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2009—2010年期间,利用雨量计收集法在长白山森林生态系统定位站开展定位观测,分析降水中氮素浓度,研究了该区域大气氮素湿沉降通量和组成的季节变化特征。结果表明,各形态氮素月均浓度之间差别较大,具有明显的季节性;其降水中浓度主要受降水量和降水频次的影响。全年氮素湿沉降中TN、TIN和TON的沉降量分别为27.64 kg N hm-2a-1、11.05 kg N hm-2a-1和16.59 kg N hm-2a-1,TON为沉降主体,占60.02%;其大气氮沉降量主要由降水量和降水中氮素浓度共同决定。该地区氮湿沉降量已处于我国中等水平,考虑到氮素的干湿沉降比例,本区域的年氮沉降量已接近或超过本区域的营养氮沉降临界负荷,存在一定的环境风险。该地区生长季(5—10月)的氮沉降量(16.59 kg N hm-2a-1)占全年氮沉降量的比例达到73.20%。生长季的氮沉降对于促进植物生长直接生态意义重大,而非生长季的氮沉降对于大量补充次年植物生长初期所需养分的间接生态意义明显。  相似文献   

藏东南大气氮湿沉降动态变化——以林芝观测点为例   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
贾钧彦  张颖  蔡晓布  刘学军 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1907-1913
利用量雨器和湿沉降收集仪在藏东南通过2a的试验, 研究了该区大气氮素沉降的浓度、沉降量以及季节变化规律.结果表明:藏东南大气氮素湿沉降(无机氮)为1.33~3.05 kg/ (hm2·a),平均值为2.36 kg/ (hm2·a),降水中铵态氮和硝态氮的平均浓度分别为0.36 mg/L和0.10 mg/L ,NH+4-N/ NO-3-N接近4 .各形态氮月均浓度之间差别较大,具有明显的季节性,其中NH+4-N月均浓度动态变化明显,5、6、7月份浓度较高(>0.5 mg/L),NO-3-N 12月份浓度(0.49 mg/L)为全年最高;氮浓度的季节变化,以春冬较高,夏秋季较低,离散程度以春季最大.降水量与各形态氮沉降呈一定幂型负相关,相关系数为0.705,0.641,分别达到0.006 (NH+4-N)和0.019(NO-3-N)的显著水平.氮月沉降以5~6月份最高,占全年的32.3%;氮季沉降以夏季所占比例最高,约占50%,冬季最低(2%~3%).  相似文献   

高寒冰川区氮素沉降量的变化会对区域生态系统产生显著影响,定量评估冰川区的氮沉降状况可以为修正相关模型提供重要的原始数据。通过2004年1月至2006年12月在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川连续采样,分析了中国西北典型冰川区大气氮素的沉降特征,并估算了该区域的年均氮素沉降量。研究结果表明,1号冰川湿沉降中的硝态氮 (NO3--N)、铵态氮 (NH4+-N) 与总无机氮 (TIN) 存在着明显的季节变化特征:夏季沉降量最大,冬季最少,且与降水量表现出较好的对应关系。1号冰川氮素湿沉降的硝铵比 (NO3--N / NH4+-N) 月平均值在0.3-1间波动。1号冰川TIN湿沉降量年平均值为1.51 kg/hm2 (其中NH4+-N沉降量占总量的69%,而NO3--N沉降量仅占31%),干湿沉降总量年均值为1.56 kg/hm2,总氮 (TN) 的干湿沉降总量年均值为3.85 kg/hm2。得到的冰川区氮素沉降量符合中国西部高寒区的一般水平,代表了该区域的本底值。  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,我国近地面臭氧浓度不断增加,已严重威胁到森林生态系统。但是,目前臭氧污染影响我国亚热带森林生物量的研究仍然具有较高的不确定性。本研究比较了不同模型和不同参数化方案评估的鼎湖山森林和林下草地生物量损失率的差别,比较了鼎湖山阔叶林和针叶林以及林下草地的生物量损失率与总初级生产力(GPP)损失率的一致性。2015—2016年臭氧污染造成的鼎湖山阔叶林生物量损失率为11.3%—11.69%,针叶林生物量损失率为3.97%—3.68%,草地生物量损失11.2%—14.6%;不同参数化方案估计的鼎湖山阔叶林的生物量损失率在9%—13%之间,针叶林的生物量损失率在3.68%—4.4%之间变化,草地在11.2%—14.6%之间。基于臭氧剂量响应关系模型估算的阔叶林GPP损失率为10%—12.6%,针叶林GPP损失率为1.81%—2.6%,草地GPP损失率为3.2%—3.3%。总的来看,鼎湖山阔叶林和针叶林的生物量和GPP损失具有较高的一致性,阔叶林生物量和GPP的损失率明显高于针叶林生物量和GPP的损失率。  相似文献   

太湖地区湿沉降中氮磷输入量 ——以常熟生态站为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2003年6月—2004年5月,在中国科学院常熟生态站(31°32′45″ N ,120°41′57″ E)连续定位收集降雨,分析其中颗粒态和溶解态氮磷浓度,并对期间太湖地区氮磷湿沉降动态进行研究.结果表明:湿沉降氮输入量的季节变化显著,夏、春季高,秋、冬季低;湿沉降输入氮中88.2%为溶解氮(dissolved itrogen,DN),11.8%为颗粒氮(particle nitrogen,PN);湿沉降输入磷中溶解磷(dissolved phosphorus,DP)和颗粒磷(particle phosphorus,PP)比例分别为53.3%和46.7%;中、小雨携带的总氮(total nitrogen,TN)、总磷(total phosphorus,TP)污染物通量大于大、暴雨;太湖地区每年湿沉降输入TN、TP分别为30.2 kg·hm-2和1.1 kg·hm-2,且所有降雨中DN浓度均大于水体富营养化阈值,92.5%的降雨中DP大于水体富营养化阈值.  相似文献   

在江西(鹰潭)红壤典型地区农田下垫面上进行大气SO2、硫酸盐(SO42-)的浓度采样,利用阻力模式计算SO2和SO42-的干沉降速度,估算大气S输入农田生态系统的干沉降通量.结果表明,农田下垫面上SO2和SO42-干沉降速度的平均值分别是0.3、0.23cm·s-1.干沉降速度具有明显的日变化特征,一般白天大于夜间,午后出现最大值.大气S输入农田生态系统的半年干沉降通量为6.7g·m-2.  相似文献   

Li J  Liu Y F  Yang X G  Li J 《农业工程》2006,26(8):2449-2456
Water-vapor flux over a planted coniferous forest ecosystem near Qianyanzhou, Jiangxi Province, China, was continuously measured with the eddy covariance technique for 2004. How environmental variables, including net radiation, air temperature, and soil moisture, affected water-vapor flux variation was studied in detail. Results showed that winter had the lowest monthly water-vapor flux value, whereas summer had the highest. The diurnal variation of water-vapor flux showed different patterns for clear and cloudy days. The annual total evapotranspiration was 736.1 mm. Regression analysis showed that daily water-vapor flux was significantly correlated with net radiation, air temperature, soil temperature, and soil heat flux on both clear and cloudy days, all in quadratic relationships. Stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that a different set of environmental factors controlled water-vapor flux on days with different weather conditions. From this study, it was clear that these environmental variables, especially net radiation and soil temperature, regulated water-vapor flux over the planted coniferous ecosystem.  相似文献   

Water-vapor flux over a planted coniferous forest ecosystem near Qianyanzhou, Jiangxi Province, China, was continuously measured with the eddy covariance technique for 2004. How environmental variables, including net radiation, air temperature, and soil moisture, affected water-vapor flux variation was studied in detail. Results showed that winter had the lowest monthly water-vapor flux value, whereas summer had the highest. The diurnal variation of water-vapor flux showed different patterns for clear and cloudy days. The annual total evapotranspiration was 736.1 mm. Regression analysis showed that daily water-vapor flux was significantly correlated with net radiation, air temperature, soil temperature, and soil heat flux on both clear and cloudy days, all in quadratic relationships. Stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that a different set of environmental factors controlled water-vapor flux on days with different weather conditions. From this study, it was clear that these environmental variables, especially net radiation and soil temperature, regulated water-vapor flux over the planted coniferous ecosystem.  相似文献   

千烟洲人工林水汽通量特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李菊  刘允芬  杨晓光  李俊 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2449-2456
利用涡度相关技术研究了2004年千烟洲人工针叶林生态系统的水汽通量变化特征,结合气象要素的观测,进一步分析了净辐射、温度、水分、热量等环境因子对水汽通量的影响。结果表明:全年各月各时刻的水汽通量大多为正值,夏季大于春秋两季,冬季最小。其中7月份为全年最高,日最大值达到0·149gm-2·s-1;1月份最低,日最高值仅为0·021gm-2·s-1。不同天气条件下(晴天和多云)水汽通量的日变化有明显区别。全年蒸散量为736·1mm,占总降水量(1323·6mm)的55·6%。除7月份和10月份外,各月的蒸散量都要小于降水,尤以3、4月份差别最大,2004年10月出现典型的秋旱,但蒸散量和常年相差不大。水汽通量对净辐射、气温、地温、以及土壤热通量的变化都有很好的响应,两种天气条件下都能达到显著水平,可以用一元二次方程表达其间的关系。逐步回归分析显示晴天和多云时入选的变量不完全相同,晴天主要是净辐射、温度(气温、地温)、水分(饱和水汽压差),多云时包括净辐射、地温、土壤热通量和水分(空气相对湿度、土壤含水量)。可见气象条件在很大程度上制约着水汽通量的变化,而以辐射和地温的影响最大。  相似文献   

The stable isotope15N was added as (15NH4)2SO4 to throughfall water for one year, to study the fate of the deposited nitrogen at different levels of N deposition in two N saturated coniferous forests ecosystems in the Netherlands. The fate of the15N was followed at high-N (44–55 kg N ha–1 yr–1) 1) and low-N (4–6 kg N ha–1 yr–1) deposition in plots established under transparent roofs build under the canopy in a Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest.The applied15N was detectable in needles and twigs, the soil and soil water leaching below the rooting zone (90 cm depth). Total15N recovery in major ecosystem compartments was 71–100% during two successive growing seasons after the start of a year-round15N application to throughfall-N. Nine months after the year-round15N application, the15N assimilated into tree biomass was 29–33% of the15N added in the Douglas fir stand and less than 17% in the Scots pine stand. At the same time total15N retention in the soil (down to 70 cm) of the high-N plots was about 37% of the deposited15NH4-N, whereas 46% and 65% of the15N was found in the soil of the low-N deposition plots at the Douglas fir and Scots pine stand, respectively. The organic layers accounted for 60% of the15N retained in the soil. The total N deposition exceeded the demand of the vegetation and microbial immobilization. Total15N leaching losses within a year (below 90 cm) were 10–20% in the high-N deposition plots in comparison to 2–6% in the lowered nitrogen input plots. Relative retention in the soil and vegetation increased at lower N-input levels.Species differences in uptake and tree health seem to contribute to lower15N recoveries in the Scots pine trees compared to the Douglas fir trees. The excessive N deposition and resulting N saturation lead to conditions were the health and functioning of biota were negatively influenced. At decreased N deposition, lower leaching losses together with increased soil and plant retention indicated a change in the fate of the15N deposited. This may have resulted from changes in ecosystem processes, and thus a shift along the continuum of N saturation to N limitation.  相似文献   

中亚热带人工针叶林生态系统碳通量拆分差异分析   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
黄昆  王绍强  王辉民  仪垂祥  周蕾  刘允芬  石浩 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5252-5265
涡度通量观测可直接获取陆地生态系统与大气之间CO2净交换量(NEE),但深入认识碳循环过程和校验生态系统模型需要不同时间尺度总初级生产力(GPP)和生态系统呼吸(Re)等碳通量数据。利用中国陆地生态系统通量观测与研究网络(ChinaFLUX)中亚热带人工针叶林生态系统2003—2009年的涡度通量和气象观测数据,分析了两种NEE拆分方法对不同时间尺度GPP和Re评估的影响,结果表明:(1)两种拆分方法得到的生态系统碳通量组分(GPP和Re)的季节动态变化一致,都在生长季7、8月份达到峰值;(2)非线性回归模型拆分得到的全年Re和GPP相较于光响应曲线模型分别高出2%—28.6%和1.6%—23%,最大高出317.6 gC·m-2·a-1(2006年),逐月最大差值主要发生在8、9月份;(3)不同时间尺度上,两种方法拆分得到的GPP和Re之间差值的环境响应因子不同。在广泛采用非线性回归模型进行拆分时,如果当月光合有效辐射接近到905mol·m-2·月-1,月平均空气饱和水汽压差接近1.18 kPa时,需要考虑使用光响应曲线模型拆分该月通量,结合两种拆分方法以减小全年的误差。  相似文献   

模拟氮沉降增加对寒温带针叶林土壤 CO2排放的初期影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究大气氮沉降增加情景下北方森林土壤CO2排放通量及其相关控制因子至关重要。在大兴安岭寒温带针叶林区建立了大气氮沉降模拟控制试验,利用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤CO2排放通量,同时测定土壤温度、水分、无机氮和可溶性碳含量等相关变量,分析寒温带针叶林土壤CO2排放特征及其主要驱动因子。结果表明:氮素输入没有显著改变森林土壤含水量,但降低了有机层土壤溶解性无机碳(DIC)含量,并增加有机层和矿质层土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量。增氮短期内不影响土壤NH+4-N含量,但促进了土壤NO-3-N的累积。增氮倾向于增加北方森林土壤CO2排放。土壤CO2通量主要受土壤温度驱动,其次为土壤水分和DIC含量。虽然土壤温度整体上控制着土壤CO2通量的季节变化格局,但在生长旺季土壤含水量对其影响更为明显。在分析增氮对土壤CO2通量的净效应时,除了土壤温度和水分外,还要考虑土壤有效碳、氮动态的影响。  相似文献   

Composition and deposition of throughfall in a flooded forest archipelago   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The sources of spatial and temporal variation and rates of nutrient deposition via throughfall were studied for 9 months in the Anavilhanas archipelago of the Negro River, Brazil. A total of 30 events was sampled individually for rain and throughfall chemistry in a 1-ha plot of flooded forest. Throughfall samples were collected in 40 collectors distributed in five parallel transects in the study plot, while rain was collected in 4 collectors in an adjacent channel. Volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of solutes in rain were consistently lower than in throughfall, except for H+, NO 3 and NH 4 + . Ratios of VWM concentrations of rain to throughfall indicated that K+, followed by Mg2+ and PO 4 3– , were the most enhanced solutes as rain passed through the forest canopy. The deposition of solutes varied significantly among transects, except for Na+ and Ca2+, and was significantly correlated with maximum flooding depth, foliar nutrient content, soil fertility and canopy closure for most solutes. The concentrations of PO 4 3– and most major ions were higher in throughfall compared to those in rain due to canopy exchange and dry deposition. In contrast, NO 3 , NH 4 + and H+ were retained due to immobilization by leafy canopy and ion exchange processes. Solute inputs via throughfall (not including stemflow) to a floodplain lake (Lake Prato) of the archipelago accounted for 30 to 64% of the total for most solutes in the lake at high water, which indicates that throughfall is an important source of nutrients to the aquatic ecosystem of the Anavilhanas archipelago.  相似文献   

Transformations and fluxes of N were examined in three forested sites located along a gradient of soil texture in the coastal forests of the Waquoit Bay watershed on Cape Cod. Total N leaching losses to ground water were 0.5 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the loamy sand site and 1.5 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the fine sand site. Leaching loss to groundwater was not measured in the coarse sand site due to the prohibitive depth of the water table but total N leaching loss to 1m depth in the mineral soil was 3.9 kg ha-1 yr-1. DON accounted for most of the leaching losses below the rooting zone (77–89%) and through the soil profile to ground water (60%–80%). Differences in DON retention capacity of the mineral soil in the sites along the soil texture gradient were most likely related to changes in mineral soil particle surface area and percolation rates associated with soil texture. Forests of the watershed functioned as a sink for inorganic N deposited on the surface of the watershed in wet and dry deposition but a source of dissolved organic N to ground water and adjoining coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈浩  莫江明  张炜  鲁显楷  黄娟 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6864-6879
工业化带来的大气氮沉降增加是影响森林生态系统碳吸存的重要因素。将森林碳库分为地上和地下两部分,从3个方面综述了国内外氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的研究现状。(1)地上部分:氮限制的温带森林,氮沉降增加了地上部分碳吸存。氮丰富的热带森林,氮沉降对地上部分碳吸存没有影响。过量的氮输入会造成森林死亡率的上升,从而降低地上部分碳吸存。(2)地下部分:相比地上部分研究得少,表现为增加、降低和没有影响3种效果。(3)目前的结论趋向于认为氮沉降促进森林生态系统碳吸存,然而氮沉降所带来的森林生态系统碳吸存能力到底有多大依然无法确定,这也将成为未来氮碳循环研究的重点问题。分析了氮沉降影响森林生态系统碳吸存的机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的4种研究方法。探讨了该领域研究的不足及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

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