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Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans that resides commensally on epithelial surfaces, but can cause inflammation when pathogenic. Resolvins are a class of anti-inflammatory lipids derived from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that attenuate neutrophil migration during the resolution phase of inflammation. In this report we demonstrate that C. albicans biosynthesizes resolvins that are chemically identical to those produced by human cells. In contrast to the trans-cellular biosynthesis of human Resolvin E1 (RvE1), RvE1 biosynthesis in C. albicans occurs in the absence of other cellular partners. C. albicans biosynthesis of RvE1 is sensitive to lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 monoxygenase inhibitors. We show that 10nM RvE1 reduces neutrophil chemotaxis in response to IL-8; 1nM RvE1 enhanced phagocytosis of Candida by human neutrophils, as well as intracellular ROS generation and killing, while having no direct affect on neutrophil motility. In a mouse model of systemic candidiasis, RvE1 stimulated clearance of the fungus from circulating blood. These results reveal an inter-species chemical signaling system that modulates host immune functions and may play a role in balancing host carriage of commensal and pathogenic C. albicans.  相似文献   

In the present work, we studied the in vitro immunomodulatory properties of double-stranded Candida albicans DNA and its protective effect in murine disseminated candidiasis. DNA induced the production of TNF-alpha by peritoneal macrophages and splenocytes in vitro through a chloroquine-dependent mechanism. Yeast DNA acted synergistically with IFN-gamma in triggering the secretion of nitric oxide by macrophages and enabled them to stimulate the proliferation of T cells in response to soluble anti-CD3. The effect of DNA on splenocytes is associated with an enhanced synthesis of IFN-gamma, IL-2 and IL-10. In vivo, DNA decreased the mortality and lowered the kidney contamination in mice intraperitoneally inoculated with C. albicans simultaneously with an increase in the specific proliferative response and cytokine production. The present results indicate that C. albicans DNA can provide protection against disseminated infection.  相似文献   

We found that the number of peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) dramatically increased in both sarcoma 180 (S-180) and MM-46 mammary carcinoma (MM-46) ascites tumor-bearing mice, and mice required a remarkable resistance to Candida albicans infection via intravenous route. When the resistance was determined by number of cells of C. albicans in the kidney, a significant decrease in the number of fungal cells was observed in the kidneys of infected ascites tumor-bearing mice. An increase of active oxygen levels of PMN from ascites tumor-bearing mice was observed, suggesting that this factor is important in developing of resistance in ascites tumor-bearing mice. Additionally, a culture supernatant of tumor cells co-cultivated with bone-marrow cells in vitro increased the number of granulocytes and macrophages differentiated from the bone-marrow cells.  相似文献   

Adherence of Candida albicans to host cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract Research devoted to uncovering the mechanisms of adherence of Candida albicans to human tissue is reviewed. The physical aspects of adherence of the fungus to host cells and the biochemical and molecular features, as far as they are known, are discussed. Relevant pre- and post-adherence events in the pathogenesis of disease caused by this fungus are also noted. Putative adhesins and surface receptors of C. albicans for host proteins are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Neutrophils (PMNs) constitute the main mechanism of host defense against acute invasive and disseminated candidiasis. Recent studies have demonstrated that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) play an important role in the recruitment of PMNs at the site of invasive Candida infection. In the absence of either TNFalpha or IL-6, the course of experimental disseminated candidiasis is more severe, due to defective PMN recruitment. Treatment of mice with recombinant G-CSF (rG-CSF) leads to a significantly reduced mortality during disseminated candidiasis. The outgrowth of Candida albicans from the organs of rG-CSF-treated mice is significantly decreased. Treatment with the combination of rG-CSF and fluconazole has an additive effect on the reduction of fungal load in the organs. In subacute or chronic disseminated Candida infection, rG-CSF is less effective, indicating that neutrophil recruitment and activation are crucial in acute, life-threatening candidiasis, whereas other host defense mechanisms control the outcome of less overwhelming invasive Candida infection.  相似文献   

白念珠菌对宿主的黏附是白念珠菌感染过程的关键的第一步,因此阐明白念珠菌对宿主的黏附机制对探索新的方法预防和治疗白念珠菌感染至关重要。近年来,研究者们从白念珠菌的表面结构、黏附素以及黏附相关基因等方面对白念珠菌与宿主的黏附机制进行了大量研究。该文就白念珠菌对宿主的黏附机制进行综述。  相似文献   

Previous work by our group showed that Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) is essential for activation of innate immunity, playing a major role in the response of macrophages to Candida albicans, triggering cytokine and chemokine expression, and therefore TLR2 -/- mice are more susceptible to systemic primary candidiasis. In this work, we used a murine model of systemic C. albicans infection, in which resistance to reinfection with virulent wild-type cells is induced by prior exposure of mice to a low-virulence agerminative strain of C. albicans (primary sublethal infection), to study the influence of TLR2 gene deletion on (i) the ability to develop an acquired resistance upon vaccination; (ii) the development of the acquired humoral response; and (iii) the production of Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma, IL-12 and TNF-alpha. Our results indicate that, although TLR2 -/- mice have a very impaired production of Th1 cytokines compared with control mice, they are equally capable of mounting a specific humoral response to the fungus and developing a vaccine-induced resistance.  相似文献   

Adhesion of Candida albicans to host cells is believed to represent a fungal virulence factor and a significant step in the development of candidiasis. As C. albicans strains may differ in their in vitro adhesion ability we initiated a study to investigate whether mutant strains differ in this respect from their parent wild-type. We assessed the in vitro adhesion of C. albicans CBS562 and two mutants obtained by mutagenesis with N′-nitrosoguanidine: a histidine auxotroph, SAG5, derived from CBS562, and a respiratory-deficient strain (a petite mutant), SAR1, derived from SAG5. The adhesion was tested in vitro using two target cell systems: (1) exfoliated human buccal epithelial cells (BEC); and (2) human keratinocyte tissue line cells (HaCaT cells). Adhesion to BEC was evaluated microscopically and that to HaCaT cells by a direct ELISA technique. The results indicated a 54% reduction in adhesion to BEC for SAG5 and 30% for SAR1 as compared to the wild-type, and a 25% reduction in adhesion to HaCaT cells for SAG5 and 20% for SAR1. To verify whether the prototrophy restores the adhesion ability, we complemented the his-negative auxotroph by transforming the strain with the HIS4 gene. Then we assayed the adhesion to BEC of the complemented his-negative mutant in comparison to that of the wild-type, the his-negative mutant (SAG5) and the plasmid-cured transformant. The adhesion values of the complemented his-negative strain were similar to those of the wild-type, whereas the values of the plasmid-cured strain were similar to those of SAG5.  相似文献   

In previous proteomic studies on the response of murine macrophages against Candida albicans, many differentially expressed proteins involved in processes like inflammation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, stress response and metabolism were identified. In order to look for proteins important for the macrophage response, but in a lower concentration in the cell, 3 sub-cellular extracts were analyzed: cytosol, organelle/membrane and nucleus enriched fractions from RAW 264.7 macrophages exposed or not to C. albicans SC5314 for 3 h. The samples were studied using DIGE technology, and 17 new differentially expressed proteins were identified. This sub-cellular fractionation permitted the identification of 2 mitochondrion proteins, a membrane receptor, Galectin-3, and some ER related proteins, that are not easily detected in total cell extracts. Besides, the study of different fractions allowed us to detect, not only total increase in Galectin-3 protein amount, but its distinct allocation along the interaction. The identified proteins are involved in the pro-inflammatory and oxidative responses, immune response, unfolded protein response and apoptosis. Some of these processes increase the host response and others could be the effect of C. albicans resistance to phagocytosis. Thus, the sub-proteomic approach has been a very useful tool to identify new proteins involved in macrophage-fungus interaction. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translational Proteomics.  相似文献   

The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans undergoes reversible morphogenetic transitions between yeast, hyphal and pseudohyphal forms. The fungal vacuole actively participates in differentiation processes and plays a key role supporting hyphal growth. The ABG1 gene of C. albicans encodes an essential protein located in the vacuolar membranes of both yeast and hyphae. Using fluorescence microscopy of a green fluorescent protein-tagged version of Abg1p, a fraction of the protein was detected in hyphal tips, not associated with vacuolar membranes. Live cell imaging of emerging germ tubes showed that Abg1p migrated to the polarized growth site and colocalized with endocytic vesicles. Phenotypic analysis of a methionine-regulated conditional mutant confirmed that Abg1p is involved in endocytosis.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a major cause of oropharyngeal, vulvovaginal and haematogenously disseminated candidiasis. Endocytosis of C. albicans hyphae by host cells is a prerequisite for tissue invasion. This internalization involves interactions between the fungal invasin Als3 and host E- or N-cadherin. Als3 shares some structural similarity with InlA, a major invasion protein of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes . InlA mediates entry of L. monocytogenes into host cells through binding to E-cadherin. A role in internalization, for a non-classical stimulation of the clathrin-dependent endocytosis machinery, was recently highlighted. Based on the similarities between the C. albicans and L. monocytogenes invasion proteins, we studied the role of clathrin in the internalization of C. albicans . Using live-cell imaging and indirect immunofluorescence of epithelial cells infected with C. albicans , we observed that host E-cadherin, clathrin, dynamin and cortactin accumulated at sites of C. albicans internalization. Similarly, in endothelial cells, host N-cadherin, clathrin and cortactin accumulated at sites of fungal endocytosis. Furthermore, clathrin, dynamin or cortactin depletion strongly inhibited C. albicans internalization by epithelial cells. Finally, beads coated with Als3 were internalized in a clathrin-dependent manner. These data indicate that C. albicans , like L. monocytogenes, hijacks the clathrin-dependent endocytic machinery to invade host cells.  相似文献   

The yeast Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen that threatens patients with compromised immune systems. Immune cell defenses against C. albicans are complex but typically involve the production of reactive oxygen species and nitrogen radicals such as nitric oxide (NO) that damage the yeast or inhibit its growth. Whether Candida defends itself against NO and the molecules responsible for this defense have yet to be determined. The defense against NO in various bacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves an NO-scavenging flavohemoglobin. The C. albicans genome contains three genes encoding flavohemoglobin-related proteins, CaYHB1, CaYHB4, and CaYHB5. To assess their roles in NO metabolism, we constructed strains lacking each of these genes and demonstrated that just one, CaYHB1, is responsible for NO consumption and detoxification. In C. albicans, NO metabolic activity and CaYHB1 mRNA levels are rapidly induced by NO and NO-generating agents. Loss of CaYHB1 increases the sensitivity of C. albicans to NO-mediated growth inhibition. In mice, infections with Candida strains lacking CaYHB1 still resulted in lethality, but virulence was decreased compared to that in wild-type strains. Thus, C. albicans possesses a rapid, specific, and highly inducible NO defense mechanism involving one of three putative flavohemoglobin genes.  相似文献   

Abstract Specificity of peptide transport systems in Candida albicans was studied using as an experimental tool novel anticandidal peptides, containing the N3-4-methoxyfumaroyl- l -2,3-diamino-propanoic acid residue. Studies on cross-resistance and on peptide uptake by spontaneous mutants resistant to toxic peptides, confirmed the multiplicity of peptide permeases in Candida albicans . At least two peptide permeases exist in this microorganism; the first one, specific for di- and tripeptides and the second, for oligopeptides containing 3–6 amino acids. The rate of the tritetra tetra-, penta- and hexapeptide transport in the mycelial form of Candida albicans is about 2-times higher than in the yeast form, while that of dipeptides is markedly reduced.
Tripeptides are proposed as the most efficient carriers for the delivery of 'warhead' amino acids into Candida albicans cells.  相似文献   

Candida infections are common, debilitating and often recurring fungal diseases and a problem of significant clinical importance. Candida albicans, the most virulent of the Candida spp., can cause severe mucosal and life-threatening systemic infections in immunocompromised hosts. Attributes that contribute to C. albicans virulence include adhesion, hyphal formation, phenotypic switching and extracellular hydrolytic enzyme production. The extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, especially the secreted aspartyl proteinases (Saps), are one of few gene products that have been shown to directly contribute to C. albicans pathogenicity. Because C. albicans is able to colonize and infect almost every tissue in the human host, it may be crucial for the fungus to possess a number of similar but independently regulated and functionally distinct secreted proteinases to provide sufficient flexibility in order to survive and promote infection at different niche sites. The aim of this review is to explore the functional roles of the C. albicans proteinases and how they may contribute to the host/pathogen interaction in vivo.  相似文献   

Otitis media (OM) is a highly prevalent pediatric disease caused by normal flora of the nasopharynx that ascend the Eustachian tube and enter the middle ear. As OM is a disease of opportunity, it is critical to gain an increased understanding of immune system components that are operational in the upper airway and aid in prevention of this disease. SPLUNC1 is an antimicrobial host defense peptide that is hypothesized to contribute to the health of the airway both through bactericidal and non-bactericidal mechanisms. We used small interfering RNA (siRNA) technology to knock down expression of the chinchilla ortholog of human SPLUNC1 (cSPLUNC1) to begin to determine the role that this protein played in prevention of OM. We showed that knock down of cSPLUNC1 expression did not impact survival of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, a predominant causative agent of OM, in the chinchilla middle ear under the conditions tested. In contrast, expression of cSPLUNC1 was essential for maintenance of middle ear pressure and efficient mucociliary clearance, key defense mechanisms of the tubotympanum. Collectively, our data have provided the first in vivo evidence that cSPLUNC1 functions to maintain homeostasis of the upper airway and, thereby, is critical for protection of the middle ear.  相似文献   

Dectin-1 is not required for the host defense to Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dectin-1 is known as a sole receptor for beta-glucan, a major cell wall component of fungal microorganisms. In the current study, we examined the role of this molecule in the host defense to Cryptococcus neoformans, an opportunistic fungal pathogen in AIDS patients. There was no significant difference in the clinical course and cytokine production between dectin-1 gene-deficient and control mice. These results indicate that dectin-1 is not likely essential for the development of host protective responses to C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is the most common cause of hematogenously disseminated and oropharyngeal candidiasis. Both of these diseases are characterized by fungal invasion of host cells. Previously, we have found that C. albicans hyphae invade endothelial cells and oral epithelial cells in vitro by inducing their own endocytosis. Therefore, we set out to identify the fungal surface protein and host cell receptors that mediate this process. We found that the C. albicans Als3 is required for the organism to be endocytosed by human umbilical vein endothelial cells and two different human oral epithelial lines. Affinity purification experiments with wild-type and an als3Δ/als3Δ mutant strain of C. albicans demonstrated that Als3 was required for C. albicans to bind to multiple host cell surface proteins, including N-cadherin on endothelial cells and E-cadherin on oral epithelial cells. Furthermore, latex beads coated with the recombinant N-terminal portion of Als3 were endocytosed by Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing human N-cadherin or E-cadherin, whereas control beads coated with bovine serum albumin were not. Molecular modeling of the interactions of the N-terminal region of Als3 with the ectodomains of N-cadherin and E-cadherin indicated that the binding parameters of Als3 to either cadherin are similar to those of cadherin–cadherin binding. Therefore, Als3 is a fungal invasin that mimics host cell cadherins and induces endocytosis by binding to N-cadherin on endothelial cells and E-cadherin on oral epithelial cells. These results uncover the first known fungal invasin and provide evidence that C. albicans Als3 is a molecular mimic of human cadherins.  相似文献   

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