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The absolute activities of sucrose-UDP glucosyltransferase, glucose-6-phosphate ketoisomerase and soluble and bound ADPG-starch glucosyltransferase have been studied in normal and Opaque-2 maize endosperms during development. In general, the activities of these enzymes except sucrose-UDP glucosyltransferase were higher up to 20 days post-pollination and lower at the 30 day stage in Opaque-2 than in normal maize endosperms. However, sucrose-UDP glucosyltransferase activity was higher in normal maize endosperm up to the 20 day stage while it was lower at subsequent stages than in Opaque-2. It is suggested that the lower level of these enzymes, except sucrose-UDP glucosyltransferase, might be responsible for the reduced accumulation of starch in Opaque-2 endosperm during later stages of endosperm development.  相似文献   

Cereal endosperm is a model system for cell fate determination in plants. In wild-type plants the outermost endosperm cells adopt aleurone cell fate, while all underlying cells display starchy endosperm cell fate. Mutant analysis showed that cell fate is determined by position rather than lineage. To further characterise the precise cell fate of the outermost cells, we performed a differential screen and isolated the novel marker gene Vpp1. It encodes a vacuolar H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (V-PPase) and is mainly expressed in kernels, leaves and tassels. In kernels, its expression is restricted to the aleurone layer with the maximum of expression shifting from the adaxial to the abaxial side during early stages. Together with three other marker genes Vpp1 was then used to analyse the cell fate of the outermost cells in Dap3, Dap7, cr4 and dek1 mutants, all of which have aberrant aleurone layers. In the Dap3 and Dap7 mutants the Vpp1 and Ltp2 markers but not the A1 and Zein markers were expressed in patches without aleurone indicating that the outermost cells had some but not all features of aleurone cells and did not simply adopt starchy endosperm cell fate. A similar result was obtained in the cr4 mutant, although Ltp2 expression was less generalised. In other Dap7 patches characterised by multiple aleurone-like cell layers the expression of Vpp1 and Ltp2 confirmed the aleurone cell fate of the cells in the additional cell layers. The analysis of dek1 mutants confirmed the starchy endosperm cell fate of the majority but not all outermost cells. Based on these data we propose a model suggesting a stepwise commitment to aleurone cell fate. Sequential steps are marked by the expression of Vpp1, the expression of Ltp2, the acquisition of a regular shape and thick walls and finally pigmentation coupled with A1 expression.  相似文献   

Time course of starch production and the key enzyme activities in the grains of four maize inbred lines (two high-starch and two low-starch lines) were studied. Accumulation of grain starch and its components in four maize inbred lines rose continuously after pollination and increased as a sigmoid curve during grain filling. The accumulation rates showed single-peak curves. The accumulation rates of starch and its components reached their peaks on 25–32 days after pollination (DAP), respectively. Activities of adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPPase) and starch synthase in the grains of four lines followed single-peak curves with the peaks on 24–31 DAP. The highest activity of the starch-branching enzyme (Q-enzyme) in the grains of both high-starch lines appeared on 23 DAP, but that of both low-starch inbred lines showed double-peak curves, the peaks being at 15–20 DAP and 30–35 DAP. There was significant positive correlation between AGPPase, soluble starch synthase (SSS), and starch granule-bound synthase (GBSS) activities. The results indicated the Q-enzyme had different expression patterns in the high-and the low-starch maize inbred lines, and that AGPPase, SSS, and GBSS activities were significantly and positively correlated with amylose, amylopectin, and starch accumulation rates in all lines. This text was submitted by the authors in English  相似文献   

Peanut/maize intercropping is a sustainable and effective agroecosystem that evidently enhances the Fe nutrition of peanuts in calcareous soils. So far, the mechanism involved in this process has not been elucidated. In this study, we unravel the effects of phytosiderophores in improving Fe nutrition of intercropped peanuts in peanut/maize intercropping. The maize ys3 mutant, which cannot release phytosiderophores, did not improve Fe nutrition of peanut, whereas the maize ys1 mutant, which can release phytosiderophores, prevented Fe deficiency, indicating an important role of phytosiderophores in improving the Fe nutrition of intercropped peanut. Hydroponic experiments were performed to simplify the intercropping system, which revealed that phytosiderophores released by Fe‐deficient wheat promoted Fe acquisition in nearby peanuts and thus improved their Fe nutrition. Moreover, the phytosiderophore deoxymugineic acid (DMA) was detected in the roots of intercropped peanuts. The yellow stripe1‐like (YSL) family of genes, which are homologous to maize yellow stripe 1 (ZmYS1), were identified in peanut roots. Further characterization indicated that among five AhYSL genes, AhYSL1, which was localized in the epidermis of peanut roots, transported Fe(III)–DMA. These results imply that in alkaline soil, Fe(III)–DMA dissolved by maize might be absorbed directly by neighbouring peanuts in the peanut/maize intercropping system.  相似文献   

Using genetic variability existing amongst nine pea genotypes (Pisum sativum L.), the biochemical basis of sink strength in developing pea seeds was investigated. Sink strength was considered to be reflected by the rate of starch synthesis (RSS) in the embryo, and sink activity in the seed was reflected by the relative rate of starch synthesis (RRSS). These rates were compared to the activities of three enzymes of the starch biosynthetic pathway [sucrose synthase (Sus), ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and starch synthase] at three developmental stages during seed filling (25, 50 and 75% of the dry seed weight). Complete sets of data collected during seed filling for the nine genotypes showed that, for all enzyme activities (expressed on a protein basis), only Sus in the embryo and seed coat was linearly and significantly correlated to RRSS. The contribution of the three enzyme activities to the variability in RSS and RRSS was evaluated by multiple regression analysis for the first two developmental stages. Only Sus activity in the embryo could explain, at least in part, the significant variability observed for both the RSS and the RRSS at each developmental stage. We conclude that Sus activity is a reliable marker of sink activity in developing pea seeds.  相似文献   

The irregular xylem 2 (irx2) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits a cellulose deficiency in the secondary cell wall, which is brought about by a point mutation in the KORRIGAN (KOR) beta,1-4 endoglucanase (beta,1-4 EGase) gene. Measurement of the total crystalline cellulose in the inflorescence stem indicates that the irx2 mutant contains approximately 30% of the level present in the wild type (WT). Fourier-Transform Infra Red (FTIR) analysis, however, indicates that there is no decrease in cellulose in primary cell walls of the cortical and epidermal cells of the stem. KOR expression is correlated with cellulose synthesis and is highly expressed in cells synthesising a secondary cell wall. Co-precipitation experiments, using either an epitope-tagged form of KOR or IRX3 (AtCesA7), suggest that KOR is not an integral part of the cellulose synthase complex. These data are supported by immunolocalisation of KOR that suggests that KOR does not localise to sites of secondary cell wall deposition in the developing xylem. The defect in irx2 plant is consistent with a role for KOR in the later stages of secondary cell wall formation, suggesting a role in processing of the growing microfibrils or release of the cellulose synthase complex.  相似文献   

Compatibility, flow and visco-elastic properties of a pregelatinised maize starch mixed with κ-carrageenan were investigated. After cooking of the pregelatinised starch, some undissolved granules remained in solution. Aqueous mixtures of κ-carrageenan and starch were studied at 60 °C and 20 °C by combining rheological measurements and microscopic observations under conditions allowing gelation of carrageenan and non-gelation of starch. The viscometric study of mixed dilute solutions of amylose from pregelatinised starch and carrageenan showed that the components are slightly incompatible. Mixture viscosity and elastic modulus were studied at 60 °C in details as a function of mixture composition for a total polymer concentration of 3%; both were found to be significantly higher than the corresponding theoretical additive values. This finding was interpreted by starch granules excluded volume effect. At 20 °C, no noticeable increase of mixture elastic modulus was found as compared with the additive value. The absence of the synergistic effect is supposed to be due to the formation of highly inhomogeneous gels with agglomerates of undissolved granules.  相似文献   

Soluble starch synthases and branching enzymes were purified from developing seeds of the maize inbreds W64A and Ia5125, annual teosintes cv. Galinat's Northern Teosinte and race “Nobogame” and diploid perennial teosinte. Two fractions of starch synthase were obtained by DEAE-cellulose chromatography in all purifications. Starch synthase I fractions had citrate stimulated activity and were most active in primed reactions containing glucogen. Starch synthase II fractions were more active in primed reactions with amylopectine and showed no citrate stimulated activity. Three fractions of branching enzymes were similar kinetically and chromatographically. In addition, antibodies prepared against maize branching enzymes cross reacted with teosinte enzymes. Precipitation lines double diffusion experiments and similar neutralizations of enzymes. precipitation lines of identity in double diffusion experiments and similar neutralization of enzyme activity wiyh increasing levels of antiserum, support the conclusion that maize and teosinte enzymes are highly homologous.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypotheses that in vivo oxygen levels inside developing maize grains locally affect assimilate partitioning and ATP distribution within the kernel. These questions were addressed through combined topographical analysis (O2- and ATP-mapping), metabolite profiling, and isotope flux analysis. Internal and external oxygen levels were also experimentally altered. Under ambient conditions, mean O2 concentration immediately inside starchy endosperm dropped to only 1.4% of atmospheric saturation (approximately 3.8 microm), but was 10-fold higher in the oil-storing embryo. Increasing the O2 supply to intact kernels stimulated their O2 demand, shifted ATP localization within the kernel, and elevated their ATP/ADP ratio. Enhanced O2 availability also increased steady-state levels of glycolytic intermediates and those of the citric acid cycle, as well as some related pools of free amino acids. Subsequent analyses indicated that starch formation within endosperm, but not lipid biosynthesis within embryo, was adapted to the endogenous low oxygen. Increasing the O2 supply did not change ADP-glucose levels, activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, 13C-labeling of ADP-glucose, or flux of 14C-sucrose into starch. In contrast, enhanced O2 availability increased 14C-label uptake into the embryo, 13C-labeling of acetyl-coenzyme A, and finally 14C-incorporation into lipids. Lipid accumulation in embryo appeared highest in regions with higher ATP. Consistent with labeling data, a decrease in O2 supply most strongly affected the embryo, whereas rising O2 levels expanded ATP-rich zones toward the starch-storing endosperm and the scutellar part of embryo. The latter might be responsible for higher 14C-label uptake into the embryo and flux toward lipid. Collectively, data indicate that the in vivo oxygen distribution in maize kernels markedly affects ATP gradients, metabolite levels, and favors assimilate partitioning toward starch within the O2-depleted endosperm. Clear advantages are thus evident for peripheral localization of the protein and lipid storing structures in maize kernels.  相似文献   

We characterized two maize (Zea mays) mutants, zmsmu2-1 and zmsmu2-3, that result from insertion of a Mutator (Mu) transposable element in the first exon of a gene homologous to the nematode gene, smu-2, which is involved in RNA splicing. In addition to having a starchy endosperm with reduced levels of zein storage proteins, homozygous zmsmu2-1 mutants manifest a number of phenotypes, including defective meristem development. The zmsmu2 mutants have poor seedling viability and surviving plants are sterile. The gene encoding ZmSMU2 is expressed in the endosperm, embryo, and shoot apex, which explains the pleiotropic nature of the mutation. We found that proper expression of Zmsmu2 is required for efficient ribosomal RNA processing, ribosome biogenesis, and protein synthesis in developing endosperm. Based on the pleiotropic nature of the mutations and the known function of animal Zmsmu2 homologs, we propose a possible role for ZmSMU2 in the development of maize endosperm, as well as a mechanism by which misregulation of zmsmu2 causes the mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

RNA helicases participate in nearly all aspects of RNA metabolism by rearranging RNAs or RNA–protein complexes in an adenosine triphosphatedependent manner. Due to the large RNA helicase families in plants, the precise roles of many RNA helicases in plant physiology and development remain to be clarified. Here, we show that mutations in maize(Zea mays) DEAD-box RNA helicase48(Zm RH48) impair the splicing of mitochondrial introns, mitochondrial complex biosynthesis,and seed development. Loss of Z...  相似文献   

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