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Despite the critical role of pre-mRNA splicing in generating proteomic diversity and regulating gene expression, the sequence composition and function of intronic splicing regulatory elements (ISREs) have not been well elucidated. Here, we employed a high-throughput in vivo Screening PLatform for Intronic Control Elements (SPLICE) to identify 125 unique ISRE sequences from a random nucleotide library in human cells. Bioinformatic analyses reveal consensus motifs that resemble splicing regulatory elements and binding sites for characterized splicing factors and that are enriched in the introns of naturally occurring spliced genes, supporting their biological relevance. In vivo characterization, including an RNAi silencing study, demonstrate that ISRE sequences can exhibit combinatorial regulatory activity and that multiple trans-acting factors are involved in the regulatory effect of a single ISRE. Our work provides an initial examination into the sequence characteristics and function of ISREs, providing an important contribution to the splicing code.  相似文献   

RNA sequence elements involved in the regulation of pre-mRNA splicing have previously been identified in vertebrate genomes by computational methods. Here, we apply such approaches to predict splicing regulatory elements in Drosophila melanogaster and compare them with elements previously found in the human, mouse, and pufferfish genomes. We identified 99 putative exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) and 231 putative intronic splicing enhancers (ISEs) enriched near weak 5' and 3' splice sites of constitutively spliced introns, distinguishing between those found near short and long introns. We found that a significant proportion (58%) of fly enhancer sequences were previously reported in at least one of the vertebrates. Furthermore, 20% of putative fly ESEs were previously identified as ESEs in human, mouse, and pufferfish; while only two fly ISEs, CTCTCT and TTATAA, were identified as ISEs in all three vertebrate species. Several putative enhancer sequences are similar to characterized binding-site motifs for Drosophila and mammalian splicing regulators. To provide additional evidence for the function of putative ISEs, we separately identified 298 intronic hexamers significantly enriched within sequences phylogenetically conserved among 15 insect species. We found that 73 putative ISEs were among those enriched in conserved regions of the D. melanogaster genome. The functions of nine enhancer sequences were verified in a heterologous splicing reporter, demonstrating that these sequences are sufficient to enhance splicing in vivo. Taken together, these data identify a set of predicted positive-acting splicing regulatory motifs in the Drosophila genome and reveal regulatory sequences that are present in distant metazoan genomes.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a natural GTAA deletion within an intronic splicing processing element (ISPE) of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene that disrupts a non-canonical U1 snRNP interaction and activates the excision of the upstream portion of the intron. The resulting pre-mRNA splicing intermediate is then processed to a cryptic exon, whose aberrant inclusion in the final mRNA is responsible for ataxia telangiectasia. We show here that the last 40 bases of a downstream intronic antisense Alu repeat are required for the activation of the cryptic exon by the ISPE deletion. Evaluation of the pre-mRNA splicing intermediate by a hybrid minigene assay indicates that the identified intronic splicing enhancer represents a novel class of enhancers that facilitates processing of splicing intermediates possibly by recruiting U1 snRNP to defective donor sites. In the absence of this element, the splicing intermediate accumulates and is not further processed to generate the cryptic exon. Our results indicate that Alu-derived sequences can provide intronic splicing regulatory elements that facilitate pre-mRNA processing and potentially affect the severity of disease-causing splicing mutations.  相似文献   

We have isolated the human protein SNEV as downregulated in replicatively senescent cells. Sequence homology to the yeast splicing factor Prp19 suggested that SNEV might be the orthologue of Prp19 and therefore might also be involved in pre-mRNA splicing. We have used various approaches including gene complementation studies in yeast using a temperature sensitive mutant with a pleiotropic phenotype and SNEV immunodepletion from human HeLa nuclear extracts to determine its function. A human–yeast chimera was indeed capable of restoring the wild-type phenotype of the yeast mutant strain. In addition, immunodepletion of SNEV from human nuclear extracts resulted in a decrease of in vitro pre-mRNA splicing efficiency. Furthermore, as part of our analysis of protein–protein interactions within the CDC5L complex, we found that SNEV interacts with itself. The self-interaction domain was mapped to amino acids 56–74 in the protein's sequence and synthetic peptides derived from this region inhibit in vitro splicing by surprisingly interfering with spliceosome formation and stability. These results indicate that SNEV is the human orthologue of yeast PRP19, functions in splicing and that homo-oligomerization of SNEV in HeLa nuclear extract is essential for spliceosome assembly and that it might also be important for spliceosome stability.  相似文献   

Prakash A  Tompa M 《Nature biotechnology》2005,23(10):1249-1256
We have analyzed issues of reliability in studies in which comparative genomic approaches have been applied to the discovery of regulatory elements at a genome-wide level in vertebrates. We point out some potential problems with such studies, including difficulties in accurately identifying orthologous promoter regions. Many of these subtle analytical problems have become apparent only when studying the more complex vertebrate genomes. By determining motif reliability, we compared existing tools when applied to the discovery of vertebrate regulatory elements. We then used a statistical clustering method to produce a computational catalog of high quality putative regulatory elements from vertebrates, some of which are widely conserved among vertebrates and many of which are novel regulatory elements. The results provide a glimpse into the wealth of information that comparative genomics can yield and suggest the need for further improvement of genome-wide comparative computational techniques.  相似文献   

Effective splice site selection is critically controlled by flanking splicing regulatory elements (SREs) that can enhance or repress splice site use. Although several computational algorithms currently identify a multitude of potential SRE motifs, their predictive power with respect to mutation effects is limited. Following a RESCUE-type approach, we defined a hexamer-based ‘HEXplorer score’ as average Z-score of all six hexamers overlapping with a given nucleotide in an arbitrary genomic sequence. Plotted along genomic regions, HEXplorer score profiles varied slowly in the vicinity of splice sites. They reflected the respective splice enhancing and silencing properties of splice site neighborhoods beyond the identification of single dedicated SRE motifs. In particular, HEXplorer score differences between mutant and reference sequences faithfully represented exonic mutation effects on splice site usage. Using the HIV-1 pre-mRNA as a model system highly dependent on SREs, we found an excellent correlation in 29 mutations between splicing activity and HEXplorer score. We successfully predicted and confirmed five novel SREs and optimized mutations inactivating a known silencer. The HEXplorer score allowed landscaping of splicing regulatory regions, provided a quantitative measure of mutation effects on splice enhancing and silencing properties and permitted calculation of the mutationally most effective nucleotide.  相似文献   

Williams SH  Mouchel N  Harris A 《Genomics》2003,81(6):628-639
The identification of sequences within noncoding regions of genes that are conserved between several species may indicate potential regulatory elements. This is important for genes with complex control mechanisms such as the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). CFTR demonstrates similar patterns of temporal and spatial expression in human and sheep, but these differ significantly in mouse cftr. The complete sheep CFTR sequence is unavailable so we annotated BAC clones encompassing the CFTR gene from two other artiodactyl species (cow and pig) for comparative sequence analysis. Regions of introns 2, 3, 10, 17a, 18, and 21 and 3' flanking sequence corresponding to human CFTR DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHS) showed high homology in the cow and pig. Cross-species sequence conservation also enabled finer mapping of other human DHS, including those in introns 1, 16, and 20. Additional potential regulatory elements not associated with human DHS were also identified.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is a major contributor to genomic complexity, disease, and development. Previous studies have captured some of the characteristics that distinguish alternative splicing from constitutive splicing. However, most published work only focuses on skipped exons and/or a single species. Here we take advantage of the highly curated data in the MAASE database (see related paper in this issue) to analyze features that characterize different modes of splicing. Our analysis confirms previous observations about alternative splicing, including weaker splicing signals at alternative splice sites, higher sequence conservation surrounding orthologous alternative exons, shorter exon length, and more frequent reading frame maintenance in skipped exons. In addition, our study reveals potentially novel regulatory principles underlying distinct modes of alternative splicing and a role of a specific class of repeat elements (transposons) in the origin/evolution of alternative exons. These features suggest diverse regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary paths for different modes of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is a major receptor of the high-density lipoprotein that mediates cholesterol efflux and reverse cholesterol transport. Alternative splicing of the scavenger receptor class B (SR-B) gene is observed and different splice forms, SR-BI and scavenger receptor class B type II (SR-BII), have been shown to function and localize in distinct ways. We have previously shown that SR-B alternative splicing regulation is associated with splicing factor ASF/SF2. In this study, using a SR-B minigene as a model, we determined the critical regulatory regions in the upstream intron, intron 11, by serial deletion and mutation analyses. We also further characterized the regulatory elements in intron 11 as well as in the skipped exon, exon 12. Moreover, we studied the interactions of these elements with the splicing factor ASF/SF2. This study provides new insights into the mechanism of SR-B splicing and it is important for further study on the mechanism of SR-B alternative splicing regulation, such as its regulation by estrogen.  相似文献   

Based on its Z-sex-chromosomal location and its structural homology to male sexual regulatory factors in humans (DMRT1 and DMRT2), Drosophila (Dsx), and Caenorhabditis elegans (Mab-3), chicken DMRT1 is an excellent candidate for a testis-determining factor in birds. The data we present provide further strong support for this hypothesis. By whole mount in situ hybridization chicken DMRT1 is expressed at higher levels in the male than in the female genital ridges during early stages of embryogenesis. Its expression becomes testis-specific after onset of sexual differentiation. Northern blot and RT PCR analysis showed that in adult birds DMRT1 is expressed exclusively in the testis. We propose that two gene dosages are required for testis formation in ZZ males, whereas expression from a single Z chromosome in ZW females leads to female sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

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