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Five new species of Culicoides of the Nansei Islands are described: C. sasai sp.n. from Amami-oshima Is., C. toshiokai sp.n. from Ishigaki Is., C. iriomotensis sp.n. from Iriomote Is., C. flavipunctatus sp.n. from Yonaguni Is., and C. yaeyamaensis sp.n. from the latter three islands. C. toshiokai sp.n. and C. iriomotensis sp.n. are tree-hole breeders, such as C. dendrophilus Amosova, which is common in similar habitats extending from Okinawa to Honshu.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper attempts to reveal the biogeographic characteristics of ant fauna of the islands among Korean South Sea, using quantitative analyses. The data treated in this paper are those from Cheongsando Is. and 10 other islands in South Sea which have been well investigated. The faunal similarity is examined using the Nomura-Simpson's Coefficient (NSC). Futhermore, the obtained NSC value matrix is examined by a cluster analysis using UPGMA method. The number of species which has been recorded in the 11 islands are 91 species belonging to 34 genera under 4 subfamilies. Among the above 11 islands, Jejudo Is., which is the largest, has the highest number of species, 67 spp., while Geogeumdo Is. has the lowest, 21 spp. Cheongsando Is. which has directly been investigated by authors has 30 species. The NSC- values between the 11 localities investigated range from 0.522 (Wando Is. to Saryangdo Is.) to 1.000 (Namhaedo Is. to Geojedo Is.). The comparative NSC value of Cheongsando Is. and 10 islands range from 0.522 (to Saryangdo Is.) to 0.833 (to Jejudo Is). The cluster analysis using a similarity index (NSC) showed that the islands of these areas could be grouped into 3, a level of 32%. The similarity of Soando Is. and Geomundo Is. were the closest, 63%, while Soando Is. and Namhaedo Is. were the remotest, 32%. The similarity of Jindo Is. and Cheongsando Is, was 63%, while that of Namhaedo Is. and Cheongsando Is. was 32%.  相似文献   

'The scattered islands of the southern, cold ocean have clear affinities with one another . . . They are the basis for my Insulantarctica province.'
Udvardy, 1987, p. 190
Analyses of the distributional patterns of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) from several Subantarctic islands, namely, Campbell, Auckland, Snares, Antipodes, Chatham, Falklands, Tierra del Fuego, Tristan da Cunha, Inaccessible, Nightingale, Gough, Marion, Prince Edward, Crozet, Kerguelen, and Heard, as well as South America and New Zealand, were carried out in order to determine their historical relationships, and to test the validity of Udvardy's (1987 ) Insulantarctica province. Three parsimony analyses of endemicity (PAE) considering (a) only species, (b) only supraspecific taxa, and (c) species and supraspecific taxa together, were undertaken. The following four groups emerged from the analyses: (1) New Zealand with the Snares, Auckland, Campbell, and Chatham Is., where New Zealand is the sister area to the Chatham Is., and the Auckland Is. are the sister area to Campbell I.; (2) South America with the Falkland Is. and Tierra del Fuego, where South America and Tierra del Fuego together are the sister area to the Falkland Is.; (3) Tristan da Cunha-Gough group, with the islands following the sequence Gough, Tristan da Cunha, Inaccessible, and Nightingale Is.; and (4) Kerguelen, Heard, Crozet, Marion, and Prince Edward Is., with Kerguelen and Heard Is. being sister areas, and Marion and Prince Edward Is. together being the sister area to the Crozet Is. It is concluded that the weevil fauna does not support the existence of an Insulantarctica province; the similarities among the different Subantarctic islands are due more to similar environmental conditions rather than to a common history.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Old World species of the genus Pygothrips are studied. Nine species are included. Four of them are previously known: P.mikrommatos (Moulton) from Fiji, P. pygus (Mound), P. rugicauda Hood and P. shavianus (Bagnall) from Australia. A further five species are new to science: P. breviceps from Japan, P. flavomaculatus from Obi Is., Indonesia, P. fusculus from Ogasawara Is., northwestern Micronesia, Japan, P. postocellaris from Fiji and P. vicinus from the Ryukyus, Japan. A key to species is provided.  相似文献   

The numbers of alien plant species naturalized on Kangaroo Is., South Australia, at different times were examined and compared with those from an adjacent part of the mainland, the Encounter Bay area. The establishment of new species appears to have been accelerating and the rate of acquisition is around 50% faster on the mainland than on the island. Flinders’ Chase, a National Park at the western end of Kangaroo Is., has been acquiring alien species more slowly than the rest of the island. Land use patterns are a more effective barrier to the invasion of alien plants than a 15 km stretch of sea.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the microalgal communities inhabiting four islands in the vicinity of Cierva Point (Antarctic Peninsula). Only one of these, Moss Is., is included in the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) No. 15 established by the Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research. Moss, Pingüino and Leopardo Is. hosted 29, 33 and 36 species respectively, on account of their large size and high environmental variability, while only seven species (two Cyanobacteria and five Chlamydomonadales) thrived in the hypereutrophic coastal pools of Mansilla Is. Cluster analysis performed on sampling sites on the basis of present species showed cryobiontic communities to have the most constant taxonomic composition amongst the sites. 14.7% of the species recorded were new for this area and were found exclusively at one of the islands. Only Pingüino Is., the closest to land, did not show any of such taxa. Twelve of the 61 species registered require further study in order to identify them, and some are probably new to science. Taking into account the rarity and patchy distribution of such species, we recommend that Pingüino, Leopardo and Mansilla Is. be included in the SSSI No. 15 in order to protect these possibly unique populations.  相似文献   

Heteronyx parvulus Macleay. Monte Bello Islands: Hermite I., 20. viii. 52, 1 ex.; 25. viii. 52, 1 ex.; 27. viii. 1952, 1 ex.; 10. ix. 52, 1 ex. at light. Hermite and Trimouille Is., viii-x. 1952, 1 ex.
This species is known only from N.W. Australia. The type locality is King Sound.  相似文献   

Adenophora erecta S. Lee, J. Lee et S. Kim, is described as a new species from an open north-facing mountain slope on the coast of Sukpo-Dong, Ullungdo Is., Kyungsangbukdo, Korea. This species resemblesA. remotiflora Miq., but is well separated by having the leaves compactly arranged along the upper part of the stem, condensed raceme, distinct veins on the corolla and especially shallow dome-shaped epigynous nectar disc.  相似文献   

Results of a long-term study of the taxonomy, distribution and abundance of the hermatypic corals of the Ryukyu Is. and mainland Japan indicate that the present high diversity is threatened by a quantitative and qualitative decrease in available habitat caused by Acanthaster planci predation and human-induced environmental deterioration. Ninety-eight sites were studied, allowing detailed comparison between the three main groups of the Ryukyu Is. (Yaeyama, Okinawa and Amami Groups) and seven principal coral regions of mainland Japan (Tanegashima, Amakusa Is., the Tosashimizu and Kushimoto regions, and the Shirahama, Izu and Tateyama Peninsulas). Within this area, 400 species have been recorded and 9 additional species are recorded from the literature, from additional localities, or with doubt, from the Ryukyu Is. In non-mutually exclusive distribution and abundance categories for the Ryukyu Is. and mainland Japan: 129 species are common in at least some Japanese localities; 24 are widely dispersed within the Indo-Pacific, but occur in small, perhaps disjunct populations in Japan; 149 are uncommon throughout their Indo-west Pacific distribution ranges including Japan; 38 are restricted to the Yaeyama Group where all but three are uncommon or rare; 69 purely reefal (Ryukyu Is.) species are rare; 17 are rare in the Ryukyu Is. but are relatively common in mainaland locations; and 8 species appear to be endemic to mainland Japan and adjacent Asian countries. Some 37% of all Japanese hermatypic corals are uncommon throughout their range in Japan and are at some risk of regional extinction, 29% of others are rare and at substantial risk as they occur only in very limited areas of high diversity or in species-specific refuges. These sites are dientified. Of the 8 endemic species, 5 are primarily restricted to species-specific refuges. These data indicate an unstable situation. At least one third of all Japanese hermatypic species will eventually be at risk if the present causes of diversity decrease are not remedied.  相似文献   

A new genus, Heppneralis Park, gen. nov., of the subfamily Torodorinae, is described based on the type species, H. decorella sp. nov., and an additional new species, H. dumogaensis sp. nov., from Is. Sulawesi, Indonesia is described. The new genus is distinguished from all known genera of the subfamily by unique wing color markings on both wings, with R5 and M2 absent in the forewing and M2 absent in the hindwing.  相似文献   

社会神经科学是研究人类的社会行为及其神经机制的综合性学科.从1992年学科成立至今,社会神经科学研究取得了丰硕的成果.本文系统介绍了该领域4个主要研究方向:社会知觉、社会认知、社会调节和社会互动的研究成果,并在此基础上总结了各研究方向的核心问题,即社会知觉加工的模块化问题、人类社会认知的独特性问题和社会调节加工的跨文化一致性问题.已有研究表明,社会知觉加工至少在计算算法层面是特异化的;心智化系统是人类独有的加工模块;人类社会调节不具备跨文化的一致性;大脑间耦合可能是社会互动共有的神经机制.最后,展望了社会神经科学未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

Pelagic juvenile pipefishes, representing three genera previously unrecorded from the eastern Atlantic region, are reported from collections of the 1928–30 DANA expedition. Cosmocampus retropinnis sp. n., with dorsal-fin origin on tail and 6.75–8.0 subdorsal rings (S Morocco to Gambia), Minyichthys sentus sp. n., with patches of spinules on snout and 42 tail rings (W Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean off N Morocco and Canary Is.), and Amphelikturus sp. (off Sierra Leone) are described and figured. The subgenus Minyichthys Herald and Randall is rediagnosed as a genus characterized, in part, by an 8-rayed caudal fin. A key is provided to the nine genera of Syngnathidae known from the eastern Atlantic region.  相似文献   

The Southern hemisphere aorid amphipod genera Haplocheira Haswell and Kuphocheira Barnard are revised and Anonychocheirus gen. nov. is described from Antarctica. A key is provided to distinguish the three genera and six species currently known. Material attributed to H. barbimana (Thomson, 1879) from Antarctica, South Georgia, Australia, lies de Kerguelen, New Zealand and Auckland Is. has been re-examined. The Antarctic material proves to be separate on the basis of antennal peduncle proportions, shape of lateral cephalic angle and shape and setation of peraeopod bases. Stebbing's species plumosa is re-established for this entity. Haplocheira robusta Barnard is synonymized with H. barbimana and three subspecies are described, viz. H.b. barbimana (Thomson) from New Zealand and Auckland Is., H.b. typica Haswell from Australia and lies de Kerguelen (shallow water) and H.b. robusta Barnard from Magellanic South America and the Falkland islands. Haplocheira balssi Schellenberg remains a separate species. Kuphocheira setimanus Barnard is re-assessed and K. emancipata sp. nov. described from Antarctica. The new genus Anonychocheirus is presently known only from the type species A. richardsoni sp. nov. described herein.  相似文献   

记述了采自青海省的夕蚖属2新种,即西宁夕蚖Hesperentomon ciningense sp.nov.和南山夕蚖Hesperentomon nanshanensis sp.nov.,两新种腹部第Ⅱ~Ⅵ节背板后排具有6对刚毛,毛序为8/12,第Ⅳ~Ⅵ节腹板缺失后排中刚毛Pc,毛序为4/8.西宁夕蚖和南山夕蚖相似,二者可以通过颚腺、雌性外生殖器、前足跗节的长度、感器形状以及腹部第Ⅹ节的毛序加以区分.新种模式标本保存在上海昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

Is described a technique for transplanting rat kidneys. The technique involves suture of vessels of less than 1 mm in diameter with microsurgical techniques. Were used adult male rats of wistar strain. The kidney is perfused with 250 cc of ringer lactate, heparin 10.000 U.I., solumedrol 1 g novocain 150 mg. The results were very good.  相似文献   

Surculiseries rugispora gen. et sp. nov. is described as an endophytic fungus from leaves ofBruguiera gymnorrhiza in mangrove forests in the Iriomote Is., Okinawa, Japan. This fungus develops peculiar conditiongenous cells that resemble octopus legs with obvious sucker-like scars, and produces lentiform conidia with lines on surface. Sequence analysis of 18S rDNA places this new fungus in the family Xylariaceae and shows its close affinity to the genusAscotricha (anamorph:Dicyma).  相似文献   

The use of the bacterium Wolbachia is an attractive alternative method to control vector populations. In mosquitoes, as in members of the Culex pipiens complex, Wolbachia induces a form of embryonic lethality called cytoplasmic incompatibility, a sperm-egg incompatibility occurring when infected males mate either with uninfected females or with females infected with incompatible Wolbachia strain(s). Here we explore the feasibility of the Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT), a species-specific control approach in which field females are sterilized by inundative releases of incompatible males. We show that the Wolbachia wPip(Is) strain, naturally infecting Cx. p. pipiens mosquitoes from Turkey, is a good candidate to control Cx. p. quinquefasciatus populations on four islands of the south-western Indian Ocean (La Réunion, Mauritius, Grande Glorieuse and Mayotte). The wPip(Is) strain was introduced into the nuclear background of Cx. p. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes from La Réunion, leading to the LR[wPip(Is)] line. Total embryonic lethality was observed in crosses between LR[wPip(Is)] males and all tested field females from the four islands. Interestingly, most crosses involving LR[wPip(Is)] females and field males were also incompatible, which is expected to reduce the impact of any accidental release of LR[wPip(Is)] females. Cage experiments demonstrate that LR[wPip(Is)] males are equally competitive with La Réunion males resulting in demographic crash when LR[wPip(Is)] males were introduced into La Réunion laboratory cages. These results, together with the geographic isolation of the four south-western Indian Ocean islands and their limited land area, support the feasibility of an IIT program using LR[wPip(Is)] males and stimulate the implementation of field tests for a Cx. p. quinquefasciatus control strategy on these islands.  相似文献   

A "slow" inward current (Is) has been identified in ventricular muscle and Purkinje fibers of several mammalian species. The two- microelectrode voltage clamp technique is used to examine some of the relationships between Is and contraction of the sheep cardiac Purkinje fiber. "Tails" of inward current occurring on repolarization and extrapolation of Is recovery each show that the Is system may not inactivate completely during prolonged depolarization. The rate of recovery of Is after a depolarization is slow, and when a train of 300- ms clamps (frequency 1 s-1) is begun after a rest, Is is larger for the first clamp than it is for succeedings clamps. For the first clamp after a rest, the thresholds for Is and tension are the same and there is a direct correlation between peak tension and peak Is for clamp voltages between threshold and minus 40 mV. After a clamp, however, the ability to contract recovers much more slowly than does Is. Therefore, since Is may occur under certain conditions without tension, the realtionship between Is and tension must be indirect. Calcium entering the cell via this current may replenish or augment an intracellular calcium pool.  相似文献   

Epidemiological methods, which combine population thinking and group comparisons, can primarily identify causes of disease in populations. There is therefore a tension between our intuitive notion of a cause, which we want to be deterministic and invariant at the individual level, and the epidemiological notion of causes, which are invariant only at the population level. Epidemiologists have given heretofore a pragmatic solution to this tension. Causal inference in epidemiology consists in checking the logical coherence of a causality statement and determining whether what has been found grossly contradicts what we think we already know: how strong is the association? Is there a dose-response relationship? Does the cause precede the effect? Is the effect biologically plausible? Etc. This approach to causal inference can be traced back to the English philosophers David Hume and John Stuart Mill. On the other hand, the mode of establishing causality, devised by Jakob Henle and Robert Koch, which has been fruitful in bacteriology, requires that in every instance the effect invariably follows the cause (e.g., inoculation of Koch bacillus and tuberculosis). This is incompatible with epidemiological causality which has to deal with probabilistic effects (e.g., smoking and lung cancer), and is therefore invariant only for the population.  相似文献   

福建省肖叶甲科属种分布类型与动物地理格局(鞘翅目)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究福建省肖叶甲科属与种的分布类型,动物地理成分以及该省与其他地区的区系关系,发现该省的肖叶甲科属级单元以南方成分为主,兼有南北广布成分,无典型的北方属;种的分布以亚洲季风区分布型(包括五种亚型)为主。兼有热带亚洲分布型以及少量的亚洲广布和北方型种。  相似文献   

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