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Backbone cyclization has become an important method for generating or stabilizing the bioactive conformation of peptides without affecting the amino acid side-chains. Up to now, backbone cyclic peptides were mostly synthesized with bridges between N-amino- and N-carboxy-functionalized peptide bonds. To study the influence of a more flexible backbone on the biological activity, we have developed a new type of backbone cyclization which is achieved via the N-functionalized moieties of acylated reduced peptide bonds. As described in our previous publications, the formation of N-functionalized dipeptide units facilitates the peptide assembly compared with the incorporation of N-alkyl amino acids. Besides the racemization-free synthesis of Fmoc-protected pseudodipeptide esters with reduced peptide bonds, the new type of backbone modification allows the use of a great variety of omega-amino- and alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids differing in chain length and chemical properties. Best results for the coupling of the omega-amino- and alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids to the reduced peptide bond were obtained by the formation of mixed anhydrides with alkyl chloroformates. Whereas the protecting group combination of Z/OBzl in the dipeptide unit and Boc/OtBu for the N-functionalized moiety leads to the formation of 2-ketopiperazine during hydrogenation, the combination of Fmoc/OtBu and Alloc/OAll is very suitable for the synthesis of backbone cyclic peptides on solid support.  相似文献   

To improve the assembly of backbone cyclic peptides, N-functionalized dipeptide building units were synthesized. The corresponding N-aminoalkyl or N-carboxyalkyl amino acids were formed by alkylation or reductive alkylation of amino acid benzyl or tert-butyl esters. In the case of N-aminoalkyl amino acid derivatives the aldehydes for reductive alkylation were obtained from N,O-dimethyl hydroxamates of N-protected amino acids by reduction with LiAlH4. N-carboxymethyl amino acids were synthesized by alkylation using bromoacetic acid ester and the N-carboxyethyl amino acids via reductive alkylation using aldehydes derived from formyl Meldrums acid. Removal of the carboxy protecting group leads to free N-alkyl amino acids of very low solubility in organic solvents, allowing efficient purification by extraction of the crude product. These N-alkyl amino acids were converted to their tetramethylsilane-esters by silylation with N,O-bis-(trimethylsilyl)acetamide and could thus be used for the coupling with Fmoc-protected amino acid chlorides or fluorides. To avoid racemization the tert-butyl esters of N-alkyl amino acids were coupled with the Fmoc-amino acid halides in the presence of the weak base collidine. Both the N-aminoalkyl and N-carboxyalkyl functionalized dipeptide building units could be obtained in good yield and purity. For peptide assembly on the solid support, the allyl type protection of the branching moiety turned out to be most suitable. The Fmoc-protected N-functionalized dipeptide units can be used like any amino acid derivative under the standard conditions for Fmoc-solid phase synthesis.  相似文献   

Cyclization of bioactive peptides, utilizing functional groups serving as natural pharmacophors, is often accompanied with loss of activity. The backbone cyclization approach was developed to overcome this limitation and enhance pharmacological properties. Backbone cyclic peptides are prepared by the incorporation of special building units, capable of forming amide, disulfide and coordinative bonds. Urea bridge is often used for the preparation of cyclic peptides by connecting two amine functionalized side chains. Here we present urea backbone cyclization as an additional method for the preparation of backbone cyclic peptide libraries. A straightforward method for the synthesis of crystalline Fmoc‐Nα [ω‐amino(Alloc)‐alkyl] glycine building units is presented. A set of urea backbone cyclic Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 analogs was prepared and assessed for protein kinase B inhibition as anticancer leads. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gazal S  Gellerman G  Gilon C 《Peptides》2003,24(12):1847-1852
We report the preparation of novel building units for backbone cyclization that have the general formula Fmoc-N[CH(R)CO2Al]Gly-OH. These building units were prepared by the reductive alkylation method using allyl esters of several amino acids as starting material and hence, respectively, contain the side chain of these amino acids. These N-alkylated Gly building units were incorporated in model backbone cyclic peptides. The resulting crude backbone cyclic peptides were obtained in high degree of purity according to HPLC and mass spectrometric analyses.  相似文献   

Different types of dipeptide building units containing N- or C-terminal arginine were prepared for synthesis of the backbone cyclic analogues of the peptide hormone bradykinin (BK: Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg). For cyclization in the N-terminal sequence N-carboxyalkyl and N-aminoalkyl functionalized dipeptide building units were synthesized. In order to avoid lactam formation during the condensation of the N-terminal arginine to the N-alkylated amino acids at position 2, the guanidino function has to be deprotected. The best results were obtained by coupling Z-Arg(Z)2-OH with TFFH/collidine in DCM. Another dipeptide building unit with an acylated reduced peptide bond containing C-terminal arginine was prepared to synthesize BK-analogues with backbone cyclization in the C-terminus. To achieve complete condensation to the resin and to avoid side reactions during activation of the arginine residue, this dipeptide unit was formed on a hydroxycrotonic acid linker. HYCRAM technology was applied using the Boc-Arg(Alloc)2-OH derivative and the Fmoc group to protect the aminoalkyl function. The reduced peptide bond was prepared by reductive alkylation of the arginine derivative with the Boc-protected amino aldehyde, derived from Boc-Phe-OH. The best results for condensation of the branching chain to the reduced peptide bond were obtained using mixed anhydrides. Both types of dipeptide building units can be used in solid-phase synthesis in the same manner as amino acid derivatives.  相似文献   

Protected Nalpha-(aminoallyloxycarbonyl) and Nalpha-(carboxyallyl) derivatives of all natural amino acids (except proline), and their chiral inverters, were synthesized using facile and efficient methods and were then used in the synthesis of Nalpha-backbone cyclic peptides. Synthetic pathways for the preparation of the amino acid building units included alkylation, reductive amination and Michael addition using alkylhalides, aldehydes and alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, and the corresponding amino acids. The resulting amino acid prounits were then subjected to Fmoc protection affording optically pure amino acid building units. The appropriate synthetic pathway for each amino acid was chosen according to the nature of the side-chain, resulting in fully orthogonal trifunctional building units for the solid-phase peptide synthesis of small cyclic analogs of peptide loops (SCAPELs). Nalpha-amino groups of building units were protected by Fmoc, functional side-chains were protected by t-Bu/Boc/Trt and N-alkylamino or N-alkylcarboxyl were protected by Alloc or Allyl, respectively. This facile method allows easy production of a large variety of amino acid building units in a short time, and is successfully employed in combinatorial chemistry as well as in large-scale solid-phase peptide synthesis. These building units have significant advantage in the synthesis of peptido-related drugs.  相似文献   

Considering the biological mechanism and in vivo stability of antimicrobial peptides, we designed and synthesized novel unnatural amino acids with more positively charged and bulky side chain group than lysine residue. The unusual amino acids, which were synthesized by either solution phase or solid phase, were incorporated into an antimicrobial peptide. Its effect on the stability, activity, and the structure of the peptide was studied to evaluate the potential of these novel unnatural amino acids as a building block for antimicrobial peptides. The incorporation of this unusual amino acid increased the resistance of the peptide against serum protease more than three times without a decrease in the activity. Circular dichroism spectra of the peptides indicated that all novel unnatural amino acids must have lower helical forming propensities than lysine. Our results indicated that the unnatural amino acids synthesized in this study could be used not only as a novel building block for combinatorial libraries of antimicrobial peptides, but also for structure–activity relationship studies about antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

A new cysteine-based disulfide linker for Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis was developed (Fmoc-Cys(3-mercapto-3-methylbutanoic acid)OPp) that allows the on-resin assembly and side chain deprotection of cyclic peptides. Model peptides and a cyclic peptide library of the structure [a-a-x-x-a-a-c] composed of D-amino acids were assembled and the synthesis and cleavage conditions studied. The best cyclization results were obtained with PyBOP/HOAt/diisopropylethyl amine. Racemization rates of the cysteine in the analyzed model sequences were between 5.2 and 12.3%. Cleavage of the disulfide bond was best carried out with DTT in 50% 2-propanol/100 mM ammonium bicarbonate. The cleaved peptides can be used directly in biological assays.  相似文献   

Constrained analogues 5–7 of the potent and subtype selective somatostatin mimetic 1 were prepared by incorporating conformational constraints into the nine-membered heterocyclic scaffold. Each constrained peptidomimetic showed an altered activity profile relative to lead compound 1, with compound 7 exhibiting a 25-fold and 2-fold binding enhancement against somatostatin receptor subtypes sst4 and sst5, respectively.  相似文献   

The analysis of the basic geometry of amino acid residues of protein structures has demonstrated the invariability of all the bond lengths and bond angles except for tau, the backbone N-Calpha-C' angle. This angle can be widened or contracted significantly from the tetrahedral geometry to accommodate various other strains in the structure. In order to accurately determine the cause for this deviation, a survey is made for the tau angles using the peptide structures and the ultrahigh resolution protein structures. The average deviation of N-Calpha-C' angles from tetrahedral geometry for each amino acid in all the categories were calculated and then correlated with forty-eight physiochemical, energetic and conformational properties of amino acids. Linear and multiple regression analysis were carried out between the amino acid deviation and the 48 properties. This study confirms the deviation of tau angles in both the peptide and protein structures but similar forces do not influence them. The peptide structures are influenced by physical properties whereas as expected the conformational properties influence the protein structures. And it is not any single property that dominates the deviation but the combination of different factors contributes to the tau angle deviation.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a new versatile "Hoechst 33258-like" Boc-protected amino acid building block for peptide synthesis is described. It is demonstrated that this new ligand is an effective mimic of Hoechst 33258 in terms of DNA affinity and sequence specificity. Furthermore, this minor groove binder was conjugated to a DNA condensing peptide (KSPKKAKK) by continuous solid-phase peptide synthesis, and the conjugate exhibited increased DNA affinity (ca. 10-fold), but similar sequence preference compared to Hoechst 33258 as analyzed by DNaseI footprinting. Finally, the fluorescence quantum yield of the new chromophore is found to increase 30% upon binding to double stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Modified guanosine monophosphates have been employed to introduce various functional groups onto RNA 5'-ends. Applications of modified RNA 5'-ends include the generation of functionalized RNA libraries for in vitro selection of catalytic RNAs, the attachment of photoaffinity-tags for mapping RNA-protein interactions or active sites in catalytic RNAs, or the nonradioactive labeling of RNA molecules with fluorescent groups. While in these and in similar applications a stable linkage is desired, in selection experiments for generating novel catalytic RNAs it is often advantageous that a functional group is introduced reversibly. Here we give a quantitative comparison of the different strategies that can be applied to reversibly attach functional groups via disulfide bonds to RNA 5'-ends. We report the preparation of functional groups with disulfide linkages, their incorporation efficiency into an RNA library, and their stability under various conditions.  相似文献   

氨基酸环状衍生物的合成及抑菌活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,氨基酸及其衍生物在医药和农业上已显示有广阔的应用前景。现就近十余年来,国外文献报道的具有抗病原微生物活性的氨基酸环状衍生物作一简要概述。  相似文献   

Summary. A variety of N-[(4,6-diaryl-3-pyridinecarbonitrile)-2-yl] amino acid esters 2–4 were synthesized through the reaction of 2-bromo-3-pyridinecarbonitriles 1 with the appropriate -amino acid ester hydrochloride in refluxing dioxane in the presence of triethylamine as dehydrohalogenating agent. Similarly, N-glycylglycine analogues 5 were obtained through the reaction of 1 with the dipeptide ester. On the other hand, attempts were made towards the construction of amino acid derivatives 7 through the reaction of 1 with aqueous solution -amino acids 6 in refluxing pyridine, but were unsuccessful, and instead the unexpected 2-amino-3-pyridinecarbonitriles 8 were isolated. The fluorescence properties of the newly synthesized pyridines 25 were evaluated. Some of the prepared compounds show considerable antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Proteins which bind to nucleic acids and regulate their structure and functions are numerous and exceptionally important. Such proteins employ a variety of strategies for recognition of the relevant structural elements in their nucleic acid substrates, some of which have been shown to involve rather subtle interactions which might have been difficult to design from first principles. In the present study, we have explored the preparation of proteins containing unnatural amino acids having nucleobase side chains. In principle, the introduction of multiple nucleobase amino acids into the nucleic acid binding domain of a protein should enable these modified proteins to interact with their nucleic acid substrates using Watson-Crick and other base pairing interactions. We describe the synthesis of five alanyl nucleobase amino acids protected in a fashion which enabled their attachment to a suppressor tRNA, and their incorporation into each of two proteins with acceptable efficiencies. The nucleobases studied included cytosine, uracil, thymine, adenine and guanine, i.e. the major nucleobase constituents of DNA and RNA. Dihydrofolate reductase was chosen as one model protein to enable direct comparison of the facility of incorporation of the nucleobase amino acids with numerous other unnatural amino acids studied previously. The Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I was chosen as a representative DNA binding protein whose mode of action has been studied in detail.  相似文献   

All the peptide bonds in cyclic(Gly-L-Pro-D-Phe-Gly-L-Ala) are in the trans conformation; however, the peptide bond C'5-N1 is twisted by 19 degrees from planarity (omega 5 = -161 degrees). A Type II beta-turn encompasses the L-Pro-D-Phe residues. Carbonyl oxygens O2, O4 and O5 are directed to the same side of the average plane through the backbone ring and they form hydrogen bonds with N3, N5 and N1, respectively, in adjacent molecules in a stacked column where the adjacent molecules are related by one translational unit. The conformation of the backbone is different from that established in other molecules with the DLDDL chirality sequence. The P21 cell contains two molecules of C21H26N5O5 with a = 4.836(2) A, b = 18.346(8) A, c = 12.464(5) A and beta = 100.05(4) degrees. The R factor for 1382 data with [F0[ greater than 1 sigma is 7.0%.  相似文献   

Cyclic peptide disulfides of the general formula H-Cys-(Gly)n-Cys-OH (n = 0-4) were synthesized from the corresponding peptide derivatives [Boc-Cys(Trt)(Gly)-n-Cys(Trt)-OBut] by oxidation with iodine in methanol and by subsequent removal of the terminal groups with trifluoroacetic acid. Acid ionization constants of the obtained peptides were determined by potentiometric titration in aqueous KCl (0.1 mol/L) medium. All compounds have two dissociable hydrogens, corresponding to carboxyl (pK1 = 2.35-2.84) and to terminal amino group (pK2 = 5.61-6.93); pK1 values show first an upward and then a downward trend with the increase in ring size; the opposite is true for pK2 values. These trends could be tentatively attributed to the intramolecular salt bridge (-COO- ----NH+3-) formation.  相似文献   

Using the host-guest technique, tentative scales for the helix-inducing power and the β-structure-forming potential of various side-chain protected amino acid residues in trifluoro-ethanol are established mainly by CD measurements. The generally lower tendency for β-structure formation of the host–guest peptides compared to that of the host peptide is discussed. The influence of these conformational features on the solubility of the peptides is also pointed out.  相似文献   

The uptake of a number of amino acids and dipeptides by cells and spheroplasts of Bacteroides melaninogenicus was stimulated by the presence of glutamine; 50 mM glutamine induced maximum uptake of glycine or alanine, and glutamine stimulated the uptake of glycine over a wide concentration range (0.17 to 170 mM). Glutamine stimulated the uptake of the dipeptides glycylleucine and glycylproline at significantly faster rates compared with glycine and leucine. The amino acids whose uptake was stimulated by glutamine were incorporated into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable material, and the inclusion of chloramphenicol or puromycin did not affect this incorporation. The uptake of glutamine by cells was concentration dependent. In contrast, in the absence of chloramphenicol 79% of the glutamine taken up by cells supplied with a high external concentration (4.4 mM) was trichloroacetic acid soluble. Glutamate and alpha-ketoglutarate were identified in the intracellular pool of glutamine-incubated spheroplasts. The amino acids and peptides were incorporated into cell envelope material, and a portion (30 to 50%) of the incorporated amino acids could be removed by trypsinization or treatment with papain. The effect of glutamine was depressed by inhibitors of energy metabolism, suggesting that glutamine-stimulated incorporation is an energy-mediated effect.  相似文献   

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