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The complete larval development of the shallow-water Caribbean porcellanid crab, Petrolisthes politus (Gray, 1831), is described and illustrated from specimens reared in the laboratory. Petrolisthes politus hatches as a prezoea, which persist for less than 90 minutes, and then molts through two subsequent zoeal stages, which are completed in 6 to 7 and 14 to 16 days, respectively, before the megalopal stage is reached. From a total of about 2000 zoeae that were cultured, only two reached the megalopal stage. The two megalopae survived for up to 5 days but did not molt to the first crab stage. The zoeae of P. politus are compared with those of Petrolisthes rufescens (Heller, 1861), Petrolisthes lamarckii (Leach, 1820), Petrolisthes carinipes (Heller, 1861), Petrolisthes coccineus (Owen 1839) and Petrolisthes pubescens (Stimpson, 1858), which were hitherto the only species having bifid lateral spines on the telson of the first zoeal stage.  相似文献   

The genus Hexapanopeus Rathbun, 1898 contains eight species,of which three are found in the Brazilian coast. The larvaldevelopment of two of these species has already been studiedin the laboratory. This article describes in detail the morphologyof the complete larval stages of Hexapanopeus caribbaeus rearedunder laboratory conditions, and the morphology is comparedwith that of the larvae of the other species of the same genus.  相似文献   


The larval, megalopal and early juvenile stages of Pagurus granosimanus are described, illustrated and compared with other North Pacific species of the genus. Morphologically, the zoeae of P. granosimanus appear most similar to the Japanese P. brachiomastus in the majority of characters, but share the endopodal setation of the third maxilliped with a second Japanese species, P. pectinatus. The megalopae of P. granosimanus are unlike those of other North Pacific species in having 5+5 marginal setae on the telson, rather than the customary 4+4, or less frequent 3+3. Comparison of juvenile characters is limited to pleopodal changes among the regional species for which data are available. P. granosimanus is unusual in undergoing complete pleopodal loss at the second crab stage with return of left pleopods in the fourth stage.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the Eastern Atlantic grapsidcrab, Brachynotus atlanticus, was obtained in the laboratory.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Under laboratory conditions at 23°Cthe first crab appeared on the 25th day. This is the first speciesof the genus for which the complete larval development is known.Larval features are compared with those of other members ofthe subfamily Varuninae.  相似文献   

The cichlid Hypsophrys nicaraguensis is a popular fish known as butterfly, and despite its widespread use as pets, little is known about its reproductive biology. In order to contribute to this knowledge, the study describes the relevant larval development characteristics, from adult and larval cultures in captivity. Every 12h, samples of larvae were collected and observed under the microscope for larval stage development, and every 24h morphometric measurements were taken. Observations showed that at 120h, some larvae had swimming activity and the pectoral fins development was visible; at 144h, the dorsal fin appear and all larvae started food intake; at 168h, the formation of anal fins begins, small rudiments of pelvic fins emerge, the separation of caudal fin from anal and dorsal fins starts, and the yolk sac is reabsorbed almost completely; at 288h, the pelvic fins starts to form; at 432h, the rays and spines of dorsal and anal fins can be distinguished, both the anal and the dorsal fins have the same number of spines and rays as in adults. After 480h larvae have the first scales, ending the larval stages and starting the transformation to fingerlings. Larvae were successfully fed with commercial diet.  相似文献   

The southern king crab, Lithodes santolla Molina, is distributed in cold-temperate and subantarctic waters ranging from the southeastern Pacific island of Chiloé (Chile) and the deep Atlantic waters off Uruguay, south to the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina/Chile). Recent investigations have shown that its complete larval development from hatching to metamorphosis, comprising three zoeal stages and a megalopa, is fully lecithotrophic, i.e. independent of food. In the present study, larvae were individually reared in the laboratory at seven constant temperatures ranging from 1 to 18 °C, and rates of survival and development through successive larval and early juvenile stages were monitored throughout a period of 1 year. The highest temperature (18 °C) caused complete mortality within 1 week; only a single individual moulted under this condition, 2 days after hatching, to the second zoeal stage, while all other larvae died later in the zoea I stage. At the coldest condition (1 °C), 71% of the larvae reached the zoea III stage, but none of these moulted successfully to a megalopa. A temperature of 3 °C allowed for some survival to the megalopa stage (17-33% in larvae obtained from two different females), but only a single individual passed successfully, 129 days after hatching, through metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab instar. At all other experimental conditions (6, 9, 12 and 15 °C), survival through metamorphosis varied among temperatures and two hatches from 29% to 90% without showing a consistent trend. The time of nonfeeding development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted, on average, from 19 days at 15 °C to 65 days at 6 °C. The relationship between the time of development through individual larval or juvenile stages (D) and temperature (T) was described as a power function (D=aTb, or log[D]=log[a]blog[T]). The same model was also used to describe the temperature dependence of cumulative periods of development from hatching to later larval or juvenile stages. One year after hatching, the 7th (6 °C) to 9th (15 °C) crab instar was reached. Under natural temperature conditions in the region of origin of our material (Beagle Channel, Argentina), L. santolla should reach metamorphosis in October-December, i.e. ca. 2 months after hatching (taking place in winter and early spring). Within 1 year from hatching, the crabs should grow approximately to juvenile instars VII-VIII. Our results indicate that the early life-history stages of L. santolla tolerate moderate cold stress as well as planktonic food-limitation in winter, implying that this species is well adapted to subantarctic environments with low temperatures and a short seasonal plankton production.  相似文献   

Pachycheles stevensii Stimpson, 1858 is the only species of the family Porcellanidae (Decapoda, Anomura) living in the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan. The morphology of prezoeal larval stages of this crab obtained under laboratory conditions for the first time was studied and described in detail.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Kornienko.  相似文献   

For most of the family Porcellanidae, which comprises 283 species, larval development remains to be described. Full development has been only described for 52 species, while part of the larval cycle has been described for 45 species. The importance of knowing the complete larval development of a species goes beyond allowing the identification of larval specimens collected in the plankton. Morphological larval data also constitute a support to cladistic techniques used in the establishment of the phylogenetic status (see Hiller et al. 2006, Marco-Herrero et al. 2013). Nevertheless, the literature on the larval development of this family is old and widely dispersed and in many cases it is difficult to collect the available information on a particular taxon. Towards the aim of facilitating future research, all information available on the larval development of porcellanids has been compiled. Following the taxonomic checklist of Porcellanidae proposed by Osawa and McLaughlin (2010), a checklist has been prepared that reflects the current knowledge about larval development of the group including larval stages and the method used to obtain the larvae, together with references. Those species for which the recognised names have been changed according to Osawa and McLaughlin (2010) are indicated.  相似文献   

Complete larval development of Crangon hakodatei Rathbun isdescribed, based on material hatched in the laboratory fromovigerous females. The species has six zoeal stages and onepostlarval stage. The morphological characters of the larvaland postlarval stages are described with illustrative figuresand compared with those of two congeneric species. The zoealstages of C. hakodatei can be distinguished from those of otherCrangon species in the number of segments of the antennule peduncle,the number of setae on the antennal scale and basis of the maxillipeds,and the stages of appearance of pereiopods. The first zoealstage in the seven species of Crangon are compared and an annotatedkey for distinguishing them is also provided.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the grapsid crab Brachynorusgemmellari (Rizza, 1839) was obtained by culture in the Iabomtoiy.Five zoeal stages, the megalopa and the first crab stage aredescribed and illustrated. Larval development from hatchingto first crab took 26 days at 20C. The morphological charaeiarsof the larvae of B.gemmellari are compared with those of otherknown larvae of the genus Brachynosus.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of several decapod crustaceans has been extensively studied; however, this aspect of anomuran biology is still poorly known in some groups. Aeglids are the only anomurans inhabiting freshwaters, and the mating behavior of the species in this family is unknown. We provide the first account of the mating behavior of an aeglid, Aegla platensis, under laboratory conditions. The precopulatory phase was characterized by male agonistic display, male approach, and courtship. Males exhibited the agonistic display toward immature and mature females, but only physiologically mature females allowed males to approach. Male approach led to display of courtship behaviors (body vibration, thrust, body lifting, and abdomen flapping). During the copulatory phase, males and females touched each other with the antennae (antennae touch), and males positioned themselves beneath the females (supine position). Although sperm transfer was not directly observed, a “white mass” was detected among oocytes in the female abdominal chamber shortly after some copulations. Finally, in the postcopulatory phase, males guard females during the process of egg attachment. Despite their morphological similarities with other anomurans, the mating behavior of aeglids seems to be unique, and the freshwater environment appears to have an important role in driving these differences.  相似文献   

The complete larval development is described forPorcellana platycheles (Pennant) reared under laboratory conditions. The development consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. At 20°C and 35‰ salinity, the megalopa appeared 17–18 days after hatching. Survival was 56% from hatching to the megalopa stage. The morphological features of the zoeal and megalopa stages ofP. platycheles are compared with those of other species ofPorcellana, and a key of the known zoeal stages of the genus is given.  相似文献   

An adult male of Pachycheles serratus with a malformation on the right cheliped was found during a collection of anomuran crabs in coastal waters of the peninsula de Macanao, Margarita island, Venezuela. The specimen was found at La Carmela beach (11 degrees 04'N-64 degrees 20'W), and featured a bifurcated fixed finger on the right cheliped.  相似文献   

The larval development of the squat lobster Munida subrugosa from subantarctic waters of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) was studied under controlled laboratory conditions of temperature, salinity, and food supply. Developmental times, survival, and growth of larvae and early juveniles were investigated. Hatching of the entire brood always occurred during one night. Larvae were kept in 100ml individual bowls with filtered seawater at 8 ± 0.5°C and fed with Artemia spp. nauplii three times a week. Larvae passed through 6 zoeal instars and one megalopa. Previously, only five zoeal instars were known from this species. Mean cumulative durations of the zoeal stages I to VI were: 20.5 ± 2.5, 33.9 ± 4.1, 43.3 ± 5.4, 52.6 ± 5, 61.2 ± 3.9, and 83days, respectively. By adding the 28days that a single megalopa took to metamorphose to crab I stage, the complete larval development lasted 111days. Highest mortality occurred prior to the moult from the zoea I to zoea II stage (79.21% ± 18.65%) and during the moult from zoea VI to megalopa (92.86%). Carapace length was 1.64 ± 0.06, 1.52 ± 0.16, 1.57 ± 0.26, 1.64 ± 0.21, 2.11 ± 0.35, and 2.58 ± 0.19mm, for zoeal stages I to VI, respectively. Carapace length of megalopae and crab I instars was similar (2.85 ± 0.28 and the 2.84 ± 0.05, respectively). Unlike other subantarctic decapods, which show a tendency towards abbreviated larval development and/or some degree of endotrophy, M. subrugosa shows an extended planktotrophic larval development synchronized with short seasonal plankton production in austral summers.  相似文献   

Allopetrolisthes spinifrons is an ectosymbiotic crab of the sea anemone Phymactis clematis . As a consequence of low host abundance, these represent a scarce and limited resource for the crab. Additionally, the relatively small size of the sea anemone host suggests that few symbiotic crabs can cohabit on one host individual, forcing crabs to adopt a territorial behaviour. In order to examine the potential presence and ontogenetic development of territoriality, the agonistic behaviour between crabs of various ontogenetic stages (adults, juveniles, and recruits) was studied in the laboratory. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that adult or juvenile crabs aggressively defended their sea anemone hosts against adult or juvenile intruders, respectively, but both adult and juvenile crabs tolerated recruits. Adult crabs behaved indifferently towards juvenile crabs, sometimes tolerating them, sometimes expelling them. Recruits never showed agonistic behaviour among themselves. The agonistic interactions observed in the laboratory and the uniform population distribution pattern on sea anemones recently described for A . spinifrons indicate that this species exhibits territorial behaviour, which develops during ontogeny. Territoriality in this species and other symbiotic decapods may function as a density-dependent mechanism of population regulation, being mediated by the availability of hosts. Resource monopolisation behaviours may be common among other symbiotic and free-living marine invertebrates inhabiting discrete habitats that represent a limiting resource.  相似文献   

Allopetrolisthes spinifrons is an ectosymbiotic crab of the sea anemone Phymactis clematis. As a consequence of low host abundance, these represent a scarce and limited resource for the crab. Additionally, the relatively small size of the sea anemone host suggests that few symbiotic crabs can cohabit on one host individual, forcing crabs to adopt a territorial behaviour. In order to examine the potential presence and ontogenetic development of territoriality, the agonistic behaviour between crabs of various ontogenetic stages (adults, juveniles, and recruits) was studied in the laboratory. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that adult or juvenile crabs aggressively defended their sea anemone hosts against adult or juvenile intruders, respectively, but both adult and juvenile crabs tolerated recruits. Adult crabs behaved indifferently towards juvenile crabs, sometimes tolerating them, sometimes expelling them. Recruits never showed agonistic behaviour among themselves. The agonistic interactions observed in the laboratory and the uniform population distribution pattern on sea anemones recently described for A. spinifrons indicate that this species exhibits territorial behaviour, which develops during ontogeny. Territoriality in this species and other symbiotic decapods may function as a density-dependent mechanism of population regulation, being mediated by the availability of hosts. Resource monopolisation behaviours may be common among other symbiotic and free-living marine invertebrates inhabiting discrete habitats that represent a limiting resource.  相似文献   

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