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烟粉虱传播双生病毒研究进展   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
纠敏  周雪平  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):513-520
综述了烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci对双生病毒的获取、传播及存留等方面的特性。烟粉虱最短的获毒和接种时间为15~30 min;双生病毒在烟粉虱体内可存留1至数周,有的终身存在。烟粉虱对双生病毒的传毒效率除了随其获毒及传毒时间的延长、传毒烟粉虱个体数量的增加以及病毒体浓度的增加而提高外,还与烟粉虱的龄期及性别有关。双生病毒除了在植物与粉虱之间直接传播外,还可通过烟粉虱交配及经卵携带的途径在烟粉虱个体和代别间进行传播。寄主植物、双生病毒的一些特殊蛋白以及烟粉虱内共生菌产生的GroEL蛋白,都可影响烟粉虱携带的双生病毒种类及传毒的可能性。双生病毒可对烟粉虱的发育、存活和生殖产生不利或有利的影响。雌成虫携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)后,存活力和生殖力均下降; 而携带番茄斑驳病毒(tomato mottle virus, ToMoV)后,生殖力提高。此外,植物感染双生病毒后,其对烟粉虱的适合性可能提高。  相似文献   

就寄主植物营养对烟粉虱的影响,以及烟粉虱在遭受寄主植物营养胁迫和植物次生代谢物质刺激时的生理适应机制进行了综述.寄主植物体内的氮营养物质对烟粉虱有显著的影响,烟粉虱也可以通过多种方式来适应寄主植物体内氮营养物质的变化.当植物体内氮营养不足时,烟粉虱通过利用体内的共生菌、改变代谢方式、诱导寄主植物改变同化产物形成方向等方式来确保生长发育所必须的氮营养物质.烟粉虱还通过体内乙酰胆碱酯酶和羧酸酯酶来适应植物次生代谢物质的改变.另外,我们还对烟粉虱具有较强暴发潜能的生理机制进行了分析.  相似文献   

烟粉虱传播双生病毒的特性及分子机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫静  王晓伟  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2015,58(4):445-453
烟粉虱以持久性、可循回的方式传播双生病毒。烟粉虱传毒历经获毒、持毒和传毒3个阶段,烟粉虱体内的病毒受体、病毒蛋白以及寄主植物因子都参与了这个过程。本文综述了影响烟粉虱特异性传播双生病毒的因素以及二者的直接和间接互作。烟粉虱传播双生病毒的特异性不仅与烟粉虱隐种和病毒种类有关,还与烟粉虱体内特定的器官或细胞、烟粉虱和病毒的蛋白以及烟粉虱体内的共生细菌有关。在烟粉虱和双生病毒的长期共进化中,病毒可以通过调控烟粉虱和寄主植物的特性而促进其自身的传播。  相似文献   

【目的】烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci 是番茄黄曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)在自然界的唯一传播媒介,除了可以直接取食获取TYLCV,烟粉虱还可以通过交配获取此植物病毒。虽然前人研究证明了烟粉虱Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1)和Mediterranean (MED)隐种都可以通过交配在两性个体之间水平传播TYLCV,但有关MEAM1与MED隐种水平传播TYLCV的能力是否存在差异,不同研究的结果却并不一致。另外,目前尚无关于烟粉虱的水平传播行为是否有助于TYLCV在田间扩散的相关研究。【方法】从浙江、广东、云南和河南4个省份的田间采集MEAM1和MED隐种烟粉虱种群,在室内应用分子标记对各种群所属隐种鉴定后分别建立7个供试种群,然后观察每个种群内带毒成虫与不带毒成虫通过交配在不同性别个体之间水平传播TYLCV的能力,并选用采自广东的MEAM1隐种烟粉虱模拟群体交配实验探究通过交配获毒的烟粉虱个体是否具有传播TYLCV致健康番茄植株发病的能力。【结果】4个省内的MEAM1和MED隐种烟粉虱都可通过交配对TYLCV进行水平传播,但传播频率一般在10%以下。不同省份的MEAM1隐种种群之间在水平传播TYLCV的能力上无显著差异,不同省份的MED隐种种群之间也不存在显著差异。另外,同一省份的MEAM1隐种与MED隐种之间在水平传播TYLCV的能力上也不存在显著差异,而且在两个隐种中,带毒雄虫将病毒水平传播给不带毒雌虫与带毒雌虫将病毒水平传播给不带毒雄虫的频率没有显著差异。研究还表明,采自广东的MEAM1隐种烟粉虱个体通过交配水平获毒后不能致健康番茄植株发病。【结论】综合以上结果,我们推测TYLCV在中国境内两个入侵烟粉虱隐种MEAM1和MED各自种群内个体之间的水平传播概率较低,对该病毒在田间的扩散可能没有作用或作用不大。  相似文献   

烟粉虱对不同寄主植物的选择性和适应性测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了明确在田间烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)对不同寄主植物选择性和适应性,本实验在室内用Y型嗅觉仪测定了烟粉虱对13种寄主植物的选择性,随后对田间随机排列种植的这13种寄主植物依照测试结果由强到弱依次拔除(拔除次序为茄子、番茄、黄瓜、辣椒、棉花、茼麻、西葫芦、油菜、花菜、小青菜、莲花白、胡萝卜和苦瓜),每次拔除间隔时间为5 d,结果显示:田间第一次调查的结果与室内选择性测试结果一致;随着最适宜寄主的拔除,烟粉虱成虫数量在与其引诱力相近的一种或几种寄主上的略有增加,而其它植物上却没有大的变化,这表明随着最适宜寄主的拔除,烟粉虱成虫会重新分布,但趋向分布于引诱力相对较强的寄主植物;随着寄主植物的拔除,烟粉虱卵、若虫和蛹在引诱力较强的植株上均有所增加;但西葫芦拔除之后其余植株上烟粉虱卵、若虫和蛹的数量没有明显变化;小青菜拔除后,其余植株上烟粉虱卵、若虫和蛹的数量又有所增加。这表明随着最佳寄主的拔除,烟粉虱会趋向选择于引诱力相对较强的寄主植物产卵,当烟粉虱从嗜好性强的植物转移到嗜好性弱的植物时,产卵适应会滞后于取食适应。但整个实验过程中苦瓜上的烟粉虱上成虫、卵、若虫和蛹的数量均变化不大,苦瓜上的成虫应属偶然分布其上,烟粉虱成虫并不取食苦瓜,苦瓜对烟粉虱有趋避作用。本实验模拟田间种植模式,因此实验结果对田间种植具有指导意义。  相似文献   

豇豆轻斑驳病毒(Cowpea mild mottle virus,CPMMV)的流行与其媒介昆虫烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci密切相关,但CPMMV感染寄主植物对B型烟粉虱寄主选择行为和生物学特性的影响尚不清楚。本研究探究了1)CPMMV感染菜豆Phaseolus vulgaris不同时间对B型烟粉虱寄主选择和产卵偏好性的影响;2)CPMMV感染菜豆对B型烟粉虱生物学特性的影响。结果发现:1)相较于健康菜豆,摩擦接种CPMMV后1周,B型烟粉虱却偏好在CPMMV感染的植株上停留和产卵;而摩擦接种后4周,B型烟粉虱却偏好在健康的植株上停留和产卵;2)无论是在摩擦接种后1周和4周的CPMMV感染植株上,B型烟粉虱在健康和CPMMV感染植株上的产卵量和存活率差异不明显。可见,CPMMV感染菜豆对于B型烟粉虱的寄主选择偏好性具有时间效应,而CPMMV感染菜豆对于B型烟粉虱的生物学特性没有显著影响。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下研究了不同温度下刀角瓢虫Serangium japonicum对健康和感染番茄褪绿病毒(Tomato chlorosis virus,ToCV)番茄上的烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的捕食效果.结果表明,无论在健康番茄还是感染ToCV番茄上,刀角瓢虫均可以取食烟粉虱的卵和若虫,对卵的捕食量最大,且对烟...  相似文献   

【目的】分析与比较烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci MEAM1和MED成虫在辣椒Capsicum annuum植株上对番茄褪绿病毒(tomato chlorosis virus, ToCV)的传播差异,解析媒介昆虫-病毒-寄主植物间的互作关系,为田间辣椒上ToCV防治提供参考。【方法】利用烟粉虱MEAM1和MED成虫及ToCV cDNA侵染性克隆,对烟粉虱MEAM1和MED成虫在辣椒植株上获取和传播ToCV的能力进行比较,同时比较烟粉虱MEAM1和MED成虫在健康和携带ToCV辣椒植株上的取食偏好。【结果】在感染ToCV的辣椒植株上接虫后96 h内,烟粉虱MEAM1和MED成虫体内病毒积累量逐渐增加,MED成虫获毒速度和病毒积累量均大于MEAM1成虫的,MED成虫获毒量是MEAM1成虫的1.74倍;MED成虫在辣椒植株上的传毒量明显高于MEAM1成虫,传毒量平均相差9倍,且MED成虫传毒率比MEAM1成虫高29%。MEAM1和MED成虫对健康和感染ToCV的辣椒植株的取食偏好相似,都明显倾向于取食被ToCV侵染的辣椒植株。【结论】烟粉虱MED成虫在辣椒植株上获取、传播ToCV的能力均...  相似文献   

【目的】研究我国南方四个省份6个烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci种群和2个蚜小蜂种群内共生菌Cardinium的感染率及其系统发育关系。【方法】利用PCR技术与DNA测序技术检测来自广州、肇庆、南宁、昆明、厦门烟粉虱种群以及广州2个蚜小蜂种群内Cardinium的感染情况,通过基于mt COⅠDNA序列和16S r RNA序列建立烟粉虱和Cardinium系统进化树,分析烟粉虱、寄生蜂和共生菌Cardinium的协同进化关系。【结果】广州的Asia II1与Asia II7烟粉虱种群、肇庆与南宁的MEAM1烟粉虱种群、昆明与厦门的Mediterranean烟粉虱种群以及广州的丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa、双斑蚜小蜂Encarsia bimaculata种群体内都有Cardinium的感染,且以Mediterranean与土著的Asia II1、Asia II7感染率较高(65.2%~92.5%),寄生蜂体内的感染率较低(16.7%~18.6%)。通过进化树对比分析发现,Cardinium与烟粉虱寄主之间无协同进化现象,但是Cardinium在烟粉虱不同地理种群之间,烟粉虱与寄生蜂之间的同源性超过98%。【结论】Cardinium在两种寄主昆虫之间进行相互感染与传播的概率较大,寄生蜂可能是Cardinium在不同烟粉虱种群之间水平传播的桥梁之一。  相似文献   

木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl Multan virus,CLCu Mu V)是引起世界范围内棉花曲叶病流行的主要病原之一,目前已入侵我国广东、广西、海南、福建、云南等地区。该病害由烟粉虱传播,随着烟粉虱扩散范围增加、危害不断加重,棉花曲叶病对我国棉花生产的潜在危害也日益增加。加强该病毒传播介体携带病毒的快速、特异性检测技术研发,对该病害的有效检疫与防控具有重要意义。本研究基于木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCu Mu V)的基因序列设计出LAMP检测4条特异性引物,建立LAMP扩增体系并优化扩增条件,扩增试验证明引物组合的特异性高,LAMP检测所需时间短,仅29 min即可定性检测CLCu Mu V扩增产物;该方法较普通PCR的扩增灵敏度高,可用于检测1头烟粉虱体内是否携带CLCu Mu V,简便易行,只通过颜色变绿或浊度变浑浊即可定性判断。建立的LAMP检测技术可被用于苗木上烟粉虱携带CLCu Mu V的早期检测,为介体昆虫带毒的检疫监测提供一种快速、准确和易操作的新技术。  相似文献   

Recently, the Q biotype of tobacco whitefly has been recognized as the most hazardous strain of Bemisia tabaci worldwide because of increased resistance to some insecticide groups requiring alternative strategies for its control. We studied the susceptibility of this biotype of B. tabaci to 21 isolates of Beauveria bassiana, three isolates of Isaria fumosorosea, one isolate of I. cateni, three isolates of Lecanicillium lecanii, one isolate of L. attenuatum, and one isolate of Aschersonia aleyrodis. These isolates were evaluated on pruned eggplant seedlings, at a concentration of 108 conidia/mL (deposited at 6000±586 conidia mm?2). The mortality based on mycosis varied from 18 to 97% after 6 days. Isaria fumosorosea isolate Pf04, B. bassiana isolates Bb06, Bb12, and L. lecanii L14 were found the most effective. Furthermore, five isolates were chosen for concentration–mortality response assays and compared to B. bassiana GHA as a standard. The numbers of nymphs infected by fungi were correlated with the spore concentration. L. lecanii L14 and I. fumosorosea Pf04 had the shortest LT50 at 3.5 and 3.3 days at 6000±586 conidia mm?2. Mortality declined and LT50 values were longer as the concentration of conidia was reduced. The LD50 values were calculated as 87, 147, 191, 263, and 269 conidia mm?2 for isolates L14, GHA, AS1260, Bb13, and Pf04, respectively. These results indicated that the Q biotype of sweetpotato whitefly was susceptible to the five isolates of entomopathogenic fungi and these isolates have potential to be developed as microbial pesticides for whitefly control.  相似文献   

梁金金  何超  刘少楠  谢文  张友军 《昆虫学报》2019,62(10):1129-1139
【目的】明确烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci MED隐种抑制蛋白基因Btarrestin是否参与吡虫啉耐药性。【方法】根据已有烟粉虱转录组数据,利用RT-PCR克隆Btarrestin的全长序列,进行生物信息学分析。通过qPCR分析Btarrestin在烟粉虱MED隐种各个龄期(卵,1-2龄、3龄、4龄若虫,雌、雄成虫)以及吡虫啉处理(100 mg/L)后成虫中的表达量变化,明确其时空表达模式。利用RNAi技术沉默Btarrestin,观察沉默前后Btarrestin表达量和烟粉虱MED隐种成虫死亡率变化。【结果】成功克隆烟粉虱MED隐种Btarrestin的cDNA序列(GenBank登录号: MK204377),编码区全长1 227 bp,编码409个氨基酸,预测所编码的蛋白分子量约为45.33 kD,理论等电点(pI)为8.38。保守结构域分析表明,Btarrestin具有Arrestin_N和Arrestin_C两个超家族保守结构域,符合抑制蛋白家族特征。分子系统树分析表明,Btarrestin与褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens的Arrestin亲缘关系最近。Btarrestin的表达量随烟粉虱MED隐种的生长发育逐渐升高,成虫期表达量最高。100 mg/L吡虫啉处理成虫24 h后Btarrestin的表达量较对照增加了2.39倍。RNAi干扰Btarrestin后进行生物测定,烟粉虱MED隐种成虫的死亡率上升了31.27%。【结论】Btarrestin可能与烟粉虱MED隐种对吡虫啉的耐药性有关。  相似文献   

We quantified the tritrophic effect of host plant on the susceptibility of the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) to a fungal pathogen in the laboratory. Second-instar whiteflies reared on cucumber, eggplant, tomato and bean plants for six generations were exposed to conidial suspensions of Isaria fumosorosea isolate IF-1106. Our results did not detect differences in response (proportional survival or median lethal time, LT50 days) among insect populations derived from different plants that were treated with 107 conidia/ml. However, at concentrations ≤ 5×106 conidia/ml, whiteflies reared on bean and tomato died significantly more quickly (i.e. LT50 of 4–5 days) compared with cucumber and eggplant reared populations (5–7 days). Bean and tomato-reared populations were also more susceptible to mycosis (LC50 ≈ 6 × 105 conidia/ml) compared with those reared on cucumber (1.9 × 106 conidia/ml) and eggplant (1.5 × 106 conidia/ml). A separate study confirmed that this differential response of whitefly populations to I. fumosorosea was not explained by differences in deposition rate of conidia on leaf surfaces (i.e. a dosage effect). Our findings show that host plants affect the pathogenicity and virulence of a herbivore pathogen, but depend on the rate of exposure (inoculum) applied.  相似文献   

The silverleaf whitefly is one of the most important pests found commonly in Iran and in the world. The development of alternative methods instead of chemical applications is necessary in pest management for human health and environment protection. The objective of this research was to assess the effects of extracts of two medicinal plant species: Calotropis procera and Allium sativum, and a formulation containing azadirachtin on fecundity and fertility of the silverleaf whitefly, grown on greenhouse tomato plants. The effects were compared to that of pymetrozine, a synthetic insecticide. According to the results, there was a significant difference among treatments for all reproductive parameters. Gross fecundity rates for pesticides control, herbal extract control, C. procera extract, A. sativum extract, azadirachtin and pymetrozine were 184.75, 146.72, 80.11, 82.18, 63.06 and 55.96 eggs, respectively. These herbal extracts were effective against this pest and they can be the suitable choices for replacing these chemical insecticides.  相似文献   

In the present study, genetic differentiation of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype Q was analyzed based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mt COI) gene sequence. The results showed that B. tabaci biotype Q could be separated into two subclades, which were labeled as subclades Q1 and Q2. Subclade Q1 was probably indigenous to the regions around the Mediterranean area and subclade Q2 to Israel or Cyprus. It was because B. tabaci was composed of several genetically distinct groups with a strong geographical association between more closely related biotypes. Not all of the B. tabaci biotype Q in the non‐Mediterranean countries come from the same regions. Until now, all B. tabaci biotype Q in China were grouped into subclade Q1. The B. tabaci biotype Q introduced into the US included both subclades Q1 and Q2. The genetic structure analysis showed higher genetic variation of subclade Q1 than that of subclade Q2.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is considered to be the most economically important pest insect worldwide. The invasive variant, the Q biotype of B. tabaci was first identified in 2004, and has caused significant crop yield losses in Japan. The distribution and molecular characterization of the different biotypes of B. tabaci in Japan have been little investigated. In this study, B. tabaci populations were sampled from the Japanese Archipelago, the Amami Archipelago and the Ryukyu Islands between 2004 and 2008, and the nucleotide sequences of their mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I genes were determined. Bayesian phylogenetic relationship analysis provided the first molecular evidence that the indigenous Japanese populations could be separated into four distinct genetic groups. One major native population from the Japanese Archipelago, given the genetic group name Lonicera japonica, was separated into an independent group, distinct from the other genetic groups. The second major population, the Nauru biotype in the Asia II genetic group, was identified in the Amami Archipelago and the Ryukyu Islands. Two distinct minor genetic groups, the Asia I and the China, were also identified. One invasive B‐related population belonging to the Mediterranean/Asia Minor/Africa genetic group has been identified in Honshu. All lineages generated by the phylogenetic analyses were supported by high posterior probabilities. These distinct indigenous B. tabaci populations developed in Japan under geographical and/or biological isolation, prior to recent invasions of the B and Q biotypes.  相似文献   

Microsatellite‐enriched genomic libraries were obtained from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) using a magnetic/biotin capture of repetitive sequences. Ten dinucleotide markers were successfully isolated and characterized from these libraries. Variability was assessed in six populations of B. tabaci collected from different localities of the island of Crete, Greece. The number of alleles per locus in approximately 105 individuals screened across populations ranged from two to 13. Averaged observed heterozygosity over the six populations ranged from 0.001 to 0.58.  相似文献   

Abstract The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, has been a destructive pest in China for over the past two decades. It is an extremely polyphagous insect, being recorded feeding on hundreds of host plants around the world. Potential host plants and natural enemies of B. tabaci in the south, southeast, middle, north and northwest of China were investigated during the last decade. In total 361 plant species from 89 families were recorded in our surveys. Plants in the families Compositae, Cruciferae, Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae and Leguminosae were the preferred host species for B. tabaci, which therefore suffered much damage from this devastating pest due to their high populations. In total, 56 species of parasitoids, 54 species of arthropod predators and seven species of entomopathogenic fungi were recorded in our surveys. Aphelinid parasitoids from Encarsia and Eretmocerus genera, lady beetles and lacewings in Coleoptera and Neuroptera were found to be the dominant arthropod predators of B. tabaci in China. The varieties of host plant, their distribution and the dominant species of natural enemies of B. tabaci in different regions of China are discussed.  相似文献   

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