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A synthetic cry1Ab gene coding for an insecticidal crystal protein (ICP) of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was transferred to brinjal (eggplant) by cocultivating cotyledonary explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transformant plants resistant to kanamycin were regenerated. Hybridization experiments demonstrated gene integration and mRNA expression. Double-antibody sandwich ELISA analysis revealed Bt toxin protein expression in the transgenic plants. The expression resulted in a significant insecticidal activity of transgenic brinjal fruits against the larvae of fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis). The results also demonstrated that a synthetic gene based on monocot codon usage can be expressed in dicotyledonous plants for insect control.  相似文献   

He YK  Xue WX  Sun YD  Yu XH  Liu PL 《Cell research》2000,10(2):151-160
The experiment was performed to evaluate the progenies of plant lines transgenic for auxin synthesis genes derived from Ri T-DNA.Four lines of the transgenic plants were self-crossed and the foreign auxin genes in plants of T5 generation were confirmed by Southern hybridization.Two lines,D1232 and D1653,showed earlier folding of expanding leaves than untransformed line and therefore had early initiation of leafy head.Leaf cuttings derived from plant of transgenic line D1653 produced more adventitious roots than the control whereas the cuttings from folding leaves had much more roots than rosette leaves at folding stage,and the cuttings from head leaves had more roots than rosette leaves at heading stage.It is demonstrated that early folding of transgenic leaf may be caused by the relatively higher concentration of auxin.These plant lines with auxin transgenes can be used for the study of hormonal regulation in differentiation and development of plant orgens and for the breeding of new variety with rapid growth trait.  相似文献   

转基因植物中标记基因的消除   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着转基因植物的商业化,植物遗传转化技术将为农业生产带来一场新的革命,新的基因转化程序要求转基因为单拷贝,不带有标记基因,并在不同的转化体中表达一致,稳定遗传,本文讨论了转基因植物中有关标记基因及其安全性和标记基因消除的方法等问题。  相似文献   

随着转基因植物的大面积种植,转基因植物的生态风险受到广泛关注,其中主要的风险是转基因植物与近缘物种之间的基因流及其影响。本文综述了目前商业化种植的转基因作物油菜、棉花、玉米和大豆,以及未商业化种植的水稻、小麦的基因流研究进展;分析了不同转基因作物与其近缘种之间发生基因流的频率和最远发生距离;介绍了降低基因流发生的方法。基因流频率受物种亲缘关系、花期重叠时间、风速风向等因素的影响,最远发生距离受气候条件、传粉媒介、地理条件等因素的影响。转基因作物与其近缘种之间的基因流频率与距花粉源的距离呈负相关关系(y=-0.59x-0.46,R2=0.25,P<0.01),亲缘关系近的基因流频率高。为了降低转基因植物与其近缘物种之间的基因流风险,建议采取“分区管理”的策略,并加强基因流发生之后的生态风险评价研究。  相似文献   

表达昆虫特异性神经毒素AaIT基因的转基因烟草的抗虫性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
经改造的昆虫特异性神经毒素AaIT基因插入植物高效表达载体得到重组质粒pNGY-2。重组质粒中AaIT基因5'端与烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的Ω序列3'端融合,受两个串联的35S启动子控制,通过土壤农杆菌LBA4404介导转化烟草NC89,经NPTⅡ选择后再经GUS染色挑选出阳性再生植株,Southern blotting进一步证实了AaIT基因已经整合到烟草基因组中,对棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera)的抗虫实验表明,转基因烟草有显著的抗虫活性。  相似文献   

The statistical analyses of populations of first-generation transgenic plants are commonly based on mean and variance and generally require a test of normality. Since in many cases the assumptions of normality are not met, analyses can result in erroneous conclusions. Transformation of data to normality, the use of other distributions, or distribution-free statistical tests should then be used to obtain valid conclusions from these populations.  相似文献   

Insect-resistant transgenic plants in a multi-trophic context   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
So far, genetic engineering of plants in the context of insect pest control has involved insertion of genes that code for toxins, and may be characterized as the incorporation of biopesticides into classical plant breeding. In the context of pesticide usage in pest control, natural enemies of herbivores have received increasing attention, because carnivorous arthropods are an important component of insect pest control. However, in plant breeding programmes, natural enemies of herbivores have largely been ignored, although there are many examples that show that plant breeding affects the effectiveness of biological control. Negative influences of modified plant characteristics on carnivorous arthropods may induce population growth of new, even more harmful pest species that had no pest status prior to the pesticide treatment. Sustainable pest management will only be possible when negative effects on non-target, beneficial arthropods are minimized. In this review, we summarize the effects of insect-resistant crops and insect-resistant transgenic crops, especially Bt crops, from a food web perspective. As food web components, we distinguish target herbivores, non-target herbivores, pollinators, parasitoids and predators. Below-ground organisms such as Collembola, nematodes and earthworms should also be included in risk assessment studies, but have received little attention. The toxins produced in Bt plants retain their toxicity when bound to the soil, so accumulation of these toxins is likely to occur. Earthworms ingest the bound toxins but are not affected by them. However, earthworms may function as intermediaries through which the toxins are passed on to other trophic levels. In studies where effects of insect-resistant (Bt) plants on natural enemies were considered, positive, negative and no effects have been found. So far, most studies have concentrated on natural enemies of target herbivores. However, Bt toxins are structurally rearranged when they bind to midgut receptors, so that they are likely to lose their toxicity inside target herbivores. What happens to the toxins in non-target herbivores, and whether these herbivores may act as intermediaries through which the toxins may be passed on to the natural enemies, remains to be studied.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes consisting of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, a CDNA encoding a small GTP-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (ara-2 or ara-4) and the terminator of the nopaline synthase gene were cloned into a binary vector. Tobacco leaf tissues were transformed with this plasmid via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants possessing either ara-2 or ara-4 occasionally showed morphological abnormalities in leaves and other organs. However, such alterations were not always associated with co-transferred characters, such as kanamycin tolerance, and they arose in no more than 10% of the transgenic plants. Such phenomena were also observed in the progenies of the primary transgenic plants. Despite such unusual inheritance of the phenotypic abnormalities, GTP-binding activity of the inserted ara gene products was detected in all plants tested.  相似文献   

Betaine as one of osmolytes plays an important role in osmoregulation of most high plants. Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase C BADH) is the second enzyme involved in betaine biosynthesis. The BADH gene from a halophite, Atriplex hortensis, was transformed into rice cultivars by bombarment method. Totally 192 transgenic rice plants were obtained and most of them had higher salt tolerance than controls. Among transgenic plants transplanted in the saline pool containing 0.5% NaCl in a greenhouse, 22 survived, 13 of which set seeds, and the frequency of seed setting was very low, only 10% . But the controls could not grow under the same condition. The results of BADH ac-tivity assay and Northern blot showed that the BADH gene was integrated into chromosomes of transgenic plants and expressed.  相似文献   

马三梅  王永飞 《广西植物》2004,24(3):270-274,247
得到转基因植物以后 ,标记基因就失去了筛选的作用。但它的存在引起公众对转基因植物的安全性以及环境效应的担心 ,所以在目的基因转入后 ,要去除标记基因。该文主要就利用共转化、转座子、同源重组、位点特异重组酶等去除标记基因的方法进行了总结 ,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了比较 ,对该技术未来的发展趋势也进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要评述了国内外利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白的研究现状、发展趋势,以及转基因植物生产药用蛋白的基本方法、应用研究等。尽管目前植物作为药用蛋白的生物反应器受到诸多因素限制,优点与问题并存,但利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白是植物基因工程研究领域的一个新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

转基因植物的表型变异、分子检测与遗传分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本讨论了转化方法、体细胞克隆和选育过程等影响转基因植物表型变异的因素,并对转基因植物不同群体的表型变异组成和效应进行了比较分析,提出了转基因植物分子检测和遗传分析的技术策略。多数情况下,分析转基因植物回交后代(BClF1)比分析T1代能获得更可靠和有价值的结论。  相似文献   

用基因枪法将玉米矮花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因导入玉米自交系综31幼胚诱导的愈伤组织中,在含有Bialaphos 6 mg·L-1的选择培养基上经过3个月的抗性筛选,抗性愈伤组织在分化培养基上生成可育再生植株。PCR、PCR-Southern blot及DNA点杂交结果表明,外源基因已导入到玉米基因组中。转基因T1和T2代植株在大田表现出对MDMV的抗性,可以降低发病率,减轻发病程度。  相似文献   

Li XF  Shen RJ  Liu PL  Tang ZC  He YK 《Cell research》2000,10(1):29-38
BepCAL,the homologous gene of CAL,was isolated from Chinese cabbage.Unlike BobCAL of cauliflower,BcpCAL did not hold the terninating mutation in the fifth exon.After crosses of cauliflower with Chinese cabbage,the resultant hybrids failed to form curd,which implicates the genetic complement of BcpCAL to the mutated BobCAL in the function of curd formation.One of CAL gene isolated from the hybrid apparently comes from the female parent(Chinese cabbage) even though there are a few of the bases substituted and deleted.The result offers the molecular and genetic evidences for the study of biological function of CAL in morphological genetics of curd.  相似文献   

The pea plastocyanin gene in a 3.5 kbp Eco RI fragment of pea nuclear DNA was introduced into tobacco by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Regenerated plants contained pea plastocyanin located within the chloroplast thylakoid membrane system. Analysis of seedlings from a self-pollinated transgenic plant containing a single copy of the pea plastocyanin gene indicated that seedlings homozygous for the pea gene contained almost twice as much pea plastocyanin as seedlings hemizygous for the pea gene. Homozygous seedlings contained approximately equal amounts of pea and tobacco plastocyanins. The amount of tobacco plastocyanin in leaves of transgenic plants was unaffected by the expression of the pea plastocyanin gene. The mRNA from the pea gene in tobacco was indistinguishable by northern blotting and S1 nuclease protection from the mRNA found in pea. In both pea and transgenic tobacco, expression of the pea plastocyanin gene was induced by light in leaves but was suppressed in roots. Pea plastocyanin free of contaminating tobacco plastocyanin was purified from transgenic tobacco plants and shown to be indistinguishable from natural pea plastocyanin by N-terminal protein sequencing and 1H NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

利用转基因植物作为生物反应器可以表达重组蛋白、生产外源蛋白质,也可以成为动物疫苗的廉价生产系统。以编码新城疫病毒融合蛋白(NDV-F)的基因为外源基因,以玉米泛素蛋白(Ubi)启动子为启动子,以潮霉素磷酸转移酶(HPT)基因作为选择标记基因,β-半乳糖苷酸酶(GUS)基因作为报告基因构建了适宜于农杆菌介导转化水稻的表达质粒pUNDV,并通过农杆菌介导转化水稻,获得了多株转基因植株。通过PCR分析和GUS活性检测,证实含有NDV-F基因的T-DNA已整合到水稻核基因组中,为研制廉价安全的转基因水稻新城疫基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In 2005 and 2006, transgenic insecticidal maize hybrids (YieldGard Rootworm, MON 863, Cry3Bb1, Vector ZMIR 13L) were evaluated for their ability to limit root injury caused by western corn rootworm ( Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) larval feeding. Hybrids in each year of the experiment were planted in plots that had been devoted to a trap crop (late-planted maize interplanted with pumpkins) the previous growing season. All maize hybrids were provided by Monsanto Company and the genetic backgrounds remain unknown to the investigators. In 2005, the experiment was conducted in Urbana, Illinois. Urbana is located in east central Illinois, an area of the state in which a variant of the western corn rootworm has overcome the pest management benefits of crop rotation. Variation in root injury was noted across the maize hybrids in 2005 and the level of pruning increased from 20 July to 9 August for most hybrids. In 2006, the experiment was conducted in two locations, Monmouth and Urbana, Illinois. Monmouth is located in north-western Illinois and is within an area of the state in which densities of the variant of the western corn rootworm are lower than in east-central Illinois. In 2006, variation in root protection was again observed across the maize hybrids. Root injury differences among the hybrids were more prominent at the Urbana site. Similar to the previous year, root injury increased from the third week in July to the first week of August at both locations with this increase most noticeable at the Urbana location. We hypothesize that the variant western corn rootworm may be able to inflict more root injury to these transgenic insecticidal maize hybrids than the non-variant population of this species.  相似文献   

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