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Calcium and thiol reactivity of human plasma clotting factor XIII   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. The reaction of iodoacetate, 2-chloromercuri-4-nitrophenol and 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) with thrombin-cleaved Factor XIII (i.e. Factor XIIIa) was accompanied by enzyme inhibition. 2. The reaction with iodoacetate and 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) was absolutely dependent on Ca2+, and the rate of reaction increased with the Ca2+ concentration up to very high, non-physiological concentrations. 3. 2-Chloromercuri-4-nitrophenol reacted with Factor XIIIa in the absence of Ca2+, but at a much slower rate. 4. Stopped-flow methods were used to quantify the reaction with 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitro-benzoate) because of the Ca2+-dependent dissociation of Factor XIIIa (a2b2) and subsequent aggregation of the a′ chains into turbid precipitates. 5. The 3-carboxy-4-nitrothio-phenolate released was consistent with the reaction of 2 thiol groups/molecule of Factor XIIIa. The isolated b chains of Factor XIII did not react with either of the chromophoric reagents. This indicated that the a′ chains of Factor XIIIa were responsible for the thiol reactivity of the enzyme. 6. The Ca2+ dependence of the enzyme inhibition by these thiol reagents was very dependent on protein concentration. This is discussed in relation to the Ca2+-induced dissociation of Factor XIIIa. 7. The acceptor substrate, casein, decreased the Ca2+ concentration required for enzyme inhibition by both the mercurial and the aromatic disulphide compounds. Dansylcadaverine did not affect Ca2+ dependence of inhibition.  相似文献   

1. Large quantities of human Factor XIII were prepared from ethanol precipitates of outdated human plasma. 2. Material homogeneous after chromatography on DEAE-cellulose was further resolved into two proteins, A and B, after filtration on Sepharose 6B. 3. Protein A has a molecular weight of 350000 and a subunit structure a(2)b(2) and is activated by thrombin and calcium. Protein B is inactive and probably has a subunit structure b(2). 4. Calcium causes protein A, after thrombin cleavage, to fragment to give protein B and a protein, containing only a' subunits, which is catalytically active. The latter protein slowly forms a misty precipitate which is still active and not cross-linked covalently. This confirms the suggestion of Schwartz et al. (1971) that catalytic activity is only associated with a' subunits. 5. Iodoacetate, which inhibits the enzyme, does not inhibit dissociation and aggregation of protein A. 6. The existence of two proteins and the fragmentation are possible explanations for the wide range of molecular weights given for Factor XIII in the literature.  相似文献   

1. Activated human plasma factor XIII was 65% inhibited by iodo[(14)C]acetate and incorporated 0.6 mol of label into the alpha subunit, which eventually was allowed to form a precipitate. 2. All the label was recovered as S-carboxymethylcysteine in a tetra-peptide of sequence Gly-Gln-Cys-Trp.  相似文献   

1. The Ca(2+) dependence of the activity of plasma Factor XIII(a) was studied by using the continuous assay based on the incorporation of dansylcadaverine into dephosphorylated acetylated beta-casein (beta-substrate). The K(m) for Ca(2+) is about 0.170mm. 2. At low concentrations of Ca(2+) there was a lag in attaining the steady-state rate. The size of the lag was decreased and eventually abolished if the enzyme was preincubated with a high concentration of Ca(2+) before assay. The concentration of Ca(2+) required to decrease the lag phase by 50% in 10min depended on the protein concentration: at 0.87mg of protein/ml it required 17mm-Ca(2+) and at 0.44mg/ml it needed 10mm-Ca(2+). 3. The concentrations of Ca(2+) required either to abolish the lag phase in the appearance of enzyme activity or to activate the essential thiol for reaction with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) in 10min incubation were similar at the same protein concentration. This indicated that Ca(2+) induces a conformation change that is responsible for both phenomena. A model is proposed that links this conformation change to the dissociation of the tetrameric enzyme. 4. This was supported by the observation that the addition of excess of b chains to the Factor XIII(a) (a'(2)b(2)) increased the concentration of Ca(2+) required to expose the reactive thiol, and inhibited the Ca(2+)-dependent aggregation of a' chains. 5. Platelet Factor XIII(a) (a'(2)) was inhibited by 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) in the absence of Ca(2+), and no lag phases were observed in attaining the steady-state rate at low Ca(2+) concentrations, thus confirming the model for the activation of the plasma enzyme. 6. The Ca(2+) dependence of platelet Factor XIII(a) indicated that Ca(2+) has an additional role in the enzyme mechanism of the plasma enzyme, perhaps being involved in substrate binding. 7. The dependence of the stability of plasma Factor XIII(a) on Ca(2+) and protein concentration indicates that the decay in activity is related to the tetramer dissociation. 8. beta-Substrate decreased the Ca(2+) concentration required for (1) abolition of the lag phase and (2) enzyme inhibition by thiol reagents. The effect on the former is greater than on the latter. 9. The role of the b chains of the plasma Factor and the evolutionary significance of the plasma and platelet Factors are considered.  相似文献   

A study on blood clotting has been carried out in a number of obese individuals and compared to a group of non-obese persons, in order to assess if the former can be considered to be in "high risk" regarding the onset of a thromboembolic process. The technique of thromboelastography was chosen. The results point out that in obese people a series of alterations take place, both in the time of clot formation, which is enlarged, as in the organization of its nets, which appear strongly structured, favoured by the hyperfibrinogenemia and thrombocytosis detected in these subjects. Likewise, the effect of a hypocaloric diet on clotting in obese persons has been evaluated and compared with the former groups. Clotting in treated obese individuals is modified in the same way as in the untreated group when compared to the non-obese population; nevertheless, when both groups of obese people are compared, no significant difference is observed in the different parameters studied, even though constants determined in citrated whole blood are closer to normality in the subjects undergoing caloric restriction.  相似文献   

The use of proteomic techniques in the monitoring of different production steps of plasma-derived clotting factor IX (pd F IX) was demonstrated. The first step, solid-phase extraction with a weak anion-exchange resin, fractionates the bulk of human serum albumin (HSA), immunoglobulin G, and other non-binding proteins from F IX. The proteins that strongly bind to the anion-exchange resin are eluted by higher salt concentrations. In the second step, anion-exchange chromatography, residual HSA, some proteases and other contaminating proteins are separated. In the last chromatographic step, affinity chromatography with immobilized heparin, the majority of the residual impurities are removed. However, some contaminating proteins still remain in the eluate from the affinity column. The next step in the production process, virus filtration, is also an efficient step for the removal of residual impurities, mainly high molecular weight proteins, such as vitronectin and inter-alpha inhibitor proteins. In each production step, the active component, pd F IX and contaminating proteins are monitored by biochemical and immunochemical methods and by LC–MS/MS and their removal documented. Our methodology is very helpful for further process optimization, rapid identification of target proteins with relatively low abundance, and for the design of subsequent steps for their removal or purification.  相似文献   

We have studied Ca transport and the Ca-activated Mg-ATPase in plasma membrane vesicles prepared from normal human lymphocytes. Membrane vesicles that were exposed to oxalate as a Ca-trapping agent accumulated Ca in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP. ADP, AMP, GTP, UTP, ITP, TTP, or CTP did not substitute for ATP in energizing uptake. The Vmax for Ca uptake was 2.4 pmol of Ca/micrograms of protein/min, and the Km values for Ca and ATP were 1.0 and 80 microM, respectively. One microM A23187, added initially, completely inhibited net Ca uptake and, if added later, caused the release of Ca accumulated previously. Cyanide, oligomycin, ouabain, or varying Na+ or K+ concentrations had no effect on Ca uptake. A Ca-activated ATPase was present in the same membrane vesicles, which had a Vmax of 25 pmol of Pi/micrograms of protein/min at a free Ca concentration of 4-5 microM. This Ca-ATPase had Km values for Ca and ATP of 0.6 and 90 microM, respectively. These kinetic parameters were similar to those observed for uptake of Ca by the vesicles. The Ca-ATPase activity was insensitive to azide, oligomycin, ouabain, or varying Na+ or K+ concentrations. No Ca-activated hydrolysis of GTP or UTP was observed. Both Ca transport and the Ca-ATPase activity of ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-treated lymphocyte plasma membranes were stimulated 2-fold by a cytoplasmic component (calmodulin) that was purified 500-fold from lymphocyte cytoplasm. Thus, human lymphocyte plasma membranes have both a Ca transport activity and a Ca-stimulated ATPase activity with similar substrate affinities and specificities and similar sensitivities to calmodulin.  相似文献   

1. Cross induced coagulations show that human factor XIII and crustacean coagulin are to some extent functionally equivalent and may be substituted for each other. 2. In crustacea, fibrinogen and coagulin appear as in situ activated products since they are both able to react with non-activated human clotting factors. 3. The coagulin catalyzed transamidation which stabilizes the clot and renders it insoluble in 1-5% monochloroacetic acid solutions seems to be the basic reaction of the clotting process in the animals in which coagulation occurs. 4. The possibility of a two step clotting in crustacea is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the iso-peptidase activity of human plasma FXIII, a novel fluorometric assay that determines FXIII concentrations in human plasma below 0.05 IU/ml is introduced. We considered a peptide sequence derived from alpha(2)-antiplasmin (n =12) to yield high sensitivity. Peptide Abz-NE(Cad-Dnp)EQVSPLTLLK exhibits a K(m) value of 19.8+/-2.8 microM and is used in a concentration of 50 microM. The assay design is suitable for measurements in cuvettes (1 ml volume) as well as for the microtiter plate (MTP) format (0.2 ml volume). It provides linear dose-response curves over a wide range of FXIII concentrations (0.05-8.8 IU/ml). The assay was validated with respect to precision, detection and quantitation limits, accuracy/specificity, linearity, and range. A comparison of the fluorometric assay with the photometric assay for FXIII determinations in plasma pools as well as single donor plasma revealed suitability of the fluorometric assay for FXIII determination in plasma of healthy individuals. FXIII concentrations in plasma samples of patients with severe FXIII deficiency are discussed in the context of FXIII antigen levels. These assays correlate well in the critical range below 0.1 IU/ml, whereas the photometric assay may overestimate residual FXIII activity in severe FXIII-deficient patients.  相似文献   

1. The binding of Ca2+ to plasma coagulation Factor XIII from man and from cow caused a small decrease in the intrinsic fluorescence of the protein with a dissociation constant of 0.1 mM. A similar decrease was observed with the thrombin-activated Factors (Factors XIIa). The decrease in protein fluorescence was also caused by both Ni2+ and Mn2+ but not by Mg2+. 2. 45Ca2+ binding was directly demonstrated by equilibrium dialysis. Ca2+ at 0.2 mM bound to Factor XIII (a2b2) and Factor XIIIa (a'2b2) but not to isolated b2-protein. A tight-binding site for Ca2+ is associated with the a-subunits. 3. The Ca2+ essential for the enzyme activity of Factor XIII from man, pig and cow can be replaced by Ni2+, Cu2+, La3+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Y3+, Co2+, Sr2+ or Tb3+, but not by Mg2+.  相似文献   

Activated Factor XIII (FXIIIa) is a transglutaminase that catalyzes the formation of gamma-glutamyl-varepsilon-lysine crosslinks in the fibrin network. To better understand the source of FXIIIa substrate specificity, Q-containing substrates based on beta-casein, K9-peptide, and alpha(2)-antiplasmin were characterized. alpha(2)AP (1-15, Q2, Q4) and alpha(2)AP (1-15, Q2, Q4N, K12R) are highly promising peptide models since they exhibited k(cat)/K(m) values comparable to intact beta-casein. In the absence of a lysine-like donor, FXIIIa could promote deamidation of a reactive Q to an E and solution NMR served as an effective strategy for monitoring this reaction. A tendency toward deamidation allowed greater investigations of the alpha(2)-antiplasmin based peptides. FXIIIa preferentially selects the Q2 residue for carrying out crosslinking processes. The E3 and Q4 provide supporting roles in binding. When a crosslinking reaction occurs at Q2, the Q4 position is sterically blocked from reactivity. By contrast, deamidation of Q2 to E2 allows, for the first time, observation of reactivity at Q4. The K12 position provides an additional favorable site of interaction with the FXIIIa surface. The sensitivity of alpha(2)AP (1-15, Q2, Q4) to amino acid changes at Q2, Q4, and K12 suggests the importance of individual FXIIIa subsites that are controlled by chemical environment and sterics.  相似文献   

The plasma factor XIII (FXIII) is a transglutaminase which catalyzes the cross-linking of fibrin monomers during blood coagulation. S-nitrosylation of protein sulfhydryl groups has been shown to regulate protein function. Therefore, to establish whether nitric oxide (NO) affects the enzymatic activity of FXIII, we studied the effect of the NO-donorS-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) in a blood coagulation testin vitro. High concentrations of SNAP were found to have inhibitory effects on clot formation. Moreover, specific formation of γ-dimers through the action of FXIII is selectively inhibited by high concentrations of SNAP, as revealed by Western blot. Purified activated FXIII and plasma preparations were then exposed to NO-donor compounds and the enzyme activity was assayed by measuring the incorporation of [3H] putrescine into dimethylcasein. The NO donors, SNAP, spermine-NO (SPER-NO) and 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1), and the NO-carrier, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), inhibited FXIII activity in a dose-dependent manner, in both purified enzyme and plasma preparations. Titration of -SH groups of FXIII with [14C] iodoacetamide has shown that the number of titratable cysteines per monomer of FXIII decreased from 1 (in absence of NO donors) to 0 (in the presence of NO donors). These results demonstrate that blood coagulation FXIII is a target for NO bothin vitroandin vivo,and that inhibition occurs by S-nitrosylation of a highly reactive cysteine residue. In conclusion, we show that inhibition of FXIII activity by NO may represent an additional regulatory mechanism for the formation of blood clot with physio-pathological implications.  相似文献   

Similarities between baboon and human blood clotting   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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