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Recently, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been introducedas a model system to study the molecular bases of a varietyof ethanol-induced behaviors. It became immediately apparentthat the behavioral changes elicited by acute ethanol exposureare remarkably similar in flies and mammals. Flies show signsof acute intoxication, which range from locomotor stimulationat low doses to complete sedation at higher doses and they developtolerance upon intermittent ethanol exposure. Genetic screensfor mutants with altered responsiveness to ethanol have beencarried out and a few of the disrupted genes have been identified.This analysis, while still in its early stages, has alreadyrevealed some surprising molecular parallels with mammals. Theavailability of powerful tools for genetic manipulation in Drosophila,together with the high degree of conservation at the genomiclevel, make Drosophila a promising model organism to study themechanism by which ethanol regulates behavior and the mechanismsunderlying the organism's adaptation to long-term ethanol exposure.  相似文献   

B. A. Chase  B. S. Baker 《Genetics》1995,139(4):1649-1661
Sex-type in Drosophila melanogaster is controlled by a hierarchically acting set of regulatory genes. At the terminus of this hierarchy lie those regulatory genes responsible for implementing sexual differentiation: genes that control the activity of target loci whose products give rise to sexually dimorphic phenotypes. The genetic analysis of the intersex (ix) gene presented here demonstrates that ix is such a terminally positioned regulatory locus. The ix locus has been localized to the cytogenetic interval between 47E3-6 and 47F11-18. A comparison of the morphological and behavioral phenotypes of homozygotes and hemizygotes for three point mutations at ix indicates that the null phenotype of ix is to transform diplo-X animals into intersexes while leaving haplo-X animals unaffected. Analysis of X-ray induced, mitotic recombination clones lacking ix(+) function in the abdomen of diplo-X individuals indicates that the ix(+) product functions in a cell-autonomous manner and that it is required at least until the termination of cell division in this tissue. Taken together with previous analyses, our results indicate that the ix(+) product is required to function with the female-specific product of doublesex to implement appropriate female sexual differentiation in diplo-X animals.  相似文献   

The courtship song of a Drosophila melanogaster male consists of tone pulses interspersed with humming sounds. An X chromosomal mutation, cacophony (cac), causes the production of polycyclic pulses readily distinguishable from those in wild type, which are mono- or bicyclic. Yet, courtship hums and flight wing beats are normal in this mutant, suggesting a specific role of the cac gene in the neural program underlying one particular feature of the fly's wing vibrations. A precise cytogenetic localization of cac is presented; this was obtained by uncovering the song abnormality with deletions that are missing all or the distal part of region 11A; the flies tested were diplo-X adults that had been turned into males by the transformer mutation. Duplications including distal 11A covered cac. The possibility of behavioral specificity for cac's effects was examined by screening a variety of sexual and nonsexual behaviors; these experiments included tests of flies in which the mutation was uncovered by a small deletion. We conclude that cac causes only a limited array of well-defined defects: longer and louder tone pulses in the song and depressed locomotor activity. Further complementation tests involving cac and other closely linked genetic variants--the night-blind-A (nbA) visual mutation, l(1)L13 lethal mutations, and a series of X chromosomal breakpoints--suggested complex interactions among these factors: the breakpoints uncover all three types of mutations; cac and nbA appear to be alleles of l(1)L13, whereas the two behavioral mutations complement each other.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the FMRFamide neuropeptide gene region of Drosophila melanogaster. This gene maps to the 46C region of chromosome 2R; this interval previously was not well characterized. For this genetic and molecular analysis, we have used X-ray mutagenesis, EMS mutagenesis, and the recently reported local P element transposition method. We identified four overlapping deletions, two of which have proximal breakpoints that define a 50-60-kb region surrounding the FMRFamide gene in 46C. To this small region, we mapped three lethal complementation groups; 10 additional lethal complementation groups were mapped to more distal regions of 46CD. One of these groups corresponds to even-skipped, the other 12 are previously unidentified. Using various lines of evidence we excluded the possibility that FMRFamide corresponds to any of the three lethal complementation groups mapping to its immediate 50-60-kb vicinity. The positions of two of the three lethal complementation groups were identified with P elements using a local transposition scheme. The third lethal complementation group was excluded as being FMRFamide mutants by sequence analysis and by immunocytochemistry with proFMRFamide precursor-specific antibodies. This analysis has (1) provided a genetic map of the 46CD chromosomal region and a detailed molecular map of a portion of the 46C region and (2) provided additional evidence of the utility of local transposition for targeting nearby genes.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis of the Claret Locus of Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
W. Sequeira  C. R. Nelson    P. Szauter 《Genetics》1989,123(3):511-524
The claret (ca) locus of Drosophila melanogaster comprises two separately mutable domains, one responsible for eye color and one responsible for proper disjunction of chromosomes in meiosis and early cleavage divisions. Previously isolated alleles are of three types: (1) alleles of the claret (ca) type that affect eye color only, (2) alleles of the claret-nondisjunctional (cand) type that affect eye color and chromosome behavior, and (3) a meiotic mutation, non-claret disjunctional (ncd), that affects chromosome behavior only. In order to investigate the genetic structure of the claret locus, we have isolated 19 radiation-induced alleles of claret on the basis of the eye color phenotype. Two of these 19 new alleles are of the cand type, while 17 are of the ca type, demonstrating that the two domains do not often act as a single target for mutagenesis. This suggests that the two separately mutable functions are likely to be encoded by separate or overlapping genes rather than by a single gene. One of the new alleles of the cand type is a chromosome rearrangement with a breakpoint at the position of the claret locus. If this breakpoint is the cause of the mutant phenotype and there are no other mutations associated with the rearrangement, the two functions must be encoded by overlapping genes.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that early learning plays a role in auditory preferences of female songbirds. We explored whether early experience shapes preferences for local geographic song in female song sparrows ( Melospiza melodia ), a species that prefers local geographic song in adulthood. We hand-reared females from two locations 450 km apart and controlled song exposure early in life. To examine the effects of experience and inherited factors on geographic song preferences, we used a counterbalanced design. Females from each location were tutored with either natal song (recorded from their location of capture) or non-natal song (recorded from the other location) and their preferences for tutor vs. non-tutor song assessed in adulthood. We also examined song preferences in isolate females reared with no song experience. We found that tutored females preferred their tutor song over non-tutor song, regardless of their capture location. Furthermore, birds not exposed to song (isolates) had no geographic song preferences. Thus, song exposure early in life clearly plays an important role in adult female preferences for local song in this species.  相似文献   

Chromosome region 85A contains at least 12 genetic complementation groups, including the genes dhod, pink and hunchback. In order to better understand the organization of this chromosomal segment and to permit molecular studies of these genes, we have carried out a genetic analysis coupled with a chromosome walk to isolate the DNA containing these genes. Complementation tests with chromosomal deficiencies permitted unambiguous ordering of most of the complementation groups identified within the 85A region. Recombinant bacteriophage clones were isolated that collectively span over 120 kb of 85A DNA and these were used to produce a molecular map of the region. The breakpoint sites of a number of 85A chromosome rearrangements were localized on the molecular map, thereby delimiting regions of the DNA that contain the various genetic complementation groups.  相似文献   

Preferential Segregation in Triplo-IV Females of Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sturtevant AH 《Genetics》1936,21(4):444-466

Molecular Analysis of Recombination Events in Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3  
D. Curtis  S. H. Clark  A. Chovnick    W. Bender 《Genetics》1989,122(3):653-661
The locations of crossover junctions and gene conversion tracts, isolated in the rosy gene of Drosophila melanogaster, were determined using DNA sequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Frequent DNA sequence polymorphisms between the parental genes served as unselected genetic markers. All conversion tracts were continuous, and half of the reciprocal crossover events had conversion tracts at the crossover junction. These experiments have also identified the sequence polymorphisms responsible for altered gene expression in two naturally occurring rosy variants.  相似文献   

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