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In a previous study, we showed that replication through the N1-methyl-deoxyadenosine (1-MeA) adduct in human cells is mediated via three different Polι/Polθ, Polη, and Polζ-dependent pathways. Based on biochemical studies with these Pols, in the Polι/Polθ pathway, we inferred a role for Polι in the insertion of a nucleotide (nt) opposite 1-MeA and of Polθ in extension of synthesis from the inserted nt; in the Polη pathway, we inferred that this Pol alone would replicate through 1-MeA; in the Polζ pathway, however, the Pol required for inserting an nt opposite 1-MeA had remained unidentified. In this study, we provide biochemical and genetic evidence for a role for Polλ in inserting the correct nt T opposite 1-MeA, from which Polζ would extend synthesis. The high proficiency of purified Polλ for inserting a T opposite 1-MeA implicates a role for Polλ—which normally uses W-C base pairing for DNA synthesis—in accommodating 1-MeA in a syn confirmation and forming a Hoogsteen base pair with T. The potential of Polλ to replicate through DNA lesions by Hoogsteen base pairing adds another novel aspect to Polλ’s role in translesion synthesis in addition to its role as a scaffolding component of Polζ. We discuss how the action mechanisms of Polλ and Polζ could be restrained to inserting a T opposite 1-MeA and extending synthesis thereafter, respectively.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic DNA replication, DNA polymerase ε (Polε) is responsible for leading strand synthesis, whereas DNA polymerases α and δ synthesize the lagging strand. The human Polε (hPolε) holoenzyme is comprised of the catalytic p261 subunit and the noncatalytic p59, p17, and p12 small subunits. So far, the contribution of the noncatalytic subunits to hPolε function is not well understood. Using pre-steady-state kinetic methods, we established a minimal kinetic mechanism for DNA polymerization and editing catalyzed by the hPolε holoenzyme. Compared with the 140-kDa N-terminal catalytic fragment of p261 (p261N), which we kinetically characterized in our earlier studies, the presence of the p261 C-terminal domain (p261C) and the three small subunits increased the DNA binding affinity and the base substitution fidelity. Although the small subunits enhanced correct nucleotide incorporation efficiency, there was a wide range of rate constants when incorporating a correct nucleotide over a single-base mismatch. Surprisingly, the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity of the hPolε holoenzyme was significantly slower than that of p261N when editing both matched and mismatched DNA substrates. This suggests that the presence of p261C and the three small subunits regulates the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity of the hPolε holoenzyme. Together, the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity and the variable mismatch extension activity modulate the overall fidelity of the hPolε holoenzyme by up to 3 orders of magnitude. Thus, the presence of p261C and the three noncatalytic subunits optimizes the dual enzymatic activities of the catalytic p261 subunit and makes the hPolε holoenzyme an efficient and faithful replicative DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Polη) is a unique translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) enzyme required for the error-free bypass of ultraviolet ray (UV)-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in DNA. Therefore, its deficiency confers cellular sensitivity to UV radiation and an increased rate of UV-induced mutagenesis. Polη possesses a ubiquitin-binding zinc finger (ubz) domain and a PCNA-interacting-protein (pip) motif in the carboxy-terminal region. The role of the Polη pip motif in PCNA interaction required for DNA polymerase recruitment to the stalled replication fork has been demonstrated in earlier studies; however, the function of the ubz domain remains divisive. As per the current notion, the ubz domain of Polη binds to the ubiquitin moiety of the ubiquitinated PCNA, but such interaction is found to be nonessential for Polη''s function. In this study, through amino acid sequence alignments, we identify three classes of Polη among different species based on the presence or absence of pip motif or ubz domain and using comprehensive mutational analyses, we show that the ubz domain of Polη, which intrinsically lacks the pip motif directly binds to the interdomain connecting loop (IDCL) of PCNA and regulates Polη''s TLS activity. We further propose two distinct modes of PCNA interaction mediated either by pip motif or ubz domain in various Polη homologs. When the pip motif or ubz domain of a given Polη binds to the IDCL of PCNA, such interaction becomes essential, whereas the binding of ubz domain to PCNA through ubiquitin is dispensable for Polη''s function.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus is the only mammalian DNA virus so far known to contain a single-stranded circular genome (Tischer et al. (1982) Nature 295, 64–66). Replication of its small viral DNA (1.76 kb) appears to be dependent on cellular enzymes expressed during S-phase of the cell cycle (Tischer et al. (1987) Arch. Virol. 96, 39–57). In this paper we have exploited the porcine circovirus genome to probe for in vitro initiation and elongation of DNA replication by different preparations of calf thymus DNA polymerase α and δ as well as by a partially purified preparation from pig thymus. The results indicated that three different purification fractions of calf thymus DNA polymerase α and one from pig thymus initiate DNA synthesis at several sites on the porcine circovirus DNA. It appears that the sites at which DNA primase synthesizes primers are not entirely random. Subsequent DNA elongation by a highly purified DNA polymerase α holoenzyme which had been isolated by the criterion of replicating single-stranded M13 DNA (Ottiger et al. (1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 4789–4807) is very efficient. Complete conversion to the double-stranded form is obtained in less than 1 min. When the DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase α is blocked with the DNA polymerase α specific monoclonal antibody SJK 132-20 after initiation by DNA primase, DNA polymerase δ can efficiently replicate from the primers. This in vitro DNA replication system may be used in analogy to the bacteriophage systems in E. coli to study initiation and elongation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

IκB kinase ε (IKKε) is a non-canonical IκB kinase that is extensively studied in the context of innate immune response. Recently, significant progress has been made in understanding the role of IKKε in interferon (IFN) signaling. In addition to its roles in innate immunity, recent studies also demonstrate that IKKε is a key regulator of the adaptive immune response. Specifically, IKKε functions as a negative feedback kinase to curtail CD8 T cell response, implying that it can be a potential therapeutic target to boost antiviral and antitumor T cell immunity. In this review, we highlight the roles of IKKε in regulating IFN signaling and T cell immunity, and discuss a few imminent questions that remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Huntington''s disease (HD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive dementia, psychiatric problems, and chorea, is known to be caused by CAG repeat expansions in the HD gene HTT. However, the mechanism of this pathology is not fully understood. The translesion DNA polymerase θ (Polθ) carries a large insertion sequence in its catalytic domain, which has been shown to allow DNA loop-outs in the primer strand. As a result of high levels of oxidative DNA damage in neural cells and Polθ''s subsequent involvement in base excision repair of oxidative DNA damage, we hypothesized that Polθ contributes to CAG repeat expansion while repairing oxidative damage within HTT. Here, we performed Polθ-catalyzed in vitro DNA synthesis using various CAG•CTG repeat DNA substrates that are similar to base excision repair intermediates. We show that Polθ efficiently extends (CAG)n•(CTG)n hairpin primers, resulting in hairpin retention and repeat expansion. Polθ also triggers repeat expansions to pass the threshold for HD when the DNA template contains 35 repeats upward. Strikingly, Polθ depleted of the catalytic insertion fails to induce repeat expansions regardless of primers and templates used, indicating that the insertion sequence is responsible for Polθ''s error-causing activity. In addition, the level of chromatin-bound Polθ in HD cells is significantly higher than in non-HD cells and exactly correlates with the degree of CAG repeat expansion, implying Polθ''s involvement in triplet repeat instability. Therefore, we have identified Polθ as a potent factor that promotes CAG•CTG repeat expansions in HD and other neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Pol η) is a eukaryotic member of the Y-family of DNA polymerase involved in translesion DNA synthesis and genome mutagenesis. Recently, several translesion DNA synthesis polymerases have been found to function in repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, the role of Pol η in promoting DSB repair remains to be well defined. Here, we demonstrated that Pol η could be targeted to etoposide (ETO)-induced DSBs and that depletion of Pol η in cells causes increased sensitivity to ETO. Intriguingly, depletion of Pol η also led to a nonhomologous end joining repair defect in a catalytic activity–independent manner. We further identified the scaffold protein Kap1 as a novel interacting partner of Pol η, the depletion of which resulted in impaired formation of Pol η and Rad18 foci after ETO treatment. Additionally, overexpression of Kap1 failed to restore Pol η focus formation in Rad18-deficient cells after ETO treatment. Interestingly, we also found that Kap1 bound to Rad18 in a Pol η-dependent manner, and moreover, depletion of Kap1 led to a significant reduction in Rad18–Pol η association, indicating that Kap1 forms a ternary complex with Rad18 and Pol η to stabilize Rad18–Pol η association. Our findings demonstrate that Kap1 could regulate the role of Pol η in ETO-induced DSB repair via facilitating Rad18 recruitment and stabilizing Rad18–Pol η association.  相似文献   

The development of embryonic external genitalia (eExG) into characteristic male structures, such as urethra and penile erectile tissues, depends on 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Although the corpus cavernosum (CC) is well known as essential for erectile function in adults, its developmental process and its dependency on DHT have been unknown. To reveal the dimorphic formation of the murine CC from the embryonic stage, we first analyzed the production of the protein vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (FLK1) via its expression (hereinafter referred as “expression of FLK1”) and the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (ACTA2) and collagen type 1 (COL1A1) in developing external genitalia. The 5-α reductase type 2 encoded by the SRD5A2 gene has been suggested to be a crucial enzyme for male sexual differentiation, as it converts testosterone (T) into DHT in the local urogenital organs. In fact, SRD5A2 mutation results in decreased synthesis of DHT, which leads to various degrees of masculinized human external genitalia (ExG). We further investigated the expression profile of SRD5A2 during the formation of the murine CC. We observed that SRD5A2 was expressed in smooth muscle of the CC. To determine the role of SRD5A2 in CC formation, we analyzed the formation of erectile tissue in the male Srd5a2 KO mice and measured the levels of androgens in the ExG by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Intriguingly, there were no obvious defects in the CCs of male Srd5a2 KO mice, possibly due to increased T levels. The current study suggests possible redundant functions of androgens in CC development.  相似文献   

The base excision repair (BER) pathway involves gap filling by DNA polymerase (pol) β and subsequent nick sealing by ligase IIIα. X-ray cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1), a nonenzymatic scaffold protein, assembles multiprotein complexes, although the mechanism by which XRCC1 orchestrates the final steps of coordinated BER remains incompletely defined. Here, using a combination of biochemical and biophysical approaches, we revealed that the polβ/XRCC1 complex increases the processivity of BER reactions after correct nucleotide insertion into gaps in DNA and enhances the handoff of nicked repair products to the final ligation step. Moreover, the mutagenic ligation of nicked repair intermediate following polβ 8-oxodGTP insertion is enhanced in the presence of XRCC1. Our results demonstrated a stabilizing effect of XRCC1 on the formation of polβ/dNTP/gap DNA and ligase IIIα/ATP/nick DNA catalytic ternary complexes. Real-time monitoring of protein–protein interactions and DNA-binding kinetics showed stronger binding of XRCC1 to polβ than to ligase IIIα or aprataxin, and higher affinity for nick DNA with undamaged or damaged ends than for one nucleotide gap repair intermediate. Finally, we demonstrated slight differences in stable polβ/XRCC1 complex formation, polβ and ligase IIIα protein interaction kinetics, and handoff process as a result of cancer-associated (P161L, R194W, R280H, R399Q, Y576S) and cerebellar ataxia-related (K431N) XRCC1 variants. Overall, our findings provide novel insights into the coordinating role of XRCC1 and the effect of its disease-associated variants on substrate-product channeling in multiprotein/DNA complexes for efficient BER.  相似文献   

Complement fragment iC3b serves as a major opsonin for facilitating phagocytosis via its interaction with complement receptors CR3 and CR4, also known by their leukocyte integrin family names, αMβ2 and αXβ2, respectively. Although there is general agreement that iC3b binds to the αM and αX I-domains of the respective β2-integrins, much less is known regarding the regions of iC3b contributing to the αX I-domain binding. In this study, using recombinant αX I-domain, as well as recombinant fragments of iC3b as candidate binding partners, we have identified two distinct binding moieties of iC3b for the αX I-domain. They are the C3 convertase-generated N-terminal segment of the C3b α’-chain (α’NT) and the factor I cleavage-generated N-terminal segment in the CUBf region of α-chain. Additionally, we have found that the CUBf segment is a novel binding moiety of iC3b for the αM I-domain. The CUBf segment shows about a 2-fold higher binding activity than the α’NT for αX I-domain. We also have shown the involvement of crucial acidic residues on the iC3b side of the interface and basic residues on the I-domain side.  相似文献   

Aberrant cytoplasmic accumulation of an RNA-binding protein, fused in sarcoma (FUS), characterizes the neuropathology of subtypes of ALS and frontotemporal lobar degeneration, although the effects of post-translational modifications of FUS, especially phosphorylation, on its neurotoxicity have not been fully characterized. Here, we show that casein kinase 1δ (CK1δ) phosphorylates FUS at 10 serine/threonine residues in vitro using mass spectrometric analyses. We also show that phosphorylation by CK1δ or CK1ε significantly increased the solubility of FUS in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In transgenic Drosophila that overexpress wt or P525L ALS-mutant human FUS in the retina or in neurons, we found coexpression of human CK1δ or its Drosophila isologue Dco in the photoreceptor neurons significantly ameliorated the observed retinal degeneration, and neuronal coexpression of human CK1δ extended fly life span. Taken together, our data suggest a novel regulatory mechanism of the assembly and toxicity of FUS through CK1δ/CK1ε-mediated phosphorylation, which could represent a potential therapeutic target in FUS proteinopathies.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that drive the infection by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2)—the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19)—are under intense current scrutiny to understand how the virus operates and to uncover ways in which the disease can be prevented or alleviated. Recent proteomic screens of the interactions between viral and host proteins have identified the human proteins targeted by SARS‐CoV‐2. The DNA polymerase α (Pol α)–primase complex or primosome—responsible for initiating DNA synthesis during genomic duplication—was identified as a target of nonstructural protein 1 (nsp1), a major virulence factor in the SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Here, we validate the published reports of the interaction of nsp1 with the primosome by demonstrating direct binding with purified recombinant components and providing a biochemical characterization of their interaction. Furthermore, we provide a structural basis for the interaction by elucidating the cryo‐electron microscopy structure of nsp1 bound to the primosome. Our findings provide biochemical evidence for the reported targeting of Pol α by the virulence factor nsp1 and suggest that SARS‐CoV‐2 interferes with Pol α''s putative role in the immune response during the viral infection.  相似文献   

Faithful replication of the mitochondrial genome is carried out by a set of key nuclear-encoded proteins. DNA polymerase γ is a core component of the mtDNA replisome and the only replicative DNA polymerase localized to mitochondria. The asynchronous mechanism of mtDNA replication predicts that the replication machinery encounters dsDNA and unique physical barriers such as structured genes, G-quadruplexes, and other obstacles. In vitro experiments here provide evidence that the polymerase γ heterotrimer is well-adapted to efficiently synthesize DNA, despite the presence of many naturally occurring roadblocks. However, we identified a specific G-quadruplex–forming sequence at the heavy-strand promoter (HSP1) that has the potential to cause significant stalling of mtDNA replication. Furthermore, this structured region of DNA corresponds to the break site for a large (3,895 bp) deletion observed in mitochondrial disease patients. The presence of this deletion in humans correlates with UV exposure, and we have found that efficiency of polymerase γ DNA synthesis is reduced after this quadruplex is exposed to UV in vitro.  相似文献   

The translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases Rev1 and Polζ function together in DNA lesion bypass during DNA replication, acting as nucleotide inserter and extender polymerases, respectively. While the structural characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Polζ in its DNA-bound state has illuminated how this enzyme synthesizes DNA, a mechanistic understanding of TLS also requires probing conformational changes associated with DNA- and Rev1 binding. Here, we used single-particle cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the apo Polζ holoenzyme. We show that compared with its DNA-bound state, apo Polζ displays enhanced flexibility that correlates with concerted motions associated with expansion of the Polζ DNA-binding channel upon DNA binding. We also identified a lysine residue that obstructs the DNA-binding channel in apo Polζ, suggesting a gating mechanism. The Polζ subunit Rev7 is a hub protein that directly binds Rev1 and is a component of several other protein complexes such as the shieldin DNA double-strand break repair complex. We analyzed the molecular interactions of budding yeast Rev7 in the context of Polζ and those of human Rev7 in the context of shieldin using a crystal structure of Rev7 bound to a fragment of the shieldin-3 protein. Overall, our study provides new insights into Polζ mechanism of action and the manner in which Rev7 recognizes partner proteins.  相似文献   

Cell signals for growth factors depend on the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding the cells. Microtubule acetylation is involved in the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β-induced myofibroblast differentiation in the soft ECM. However, the mechanism of activation of α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1 (α-TAT1), a major α-tubulin acetyltransferase, in the soft ECM is not well defined. Here, we found that casein kinase 2 (CK2) is required for the TGF-β-induced activation of α-TAT1 that promotes microtubule acetylation in the soft matrix. Genetic mutation and pharmacological inhibition of CK2 catalytic activity specifically reduced microtubule acetylation in the cells cultured on a soft matrix rather than those cultured on a stiff matrix. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed that CK2α, a catalytic subunit of CK2, directly bound to the C-terminal domain of α-TAT1, and this interaction was more prominent in the cells cultured on the soft matrix. Moreover, the substitution of alanine with serine, the 236th amino acid located at the C-terminus, which contains the CK2-binding site of α-TAT1, sig-nificantly abrogated the TGF-β-induced microtubule acetylation in the soft matrix, indicating that the successful binding of CK2 and the C-terminus of α-TAT1 led to the phosphorylation of serine at the 236th position of amino acids in α-TAT1 and regulation of its catalytic activity. Taken together, our findings provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the TGF-β-induced activation of α-TAT1 in a soft matrix.  相似文献   

Objective:In bone tissue engineering, the use of osteoblastic seed cells has been widely adopted to mediate the osteogenic differentiation so as to prompt bone regeneration and repair. It is hypothesized that Dok5 can regulate the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts. In this study, the role of Dok5 in osteoblast proliferation and differentiation was investigated.Methods:A lentiviral vector to silence Dok5 was transferred to C3H10, 293T and C2C12 cells. CCK-8 assay was used to detect the cell proliferation. Cells were stained by ALP and AR-S staining. Western blot and RT-PCR were used to detect the expression levels of related factors.Results:Dok5 expression level was gradually up-regulated during the osteoblast differentiation. Dok5 silencing down-regulated the expression levels of osteogenic biosignatures OPN, OCN, and Runx2 and suppressed the osteogenesis. Additionally, the osteoblast proliferation and canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling were suppressed upon Dok5 knockdown, β-catenin expression level was significantly down-regulated in the knockdown group, while the expression levels of GSK3-β and Axin, negative regulators in the Wnt signaling pathway, were up-regulated. Furthermore, overexpression of Dok5 promoted the proliferation and osteogenesis and activated the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.Conclusion:Dok5 may regulate the osteogenic proliferation and differentiation via the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Hyperactivation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling has been reported in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, the mechanisms underlying the hyperactivation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling are incompletely understood. In this study, Pantothenate kinase 1 (PANK1) is shown to be a negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Downregulation of PANK1 in HCC correlates with clinical features. Knockdown of PANK1 promotes the proliferation, growth and invasion of HCC cells, while overexpression of PANK1 inhibits the proliferation, growth, invasion and tumorigenicity of HCC cells. Mechanistically, PANK1 binds to CK1α, exerts protein kinase activity and cooperates with CK1α to phosphorylate N-terminal serine and threonine residues in β-catenin both in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, the expression levels of PANK1 and β-catenin can be used to predict the prognosis of HCC. Collectively, the results of this study highlight the crucial roles of PANK1 protein kinase activity in inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin signaling, suggesting that PANK1 is a potential therapeutic target for HCC.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the in vitro oncogenic role of protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) in gastric cancer cell lines. The in vivo function of PRMT5 in gastric tumorigenesis, however, is still unexplored. Here, we showed that Prmt5 deletion in mouse gastric epithelium resulted in spontaneous tumorigenesis in gastric antrum. All Prmt5-deficient mice displayed intestinal-type gastric cancer within 4 months of age. Of note, 20% (2/10) of Prmt5 mutants finally developed into invasive gastric cancer by 8 months of age. Gastric cancer caused by PRMT5 loss exhibited the increase in Lgr5+ stem cells, which are proposed to contribute to both the gastric tumorigenesis and progression in mouse models. Consistent with the notion that Lgr5 is the target of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, whose activation is the most predominant driver for gastric tumorigenesis, Prmt5 mutant gastric cancer showed the activation of Wnt/β-Catenin signaling. Furthermore, in human gastric cancer samples, PRMT5 deletion and downregulation were frequently observed and associated with the poor prognosis. We propose that as opposed to the tumor-promoting role of PRMT5 well-established in the progression of various cancer types, PRMT5 functions as a tumor suppressor in vivo, at least during gastric tumor formation.  相似文献   

With age, protein damage accumulates and increases the risk of age‐related diseases. The proteasome activator PA28αβ is involved in protein damage clearance during early embryogenesis and has demonstrated protective effects against proteinopathy. We have recently discovered that adult female mice overexpressing PA28α (PA28αOE) have enhanced learning and memory, and protein extracts from their hippocampi prevent aggregation more efficiently than wild type. In this study, we investigated the effect of overexpressing PA28α on aging using C57BL/6N×BALB/c F2 hybrid mice. We found that the hippocampal anti‐aggregation effect was maintained in young adult (7 months) to middle‐aged (15 months) and old (22 months) PA28αOE females. While the PA28αOE influence on learning and memory gradually decreased with aging, old PA28αOE females did not display the typical drop in explorative behavior—a behavioral hallmark of aging—but were as explorative as young mice. PA28αOE lowered PA28‐dependent proteasome capacity in both heart and hippocampus, and there was no indication of lower protein damage load in PA28αOE. The life span of PA28αOE was also similar to wild type. In both wild type and PA28αOE, PA28‐dependent proteasome capacity increased with aging in the heart, while 26S and 20S proteasome capacities were unchanged in the timepoints analyzed. Thus, PA28αOE females exhibit improved hippocampal ability to prevent aggregation throughout life and enhanced cognitive capabilities with different behavioral outcomes dependent on age; improved memory at early age and a youth‐like exploration at old age. The cognitive effects of PA28αβ combined with its anti‐aggregation molecular effect highlight the therapeutical potential of PA28αβ in combating proteinopathies.  相似文献   

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