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Although the signal transduction mechanisms of the receptor tyrosine kinase MET are well defined, less is known about its close relative RON. MET initiates intracellular signaling by autophosphorylation on specific cytoplasmic tyrosines that form docking sites for the adaptor proteins Grb2 and Gab1. Grb2 binds directly and is essential for all of the biological activities of MET. Gab1 docks either directly or indirectly via Grb2 and controls only a subset of MET functions. Because MET and RON possess similar adaptor binding sites, it was anticipated that their adaptor interactions would be conserved. Here we show that in contrast to MET, RON relies primarily on Gab1 for signal transmission. Surprisingly, disruption of the Grb2 docking site of RON or Grb2 depletion augments activity, whereas enhancement of Grb2 binding attenuates Gab1 recruitment and signaling. Hence, RON and MET differ in their adaptor interactions; furthermore, Grb2 performs a novel antagonistic role in the context of RON signaling.  相似文献   

Transmembrane adaptor proteins are membrane-anchored proteins consisting of a short extracellular part, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic part with various protein-protein interaction motifs but lacking any enzymatic activity. They participate in the regulation of various signaling pathways by recruiting other proteins to the proximity of cellular membranes where the signaling is often initiated and propagated. In this work, we show that LST1/A, an incompletely characterized protein encoded by MHCIII locus, is a palmitoylated transmembrane adaptor protein. It is expressed specifically in leukocytes of the myeloid lineage, where it localizes to the tetraspanin-enriched microdomains. In addition, it binds SHP-1 and SHP-2 phosphatases in a phosphotyrosine-dependent manner, facilitating their recruitment to the plasma membrane. These data suggest a role for LST1/A in negative regulation of signal propagation.  相似文献   

Nbp2p is an Src homology 3 (SH3) domain-containing yeast protein that is involved in a variety of cellular processes. This small adaptor protein binds to a number of different proteins through its SH3 domain, and a region N-terminal to the SH3 domain binds to the protein phosphatase, Ptc1p. Despite its involvement in a large number of physical and genetic interactions, the only well characterized function of Nbp2p is to recruit Ptc1p to the high osmolarity glycerol pathway, which results in down-regulation of this pathway. In this study, we have discovered that Nbp2p orthologues exist in all Ascomycete and Basidiomycete fungal genomes and that all possess an SH3 domain and a conserved novel Ptc1p binding motif. The ubiquitous occurrence of these two features, which we have shown are both critical for Nbp2p function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, implies that a conserved role of Nbp2p in all of these fungal species is the targeting of Ptc1p to proteins recognized by the SH3 domain. We also show that in a manner analogous to its role in the high osmolarity glycerol pathway, Nbp2p functions in the down-regulation of the cell wall integrity pathway through SH3 domain-mediated interaction with Bck1p, a component kinase of this pathway. Based on functional studies on the Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Neurospora crassa Nbp2p orthologues and the high conservation of the Nbp2p binding site in Bck1p orthologues, this function of Nbp2p appears to be conserved across Ascomycetes. Our results also clearly imply a function for the Nbp2p-Ptc1p complex other cellular processes.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p21-activated kinase 3 gene (pak3) are responsible for nonsyndromic forms of mental retardation. Expression of mutated PAK3 proteins in hippocampal neurons induces abnormal dendritic spine morphology and long term potentiation anomalies, whereas pak3 gene invalidation leads to cognitive impairments. How PAK3 regulates synaptic plasticity is still largely unknown. To better understand how PAK3 affects neuronal synaptic plasticity, we focused on its interaction with the Nck adaptors that play a crucial role in PAK signaling. We report here that PAK3 interacts preferentially with Nck2/Grb4 in brain extracts and in transfected cells. This interaction is independent of PAK3 kinase activity. Selective uncoupling of the Nck2 interactions in acute cortical slices using an interfering peptide leads to a rapid increase in evoked transmission to pyramidal neurons. The P12A mutation in the PAK3 protein strongly decreases the interaction with Nck2 but only slightly with Nck1. In transfected hippocampal cultures, expression of the P12A-mutated protein has no effect on spine morphogenesis or synaptic density. The PAK3-P12A mutant does not affect synaptic transmission, whereas the expression of the wild-type PAK3 protein decreases the amplitude of spontaneous miniature excitatory currents. Altogether, these data show that PAK3 down-regulates synaptic transmission through its interaction with Nck2.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium is the only non-metazoan with functionally analyzed SH2 domains and studying them can give insights into their evolution and wider potential. LrrB has a novel domain configuration with leucine-rich repeat, 14-3-3 and SH2 protein–protein interaction modules. It is required for the correct expression of several specific genes in early development and here we characterize its role in later, multicellular development. During development in the light, slug formation in LrrB null (lrrB-) mutants is delayed relative to the parental strain, and the slugs are highly defective in phototaxis and thermotaxis. In the dark the mutant arrests development as an elongated mound, in a hitherto unreported process we term dark stalling. The developmental and phototaxis defects are cell autonomous and marker analysis shows that the pstO prestalk sub-region of the slug is aberrant in the lrrB- mutant. Expression profiling, by parallel micro-array and deep RNA sequence analyses, reveals many other alterations in prestalk-specific gene expression in lrrB- slugs, including reduced expression of the ecmB gene and elevated expression of ampA. During culmination ampA is ectopically expressed in the stalk, there is no expression of ampA and ecmB in the lower cup and the mutant fruiting bodies lack a basal disc. The basal disc cup derives from the pstB cells and this population is greatly reduced in the lrrB- mutant. This anatomical feature is a hallmark of mutants aberrant in signaling by DIF-1, the polyketide that induces prestalk and stalk cell differentiation. In a DIF-1 induction assay the lrrB- mutant is profoundly defective in ecmB activation but only marginally defective in ecmA induction. Thus the mutation partially uncouples these two inductive events. In early development LrrB interacts physically and functionally with CldA, another SH2 domain containing protein. However, the CldA null mutant does not phenocopy the lrrB- in its aberrant multicellular development or phototaxis defect, implying that the early and late functions of LrrB are affected in different ways. These observations, coupled with its domain structure, suggest that LrrB is an SH2 adaptor protein active in diverse developmental signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Levels of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) at the cell surface are tightly regulated by a complex endocytic machinery. Following internalization, EGFR is either recycled back to the cell surface or transported to the late endosome/lysosome for degradation. Currently, the molecular machinery that regulates this sorting pathway is only partially defined. Eps15 (EGFR pathway substrate 15) is an endocytic adaptor protein that is well known to support clathrin-mediated internalization of EGFR at the plasma membrane. Using RT-PCR, we have identified a novel short form of Eps15 (Eps15S) from rat liver that lacks the 111 C-terminal amino acids present in the traditional Eps15 form. The goal of this study was to define the functional role of the novel Eps15S form in EGFR trafficking. Overexpression of a mutant form of Eps15S (Eps15S ΔEH2/EH3) did not block EGFR internalization but reduced its recycling to the cell surface. After knockdown of all Eps15 forms, re-expression of Eps15S significantly reduced EGFR degradation while promoting recycling back to the cell surface. In contrast, re-expression of Eps15 did not potentiate receptor recycling. Furthermore, overexpression of the mutant Eps15S substantially reduced cell proliferation, linking EGFR recycling to downstream mitogenic effects. Finally, we found that Eps15S is localized to the Rab11-positive recycling endosome that is disrupted in cells expressing the Eps15S mutant, leading to an accumulation of the EGFR in early endosomes. These findings suggest that distinct forms of Eps15 direct EGFR to either the late endosome/lysosome for degradation (Eps15) or to the recycling endosome for transit back to the cell surface (Eps15S).  相似文献   

LAT (linker for activation of T cells) is a transmembrane adaptor protein that plays an essential role in TCR-mediated signaling and thymocyte development. Because LAT-deficient mice have an early block in thymocyte development, we utilized an inducible system to delete LAT in primary T cells to study LAT function in T cell activation, homeostasis, and survival. Deletion of LAT caused primary T cells to become unresponsive to stimulation from the TCR and impaired T cell homeostatic proliferation and long term survival. Furthermore, deletion of LAT led to reduced expression of Foxp3, CTLA-4, and CD25 in Treg cells and impaired their function. Consequently, mice with LAT deleted developed a lymphoproliferative syndrome similar to that in LATY136F mice, although less severe. Our data implicate that LAT has positive and negative roles in the regulation of mature T cells.  相似文献   

SH2D5 is a mammalian-specific, uncharacterized adaptor-like protein that contains an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding domain and a C-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain. We show that SH2D5 is highly enriched in adult mouse brain, particularly in Purkinjie cells in the cerebellum and the cornu ammonis of the hippocampus. Despite harboring two potential phosphotyrosine (Tyr(P)) recognition domains, SH2D5 binds minimally to Tyr(P) ligands, consistent with the absence of a conserved Tyr(P)-binding arginine residue in the SH2 domain. Immunoprecipitation coupled to mass spectrometry (IP-MS) from cultured cells revealed a prominent association of SH2D5 with breakpoint cluster region protein, a RacGAP that is also highly expressed in brain. This interaction occurred between the phosphotyrosine-binding domain of SH2D5 and an NxxF motif located within the N-terminal region of the breakpoint cluster region. siRNA-mediated depletion of SH2D5 in a neuroblastoma cell line, B35, induced a cell rounding phenotype correlated with low levels of activated Rac1-GTP, suggesting that SH2D5 affects Rac1-GTP levels. Taken together, our data provide the first characterization of the SH2D5 signaling protein.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein nephrin is an essential component of slit diaphragms, the specialized cell junctions that link podocyte foot processes. Podocytes are epithelial cells that surround the glomerular capillaries in the kidney and are necessary for the organ-filtering function. Nephrin signaling complex transduces extracellular cues to the podocyte cytoskeleton and regulates podocyte shape and function. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) is a required growth factor produced and secreted by podocytes. Accumulating evidence suggests a cross-talk between VEGF-A and nephrin signaling pathways. We previously showed that in vivo nephrin associates with VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2), the signaling receptor for VEGF-A. In the present work, we characterized the interaction between nephrin and VEGFR2 in cultured cells and in vitro. We demonstrate that nephrin-VEGFR2 interaction is direct using mass spectrometry, immunoprecipitation, GST-binding assays, and blot overlay experiments. This interaction occurs through VEGFR2 and nephrin cytoplasmic domains. Nephrin-VEGFR2 interaction is modulated by tyrosine phosphorylation of both cytoplasmic domains. Furthermore, the nephrin-VEGFR2 complex involves Nck and actin. VEGF-A signaling via this complex results in decreased cell size. We provide evidence that this multiprotein interaction occurs in cultured podocytes. We propose that the nephrin-VEGFR2 complex acts as a key mediator to transduce local VEGF-A signals to the podocyte actin cytoskeleton, regulating the foot process structure and glomerular filter integrity.  相似文献   

The integrin-linked kinase (ILK)-PINCH1-α-parvin (IPP) complex functions as a signaling platform for integrins that modulates various cellular processes. ILK functions as a central adaptor for the assembly of IPP complex. We report here that mda-9/syntenin, a positive regulator of cancer metastasis, regulates the activation of Akt (also known as protein kinase B) by facilitating ILK adaptor function during adhesion to type I collagen (COL-I) in human breast cancer cells. COL-I stimulation induced the phosphorylation and plasma membrane translocation of Akt. Inhibition of mda-9/syntenin or expression of mutant ILK (E359K) significantly blocked the translocation of both ILK and Akt to the plasma membrane. mda-9/syntenin associated with ILK, and this association was increased at the plasma membrane by COL-I stimulation. Knockdown of mda-9/syntenin impaired COL-I-induced association of ILK with Akt and plasma membrane targeting of ILK-Akt complex. These results demonstrated that mda-9/syntenin regulates the activation of Akt by controlling the plasma membrane targeting of Akt via a mechanism that facilitates the association of Akt with ILK at the plasma membrane during adhesion to COL-I. On a striking note, inhibition of mda-9/syntenin impaired COL-I-induced plasma membrane translocation of the IPP complex and assembly of integrin β1-IPP signaling complexes. Thus, our study defines the role of mda-9/syntenin in ILK adaptor function and describes a new mechanism of mda-9/syntenin for regulation of cell migration.  相似文献   

The normal expression, cell surface localization, and function of the murine high density lipoprotein receptor scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in hepatocytes in vivo, and thus normal lipoprotein metabolism, depend on its four PDZ domain (PDZ1–PDZ4) containing cytoplasmic adaptor protein PDZK1. Previous studies showed that the C terminus of SR-BI (“target peptide”) binds directly to PDZ1 and influences hepatic SR-BI protein expression. Unexpectedly an inactivating mutation in PDZ1 (Tyr20 → Ala) only partially, rather than completely, suppresses the ability of PDZK1 to control hepatic SR-BI. We used isothermal titration calorimetry to show that PDZ3, but not PDZ2 or PDZ4, can also bind the target peptide (Kd = 37.0 μm), albeit with ∼10-fold lower affinity than PDZ1. This binding is abrogated by a Tyr253 → Ala substitution. Comparison of the 1.5-Å resolution crystal structure of PDZ3 with its bound target peptide (505QEAKL509) to that of peptide-bound PDZ1 indicated fewer target peptide stabilizing atomic interactions (hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions) in PDZ3. A double (Tyr20 → Ala (PDZ1) + Tyr253 → Ala (PDZ3)) substitution abrogated all target peptide binding to PDZK1. In vivo hepatic expression of a singly substituted (Tyr253 → Ala (PDZ3)) PDZK1 transgene (Tg) was able to correct all of the SR-BI-related defects in PDZK1 knock-out mice, whereas the doubly substituted [Tyr20 → Ala (PDZ1) + Tyr253 → Ala (PDZ3)]Tg was unable to correct these defects. Thus, we conclude that PDZK1-mediated control of hepatic SR-BI requires direct binding of the SR-BI C terminus to either the PDZ1 or PDZ3 domains, and that binding to both domains simultaneously is not required for PDZK1 control of hepatic SR-BI.  相似文献   

STAP-2 (signal transducing adaptor protein-2) is a recently identified adaptor protein that contains pleckstrin homology (PH) and Src homology 2-like domains, as well as a STAT3-binding motif in its C-terminal region. STAP-2 is also a substrate of breast tumor kinase (Brk). In breast cancers, Brk expression is deregulated and promotes STAT3-dependent cell proliferation. In the present study, manipulated STAP-2 expression demonstrated essential roles of STAP-2 in Brk-mediated STAT3 activation. STAP-2 interacts with both Brk and STAT3. In addition, small interfering RNA-mediated reduction of endogenous STAP-2 expression strongly decreased Brk-mediated STAT3 activation in T47D breast cancer cells. The PH domain of STAP-2 is involved in multiple steps: the binding between Brk and STAP-2, the activation and tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT3, and the activation of Brk. Notably, a STAP-2 PH-Brk fusion protein exhibited robust kinase activity and increased activation and tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT3. Finally, STAP-2 knockdown in T47D cells induced a significant decrease of proliferation, as strong as that of Brk or STAT3 knockdown. Taken together, our findings are likely to inform the development of a novel therapeutic strategy, as well as the determination of novel prognostic values, in breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

Rac1 is a member of the Rho family of small GTPases, which regulate cell adhesion and migration through their control of the actin cytoskeleton. Rho-GTPases are structurally very similar, with the exception of a hypervariable domain in the C terminus. Using peptide-based pulldown assays in combination with mass spectrometry, we previously showed that the hypervariable domain in Rac1 mediates specific protein-protein interactions. Most recently, we found that the Rac1 C terminus associates to the ubiquitously expressed adapter protein CMS/CD2AP. CD2AP is critical for the formation and maintenance of a specialized cell-cell contact between kidney podocyte foot processes, the slit diaphragm. Here, CD2AP links the cell adhesion protein nephrin to the actin cytoskeleton. In addition, CMS/CD2AP binds actin-regulating proteins, such as CAPZ and cortactin, and has been implicated in the internalization of growth factor receptors. We found that CD2AP specifically interacts with the C-terminal domain of Rac1 but not with that of other Rho family members. Efficient interaction between Rac1 and CD2AP requires both the proline-rich domain and the poly-basic region in the Rac1 C terminus, and at least two of the three N-terminal SH3 domains of CD2AP. CD2AP co-localizes with Rac1 to membrane ruffles, and small interfering RNA-based experiments showed that CD2AP links Rac1 to CAPZ and cortactin. Finally, expression of constitutive active Rac1 recruits CD2AP to cell-cell contacts in epithelial cells, where we found CD2AP to participate in the control of the epithelial barrier function. These data identify CD2AP as a novel Rac1-associated adapter protein that participates in the regulation of epithelial cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death worldwide. Currently, an increasing evidence showed that circular RNAs (circRNAs) play important roles in tumor progression. However, the effects and underlying mechanisms of circRNAs in CRC progression remain unclear. In the present study, through circRNA high-throughput sequencing and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, we identified that hsa_circ_0136666 was significantly overexpressed in CRC tissues and cell lines. High hsa_circ_0136666 expression was associated with poor overall survival of patients with CRC. In vitro function assays showed that hsa_circ_0136666 inhibition suppressed CRC cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and arrested CRC cells in the G0/G1 phase. Furthermore, we showed that hsa_circ_0136666 inhibition reduced CRC cell growth in vivo. Mechanistically, we revealed that hsa_circ_0136666 could increase SH2B1 expression via competitively binding miR-136 in CRC cells. In addition, SH2B1 overexpression could reverse the effects of hsa_circ_0136666 inhibition on CRC cell progression. In conclusion, our data suggested that hsa_circ_0136666 could promote CRC cell progression via the miR-136/SH2B1 axis, elucidating a novel approach to improve the effectiveness of CRC treatment.  相似文献   

Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM-2) is rapidly emerging as a key regulator of the innate immune response via its regulation of macrophage inflammatory responses. Here we demonstrate that proximal TREM-2 signaling parallels other DAP12-based receptor systems in its use of Syk and Src-family kinases. However, we find that the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) is severely reduced as monocytes differentiate into macrophages and that TREM-2 exclusively uses the linker for activation of B cells (LAB encoded by the gene Lat2−/−) to mediate downstream signaling. LAB is required for TREM-2-mediated activation of Erk1/2 and dampens proximal TREM-2 signals through a novel LAT-independent mechanism resulting in macrophages with proinflammatory properties. Thus, Lat2−/− macrophages have increased TREM-2-induced proximal phosphorylation, and lipopolysaccharide stimulation of these cells leads to increased interleukin-10 (IL-10) and decreased IL-12p40 production relative to wild type cells. Together these data identify LAB as a critical, LAT-independent regulator of TREM-2 signaling and macrophage development capable of controlling subsequent inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

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