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The effect of simultaneous expression of genes encoding three antioxidant enzymes, copper zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC, and dehydroascorbate (DHA) reductase (DHAR, EC, in the chloroplasts of tobacco plants was investigated under oxidative stress conditions. In previous studies, transgenic tobacco plants expressing both CuZnSOD and APX in chloroplast (CA plants), or DHAR in chloroplast showed enhanced tolerance to oxidative stresses, such as paraquat and salt. In this study, in order to develop transgenic plants that were more resistant to oxidative stress, we introduced the gene encoding DHAR into CA transgenic plants. Mature leaves of transgenic plants expressing all three antioxidant genes (CAD plants) had approximately 1.6–2.1 times higher DHAR activity, and higher ratios of reduced ascorbate (AsA) to DHA, and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH) compared to CA plants. CAD plants were more resistant to paraquat-induced stress, exhibiting only 18.1% reduction in membrane damage relative to CA plants. In addition, seedlings of CAD plants had enhanced tolerance to NaCI (100 mM) compared to CA plants. These results indicate that the simultaneous expression of multiple antioxidant enzymes, such as CuZnSOD, APX, and DHAR, in chloroplasts is more effective than single or double expression for developing transgenic plants with enhanced tolerance to multiple environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) accumulations in a Cd hyper‐accumulator fern, Athyrium yokoscense (Ay), and tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum (Nt), were kinetically analysed using the positron‐emitting tracer imaging system under two medium conditions (basal and no‐nutrient). In Ay, maximumly 50% and 15% of the total Cd accumulated in the distal roots and the shoots under the basal condition, respectively. Interestingly, a portion of the Cd in the distal roots returned to the medium. In comparison with Ay, a little fewer Cd accumulations in the distal roots and clearly higher Cd migration to the shoots were observed in Nt under the basal condition (maximumly 40% and 70% of the total Cd, respectively). The no‐nutrient condition down‐regulated the Cd migration in both species, although the regulation was highly stricter in Ay than in Nt (almost no migration in Ay and around 20% migration in Nt). In addition, the present work enabled to estimate physical and physiological Cd accumulation capacities in the distal roots, and demonstrated condition‐dependent changes especially in Ay. These results clearly suggested occurrences of species‐/condition‐specific regulations in each observed parts. It is probable that integration of these properties govern the specific Cd tolerance/accumulation in Ay and Nt.  相似文献   

本文动态观察了用平阳霉素诱发的大鼠白内障晶体中与谷胱甘肽代谢相关酶类活性和微量元素水平的变化,并与正常晶体进行比较,同时就酶活性与微量元素水平的相关性进行了检验。结果表明:(1)注射平阳霉素早期酶活性增高,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GSSG-R)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等活性的升高达显著水平,后期酶活性均下降,尤以GSH-Px、GSSG-R和谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GSH-S)等的活性降低明显;(2)GSH-Px和SOD酶活性分别与Zn具有相关性(P<0.05),这两种酶也分别与Se具有高度相关性(P<0.01),此两种元素在该类型白内障形成中可能有一定意义。  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from both the wild type and a stable NaCI-tolerant line of tobacco cells ( Nicotiana tabacum/gossii ). The regeneration process was much more difficult in the case of the NaCI-tolerant line and was only successful in the absence of NaCI. These plants differed morphologically from those regenerated from the wild type cell line, exhibiting abnormally short internodes, small leaves and reduced growth. Cell suspension cultures derived from plants regenerated from the stable NaCI-tolerant line retained a high level of tolerance to salt. The NaCI-concentration required to reduce fresh and dry weight gain by 50% was about twice that observed in the case of the cells obtained from wild type plants.
The results presented here, together with those of Watad et al. (1985), indicate that resistance to salt is operating and stable at the cellular level before and after plant regeneration. When the regenerated plants were grown in increasing levels of salt their growth response was not clearly different from that of the plants regenerated from the wild type cell line. However, the survival of plants on high concentrations of NaCI tended to be higher in the case of plants regenerated from the NaCI-tolerant cell line.  相似文献   

Glutathione synthetase activity (EC was analysed in ammonium sulfate precipitates of extracts l'rom photohetevotrophically grown cells of Nicotiana tabactm L. cv. Samsun by determination of glutathione as its monobromobimane derivative. Maximal enzyme activity was obtained at pH 8.0–9.0 in Tris-HCl and CHES as buffer systems. The enzyme showed an absolute requirement for Mg2+ and was slightly stimulated by K+. When Mg2+ was replaced by Mn2+ less synthetase activity was observed, and above 30 m M Mn2+ no activity was found. The enzyme was specific for glycine (KM = 0.308 m M ). No product formation was observed with ß -alanine and γ y-aminobutyrate using substrate conccntrations of 10 m M . The apparent KM values for γ -glutamylcysteine and γ -glutamyl- l -α-aminobutyrate were, respectively, 0.022 and 0.033 m M . By chloroplast Isolation ca 24% of the total glutathione synthetase activity of the cells could be shown to be localized in the chloroplasts, the rest being attributed to the cytoplasm of the tobacco cells.  相似文献   

The transition between the quiescent mature and the metabolically active germinating pollen grain most probably involves changes in protein phosphorylation status, since phosphorylation has been implicated in the regulation of many cellular processes. Given that, only a minor proportion of cellular proteins are phosphorylated at any one time, and that phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of many proteins can co‐exist within a cell, the identification of phosphoproteins requires some prior enrichment from a crude protein extract. Here, we have used metal oxide/hydroxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) based on an aluminum hydroxide matrix for this purpose, and have generated a population of phosphoprotein candidates from both mature and in vitro activated tobacco pollen grains. Both electrophoretic and nonelectrophoretic methods, allied to MS, were applied to these extracts to identify a set of 139 phosphoprotein candidates. In vitro phosphorylation was also used to validate the spectrum of phosphoprotein candidates obtained by the MOAC phosphoprotein enrichment. Since only one phosphorylation site was detected by the above approach, titanium dioxide phosphopeptide enrichment of trypsinized mature pollen crude extract was performed as well. It resulted in a detection of additional 51 phosphorylation sites giving a total of 52 identified phosphosites in this set of 139 phosphoprotein candidates.  相似文献   

The alternative oxidase (AOX) of plant mitochondria transfers electrons from the ubiquinione pool to oxygen without energy conservation and prevents the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when the ubiquinone pool is over-reduced. Thus, AOX may be involved in plant acclimation to a number of oxidative stresses. To test this hypothesis, we exposed wild-type (WT) Xanthi tobacco plants as well as Xanthi plants transformed with the Bright Yellow tobacco AOX1a cDNA with enhanced (SN21 and SN29), and decreased (SN10) AOX capacity to an acute ozone (O3) fumigation. As a result of 5 h of O3 exposition (250 nL L(-1)), SN21 and SN29 plants surprisingly showed localized leaf damage, whereas SN10, similarly to WT plants, was undamaged. In keeping with this observation, WT and SN21 plants differed in their response to O3)for the expression profiles of catalase 1 (CAT1), catalase 2 (CAT2), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) genes, and for the activity of these antioxidant enzymes, which were induced in WT. Concomitantly, although ozone induced H2O2 accumulation in WT and in all transgenic lines, only in transgenics with high AOX capacity the H2O2 level in the post-fumigation period was high. The alternative pathway of WT plants was strongly stimulated by O3, whereas in SN21 plants, the respiratory capacity was always high across the treatment. The present results show that, far from exerting a protective role, the overexpression of AOX triggers an increased O3 sensitivity in tobacco plants. We hypothesize that the AOX overexpression results in a decrease of mitochondrial ROS level that in turn alters the defensive mitochondrial to nucleus signalling pathway that activates ROS scavenging systems.  相似文献   

Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant profiles of the gastric and duodenal mucosa of rat, rabbit, cat and pig were investigated and found to exhibit significant variations. Rat gastric and duodenal mucosa exhibited the highest levels of basal glutathione of the various tissues examined. The highest activity of glutathione reductase was found in the gastric and duodenal mucosa of rat as compared with that in these tissues from the other species. The gastric mucosa of cat and pig showed similar activities of glutathione peroxidase, which was significantly lower than those in rat or rabbit gastric mucosa. The activity of this antioxidant enzyme was similar in rat, rabbit and pig duodenal mucosa and lower than that in cat duodenal mucosa. Strong correlations were found between activities of the functionally coupled antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in gastric but not in duodenal mucosa. The activity of superoxide dismutase showed negligible regional or species-related variations in activity.  相似文献   

There have been many reports suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide anion (O2.–), in salt stress. Herein, direct evidence that treatments of cell suspension culture of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.; cell line, BY‐2) with various salts of trivalent, divalent and monovalent metals stimulate the immediate production of O2.– is reported. Among the salts tested, LaCl3 and GdCl3 induced the greatest responses in O2.– production, whereas CaCl2 and MgCl2 showed only moderate effects; salts of monovalent metals such as KCl and NaCl induced much lower responses, indicating that there is a strong relationship between the valence of metals and the level of O2.– production. As the valence of the added metals increased from monovalent to divalent and trivalent, the concentrations required for maximal responses were lowered. Although O2.– production by NaCl and KCl required high concentrations associated with hyperosmolarity, the O2.– generation induced by NaCl and KCl was significantly greater than that induced simply by hyperosmolarity. Since an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, diphenyleneiodonium chloride, showed a strong inhibitory effect on the trivalent and divalent cation‐induced generation of O2.–, it is likely that cation treatments activate the O2.–‐generating activity of NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes is part of the plant's natural defense response against pathogen attack. To study the in vivo role and function of the maize PRms protein, tobacco plants were transformed with the PRms cDNA under the control of the CaMV35S promoter. Transgenic tobacco plants grow faster and yield more leaf and seed biomass. By using immunoelectron microscopy, we found that PRms is associated with plasmodesmata in leaves of transgenic tobacco plants. Furthermore, we found that activation of sucrose efflux from photosynthetically active leaves and accumulation of higher levels of sucrose in leaf tissues are characteristic features of PRms tobacco plants. This, in turn, results in the constitutive expression of endogenous tobacco PR genes and resistance to phytopathogens. The expression of multiple plant defense genes can then be achieved by using a single transgene. These data provide a new approach for engineering disease-resistant plants while simultaneously improving plant yield and productivity through the modification of photoassimilate partitioning.  相似文献   

Abstract. Non-differentiated tissue cultures (calli) and differentiated tissues (shoots) of tobacco were found to differ in their sensitivity to chloramphenicol (CAP). This phenomenon is especially manifested in darkness and in an illumination regime lacking u.v. and blue light. When the latter are included, CAP's photodegradation products are shown to appear. It seems that one of the main photodegradation pathways is through the production of p -nitro-benzaldehyde ( p -NBA) which is further degraded. The possibility that either acetylation or physiological nitration of CAP is the cause for the differential tolerance was eliminated. The chromatographic and radiographic results indicate that in vivo degradation of CAP occurs both in calli and in shoot cultures. One of the in vivo degradation products is CAP-base.  相似文献   

Andrea Polle 《Planta》1996,198(2):253-262
It is generally believed that a restricted export of carbohydrates from source leaves causes oxidative stress because of an enhanced utilisation of O2 instead of NADP+ as electron acceptor in photosynthesis. To test this hypothesis, developmental changes of antioxidative systems were investigated in wild-type and transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) suffering from disturbed sink-source relations by expression of yeast invertase in the apoplastic space. Young expanding leaves of the wild type contained higher activities of Superoxide dismutase (EC, ascorbate peroxidase (EC, catalase (EC, dehydroascorbate reductase (EC, glutathione reductase (EC and a higher glutathione content than mature source leaves. The activity of monodehydroascorbate-radical reductase (EC and the ascorbate content remained unaffected by the developmental stage in the wild type. In young expanding leaves of the transgenic plants the capacity of the antioxidative systems was similar to or higher than in corresponding leaves from the wild type. Source leaves of transgenic tobacco with an increased carbohydrate content showed a small chlorophyll loss, an increased malondialdehyde content, a selective loss of the activities of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase isoenzymes and a fourfold decrease in ascorbate compared with the wild type. There was no evidence that the protection from H2O2 was insufficient since source leaves of transgenic tobacco contained increased activities of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and monodehydroascorbate-radical reductase and an increased ascorbate-to-dehydroascorbate ratio compared with source leaves of the wild type. In severely chlorotic leaf sections of the transgenic plants, most components of the antioxidative system were lower than in green leaf sections, but the ascorbate-to-dehydroascorbate ratio was increased. These results suggest that carbohydrate-accumulating cells have an increased availability of reductant, which can increase the degree of reduction of the ascorbate system via glutathione-related systems or via the activity of monodehydroascorbate-radical reductase. At the same time, transgenic tobacco leaves seem to suffer from an increased oxidative stress, presumably as a result of a decreased consumption of O 2 .- by Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutases in the chloroplasts. There was no evidence that carbohydrate-accumulating leaves acclimated to enhanced O 2 .- production rates in the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

RbcS-antisense transformed tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petit Havana) expressing reduced quantities of Rubisco protein were used to examine the role of Rubisco quantity in determining ozone (O3) sensitivity. Transformed and wild-type plants were exposed to O3 in the greenhouse and in the field. Stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis and Rubisco protein quantity were measured at various times. Antisense-transformed genotypes responded to O3 by exhibiting rapid, severe foliar necrosis. The wild-type plants responded more slowly, exhibiting limited injury. Decreases in stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis or Rubisco quantity in plants exposed to O3 were not observed in asymptomatic leaves. Total biomass was lower for the transformed genotypes and decreased in both genotypes after exposure to O3. Shoot–root ratio and specific leaf area were higher in the transformed genotypes and increased in both genotypes with exposure to O3. Measurements of intercellular airspace demonstrated the presence of larger intercellular spaces in the transformed plants. The indirect effects of the rbcS antisense transformation, including morphological changes in the leaf, probably rendered the transformed plants more sensitive to the oxidant. The decreased quantity of Rubisco is not thought to be directly related to increased O3 sensitivity in the transformed plants.  相似文献   

Within the Bunyaviridae virus family, members of the genus Tospovirus are unique in their ability to infect plants. A characteristic genetic difference between tospoviruses and the animal-infecting members of this virus family is the occurrence of an additional gene, denoted NSM, located on the genomic M RNA segment. This gene has previously been implicated in the cell-to-cell movement of this virus during systemic infection. Transgenic tobacco plants have been obtained expressing the NSM protein of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), the type member of the tospoviruses, from a constitutive promoter. Detectable amounts of the NSM protein could be observed in plants from nine different lines. The protein was only detectable in fractions enriched for cell wall material. More detailed immunogold labelling studies revealed specific association of NSM protein with plasmodesmata. Plants accumulating the NSM protein to detectable levels developed aberrations in growth, resulting in a significant reduction of size and accelerated senescence. In addition, these plants are restricted in their capacity to produce flowers. The results presented provide additional evidence that the NSM protein, by modifying plasmodesmata, represents the cell-to-cell movement function of tospoviruses. Furthermore, the phenotype of the NSM transgenic plants suggests involvement of the NSM gene product in TSWV symptom expression  相似文献   

The natural pigment astaxanthin has attracted much attention because of its beneficial effects on human health, despite its expensive market price. In order to produce astaxanthin, transgenic plants have so far been generated through conventional genetic engineering of Agrobacterium -mediated gene transfer. The results of trials have revealed that the method is far from practicable because of low yields, i.e. instead of astaxanthin, large quantities of the astaxanthin intermediates, including ketocarotenoids, accumulated in the transgenic plants. In the present study, we have overcome this problem, and have succeeded in producing more than 0.5% (dry weight) astaxanthin (more than 70% of total caroteniods) in tobacco leaves, which turns their green color to reddish brown, by expressing both genes encoding CrtW (β-carotene ketolase) and CrtZ (β-carotene hydroxylase) from a marine bacterium Brevundimonas sp., strain SD212, in the chloroplasts. Moreover, the total carotenoid content in the transplastomic tobacco plants was 2.1-fold higher than that of wild-type tobacco. The tobacco transformants also synthesized a novel carotenoid 4-ketoantheraxanthin. There was no significant difference in the size of the aerial part of the plant between the transformants and wild-type plants at the final stage of their growth. The photosynthesis rate of the transformants was also found to be similar to that of wild-type plants under ambient CO2 concentrations of 1500 μmol photons m−2 s−1 light intensity.  相似文献   

It is believed that the nicotine concentration in tobacco is closely correlated with the amount of nitrogen (N) supplied.On the other hand,N uptake mainly occurs at the early growth stage,whereas nicotine concentration increases at the late growth stage,especially after removing the shoot apex.To identify the causes of the increased nicotine concentration in tobacco plants,and to compare the effects of different ways of mechanical wounding on nicotine concentration,field experiments were carried out in Fuzhou,Fujian Province in 2003 and 2004.Excision of the shoot apex had almost no influence on N content in the plant;however,it caused dramatic increases in nicotine concentration in leaves,especially in the middle and upper leaves.An additional increase of the nicotine concentration was obtained by removal of axillary buds.The wounding caused by routine leaf harvests,however,did not change the leaf nicotine concentration,and neither did reducing leaf harvest times.The present results revealed no direct relationship between N supply and nicotine concentration in tobacco leaves,and indicate that not all kinds of mechanical wounding were capable of stimulating nicotine synthesis in tobacco plants.Since nicotine production is highly dependent on the removal of apical meristems and hence on the major sources of auxin in the plant,and application of 1-naphthylacetic acid onto the cut surface of the stem after removing the shoot apex markedly decreased the nicotine concentration in different leaves and the total nicotine content in the plant,the results suggest that decreased auxin supply caused by removal of the shoot apex as a kind of mechanical wounding might regulate nicotine synthesis in the roots of tobacco plants.  相似文献   

Evacuolated protoplasts, P(–), have been prepared from mesophyll protoplasts. P(+), of Nicotiana tabacum L. (cv. Samsun) by centrifugation in an iso-osmotic Percoil gradient. In comparative analyses performed with these two types of cells, vacuole proteins should appear in P(+) extracts, but be absent from freshly isolated P(–). Such differences were detectable in total protein extracts after two-dimensional electrophoresis. Four spots were located that are likely to represent soluble vacuolar proteins. They have low molecular mass (around 20 kDa) and slightly acidic isoelectric points. In culture, evacuolated tobacco protoplasts regenerated a vacuole de novo. The vacuolation process as observed microscopically correlated welt with the reappearance of vacuolar marker enzymes. Likewise, the protein spots that were missing in the P(–)-pattern immediately after evacuolation reappeared within the first days of protoplast culture. By immunoblotting the same behaviour was demonstrated for the well-known vacuolar protein, tonoplast ATPase.  相似文献   

In plants, the shikimate pathway occurs in the plastid and leads to the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. The bifunctional 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase/shikimate dehydrogenase (DHD/SHD) catalyses the conversion of dehydroquinate into shikimate. Expression of NtDHD/SHD was suppressed by RNAi in transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic lines with <40% of wild-type activity displayed severe growth retardation and reduced content of aromatic amino acids and downstream products such as cholorogenic acid and lignin. Dehydroquinate, the substrate of the enzyme, accumulated. However, unexpectedly, so did the product, shikimate. To exclude that this finding is due to developmental differences between wild-type and transgenic plants, the RNAi approach was additionally carried out using a chemically inducible promoter. This approach revealed that the accumulation of shikimate was a direct effect of the reduced activity of NtDHD/SHD with a gradual accumulation of both dehydroquinate and shikimate following induction of gene silencing. As an explanation for these findings the existence of a parallel extra-plastidic shikimate pathway into which dehydroquinate is diverted is proposed. Consistent with this notion was the identification of a second DHD/SHD gene in tobacco (NtDHD/SHD-2) that lacked a plastidic targeting sequence. Expression of an NtDHD/SHD-2-GFP fusion revealed that the NtDHD/SHD-2 protein is exclusively cytosolic and is capable of shikimate biosynthesis. However, given the fact that this cytosolic shikimate synthesis cannot complement loss of the plastidial pathway it appears likely that the role of the cytosolic DHD/SHD in vivo is different from that of the plastidial enzyme. These data are discussed in the context of current models of plant intermediary metabolism.  相似文献   

Two chickpea cultivars PBG-1 and PDG-3 along with a wild species Cicer judaicum were investigated to compare the activities of their antioxidant enzymes in mature seeds and roots, as well as shoots and cotyledons of seedlings germinated under dark and continuous illumination of 40 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Seedling biomass of C. judaicum was lower as compared to cultivars of PBG-1 and PDG-3 both under dark and light conditions. Light reduced the biomass of seedlings. Activities of glutathione reductase (GR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were higher in shoots and roots of C. judaicum compared to the cultivars PBG-1 and PDG-3. In mature seeds, the activities of GR and APX were higher in the cultivated genotypes whereas catalase (CAT) and peroxidase were higher in C. judaicum. Under illumination, a general upregulation of CAT in both shoots and cotyledons and of GR in shoots was observed in all the three genotypes. However, superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased in C. judaicum and APX in PBG-1 and PDG-3. The differences in antioxidant enzyme system between wild and cultivated genotypes possibly contribute to better tolerance of wild Cicer species against abiotic and biotic stresses.  相似文献   

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