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The Arctic is geologically and biogeographically young, and the origin of its seaweed flora has been widely debated. The Arctic littoral biogeographic region dates from the latest Tertiary and Pleistocene. Following the opening of Bering Strait, about 3.5 mya, the “Great Trans‐Arctic Biotic Interchange” populated the Arctic with a fauna strongly dominated by species of North Pacific origin. The Thermogeographic Model (TM) demonstrates why climate and geography continued to support this pattern in the Pleistocene. Thus, Arctic and Atlantic subarctic species of seaweeds are likely to be evolutionarily “based” in the North Pacific, subarctic species are likely to be widespread in the warmer Arctic, and species of Atlantic Boreal or warmer origin are unlikely in the Arctic and Subarctic. Although Arctic seaweeds have been thought to have a greater affinity with the North Atlantic, we have reanalyzed the Arctic endemic algal flora, using the Thermogeographic Model and evolutionary trees based on molecular data, to demonstrate otherwise. There are 35 congeneric species of the six, abundant Arctic Rhodophyta that we treat in this paper; 32 of these species (91%) occur in the North Pacific, two species (6%) occur in the Boreal or warmer Atlantic Ocean, and a single species is panoceanic, but restricted to the Subarctic. Laminaria solidungula J. Agardh, a kelp Arctic “endemic” species, has 18 sister species. While only eleven (61%) occur in the North Pacific, this rapidly dispersing and evolving genus is a terminal member of a diverse family and order (Laminariales) widely accepted to have evolved in the North Pacific. Thus, both the physical/time‐based TM and the dominant biogeographic pattern of relatives of Arctic macrophytes suggest strong compliance with the evidence of zoology, geology, and paleoclimatology that the Arctic marine flora is largely of Pacific origin.  相似文献   

Temperature tolerances and relative growth rates were determined for different isolates of the tropical to warm temperate seaweed species Cladophoropsis membranacea (C. Agardh) Boergesen (Siphonodadales, Chlorophyta) and some related taxa. Most isolates of C membranacea survived undamaged at 18° C for at least 8 weeks. Lower temperatures (5°–15°C) were tolerated for shorter periods of time but caused damage to cells. All isolates survived temperatures up to 34° C, whereas isolates from the eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea survived higher temperatures up to 36°C. Growth occurred between 18° and 32° C, but an isolate from the Red Sea had an extended growth range, reaching its maximum at 35°C. Struvea anastomosans (Harvey) Piccone & Grunow, Cladophoropsis sundanensis Reinbold, and an isolate of C. membranacea from Hawaii were slightly less cold- tolerant, with damage occurring at 18°C. Upper survival temperatures were between 32° and 36° C in these taxa. Temperature response data were mapped onto a phylogenetic tree. Tolerance for low temperatures appears to be a derived character state that supports the hypothesis that C. membranacea originated from a strictly tropical ancestor. Isolates from the Canary Islands, which is near the northern limit of distribution, are ill adapted to local temperature regimes. Isolates from the eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea show some adaptation to local temperature stress. They are isolated from those in the eastern Atlantic by a thermal barrier at the entrance of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Spirogyra Link (1820) is an anabranched filamentous green alga that forms free-floating mats in shallow waters. It occurs widely in static waters such as ponds and ditches, sheltered littoral areas of lakes, and stow-flowing streams. Field observations of its seasonal distribution suggest that the 70-μm-wide filament form of Spirogyra should have a cool temperature and high irradiance optimum for net photosynthesis. Measurements of net photosynthesis and respiration were marie at 58 combinations of tight and temperature in a controlled environment facility. Optimum conditions were 25°C and 1500 μmol photons m−2 s−1, at which net photosynthesis averaged 75.7 mg O2 gdm−1 h−1. Net photosynthesis was positive at temperatures from 5° to 35°C at most irradiances except at combinations of extremely low irradiances and high temperatures (7 and 23 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 30°C and 7, 23, and 35 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 35°C). Respiration rates increased with both temperature and prior irradiance. Light-enhanced respiration rates were significantly greater than dark respiration rates following irradiances of 750 μmol photons m−2 s−1 or greater. Polynomials were fitted to the data to generate response surfaces; such response surfaces can be used to represent net photosynthesis and respiration in ecological models. The data indicate that the alga can tolerate the cool water and high irradiances characteristic of early spring but cannot maintain positive net photosynthesis under conditions of high temperature and low light (e.g. when exposed to self-shading ).  相似文献   

The most eastern point of the Arabian Peninsula, Ras Al Hadd, marks the boundary between the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. This geographic landmark coincides with an abrupt floristic turnover, probably one of the sharpest biotic transitions known in marine biogeography. The floras of different Arabian localities across this floristic break were compared using macrophyte distribution data throughout the Indian Ocean and seasonal sea‐surface temperature (SST) data. The localities from the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman differ significantly from those of the Arabian Sea based on their species richness, species composition, average distribution range per species, general temperature affinity of the composing species, and seasonal temperature data of the coastal waters. Pooling the temperature data into two groups (SST3avg, average SST of the three warmest seasons; SSTmin, minimum of the seasonal SSTs) revealed a temperature limit at 28°C using both the temperature affinity data of the floras and the seasonal temperatures recorded for the specific Arabian localities, which significantly separates the Arabian Sea from localities of both Gulfs. Finally, SST data of the Indian Ocean were analyzed using this upper temperature threshold of macrophytes at 28°C and the lower temperature limit of corals at 25°C, revealing general macrophyte diversity patterns.  相似文献   

We examined the temperature tolerance of microscopic phases from geographically disjunct isolates of eight species or closely related, putatively conspecific taxa of temperate brown algae with disjunct distributions. Maximum within-taxon differences were small and ranged from 1.6° to 4.3° C. Desmarestia aculeata and Sphaerotrichia divaricata, both with northern hemisphere amphioceanic distributions, showed little or no significant intraspecific variation between the mean upper survival limits (USL) of Atlantic and Pacific strains (δUSL ≤ 1.4°C), which would agree with a relatively recent separation of the respective populations. Among the plants with bipolar distributions, there was likewise very little difference (δUSL 0–1.1°C) between northern and southern hemisphere strains in Striaria attenuata and in the species pair Desmarestia viridis/D. willii. In Desmarestia ligulata, and in the species pairs Desmarestia firma/D. munda, Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus/D. hirsutus, and Scytothamnus australis/Scytothamnus sp., significant differences occurred, which indicate longer divergence times. δUSL in these cases ranged from 1.7° to 2.7°C, without overlap between strains from the northern and southern hemispheres. All species that passed the equator during cooler epochs had a USL of 26–27°C, at least in some geographical isolates. The NE Asian kelp Undaria pinnatifida, which passed the equator in recent times, had a USL of 29.6°C. We hypothesize that the mechanism of spreading in the amphipolar species studied was migration of vegetative microthalli. The more unlikely alternative hypothesis of continuous populations through the tropics during a cooler epoch would imply a drop in seawater temperatures to approximately 20° C in summer and 15° C in winter, which is not supported by paleoclimatic evidence.  相似文献   

关於肌肉收缩机构和结构蛋白质化学的知识与理论,一般建筑在对兔和蛙横纹肌的研究上。近年来,开始有渐多的工作,注意到其他脊椎动物和无脊椎重物的横纹肌、心肌和平滑肌的收缩机构,以及在生理状态剧变——如胚胎演发、孕期子宫增大、痿缩、昆蟲蜕变等——时,肌肉蛋白的改变。这些工作的绝大部分,  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of ribosomal RNA from Escherichia coli, microsomal RNA from calf, rat, and chick liver, Bacillus cereus RNA and E. coli soluble RNA are presented. Filaments of about 10 A in diameter could be observed in preparations obtained from aqueous solutions of high molecular weight RNA. When ammonium acetate solutions were used a tendency for coiling and aggregation was observed. E. coli soluble RNA appears as small, sometimes elongated particles the smallest diameter being of about 10 A.  相似文献   

The genus Durvillaea currently has four recognized species found along many exposed, rocky coastlines of the temperate to sub-Antarctic regions in the Southern Hemisphere. We propose that the current species distributions are related primarily to vicariance events and subsequent speciation associated with the breakup of Gondwana between 40 and 100 Ma. From an ancestral species, a stipitate species developed in the Tasman basin, with separation and speciation resulting in the D. potatorum/ D. willana complex in southeastern Australia and New Zealand. A second line of evolution led to D. chathamensis and D. antarctica characterized by a honeycombed medulla. The extensive distribution of D. antarctica throughout the Southern Hemisphere is related to both vicariance and dispersal events. The status of D. chathamensis as a species distinct from D. antarctica is questioned. The affinities of an as yet undescribed taxon from the Antipodes Islands are thought to be with the D. potatorum complex but require further study before they can be defined more precisely .  相似文献   

Abstract  A new species, Sinophasma largum sp. nov., is described from China (Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Guangxi Provinces). The type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

不同地理区域鲫鱼染色体银染核仁组织者的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文对不同地理区域的鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)—滇池高背鲫、低背鲫、方正银鲫(C.auratusgibelio)的核型及核仁组织者NORs进行了比较研究,并对高背鲫来源作些初步探讨,结果如下: 1.低背鲫Carassius auratus (back low type):2n=100,22m+30sm+48t.st,NORs=4,出现于第5—6对亚中着丝粒染色体短臂。 2.滇池高背鲫Carassius auratus(back high type):2n=156,30m+46sm+80t.st,NORs=6,出现于第5—7对亚中着丝粒染色体短臂。 3.方正银鲫C.auratus gibelio:2n=162,32m+52sm+78t.st NORs=4,出现于第5—6对亚中着粒染色体短臂。  相似文献   

We developed a time-integrated thermogeographic model to demonstrate conditions under which benthic marine algal assemblages evolve biogeographic patterns in their distribution and abundance. The graphical model applies to rocky marine sublittoral zones in which seasonal temperatures, coastline area, isolation, and evolutionary time are primary factors. Time is treated by using the temperature/area/distributions for the present (interglacial period) integrated with that of 18,000 years before present (glacial period). These two alternate states characterize the global marine realm since the late Pliocene to Pleistocene time during which many extant species have evolved. The resulting abiotic "thermogeographic" model defines 20 regions that correspond with the cores of 24 recognized biogeographic regions and/or provinces determined by published distributions of organisms. Modern biogeographic regions conform closely with thermogeographic regions where temperature, area, and time are integrated. We also propose that biogeographic patterns should be determined by the abundance of species assemblages rather than presence and absence or percent endemism as is commonly done. We test the efficacy of thermogeographic regions with abundance-weighted patterns in the biogeography of crustose coralline red algae (Rhodophyta/Corallinales) in the colder part of the northern hemisphere. Based on abundance, rather than presence/absence, coralline red algal biogeographic regions correspond closely with the model's thermogeographic regions.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifteen clonal, unialgal strains were isolated and tested for their ability to grow over a range of temperatures from 2 to 40° C. Responses of 63 strains isolated from habitats that were 6° C when sampled and 52 strains isolated from habitats that were 20° C when sampled showed trends toward increasing adaptation to cold or warm temperatures commensurate with their seasonal in situ temperatures. Based on temperature-growth responses alone, 24% of the plankton isolates and 17% of the periphyton isolates could be perennial within the natural habitats. At 5° C, 56% of the warm water plankton isolates and 48% of the warm water periphyton isolates were incapable of growth and, therefore, probably could not be important components of the winter algal community. Likewise at 25° C, 25% of the cold water plankton isolates and 13% of the cold water periphyton isolates were incapable of growth. Thus, temperature alone probably is an important variable regulating seasonal changes in algal community structure. Pollution of these habitats by a thermal enrichment averaging + 5° C year-round could effect a pronounced change in algal species composition because many more taxa could be perennial and more taxa would be incapable of growth during naturally warm periods.  相似文献   

Physiological differentiation of the heteromorphic life-history phases of the red alga Mastocarpus papillatus (C. Agardh) Kützing was assessed. Photosynthetic responses to light and temperature of the erect, foliose gametophyte were compared to those of the crustose tetrasporophyte. Plants of both phases were collected from four locations on the Pacific coast of Baja California, Mexico, and California, USA, between 32–4l° N latitude. Within each location, the chlorophyll-specific, light-saturated photosynthetic rates of gametophytes were generally five times greater than those of tetrasporophytes. Initial slopes of photosynthesis: irradiance curves were greater for gametophytes than for tetrasporophytes. The crust and the blade from each location were similar with respect to dark respiration rates. For tetrasporophytes from all locations, the photosynthetic temperature optima were between 12–15° C. The photosynthetic temperature optima for gametophytes ranged from 15–17° C for plants from Trinidad Head (41° N) to 22–25° C for plants from Punta Descanso (32° N). Both gametophytes and tetrasporophytes from the northernmost location had significantly higher photosynthetic rates than the same phase from the other three locations. The photosynthetic responses to light support models for the life history in which life history phases have different ecological roles. The gametophyte, thought to be specialized for rapid growth and competition, may allocate more resources to photosynthetic machinery, hence the higher maximum photosynthetic rates. The tetrasporophyte, thought to be specialized for resistance to herbivores, may allocate more resources to structural or chemical defenses in preference to photosynthetic machinery. Consequently, the tetrasporophyte has lower photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

不同产地大熊猫红细胞同工酶的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李扬文  张燕生 《动物学报》1991,27(3):281-286
本文对饲养在国内几家动物园内的不同性别及不同产地的十六只大熊猫的红细胞乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH),G-6-PD(葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶)以及葡萄糖磷酸异构酶(GPI或PGI)四种同工酶进行了淀粉凝胶电泳分析。确定了大熊猫红细胞上述四种同工酶的酶谱,从而在生化水平上对我国不同产地的大熊猫进行了初步研究和探讨。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下不同抗旱类型品种对氮素营养反应的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验结果表明,小麦受到水分胁迫时,游离脯氨酸大量积累,胁迫缓慢加重时,渗透调节能力增强,适当的氮素营养,可增强渗透调节作用,有助于干旱下维持膨压,提高NR酶活性和净光合速率。水地型品种对水分和氮素营养都较敏感,叶片水势、饱和渗透势、NR酶活性、游离脯氨酸含量的变化都较旱地型品种大,旱地型品种在受旱时水分状况较稳定,生理代谢变化幅度较小,但两类旱地品种对氮素营养的反应不同。旱肥型较旱薄型敏感。水分胁迫下,水地型品种渗透势下降较多,渗透调节幅度较大,是对逆境更敏感或实际受到的胁迫较重的表现。  相似文献   

Temperature tolerance (1 week exposure time) was investigated in 49 species of benthic marine macroalgae and two seagrass species from San Juan Island (Washington) or Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Positive net photosynthesis was the parameter used to detect survival. Most algal species survived -1.5° C (the lowest applied temperature), and none 30° C. The most heat-tolerant, eurythermal algal species survived 28° C: these were Ahnfeltia plicata, Mastocarpus papillatus (as crustose tetrasporophyte), Endocladia muricata, and Sargassum muticum. In contrast, most representatives of the Laminariales exhibited a cold-stenothermic character: Cymathere triplicata, Pleurophycus gardneri, Hedophyllum sessile, Postelsia palmaeformis survived up to only 15° C, and Laminaria saccharina, L. groenlandica, L. setchellii to 18° C. As to the seagrass species, Zostera marina survived a temperature range of - 1.5 to 30° C and Phyllospadix scouleri a range of - 1.5 to 25° C. For many of the sublittoral species there was agreement between maximum survived temperatures in our experiments and average maxima of summer temperatures at the southern geographical limits of the species. Specimens of four species exhibited upper survival limits similar to those of conspecifics in the North Atlantic; namely, Desmarestia ‘aculeata, D. viridis, Plocamium cartilagineum, and Ahnfeltia plicata. These results favor the interpretation of upper temperature survival limits as conservative taxonomic traits.  相似文献   

The distribution of the dinoflagellate genus Ceratium Schrank (Dinophyceae) in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas was studied by a combination of new observations on a large number of plankton samples collected from the northeastern Atlantic and North Sea, data from cruises off the east coast of North America and Caribbean Sea, and reports in the literature of the past 90 years. Seventy species were recorded, and their distribution was examined by several methods. Distribution maps were plotted for all species, and from these the ranges of temperature tolerance were derived. The 240 sets of data, which took the form of lists of species present in 5° latitude / longitude blocks obtained from the new work and the published material, were analyzed by clustering and ordination multivariate techniques using the programs Twinspan and Decorana. Analysis of the individual species showed that surface water temperature is the most important factor determining distribution and the number of species in a particular area. Warm water and /or low latitudes have many more species than cold waters and/or high latitudes. For example, at 5°N there are on average 23 species per block, whereas at 60° N there are only 8 species. On the basis of this work, the Ceratium species are divided into Group 1, Arctic-temperate species normally only found in water of less than 15°C; Group 2, cosmopolitan species, which are found virtually everywhere and are the species most likely to form blooms or “brown water”; Group 3, intermediate species, which extend into neither the coldest nor the warmest water; Group 4, temperate-tropical species, which have a lower temperature boundary of 5°–12° C; Group 5, warm-temperate-tropical species with a lower temperature boundary of 14°–15°C; and Group 6, tropical species, which are rarely found in water of less than 20° C. Analysis of the sample sites also confirmed the predominant influence of temperature, and the Atlantic Ocean was divided into four biogeographical zones of which the boundaries follow isotherms of surface water temperature. Zone 1 consists of the Arctic and subarctic area, with the southern boundary closely following the 10° mean annual temperature (MAT) line. Zone 2 is an intermediate or cold-temperate zone, of which the southern boundary follows the winter 10° C MAT isotherm or the similarly placed summer 15° isotherm. Zone 3 is the warm-temperate or subtropical zone, which is very broad. The southern boundary closely follows the 25°C summer isotherm. Zone 4 is the tropical zone, where water temperature is never likely to be much less than 23°C. These findings are discussed in relation to experimental work and environmental observations. We suggest that the genus Ceratium provides an excellent tool for defining ocean currents and temperature changes and may become of value in studies of global change.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating and 40Ar/39Ar analysis of overlying tephra indicate that plant fossil assemblages exposed by stream erosion and well construction in and near La Selva Biological Station in eastern lowland Costa Rica are Pleistocene in age. We identified plant taxa based on wood, leaves, fruits, seeds, pollen, and spores examined from three sites at ca 30 m elevation. Extrapolating from modern ranges and surface temperature lapse rates suggests paleotemperatures 2.5–3.1°C cooler than at present  相似文献   

—The effect of tissue damage on the uptake of amino acids by brain slices was investigated by measuring uptake in slices of different thickness and measuring the distribution of [14C]-labelled amino acid on the surface and in the centre of incubated slices. The uptake of glutamate, aspartate, and GABA was greater in 0.1 mm-thick slices than in 0.42 mm-thick slices in short and in long (up to 120 min) incubations; the uptake of other amino acids was equal or greater in the 0.42 mm-thick slices. The water content of incubated slices did not change greatly from surface to centre; inulin space was greater at the surface, and in slices from cortex, especially higher at the cut surface. Na+ and K+ concentrations were also higher at the surface. In the rest of the slice space, inulin, Na+ and K+ distribution was quite uniform. The distribution of ATP was inhomogeneous: in thinner slices the centre concentration was higher; in thicker slices the centre concentration was lower. Amino acid uptake initially (at 5 min) was higher at the surface, especially in the thicker slices; after longer time (30 min) incubation, the distribution of lysine and leucine was uniform, and glutamate uptake was greater at the surface. The inhomogeneity of distribution increased with increasing thickness of the slices. We concluded that the uptake of some amino acids (perhaps those for which, beside a low affinity transport, also a higher affinity transport system exists) is greater in thinner slices and greater on the surface of slices, and there is an initially inhomogeneous distribution during amino acid uptake. The uptake on the surface constitutes only a small portion of the total uptake, and tissue damage does not explain the greater uptake of amino acids by slices in comparison to the brain in vivo. This shows the higher transport capacity of cells in the brain and emphasizes the importance of mechanisms controlling the metabolite composition of the extracellular fluid in finally influencing the metabolite composition of the brain itself.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates in field-collected samples of Cladophora glomerata were measured using the oxygen electrode technique. Rates observed were three- to fourfold higher than literature values obtained with the light and dark bottle method. The discrepancy appears to be due to light-limiting conditions prevailing in the bottles. It was also found that photosynthesis in Cladophora does not saturate at low light intensities as reported by other workers.  相似文献   

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