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Although the skin of most amphibians measured to date offers no resistance to evaporative water loss (EWL), some species, primarily arboreal frogs, produce skin secretions that increase resistance to EWL. At high air temperatures, it may be advantageous for amphibians to increase EWL as a means to decrease body temperature. In Australian hylid frogs, most species do not decrease their resistance at high air temperature, but some species with moderate resistance (at moderate air temperatures) gradually decrease resistance with increasing air temperature, and some species with high resistance (at moderate air temperatures) abruptly decrease resistance at high air temperatures. Lower skin resistance at high air temperatures decreases the time to desiccation, but the lower body temperatures allow the species to avoid their critical thermal maximum (CT(Max)) body temperatures. The body temperatures of species with low to moderate resistances to EWL that do not adjust resistance at high air temperatures do not warm to their CT(Max), although for some species, this is because they have high CT(Max) values. As has been reported previously for resistance to EWL generally, the response pattern of change of EWL at high air temperatures has apparently evolved independently among Australian hylids. The mechanisms involved in causing resistance and changes in resistance are unknown.  相似文献   

We measured temperature preferences of 12 species of hylid frogs (Litoria and Cyclorana) from northern Australia in a laboratory thermal gradient. These species represented a range of ecological habitat use (aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal), adult body size (0.5-60 g), and cutaneous resistance to water loss (Rc=0.6-63.1 s cm-1). We found significant differences among species in selected skin temperature and gradient temperature but not in the variances of these measures (an index of precision of temperature selection). The species' differences correlated significantly with cutaneous resistance to water loss, with more-resistant frogs selecting higher skin and substrate temperatures in the thermal gradient, even after phylogenetic relationships are taken into account. Because cutaneous resistance to water loss also correlates with ecological habit (arboreal>terrestrial>aquatic), we suggest that their higher resistance to water loss allows arboreal and terrestrial species better ability to tolerate high temperatures, where growth or locomotory speed may be higher, without the associated risk of desiccation.  相似文献   

Extant amphibians comprise three lineages-- salamanders (Urodela or Caudata), frogs and toads (Anura), and caecilians (Gymnophiona, Apoda, or Caecilia)--which contain more than 6,000 species. Fewer than a dozen species of amphibians are commonly maintained in laboratory colonies, and the husbandry requirements for the vast majority of amphibians are poorly known. For these species, a review of basic characteristics of amphibian biology supplemented by inferences drawn from the morphological and physiological characteristics of the species in question provides a basis for decisions about housing and feeding. Amphibians are ectotherms, and their skin is permeable to water, ions, and respiratory gases. Most species are secretive and, in many cases, nocturnal. The essential characteristics of their environment include appropriate levels of humidity, temperature, and lighting as well as retreat sites. Terrestrial and arboreal species require moist substrates, water dishes, and high relative humidity. Because temperature requirements for most species are poorly known, it is advisable to use a temperature mosaic that will allow an animal to find an appropriate temperature within its cage. Photoperiod may affect physiology and behavior (especially reproduction and hibernation), and although the importance of ultraviolet light for calcium metabolism by amphibians is not yet known, ecological observations suggest that it might be important for some species of frogs. Some amphibians are territorial, and some use olfactory cues to mark their territory and to recognize other individuals of their species. All amphibians are carnivorous as adults, and the feeding response of many species is elicited by the movement of prey. Diets should include a mixture of prey species, and it may be advisable to load prey with vitamins and minerals.  相似文献   

Most frog species show little resistance to evaporative water loss (EWL), but some arboreal species are known to have very high resistances. We measured EWL and cutaneous resistance to evaporation (Rc) in 25 species of frogs from northern Australia, including 17 species in the family Hylidae, six species in the Myobatrachidae, and one each in the Bufonidae and the Microhylidae. These species display a variety of ecological habits, including aquatic, terrestrial, and arboreal specialisations, with the complete range of habits displayed within just the one hylid genus, Litoria. The 25 species measured in this study have resistances that range from Rc=0 to 63.1. These include low values indistinguishable from a free water surface to high values typical of "waterproof" anuran species. There was a strong correlation between ecological habit and Rc, even taking phylogenetic relationships into account; arboreal species had the highest resistance, aquatic species tended to have little or no resistance, and terrestrial species tended to have resistance between those of arboreal and aquatic frogs. For one species, Litoria rubella, we found no significant changes in EWL along a 1,500-km aridity gradient. This study represents the strongest evidence to date of a link between ecological habits and cutaneous resistance to water loss among species of frogs.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions at the edge of a species’ ecological optimum can exert great ecological or evolutionary pressure at local populations. For ectotherms like amphibians temperature is one of the most important abiotic factors of their environment as it influences directly their metabolism and sets limits to their distribution. Amphibians have evolved three ways to cope with sub-zero temperatures: freeze tolerance, freeze protection, freeze avoidance. The aim of this study was to assess which strategy common frogs at mid and high elevation use to survive and thrive in cold climates. In particular we (1) tested for the presence of physiological freeze protection, (2) evaluated autumnal activity and overwintering behaviour with respect to freeze avoidance and (3) assessed the importance of different high-elevation microhabitats for behavioural thermoregulation. Common frogs did not exhibit any signs of freeze protection when experiencing temperatures around 0 °C. Instead they retreated to open water for protection and overwintering. High elevation common frogs remained active for around the same period of time than their conspecifics at lower elevation. Our results suggest that at mid and high elevation common frogs use freeze avoidance alone to survive temperatures below 0 °C. The availability of warm microhabitats, such as rock or pasture, provides high elevation frogs with the opportunity of behavioural thermoregulation and thus allows them to remain active at temperatures at which common frogs at lower elevation cease activity.  相似文献   

Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1984,64(1):125-131
The diurnal behaviour of frogs was recorded quantitatively in a habitatlike experimental environment by a new method of automatic registration via thermocouples. Three species with different habitat preferences during their summer activity period were chosen: the terrestrial common frog Rana temporaria LINNÈ and the semiaquatic water frog Rana lessonae CAMERANO and Rana ridibunda PALLAS. The activity, the location and the skin temperatures of these frogs were recorded continuously in four different temperature ranges (8.1° C–31.0° C) within the temperature span of the summer activity period. The thermal requirements and behavioural adaptations to the habitat of each species were analysed. The experimental results coincided with field observations and showed some details not yet known. The northern species R. temporaria exhibited a distinctive behavioural thermoregulation including cooling behaviour at high temperatures and warming behaviour at low temperatures during the day. In all temperatures tested these frogs remained on land changing their preferred location from the open area to the hiding places. The main activity period shifted from night to day with decreasing temperatures. The more southern species R. lessonae preferred higher temperatures than the other species showing basking behaviour during the day independent of the ambient temperature. With decreasing temperatures the preferred location changed from the shore to the water and the activity during the night almost disappeared. The closely related R. ridibunda tolerated high temperatures too, but only rarely basked. This species, however, reacted contrarily to decreasing temperatures: it changed its preference from the water to the land. This behavioural differenciation between the water frog species may be of importance for the actual habitat preference of these central european water frogs.  相似文献   

Carlos A. Navas 《Oecologia》1996,108(4):617-626
This paper focuses on whether microhabitat selection reduces exposure to cold temperatures in highelevation tropical amphibians. I studied the microhabitat associations and thermal ecology of four anurans (Colostethus subpunctatus, Atelopus sp. nov., Eleutherodactylus bogotensis, and Hyla labialis) that live in the Andes of central Colombia. I compared two populations (3500 m and 2900 m) to evaluate the impact of a change in elevation on microhabitat thermal regimes and frog behavior. Ambient temperatures of frequently used microhabitats (soil surface, retreat sites, bogs, and ponds) were significantly lower at 3500 m. However, for each species the microhabitat associations and general patterns of activity were similar at both elevations. Body temperatures of active frogs were mainly determined by the interaction between microhabitat selection and time of the day, therefore frogs at 3500 m had lower activity temperatures than conspecifics at 2900 m. Terrestrial and diurnal anurans (Atelopus sp. nov.) experienced highly variable activity temperatures. Frogs associated with water bodies (C. subpunctatus, and H. labialis) experienced more moderate and less variable temperatures. Terrestrial, nocturnal frogs (E. bogotensis) exhibited the lowest activity temperatures, and their thermal ecology was strongly affected by increase in altitude. The physical nature of high tropical elevations limits the opportunities for behavioral thermoregulation in amphibians, and increases the importance of physiological adjustments to tolerate a wide thermal range. This may partially explain why only a small number of amphibian species, representing genera that are much more diverse at lower elevations, have been able to exploit these environments.  相似文献   

Accurate evaluation of habitat availability for wildlife is relevant for ecological applications. Researchers have frequently used models to simulate habitats thermally suitable for reptiles, but these results have limited application for species highly selective for habitat humidity. Here, we use the biophysical Niche Mapper™ model to investigate impacts of vegetation cover on the habitat quality of a high-elevation forest skink, Sphenomorphus taiwanensis, and to predict changes in habitat suitability in a future warmer climate (3 °C increase in air temperature). We assess habitat suitability with different densities of canopy cover in our study areas using two ecologically relevant estimates for lizards: maximum activity time and evaporative water loss (EWL) during the activity season. We measured preferred body temperature and EWL of this species for model parameterization, and behavioral response to EWL to supplement habitat quality assessment. The results indicated that this species is sensitive to EWL and reduces its activity when dehydrated. The model predicted that denser canopy levels increase microclimate cooling and humidity, and that most canopy levels are thermally suitable for this species, as the lizard can thermoregulate to manage adverse temperatures. Nevertheless, increasing canopy density could significantly decrease EWL during activity. In the warmer climate scenario, simulated maximum activity time and EWL changed little because of thermoregulation behavior. Our results suggest that habitat preference of this species is a consequence of water and energy requirements, and we note that combining EWL and maximum activity time data can enhance model accuracy of lizards’ habitat quality in a warmer climate.  相似文献   

We report that two species of mouse-tailed bats (Rhinopoma microphyllum and R. cystops) hibernate for five months during winter in geothermally heated caves with stable high temperature (20°C). While hibernating, these bats do not feed or drink, even on warm nights when other bat species are active. We used thermo-sensitive transmitters to measure the bats’ skin temperature in the natural hibernacula and open flow respirometry to measure torpid metabolic rate at different ambient temperatures (Ta, 16–35°C) and evaporative water loss (EWL) in the laboratory. Bats average skin temperature at the natural hibernacula was 21.7 ± 0.8°C, and no arousals were recorded. Both species reached the lowest metabolic rates around natural hibernacula temperatures (20°C, average of 0.14 ± 0.01 and 0.16 ± 0.04 ml O2 g−1 h−1 for R. microphyllum and R. cystops, respectively) and aroused from torpor when Ta fell below 16°C. During torpor the bats performed long apnoeas (14 ± 1.6 and 16 ± 1.5 min, respectively) and had a very low EWL. We hypothesize that the particular diet of these bats is an adaptation to hibernation at high temperatures and that caves featuring high temperature and humidity during winter enable these species to survive this season on the northern edge of their world distribution.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) contribute to the immune defenses of many vertebrates, including amphibians. As larvae, amphibians are often exposed to the infectious stages of trematode parasites, many of which must penetrate the host’s skin, potentially interacting with host AMPs. We tested the effects of the natural AMPs repertoires on both the survival of trematode infectious stages as well as their ability to infect larval amphibians. All five trematode species exhibited decreased survival of cercariae in response to higher concentrations of adult bullfrog AMPs, but no effect when exposed to AMPs from larval bullfrogs. Similarly, the use of norepinephrine to remove AMPs from larval bullfrogs, Pacific chorus frogs, and gray treefrogs had only weak (gray treefrogs) or non-significant (other tested species) effects on infection success by Ribeiroia ondatrae. We nonetheless observed strong differences in parasite infection as a function of both host stage (first- versus second-year bullfrogs) and host species (Pacific chorus frogs versus gray treefrogs) that were apparently unrelated to AMPs. Taken together, our results suggest that AMPs do not play a significant role in defending larval amphibians against trematode cercariae, but that they could be one mechanism helping to prevent infection of post-metamorphic amphibians, particularly for highly aquatic species.  相似文献   

Emerging disease of amphibians cured by elevated body temperature   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis is thought to have contributed to many of the recent alarming declines in amphibian populations. Mortalities associated with these declines have often occurred during cooler seasons and at high elevations, suggesting that environmental temperature may be an important factor in disease emergence. We found that thermal environment affects the progress of the disease, and that housing frogs Litoria chloris at an environmental temperature of 37 degrees C for less than 16 h can clear them of the chytrid pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Our experiment demonstrated that elevated body temperatures similar to those experienced in behavioral fever and during normal thermoregulation can clear frogs of chytrid infection; therefore, variation in thermoregulatory opportunities and behaviors are likely to contribute to the differences in disease incidence observed among host species, populations, and regions. Although further refinement of the technique is needed to encompass various host species, appropriately applied thermal manipulations of amphibians and their enclosures may prove to be a safe and effective way of eliminating the fungal pathogen from captive amphibian populations and: preventing accidental spread of the pathogen when animals are translocated or released from captivity.  相似文献   

Acoustic signalling is evolutionarily important, influencing sexual selection and serving as a premating isolation mechanism. There is a strong evolutionary basis for acoustic signalling to occur nocturnally across many terrestrial vertebrate groups including mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Within some of these groups, there is a general assumption that ‘most taxa are nocturnal’ in their acoustic signalling, and this is a particularly strongly held view for most frogs. Here we challenge this well-accepted notion by quantifying diurnal calling behaviour in Australian frogs, leveraging a continental-wide citizen science dataset. Of 196 species present in the citizen science dataset, 140 (71%) were recorded at least once during the day. Of the most commonly observed species (i.e. species with at least 150 calls recorded in the database), there were surprisingly high rates of diurnal calling: 14 species had >25% of their calls recorded during the day. We also found that the relative rate of diurnal calling in frogs showed a strong phylogenetic signal, suggesting that the plasticity in calling behaviour as it relates to time of the day is strongly evolutionarily conserved. Our results highlight a suite of ecological and evolutionary questions that are worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

1. The course and outcome of many wildlife diseases are context-dependent, and therefore change depending on the behaviour of hosts and environmental response of the pathogen.2. Contemporary declines in amphibian populations are widely attributed to chytridiomycosis, caused by the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Despite the thermal sensitivity of the pathogen and its amphibian hosts, we do not understand how host thermal regimes experienced by frogs in the wild directly influence pathogen growth.3. We tested how thermal regimes experienced by the rainforest frog Litoria rheocola in the wild influence pathogen growth in the laboratory, and whether these responses differ from pathogen growth under available environmental thermal regimes.4. Frog thermal regimes mimicked in the laboratory accelerated pathogen growth during conditions representative of winter at high elevations more so than if temperatures matched air or stream water temperatures. By contrast, winter frog thermal regimes at low elevations slowed pathogen growth relative to air temperatures, but not water temperatures.5. The growth pattern of the fungus under frog thermal regimes matches field prevalence and intensity of infections for this species (high elevation winter > high elevation summer > low elevation winter > low elevation summer), whereas pathogen growth trajectories under environmental temperatures did not match these patterns.6. If these laboratory results translate into field responses, tropical frogs may be able to reduce disease impacts by regulating their body temperatures to limit pathogen growth (e.g., by using microhabitats that facilitate basking to reach high temperatures); in other cases, the environment may limit the ability of frogs to thermoregulate such that individuals are more vulnerable to this pathogen (e.g., in dense forests at high elevations).7. Species-specific thermoregulatory behaviour, and interactions with and constraints imposed by the environment, are therefore essential to understanding and predicting the spatial and temporal impacts of this global disease.  相似文献   

During May 1997 thermal tolerance, supercooling point (SCP), low and high temperature survival, and desiccation resistance were examined in field-fresh Embryonopsis halticella Eaton larvae from Marion Island. SCPs were also examined in acclimated larvae, larvae starved for seven days, larvae within their leaf mines, and in larvae exposed to ice crystals. Field-fresh larvae had a critical minimum temperature (CT(Min)) and critical maximum temperature (CT(Max)) of 0 degrees C and 39.7 degrees C, respectively. Mean SCP of field-fresh caterpillars was -20.5 degrees C and this did not change with starvation. Field-fresh larvae did not survive freezing and their lower lethal temperatures (70% mortality below -21 degrees C) and survival of exposure to constant low temperatures (100% mortality after 12hrs at -19 degrees C) indicated that they are moderately chill tolerant. SCP frequency distributions were unimodal for field-fresh larvae, but became bimodal at higher acclimation temperatures. Contact with ice-crystals caused an increase in SCP (-6.5 degrees C), but contact with the host plant had less of an effect at higher subzero temperatures. It appears that the remarkable desiccation resistance of the larvae is selected for by the absence of a boundary layer surrounding their host plant, caused by constant high winds. This suggests that the low SCPs of E. halticella larvae may have evolved as a consequence of pronounced desiccation resistance.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments during March-October, 1998, two species of captive-bred poison dart frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius and D. auratus) were exposed to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a recently-described chytridiomycete fungus (chytrid) that was originally isolated from a blue poison dart frog (D. azureus). All frogs exposed to the chytrids developed a fatal skin disease, whereas none of the control frogs developed skin lesions. The most consistent clinical sign in chytrid-exposed frogs was excessive shedding of skin. Gross lesions were subtle, usually affected the legs and ventrum, and consisted of mild skin thickening and discoloration. Microscopic examination of shed skin pieces and/or skin imprints demonstrated the presence of chytrids and was used for ante mortem and post mortem confirmation of chytrid infection. Histologically, there was epidermal hyperkeratosis, hyperplasia, and hypertrophy associated with low to moderate numbers of chytrids in the keratinized layers. These experiments demonstrated that Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis can be a fatal pathogen in poison dart frogs. The experimentally-induced disease in these frogs resembled cases of cutaneous chytridiomycosis that have recently been described in several other species of captive and wild amphibians.  相似文献   

1. Extracts prepared from fresh or dried skins of 32 European amphibian species were submitted to chemical (colour reactions) and biological screening to determine the occurrence and contents of biogenic amines and peptides active on smooth muscle preparations and blood pressure. 2. Only indolealkylamines were detectable in the skins. They were represented by tryptamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and its N-methylated, cyclized and sulphoconjugated derivatives. 3. The peptide families identified in the extracts were as follows: bombesins (bombesin and alytesin), bradykinins (bradykinin, bradykinin 1-8, bradykinin 1-7), chemotactic peptides (RECP I, II and III), bombinins and TRH. Bombesins, bombinins and TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) were isolated from skin extracts of discoglossid frogs; chemotactic peptides and again TRH from extracts of ranid frogs. 4. Further research will certainly lengthen the list of active peptides in the skin of European amphibians, as is the case with Australian, American and African amphibians.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Population-level responses of amphibians to forest management regimes are partly dictated by individual behavioral responses to habitat alteration. We examined the short-term (i.e., 24-hr) habitat choices and movement patterns of 3 amphibian species—southern leopard frogs (Rana sphenocephala), marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum), and southern toads (Bufo terrestris)—released on edges between forest habitats and recent clear-cuts in the Upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA. We predicted that adult frogs and salamanders would preferentially select forest using environmental cues as indicators of habitat suitability. We also predicted that movement patterns would differ in clear-cuts relative to forests, resulting in lower habitat permeability of clear-cuts for some or all of the species. Using fluorescent powder tracking, we determined that marbled salamanders selected habitat at random, southern toads preferred clear-cuts, and southern leopard frogs initially selected clear-cuts but ultimately preferred forests. Frogs exhibited long-distance, directional movement with few turns. In contrast, toads exhibited wandering behavior and salamanders moved relatively short distances before locating cover. Southern toads and southern leopard frogs moved farther in forests, and all 3 species made more turns in clear-cuts than in forests. Habitat selection by southern toads did not vary according to body size, sex, or the environmental cues we measured. However, marbled salamanders were more likely to enter clear-cuts when soil moisture was high, and southern leopard frogs were more likely to enter clear-cuts when relative humidity and air temperature were higher in the clear-cut than in adjacent forest. Although we found evidence of reduced habitat permeability of clear-cuts for southern leopard frogs and southern toads, none of the species exhibited strong behavioral avoidance of the small (4-ha) clear-cuts in our study. Further studies of long-term habitat use and the potential physiological and other costs to individuals in altered forests are needed to understand the effects of forest management on population persistence. To reduce potentially detrimental effects of clear-cutting on amphibians in the Southeast, wildlife managers should consider the vagility and behavior of species of concern, especially in relation to the size of planned harvests adjacent to breeding sites.  相似文献   

Several species of arboreal frogs secrete lipids from cutaneous glands and wipe these secretions over the body surfaces to reduce evaporative water losses. Following wiping, frogs become immobile in water-conserving postures, and some have suggested they are torpid. Here we report wiping behaviors and the physiological correlates of immobile postures in the arboreal monkey frog Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis. Skin resistance to water loss was comparatively high, and rates of evaporation were as low as 4% of that from a free water surface. Standard rates of metabolism (SMR) varied from 89 microL O2 h(-1) at 18 degrees C to 316 microL O2 h(-1) at 34 degrees C and were sensitive to both temperature (T) and body mass (W; mL O2 h(-1) = 0.016W0.642 x 10(0.030T)). The mean SMR did not change significantly during four consecutive days of dehydration when animals lost 19%-34% of body mass. Therefore, it appears these frogs do not routinely depress metabolic rates following wiping. However, some individuals that lost higher percentages of body water exhibited trends of decreasing oxygen consumption, suggesting that suppression of metabolic rates might occur at greater levels of body water deficit or perhaps during a slower course of dehydration than imposed by our experiments (e.g., individuals that are secluded during periods of drought).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An emerging disease of amphibians caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been associated with morbidity, mortality, and extinction of species. Typically, researchers have detected B. dendrobatidis only when examining amphibians for causes of mortalities; few data exist on infection rates where mortalities are lacking. During May-September 2000–2002 we obtained amphibian specimens killed by vehicles and others collected at remote off-road sites throughout Maine, USA, and from federal lands in 5 states in the Northeast. We detected infected specimens, mostly green frogs (Rana clamitans), at 5 of 7 national wildlife refuges, a federal waterfowl production area, and Acadia National Park. Seven of 9 species, including all Ranidae species, were infected throughout Maine; rates ranged from 14.6% in American toads (Bufo americanus) to 25.7% in northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens). We did not detect any infections in 50 eastern gray tree frogs (Hyla versicolor) or 21 spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer). Species that hibernate in terrestrial habitats seem to have lower rates of infection than species that hibernate in aquatic habitats. Infections peaked in spring and autumn and were associated with air temperatures optimal for B. dendrobatidis growth. The relatively high infection rates among species without documented die-offs suggest that either losses have occurred undetected, that the fungus is endemic and species have attained a level of resistance to infections becoming lethal, or that climatic conditions of the Northeast have a role in preventing infections from being lethal. Data on prevalence and distribution of this chytrid fungus in the Northeast may be useful in modeling its origins and predicting long-term ecosystem effects involving anurans.  相似文献   

This study investigated the standard metabolic rate (SMR) and evaporative water loss (EWL) responses of three Australian trapdoor-constructing mygalomorph spider species, two undescribed arid-zone species (Aganippe ‘Tropicana A’ and A. ‘Tropicana B’) and a mesic-dwelling species (A. rhaphiduca) to acute environmental regimes of temperature and relative humidity. There were significant effects of species, temperature, and relative humidity on SMR. SMR was lower for A. raphiduca than both A. ‘Tropicana’ spp. with no difference between the two A. ‘Tropicana’ spp. Metabolic rate increased at higher temperature and relative humidity for all three species. There were significant effects of species, temperature, and relative humidity on EWL. The mesic Aganippe species had a significantly higher EWL than either arid Tropicana species. EWL was significantly higher at lower relative humidity. Our results suggest an environmental effect on EWL but not SMR, and that mygalomorphs are so vulnerable to desiccation that the burrow provides a crucial refuge to ameliorate the effects of low environmental humidity. We conclude that mygalomorphs are highly susceptible to disturbance, and are of high conservation value as many are short-range endemics.  相似文献   

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