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Ecological constraints such as resource limitation, unfavourable weather conditions, and parasite pressure have long been considered some of the most important selective pressures for the evolution of sociality. In the present study, we assess the fitness consequences of these three ecological factors on reproductive success of solitary nests and social colonies in the socially polymorphic small carpenter bee, Ceratina australensis, based on 982 nests collected over four reproductive periods. Nest site limitation was predicted to decrease opportunities for independent nest initiation and increase the frequency of social nesting. Nest sites were not limiting in this species and the frequency of social nesting was consistent across the four brood‐rearing periods studied. Unfavourable weather was predicted to lower the frequency of female dispersal from their natal nests and to limit the brood‐rearing season; this would increase the frequency and fitness of social colonies. Daily temperature and precipitation accumulation varied between seasons but were not correlated with reproductive success in this bee. Increased parasite pressure is predicted to increase the frequency and fitness of social colonies because solitary bees must leave the nest unattended during foraging bouts and are less able to defend the nest against parasites. Severe parasitism by a chalcid wasp (Eurytoma sp.) resulted in low reproductive success and total nest failure in solitary nests. Social colonies had higher reproductive success and were never extirpated by parasites. The high frequency of solitary nests suggests that this is the optimal strategy. However, social colonies have a selective advantage over solitary nesting females during periods of extreme parasite pressure, and we suggest that social nesting represents a form of bet‐hedging against unpredictable fluctuations in parasite number. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 57–67.  相似文献   

木蜂Xylocopa作为蜜蜂科的一个重要类群, 用来研究昆虫社会进化早期阶段具有重要意义。本文综述了近年来木蜂的营巢习性、 社会性行为和交配策略的研究进展。木蜂巢的建筑与巢内巢室的分布、 巢室的大小、 贮备蜂粮的效率和被寄生的敏感性等均有一定的关系。在筑巢地点, 随着木蜂种群数量的增加, 同种雌蜂之间的资源存在着竞争, 木蜂对巢室的守卫加强, 更多地表现为对同种雌蜂的守卫以及防御其他的天敌入侵。其社会多态性由独栖性向社会性演化, 主要表现为独栖性、 亚社会性、 半社会性、 共生性和准社会性等方式, 甚至同一种群内会出现不同的社会性行为。在交配策略上, 木蜂的雄蜂在外部形态特征上具有适应交配和寻找雌蜂的进化特征, 并且具有复杂的领地行为。这些研究理论对于我们深刻理解木蜂的行为生物学具有重要意义, 同时也有助于进行更深层次的社会性蜂类演化进程的探索。  相似文献   

Nest material kleptoparasitism likely evolved in birds to reduce the cost of searching for and collecting material themselves. Although nest material kleptoparasitism has been reported commonly in colonially nesting species, reports for solitary breeding species are infrequent, especially for neotropical migratory species. Here, we report potential and actual nest material kleptoparasitism in the Worm‐eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum). We deployed video camera systems at passerine nests (n = 81) in east‐central Arkansas during summers 2011–2012. In one video, we observed a Worm‐eating Warbler stealing nesting material from a Hooded Warbler (Setophaga citrina) nest. One day later, we later observed a Worm‐eating Warbler landing within 0.5 m of the same warbler nest when the female was incubating, which possibly deterred a second theft of nesting material. In a third video recording, we observed another Worm‐eating Warbler landing within 1 m of an Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) nest. As far as we could determine, neither of these latter two nest visits resulted in nest material kleptoparasitism. Potential benefits of nest material kleptoparasitism include reduced competition for limited nest materials, easy access to suitable material, reduced travel distance, and reduction of nest predation risk; however, costs include risk of attack by host or introducing parasites to one''s nest. Importantly, this behavior could ultimately affect the behavioral and life history evolution of a species. We suggest further work should be conducted to determine the prevalence of nest material kleptoparasitism in Worm‐eating Warblers and other solitary breeding passerines, including efforts to quantify the benefits and costs of this behavior.  相似文献   


The Xylocopinae contains four tribes with species which show a range of nesting habits, from solitary to social. The Manueliini is the sister group to all other Xylocopine tribes, with one genus, Manuelia, of three species found mainly in Chile. This is a solitary genus, whose biology is scarcely known for two species, M. gayatina and M. gayi, and so far completely unknown for M. postica. This paper reports on nesting substrates, nest architecture, nesting behaviours, life cycle, and interactions between females at nesting sites, for M. postica. The results indicate that M. postica presents some features which are typical of solitary life, and also some features which are unusual in solitary bees but have been reported in phylogenetically more apical social species. Our findings open interesting questions on the ecological scenarios involved in the evolution of sociality within the Xylocopinae.  相似文献   

We examined a novel hypothesis for the maintenance of communal nesting in the salamander, Hemidactylium scutatum, namely that communal nests are more likely than solitary nests to be associated with cutaneous antifungal bacteria, which can inhibit fungal infections of embryos. A communal nest contains eggs of two or more females of the same species. The nesting behavior of H. scutatum females and survival of embryos were determined by frequent nest surveys at three ponds. For communal nests, embryonic survival tended to be higher and catastrophic nest failure was lower. Pure bacterial cultures of resident species were obtained from the salamanders’ skins by swabbing and tested against a fungal pathogen of embryos (Mariannaea sp.) in laboratory assays. We found that 27% of females had skin bacteria inhibitory to Mariannaea sp. Communal nests were more likely to have at least one female with antifungal bacteria than were solitary nests. Using a culture-independent assay (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene fragments), we found that bacterial species on females and embryos were more similar to each other than they were to bacterial species found in soil within the nest, suggesting that females transmitted skin bacteria to embryos. The presence of anti-Mariannaea skin bacteria identified from the laboratory assays did not prevent fungal presence in field nests. However, once a nest was visibly infected with fungi, presence of anti-Mariannaea bacteria was positively correlated with survival of embryos. Microbe transmission is usually thought to be a cost of group living, but communal nesting in H. scutatum may facilitate the transmission of antifungal bacteria to embryos.  相似文献   

The foraging and nesting performance of bees can provide important information on bee health and is of interest for risk and impact assessment of environmental stressors. While radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology is an efficient tool increasingly used for the collection of behavioral data in social bee species such as honeybees, behavioral studies on solitary bees still largely depend on direct observations, which is very time‐consuming. Here, we present a novel automated methodological approach of individually and simultaneously tracking and analyzing foraging and nesting behavior of numerous cavity‐nesting solitary bees. The approach consists of monitoring nesting units by video recording and automated analysis of videos by machine learning‐based software. This Bee Tracker software consists of four trained deep learning networks to detect bees that enter or leave their nest and to recognize individual IDs on the bees’ thorax and the IDs of their nests according to their positions in the nesting unit. The software is able to identify each nest of each individual nesting bee, which permits to measure individual‐based measures of reproductive success. Moreover, the software quantifies the number of cavities a female enters until it finds its nest as a proxy of nest recognition, and it provides information on the number and duration of foraging trips. By training the software on 8 videos recording 24 nesting females per video, the software achieved a precision of 96% correct measurements of these parameters. The software could be adapted to various experimental setups by training it according to a set of videos. The presented method allows to efficiently collect large amounts of data on cavity‐nesting solitary bee species and represents a promising new tool for the monitoring and assessment of behavior and reproductive success under laboratory, semi‐field, and field conditions.  相似文献   

The Euglossini are a key group for studying the traits that promote or hinder highly social behavior in bees because it is the only tribe in the Apine clade without large colonies or females with distinct life histories, e.g. queens and workers. There have been few studies on behavior of orchid bee females in nests because these nests are not found easily. Taking advantage of the relatively high abundance of Eg. nigropilosa nests at Reserva Natural La Planada, Colombia, we examined social behavior of Eg. nigropilosa individuals in five nests (3 original and 2 reused) for nine months. We report this species to have the largest colonies known for Euglossa, with nests reaching up to 22 individuals, and all nests containing more than one female bee from the same generation. These nests presented many traits that correspond to communal insect colonies. No generational overlap and no cooperative brood care were detected. We examined natural enemies and resource limitation as important factors for group nesting. We examined parasitoid attacks to cells in a nest with females and one without females. We also searched for nesting locations and examined nest re-use as indicators of nest site limitation. Lastly, we examined behavioral and physiological differences among females in the same nest. Such differences could be the bases for evolution of alternative life histories among group living females. We examined extent of ovary development and oviposition rates in similarly aged females in the same nest. We found large variation in reproductive effort of young females. We also examined differences in resin foraging and cell usurpation behaviors. Behavioral specialization was observed, with some individuals bringing only resin to the nest. Inside the nests, bees had territories in which they constructed and defended cells. This territoriality may be a defense against usurpation of provisioned cells by nest mates. Received 10 December 2007; revised 2 May 2008; accepted 7 May 2008.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the nesting activities ofMicrothurge corumbae, carried out at the University Campus of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, from 1977 to 1981, indicated that 61.9 % of nests were re-used by succeeding generations. Re-use by one generation was more frequent than by two generations, and re-use by a third was observed only once. Nests were re-used by one or several females. Single females were more frequently in the first re-use. In these cases nest re-use did not differ essentially from the solitary foundation of a new nest, except for the adoption of a pre-existing nest without excavation. In multifemale nests, analysis of relative age (wing wear), ovarian and spermathecal conditions of associated females and the content of nests at excavation indicated that the social pattern in such colonies is communal. There is some evidence that the associated females are relatives. The chalcidoid waspLeucospis was the principal nest parasite, and ants of the genusCrematogaster were nest predators. In multifemale nests, the rate of parasitism was significantly lower than in solitary nests, indicating that nest-sharing resulted in improved nest defense. On the other hand, the absence of predation on immatures of the first generation of M.commbae in multifemale nests suggests that such nests are also more resistant to attack by predators.  相似文献   

1. The characteristics of preferred nest sites of the solitary bee Dieunomia triangulifera, which nests gregariously in alluvial soil, were investigated. Nest presence was used as an indication of preference. In those cases where nests were more than a few days old, therefore, this study also investigated nest success. 2. Independent variables tested were soil surface moisture, presence of nesting conspecifics, smooth vs. irregular soil surface, distance to visual landmarks, percentage of vegetation cover, soil compaction, vehicular traffic, soil surface temperature, and light intensity. 3. Bees preferred to nest in moist, compact soil with an irregular surface. More bees nested near visual landmarks and in places with little or no vegetation. They preferred nesting in areas with warmer soil surface temperatures and brighter illumination. The presence of nesting conspecifics did not influence nesting decisions. Vehicular traffic also seemed to have no impact on nest initiation but did seem to have a negative impact on nest success. 4. Although it might seem that ground-nesting bees should not be limited by nesting sites, relatively little of the study area met all their apparent criteria. This might account, in part, for gregarious nesting in this species.  相似文献   

Summary The nesting biology of a mainly solitary bee,Lasioglossum (Dialictus) figueresi, is compared with that of a possible relative and mainly eusocial bee,L. (D.) aeneiventre. These bees nest in the ground in highly disturbed areas in the Meseta Central of Costa Rica. Information is provided on social organization, male production, diel and seasonal activity patterns, pollen utilization, natural enemies and nest architecture. L. (D.) figueresi nests within aggregations in vertical earthen banks, and 80–90 % of females are solitary during the nest-provisioning phase. Social nests contain two (or rarely three) females which may be either equal or unequal in reproductive status (i.e. mated with developed ovaries or not). Solitary nests and two-female nests do not experience different rates of parasitism. Mid-way through the dry season, females cease provisioning at a time when otherL. (Dialictus) remain active. Females typically remain within their nests, although they occasionally forage for nectar. This behavior is similar of that of spring gynes of temperate eusocial species. The egg-to-adult developmental rate ofL. (D.) figueresi is unusually slow for halictine bees, however, so that all the adult females die before their brood eclose in April and May, precluding overlap of generations. The eclosed offspring remain in open cells within their natal nests until mid-June, when both males and females emerge to mate. These newly mated females either establish new nests or re-use old ones. L. (D.) aeneiventre nests within aggregations in horizontal ground or in vertical banks. A foundress female digs a nest at the beginning of the dry season, although some re-activate old nests. Foundress nests develop into colonies with various kinds of social organization. In contrast toL. (D.) figueresi, L. (D.) aeneiventre is active nearly all year round, except during periods of heavy rain, and produces up to three broods per year.Sweat bees (Hymenoptera: Halictinae) are a socially heterogeneous group of mainly ground-nesting bees which are abundant world-wide. Intra-specific variation in social behavior is prevalent both within and among populations, presumably indicating social and environmental control of behavioral modifications (see e.g. Sakagami and Munakata, 1972; Eickwort, 1986; Packer, 1990; Yanega, 1988; reviewed in Michener, 1990). The initial stages of hymenopteran social evolution are represented by solitary individuals and those in undifferentiated societies, yet their biology is not well known, as is true for the numerous tropical halictine species or populations (see Michener, 1990).The subgenusDialictus ofLasioglossum is a primarily New World group of several hundred species (Moure and Kurd, 1987). These bees are monotonously similar in structure and appearance, yet diverse in social behavior. FemaleLasioglossum (Dialictus) figueresi are usually solitary, and structurally are very similar to their social relativeL. (D.) aeneiventre (Wcislo, 1990 a). The systematic placement of these species with respect to otherL. (Dialictus) is uncertain, but they have no obvious affinities to other recognized species groups (G. C. Eickwort, pers. comm.). Unusual morphological features, such as large size, yellowish wings and pubescence, and features of the genital organs, may indicate thatL. (D.) figueresi is the more derived of the pair, and may therefore be secondarily solitary, as is known for other sweat bees (Packer, 1991).  相似文献   

Summary. The nesting behavior of the euglossine bee Euglossa townsendi was studied on the campus of the University of São Paulo-Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, from January 1994 to December 1999, using artificial nesting substrate and observation boxes. Twenty-one nests were founded during the study period, with the highest frequencies of nesting occurring during the hot, wet season. Each nest was founded by a single female and, after the completion of the last cell, she spent most of her time in the nest. The males left the nest immediately after emergence and did not return. Some females left the nest within a few days of eclosing, while others stayed in their natal nests and began to reactivate them. Reactivations were performed by a single female, by one or more females in the presence of the mother, by more than one female in the absence of the mother, and by more than one female in the presence of females that participated in the prior reactivation. According to behavior, the females were classified as forager/egg-laying and egg-laying females. The oviposition by egg-laying females was always preceded by oophagy. All of the forager/egg-laying and egg-laying females that were dissected had been inseminated. The behavior displayed by egg-laying females is characteristic of brood parasitism and fits the parental parasitism hypothesis developed as an alternative pathway by which insect sociality could have arisen. The behaviors displayed by E. townsendi, together with those reported for Euglossa cordata, show that both species have bionomic traits that resemble the conditions suggested as precursors of the origin of eusociality.Received 12 June 2003; revised 6 April 2004; accepted 22 April 2004.  相似文献   

Euglossines have long been regarded as largely solitary, though some species are known to exhibit social behavior. We studied the nesting behavior of Euglossa viridissima over an annual cycle, comparing sociality and offspring production across the rainy (RS) and dry seasons (DS) in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Nests were built in both the RS and the DS, but with greater nest initiation and brood provisioning in the RS, presumably as a consequence of more floral resources at this time of year. Across the year, numerical sex ratios were female biased (0.7 as females/total); sex ratios varied across individual nests from 0.3 to 1.00, though without a clear relationship to sociality. Egg-to-adult development was quicker in females than males and, within a sex, quicker when ambient temperatures were higher. Multi-female (social) nests were only founded at the end of the RS and the beginning of the DS, coincided with the presence of Hymenopteran and Dipteran parasites in nests headed by solitary females. Reduced floral resources and a higher risk of parasitism, possibly coupled with higher female density or reduced nesting sites, may be factors favoring the formation of multi-female associations in this euglossine. Better nourishment of foundress females in the RS may improve lifespan and permit overlapping generations which, coupled with the kin structure of their nests, may favor social nesting in E. viridissima.  相似文献   

Predation is the main cause of passerine nesting failure. Traditionally, large intraspecific group size is thought to accrue individuals with fitness benefits from increased predator vigilance and hence lower predation risk. To date, few studies have investigated interspecific group size in relation to predation risk. In the present study, we examined predation outcome in Darwin's small tree finch, Camarhynchus parvulus , in nests with many or few interspecific neighbours. We tested the predictions: (1) nests in mixed associations have lower predation than do more solitary nests; (2) mixed species nesting associations covary with nest site vegetation characteristics; (3) older (i.e. presumably experienced) males more commonly nest in mixed associations than younger males; (4) older males select more concealed nesting sites; and (5) controlling male age, females prefer to pair with males in mixed associations than at solitary nests. Almost half of all nests occurred in mixed associations (46%) compared to solitary nests (54%), and the overall distribution of nests was decidedly nonrandom, displaying a bimodal pattern. Nest site vegetation characteristics of the focal species were inconsistently associated with nesting pattern, but older males did select more concealed nesting sites. Controlling differences in surrounding vegetation characteristics, mixed nesting associations experienced markedly lower predation than solitary nests, and females showed a preference for males in mixed associations, as demonstrated by higher male pairing success.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 313–324.  相似文献   

We used the facultatively social sweat bee Megalopta genalis (Halictidae) to test whether body size is associated with social caste. Behavioral observations showed that non-reproductive foragers were significantly smaller than reproductive nest mate queens, and foragers were also smaller than presumed pre-dispersal reproductives. Moreover, among females from field-collected nests without behavioral observations, relative body size correlated with relative ovary size. Reproductive status is not a direct result of body size, as body size was not significantly associated with either ovary size or fecundity among both solitary and social reproductives. Reproductive status is apparently an outcome of social competition for reproductive dominance, and status is influenced by size relative to nest mates. Our study is the first to demonstrate an association of body size with caste expression in a facultatively social species with relatively weak seasonal constraints on independent nesting. Larvae of a parasitic fly (Fiebrigella sp., Chloropidae) consume pollen provisions stored in nest cells of M. genalis and M. ecuadoria. We tested whether fly parasitism of M. genalis reduces body size. Parasitized females are significantly smaller as adults than their unparasitized nestmates. This reduction is of a similar magnitude to the size differences between castes, and has the potential to shape host reproductive options by influencing competition with nest mates. We present data on the prevalence of parasitism from four collections of M. genalis and two collections of M. ecuadoria from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica.  相似文献   

The bee tribe Ceratinini provides important insights into the early stages of sociality. Many arthropods exhibit behaviours precursory to social life, including adult longevity, parental care, nest loyalty and mutual tolerance, yet the origins of social behaviour are few. Here we describe the biology of a facultatively social bee, Ceratina (Neoceratina) australensis, which exhibits all of the preadaptations for successful group living, yet presents ecological and behavioural characteristics that seemingly disfavour frequent colony formation. This species is socially polymorphic with both solitary and social nests collected in sympatry. Social colonies consist of two foundresses, one contributing both foraging and reproductive effort and the second which remains at the nest as a passive guard. Cooperative nesting provides no overt reproductive benefits over solitary nesting in this population, although brood survival tends to be greater in social colonies. Maternal longevity, subsociality and bivoltine nesting phenology in this species favour colony formation, while dispersal habits and offspring longevity may inhibit more frequent social nesting in this and other ceratinines.  相似文献   

Within the bee family Halictidae there have been three origins of sociality. Although detection of origins and reversal from sociality requires phylogenetic studies, at a behavioural level a predisposition to sociality can be detected by analysis of intra-specific interactions. We studied aspects of nesting biology and behavioural interactions in Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) majus, a poorly known halictine inhabiting temperate regions of Europe, which is suspected to be solitary. Nests were found to be largely used by one female, but some were shared by more than one individual. These few nests, whose entrances were very close to each other, were found to be connected underground. A few individuals were observed to enter in a nest where a female was waiting, behaving as a guard and allowing the incoming bee to enter the nest. By use of circle-tube experiments, the behavioural repertoire exhibited by females during encounters was assessed. Levels of withdrawal and cooperative events were comparable with those observed in other solitary nesting species, but aggressive events were very rare, as in several observed communal species. We conclude that L. (L.) majus females, despite general solitary nesting, possess behavioural components enabling them to adopt, probably in high nest-density areas, nest-sharing strategies. A similar kind of local social polymorphism has been observed in two other species of the subgenus Lasioglossum, but these are the first data available on a European species and the first record of subterranean connections among nests of halictid bees.  相似文献   

Nest site selection is at once fundamental to reproduction and a poorly understood component of many organisms’ reproductive investment. This study investigates the nesting behaviors of black‐and‐white ruffed lemurs, Varecia variegata, a litter‐bearing primate from the southeastern rainforests of Madagascar. Using a combination of behavioral, geospatial, and demographic data, I test the hypotheses that environmental and social cues influence nest site selection and that these decisions ultimately impact maternal reproductive success. Gestating females built multiple large nests throughout their territories. Of these, females used only a fraction of the originally constructed nests, as well as several parking locations as infants aged. Nest construction was best predicted by environmental cues, including the size of the nesting tree and density of feeding trees within a 75 m radius of the nest, whereas nest use depended largely on the size and average distance to feeding trees within that same area. Microhabitat characteristics were unrelated to whether females built or used nests. Although unrelated to nest site selection, social cues, specifically the average distance to conspecifics’ nest and park sites, were related to maternal reproductive success; mothers whose litters were parked in closer proximity to others’ nests experienced higher infant survival than those whose nests were more isolated. This is likely because nesting proximity facilitated communal crèche use by neighboring females. Together, these results suggest a complex pattern of nesting behaviors that involves females strategically building nests in areas with high potential resource abundance, using nests in areas according to their realized productivity, and communally rearing infants within a network of nests distributed throughout the larger communal territory.  相似文献   

1. Parasitism can be an important source of mortality for insect populations; however, we know little about the factors influencing vulnerability of wild bees to parasites. Mason bees (genus Osmia; Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) are important pollinators of crops and wild plants and are vulnerable to attack by brood parasites. High nest densities may increase rates of brood parasitism by attracting disproportionate numbers of parasites. 2. Three years of field observations from multiple sites were analysed to assess whether mason bee brood parasitism increased with host density. Mason bees were allowed to nest in artificial nesting blocks and establish natural variation in nesting density. Nest cells constructed by bees were checked for the presence of parasite eggs. 3. Parasitism of nest cells strongly increased with the number of actively nesting bees at a nesting block. Mason bees showed no preference for nesting in blocks that were occupied or unoccupied by other mason bees. Parasitism also increased with the number of days a nest was provisioned and decreased over the course of the season. Nest cells constructed last in a nest were significantly more parasitised than inner cells, despite being sealed against invasions. 4. These findings show positively density‐dependent parasitism in mason bees. They also suggest that bees terminate parasitised nests, causing parasitised cells to become outermost nest cells – a behaviour that may represent a defence against parasites. Our results have implications for the management of mason bees as agricultural pollinators, as cultivating them at high densities could reduce offspring survival.  相似文献   

Facultatively social bees allow for comparisons of social and solitary behaviour under similar environmental conditions. When such bees are polymorphic within the same population it provides a special and somewhat unusual opportunity to examine factors leading to cooperative (social) behaviours where many parameters such as environment are not variable. Some species of bees in the genus Xylocopa offers such opportunities. Studies of these bees often point to guarding and resource limitation as factors leading to social nesting. The large carpenter bee Xylocopa virginica L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) is one species that exhibits both solitary and social nesting behaviour within the same populations. This paper first compares social and solitary nests in an Ontario population of X. virginica to determine if there is a reproductive advantage to social nesting. Following this, a series of possible explanations for social nesting, and the roles of females in social nests are examined. Social nests have similar brood sizes to solitary nests and productivity as a function of colony size is reduced with increasing number of foundresses. Additional foundresses are not effective guards, do not prevent parasitism, do not likely perform significant work, and do not assume foraging with the loss of a primary foundress. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 998–1010.  相似文献   


The recently described solitary bee Monoeca catarina Aguiar (Apidae, Tapinotaspidini) is only known from two nest aggregations on Santa Catarina Island, state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Nests are excavated in sandy soils along trails near dunes and beaches. Up to 287 nests were counted in one aggregation. Bees were active for about seven weeks from late November to mid-January suggesting a univoltine life cycle. Males perform patrolling flights over the nest area and mate with females sitting on low vegetation. Males and females visited Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Verbenaceae) for nectar, and females were observed foraging on Tetrapterys sp. or Heteropterys sp. flowers (Malpighiaceae). Pollen loads consisted almost exclusively of Malpighiaceae pollen. Potential natural enemies are the cleptoparasitic bee Protosiris Roig-Alsina sp. (Apidae, Osirini) recorded within the aggregations, and the mutillid wasp Hoplocrates specularis (Gerstaecker) (Mutillidae, Sphaeropthalmini) seen entering the Monoeca nests and mating within the aggregations. Except for the soil characteristics, our observations on nesting and foraging behavior and associated potential enemies fit well into the facts reported from other Monoeca species.  相似文献   

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