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【目的】探索雌性中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana胚胎组织发育过程。【方法】在正常蜂群中,用蜂王产卵控制器将蜂王限制在工蜂巢房的巢脾上产卵1 h,蜂王在工蜂巢房中产下的卵是受精的雌性卵,将有卵的巢脾割下放入恒温恒湿箱中培养。恒温恒湿箱中样本所在的位置温度严格控制在35±0.2℃,相对湿度75%±5%。把限王产卵1 h内获得的蜜蜂卵作为0 h胚胎,每隔4 h取样一次。采用石蜡切片技术,对二倍体雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程进行观察。【结果】根据胚胎发育过程中的形态特征,雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程划分为4个阶段:(1)卵裂期(0-12 h),活质体迁移到卵的表面,呈双层排列;(2)胚盘形成期(12-28 h),活质体排列为单层,并形成细胞膜;(3)胚层形成期(28-40 h),侧板覆盖中板,两者在腹中线愈合;(4)胚胎器官系统形成期(40-68 h)。【结论】本研究明确了雌性中华蜜蜂胚胎发育过程的形态变化,进行了阶段划分并明确了各发育阶段的形态特征及对应的发育时间。本项研究结果有助于开展与蜜蜂胚胎发育的相关蜜蜂生态学、发育生物学、营养学等课题深入研究。  相似文献   

植物组织石蜡切片的扫描电镜观察方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石蜡切片的扫描电镜观察法有其独到之处:集光镜和扫捕电镜特长于一体,在大量的石蜡切片光镜观察的基础上,挑选具有研究线索的切片,采用此法转移到扫描电镜下作高分辩研究,既可普查切片全貌,又可处得切片中亚微结构的三维图像,这对结构的准确分辩十分有利,且便于作连续切片观察。本文简要介绍这一实验技术。  相似文献   

施氏獭蛤融合卯裂及其胚胎发育过程观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对施氏獭蛤胚胎发育过程进行了观察,结果显示:(1)与其他双壳类相似,施氏獭蛤胚胎发育过程可以分为卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、担轮幼虫期和面盘幼虫期;(2)在卵裂阶段,施氏獭蛤的卵裂方式完全不同于其他动物;施氏獭蛤卵子发育到第一次成熟分裂前期(胚泡破裂前)即有受精能力,但卵子受精后未观察到极体排出的现象,而是有多核受精卵产生;在以后的卵裂过程中,受精卵没有进行其他动物的经裂或纬裂,而是以一种独特的、复杂的分裂方式--融合卵裂进行卵裂,即:二细胞、叫细胞、八细胞进行下一次卵裂之前,细胞核逐渐消失,分裂球逐渐融合成一个细胞,一段时间后在细胞中央逐渐出现数量加倍的细胞核,细胞核逐渐向外周移动,最后一次性地分裂出数量加倍的分裂球.  相似文献   

利用稻田蜘蛛优势种拟环纹豹蛛为研究对象,检测Cry1Ab蛋白在拟环纹豹蛛卵囊内的含量及Cry1Ab蛋白对拟环纹豹蛛胚胎发育过程中形态特征的变化、化学物质含量和卵粒内4种保护酶活性的影响。结果表明:在胚胎发育过程中,卵粒中Cry1Ab蛋白含量随发育时间延长而减少,通过对卵粒中的化学物质的测定,发现蛋白质含量水平对照组要显著高于实验组(P〈0.05),糖和脂肪含量对照组和实验组之间无显著差异。卵粒内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)4种酶活力除了GSH-Px酶活力实验组高于对照组外,其余3种酶活力均低于对照组。通过石蜡切片和液体石蜡透明观察,实验组较对照组胚胎发育历期延长。该研究证明在胚胎发育时期Cry1Ab蛋白影响了卵粒内SOD、AchE、GSH-Px和CAT酶的活力,且Cry1Ab蛋白对拟环纹豹蛛的胚胎发育产生了一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

粘虫的胚胎发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王进忠  王宗舜 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):276-282
粘虫(Mythimna separata)胚胎发育经过卵裂及胚盘形成、胚带及原肠发生、胚带分节及附肢形成、体壁形成及背向闭合、胚胎反转和器官发生与形成6个时期。粘虫卵在25℃,胚胎发育至12h,胚带呈新月形或“C”字形。随着原肠发生,首先出现口陷与肛陷,与此同时,胚带逐渐伸长并开始分节。胚胎发育至32h,胚带头尾相接并呈波浪形弯曲,在胚胎反转前,胚胎发育至42h,前肠、后肠及马氏管已经形成。胚胎发育至54h时,胚动完成之 后,中肠才明显可见。同时将大量卵黄包围起来。神经系统的发生与气管形成始于原肠发生之后,至胚胎反转之前,神经节索才出现,随着胚动发生,神经节体积不断增大,腹神经索逐渐形成,纵走气管明显可见。  相似文献   

韩超  徐晓立 《西北植物学报》2016,36(8):1594-1599
以巨尾桉‘GL9’、尾巨桉‘DH32-29’和尾边桉‘XF35’3种桉树无性系组培生根苗为材料,采用常规石蜡切片技术,对石蜡切片制作过程中的固定环节进行了优化,观察了桉树不定根的发育过程。结果表明:(1)采用FAA固定液固定材料,可获得染色清晰,组织完整的桉树根系切片。(2)‘GL9’和‘DH32-29’在生根诱导8d后生出不定根,生根类型为皮部生根;‘XF35’在生根诱导12d后生出不定根,生根类型为愈伤组织生根;‘GL9’不定根的根尖和根基处均有细胞旺盛分裂,‘DH32-29’不定根只在根尖有细胞旺盛分裂,‘XF35’不定根则只在其根基处有大量旺盛分裂的细胞。  相似文献   

易仁知  秦俊  黄清俊 《西北植物学报》2023,43(10):1760-1769
以穗花牡荆为研究材料,通过探究其花芽分化进程和生理特性,为花期调控技术提供成花机理。采用物候期观察和石蜡切片相结合的方法并测定花芽分化过程中相关生理指标,研究花发育过程中的形态和生理变化。结果表明,穗花牡荆花芽分化为一年多次分化型,其进程可划分为七个时期:未分化期、总轴花序原基分化期、初级分轴花序原基分化期、次级分轴花序原基分化期、小花原基分化期、花器官分化前期和花器官分化后期。同一植株不同位置花芽及同一花序中不同单花分化的进程不同,第一季花期后各阶段的花芽分化形态常存在重叠。花芽分化过程中不同时期叶片和花芽的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质含量均有上升下降的变化,总体上叶片中营养物质含量高于花芽保证营养供应。花芽分化过程中,IAA、ABA、CTK和GA3整体水平上先升后降有利于花芽分化进行。研究认为,花芽中大量的可溶性糖和蛋白质积累及较高的碳氮比,有利于穗花牡荆花芽形态分化顺利完成。低水平的GA3/ABA和IAA/CTK有利于花序的形成,ABA/CTK和ABA/IAA比值升高促进小花原基和小花萼片原基的分化, GA3/CTK、GA3/ABA和GA3/IAA比值升高促进花瓣原基、雄雌蕊原基发育。  相似文献   

浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)藻体发育的显微观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过显微镜观察以及石蜡切片法观察了浒苔属浒苔藻体的发育过程,阐述了浒苔从孢子释放到形成成熟藻体这一发育过程的显微特征。结果表明:浒苔孢子由成熟体细胞分化发育而成,每个成熟体细胞可形成10~30个孢子;孢子首先分裂为2细胞结构,2细胞具有明显的极性,基细胞发育成为假根,顶端细胞不断进行横分裂形成丝状体;丝状体顶端以下细胞通过纵分裂形成管状叶状体,顶端细胞始终保持横分裂;纵分裂分为切向分裂与径向分裂,切向分裂增加管状叶状体管周细胞数从而使管体增大,径向分裂形成管外壁突起细胞,最终发育为分枝;管状叶状体管腔内部有绒毛状的突起及糖蛋白成分的网架结构;当管状叶状体管周细胞达到30~50h,管腔内部突起消失,网架结构收缩拉紧,管壁细胞贴近形成片状叶状体;整个浒苔藻体始终保持极性发育。  相似文献   

以采自海南陵水的紫萍(Spirodela polyrhiza DW2501-4)为材料,观察紫萍的营养繁殖过程。紫萍DW2501-4培养在0.5倍Hoagland′s液体培养基中,先不断长出新的叶状体,随着营养物质的减少,长出休眠体进入休眠状态。休眠体经过4℃处理7 d后,可在含1%蔗糖的Hoagland′s固体培养基中重新萌发。为了进一步观察叶状体、类休眠体和休眠体的组织结构差异,以及休眠体萌发过程中组织结构的变化,制作了石蜡切片。观察结果显示:紫萍叶状体有数条叶脉,细胞中含少量的淀粉粒,表皮层以下有分层的气室,通常分上下两层,上层气室比下层气室小。类休眠体也有数条叶脉和少量气室,细胞中有较多淀粉粒。休眠体的细胞差异不明显,几乎没有气室,细胞内有大量的淀粉粒,部分细胞含有单宁;随着休眠体萌发,细胞中淀粉粒不断变小,同时分生组织分化出根和新的叶状体。  相似文献   

Gene nanos is a maternal posterior group gene required for normal development of abdominal segments and the germ line in Drosophila. Expression of nanos-related genes is associated with the germ line in a broad variety of other taxa. In this study, the 5'-RACE method and the in silico cloning method are used to isolate the new nanos-like gene of Bombyx mor/and the gene obtained is analyzed with bioinformatics tools. The putative protein is expressed in Escherichia coli and the antiserum has been produced in New Zealand white rabbits. The result shows that the nanos cDNA is 1,913 bp in full length and contains a 954 bp open reading frame. The deduced protein has 317 amino acid residues, with a predicted molecular weight of 35 kDa, isoelectric point of 5.38, and contains a conserved nanos RNA binding domain. The conserved region of the deduced protein shares 73% homology with the nanos protein conserved region of Honeybee (Apis mellifera). This gene has been registered in the GenBank under the accession number EF647589. One encoding sequence of the nanos fragment has been successfully expressed in E. coli. Western blotting analysis indicates that homemade antiserum can specifically detect nanos protein expressed in prokaryotic cells.  相似文献   

重离子射线照射对家蚕的生物影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屠振力 《生态学报》2010,30(18):5098-5105
为解明重离子射线的生物影响,调查了氖、碳及氦(20Ne8+,LET=300keV/μm;12C5+,LET=116keV/μm和4He2+,LET=16.2keV/μm)等重离子射线照射家蚕(Bombyxmori)后的存活率及形态变化。重离子射线照射不同发育时期的幼虫后所引起的生物影响不同,幼虫的发育时期越早,照射后引起的生物影响越大;对同一时期的幼虫,随着剂量的增加,照射的生物影响加大;以化蛹率和羽化率为指标的放射线感受性在供试的3种射线间具有相似的变化倾向,只是射线的射程越长,照射的生物影响越大;对熟蚕卵巢存在部位的局部照射也显示相似的结果。同一射线的不同LET轨迹位置对家蚕的卵巢及真皮细胞的生物影响不同,用Mylar薄膜覆盖调节碳离子射线的射程,卵巢及真皮细胞越是接近射线高LET的Bragg峰,照射个体的鳞毛及卵的形成被强烈抑制。因此,重离子射线对家蚕的生物影响与细胞及植物种子等小个体不同,对于全体照射,重离子射线的射程长短所造成的生物影响比射线的LET大小所引起的生物影响要大;而对于局部照射,目的器官越是接近射线的高LET轨迹,照射的生物影响越大。  相似文献   

石蜡切片贴片法的改良   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的石蜡切片贴片操作费时,而且效果不太理想。作者经过多次摸索试验,对其进行了改良,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Zhou L  Chen X  Shao Z  Zhou P  Knight DP  Vollrath F 《FEBS letters》2003,554(3):337-341
Evidence is presented here that cupric ions play a part in the natural spinning of Bombyx mori silk. Proton induced X-ray emission studies revealed that the copper content increased from the posterior part to the anterior part of silk gland, and then further increased in the silk fiber. Spectrophotometric analysis demonstrated that cupric ions formed coordination complexes with silk fibroin chains while Raman spectroscopy indicated that they induced a conformation transition from random coil/helix to beta-sheet. Taken together these findings indicate that copper could play a role in the natural spinning process in silkworms.  相似文献   

Hormonal control of ovarian development was examined in Bombyx mori. The weight of the ovary increased suddenly by 3 days after pupal ecdysis, and vitellogenin could be immunologically detected in the ovary at that time. The ecdysteroid titers during pupal-adult development, quantified by radioimmunoassay, increased from day 0 to day 2. Ovarian development was arrested for a long period in brainless pupae and isolated pupal abdomens. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone into such preparations stimulated development of the ovaries, and vitellogenin could be detected in ovaries 2 days after injection. The results suggest that 20-hydroxyecdysone acts by stimulating the growth of ovary.  相似文献   

Caloric restriction (CR) is known to extend the life span in different species from yeast to mammals. In this report, a simple organism silkworm (Bombyx mori) was used to study the effect of moderate CR on the growth and development processes of insects. Here we show that an extension of life span upon moderate CR was observed in the silkworm. The total protein level in the 5th instar larvae hemolymph appeared to decline significantly under CR. SDS‐PAGE analysis showed that the influence of CR was sex‐dependent. The CR effects on female animals were much more significant than on the males. The MALDI‐TOF MS study identified 16 proteins that expressed differentially among six groups of the male or female larvae fed at different time frequencies. Four of them, storage protein 1 (SP1), arylphorin (SP2), imaginal disk growth factor (IDGF), and 30‐kDa lipoprotein, showed significant differences. It was demonstrated that these four proteins were up‐regulated when the larvae were over‐fed and down‐regulated when the larvae were less‐fed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Successful cryopreservation of the important silkworm bioresource, Bombyx mori, is essential. In this study, we aimed for successful cryopreservation using vitrification of silkworm embryos. Furthermore, the embryos were assessed for the most appropriate sampling stage. We found that vitrified embryos developed to the serosa ingestion stage when they were vitrified at embryonic stage 24–25. The most suitable stage for vitrification was around a 5–10 h period when the tracheal fibers were elongating in stage 25. None of the vitrified embryos developed into larvae, although some did develop to the pre-hatching stage. From histological analysis, we found that several small cracks formed on the cuticle covering the hypodermis in the vitrified embryos. Additionally, the midgut epithelium was detached from the midgut wall and mixed with the yolk in the midgut lumen. We speculate that the vitrified embryos died from a rapid loss of body water from the small cracks formed in the cuticle. We also suggest that the vitrified embryos may have resulted in dysfunction of the midgut.  相似文献   

The silkworm Bombyx mori contains high concentrations of free d-serine, an optical isomer of l-serine. To elucidate its function, we first investigated the localization of d-serine in various organs of silkworm larvae, pupae, and adult moths. Using immunohistochemical analysis with an anti-d-serine antibody, we found d-serine in the microvilli of midgut goblet and cylindrical cells and in peripheral matrix components of testicular and ovarian cells. By spectrophotometric analysis, d-serine was also found in the hemolymph and fat body. d-Alanine was not detected in the various organs by immunohistochemistry. Serine racemase, which catalyzes the inter-conversion of l- and d-serine, was found to co-localize with d-serine, and d-serine production from l-serine by intrinsic serine racemase was suggested. O-Phospho-l-serine is an inhibitor of serine racemase, and it was administered to the larvae to reduce the d-serine level. This reagent decreased the midgut caspase-3 level and caused a delay in spermatogenesis and oogenesis. The reagent also decreased mature sperm and egg numbers, suggesting d-serine participation in these processes. d-Serine administration induced an increase in pyruvate levels in testis, midgut, and fat body, indicating conversion of d-serine to pyruvate. On the basis of these results, together with our previous investigation of ATP biosynthesis in testis, we consider the possible involvement of d-serine in ATP synthesis for metamorphosis and reproduction.  相似文献   

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