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K Fujiwara  S L Katyal  B Lombardi 《Enzyme》1982,27(2):114-118
gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GTP; EC is an enzyme known to show activity changes during development and carcinogenesis. Its activity was measured in the livers and lungs of female and male rats of different ages, in Morris hepatomas and in experimentally induced pancreatic carcinomas. For comparison purposes, the activity of another peptidase, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV (DPAP; EC, was assayed in the same tissues. GTP activity was high in fetal liver and hepatomas, but low in adult rat liver, with a marked sex difference, 3 times higher in the female than in the male. In the pancreas, however, the activity of the enzyme was high in the adult but low in the fetus and in pancreatic carcinoma. There were no marked developmental changes or sex differences in pulmonary GTP activities. DPAP levels were low in fetal and neonatal liver and lung, they increased rapidly after birth and showed no sex differences in the adult. In Morris hepatomas and in pancreatic tumors the activity of DPAP was significantly lower than in normal adult liver and pancreas. These results suggest that measurements of GTP (and, to a lesser extent, DPAP) are remarkably suitable for the study of neoplastic cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Using rats (Wistar strain) of our own breed, we studied dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (E.C. (DBH) activity in the plasma of animals of different ages (in correlation to sex) under normal conditions and after exposure to altitude hypoxia (corresponding to 7000 or 9000 m and lasting 20 min). The enzyme was determined by the method of Kato et al. (1974). We found that the given plasma enzyme activity was significantly higher in females than in males, throughout the whole life-span. In addition, we found that minimum activity was reached on about the 14th and 21st day of postnatal life and again on the 40th day, while maximum activity was recorded at the ages of 5, 30 and 35 days and in adult rats. In adult animals (males and females), exposure to altitude hypoxia was followed by a statistically significant increase in plasma DBH activity, which was much more pronounced in females than in males. In males, 240 min after terminating hypoxia plasma DBH activity had returned to normal, but in females it was still significantly raised; after 48 h, plasma DBH activity in females was identical to the activity before exposure to hypoxia. In rats aged 5 and 35 days, hypoxia evoked a fluctuating response. A decrease in activity immediately after terminating hypoxia was followed at 60 min by a return to normal, but at 240 min there was again a significant decrease. In 21-day-old rats, hypoxia did not induce any significant change in plasma DBH activity (the initial activity level in this group was very low).  相似文献   

1. The relative rates of synthesis of fatty acid synthetase and the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex were measured in adipose tissue in virgin, late pregnant and early lactating rats after injection of l-[2,3-3H]alanine. The relative rate of synthesis of fatty acid synthetase decreased approximately 4-fold between 2 days prepartum and 2 days postpartum. The relative rate of synthesis of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex did not change. 2. The fractional rate of total adipose tissue protein synthesis was measured by constant infusion with l-[U-14C]tyrosine. Total protein synthesis did not differ in virgin and 2-day lactating rats. The half-life of adipose tissue protein in virginn rats determined by decay of 14C label from protein after injection of NaH14CO3 was 86.9 ± 6.7 h. This is in close agreement witht the half-life (82.5 ± 20 h) calculated from the fractional rate of protein synthesis determined by the constant infusion method.  相似文献   

During pregnancy and lactation in the rat the small intestine in general and the mucosal epithelium in particular gain weight. The specific activities of sucrase, lactate dehydrogenase and succinate-tetrazolium reductase remain constant and those of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase increase. There is no evidence that the reported decrease in absorption per unit area or weight of mucosal epithelium during pregnancy and lactation is due to decreases in enzyme activities within the epithelium. The pattern of enzyme change shows that the response of the gut to the stimuli of pregnancy and lactation must be a complex one, possibly involving increases in the specific activities of some enzymes.  相似文献   

The activity of 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20alpha-HSD) was assayed in the ovaries of rats after accelerated lactation to determine its relationship to the decrease in progesteron secretion that occurs. When rats were sjbjected to accelerated lactation on Day 9 of pregnancy, activity of the enzyme was only slightly increased by Day 10, but had risen to twice the control level by Day 11, and three times the control level by Day 12. Administration of LH or progesterone prevented the increase in enzyme activity. Progesterone concentration had decreased considerably before the time at which any significant increase in 20alpha-HSD activity was detected. These findings are discussed in relation to the role of 20alpha-HSF in regulating progesterone levels in the rat.  相似文献   

Lactogenic hormones from the placenta and pituitary are primarily responsible for the growth and function of the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. In the present study we described the optimal conditions for the measurement of 125I-labeled ovine prolactin binding to mammary gland slices of pregnant and lactating rats. Prolactin binding is saturable (Kd approx. 2.36 - 10(-9) M), hormone specific and destroyed by proteases. The hormonal environments of pregnancy and lactation dramatically influence the availability and measurement of prolactin binding sites. Whereas binding consistently appears to be low in mammary glands removed from rats during pregnancy, binding levels rise 7--8-fold shortly after birth and remain high during the 22 days of lactation. However, the removal of the ovaries and gravid uteri at specific times during pregnancy results in a prompt 3--6-fold increase in prolactin binding. Elevated levels in potential prolactin binding capacity appear in mammary tissue coincident with the reported rise in serum rat placental lactogen between the eighth and eleventh days. We suggest that high levels of this lactogenic hormone promote the appearance of prolactin binding sites during pregnancy and mask the sites such that they are not available for measurement in vitro.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been conducted on serum cholesterol disappearance following a single injection of tracer. They have shown 2 or 3 component curves depending on the length of time of observation. They have been interpreted to indicate pools of cholesterol in fast or slow equilibrium with serum and generally depicted as representing groups of tissues. A cholesterol kinetic study was conducted using rats so that each tissue could be analyzed for appearance-disappearance of cholesterol from 30 minutes to 75 days.Serum and liver appeared to die-away for 30 days in a 2 component configuration, then exhibited a repetition of the same curve in the next 30 days. Skeletal muscle and kidney had a slow buildup for 2 weeks, then a plateau for 2 weeks then a 2 component die-away. Adipose showed a high plateau from 30 minutes to 30 days then a 2 component die-away, with specific activity higher than serum at all times.The data are interpreted to indicate that adipose tissue sequestered part of the tracer dose and all tissues reached equilibrium at about 30 days. After that time all tissues had a statistically significant 2 component die-away curve. The mathematical models tested suggest that in the steady state, cholesterol enters and exits the slow pool of serum, kidney, muscle and adipose and in liver enters both pools. Interpretation of the complete die-away is that the tracer dose first equilibrates with membrane free cholesterol, then with the intracellular cholesterol, and finally dies-away at the rate of release by the slow intercellular pool.  相似文献   

The rate of noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis is lower in fat-cells from lactating than from pregnant rats; this difference is eliminated by the addition of adenosine deaminase [Aitchison, Clegg & Vernon (1982) Biochem. J. 202, 243-247]. The activity of 5'-nucleotidase, and hence the capacity of the cells to synthesize adenosine, was the same in fat-cells and also stromal cells of adipose tissue from pregnant, lactating and male rats. The response and sensitivity of fat-cells to the anti-lipolytic effects of adenosine were measured by incubating cells in the presence of noradrenaline, adenosine deaminase (to remove endogenous adenosine) and various concentrations of the adenosine analogue N6-phenylisopropyladenosine (PIA). PIA caused a greater inhibition of the rate of noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes from lactating than from pregnant rats. The concentration of PIA required to inhibit by 50% the rate of noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis fell from over 100 nM for fat-cells from pregnant rats to 30 nM for fat-cells from lactating rats. The decreased rate of noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis during lactation was not due to the smaller mean cell volume of adipocytes during this state.  相似文献   

The endocrine pancreas during pregnancy and lactation in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The percentage of endocrine tissue in the whole pancreas, the volume density of the insulin producing beta-cells, the non-fasting plasma glucose level and the plasma insulin level were studied in pregnant rats and in puerperal lactating and non-lactating rats. During pregnancy there was a progressive rise in the percentage of endocrine tissue, in the volume density of the beta-cells and in the insulin level in peripheral blood. Plasma glucose levels declined during pregnancy. A lower plasma glucose level, a lower plasma insulin level, a lower percentage of endocrine tissue and a lower volume density of the beta-cells was found in lactating compared to non-lactating rats.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to document factors playing a role in the age-related increase of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids in male WISTAR rats. In 59 and 122 week old rats, serum concentrations of all three parameters were significantly higher than those determined in younger rats (15-17 weeks of age). Serum triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations were higher in post absorptive than in fasting state. In mature rats of same age (59 weeks), mean concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids were significantly higher in the heavier animals than in the others. A strong correlation could be established between body weight and serum cholesterol or triglycerides of these animals. The composition of diet appears to play a role in serum cholesterol concentration but not in serum triglycerides concentration in old rats (59-65 weeks of age). This effect is demonstrated even if daily caloric intake and daily body weight gain of old rats (40-50 weeks of age) were not significantly different with both diets tested (2900 and 3250 cal/kg). In conclusion old Wistar rats develop increased concentrations of serum lipids parameters.  相似文献   

Rat liver was homogenized in 0.88 M sucrose. The DNA and total RNA were determined, and the homogenate was fractionated by differential centrifugation. The pellets obtained between 30 minutes at 20,000 g and 180 minutes at 105,000 g were analyzed for RNA and nitrogen. The ribonucleoproteins were determined in the analytical ultracentrifuge. The non-pellet RNA was calculated by difference. The results are reported as amounts per 6.7 x 10(-9) mg. of DNA. In young, growing male rats the amounts of microsomal protein and ribonucleoprotein B (83S) increased with age. Non-pregnant adult females showed less non-pellet RNA and much more ribonucleoprotein C (63S) than did adult males. During pregnancy both of these cell constituents reverted to levels characteristic for male animals. Starvation for 5 days resulted in a reduction in the mass of liver tissue, the non-pellet RNA, the microsomal protein, and ribonucleoproteins B and C. During recovery from starvation the return of the liver to normal paralleled the rate at which body weight was restored. Treatment with cortisone, 25 mg. per rat per day for 5 days, caused an increase in microsomal protein and a decrease in ribonucleoprotein B. Treatment with 6-mercapto-purine, 50 mg. per kilo per day for 5 days, caused little change in liver composition in either males or females.  相似文献   

Slices from the brain and liver of rats were prepared and upon incubation exhibited a continuous and high capacity for incorporation of radioactive precursors into proteins and lipids. Using [3H]mevalonate as precursor, the rates of biosynthesis of cholesterol, ubiquinone, dolichol and dolichyl-P in brain slices were determined and found to be 5.5, 0.25, 0.0093 and 0.0091 nmol/h/g, respectively. Dolichol and dolichyl-P accumulate to a limited extent, but almost all of these lipids in the brain originate from de novo synthesis. The calculated half-lives for cholesterol, ubiquinone, dolichol and dolichyl-P were 4076, 90, 1006 and 171 h, respectively. The results indicate that lipids formed via the mevalonate pathway in the brain have an active and independently regulated biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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