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大豆一根瘤菌共生体系光合与固氮关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

根瘤菌和豆科植物的共生固氮作用是当前最重要的植物与微生物相互作用的模式之一.本文将综述:1.根瘤菌在感染植物前发生的变化;2.根瘤形成早期的生理和发育过程;3.根瘤菌的结瘤基因的结构和功能;4.植物产生的黄酮类化合物的结构及  相似文献   

青海蚕豆根瘤菌共生固氮效应的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刁治民 《微生物学杂志》2000,20(3):20-22,32
蚕豆根瘤菌属于快生型根瘤菌 ,2 4h形成菌落。在盆栽试验中 ,蚕豆根瘤菌Qx -2与蚕豆具有良好共生效应 ,其株高、茎叶干重及含氮量 ,株瘤数 ,根瘤重量以及固氮酶活性等 ,均明显高于不接种对照 ,固氮率提高 69.4 9%。接种根瘤菌是提高蚕豆共生固氮效应的技术措施。  相似文献   

铜对大叶相思-根瘤菌共生固氮体系的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
报道了两种根瘤菌 (大叶相思、美丽胡枝子 )对Cu2 + 的耐受性以及植物 根瘤菌共生固氮体系在Cu2 + 胁迫下结瘤、固氮和生长的变化 ,讨论了大叶相思在矿山尾矿废弃地作为先锋植物结瘤固氮的可能性 .结果表明 ,大叶相思根瘤菌对Cu2 + 离子的耐受性较强 ,可以耐受Cu2 + <0 80mmol的离子浓度 ,Cu2 +对它的半致死浓度为 0 12 9mmol.在无菌砂培无重金属影响条件下 ,其固氮酶活性为 2 7C2 H4 ·μg·g-1·h-1,当Cu2 + >0 12 5mmol会导致大叶相思固氮酶活性急剧下降 ,其有效半抑制浓度 (EC50 )为0 15 1mmol,Cu2 + 为 0 5 0mmol完色抑制大叶相思固氮酶活性 ,不阻碍结瘤 ,但严重抑制植物生长发育 ,引起植物叶片白化、植株矮化 .在外加N源不接菌和不加N源接菌两种处理组间 ,Cu2 + <0 12 5mmol时 ,以不加N接菌处理对大叶相思生长有利 .大叶相思对Cu2 + 吸收积累根部高于地上组织 .  相似文献   

马桑共生固氮根瘤及其内生放线菌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马桑型非豆科内生放线菌的共生固氮根瘤的含菌组织与桤木型不同。前者为一马蹄形整体,围绕着中柱维管束;后者完全包围中柱,其中含菌细胞和不含菌细胞交错存在或形成分散的含菌细胞组织团。尼泊尔马桑(Coriaria nepalensis Wall.)根瘤的内生放线菌菌丝形态与桤木根瘤的内生菌形态相同,具有一层电子密度很高的单层壁和具有单层壁的横隔膜。菌丝分枝,具有中间体。成熟的含菌细胞内有一围绕着中央液泡的栅栏排列的柱形泡囊,它们是菌丝的顶端细胞,其电子密度比菌丝高。含菌组织的衰老部分有颗粒体,颗粒体有双层壁,内层壁与菌丝的相同,外层壁比内层壁厚数倍,电子密度低。  相似文献   

检测了四株大豆根瘤菌在不同的大豆品种上形成根瘤的放氢、吸氢、固氮活性及豆血红蛋白的含量;同时测定了植株干物质的积累。结果表明,所有固氮根瘤都放氢,自生条件下Hup~-根瘤菌形成的根瘤仍不具吸氢活性,相对固氮率在0.75左右。而Hup~(?)菌株根瘤的相对固氮率在0.91~1之间。寄主植物对Hup~(?)菌株的吸氢活性有影响。相关分析表明,根瘤的豆血红蛋白与吸氢活性呈负相关。干物质积累与固氮酶活性关系最密切,氢酶活性的影响是次要的。  相似文献   

田菁结瘤固氮特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果园套种田菁作夏季绿肥,出苗10~15天即有根瘤出现,主根和各级侧根都可能结瘤,根瘤数量较多,每亩可达30公斤以上。营养生长期根瘤固氮酶活性较高;花果期由于部分根瘤衰败,固氮活性明显降低。土壤干旱降低田菁根瘤的含水量和固氮活性。田菁根瘤在25℃时固氮活性最高,12℃以下或35℃以上固氮活性急剧下降。营养生长期每亩田菁每天干均可固氮76克,若在苗龄100天时翻埋,可固氮7.6公斤,折合硫酸铵36.2公斤。  相似文献   

The relationship between photosynthesis of soybean and nitrogen fixation of the nodules by symbiotic Rhizobium was studied. The contents of total nitrogen and chlorophyll, the net photosynthetic rate and seed yield of soybean were much higher in either hydroponically cultivated or field-grown plants inoculated with Rhizobium B16–11C (or Clark nodulating strain) than in control without inoculation (or Clark non-nodulating strain). These results show that the symbiotic nitrogen fixation has a beneficial effect on photosynthesis. However, the effect was indirect and slow so that there was no change in the net photosynthetic rate of the soybean leaves until three clays after removing nodules from the soybean roots. On the other hand, decreasing the photosynthate supply to nodule by shade, defoliation or shoot removal of the soybean, the nodule activity declined significantly. It seems that the supply of photosynthate to root nodule is a limiting factor for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. However, the diurnal variation of the nodule activity could not be explained by change neither in the contents of sucrose and starch of the root nodules nor in the ambient temperature. The factor controlling the diurnal variation deserves further study.  相似文献   

新疆干旱区豆科植物结瘤的固氮特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了新疆干旱区72种豆科植物的结瘤固氮活性,其中33种尚未见报道。这些植物所结根瘤在外形上多数不规则,以皮层厚和白色、棕色者居多,与非干旱区的根瘤形态显著不同。根瘤固氮活力相差较大,但比一般豆科植物根瘤活性高,最高者可达当地大豆根瘤的42倍。根瘤活性与宿主的抗逆境能力有关。此外,从11种豆科植物根瘤观察到10种具有吸氢活性。对干旱区豆科共生固氮生理生态的特性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

河西走廊豆科植物结瘤固氮特性初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对甘肃河西走产野生豆科植物结瘤及固氮状况进行了调查。栽培豆科植物均能自然结瘤,野生豆科植物结瘤率仅50%。该地区豆科植物根瘤大多数圆形、棒状或指状,形状较为规则。栽培植物根瘤多为粉红色,而野生揿为白色、黄色或棕色。ARA测定表明,25.6%根瘤为无效根瘤。不同种不同地区根瘤固氮活性相差较大,一般活力都较低,乙炔还原活性小1μmolC2H4/gFW.h的占检测样品数的29.9%,最高者信为28.19  相似文献   

荚膜红细菌的分离鉴定及其协同固氮作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱美珍  吴永强   《微生物学通报》1999,26(5):342-344
从上海南汇县的水稻根系中分离得到一株光合固氮菌SDH2,经形态、细胞膜结构、生理生化等特征的分析鉴定,以伯杰细菌鉴定手册第九版和JFImhoff的光合硫细菌和绿硫细菌的生理学和分类[1]一文为依据,确定该菌为荚膜红细菌Rhodobactercapsulatus。同时,发现该菌与水稻根表的其它固氮菌之间具有协同生长和协同固氮效应。  相似文献   

Diazotrophic cyanobacteria can take up combined nitrogen (nitrate, ammonium, amino acids, dissolved organic nitrogen) from solution, but the interaction between N2 fixation and uptake of combined nitrogen is not well understood. We studied the effects of combined nitrogen ) additions on N2 fixation rates in the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum (IMS‐101) maintained in continuous culture in an N‐free medium (YBCII) and a 12:12‐h light:dark cycle. We measured acetylene reduction rates, nutrient concentrations, and biomass throughout the 12 h of illumination after the addition of nitrate (0.5–20 μM) at the start of the light period. Compared with unamended controls, Trichodesmium showed strong inhibition of acetylene reduction (up to 70%) in the presence of , with apparent saturation of the inhibition effect at an initial concentration of approximately 10 μM. The inhibition of acetylene reduction persisted through much of the light period as concentration in the culture vessel decreased. Recovery of N2 fixation was observed late in the light period in cultures amended with low concentrations of (<5 μM) when ambient concentrations had decreased to 0.3–0.4 μM in the culture vessel. Nitrate uptake accounted for as much as 86% of total N uptake and, at the higher treatment concentrations, more than made up for the observed decrease in N2 fixation rates. We conclude that Trichodesmium can obtain significant quantities of N through uptake of nitrate and does so in preference to N2 fixation when sufficient is available.  相似文献   

浑球红假单胞菌Rps.sphaeroides 6128经甲基磺酸乙酯诱变处理,分离获得23株色素突变种。不具有细菌叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素的无色突变株不能光养生长,蓝绿突变株305不含带色的类胡萝卜素,但能光养生长,其世代时间比亲本株长5倍左右,而且,没有还原乙炔和放氢的固氮酶活性。绿色突变株309缺失球形烯和球形烯酮。当光照强度从3000lx增加到4000lx时,绿色突变株与亲本株生长速率之差由5.3小时缩短为0.3小时,其光合固氮和光合放氢的活性分别为亲本株的30%和45%。各菌株ATP的含量因所含色素成份不同而异。在指数生长期,蓝绿突变株305的ATP含量只有亲本株的8%,绿色突变株309的ATP含量为亲本株的32%,各色素变种的固氮能力与它们菌体ATP的含量相关。类胡萝卜素在为光合固氮提供能源中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

以广宿主、稳定性质粒pTR102为载体构建重组质粒pHN306,其上克隆有来自肺炎克氏杆菌(Klebsiellapneumoniae)的nifA基因和来自pDB30所含的发光酶标记基因(luxAB)。经三亲本接合转移,将pHN306导入费氏中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobiumfredii)HN01,GR3和YC4。与出发菌相比较的盆栽试验结果表明:HN01(pHN306)和GR3(pHN306)分别在大豆渝豆一号和黑龙33上能显著提高瘤数,瘤重,植株地上部分干重和总氮量,YC4(pHN306)在大豆渝豆一号上也能显著提高瘤数,癌重和总氮量,对植株地上部分干重表现出一定的促进作用。结果表明:nifA基因对固氮效率和结瘤能力的促进作用与受体根瘤菌和大豆品种等因素有关。以luxAB为报告基因进行的菌落和根瘤发光检测结果表明:pHN306可在供试根瘤菌中稳定遗传。  相似文献   

Cultures of Trichodesmium NIBB 1067 were grown in the synthetic medium AQUIL with a range of iron added from none to 5 × 10?7 M Fe for 15 days. Chlorophyll-a, cell counts, and total cell volume were two or three times higher in medium with 10?7 M Fe than with no added Fe. Oxygen production rate per chlorophyll-a was over 60% higher with higher iron. Increased iron stimulated photosynthesis at all irradiances from about 12–250 μE · m?2· s?1. Nitrogen fixation rate, estimated from acetylene reduction, for 10?7 and 10?8 M Fe cultures was approximately twice that of the cultures with no added Fe. The range of rates of O2 production and N2 fixation in cultures at the iron concentrations we used were similar to the rates from natural samples of Trichodesmium from both the Atlantic, and the Pacific oceans. This similarity may allow this clone to be used, with some caution, for future physiological ecology studies. This study demonstrates the importance of iron to photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation and suggests that Trichodesmium plays a central role in the biogeochemical cycles of iron, carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

不施氮肥花生固氮力为106~146公斤N/顷。施用高量氮肥对花生结瘤不利,用量10、20、40、60公斤NH_4NO_3/亩时,花生固氮率分别降低24、47、67、82%,花生约增产10%,在施低量氮肥(5公斤NH_4NO_3/亩)时不影响花生结瘤,且对花生有增产作用。有机肥对花生结瘤的抑制作用比无机氮肥轻,在2与4吨/亩(0.6%N)用量时,花生固氮作用降低7与23%,花生约增产8.0%  相似文献   

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