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目的:将提取的猪心室肌细胞膜上K^ 通道重装在磷脂双层上,用电压嵌方法研究离子通道。方法:将猪心室肌制成匀浆,通过蔗糖梯度离心,分离出通道蛋白成分,利用双室系统将其重装在人工膜上,在电压籍位下记录通道电流。结果:提取的通道蛋白成分优势电导为27~31ps,此外还记录到有15,50和100ps的几种通道活动,其中以27~31ps最为常见。经测定反转电位,确定它们为K^ 选择性通道。结论:本研究在国内首次完成了心肌钾通道在人工脂双层膜上的重装,为在单通道基础上研究K^ 通道提供了重要手段。  相似文献   

磷脂转运蛋白的结构及其生物学意义朱全胜,查锡良(上海医科大学生化教研室,上海200032)关键词磷脂转运蛋白,磷脂,细胞膜细胞膜由磷脂双层组成,双分子层中的磷脂分子时刻处在变化之中,不仅表现为磷脂分子从合成部位持续流向细胞膜及膜脂反向流到细胞内,而且...  相似文献   

竹红菌甲素对红细胞膜内脂双层的微扰   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, using human erythrocyte membrane, the effect of Hypocrellin A on the lipid bilayer of the membrane was studied by measuring the change of the fluidity of the membrane, the energy transfer of the fluorescent probes, the shift of the fluorescent emission peaks, and the split of band-a of Hypocrellin A. The results showed that in the presence of HA, the fluidity of erythrocyte membrane was increased, the fluorescence intensity of the probes was decreased, and the fluorescence peaks shifted blue. These phenomena took place more seriously with the increment of HA concentration. Meanwhile, the band-a of HA excitation spectra was splitted. It was suggested from all of the results that HA could significantly perturb the lipid bilayer of erythrocyte membrane, there were interactions existing between the Hypocrellin A and the membrane. The HA was mainly located in the middle range of the membrane lipid bilayer when in high concentration (mainly to the 12-16 positions of the long chain fatty acid).  相似文献   

通过对低渗溶血过程、荧光淬灭效应及阴离子跨膜通透性的研究,探讨了苯肼对红细胞膜结构和功能的影响。苯肼浓度0.01mM时,低渗溶血的K_1快过程开始变慢,表明膜脂质流动性的降低。苯肼浓度增至0.1mM后,膜和变性血红蛋白的结合大为增强,这种膜结构的变化提高了阴离子的跨膜通透性。  相似文献   

本文以荧光探针为手段,以人红细胞膜为材料,测量了膜偏振度的改变,荧光探针能量转移,荧光峰的蓝移和甲素激发峰的分裂。结果表明在有竹红菌甲素存在时,红细胞膜偏振度增加,探针荧光强度减小,荧光峰蓝移。甲素浓度增加时,上述现象更加明显,即它们之间有正的相关关系。同时,甲素激发光谱的a带发生分裂。据此,我们认为甲素对红细胞膜内脂双层产生明显微扰,甲素与红细胞膜间存在着相互作用。在甲素浓度较大时,它主要是渗入到红细胞膜脂双层的深层部位(膜脂肪酸链的12—16位)。  相似文献   

通过荧光和电泳方法研究了稀土离子对磷脂酰胆碱脂质体及人红细胞膜脂持过氧化的影响。结果表明稀土离子都能够强烈的抑制膜的脂质过氧化,春作用强度随不同的稀土离子要有较大的判别稀土离子对分离的人红细胞膜的脂质过氧化的抑制作用比对PC脂质体更强。  相似文献   

碳源对活性污泥微生物细胞膜特性和群落结构影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】揭示碳源对活性污泥微生物细胞膜特性(磷脂脂肪酸组成和流动性)以及群落结构的影响规律。【方法】采用原子力显微镜、磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)、荧光漂白恢复(FRAP)和Mi Seq分析技术,考察以葡萄糖、乙酸钠、蛋白胨、葡萄糖?蛋白胨(1?1)和乙酸钠?蛋白胨(1?1)为基质的序批式活性污泥(SBR)反应器中,活性污泥微生物表面粘附力、细胞膜PLFA组成和流动性及群落结构的差异。【结果】含有蛋白胨为碳源时相比于葡萄糖和乙酸钠为单一碳源,细胞膜磷脂流动性增加,且18?1ω9c、15?0iso和17?0iso的含量提高了53.1%-354.7%、135.6%-407.9%和88.1%-264.3%;同时其微生物表面粘附力和群落多样性均增大。优势菌群对碳源的响应呈现出不一致的规律:葡萄糖和乙酸钠为单一碳源时其优势菌门分别为放线菌门和变形菌门,Nakamurella和Flavobacterium分别为其优势菌属,群落多样性指数分别为3.65和4.25;蛋白胨为碳源时促进了Candidatus Saccharibacteria门的累积,群落多样性指数在4.96-5.09。【结论】主成分分析(PCA)表明,含有蛋白胨为碳源时微生物细胞膜PLFA组成具有相似性;冗余分析(RDA)表明,不同碳源驯化出不同的微生物群落,进而也对细胞膜磷脂组成产生了影响。  相似文献   

学生在课堂上进行的科学探究包括一系列的活动 ,其中有些活动是为观察事物、收集数据、提出见解和对观察到的现象进行分析打基础。有些活动则是鼓励学生对课本、参考书、期刊杂志等各种媒体提供的辅助性信息源进行严格的分析。北京四中的高一年级试用美国 BSCS《生物科学》教材 ,陈月艳老师编写的“细胞膜的结构和功能”一节课堂教学设计 ,较好地体现出探究型教学模式的基本要求 ,我们推荐给广大读者参考。  相似文献   

人红细胞膜带3蛋白由911个氨基酸组成,可分为N端胞质域和C端膜域。最新研究结果表明,α螺旋含一较高的跨膜域往返跨膜12次,在细胞膜中,带3蛋白主要以二聚体和四聚体形式存在,尽管其中的单体可独立地转运阴离子,然而二聚体中的两个单体之间存在着相互作用。  相似文献   

研究揭示细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成与质膜ATP酶在酵母菌耐酒精中的一种新颖关系。实验表明,细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成特点对生长于未添加酒精条件下的自絮凝颗粒酵母质膜ATP酶活性没有影响,但却明显影响生长于添加酒精(1%~10%,V/V)条件下的菌体质膜ATP酶对酒精激活的敏感性:预培养于添加0.6mmol/L棕榈酸、亚油酸、或亚麻酸条件下的菌体的质膜ATP酶的最大激活水平分别为各自酶的基态水平(未激活)的3.6、1.5和1.2倍,而对照组(预培养于未添加脂肪酸条件下的菌体)的相应值为2.3倍,酶产生上述最大激活水平时的酒精浓度分别为7%、6%、6%、和7%(V/V)。酶激活后米氏常数Km、最适pH和对钒酸钠(质膜ATP酶特异性抑制剂)的敏感性等性质不变,但最大反应速度υmax明显增加。实验表明,细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成特点对提高菌体的耐酒精能力越有利,则其质膜ATP酶被酒精激活的幅度越大,说明菌体耐酒精能力的提高与其质膜ATP酶对酒精激活的敏感性的增加密切相关。细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成会影响酵母菌质膜ATP酶对酒精激活的敏感性是观察到的新的实验现象。  相似文献   

New technologies for the purification of stable membrane proteins have emerged in recent years, in particular methods that allow the preparation of membrane proteins with their native lipid environment. Here, we look at the progress achieved with the use of styrene-maleic acid copolymers (SMA) which are able to insert into biological membranes forming nanoparticles containing membrane proteins and lipids. This technology can be applied to membrane proteins from any host source, and, uniquely, allows purification without the protein ever being removed from a lipid bilayer. Not only do these SMA lipid particles (SMALPs) stabilise membrane proteins, allowing structural and functional studies, but they also offer opportunities to understand the local lipid environment of the host membrane. With any new or different method, questions inevitably arise about the integrity of the protein purified: does it retain its activity; its native structure; and ability to perform its function? How do membrane proteins within SMALPS perform in existing assays and lend themselves to analysis by established methods? We outline here recent work on the structure and function of membrane proteins that have been encapsulated like this in a polymer-bound lipid bilayer, and the potential for the future with this approach. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Beyond the Structure-Function Horizon of Membrane Proteins edited by Ute Hellmich, Rupak Doshi and Benjamin McIlwain.  相似文献   

真核细胞质膜蛋白质组研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
细胞膜(质膜)蛋白质是细胞的“门铃”与“门户”,是许多药物的作用靶标。细胞质膜蛋白质组的研究正成为蛋白质组研究的热点,这方面的研究有利于具有重要功能的低丰度蛋白质的发掘,为药物研发和疾病的诊断提供靶体与标记蛋白质。然而,质膜蛋白质组的研究在强疏水性跨膜蛋白质和低丰度膜蛋白质的分离和鉴定上遇到了方法学的挑战。本文对质膜及其微区的纯化、质膜蛋白质组的分离与鉴定、生物信息学,以及亚细胞定位研究的近期进展作扼要介绍。  相似文献   

Over the last 25 years one of us (WKS) has been investigating physical properties of lipid bilayer membranes. In 1991 a group led by WKS was organized into the Laboratory of Structure and Dynamics of Biological Membranes, the effective member of which is AW. Using mainly the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-labeling method, we obtained unexpected results, which are significant for the better understanding of the functioning of biological membranes. We have developed a new pulse EPR spin-labeling method for the detection of membrane domains and evaluation of lipid exchange rates. This review will be focused on our main results which can be summarized as follows: (1) Unsaturation of alkyl chains greatly reduces the ordering and rigidifying effects of cholesterol although the unsaturation alone gives only minor fluidizing effects, as observed by order and reorientational motion, and rather significant rigidifying effects, as observed by translational motion of probe molecules; (2) Fluid-phase model membranes and cell plasma membranes are not barriers to oxygen and nitric oxide transport; (3) Polar carotenoids can regulate membrane fluidity in a way similar to cholesterol; (4) Formation of effective hydrophobic barriers to the permeation of small polar molecules across membranes requires alkyl chain unsaturation and/or the presence of cholesterol; (5) Fluid-phase micro-immiscibility takes place in cis-unsaturated phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol membranes and induces the formation of cholesterol-rich domains; (6) In membranes containing high concentrations of transmembrane proteins a new lipid domain is formed, with lipids trapped within aggregates of proteins, in which the lipid dynamics is diminished to the level of gel-phase.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture replicas of filipin-treated samples of guinea pig colon mucosa reveal areas in the membrane of the goblet cell granules labeled by filipin-cholesterol complexes (FCC) intermingled with regions patterned by "lines." The FCC and "lines" are arranged in an approximately rhombic pattern. Other membranes of the same cell or of other cells display either FCC only, aligned and occasionally ordered in "rhombs," "lines" only, with a similar pattern, or randomly distributed FCC. Optical diffraction was used to analyze and compare replicas of membranes with ordered FCC and "lines", as well as randomly distributed FCC. The results demonstrate that all these structures are reciprocally related through a common distribution pattern in the membrane. This observation supports the assumption that cholesterol has a preferential ordered distribution within the membrane bilayer.  相似文献   

We have studied the partitioning of a set of phenolic compounds used as lignin precursor models into lipid bilayer disks and liposomes. The bilayer disks are open bilayer structures stabilized by polyethylene glycol-conjugated lipids. Our results indicate that disks generate more accurate partition data than do liposomes. Furthermore, we show that the partitioning into the membrane phase is reduced slightly if disks composed of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and cholesterol are exchanged for disks with a lipid composition mimicking that of the root tissue of Zea mays L.  相似文献   

Poliovirus-induced alterations in HeLa cell membrane functions.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Protein synthesis, amino acid uptake, membrane potential, cell volume, Na+ and K+ levels, and ATPase (Na+,K+ activated; EC activity were investigated in control and poliovirus-infected HeLa cells. Inhibition of protein synthesis was first observed 60 min postinfection and reached a maximum at 120 min. The onset of protein synthesis inhibition coincided with a decrease in cell volume and with an elevation of ATPase activity in isolated HeLa cell membranes. Some 3 h after virus adsorption, ATPase activity was inhibited, the Na+-K+ gradient of the cell collapsed, both membrane potential-dependent tetraphenylphosphonium ion uptake and amino acid uptake were reduced, and the cell volume increased. These results provide further experimental support for the hypothesis that modification of the cell membrane plays an important role in the strategy of cytopathogenic viruses in the shutoff of host metabolism and cell death.  相似文献   

Amphiphile-induced tubular budding of the erythrocyte membrane was studied using transmission electron microscopy. No chiral patterns of the intramembraneous particles were found, either on the cylindrical buds, or on the tubular nanoexovesicles. In agreement with these observations, the tubular budding may be explained by in-plane ordering of anisotropic membrane inclusions in the buds where the difference between the principal membrane curvatures is very large. In contrast to previously reported theories, no direct external mechanical force is needed to explain tubular budding of the bilayer membrane.  相似文献   

Autophagy in the eukaryotic cell   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

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