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Kuhn AN  Li Z  Brow DA 《Molecular cell》1999,3(1):65-75
The pre-mRNA 5' splice site is recognized by the ACAGA box of U6 spliceosomal RNA prior to catalysis of splicing. We previously identified a mutant U4 spliceosomal RNA, U4-cs1, that masks the ACAGA box in the U4/U6 complex, thus conferring a cold-sensitive splicing phenotype in vivo. Here, we show that U4-cs1 blocks in vitro splicing in a temperature-dependent, reversible manner. Analysis of splicing complexes that accumulate at low temperature shows that U4-cs1 prevents U4/U6 unwinding, an essential step in spliceosome activation. A novel mutation in the evolutionarily conserved U5 snRNP protein Prp8 suppresses the U4-cs1 growth defect. We propose that wild-type Prp8 triggers unwinding of U4 and U6 RNAs only after structurally correct recognition of the 5' splice site by the U6 ACAGA box and that the mutation (prp8-201) relaxes control of unwinding.  相似文献   

The essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRP22 gene encodes a 1145-amino acid DEXH box RNA helicase. Prp22p plays two roles during pre-mRNA splicing as follows: it is required for the second transesterification step and for the release of mature mRNA from the spliceosome. Whereas the step 2 function of Prp22p does not require ATP hydrolysis, spliceosome disassembly is dependent on the ATPase and helicase activities. Here we delineate a minimal functional domain, Prp22(262-1145), that suffices for the activity of Prp22p in vivo when expressed under the natural PRP22 promoter and for pre-mRNA splicing activity in vitro. The biologically active domain lacks an S1 motif (residues 177-256) that had been proposed to play a role in RNA binding by Prp22p. The deletion mutant Prp22(351-1145) can function in vivo when provided at a high gene dosage. We suggest that the segment from residues 262 to 350 enhances Prp22p function in vivo, presumably by targeting Prp22p to the spliceosome. We characterize an even smaller catalytic domain, Prp22(466-1145) that suffices for ATP hydrolysis, RNA binding, and RNA unwinding in vitro and for nuclear localization in vivo but cannot by itself support cell growth. However, the ATPase/helicase domain can function in vivo if the N-terminal region Prp22(1-480) is co-expressed in trans.  相似文献   

We showed previously that the yeast Prp4 protein is a spliceosomal factor that is tightly associated with the U4, U5, and U6 small nuclear RNAs. Moreover, Prp4 appears to associate very transiently with the spliceosome before the U4 snRNA dissociates from the spliceosome. Prp4 belongs to the Gbeta-like protein family, which suggests that the Prp4 Gbeta motifs could mediate interactions with other components of the spliceosome. To investigate the function of the Gbeta motifs, we introduced mutations within the second WD-repeat of Prp4. Among the 35 new alleles found, 24 were pseudo wild-type mutants, 8 failed to grow at any temperature, and 3 were conditional sensitive mutants. The biochemical defects of the three thermosensitive prp4 mutants have been examined by immunoprecipitation, native gel electrophoresis, and glycerol gradient centrifugation. First, we show that snRNP formation is not impaired in these mutants and that Prp4 is present in the U4/U6 and U4/U6-U5 snRNP particles. We also demonstrate that spliceosome assembly is largely unaffected despite the fact that the first step of splicing does not occur. However, both Prp4 and U4 snRNA remain tightly associated with the spliceosome and this blocks the transition toward an active form of the spliceosome. Our results suggest a possible role of Prp4 in mediating important conformational rearrangements of proteins within the spliceosome that involve the region containing the Gbeta-repeats.  相似文献   

U4 and U6 small nuclear RNAs reside in a single ribonucleoprotein particle, and both are required for pre-mRNA splicing. The U4/U6 and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins join U1 and U2 on the pre-mRNA during spliceosome assembly. Binding of U4 is then destabilized prior to or concomitant with the 5' cleavage-ligation. In order to test the role of U4 RNA, we isolated a functional spliceosome by using extracts prepared from yeast cells carrying a temperature-sensitive allele of prp2 (rna2). The isolated prp2 delta spliceosome contains U2, U5, U6, and possibly also U1 and can be activated to splice the bound pre-mRNA. U4 RNA does not associate with the isolated spliceosomes and is shown not to be involved in the subsequent cleavage-ligation reactions. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the role of U4 in pre-mRNA splicing is to deliver U6 to the spliceosome.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that Prp4p kinase activity is required for pre-mRNA splicing in vivo and show that loss of activity impairs G1–S and G2–M progression in the cell cycle. Prp4p interacts genetically with the non-SR (serine/arginine) splicing factors Prp1p and Prp5p. Bacterially produced Prp1p is phosphorylated by Prp4p in vitro. Prp4p and Prp1p also interact in the yeast two-hybrid system. In vivo labelling studies using a strain with a mutant allele of the prp4 gene in the genetic background indicate a change in phosphorylation of the Prp1p protein. These results are consistent with the notion that Prp4p kinase is involved in the control of the formation of active spliceosomes, targeting non-SR splicing factors.  相似文献   

The dbf3 mutation was originally obtained in a screen for DNA synthesis mutants with a cell cycle phenotype in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have now isolated the DBF3 gene and found it to be an essential gene with an ORF of 7239 nucleotides, potentially encoding a large protein of 268 kDa. We also obtained an allele-specific high copy number suppressor of the dbf3-1 allele, encoded by the known SSB1 gene, a member of the Hsp70 family of heat shock proteins. The sequence of the Dbf3 protein is 58% identical over 2300 amino acid residues to a predicted protein from Caenorhabditis elegans. Furthermore, partial sequences with 61% amino acid sequence identity were deduced from two files of human cDNA in the EST nucleotide database so that Dbf3 is a highly conserved protein. The nucleotide sequence of DBF3 turned out to be identical to the yeast gene PRP8, which encodes a U5 snRNP required for pre-mRNA splicing. This surprising result led us to further characterise the phenotype of dbf3 which confirmed its role in the cell cycle and showed it to function early, around the time of S phase. This data suggests a hitherto unexpected link between pre-mRNA splicing and the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRP17-null mutants are temperature-sensitive for growth. In vitro splicing with extracts lacking Prp17 are kinetically slow for the first step of splicing and are arrested for the second step at temperatures greater than 34 degrees C. In the present study we show that these stalled spliceosomes are compromised for an essential conformational switch that is triggered by Prp16 helicase. These results suggest a plausible mechanistic basis for the second-step arrest in prp17Delta extracts and support a role for Prp17 in conjunction with Prp16. To understand the association of Prp17 with spliceosomes we used a functional epitope-tagged protein in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Examination of co-precipitated snRNAs (small nuclear RNAs) show that Prp17 interacts with U2, U5 and U6 snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins) but it is not a core component of any one snRNP. Prp17 association with in-vitro-assembled spliceosome complexes on actin pre-mRNAs was also investigated. Although the U5 snRNP proteins Prp8 and Snu114 are found in early pre-spliceosomes that contain all five snRNPs, Prp17 is not detectable at this step; however, Prp17 is present in the subsequent pre-catalytic A1 complex, containing unspliced pre-mRNA, formed after the dissociation of U4 snRNP. Thus Prp17 joins the spliceosome prior to both catalytic reactions. Our results indicate continued interactions in catalytic spliceosomes that contain reaction intermediates and in post-splicing complexes containing the lariat intron. These Prp17-spliceosome association analyses provide a biochemical basis for the delayed first step in prp17Delta and explain the previously known multiple genetic interactions between Prp17, factors of the Prp19-complex [NTC (nineteen complex)], functional elements in U2 and U5 snRNAs and other second-step splicing factors.  相似文献   

Immunoaffinity-purified human 25S [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNPs harbor a set of polypeptides, termed the tri-snRNP proteins, that are not present in Mono Q-purified 20S U5 snRNPs or 10S U4/U6 snRNPs and that are important for tri-snRNP complex formation (Behrens SE, Lührmann R, 1991, Genes & Dev 5:1439-1452). Biochemical and immunological characterization of HeLa [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNPs led to the identification of two novel proteins with molecular weights of 61 and 63kD that are distinct from the previously described 15.5, 20, 27, 60, and 90kD tri-snRNP proteins. For the initial characterization of tri-snRNP proteins that interact directly with U4/U6 snRNPs, immunoaffinity chromatography with an antibody directed against the 60kD protein was performed. We demonstrate that the 60 and 90kD tri-snRNP proteins specifically associate with the U4/U6 snRNP at salt concentrations where the tri-snRNP complex has dissociated. The primary structures of the 60kD and 90kD proteins were determined by cloning and sequencing their respective cDNAs. The U4/U6-60kD protein possesses a C-terminal WD domain that contains seven WD repeats and thus belongs to the WD-protein family, whose best-characterized members include the Gbeta subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins. A database homology search revealed a significant degree of overall homology (57.8% similarity, 33.9% identity) between the human 60kD protein and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae U4/U6 snRNP protein Prp4p. Two additional, previously undetected WD repeats (with seven in total) were also identified in Prp4p, consistent with the possibility that 60kD/Prp4p, like beta-transducin, may adopt a propeller-like structure. The U4/U6-90kD protein was shown to exhibit significant homology, particularly in its C-terminal half, with the S. cerevisiae splicing factor Prp3p, which also associates with the yeast U4/U6 snRNP. Interestingly, U4/U6-90kD shares short regions of homology with E. coli RNase III, including a region encompassing its double-stranded RNA binding domain. Based on their structural similarity with essential splicing factors in yeast, the human U4/U6-60kD and 90kD proteins are likely also to play important roles in the mammalian splicing process.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae splicing factor Prp2 is an RNA-dependent ATPase required before the first transesterification reaction in pre-mRNA splicing. Prp2 binds to the spliceosome in the absence of ATP and is released following ATP hydrolysis. It contains three domains: a unique N-terminal domain, a helicase domain that is highly conserved in the DExD/H protein family, and a C-terminal domain that is conserved in spliceosomal DEAH proteins Prp2, Prp16, Prp22, and Prp43. We examined the role of each domain of Prp2 by deletion mutagenesis. Whereas deletions of either the helicase or C-terminal domain are lethal, deletions in the N-terminal domain have no detectable effect on Prp2 activity. Overexpression of the C-terminal domain of Prp2 exacerbates the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a prp2(Ts) strain, suggesting that the C-domain interferes with the activity of the Prp2(Ts) protein. A genetic approach was then taken to study interactions between Prp2 and the spliceosome. Previously, we isolated dominant negative mutants in the helicase domain of Prp2 that inhibit the activity of wild-type Prp2 when the mutant protein is overexpressed. We mutagenized one prp2 release mutant gene and screened for loss of dominant negative function. Several weak binding mutants were isolated and mapped to the C terminus of Prp2, further indicating the importance of the C terminus in spliceosome binding. This study is the first to indicate that amino acid substitutions outside the helicase domain can abolish spliceosome contact and splicing activity of a spliceosomal DEAH protein.  相似文献   

Earlier studies on genetic suppression ofprp24-1 byprp21-2 suggested an association between yeast Prp21 and Prp24 proteins, which are associated, respectively, with U2 snRNA and U6 snRNA. Here we report analyses of physical and functional interaction between these factors. Missense mutations in functionally important domains reside inprp21-2 andprp24-1. Two-hybrid assays do not detect interaction between wild-type or mutant proteins. Prp21-2 and Prp24-1 protein inprp21-2 orprp24-1 extracts can be heat-inactivatedin vitro. In contrast, heat-treated extracts from the revertant strainprp21-2 prp24-1 demonstrate allele-specific restoration of splicing. Suppression ofprp24-1 byprp21-2 does not cause coimmunoprecipitation of U2 and U6 snRNAs. We demonstrate the presence of Prp21 in the spliceosome assembly intermediate A2-1, and our data suggest the presence of Prp24 in the same complex. Kinetic analysis of assembly in heat-treated revertant extracts reveal a rate-limiting conversion of complex B to A2-1, suggesting transient association between the mutant proteins at this step. Our data also imply a requirement for Prp21 during B to A2-1 conversion. We conclude that a transient yet likely functional association between Prp21 and Prp24 occurs during spliceosome assembly.  相似文献   

Prp24 is an essential yeast U6 snRNP protein with four RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) that facilitates the association of U4 and U6 snRNPs during spliceosome assembly. Genetic interactions led to the proposal that RRMs 2 and 3 of Prp24 bind U6 RNA, while RRMs 1 and 4 bind U4 RNA. However, the function of each RRM has yet to be established through biochemical means. We compared the binding of recombinant full-length Prp24 and truncated forms lacking RRM 1 or RRM 4 with U6 RNA. Contrary to expectations, we found that the N-terminal segment containing RRM 1 is important for high-affinity binding to U6 RNA and for discrimination between wild-type U6 RNA and U6 with point mutations in the 3' intramolecular stem-loop. In contrast, deletion of RRM 4 and the C terminus did not significantly alter the affinity for U6 RNA, but resulted in the formation of higher order Prp24.U6 complexes. Truncation and internal deletion of U6 RNA mapped three Prp24-binding sites, with the central site providing most of the affinity for Prp24. A newly identified temperature-sensitive lethal point mutation in RRM 1 is exacerbated by mutations in the U6 RNA telestem, as is a mutation in RRM 2, but not one in RRM 3. We propose that RRMs 1 and 2 of yeast Prp24 bind the same central site in U6 RNA that is bound by the two RRMs of human Prp24, and that RRMs 3 and 4 bind lower affinity flanking sites, thereby restricting the stoichiometry of Prp24 binding.  相似文献   

The yeast pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp22 is a member of the DEAH box family of nucleic acid-stimulated ATPases and RNA helicases. Here we report a mutational analysis of 16 conserved residues in motifs Ia ((534)TQPRRVAA(541)), IV ((695)LVFLTG(700)), and V ((757)TNIAETSIT(765)). Mutants T757A, I764A, and T765A were lethal, and F697A cells did not grow at < or =30 degrees C. The mutant proteins failed to catalyze mRNA release from the spliceosome in vitro, and they were deficient for RNA unwinding. The F697A, I764A, and T765A proteins were active for ATP hydrolysis in the presence of RNA cofactor. The T757A mutant retained basal ATPase activity but was not stimulated by RNA, whereas ATP hydrolysis by T765A was strictly dependent on the RNA cofactor. Thus Thr-757 and Thr-765 in motif V link ATP hydrolysis to the RNA cofactor. To illuminate the mechanism of Prp22-catalyzed mRNA release, we performed a genetic screen to identify extragenic suppressors of the cold-sensitive growth defect of a helicase/release-defective Prp22 mutant. We identified one of the suppressors as a missense mutation of PRP8 (R1753K), a protein component of the U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein. We show that PRP8-R1753K suppressed multiple helicase-deficient prp22 mutations, including the lethal I764A mutation. Replacing Arg-1753 of Prp8 by either Lys, Ala, Gln, or Glu resulted in suppression of helicase-defective Prp22 mutants. Prp8-Arg1753 mutations by themselves caused temperature-sensitive growth defects in a PRP22 strain. These findings suggest a model whereby Prp22 disrupts an RNA/protein or RNA/RNA interaction in the spliceosome that is normally stabilized by Prp8.  相似文献   

The spliceosomal protein Prp1 (Prp6/U5-102 K) is necessary for the integrity of pre-catalytic spliceosomal complexes. We have identified a novel regulatory function for Prp1. Expression of mutations in the N-terminus of Prp1 leads to the accumulation of pre-catalytic spliceosomal complexes containing the five snRNAs U1, U2, U5 and U4/U6 and pre-mRNAs. The mutations in the N-terminus, which prevent splicing to occur, include in vitro and in vivo identified phosphorylation sites of Prp4 kinase. These sites are highly conserved in the human ortholog U5-102 K. The results presented here demonstrate that structural integrity of the N-terminus is required to mediate a splicing event, but is not necessary for the assembly of spliceosomes.  相似文献   

PRP8 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae interacts directly with pre-mRNA in spliceosomes, shown previously by UV-crosslinking. To analyse at which steps of splicing and with which precursor-derived RNA species the interaction(s) take place, UV-crosslinking was combined with PRP8-specific immunoprecipitation and the coprecipitated RNA species were analysed. Specific precipitation of intron-exon 2 and excised intron species was observed. PRP8 protein could be UV-crosslinked to pre-mRNA in PRP2-depleted spliceosomes stalled before initiation of the splicing reaction. Thus, the interaction of PRP8 protein with substrate RNA is established prior to the first transesterification reaction, is maintained during both steps of splicing and continues with the excised intron after completion of the splicing reaction. RNase T1 treatment of spliceosomes revealed that substrate RNA fragments of the 5' splice site region and the branchpoint-3' splice site region could be coimmunoprecipitated with PRP8 specific antibodies, indicating that these are potential sites of interaction for PRP8 protein with substrate RNA. Protection of the branch-point-3' splice site region was detected only after step 1 of splicing. The results allow a first glimpse at the pattern of PRP8 protein-RNA interactions during splicing and provide a fundamental basis for future analysis of these interactions.  相似文献   

Current models of the core of the spliceosome include a network of RNA-RNA interactions involving the pre-mRNA and the U2, U5, and U6 snRNAs. The essential spliceosomal protein Prp8 interacts with U5 and U6 snRNAs and with specific pre-mRNA sequences that participate in catalysis. This close association with crucial RNA sequences, together with extensive genetic evidence, suggests that Prp8 could directly affect the function of the catalytic core, perhaps acting as a splicing cofactor. However, the sequence of Prp8 is almost entirely novel, and it offers few clues to the molecular basis of Prp8-RNA interactions. We have used an innovative transposon-based strategy to establish that catalytic core RNAs make multiple contacts in the central region of Prp8, underscoring the intimate relationship between this protein and the catalytic center of the spliceosome. Our analysis of RNA interactions identifies a discrete, highly conserved region of Prp8 as a prime candidate for the role of cofactor for the spliceosome's RNA core.  相似文献   

B Schwer  C H Gross 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(7):2086-2094
In order to assess the role of Prp22 in yeast pre-mRNA splicing, we have purified the 130 kDa Prp22 protein and developed an in vitro depletion/reconstitution assay. We show that Prp22 is required for the second step of actin pre-mRNA splicing. Prp22 can act on pre-assembled spliceosomes that are arrested after step 1 in an ATP-independent fashion. The requirement for Prp22 during step 2 depends on the distance between the branchpoint and the 3' splice site, suggesting a previously unrecognized role for Prp22 in splice site selection. We characterize the biochemical activities of Prp22, a member of the DExH-box family of proteins, and we show that purified recombinant Prp22 protein is an RNA-dependent ATPase and an ATP-dependent RNA helicase. Prp22 uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to effect the release of mRNA from the spliceosome. Thus, Prp22 has two distinct functions in yeast pre-mRNA splicing: an ATP-independent role during the second catalytic step and an ATP-requiring function in disassembly of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

The DExD/H-box Prp5 protein (Prp5p) is an essential, RNA-dependent ATPase required for pre-spliceosome formation during nuclear pre-mRNA splicing. In order to understand how this protein functions, we used in vitro, biochemical assays to examine its association with the spliceosome from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GST-Prp5p in splicing assays pulls down radiolabeled pre-mRNA as well as splicing intermediates and lariat product, but reduced amounts of spliced mRNA. It cosediments with active spliceosomes isolated by glycerol gradient centrifugation. In ATP-depleted extracts, GST-Prp5p associates with pre-mRNA even in the absence of spliceosomal snRNAs. Maximal selection in either the presence or absence of ATP requires a pre-mRNA with a functional intron. Prp5p is present in the commitment complex and functions in subsequent pre-spliceosome formation. Reduced Prp5p levels decrease levels of commitment, pre-spliceosomal and spliceosomal complexes. Thus Prp5p is most likely an integral component of the spliceosome, being among the first splicing factors associating with pre-mRNA and remaining until spliceosome disassembly. The results suggest a model in which Prp5p recruits the U2 snRNP to pre-mRNA in the commitment complex and then hydrolyzes ATP to promote stable association of U2 in the pre-spliceosome. They also suggest that Prp5p could have multiple ATP-independent and ATP-dependent functions at several stages of the splicing cycle.  相似文献   

We have purified three new human U4/U6-snRNP proteins from HeLa cells. The three proteins formed a tightly bound complex and behaved as a single species throughout the purification. All three proteins have been identified by peptide sequencing, and full-length cDNA sequences have been obtained for all of them. Two of the proteins are homologues of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae splicing factors Prp3 and Prp4, and the third protein is a cyclophilin. Both the human and S. cerevisiae Prp4 proteins have seven repeats of the WD motif and likely fold into structures very similar to those of the beta subunits of G proteins. The human Prp3 protein is highly basic and is closely related to S. cerevisiae Prp3 only in its carboxyl-terminal half. The human homologues of Prp3 and Prp4 are part of a stable complex in the absence of RNA. The third protein in the complex is a new cyclophilin. Cyclophilins have been proposed to act as chaperones in a variety of cellular processes, and we discuss some possible roles of this U4/U6 snRNP-associated cyclophilin.  相似文献   

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