筛选获得胞外酶活性和可溶性表达定量提高的突变体,并对突变酶进行诱导表达、纯化及部分酶学性质研究。【结果】通过筛选获得CGTase胞外酶活性和可溶性表达定量提高的突变菌株ds-6和ep-9,其胞外α-环化活力分别是原始酶的1.72倍和2.18倍,可溶性表达量提高了1倍。序列分析表明,突变体ep-9有3个碱基发生了变化:G2005A/A2037G/T2081G,其中有2个碱基突变导致了氨基酸的改变。SWISS-MODEL数据库模拟CGTase的结构表明,2个突变氨基酸分别位于无规卷曲和β-转角/折叠之间的转角中。酶学性质测定表明:突变CGTase的β-环化比活力是原始酶的2.44倍,总环化比活力提高了34%,K_m值由4.3 g/L降低到3.74 g/L;在pH稳定性方面较原始酶有所提高。单碱基定点突变证实突变体ep-9可溶性表达水平及胞外酶活性提高的关键突变是G2005A。【结论】本试验表明:基于易错PCR技术获得嗜热芽孢杆菌CHB1的CGTase的胞外酶活和可溶性表达定向进化,G2005A突变对于提高CGTase的可溶性表达及胞外酶活起关键作用,这对认识CGTase的构效关系以及进一步改造该酶分子、扩大酶的生产应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的结构特征与催化机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着环糊精在食品、医药等领域的应用越来越广,生产环糊精所必需的环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶(CGT酶)已经成为当今研究的热点。特别是近二十年来,国外对该酶进行了比较深入的研究。首先介绍了CGT酶的功能特性与结构特征。CGT酶是一种多功能型酶,能催化三种转糖基反应(歧化、环化和耦合反应)和水解反应,其中,能将淀粉转化为环糊精的环化反应是特征反应;作为α-淀粉酶家族的成员,CGT酶除了具有与α-淀粉酶相同的A、B、C结构域外,还存在D和E结构域。另外,对CGT酶的催化机理包括底物结合方式、转糖苷反应机理以及环化机理等进行了详细的讨论。  相似文献   

为了实现来源于碱性芽孢杆菌Alkalophilic Bacillus clarkii 7364的γ-环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶的高效胞外表达,对OmpA信号肽介导的E.coli BL21(DE3)/pET20b(+)-γcgt基因工程菌进行发酵培养基及发酵条件的优化,并进行正交试验,获得最优培养基:甘油5g/L、蛋白胨6g/L、酵母膏24g/L、钙离子6mmol/L、镁离子2mmol/L、甘氨酸0.75%、PO43- 0.1mol/L;在此基础上最适发酵条件:pH6.5、25℃培养、装液量30ml/250ml、转速220r/min、0.02%SDS、在发酵10h时利用5g/L乳糖进行诱导,使得酶活从初始的5189.2U/ml提高到20268.8U/ml。研究结果得到高效表达的培养条件,为实现该酶的工业化应用打下了基础。  相似文献   

将来自于Bacillus circulans 251的β-CGTase编码基因克隆到表达载体pET-20b(+),转化Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)。经酶活检测培养基上清中的β-CGTase酶活为20 U/mL。对酶转化淀粉生成β-环糊精的反应条件进行了优化,结果表明,当底物马铃薯淀粉浓度15%,反应初始pH5.5,温度30℃,加酶量10 U/g干淀粉,环己烷浓度2.5%-5%(V/V),转化周期24 h,β-环糊精转化率达到最高值75.3%,是国内外报道的酶法生产β-环糊精的最高水平。  相似文献   

将来源于Bacillus sp 602 -1的α-环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶(ot-CGT)基因(cgt)插入到表达载体PQE30中,构建重组质粒PQE30/cgt,成功转化宿主菌E coli M15后,得到重组菌株E coli M15 (PQE30/cgt).在IPTG的诱导下得到酶表达的最适条件:TB培养基,0.01 mmol/L IPTG,诱导温度16℃,胞内酶比活力最高可达5 209 U/mL;加入IPTG 24 h后,添加甘氨酸和甘露醇会促使酶向胞外分泌.酶蛋白自诱导表达的适宜条件为在TB培养基中添加乳糖3.0 g/L,葡萄糖1.2 g/L,16℃培养96 h,酶比活力达到8 635 U/mL,明显高于IPTG诱导的效果.通过SDSPAGE验证了上述结论.酶催化转化实验表明:重组酶转化质量分数为1%可溶淀粉24h后,α-环糊精(α-CD)转化率可达38.2%,α和β的峰面积比约为3.4:1,α-CD具有较高的专一性,因此该重组α-CGT酶具有较好的工业化应用前景.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an important enzyme with multiple functions, in particular the production of cyclodextrins. It is also widely applied in baking and carbohydrate glycosylation because it participates in various types of catalytic reactions. New applications are being found with novel CGTases being isolated from various organisms. Heterologous expression is performed for the overproduction of CGTases to meet the requirements of these applications. In addition, various directed evolution techniques have been applied to modify the molecular structure of CGTase for improved performance in industrial applications. In recent years, substantial progress has been made in the heterologous expression and molecular engineering of CGTases. In this review, we systematically summarize the heterologous expression strategies used for enhancing the production of CGTases. We also outline and discuss the molecular engineering approaches used to improve the production, secretion, and properties (e.g., product and substrate specificity, catalytic efficiency, and thermal stability) of CGTase.  相似文献   

The thermoalkaliphilic anaerobic bacterium Anaerobranca gottschalkii produces an extracellular CGTase when grown on starch at 55°C and pH 9.0. The gene encoding this CGTase was cloned and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. It encodes a protein consisting of 721 amino acids with a signal sequence of 34 amino acids. On SDS–polyacrylamide gels, the purified CGTase from A. gottschalkii displayed the expected molecular mass of 78 kDa. The recombinant enzyme was purified with a yield of 13.5% and displayed a specific activity of 210 units/mg. This CGTase, which represents the first report of a CGTase from an anaerobic thermoalkaliphile, was active at a broad range of temperature and pH, namely 55–70°C and pH 5–10. It completely converted amylose, amylopectin and native starch to cyclodextrins, preferentially -cyclodextrin. With a longer incubation period, the -cyclodextrin to -cyclodextrin ratio declined. Variations in substrate type and concentration influenced the product pattern. Increasing the substrate concentration (0.5–20.0%) and glucans containing branching points (-1,6 glycosidic linkages) shifted the product pattern to: -cyclodextin > -cyclodextrin > -cyclodextrin. In addition to these cyclodextrins, larger cyclodextrins (>8 glucose units) were formed in the initial reaction period. The CGTase was stabilised against thermal inactivation by calcium ions and high substrate concentrations; and 5 mM of CaCl2 shifted the apparent melting point of the enzyme from 60°C to 69°C.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferases (CGTases E.C. catalyze cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) production, an important industrial process. We herein report structural features of Bacillus circulans DF 9R cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase including its sequence and several aspects of enzyme structure-function relationship. Protein ethoxyformylation, under our experimental conditions, indicated that only one out of the 13 enzyme histidines was modified leading to a drastic drop in cyclizing and hydrolytic activity. Besides, tryptic digestion of the 14C ethoxyformylated protein and studies of the peptide mixture showed that histidine 233 is the most reactive histidine residue. This is the first cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase with a known primary structure and a glutamine instead of glycine residue at position 179 in the highly conserved −6 subsite, shown to be involved in substrate binding. The presence of glycine at that position was considered as a requirement for such binding following the induced-fit mechanism already proposed. Moreover, the enzyme has all the features previously described for an α- or α/β-cyclodextrin producer.  相似文献   

Bacillus macerans cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) fused with 10 lysine residues at its C-terminus (CGTK10ase) was immobilized onto a cation exchanger by ionic interaction and used to produce -cyclodextrin (CD) from soluble starch. Poly-lysine fused immobilization increased the Vm of the immobilized CGTase by 40% without a change in Km. The activation energies of thermal deactivation (Ea) were 41.4, 28.1, and 25.9 kcal mol−1, respectively, for soluble wild-type (WT) CGTase, soluble CGTK10ase, and immobilized CGTK10ase, suggesting destabilization of CGTase by poly-lysine fusion and immobilization onto a cation exchanger. Maximum -CD productivity of 539.4 g l−1 h−1 was obtained with 2% soluble starch solution which was constantly fed at a flow rate of 4.0 ml min−1 (D = 240 h−1) in a continuous operation mode of a packed-bed reactor. The operational half-life of the packed-bed enzyme reactor was estimated 12 days at 25 °C and pH 6.0.  相似文献   

A novel metabolic engineering technique involving the redirection ofcellular carbon fluxes was employed to reduce acetate production in an Escherichia coli culture. Metabolic engineering was achieved by cloning E. coli the gene for the Bacillus subtilis acetolactate synthase (ALS), an enzyme capable of catalyzing the conversion of pyruvate to nonacidic and less harmful species. The heterologous expression of the ALS catabolic enzyme in Escherichia coli drastically modified the cellular glycolytic fluxes. In particular, acetate excretion, which is a common characteristic of E. coli, as well as a physiological burden, was minimized. The residual acetate level was kept under control and maintained at a level that was below the toxic threshold. The expression of the biologically active ALS enzyme in E. coli did not result in any detectable changes on either cell growth rate or cell yields. The alternative product, acetoin, was shown to be 50 times less harmful than acetate. Similarities in the growth pattern of two different E. coli strains, RR1 and GJT001, under all cultivation conditions suggested that the ability of ALS to reduce acetate accumulation is generic and not strain-specific. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

张佳瑜  吴丹  李兆丰  陈晟  陈坚  吴敬 《生物工程学报》2009,25(12):1948-1954
通过PCR扩增软化芽孢杆菌α-CGT酶基因,将基因片段分别克隆到毕赤酵母表达载体pPIC9K和大肠杆菌-枯草杆菌穿梭载体pMA5中,分别转化毕赤酵母KM71和枯草杆菌WB600。结果表明,重组毕赤酵母发酵上清液中α-CGT酶活性仅0.2U/mL,重组枯草杆菌产酶达到1.9U/mL。对重组枯草杆菌发酵条件进行了优化,当以TB为出发培养基,初始pH6.5,温度为37oC时,摇瓶培养24h后α-CGT酶环化活性达到4.5U/mL(水解活性为3200IU/mL),是野生菌株软化芽孢杆菌表达量的9.8倍。  相似文献   

Bacillus macerans cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) was used to convert dodecyl-β-maltoside (DDM) to dodecyl-β-maltooctaoside (DDMO) using α-cyclodextrin (α-CD) or starch as glycosyl donors. At 300 mM α-CD, varied DDM concentration and 60 °C, the reaction obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km value of 18 mM and a Vmax value of 100 U/mg enzyme. However, at 25 mM α-CD the reaction rate decreased with increasing DDM concentration (5-50 mM), and when the α-CD concentration was varied at fixed DDM concentration an S shaped curve was obtained. The deviations from Michaelis-Menten kinetics were interpreted as being caused by formation of inclusion complexes between α-CD and DDM and by micellation of DDM. To achieve a high reaction rate, a high concentration of free α-CD is necessary, since α-CD in the form of a complex has low reactivity. When starch is used as glycosyl donor in the CGTase catalyzed alkyl glycoside elongation reaction, it is thus important to choose reaction conditions under which the cyclization of starch to α-CD is efficient.  相似文献   

以获得大量胞外青霉素酶为目的,将青霉素酶基因克隆至表达载体pWB980中,并转化到双蛋白酶缺陷的Bacillus subtilis DB104。重组菌在LB培养基中培养24小时后, SDS-PAGE分析发现目的蛋白分子量为28kDa,酶活力为339U/mL;通过筛选7种不同的发酵培养基发现4#培养基更利于青霉素酶的表达,最大酶活力为1580U/mL,较优化前提高了3.66倍,并对该重组菌进行了7L罐放大实验,结果显示在培养24小时产酶达到高峰,酶活力为1255.8 U/mL。  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine whether inactivation of the dlt operon and increased charge density of the wall enhances secretion of heterologous proteins in industrial strains of Bacillus licheniformis. METHODS AND RESULTS: The dltA gene of B. licheniformis was cloned, sequenced and mutated by inserting a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (cat) gene cassette. The mutation facilitated growth in the late exponential growth phase, increased endogenous autolysis and decreased resistance to a cationic peptide, polylysine. It was observed that dltA mutation increased the production of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) by 1.5- to sevenfold depending on the growth phase, but decreased the production of penicillinase by twofold. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that the d-alanylation of teichoic acids is an element that can be used to improve the production of some secretory proteins in industrial applications based on this important industrial microorganism.  相似文献   

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