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The notion that phosphorylation constitutes a major mechanism to induce autophagy was established 15 years ago when a conserved Atg1/ULK kinase family was identified as an essential component of the autophagy machinery. The key observation was that starved atg1Δ cells lack autophagosomes in the cytosol and fail to accumulate autophagic bodies in the vacuole. Although many studies have revealed important details of Atg1 activation and function, a cohesive model for how Atg1 regulates the autophagic machinery is lacking. Our recent findings identified conserved steps of temporal and spatial regulation of Atg1/ULK1 kinase at both the PAS and autophagosomal membranes, suggesting that Atg1 not only promotes autophagy induction, but may also facilitate late stages of autophagosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular trafficking pathway sequestering cytoplasm and delivering excess and damaged cargo to the vacuole for degradation. The Atg1/ULK1 kinase is an essential component of the core autophagy machinery possibly activated by binding to Atg13 upon starvation. Indeed, we found that Atg13 directly binds Atg1, and specific Atg13 mutations abolishing this interaction interfere with Atg1 function in vivo. Surprisingly, Atg13 binding to Atg1 is constitutive and not altered by nutrient conditions or treatment with the Target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1)-inhibitor rapamycin. We identify Atg8 as a novel regulator of Atg1/ULK1, which directly binds Atg1/ULK1 in a LC3-interaction region (LIR)-dependent manner. Molecular analysis revealed that Atg13 and Atg8 cooperate at different steps to regulate Atg1 function. Atg8 targets Atg1/ULK1 to autophagosomes, where it may promote autophagosome maturation and/or fusion with vacuoles/lysosomes. Moreover, Atg8 binding triggers vacuolar degradation of the Atg1-Atg13 complex in yeast, thereby coupling Atg1 activity to autophagic flux. Together, these findings define a conserved step in autophagy regulation in yeast and mammals and expand the known functions of LIR-dependent Atg8 targets to include spatial regulation of the Atg1/ULK1 kinase.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved process for the bulk degradation of cytoplasmic material. Triggering of autophagy results in the formation of double membrane‐bound vesicles termed autophagosomes. The conserved Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex is essential for autophagosome formation. Here, we show that the yeast Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex directly binds membranes. Membrane binding is mediated by Atg5, inhibited by Atg12 and activated by Atg16. In a fully reconstituted system using giant unilamellar vesicles and recombinant proteins, we reveal that all components of the complex are required for efficient promotion of Atg8 conjugation to phosphatidylethanolamine and are able to assign precise functions to all of its components during this process. In addition, we report that in vitro the Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex is able to tether membranes independently of Atg8. Furthermore, we show that membrane binding by Atg5 is downstream of its recruitment to the pre‐autophagosomal structure but is essential for autophagy and cytoplasm‐to‐vacuole transport at a stage preceding Atg8 conjugation and vesicle closure. Our findings provide important insights into the mechanism of action of the Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex during autophagosome formation.  相似文献   

Selective macroautophagy/autophagy mediates the selective delivery of cytoplasmic cargo material via autophagosomes into the lytic compartment for degradation. This selectivity is mediated by cargo receptor molecules that link the cargo to the phagophore (the precursor of the autophagosome) membrane via their simultaneous interaction with the cargo and Atg8 proteins on the membrane. Atg8 proteins are attached to membrane in a conjugation reaction and the cargo receptors bind them via short peptide motifs called Atg8-interacting motifs/LC3-interacting regions (AIMs/LIRs). We have recently shown for the yeast Atg19 cargo receptor that the AIM/LIR motifs also serve to recruit the Atg12–Atg5-Atg16 complex, which stimulates Atg8 conjugation, to the cargo. We could further show in a reconstituted system that the recruitment of the Atg12–Atg5-Atg16 complex is sufficient for cargo-directed Atg8 conjugation. Our results suggest that AIM/LIR motifs could have more general roles in autophagy.  相似文献   

Direct pharmacological targeting of the anti-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2) family is an attractive therapeutic strategy for treating cancer. Obatoclax is a pan-BCL-2 family inhibitor currently in clinical development. Here we show that, although obatoclax can induce mitochondrial apoptosis dependent on BCL-2 associated x protein/BCL-2 antagonist killer (BAX/BAK) consistent with its on-target pharmacodynamics, simultaneous silencing of both BAX and BAK did not abolish acute toxicity or loss of clonogenicity. This is despite complete inhibition of apoptosis. Obatoclax dramatically reduced viability without inducing loss of plasma membrane integrity. This was associated with rapid processing of light chain-3 (LC3) and reduction of S6 kinase phosphorylation, consistent with autophagy. Dramatic ultrastructural vacuolation, not typical of autophagy, was also induced. Silencing of beclin-1 failed to prevent LC3 processing, whereas knockout of autophagy-related (Atg)7 abolished LC3 processing but failed to prevent obatoclax-induced loss of clonogenicity or ultrastructural changes. siRNA silencing of Atg7 in BAX/BAK knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts did not prevent obatoclax-induced loss of viability. Cells selected for obatoclax resistance evaded apoptosis independent of changes in BCL-2 family expression and displayed reduced LC3 processing. In summary, obatoclax exhibits BAX- and BAK-dependent and -independent mechanisms of toxicity and activation of autophagy. Mechanisms other than autophagy and apoptosis are blocked in obatoclax resistant cells and contribute significantly to obatoclax''s anticancer efficacy.  相似文献   

Central to most forms of autophagy are two ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs), Atg8 and Atg12, which play important roles in autophagosome biogenesis, substrate recruitment to autophagosomes, and other aspects of autophagy. Typically, UBLs are activated by an E1 enzyme that (1) catalyzes adenylation of the UBL C terminus, (2) transiently covalently captures the UBL through a reactive thioester bond between the E1 active site cysteine and the UBL C terminus, and (3) promotes transfer of the UBL C terminus to the catalytic cysteine of an E2 conjugating enzyme. The E2, and often an E3 ligase enzyme, catalyzes attachment of the UBL C terminus to a primary amine group on a substrate. Here, we summarize our recent work reporting the structural and mechanistic basis for E1-E2 protein interactions in autophagy.  相似文献   

The acrosome is a specialized organelle that covers the anterior part of the sperm nucleus and plays an essential role in the process of fertilization. The molecular mechanism underlying the biogenesis of this lysosome-related organelle (LRO) is still largely unknown. Here, we show that germ cell-specific Atg7-knockout mice were infertile due to a defect in acrosome biogenesis and displayed a phenotype similar to human globozoospermia; this reproductive defect was successfully rescued by intracytoplasmic sperm injections. Furthermore, the depletion of Atg7 in germ cells did not affect the early stages of development of germ cells, but at later stages of spermatogenesis, the proacrosomal vesicles failed to fuse into a single acrosomal vesicle during the Golgi phase, which finally resulted in irregular or nearly round-headed spermatozoa. Autophagic flux was disrupted in Atg7-depleted germ cells, finally leading to the failure of LC3 conjugation to Golgi apparatus-derived vesicles. In addition, Atg7 partially regulated another globozoospermia-related protein, Golgi-associated PDZ- and coiled-coil motif-containing protein (GOPC), during acrosome biogenesis. Finally, the injection of either autophagy or lysosome inhibitors into testis resulted in a similar phenotype to that of germ cell-specific Atg7-knockout mice. Altogether, our results uncover a new role for Atg7 in the biogenesis of the acrosome, and we provide evidence to support the autolysosome origination hypothesis for the acrosome.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogeneous autoimmune disease, defined by loss of B cell self-tolerance that results in production of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and chronic inflammation. While the initiating events in lupus development are not well defined, overexpression of the RNA-recognizing toll-like receptor (TLR)7 has been linked to SLE in humans and mice. We postulated that autophagy plays an essential role in TLR7 activation of B cells for the induction of SLE by delivering RNA ligands to the endosomes, where this innate immune receptor resides. To test this hypothesis, we compared SLE development in Tlr7 transgenic (Tg) mice with or without B cell-specific ablation of autophagy (Cd19-Cre Atg5f/f). We observed that in the absence of B cell autophagy the 2 hallmarks of SLE, ANA and inflammation, were eliminated, thus curing these mice of lupus. This was also evident in the significantly extended survival of the autophagy-deficient mice compared to Tlr7.1 Tg mice. Furthermore, glomerulonephritis was ameliorated, and the serum levels of inflammatory cytokines in the knockout (KO) mice were indistinguishable from those of control mice. These data provide direct evidence that B cells require TLR7-dependent priming through an autophagy-dependent mechanism before autoimmunity is induced, thereafter involving many cell types. Surprisingly, hyper-IgM production persisted in Tlr7.1 Tg mice in the absence of autophagy, likely involving a different activation pathway than the production of autoantibodies. Furthermore, these mice still presented with anemia, but responded with a striking increase in extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH), possibly due to the absence of pro-inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin‐like proteins (UBLs) are activated, transferred and conjugated by E1‐E2‐E3 enzyme cascades. E2 enzymes for canonical UBLs such as ubiquitin, SUMO, and NEDD8 typically use common surfaces to bind to E1 and E3 enzymes. Thus, canonical E2s are required to disengage from E1 prior to E3‐mediated UBL ligation. However, E1, E2, and E3 enzymes in the autophagy pathway are structurally and functionally distinct from canonical enzymes, and it has not been possible to predict whether autophagy UBL cascades are organized according to the same principles. Here, we address this question for the pathway mediating lipidation of the human autophagy UBL, LC3. We utilized bioinformatic and experimental approaches to identify a distinctive region in the autophagy E2, Atg3, that binds to the autophagy E3, Atg12~Atg5‐Atg16. Short peptides corresponding to this Atg3 sequence inhibit LC3 lipidation in vitro. Notably, the E3‐binding site on Atg3 overlaps with the binding site for the E1, Atg7. Accordingly, the E3 competes with Atg7 for binding to Atg3, implying that Atg3 likely cycles back and forth between binding to Atg7 for loading with the UBL LC3 and binding to E3 to promote LC3 lipidation. The results show that common organizational principles underlie canonical and noncanonical UBL transfer cascades, but are established through distinct structural features.  相似文献   

通过阐明C5a、calpain和Atg5相互作用,为开展新的研究寻找方向.中性粒细胞凋亡控制炎症反应及其强度,多种疾病和中性粒细胞凋亡失调有关,但其发生机制尚未阐明.C5a为补体片段,有多种功能,如诱导中性粒细胞趋化、呼吸爆发、增强吞噬、颗粒酶释放和延迟凋亡.已知calpain涉及中性粒细胞功能及凋亡调节并对该凋亡发生具有特异性.不同刺激因素可通过不同路径调节不同calpain亚型的活性. 已有报道C5a可以通过调节calpain亚型活性而调节中性粒细胞的趋化反应.另外,自噬是真核细胞中广泛存在的生物过程,具有细胞保护作用,Atg5对于自噬体形成必不可少.Calpain可裂解Atg5为24 ku tAtg5,使其失去形成自噬体的功能并介导凋亡.Atg5参与了自噬和凋亡的转换.  相似文献   

Phagophore-derived autophagosomes deliver cytoplasmic material to lysosomes for degradation and reuse. Autophagy mediated by the incompletely characterized actions of Atg proteins is involved in numerous physiological and pathological settings including stress resistance, immunity, aging, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Here we characterized Atg17/FIP200, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian RB1CC1/FIP200, a proposed functional equivalent of yeast Atg17. Atg17 disruption inhibits basal, starvation-induced and developmental autophagy, and interferes with the programmed elimination of larval salivary glands and midgut during metamorphosis. Upon starvation, Atg17-positive structures appear at aggregates of the selective cargo Ref(2)P/p62 near lysosomes. This location may be similar to the perivacuolar PAS (phagophore assembly site) described in yeast. Drosophila Atg17 is a member of the Atg1 kinase complex as in mammals, and we showed that it binds to the other subunits including Atg1, Atg13, and Atg101 (C12orf44 in humans, 9430023L20Rik in mice and RGD1359310 in rats). Atg17 is required for the kinase activity of endogenous Atg1 in vivo, as loss of Atg17 prevents the Atg1-dependent shift of endogenous Atg13 to hyperphosphorylated forms, and also blocks punctate Atg1 localization during starvation. Finally, we found that Atg1 overexpression induces autophagy and reduces cell size in Atg17-null mutant fat body cells, and that overexpression of Atg17 promotes endogenous Atg13 phosphorylation and enhances autophagy in an Atg1-dependent manner in the fat body. We propose a model according to which the relative activity of Atg1, estimated by the ratio of hyper- to hypophosphorylated Atg13, contributes to setting low (basal) vs. high (starvation-induced) autophagy levels in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Neuroepithelial cells undergoing differentiation efficiently remodel their cytoskeleton and shape in an energy-consuming process. The capacity of autophagy to recycle cellular components and provide energy could fulfill these requirements, thus supporting differentiation. However, little is known regarding the role of basal autophagy in neural differentiation. Here we report an increase in the expression of the autophagy genes Atg7, Becn1, Ambra1 and LC3 in vivo in the mouse embryonic olfactory bulb (OB) during the initial period of neuronal differentiation at E15.5, along with a parallel increase in neuronal markers. In addition, we observed an increase in LC3 lipidation and autophagic flux during neuronal differentiation in cultured OB-derived stem/progenitor cells. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy with 3-MA or wortmannin markedly decreased neurogenesis. These observations were supported by similar findings in two autophagy-deficient genetic models. In Ambra1 loss-of-function homozygous mice (gt/gt) the expression of several neural markers was decreased in the OB at E13.5 in vivo. In vitro, Ambra1 haploinsufficient cells developed as small neurospheres with an impaired capacity for neuronal generation. The addition of methylpyruvate during stem/progenitor cell differentiation in culture largely reversed the inhibition of neurogenesis induced by either 3-MA or Ambra1 haploinsufficiency, suggesting that neural stem/progenitor cells activate autophagy to fulfill their high energy demands. Further supporting the role of autophagy for neuronal differentiation Atg5-null OB cells differentiating in culture displayed decreased TuJ1 levels and lower number of cells with neurites. These results reveal new roles for autophagy-related molecules Atg5 and Ambra1 during early neuronal differentiation of stem/progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Phagophore-derived autophagosomes deliver cytoplasmic material to lysosomes for degradation and reuse. Autophagy mediated by the incompletely characterized actions of Atg proteins is involved in numerous physiological and pathological settings including stress resistance, immunity, aging, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Here we characterized Atg17/FIP200, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian RB1CC1/FIP200, a proposed functional equivalent of yeast Atg17. Atg17 disruption inhibits basal, starvation-induced and developmental autophagy, and interferes with the programmed elimination of larval salivary glands and midgut during metamorphosis. Upon starvation, Atg17-positive structures appear at aggregates of the selective cargo Ref(2)P/p62 near lysosomes. This location may be similar to the perivacuolar PAS (phagophore assembly site) described in yeast. Drosophila Atg17 is a member of the Atg1 kinase complex as in mammals, and we showed that it binds to the other subunits including Atg1, Atg13, and Atg101 (C12orf44 in humans, 9430023L20Rik in mice and RGD1359310 in rats). Atg17 is required for the kinase activity of endogenous Atg1 in vivo, as loss of Atg17 prevents the Atg1-dependent shift of endogenous Atg13 to hyperphosphorylated forms, and also blocks punctate Atg1 localization during starvation. Finally, we found that Atg1 overexpression induces autophagy and reduces cell size in Atg17-null mutant fat body cells, and that overexpression of Atg17 promotes endogenous Atg13 phosphorylation and enhances autophagy in an Atg1-dependent manner in the fat body. We propose a model according to which the relative activity of Atg1, estimated by the ratio of hyper- to hypophosphorylated Atg13, contributes to setting low (basal) vs. high (starvation-induced) autophagy levels in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Under normal growth conditions the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) negatively regulates the central autophagy regulator complex consisting of Unc-51-like kinases 1/2 (Ulk1/2), focal adhesion kinase family-interacting protein of 200 kDa (FIP200) and Atg13. Upon starvation, mTORC1-mediated repression of this complex is released, which then leads to Ulk1/2 activation. In this scenario, Atg13 has been proposed as an adaptor mediating the interaction between Ulk1/2 and FIP200 and enhancing Ulk1/2 kinase activity. Using Atg13-deficient cells, we demonstrate that Atg13 is indispensable for autophagy induction. We further show that Atg13 function strictly depends on FIP200 binding. In contrast, the simultaneous knockout of Ulk1 and Ulk2 did not have a similar effect on autophagy induction. Accordingly, the Ulk1-dependent phosphorylation sites we identified in Atg13 are expendable for this process. This suggests that Atg13 has an additional function independent of Ulk1/2 and that Atg13 and FIP200 act in concert during autophagy induction.  相似文献   

Under normal growth conditions the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) negatively regulates the central autophagy regulator complex consisting of Unc-51-like kinases 1/2 (Ulk1/2), focal adhesion kinase family-interacting protein of 200 kDa (FIP200) and Atg13. Upon starvation, mTORC1-mediated repression of this complex is released, which then leads to Ulk1/2 activation. In this scenario, Atg13 has been proposed as an adaptor mediating the interaction between Ulk1/2 and FIP200 and enhancing Ulk1/2 kinase activity. Using Atg13-deficient cells, we demonstrate that Atg13 is indispensable for autophagy induction. We further show that Atg13 function strictly depends on FIP200 binding. In contrast, the simultaneous knockout of Ulk1 and Ulk2 did not have a similar effect on autophagy induction. Accordingly, the Ulk1-dependent phosphorylation sites we identified in Atg13 are expendable for this process. This suggests that Atg13 has an additional function independent of Ulk1/2 and that Atg13 and FIP200 act in concert during autophagy induction.  相似文献   

The autophagy-related proteins ATG12 and ATG5 form a covalent complex essential for autophagy. Here, we demonstrate that ATG12 has distinct functions from ATG5 in pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-expressing neurons. Upon high-fat diet (HFD) consumption, mice lacking Atg12 in POMC-positive neurons exhibit accelerated weight gain, adiposity, and glucose intolerance, which is associated with increased food intake, reduced ambulation, and decreased LEP/leptin sensitivity. Importantly, although genetic deletion of either Atg12 or Atg5 renders POMC neurons autophagy-deficient, mice lacking Atg5 in POMC neurons do not exhibit these phenotypes. Hence, we propose nonautophagic functions for ATG12 in POMC neurons that counteract excessive weight gain in response to HFD consumption.  相似文献   

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